
How to make cottage cheese from sour milk? Secrets of simple pleasure - delicious cottage cheese from sour milk.

Cottage cheese can be prepared from both fresh and sour milk. In the latter case, stale milk will not be lost and will benefit. Cottage cheese will turn out not only no less useful, but also tasty. There are many recipes for making cottage cheese from sour milk. We will talk about the most popular of them.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk - useful tips

Before you start cooking cottage cheese from sour milk, it is important to remember a few important rules. They will help you prepare delicious and healthy cottage cheese.

  • For the preparation of cottage cheese, it is better to use homemade sour milk.
  • In order to get a more fragrant cottage cheese at the exit, it is enough to add a little fresh milk at the very beginning of cooking.
  • To make sour milk, you need to put it on the fire and after cooking add a little lemon juice.
  • To obtain dry cottage cheese, you need to increase the time for draining the starter.

Curd from sour milk according to the classic recipe


  • Sour milk 2 l.
  • Water.


  • Take 2 pans (one of them should be smaller than the other). Pour milk into a small saucepan.
  • Pour some water into a large saucepan. Place a container of milk on this pan. This is necessary in order for the milk to stand in a water bath.
  • Turn on medium heat and start heating the sour milk in a water bath. It is important that the temperature of the pan heats up gradually. This will result in a more juicy cottage cheese.
  • Wait for the water to boil in a large saucepan on which there is a saucepan with sour milk. Immediately after boiling, you can see how small flakes have formed in the milk. You need to wait until the green serum begins to form. Once this happens, remove the pot of milk from the heat.
  • Place cheesecloth in a colander and pour out the entire contents of a small saucepan, and wait until all the liquid has drained.

Curd from sour milk in the microwave


  • Sour milk 2 l.
  • Kefir 2 l. - optional.


  • Pour the sour milk into a special bowl. If desired, add a little kefir and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Put a bowl of sour milk in the microwave and turn it on at 750 watts. Place the milk in the microwave for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the milk through cheesecloth attached to a colander.
  • Put the cottage cheese in a separate container and leave for 7-9 hours.

Curd from sour milk in a slow cooker


  • Sour milk 1.5-2 liters.
  • Kefir optional.


  • Pour the sour milk into the multicooker bowl. Put the multicooker on the "Heating" mode. Then wait until the milk in it warms up to 40 degrees. Milk should be heated in a slow cooker for 40-50 minutes.
  • Lay several layers of gauze or cotton cloth in a colander. Pour the sour milk from the multicooker into it and let the excess liquid drain. In about 10-15 minutes, all excess liquid will drain.
  • Transfer the cottage cheese to a separate container and let the cottage cheese brew for 5-7 hours.

Cottage cheese prepared according to the above recipes turns out to be very juicy, fragrant and tasty. Immediately after the cottage cheese is infused, you can serve it to the table. As additional additives, fruits, nuts and dried fruits can be added to it. Also, if desired, you can add a little honey, sugar or cinnamon (you can still use additional spices). This will allow not only to get a very tasty and fragrant dish, but also to remove the aroma of sour milk, which may remain after cooking the cottage cheese.

Wanted to pamper the household with morning porridge, but the milk turned sour? No need to get upset! They will get porridge next time, and today there will be homemade cottage cheese or cheesecakes. By the way, our grandmothers specifically made sure that milk turned sour, and you already have this product in stock! And, most importantly, it is much more useful than the variety of curd products on the shelves of stores called "homemade". They have nothing to do with cooking at home, except for the name.

Ideally, cooking cottage cheese at home looks like this. Cow's or goat's milk is poured into a large jar or container, placed in a warm and dark place. And when the product turns sour, it is wrapped in cheesecloth and hung up so that whey is glassed from the formed curd. But this process takes days! And we will consider several options for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the shortest possible time.

Cottage cheese cooked in a water bath

For this recipe, you need a little patience, a three-liter jar and 2 liters of sour milk. Pour the third "ingredient" into a jar and place in a large saucepan with water poured to the bottom. Put on a slow fire. Don't let the milk boil! At 50-60°C, it will begin to delaminate into two components: protein (cottage cheese) and a yellowish liquid (whey). This process is impossible to confuse! The main thing is not to miss attention.

Cover a clean colander with a two-layer gauze of such a size that then its ends calmly cover the contents. Place a colander in a bowl where the whey will drain. Carefully pour the hot contents of the pot into a colander to keep the cheesecloth in place. Twist the gauze with cottage cheese and hang it for an hour (some housewives leave the bag of gauze to see until the morning) so that all the liquid from it is glass.

That's all - you have the most tender cottage cheese! You can make cheesecakes from it or serve it to the table:

  • with sugar;
  • with jam;
  • with condensed milk.

And do not rush to throw away whey - this valuable product is rich in lactose, minerals and vitamins. Kvass, carbonated drinks, okroshka, food additives are made from it. Whey is involved in the production of cheese, bread, confectionery. If you are going to bake pancakes or pancakes, add whey to the dough and see for yourself that they are more tasty and tender than usual. You can pamper your hair with serum, rubbing it into the roots while washing, wipe your face, neck and hands in the morning or evening. It is good to drink it on an empty stomach.

Cooking in a multicooker

When sour milk becomes "thick", you can proceed to the next step - cooking cottage cheese from it in a slow cooker. This miracle unit is an indispensable assistant to the modern housewife in the kitchen. He cooks, and fries, and bakes, and stews. And in the “multi-cook” mode, it will prepare delicious salads, main courses, snacks and yogurts. (If you have not purchased this device yet, think about how much delicious you could make).

We turn on the multicooker. Pour our “curdled milk” into the bowl, close the lid of the unit, set the “heating” mode on the display and set the timer for 60 minutes. By the way, you don’t have to sit and watch the process at all! The multicooker itself will execute the program that you set for it.

When the timer beeps, the hour has passed. If the whey has separated, curdling is complete. The bowl of the multicooker must be removed, the cottage cheese should be thrown into the prepared colander with gauze (as described in the first block). Some put a saucer and something heavier, such as a jar of water, on the formed protein mass. So the whey will drain faster, and the curd will be grainy and crumbly.

How to make sour milk

In summer, the process of souring in a natural way will naturally occur faster. In the villages, milk is specially placed on a cooling oven. In winter, this whole procedure can take several hours. Then the milk needs to be "helped" to turn sour, that is, flavor it with sourdough - a product that includes bacteria that create an acidic environment under favorable (warm) conditions. As a result of this process, which lasts up to 8 hours, the protein is converted into a curd mass.

The classic option is to put it in a warm place, such as an oven. Rapid souring also contribute to:

  • dry bacteria for yoghurts;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream, kefir or unsweetened yogurt;
  • a piece of black bread;
  • other sour milk.

Lemon juice is also suitable as a handy oxidizing agent. But its taste will then be present in the finished cottage cheese, so this option is not recommended by many.

The most gentle way of souring is to add sour cream (kefir) to warm milk, put it in a warm place in the house, and wait until the product is fermented. “Why not buy ready-made yogurt or kefir?” - you ask. But after all, we are talking about a healthy finished product, so it is important to choose milk from an already trusted supplier so that it turns sour CORRECTLY. Alas, some milk in stores does not turn sour, but simply deteriorates.

An alternative to a water bath is to cook cottage cheese in the "cold way". True, it is made from kefir or yogurt in a bag. But you definitely need to talk about it, since the curd turns out to be the most tender and creamy.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put the bag in the freezer for several hours (or overnight).
  2. Take out the bag and thaw the contents at room temperature.
  3. Open, pour kefir into a colander with gauze or pass through a sieve.
  4. Wrap the curd mass in gauze and hang to settling the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Serve ready-made cottage cheese with confiture, raisins or candied fruits, or just like that.
  6. Whey, which is glass, can be used in baking.

Why is it better to cook cottage cheese than to buy

Cottage cheese is a unique bioproduct that Nature gave us. It was eaten by the ancient Romans, the ancient Slavs. It contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins, folic acid. It is one of the most popular sources of complete protein. However, the production process of its preparation is very different from homemade. And the taste of the second is softer and less spicy than that of the factory product.

It is not as difficult to prepare as it seems at first glance. And the result is a healthy product that can be consumed as an independent dish or used as an ingredient for delicious desserts.

To make the process more understandable, we have prepared a step-by-step recipe with a photo. You can safely add any of the proposed options to your culinary piggy bank, and indulge your homemade natural cottage cheese both in its pure form and with various additives. It is prepared from milk, kefir, curdled milk and other dairy products.

Heat treatment will take place at not too high temperatures. As a rule, the technology uses a water bath. To do this, the pan with raw materials is placed in a bowl of water. At a high processing temperature and an increase in the duration of the process, the curd deteriorates its qualities. It becomes hard and dry.

For cooking you will need utensils:

  • Glass jar;
  • 2 pans of different diameters;
  • Colander or sieve.

And also prepare a flap of natural fabric or gauze folded in several layers.

Before straining, wet the fabric (gauze) with boiled water and wring it out, and then nothing will stick to it.

For the preparation of homemade cottage cheese, milk is taken from under a cow or store-bought. In the first case, the yield is greater, the product is fatter, and from store-bought pasteurized milk it is softer and more tender.

When buying raw materials in a store, choose milk with a short shelf life and a fat content of at least 3.6%.

Whey is a by-product of making homemade cottage cheese. It has nutritional value in itself, and it also works great as a base for dough. So do not pour it out, but use it to make pies and okroshka.

How to cook cottage cheese at home from homemade and store milk: a step by step recipe

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, it is obtained from sour milk, so the first stage of preparation is fermentation. For this reason, long-term storage milk is not suitable, it simply does not turn sour. We take in polyethylene (by the way, it is cheaper). Be sure to look at the date of manufacture - only fresh milk is suitable for us.

On a note

You can skim the cream from farm milk, but if you want to boil full-fat cottage cheese, you do not need to do this.

Step by step preparation:

We talked about how to cook delicious coarse-grained cottage cheese at home from whole sour milk, gave a step-by-step recipe, but you can do without a water bath. A saucepan with yogurt is simply placed on a low fire and heated. Be sure to keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn. After curdling, proceed as described above.

From kefir: fresh and frozen

You can quickly make cottage cheese from kefir. The yield will be less than from curdled milk, but the taste is no worse. We skip the ripening stage and immediately put the dishes with kefir in a water bath. Don't forget to stir. The remaining whey can also be used, for example, to make pancakes or donuts on it.

The heating temperature of kefir should not exceed 60 ° C, otherwise the curd will turn out tough.

A glass jar is great for making homemade cottage cheese from kefir in a water bath, just remember to put a towel on the bottom of the pan so that it does not burst when heated. The process will be similar to the sterilization of preservation, with the difference that it is not necessary to bring to a boil. The jar is convenient in that it is not necessary to interfere with the mass, and the readiness will be easy to track by separating the whey from the curd mass. It is very visible through the glass.

A completely different technology is used for frozen kefir curd. In this case, heat treatment is not carried out.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put a pack of kefir in the freezer.
  2. After it freezes, remove from the freezer, remove the packaging.
  3. Place frozen kefir in a colander lined with a damp cloth or gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Place a colander over a bowl or saucepan.
  4. Leave to defrost at room temperature for at least 5 hours. The time depends on the air temperature.
  5. When all the ice has thawed, drain the mass remaining on the gauze, transfer it to a glass or plastic container.

Cottage cheese from pre-frozen kefir turns out to be dietary, tender and soft, without grains. The consistency is like a cream. The taste depends on the quality of the original product.

If the room is cool, the defrosting process may take up to 10 hours. It is convenient to put the bag in the freezer in the evening, and put kefir ice on gauze in the morning. Then fresh homemade cottage cheese will be ready for dinner.

In a slow cooker: with sour cream and sourdough

In a slow cooker, cottage cheese is made from kefir, fermented baked milk or sour cow or goat milk. If you have fresh milk and sour cream, then with the help of a miracle saucepan you can also make a delicious product, only it will take more time, the process will drag on for about 12 hours, and possibly longer.

We will need such products;

  • Milk - 10 glasses;
  • Sour cream - ½ cup.


  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add sour cream, stir. To make this easier, dilute the sour cream in a small amount of milk, and then pour the liquid mixture into a bowl.
  3. Set the "Heating" mode, leave for half an hour.
  4. After 2 hours, turn on the heating again, but for 15 minutes.
  5. It is more convenient to put cottage cheese at night, then in the morning the yogurt will be ready.
  6. For curdling at the final stage, turn on the multicooker in the “Heating” mode for 1 hour.
  7. Now it remains to fold the thick mass onto gauze. Pre-fold it several times and put it in a colander, and place it over the pan.
  8. Wait until all the serum has drained.
  9. Do not try to speed up the process by stirring the mass with a spoon. Leave it alone, in extreme cases - tighten the edges of the gauze alternately from all sides.
  10. As usual, transfer the finished cottage cheese to a suitable dish and refrigerate.

Instead of sour cream, you can use any fermented milk product: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

With special starter cultures, you can prepare a tasty and healthy fermented milk product in 8 hours. An excellent result is obtained with BakZdrav sourdough. The instructions are very detailed. In the multicooker, this is done like this:

  1. Pour the leaven into the cooled boiled milk, stir.
  2. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the multicooker, turn on the “Yogurt” mode. If it is not there, then set the temperature to 35-40 ° C, leave for 8 hours.
  3. With a spatula, cut the dense layer right in the bowl into rectangles with a side of 2 cm (do not mix, but only pick), set the temperature to 60 ° C, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth, cool.

Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, after which you can serve. Children like this cheesecake very much. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. If you add berries, fruits or raisins to it and pour over syrup, you get a wonderful dessert.

Homemade cottage cheese with calcium chloride

If you need to increase the calcium content, then the pharmaceutical preparation calcium chloride 10% is used for this. It is sold in ampoules and bottles. Be careful when using the ampoule.

To prevent the glass from accidentally getting into the product, draw up the preparation with a syringe with a needle.

  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Calcium chloride - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. boil milk
  2. Add calcium chloride, after which the milk will begin to curdle.
  3. Throw on cheesecloth, drain.

With this technology, two goals are achieved. Firstly, the preparation is very fast, no preparatory measures are required. Secondly, cottage cheese is enriched with calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Calcined cottage cheese is often prescribed for children, it is useful for older people as a prevention of osteoporosis.

We have given several options for how to cook cottage cheese at home. This can be done quickly with calcium chloride or without heat treatment by freezing and then thawing kefir. Very tasty and tender cottage cheese is obtained in a slow cooker. And there is also a classic way that our grandmothers used. In each case, the consistency will be different, and the taste will also be different, so you need to try and choose what your family will like.

If the milk is sour, then do not rush to pour it out. There is a great use for it. You can quickly and easily prepare a healthy and tasty derivative. To do this, learn how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk quickly

Forgot to put the milk in the refrigerator and it fermented? Do not despair, but carefully study the recommendations regarding what can be made from sour milk.

And if there is no time for this and there are no more options, then you should look for what can be prepared from sour milk. The easiest thing in this case is to make the curd mass.

Cottage cheese is a tasty and healthy product. Nutritionists recommend eating 200 g of such a product daily. Thanks to this, the body will receive enough calcium for normal functioning. This means that there will be healthy and strong teeth and bones.

Cottage cheese is a product that is obtained by fermentation from milk. However, at home, it is often not necessary to resort to artificial fermentation of the original base, it is enough to leave the milk in a warm place for several hours. The bacteria that live in it will do everything themselves - the milk will turn sour.

You can start making a new dairy product.

Cottage cheese, the recipes of which we offer to try, is prepared very quickly and simply. This requires deep containers and a little patience.

To make curd:

  1. Pour the sour milk into a deep container and place on a steam bath.
  2. Heat it up and stir with a spoon. Whey will appear in the pan, and particles of sour milk will combine to form cottage cheese grains. This process usually takes 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Never let the milk boil. Then the curd mass will turn into casein - a dry and tasteless product.
  4. Put the cheesecloth folded four times in a colander and pour the heated mixture into it.
  5. When the whey drains, the cottage cheese will remain in the colander. Connect the ends of the gauze and gently wring out the product.

Delicious homemade cottage cheese is ready. Offer it without looking back to toddlers and older children. By the way, you can bake from whey what you planned to do with sour milk.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the microwave

It is even easier to cope with this task if you use kitchen gadgets. It's about the microwave.

Here it is important to know how much to heat sour milk in order to get exactly cottage cheese. More about this.

With a microwave, the process is simplified:

  1. Put the container with sour milk in the machine for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn on the unit at full power.
  3. Strain the mixture through a colander and cheesecloth.

If you find sour milk in the refrigerator or on the stove, then do not rush to get rid of it. This is a great base for homemade cottage cheese.

To do this, you need to carry out simple manipulations. As a result, you get delicious, healthy homemade cottage cheese and whey for baking.

Now cottage cheese can be purchased at any grocery store. But, if you have ever tried real homemade cottage cheese, you are unlikely to want to eat purchased.

Many people think that it is very difficult to cook cottage cheese on their own, but in fact the process is not difficult if you follow some rules. In this article, we will analyze how you can make cottage cheese from sour milk yourself.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk

Over the history of the development of culinary arts, many different ways of making cottage cheese at home have been discovered. In the classic version, cottage cheese is prepared as follows:

  1. Leave sour homemade milk in a dark, warm place for the whole day. The container should be leaky, that is, just cover it loosely with a lid or cover with gauze.
  2. For 24 hours of such languor, milk should be transformed into yogurt. The milk mass should release air bubbles, and the yogurt should have a fairly thick consistency, a bit like jelly.
  3. Pour the curdled milk into a saucepan and put on the smallest fire.
  4. Boil for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let cool.
  5. After cooling, the product will separate into 2 masses: curd and whey. They need to be separated from each other. To do this, take a colander, line with gauze and strain.
  6. The curd remains on the gauze. Tie it in a bag and hang it so that the serum is completely glass.
  7. The curd is ready!

This is interesting! Serum may or may not be poured out. It is considered a healthy dietary product, a rich source of calcium. It can be used to make whey drinks, brynza brine, kvass, barbecue marinade, dressing for okroshka, or as a basis for kneading dough for pancakes.

Unusual ways of making cottage cheese

If sour milk has turned into kefir, you can also make cottage cheese from it using a thermo or cryo recipe. Despite the unusual names, the procedures are very simple.

1. Thermo method

Kefir, obtained from sour milk, pour into a glass or enamel container, leave for several hours in a warm place. Whey needs to be separated from the milk protein.

After that, boil the kefir composition in a water bath for 8 minutes. Turn off the fire, after cooling, throw the brew on a sieve. Separated curd lumps are thermo curd.

2. Cryo method

The recipe is the simplest, here, in fact, you don’t need to do anything. Put kefir in a plastic container in the freezer for 2 days. After 48 hours, take it out and leave it warm for a short time so that the kefir melts and can be easily pulled out of the dish. Ice should be placed in a colander covered with gauze.

When thawed, the liquid will stick together with the whey, and the curd will remain in the sieve. The cottage cheese obtained in this way is the most useful and very tender.

Recipes with cottage cheese

If you made cottage cheese from sour milk, then the question may well arise what to cook from it. You can eat just like that, but it is much more interesting to use recipes. From such cottage cheese, first-class pastries and delicious desserts are obtained. So let's write them down:

1. Cottage cheese pancakes

For cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of cottage cheese;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g of semolina;
  • 3 art. l. corn grits;
  • a pinch of salt.

Eggs must be thoroughly mixed with sugar, salt, vanilla and semolina. It's better to use a blender. After that, it is necessary to let the semolina brew for some time so that it swells. When this happens, add cottage cheese to them and knead the dough. It is important that it is homogeneous and thick enough.

From the dough, form round small “cutlets”, roll them in flour and fry on each side in a frying pan with butter. These cheesecakes are perfect for breakfast. Can be served with honey, condensed milk or sour cream.

2. Curd dessert with bananas and nuts

This dessert will be equally enjoyed by both children and adults. It is prepared to obscenely simply. The products you need are:

  • 1 glass of cottage cheese;
  • a third of a glass of kefir;
  • half a banana;
  • 30 g of nuts (hazelnuts or walnuts are perfect);
  • 2 tsp Sahara.

Cottage cheese must be ground with sugar and kefir. Cut half a banana into slices. Add nuts and bananas to the curd mass, mix everything well with a fork. The treat is ready. Perfect for an afternoon snack or as a snack.
If you find sour milk in your refrigerator, then do not rush to immediately throw it away. You can make a great curd out of it. Note that the most delicious cottage cheese is obtained from village milk, as it has a high percentage of fat content.

Cottage cheese is perfect for baking. You can make cheesecakes, cheesecakes, pancakes from it. Desserts are especially good with it.

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