
We make baby purees at home. Vegetable puree for feeding babies: recipes and brand reviews

Mothers always want to be sure that their baby receives only high-quality and healthy food. When the baby eats only the mixture, we have to trust the manufacturers of baby food in everything.

But when it's time to enter, baby food you can cook yourself, observing all the rules and precautions.

First of all, for the preparation of baby food, stock up necessary equipment: hand blender, juicer, clean coffee grinder. A steamer (or steamer) and a microwave oven may also come in handy.

At home, it is possible to prepare almost the entire range of complementary foods for children under one year old: juices, vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, light broths, and even meat dishes. But first things first!

Juice for baby

The introduction of complementary foods is recommended to start with juice, or rather, from the juice of green apples. From four months you can try pear, apricot, peach and carrot juice(although some experts do not recommend introducing complementary foods before 6 months. In any case, the timing is up to you).

These products do not require pre-cooking or roasting before putting them in the juicer. But the pumpkin, on the contrary, must first be softened in the oven, or steamed.

You will not be able to squeeze the juice out of just a banana (you will get mashed potatoes). But there is always a way out: prepare banana water by stirring a small amount of crushed banana in it. The kids love this treat. In Russia, by the way, it is believed that a banana can be introduced into complementary foods only at 6 months, although in Europe and the USA they start complementary foods with a banana - this is a very harmless product.

The main rules for making juice for babies are to filter and dilute the juice with boiled water.

Baby puree

As the first baby puree, it is recommended to choose a vegetable (potato, zucchini or cauliflower). Otherwise, the baby may refuse vegetables by tasting fruits. After vegetables, you can enter apple, plum, peach, apricot and carrot puree.

Vegetables, apples, and anything that needs softening to make baby puree can be steamed, baked, or baked. microwave oven, or simply by boiling in a saucepan. If you chose the latter, don't add too much water. Let the vegetables be less than half in the water.

It is best to grind the puree with a blender, although it is enough just to mash the potatoes with a fork. Add water to the puree - the baby will not be able to eat too thick food.

Porridge for babies

Before you cook porridge for your baby, grind the cereal in a coffee grinder. Buckwheat may be suitable for baby porridge, oat groats, semolina, rice, etc. You can cook porridge both on water and with the addition of cow's milk.

For taste, you can add pumpkin, prunes or other ingredients to the porridge, but in this case you will have to process the porridge with a blender after cooking. Remember that sweet fruits and vegetables as a supplement are always better than sugar.


From eight months, your little one is already ready to try the broth. Give your baby first vegetable broth chik, and only then offer meat. The broth should be light, not salty, without dangerous particles. From meat broths, chicken is the most preferable. Never offer your child broth made from a bouillon cube.

Meat dishes

It is better to buy the first meat baby purees in the store. They require strong grinding, which is very difficult to provide at home.

Over time, when the crumbs grow enough teeth (approximately a year old), you can offer him boiled dietary meat (turkey, rabbit, lamb, chicken).

By the way, from seven months you can boil the baby egg yolk. You should start a little bit, and it is better if the yolk is quail.

To properly prepare baby food at home, follow the following rules and recommendations:

  • Buy only fresh food and do not keep them in the refrigerator for more than two days.
  • Give prepared baby food to your baby right away, do not leave half-eaten food in the refrigerator the next day.
  • When preparing complementary foods for children under one year old, use boiled water from a filter, or special baby water sold in bottles.
  • All utensils must be clean during cooking. Be sure to wash the spoon if it falls on the floor. Do not allow foreign crumbs and particles from the table to get into food.
  • If fresh food is not available due to the season, opt for frozen food. Give preference to whole rather than chopped vegetables and fruits. As a rule, they are fresher and of higher quality.
  • The easiest way to find out which foods are best introduced first and which later is to familiarize yourself with the range of ready-made baby food in the supermarket. Some combination purees and juices can give you some great homemade meal ideas for your little one.
  • You should start with one-component juices for babies (and then with one-component purees). Enter New Product should be gradually, starting with one teaspoon and watching the reaction of the baby.
  • At 3-4 months, try to give complementary foods in the morning in order to better track the well-being of the crumbs.
  • Do not use sugar, salt, honey and spices in the preparation of baby food.
  • To avoid getting nitrates into your baby's body, do not use components such as beets, peas and spinach as complementary foods for babies. Of course, not all of the listed vegetables contain impurities that are harmful to the baby, but this option is very likely.
  • Do not give your baby too hot baby food. Check the temperature before offering the meal to the baby. Be especially careful with food from the microwave oven, as the heating in it is not uniform.
  • If the product is too acidic (eg blackcurrant), mix it with something sweet when making a puree or juice (sweet apple, banana, etc.).

Homemade food prepared by a caring and loving mother leaves indelible impression and positive memories in the growing crumbs. Please your baby with a piece of your warmth. And may your baby be healthy and cheerful!

Over time, breast milk or formula alone becomes insufficient for a baby. With normal development and well-being of the baby, pediatricians are advised to offer him baby puree starting from six months. In individual cases, complementary foods are introduced a little earlier, but in any case, this is not recommended before four months. It is believed that the risk of developing allergic reactions and digestive problems is much higher than the expected benefit. Start with one-component purees to have full control over the process and reduce the chance of food problems. Of course, caring mothers try to give their baby only the best, so many begin to prepare mashed potatoes on their own. However, as practice shows, it is more convenient and safer to use finished product.

Arguments for canned puree

When there is a strong confidence in the safety and freshness of products, you can cook food for the baby yourself. But in winter and spring it is difficult to find fruits and vegetables for sale that are grown without the use of various chemicals. Even if the parents have their own plot, grow broccoli and cauliflower not always convenient. After all, only a small part of the product is required to prepare food for a baby, and a lot of time is spent. It is much more convenient to purchase ready-made baby puree and alternate flavors as needed.

It is important that the recipe of each item is developed by specialists in the field of baby food. Nutritionists consider not only nutritional value, but also the parameters associated with harmonious psychological development.

The nuances of complementary foods

In order for supplementary feeding to bring only positive aspects to the life of the baby, you should know ground rules its introduction and regularly show the baby to the attending physician. The basic principle is that puree should correspond to the age of the child. The manufacturer usually specifies a minimum age for offering this product. Usually, pediatricians advise starting complementary foods no earlier than six months, but with artificial feeding, they often start at four.

The second principle is quantity. Any innovation must be introduced gradually. To begin with, the baby is offered only a drop of the product, then a third of a teaspoon. If there are no rashes, stool problems and gastrointestinal tract, then in a week the portion is adjusted to the recommended by the manufacturer per day. If rashes appear on the cheeks, then it is necessary to stop taking it and see a doctor.

If within a week the new product was well absorbed, then a different taste can be offered. So, gradually, the child will master many different dishes.

Equally important is consistency. If for babies older than eight months, coarsely ground baby puree is offered to gain chewing skills, then for four-month-old babies, it is necessary to choose a homogenized one.

What is the best puree

The optimal first food for a baby is a dish consisting of one component and water. Moreover, its consistency should be very tender, without the inclusion of any pieces. The complete absence of any flavors, even natural and dyes, is mandatory. The product must be completely natural.

Experienced mothers always advise trying baby puree before giving it to your baby. The sophisticated taste of an adult, of course, will not always understand all the charm natural nutrition, but can feel suspicious notes. It is important to choose a product whose expiration date is not coming to an end.

Baby food, puree in particular, is always different natural taste and composition. It does not contain sugar or salt, so for an adult, the taste may seem bland. The best food does not contain additional components, has a natural color and smell. The taste is delicate and unobtrusive.

Main Ingredients

Puree for babies is prepared from different products. For the first feeding, it is recommended to use vegetables. The fish is offered last.

  • Vegetables. Non-allergenic foods are used to feed babies. Baby vegetable purees do not cause redness and peeling of the skin, they are quite compatible with mother's milk or formula. To begin with, a product from zucchini or another slightly colored vegetable is offered. But it is worth considering that cabbage causes increased gas formation, and potatoes are too heavy for a child's stomach.
  • Fruits. baby fruit puree kids usually love it. Due to its good taste, it is not recommended to offer it earlier than vegetable, otherwise the child may refuse it. Fruit components are best used after the baby has tried all the main vegetable ones. Hypoallergenic are apple and pear. A multicomponent composition is offered no earlier than 7-8 months. Overseas fruits like banana should be introduced last.
  • Berries. Almost all are considered allergenic. The safest is blackcurrant. It can be offered no earlier than 7 months. If negative reactions did not follow, then they switch to gooseberry puree. Strawberry or raspberry is introduced last.
  • is introduced after the child has mastered all the previous options. For the first acquaintance, one-component is best suited - from veal or beef. Then you can use a combination of meat with vegetables. When introducing a new component, it is important to take into account that all other ingredients have already been tested. Multi-component canned purees are not recommended for a child under 9 months of age.
  • Fish. Such a puree is introduced later than all the others. Fish is a rather useful product, but it is given to allergic children strictly on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Baby purees: rating of the best

After analyzing the demand and quality characteristics of canned purees, you can make a rating best products. When compiling the list, the naturalness of the composition, taste, reviews of parents and doctors are taken into account.

1. Domestic "FrutoNanny"

A wide variety of baby purees. It is not in vain that the rating starts with a product from a domestic manufacturer, because it took first place when checking in one of the well-known programs dedicated to the quality of baby food.

From the reviews of parents it can be seen that there were no cases of allergic rashes. The composition is completely natural, flavors are excluded.

The manufacturer boasts not only purees, but also juices, cereals, mixtures. All ingredients that are part of the products have an environmental certificate.

There are four options for starting weaning:

  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot.

Children's vegetable puree "FrutoNyanya" contains only homogenized vegetable and water. Then you can try all kinds of mixes. To do this, the manufacturer has six variety of options. It should be noted that salt and starch are completely excluded.

Customers appreciated the packaging. Baby puree in jars equipped sealed lid, which closes under pressure in the conditions of the production line. Also provided additional protection against dirt getting in. For this, polyethylene film is used.

2. Perfection by Gerber

Considering the best baby puree, one cannot do without the Swiss brand from Nestle. For the first feeding, the manufacturer offers four types of vegetable puree. There are also two fruits. Quality and environmental friendliness are confirmed by Greenpeace tests.

The container has distinctive features. Children's fruit puree and vegetable puree are placed in glass jars of 80 g each. They have a cute baby picture on them and have all the necessary information for parents. To understand at what age it is necessary to offer this or that puree, they are divided into steps. The first stage is supposed for babies from 4 months, the second - from 6 months, the third - from 8-9.

3. Economical "Grandma's Basket"

Despite the budget price, baby food (mashed potatoes) "Grandmother's Basket" is not in vain a leader in the ranking of the best. Production is constantly under the control of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS). The product is inexpensive, but has good palatability. At the same time, there are no preservatives in the puree. The fruits and vegetables used are regularly checked for GMOs.

However, there are negative reviews. baby meat puree"FrutoNyanya" has a specific taste. Not all children accept it, so parents have to switch to other brands. But prune puree is the leader among fruit specimens and is accepted by babies very well. Even adults note that it has a delicate and rich taste.

In the line for the first feeding there are four types of one-component vegetable puree:

  • broccoli;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin.

It is baby zucchini puree that is recommended to use if the baby is only 4-6 months old. The vegetable does not cause allergies, has a mild and delicate taste. Pumpkin is included by the manufacturer in the first stage of complementary foods. However, for children who are prone to rashes and are bottle-fed, it is not recommended as an initial complementary food.

The fruit line differs from the " Grandma's basket". A lot of one-component delicacies, which, of course, pleases. The composition contains only fruit and water.

4. Demanded "Theme"

A fairly fast growing brand. The brand is domestic, which pleases many consumers. The production of baby food began with dairy products and meat purees. But gradually the assortment expanded, and now there are quite a lot of vegetable and fruit samples on sale.

The manufacturer presents the first stage of complementary foods with the following flavors of baby puree:

  • vegetable marrow;
  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot.

There are opinions that mashed potatoes are somewhat liquid. But the composition confirms that, in addition to vegetables and water, there is nothing in the jar. Therefore, the consistency is slightly watery, which confirms the absence of starch and other thickeners.

5. Diversity by Semper

Considering the best firms baby puree, you can not ignore the Swedish brand "Semper". The brand entered the list of the most popular because of the wide variety of products. More than a hundred items are not offered by any other manufacturer. Not all Russian consumers rated quite exotic names, but lasagne with vegetables or moussaka are found only in jars from Semper.

For the first feeding, there is a fairly familiar option - broccoli and cauliflower. But non-standard ones are also offered - zucchini or zucchini with potatoes. Used as a thickener rice flour And sunflower oil.

6. Humana for the most demanding

If the child has a tendency to allergic reactions and problems in digestion, then it makes sense to pay attention to the products of this company. German quality has long been appreciated by parents. At the same time, the flavor line allows you to choose not only a healthy product, but also one that your baby will like. All baby purees are made only from natural ingredients. Therefore, the risk of allergies and indigestion is minimized.

7. Exquisite Heinz

The manufacturer is American, but cooperation with Russia has been established. There are usually no complaints about vegetable purees, cereals and juices of this brand. But it is worth noting that the composition contains rice flour. According to the manufacturer, this is required to achieve a particularly delicate consistency. But fruit purees, according to many parents, are too sweet. Sometimes in them, as in an excess of sugar, which, of course, is not useful for babies.

Of course, the taste of puree of this brand is very refined, children like it very much. But before buying a jar, you should carefully study the composition in order to exclude, possibly, an unnecessary component from the baby's menu.

8. Patriotic "Agusha"

This baby puree reviews have accumulated mostly positive. The quality is completely under the control of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and many products have certificates for excellent performance in the field of baby food.

The company has a special line "First Spoon", which is designed for the smallest eaters from 4 months. The composition and consistency fully take into account the peculiarities of the digestion of babies. Parents note that there are almost no cases of allergies or indigestion. Highlight users and the convenience of packaging. Together with the usual option in glass, the manufacturer offers individual soft packs that are convenient to take on a walk and on a trip.

Parents do not single out any shortcomings in nutrition from the Agusha brand. Especially noted by mothers for children applesauce. It is made only from fruits that grow in Russian gardens and are therefore fully adapted for toddlers. After all, it is known that imported products are much more difficult to accept by a fragile organism.

Among the main advantages, users distinguish:

  • multistage quality control;
  • lack of preservatives;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • in the series for children from 8 months there are pieces of vegetables and fruits that contribute to the acquisition of chewing skills.

The undoubted advantage is also a fairly budget price.

9. Safe Hipp

To rating best purees this brand is horrible for a reason. After all, the manufacturer fully controls not only the production process, but also the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. Special attention is given to soil and water for irrigation, so the grown products are completely safe and do not contain substances harmful to health. Parents completely trust Hipp products, because the quality is confirmed not only by quality certificates, but also by numerous grateful reviews.

Meat purees stand out in a special place. The manufacturer has its own farms, where animals are fed with natural feed, antibiotics and others are not used. harmful additives. The menu consists not only of one-component purees, but also quite complex dishes. You can choose from fish and vegetables meat and vegetable purees which are additionally enriched with vitamins.

The main advantages are:

  • lack of sugar and salt;
  • fish puree additionally include an omega-3 complex;
  • there are no thickeners, preservatives and dyes.

Among the shortcomings, parents highlight only the high cost.


Sooner or later, mashed potatoes appear on the menu of any baby. The health of the baby and the formation of normal digestion depend on its quality. Vegetables are recommended as the first complementary food. squash puree. When several vegetables are mastered, baby applesauce is introduced. If the process of introducing complementary foods goes without problems, then canned meat and fish are introduced.

To choose the best option for the first meal, you need to study the rating the best manufacturers to get acquainted with the assortment. Certainly, ready meals makes life easier for new parents. There is no need to prepare individual portions for the child, you just need to buy suitable jars.

The first complementary foods for babies begin to be given from 5-7 months. At this time, the baby begins to give vegetable purees, consisting of one ingredient, with ½ teaspoon and gradually increase the dose. By the year, the norm of vegetable puree is 100-150 grams per day. After the introduction different vegetables the child can be given multicomponent meals.

Rules for making puree

  • Choose vegetables and fruits carefully. They must be fresh and of high quality without rot, black dots and stains. Before cooking, thoroughly wash the products, peel the skin. You can also use frozen vegetables;
  • In the first month of complementary foods, you can give broccoli and cauliflower, potatoes and zucchini, green pea. If the child reacts normally, carrots and pumpkin are added to the diet;
  • If you buy ready-made meals for children under one year old, check the expiration date and composition of the product, the integrity of the packaging, recommendations for age and weight. The jar should indicate the age and weight of the child for whom nutrition is recommended;
  • Choose formulations that are free of GMOs, gluten, preservatives and colors. It is desirable that the puree does not contain starch, rice flour, rice, coconut and palm oils;
  • Do not digest vegetables and fruits so that they do not lose vitamins and beneficial properties;
  • Soak fruits and vegetables in clean, filtered water before cooking to eliminate pesticide nitrates and other harmful elements. Potatoes are left for 12-24 hours, other types of vegetables - for two hours;

  • For cooking, take clean filtered or boiled water. You can also use special baby water;
  • Ready vegetable puree can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, but it is better to cook it again each time;
  • When cooking, do not use salt, spices and seasonings, cow's milk. In the dish, you can add expressed breast milk, a few drops vegetable oil, from 7 months - a little butter;
  • When cooking, it is important to chop the vegetables, the puree should be liquid in consistency without lumps and whole pieces. If the dish turned out to be too thick, dilute it with the broth in which the vegetable was cooked;
  • Better to cook at home. So you will be sure of the composition and quality of the dish. Next, we offer recipes for mashed vegetables for babies.

Vegetable puree recipes for babies

Zucchini puree

Wash the zucchini, remove the skin and seeds, cut into rings or cubes. Put the pieces in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Grind the prepared vegetable mass in a blender or through a sieve. Expressed breast milk or vegetable oil can be added to the serving.

pumpkin puree

Peel pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into small pieces. Take 200 grams of vegetable, put on a baking sheet and add a little water. Cover the pumpkin with foil and put in the oven for 20 minutes. Ready meal chop, add vegetable oil or breast milk.

Green Pea Puree

Add 200 grams of fresh or frozen green peas to boiling water and cook until soft. Strain ready vegetable and drain the broth into a separate bowl. Grind the peas and dilute with the broth. You can add some vegetable oil.

Broccoli and potato puree

Boil one potato tuber and a few broccoli florets. Cooking broccoli takes place quickly within 5-7 minutes. Before cooking, rinse the vegetable and divide into small inflorescences, put in boiling water. Since broccoli quickly deteriorates, it is better to cook cabbage immediately after purchase. Boiled vegetables chop with a blender or through a sieve, add vegetable broth and a little vegetable oil.

Fruit puree for children can also be given as the first complementary food. Optimal products will be apples, pears and bananas. How to cook applesauce for complementary foods, see.

The best baby puree manufacturers

Firm Description Price
FrutoNyanya (Russia) natural ingredients and big choice types of vegetable purees, neat and convenient packaging, but there is an unpleasant smell 30 rubles (100 grams)
Gerber (Switzerland) The natural composition and a wide selection of flavors rarely cause allergies and negative reactions in children, but it has an increased cost. 45 rubles (80 grams)
Babushkino basket (Russia) Affordable food with safe natural composition, rarely causes allergies, but has a specific insipid taste 30 rubles (100 grams)
Tema (Russia) Hypoallergenic baby food with a natural composition, but differs in a small taste variety and a small selection of mashed potatoes from several components 38 rubles (100 grams)
Semper (Sweden) Natural composition with a large number of vitamins and minerals, but some types of puree contain starch and rice flour, which are difficult to digest and increase gas formation. Another disadvantage is the high price. 76 rubles (125 grams)
Heinz (USA, Russia) Tasty and varied diet with a natural hypoallergenic composition, a wide range of products, some purees contain cornmeal which can cause diarrhea in infants 36 rubles (80 grams)
Hipp (Germany) Natural quality product with a wide selection of vegetable purees, delicate texture and pleasant taste, of the minuses - expensive cost 50 rubles (80 grams)
Nutricia (Netherlands, Russia) High-quality and safe gluten-free composition, convenient packaging and a wide range of products, low cost 35 rubles (125 grams)
Bebivita (Germany) Inexpensive food with a natural composition, reliable vacuum packaging, but often causes allergies, the consistency of mashed potatoes with lumps, the composition includes corn oil and rice flour, which negatively affect digestion 57 rubles (100 grams)

Whether you're cooking at home or buying mashed potatoes, keep an eye on your child's reaction. Since certain vegetables can cause allergies. After the introduction of the product, observe the reaction of the baby for two days. If symptoms of a food allergy appear, remove the puree from the diet and consult a doctor. Do not give your baby medication without consulting a pediatrician! Only a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose, choose a treatment and a hypoallergenic diet.

We offer simple recipes And helpful tips for cooking.

Correct and healthy diet- guarantee of health and Have a good mood any child, which is why you need to carefully choose products for the baby's diet. This is especially true for baby purees, as this is the first dish that a child tries after breastfeeding or artificial feeding. Puree should be prepared only from high-quality and fresh produce, be hypoallergenic and do not contain artificial additives. Now on the shelves of stores there is a wide selection of vegetable, fruit and meat purees for every taste and budget. However, puree for the baby can be prepared at home using a blender.

Making your own baby purees has its advantages. Firstly, you will be sure that only the freshest and healthy foods, especially if it is fruits and vegetables grown in their own summer cottage. Secondly, homemade purees can cost you much less than store-bought ones. So how do you cook tasty, healthy and nutritious purees that your baby will like? We offer you some simple and healthy recipes single- and multi-component vegetable, fruit and meat baby purees.

Vegetable purees

It is best to start complementary foods with vegetable purees from zucchini and cauliflower. These vegetables are very easy to digest and rarely cause allergies. A little later, you can introduce pumpkin, potatoes, green peas and turnips into the child's diet. Remember that at the first feeding should not be added to mashed potatoes butter, sugar, salt and other additives: this can be done when the child is 1 year old.

Cooking baby pumpkin vegetable puree

At pumpkin puree nice sweet taste, therefore, as a rule, kids eat it with pleasure. In addition, pumpkin is just a storehouse of vitamins: it contains iron, carotene, pectin, vitamins B, C, E, D, PP and even T - a rare vitamin responsible for metabolism in the body.

For mashing, you need to choose a small pumpkin weighing up to 3-5 kg ​​(small pumpkins are usually juicier and more palatable and much easier to peel than "adult" pumpkins). First, wash the pumpkin thoroughly and cut it into two parts. Next, cut it into slices - as much as your baby will eat, peel and cut into cubes. Then boil the pumpkin in a double boiler or saucepan: throw it into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes until the vegetable is completely softened. After the pumpkin is cooked, beat it in a blender until smooth. If the puree is too thick, you can add a little breast milk, infant formula or water. Cool the puree to 30 degrees, then you can feed the baby.

Cooking baby vegetable broccoli puree

Do you want to understand other important issues? Read

Babies will have to try baby meat puree no earlier than 7-8 months. At this age, the child grows and develops intensively, and in his body the iron reserves that he accumulated while he was in his mother's tummy and during breastfeeding. It is during this period that it is recommended to introduce baby meat puree into his diet. Meat is the main source of complete animal protein, which is necessary for a growing man to protect against infections, normal development and formation of teeth and bones. Properly prepared meat puree for the first feeding contains easily digestible iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins. It also contains extractive substances that stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and work digestive system.

Start feeding meat puree with a portion of 3–5 g (this is 1/2 teaspoon), so that, gradually increasing its size, get to 60–80 g by 1 year.

Of course, if desired, meat puree for the first feeding can be bought in the store, in ready-made. Is it worth it to "fool around" with home cooking? It's up to you. There is no single answer to the question of which meat purees are best for your baby. But we think you will agree that home recipe guarantees confidence in every ingredient. Yes, and cooking mashed potatoes at home is not difficult.

Meat puree for the first feeding: recipe and step by step instructions

You will need:

  • glass or ceramic cup with a capacity of 200-500 ml
  • glass or enamel pan capacity 0.5-1l
  • plastic or metal spoon
  • meat cutting knife
  • a plastic board (it is more hygienic, a wooden one is much more difficult to clean, which is why germs accumulate on it)
  • blender
  • actual piece of meat

1. Choose meat

For the first feeding, it is recommended to choose hypoallergenic rabbit or turkey meat, which are easily digestible and contain little fat. Lamb and lean veal and beef are also not forbidden. Pork for babies will be too fatty and can cause a malfunction in the digestive system, chicken quite often causes allergic reactions.

It is recommended to buy meat for baby meat puree in a trusted store. Since any meat must pass veterinary control, the seller must carry a certificate confirming this procedure. Give preference to whole cuts of meat (not in cubes), fresh and juicy in appearance, not weathered. The cut of a piece of meat should be even, pink. A dark red or whitish cut indicates that the meat was either stored incorrectly, or is far from the first freshness.

2. Preliminary preparation meat

Before preparing meat puree for the first feeding, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the meat under a stream of cold or warm water. Remove fat, veins, skin, films from it and free it from bones.

After that from whole piece cut a piece of meat about 10 cm in size. Meat puree, like other dishes for babies, cannot be stored. For this reason, at one time you will need a very small piece of meat. The remaining meat can be cut into larger pieces and put in freezer. Just keep in mind that any food for babies can only be thawed once. A defrosted product cannot be re-frozen: temperature changes create a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens. So every time, intending to prepare meat puree for feeding, we take out 1 piece of meat from the freezer. For the first time, this amount is more than enough.

3. Rules for cooking meat for baby puree

Put the meat in a pot with cold water(recall, it must be filtered or bottled) and wait until it boils. After 5 minutes, drain the water (this is necessary to get rid of fat and extractives that make digestion difficult) and fill the meat with new water, it should cover it. Cook the meat until tender over low heat for about 2 hours (turkey, veal and lamb should be cooked until tender for 1-1.5 hours). If the water boils away, add it again. And remember that kids do not need to salt and add spices to the meat.

4. Cooking meat puree

When the meat is cooked, cut it into small pieces. Then grind the pieces in a blender.

In order for the puree to acquire a uniform consistency similar to thick porridge, add a few tablespoons of the mixture to it or vegetable broth (meat broth breasts are not allowed!).

Ready-made meat puree can be mixed with vegetable puree, which is already familiar to the baby. So the child will more easily accept the new product. You can also pour a few drops of vegetable oil into the meat puree (7-month-old children are entitled to 5 ml).

The first serving of meat puree should be 0.5 teaspoon. Pay close attention to your child's reaction. If everything is in order, after a week you can increase the portion. By the year the child should already consume portions of 60-80 g of meat. It is best to feed baby meat puree at lunchtime.

Each mother has her own recipe for how to cook mashed potatoes for babies. We will present some of them.

Cooking meat puree for babies at home from beef

You will need: 40 g of beef, water, 1 teaspoon of butter

Washed, without bones, films and tendons, cut the meat into small pieces. Stew pieces in a small amount water up fully prepared about 2 hours. Cool the finished meat and scroll twice through a meat grinder, and then chop in a blender. Thus you will achieve uniform consistency. Add a little vegetable broth to the resulting puree and bring to a boil. Thoroughly mix everything, add butter.

You can also add some breast milk to the meat puree. But in this case, boiling mashed potatoes is no longer required.

Turkey meat puree recipe

You will need: 100 g of turkey fillet, 0.5 cups of water.

Meat can be cooked on the multicooker grill, steamed or boiled in a pot of water on the stove. We cook in a slow cooker by setting the “steam” mode for 40 minutes. We cut the boiled meat into pieces, which we grind with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Dilute with water. Since the turkey puree is a little dry, you can pour a few drops of vegetable oil into it. Ready-made meat puree can not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day.
