
Recipe for jam from whole flat peaches. Peach jam - nectarine with whole pieces

In this article we will talk about how to cook peach jam. Each housewife cooks peach jam in her own way and adds her favorite ingredients to the recipe. We offer several classic recipes for making peach jam.

Classic peach jam recipe

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of peaches, 1.2 kilograms of sugar, 300 ml of water.

Ripe fruits are most suitable for making peach jam, in which the stone is easily separated. Peaches should be washed and dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes. When the fruits have cooled, carefully remove the skin, cut into slices and remove the seeds.

Mix sugar with water, put on medium heat and boil. Pour peaches with fresh, hot syrup and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After that, bring the peaches with syrup to a boil and put in a cool place for 4 hours. The procedure should be done 3 times. After the jam boils for the last time, put it in dry hot jars and roll it up.

Recipe for unripe peach jam

Ingredients: 500 grams of peaches, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1.5 cups of water.

Unripe peaches should be pierced in several places with a match, pour water and boil for 10 minutes.

The water in which the fruits were boiled should be mixed with sugar and boil the syrup. Pour the peaches with a slightly chilled syrup, put them on a slow fire and cook for 20 minutes, constantly removing the foam. After that, cool the jam and boil again. Peach jam should be poured into jars hot and immediately rolled up.

Peach jam with almonds or nuts

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of pitted peaches, 1.2 kilograms of sugar, 70 grams of walnuts or almond kernels.

From sugar and water, prepare a syrup, add slices of peeled peaches to it, bring to a boil and put in a cool place for 6 hours. Top container with peaches should be covered with a towel. After 6 hours, put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and add almonds or walnuts to it. Almonds should be pre-scalded with boiling water and peeled. Peach jam with almonds or nuts should be boiled for another 15 minutes, then rolled into jars.

Peach jam "Five minutes"

Ingredients: 1 kg of pitted peaches, 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 cup of water.

Rinse the peaches, cut into slices and dry. Mix sugar with water, put on medium heat and boil. Add the peaches to the hot syrup and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the finished jam into jars, twist and cool.

This recipe is the fastest way to make peach jam for the winter.

In addition to the amazing taste, peaches are an extremely healthy fruit. Peach fruits contain organic acids important for humans - citric and malic. The beneficial properties of peach also lie in its rich vitamin composition - it contains vitamins C, E, K, PP.

Peaches are recommended for use in diseases of the heart, kidneys and rheumatism. These fruits fill the human body with essential trace elements and have an analgesic effect. Peaches are beneficial for constipation and improve digestion.

The calorie content of a fruit such as a peach is low, which makes it a dietary product. One peach has an average of 40-45 calories. The peach diet allows you to get rid of a couple of extra pounds in a short time, and the vitamins contained in peaches help improve digestion and the condition of our skin. Also, the use of peaches significantly improves the condition of split ends.

Many people like this sunny fruit with a bright blush on a velvety skin, a delicate aroma, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. Of course, peaches are not cheap even in a good year, but if you take into account the fact that they grow only in an ecologically clean area (in other places, these fruits will be small and tasteless), then you should pay attention to them. Especially for those who adhere to a healthy diet, because peaches are not only tasty and beautiful, but also healthy.

They are rich in vitamins A, C, P, B1, B2, as well as useful trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, silicon, iron. The fruits contain fructose, sucrose, glucose, pectins. The composition includes organic acids: citric, malic, tartaric.

Useful properties are possessed not only by the pulp, but also by the kernels from the pits of the peach. They contain up to 50% fat and 25% protein. Peach oil is obtained from them, which is used in cosmetology and medicine.

The nucleoli themselves can be bitter or sweet. Bitter kernels are used to make liqueurs, tinctures, wines, and sweet kernels can replace almonds. They are found in some varieties of nectarines - bare-fruited peaches. But you should not get carried away with them, since they also contain amygdalin, a substance that, under the action of gastric juices, begins to produce hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, peach kernels are used only on an industrial scale.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, peaches are recommended for people with heart rhythm disturbances, stomach diseases, anemia, low acidity, and constipation. Fans of fatty foods should definitely eat peaches, as they contribute to the rapid digestion of food.

Compotes, jams, preserves, marmalade are cooked from these fruits.

Peach jam: the subtleties of cooking

  • Ripe but firm peaches are suitable for jam. They can be boiled whole, halves or cut into slices. If they are cooked whole, then they should not be too ripe, otherwise the fruits will boil during heat treatment.
  • Hard varieties of peach before cooking are blanched in hot water (at 85 °) for 3-4 minutes, and then quickly cooled in cold water. Whole fruits must be pricked before this so that they do not burst.
  • Fluffy peaches are peeled before cooking. To do this, the fruits are immersed in boiling water. So that the peeled fruits do not darken, they are placed in water with citric acid (10 g of citric acid is taken per 1 liter of water).
  • In many varieties of peach, the stone grows into the pulp, and it is difficult to remove it from there. To do this, use a special spoon, with which the bones are carefully cut out. In nectarines, the stone is most often easily separated, and the skin is not removed from them, because it is soft.
  • Peach jam is cooked in much the same way as apricot jam, but you can put less sugar, since peaches are rarely sour.

Peach jam: recipe one


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • saffron - a pinch;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

Cooking method

  • Wash the peaches in cold water.
  • Pour boiling water over them and peel them off. So that they do not darken, dip them for 5 minutes in water with citric acid.
  • Divide into two halves, remove the bones. Place the peaches in the cooking bowl.
  • Put sugar in a saucepan, pour water according to the norm. Boil the syrup. Fill them with peaches. Leave for a day. During this time, the fruits are saturated with syrup.
  • The next day, pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil. Pour over the peaches again. Leave for one more day.
  • On the third day, put the basin on the stove, bring to a boil over medium heat, removing the foam. Then reduce the fire. Boil the jam until done. At the end of cooking, put citric acid and saffron. It will give the jam a beautiful orange tint. The quality of the jam can be checked by dropping a little syrup on a saucer. If the cooled syrup does not spread, the jam is ready.
  • Leave the jam in the basin until completely cooled.
  • Pour into clean, dry jars. Close the neck with parchment and tie with twine.

Peach jam: recipe two


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the peaches, remove the wrinkled ones. Wash under running water.
  • Scald them with boiling water and remove the skin.
  • Cut in half, remove the bone. Cut into slices. So that the peaches do not darken, dip them for a few minutes in water, to which add citric acid (10 g of acid per 1 liter of water).
  • Put them in a colander and plunge them into hot water almost brought to a boil. Blanch 5 minutes. Cool down quickly.
  • Pour sugar into the cooking basin, pour water. Boil the syrup. Remove from fire.
  • Put peaches, citric acid in the syrup. Bring to a boil over medium heat, removing foam. Set the basin aside and let the jam brew for 8 hours.
  • Put the jam back on the fire and bring to a boil again.
  • Repeat this procedure one more time.
  • After putting the jam on the stove for the third time, cook it until it is fully cooked.
  • Cool it in a basin, and then transfer it to clean jars. Close with parchment.

Peach jam "Five minutes"


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Sort the peaches, rinse under running water. Scald with boiling water, remove the skin.
  • Cut in half, remove the bones. If there are a lot of peaches and you are worried that they will darken, immerse them for 5 minutes in acidified water (put 10 g of citric acid per 1 liter).
  • Cut the peaches into thin slices or cubes.
  • Place in a cooking bowl. Sprinkle with sugar, reserving one cup of sugar for syrup. Gently toss the chopped peaches and let sit until the juices come out.
  • In a saucepan, mix the remaining sugar with water. Boil the syrup. Pour it into the fruit bowl. Stir and leave for 8-10 hours to infuse.
  • After this time, put the bowl with peaches on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, removing foam with a slotted spoon. Boil the jam for 5 minutes.
  • While hot, pour the jam into sterile dry jars (you must prepare them in advance). Seal immediately. Turn upside down and cool like this.

Nectarine jam


  • nectarines - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method

  • For jam, select ripe but firm nectarines. Wash them under running water.
  • Cut each fruit in half, remove the pit. Cut the halves into small pieces.
  • Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Boil the syrup. Let it cool down a bit and add lemon juice.
  • Put the chopped nectarines into the syrup, mix gently. Leave them to soak for a day.
  • The next day, put the basin on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, not forgetting to remove the foam that appears. Again, leave the jam for a day.
  • Then put the jam on a slow fire and cook for about 10 minutes until it is slightly reduced.
  • Let it cool, and then package in clean sterile jars.

Note to the owner

To make the jam thicker, when packaging in a jar, first put pieces of fruit, then fill them with syrup. The remaining syrup can be poured into some container and used to make fruit drinks or compotes.

Surprisingly tender and tasty peach belongs to the Pink family, a subspecies of Almonds. It is believed that the tree was first grown in China. In Europe and North America, fruits began to be cultivated a little later.

Beneficial features

The rich vitamin composition and pleasant taste make peaches one of the most beloved and healthy fruits. They contain iron and potassium. The composition contains fluorine, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and zinc, selenium and manganese. Organic acids include citric, tartaric, quinic and malic acids. Vitamins E, C, PP, groups B and K, beta-carotene is present.

By eating peaches, you can preserve youth and excellent skin color for a long time. Fruits reduce the risk of cancer, stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, and have a beneficial effect on the digestion of fatty and heavy foods. The fiber included in the composition is an excellent sorbent for harmful substances and perfectly cleanses the intestines. Delicious peach jam will be an excellent product for your table. Fruits are recommended for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. They are used with caution if there is an allergy to food products. Peaches are not recommended for people with increased nervous excitability.

How to choose fruits

Year to year is not necessary, so the harvest may be different. The fruits differ in size, taste and color. Want to make delicious peach jam? Choose the recipe of your choice. Various additives will help to make the taste richer.

The fruits may be small or large. When preparing, simply cut them into pieces or halves. It is much more important to choose fruits with a dense structure, not overripe, but sweet enough. This will allow you to get a beautiful product, because peaches retain their shape. How to choose a fruit? Just press it with your finger: the skin remains intact, but it feels soft. It is important to choose varieties of peach with easy pitting.


Before cooking peach jam, the fruits must be prepared. We wash them, put them on a towel. The blanching process is needed in order to remove the skin: some housewives think that the skin gives a bitter taste. It is better to remove it in advance: when cooking jam, it lags behind and it is much more difficult to catch it from a thick mass.

It is convenient to blanch like this: heat water in a deep bowl, put the fruits in a colander and dip in boiling water for 2 minutes. Have a bowl of cold water ready to dip the peaches in after blanching. Due to a sharp temperature drop, the skin bursts, it becomes easy to separate it. Prepared fruits are cut into halves (if they are small) or into 4 parts (if large), the bones are thrown away.

How to make jam quickly

Hostesses who make jam every year are well aware that this process takes a lot of time. In fact, you can cook a delicious dessert quickly. Love peach jam? A recipe just for you.

If you add sugar to prepared peaches at the rate of 600-850 g per 1 kg of peaches and leave overnight in a cold place (so the workpiece does not turn sour), then in the morning it is enough to boil the mixture for 2 hours over low heat (by the way, choose a container with a thick bottom so that the product does not burn). The jam is very pretty. Immediately after preparation, it can be laid out in jars and rolled up.

Do you dream of making Pyatiminutka peach jam? There are different recipes, we will list a few.

This is a simple peach jam recipe that even novice housewives can repeat. However, a real thick jam will turn out with repeated boiling and prolonged infusion.

Classic variant

Before cooking peach jam in this way, the prepared fruits are mixed equally with sugar and left overnight. During this time, the fruits secrete enough juice. The amount of sugar can be changed, but slightly, depending on personal preference. The finished mixture is brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for 10 minutes.

From the surface it is constantly necessary to remove the resulting foam. The pan or basin is covered with a lid (or paper), stand for 8-9 hours. During this time, the syrup is absorbed into the fruit. Cooking is repeated by adding 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid, and again infused for 9-10 hours. The third time is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, poured into jars.

Jam in a slow cooker

This recipe for delicious peach jam is suitable for those who do not have enough time to prepare it, but have modern kitchen appliances. Fruit preparation follows a familiar pattern. You can put the slices immediately into the multicooker bowl, sprinkling with sugar. Cut the lemon into slices. We install the bowl in the slow cooker and cook for 3-3.5 hours using the "Extinguishing" mode.

Ingredients: peaches (3 kg), 2-4 kg of sugar (as you like), lemon. Please note that we do not add water! After cooking, the jam can be rolled into jars.

original ways

Peach jam (photo, recipe is in our article) can be prepared in a rather unusual way. The recipe changes quite a bit, but the taste is unique.

Sealing jars

This stage is very important, because the product must be stored for at least 6 months and be sure that the jam does not deteriorate. To sterilize jars, you can take a frying pan, pour some water and heat to a boil. Clean jars are placed with the neck down so that the escaping steam thoroughly sterilizes the inner surface. The dishes are ready.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to use simple jars, the lids of which are rolled up with a special machine. If there are glassware with screw-on lids, they are also used. The lids are pre-sterilized in boiling water, taken out just before rolling and turned all the way.


Banks are stored in a pantry, where it is dry and there is little light. Some housewives advise keeping the jam in the refrigerator, but this option is not suitable for everyone, since seamings take up a lot of space on the shelves with ordinary products, which is not very convenient.

A simple recipe for peach jam will help all connoisseurs of fruit desserts to prepare a delicious, tender and fragrant treat!

The most delicate fruit - the peach is a favorite food of many people, both fresh and canned. Peach jam perfectly preserves these delicate fruits for a long time without compromising their taste characteristics. In sugar syrup, fruits acquire an amazing texture and at the same time do not lose their shape and aroma. It is important not to interrupt the impeccable taste of a peach with other ingredients, therefore, if you decide to cook jam with any additives, it is better to choose soft ingredients and a minimum of spices. Separately, it is worth mentioning this type of preparation for the winter, like peach jam. Ground with syrup, the fruit forms an unusually tasty delicacy that is eaten simply with tea, spread on toast or bread and butter, or used to stuff pies and other pastries.

The sweet peach does not require a lot of sugar, which is sure to please dieters. Useful peach jam is recommended to be included in the diet:

  • for the prevention of heart disease;
  • to strengthen blood vessels;
  • to stimulate the brain;
  • in violation of metabolism;
  • as a remedy for anemia;
  • to relieve nervous tension.

10 recipes for making peach jam

Recipe 1. Peach Jam Five Minute

Ingredients: 970 g peaches, 1150 g sugar, 210 ml water.

We wash the peaches, wiping their surface with a brush. Cut each fruit in half, remove the seeds. Cut the peaches into small pieces. Transfer the chopped fruits to a thick-bottomed pan. Sprinkle 950 g of sugar. Thoroughly stir the fruit mass. Separately, we heat the water into which we pour the remaining granulated sugar. Heat, stirring, until it dissolves. Pour boiling syrup over candied peaches. We mix. We stand the fruit for a couple of hours to extract the juice. Slowly heat the contents of the pan until boiling with regular stirring. Boil 5 minutes. We transfer the peach jam to a pre-prepared sterile container. Roll up. Turn upside down and, wrapping, leave to cool.

Recipe 2. Peach jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 750 g peaches, 750 g sugar, 2 g citric acid.

My peaches, scalded with boiling water. Rinse with cold water. Carefully remove the skin. We cut the fruits into cubes with a face size of about 40 mm, removing the seeds in the process. Put the peach slices into the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top, add citric acid. We set aside for 15 minutes. Then we cook in the "Extinguishing" mode over time - half an hour. At the beginning of the cooking process, leave the lid open. We close it when the sugar dissolves by turning the steam valve so that the steam comes out. We check the dessert for readiness - the drops on the plate should not spread. If necessary, you can increase the time in the same mode. Pour the jam into sterilized glass jars. After corking tightly, put the lids down until it cools.

Recipe 3. Peach jam with slices

Ingredients: 1350 g of elastic peaches, 900 g of sugar, 125 g of lemon, 220 ml of water, 1 cinnamon stick.

We wash peaches, lemon. We cut the peaches into slices about 40 mm in size in their widest part. Put in a wide container for cooking jams and preserves. Separately, mix water with sugar. Warm up until transparent. Pour syrup over peach slices, add cinnamon. We heat the mass until boiling. Leave until completely cool. Repeat the heating and cooling procedure again. Squeeze citrus juice into the cooled dessert, making sure that lemon seeds do not get there. We warm up to a boil. Boil slowly for half an hour, stirring occasionally. We take out the cinnamon. We shift the jam into pre-prepared jars. We clog. Refrigerate with lids upside down.

Recipe 4. Nectarine jam

Ingredients: 1050 g unripe nectarines, 880 g granulated sugar, 2 g vanilla.

We wash the nectarines. Cut lengthwise, removing the pit. Cut each half into slices of medium thickness. Put the fruit slices in layers in a thick-bottomed pan, alternating them with sugar. Pour the remaining granulated sugar on top of the peaches. Shake the pan so that the fruits are evenly covered with sugar. We wait a couple of hours, during which peach juice forms in the pan. If too much of it stands out - the fruit is completely covered with liquid, drain the syrup, boil it in a separate container until the volume is reduced and then return to the peaches. Slowly warm up the mass. Boil for 11 minutes without stirring. We stand without heating for 6 hours. Similarly, boil the jam three times. Then we cool down again. We heat to a boil. Sprinkle vanilla. We mix. Cook for 12 minutes. We check the density. After thickening, pour into jars that have been sterilized in advance. We cork. We stand in an upside down position, wrapped in a blanket, for a day.

Recipe 5. Peach-Apple Jam

Ingredients: 2800 g peaches, 2800 g sour apples, 1400 g sugar, 4 clove flowers, 35 g lemon.

Wash peaches and apples. We clean the fruit from the skin. We take out the bones. We turn the prepared fruits into a homogeneous puree-like state using an immersion blender, combine or meat grinder. Thoroughly mix the peach-apple mass, squeezing lemon juice into it. We spread the fourth part of the mixture in an enamel bowl suitable for cooking jam. Warm up with regular stirring. Sprinkle 350 g of sugar. Add 1 carnation flower. Boil, stirring, 20 minutes. Before packaging in jars, we remove the cloves. Roll into a sterile dried container. Similarly, in small portions, so that the jam does not burn, we prepare the remaining fruits.

Recipe 6. Peach jam with nuts

Ingredients: 950 g pitted peaches, 1140 g sugar, 40 g peeled walnuts, 30 g almonds, 190 ml water.

We wash the peaches. Peel off the skin if desired. We cut into slices, 30 mm thick in the widest part. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, covered with enamel, we dilute sugar in water with constant heating. Sprinkle peach slices. After boiling, turn off the fire. We leave the pan for 6 hours, covered with a kitchen towel, in a cool place. Almonds are scalded with boiling water, remove the skin. We clean the walnuts from the remaining shell, inedible elements, cut into small pieces. We warm up the cooled peach mass. Add prepared nuts. Boil for about 15 minutes until desired thickness. We pack in sterile jars, which we then cork.

Recipe 7. Jam "Assorted" from peaches, plums, apples and bananas

Ingredients: 640 g peaches, 190 g plums, 230 g apples, 320 g bananas, 260 g sugar.

We wash fruits. Remove pits from peaches and plums. We clean the apples from the skin, the core. We release bananas from the peel. We cut the prepared components into pieces of arbitrary shape of approximately the same size. We put in a dish suitable for making jam. Sprinkle with sugar. Mix carefully. Let's brew for half an hour. We warm up to a boil. Boil slowly for about 20 minutes. In the process, remove the foam from the surface of the fruit mass, stir regularly. We shift the thickened dessert into clean jars. We keep cold.

Recipe 8. Jam from peaches, apricots and nectarines

Ingredients: 570 g peach, 560 g nectarine, 900 g apricot, 1550 g sugar.

We wash peaches, nectarines, apricots. We clean from the stones, cutting the fruit in half. Apricot kernels can be left and the kernels from them can be added to the jam. If the apricots are not large, do not cut them. Peaches and nectarines are cut into pieces commensurate with apricot slices. We mix the fruits in a bowl for making jam, sprinkle them with granulated sugar. Warm up slowly, stirring. If the fruits do not give juice well, add 160 ml of water. After boiling, cool, covered with a towel, 11 hours. We repeat the same heating procedure again. Keep another 11 hours in a cool place. Then, if desired, add apricot kernels to the dessert, which we carefully split for this. Boil the jam until the syrup thickens. We lay out in sterile dried jars. Roll up.

Recipe 9. Peach jam with oranges

Ingredients: 1450 g peaches, 1050 g orange, 1320 g sugar, 520 ml water.

We wash the peaches. We scald them, then dip them in cold water. We clean the skin, remove the bones. We clean the citruses by removing the skin. We divide into slices, each of which is cut into 3 parts, in the process removing the bones. Divide small peaches in half, cut large fruits into quarters. In a container used for making jam, combine water and sugar. With constant heating, we dissolve the latter. Sprinkle prepared fruits. Boil slowly, stirring gently, about 40 minutes. We pack in pre-sterilized containers. We cover with metal lids. We place the filled jars in a saucepan with water reaching the shoulders of the jars. Sterilize for 5 minutes. Then we cork.

Recipe 10. Peach jam with pears

Ingredients: 550 g peaches, 550 g pears, 900 g sugar.

We wash peaches, pears. We clean the fruit from the skin as desired. Cut lengthwise, take out the bones, cores. Cut each half into thin slices. Sprinkle with sugar, after placing the fruit in a wide enamel bowl. Set aside the mixture for half an hour. Slowly warm up, stirring gently, without damaging the integrity of the fruit pieces. With insufficient amount of juice secreted by peaches and pears, add 90 ml of water. Boil until thickened. We pack in a sterilized, pre-dried container.

How to make delicious peach jam

Peaches are unpretentious ingredients that very quickly turn into a fragrant delicacy and do not require much effort from the hostess when cooking. Due to the delicate texture of this fruit, peach jam can be boiled in one go, using the five-minute option, or cooked in several approaches for maximum soaking of the fruits with syrup. To make such a dessert truly perfect, you need to consider the following:

  1. For jam slices, you should choose slightly unripe, dense, unrumpled fruits.
  2. If the stone is poorly removed from the fruit, cutting into slices is used, which are cut from it.
  3. For jams, you can take soft, fully ripe peaches.
  4. When peeling the fruits, it is recommended to immerse them in boiling water for a couple of minutes and dip them in cold water. After this procedure, it will be very easy to remove the skin from the peaches.
  5. It is rational to combine peaches in jam with other fruits that have a sour taste. When adding sweet ingredients, lemon juice or acid is additionally used.
  6. In peach jam, you can reduce the sugar content - up to half the rate indicated in the recipe. At the same time, the dish is stored in the cold, without clogging, up to a month.

Slices or thick peach jam is an excellent dessert that is easy enough to prepare for the winter. It will enrich the diet with useful substances, it will be a wonderful alternative to store-bought sweets. Such a delicious delicacy often ends before the cold weather, so in the season it is worth preparing more fragrant peach jam. It can be stored covered with plastic lids in the refrigerator or sealed for long term storage. Luxurious peach jam will delight tasters with its fabulous taste, amber color and pronounced summer aroma.

Any housewife can cook a tender treat with a pleasant taste. Properly prepared peach jam will become a real culinary masterpiece. It will definitely be appreciated by your friends and relatives, as well as unexpected guests who ran into the light.

Peach jam with lemon and orange

A sweet dessert made from fresh fruits will be loved by children and adults. Serve it at the table with hot drinks or use it to make fluffy homemade buns.


  • pitted peaches - two kilograms;
  • orange;
  • sugar - three kilograms.

After you master the peach jam recipe, try changing its composition. For example, replace the main ingredient with other ripe fruits or berries. For this purpose, cherries, apricots or currants are perfect. As a result, you will get wonderful desserts with original flavors and aromas.

The recipe for peach jam "Five Minute" is very simple. The dessert got its name for an unusual and simple way of processing products.

First you need to prepare the fruit. Put the orange and lemon in a deep cup and pour boiling water over it. After half an hour, cut them into pieces, simultaneously removing all the bones. If you omit the last step, the jam will turn out bitter and tasteless.
Wash the peaches and cut in half. Bones, of course, we also do not need.

Grind the prepared fruits with a meat grinder, mix them with sugar and boil over medium heat for five minutes. After that, the fruit mass must be cooled at room temperature and sent to the refrigerator for a day. The next day, the puree should be brought to a boil again, then reduce the heat and cook for another five minutes.

You just have to put the dessert in jars and roll it up. Store it along with other winter preparations in a dark and cool place.

Peach jam with cognac

The unusual taste of this delicacy will quickly become popular with your friends and family. Jam can be safely offered to children, since alcohol evaporates even at the cooking stage. If you want to use the peach jam recipe with slices, then prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • ripe soft fruits - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • cognac - half a glass;
  • ground cinnamon - one pinch.

We have described in detail the recipe for jam with peaches and cognac below. Be sure to study all the recommendations, as they guarantee an excellent result.

Wash fruits well, peel. Free the pulp from the seeds and cut it into large slices.

Peaches can also be boiled with the skin on. Just be sure to rub them with a hard towel to get rid of the prickly lint.

Sprinkle the fruit slices with sugar and let them rest (this step will take you one to three hours). When the fruits start juice, send them to the stove and light the fire.

If you come across hard peaches, they will release quite a bit of juice. Therefore, you can add another 50 ml of water to the pan.

When the fruit mass boils, remove the foam from the surface, add cinnamon and pour in the cognac.
Boil the peaches for one hour, then immediately pour the hot dessert into sterilized jars and close the lids. Next, the blanks need to be turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket. The next day, when the jam has cooled, transfer it to the pantry and leave until the right moment. And if you don't want to wait too long, then open one jar and try the treat immediately.

The finished dessert is very sweet and juicy. Pieces of fruit can be used to decorate homemade cakes and pastries.

Cooking jam in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances help housewives prepare hearty lunches and dinners every day. But we suggest using it during the harvest season, when it's time to make preparations for the winter. Jam with peaches and cinnamon will decorate a family tea party and cheer up its participants even on the coldest evening.

Required products:

  • 1200 grams of whole peaches;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking peach jam in a slow cooker will not take you much time.

Rinse the fruit under running water and remove the skin from them.

You will greatly simplify your task if you first dip the fruits for a minute in boiling water, and then transfer them to cold water.

Cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into slices, transfer them to the multicooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar. When enough juice stands out from the peaches, you can start cooking.

After a couple of hours, turn on the device, set the “Porridge” or “Steamed Rice” mode. Bring the fruit mass to a boil without closing the bowl with a lid. Remove the foam and cook the dessert for seven minutes. Cool the jam.

When four hours have passed, the multicooker must be turned on again. Boil the jam again and let it cool down. In the third step, add a cinnamon stick to the bowl and cook the dessert for another seven minutes. We no longer need cinnamon, so we need to get it and put it aside.

Peach jam for the winter is ready. Prepare small jars, wash them with any detergent, and then clean them well with soda. Rinse the dishes several times and sterilize them in any convenient way. Dip the tin lids in boiling water for a few minutes. Arrange hot jam in jars and roll it up with a key. Remember to put the dishes upside down and cover them with a few blankets.

The very next day you can serve a sweet dessert with tea or any other hot drinks. The rest of the jars should be stored in a dark and cool place.

Sweet fragrant jam with peaches can be prepared with any aromatic additives and spices. If you like culinary experiments, surprise your loved ones with the original taste of a sweet dessert. And if you love baking pies and puff pastries, then this treat will be your best assistant. Delicious aromatic fillings and beautiful decorations are obtained from it.

Video recipe for peach jam in the microwave

Amazing jam recipes - video
