
How to cook rice for a side dish. Cooking friable rice with pre-frying

Today I want to offer you a few recipes - how to cook rice for a side dish. Compared to, for example, rice is less caloric, which makes it a fairly popular side dish, especially if you are watching your weight.

I will give a recipe that I use quite often, as well as a couple of others, I also cook them, but not so often, if you like something, it will be great, replenish your collection of recipes.

What I want to say about rice, I will give a few of my observations. Of course, everyone wants the rice for the side dish to be crumbly, and we are trying with all our might to achieve this. For example, I like it better round rice. By the way, even V.V. Pokhlebkin wrote that delicious cereals are obtained from round rice. Quite often I use long rice, and I don’t buy steamed rice at all. Here is steamed, in my opinion, in general, whether it has any taste, I don’t like it!

Rice for garnish according to the recipe of V.V. Pokhlebkina

This is my favorite recipe, I cook for a side dish basically like this, it turns out very tasty. In general, I am a fan of Pokhlebkin, so I listen to his recommendations, he will not advise bad.


  • Rice - 200 gr
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Salt to taste


As in the recipe, here it is necessary to withstand exact time cooking and of course the proportions, but it's worth it, believe me.

So, wash the rice, pour boiling water over it, cover tightly with a lid and put on fire. Here Pokhlebkin loves to close all cereals and side dishes tightly with lids, this has its advantages.

Again, cook on time - 12 minutes! The first 3 minutes the fire is strong, 7 minutes moderate, then 2 minutes - weak.

After the fire is turned off, do not open the lid, it is equal to as much time as the rice was cooked, i.e. 12 minutes. Only then, you can add butter if desired and, of course, salt.

Another delicious recipe, perfect for meat or vegetables, we will cook with garlic.


  • Rice - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves


We take a frying pan or stewpan, pour vegetable oil and fry the garlic cloves, do not chop them, just make a few cuts. Next, remove the garlic, add the washed and dried rice and fry it until transparent.

Add hot water! Cover with a lid and cook small fire- 12-15 minutes. As for salt, add it to hot water, and then pour rice.


  • Rice - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 2 tbsp
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in vegetable oil. Add washed rice and keep on fire for about a minute or two until the rice becomes transparent.

We shift the rice into a baking dish or a small baking sheet, add warm salt water, cover tightly with foil and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C.

According to the recipe, Bulgarian rice is somewhat similar to rice with garlic, but the taste is completely different dishes, I recommend to cook and see for yourself. By the way, in original recipe there was no Bulgarian rice with carrots, but I like it with it, you can try it this way and that.

3-4 servings

20-35 minutes

98.8 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Rice is one of the most common cereals in Asia, it is used to prepare great amount delicious dishes, to which there is more large quantity interpretations and variations of preparation. Today we will cook delicious rice with vegetables, and consider two recipes.

First a more saturated recipe, which will look quite good on the festive table.

Secondsimplified version cooking in a slow cooker in case there is no time for a long cooking process. Let's look at each of them in more detail!

How to cook rice with vegetables in a pan

Saucepan, colander, stove, wok, knife, cutting board, grater, spatula for stirring.


Rice380-400 g
Champignon80-90 g
Carrot60-70 g
Broccoli80-90 g
bell pepper60-70 g
Frozen green peas45-50 g
garlic cloves5 cloves
Ginger5-10 g
Chilli1 PC.
cilantro20-25 g
green onion25 g
dried garlic5-8 g
Turmeric¼ tsp
Anise1 PC.
Dry chilli1 PC.
coriander seeds½ tsp
Ground black peppertaste
Vegetable oil40-45 ml

Let's start cooking rice for a side dish in a pan

  1. The first step is to prepare approximately 380-400 g of rice for subsequent cooking. It must be washed very well, this is done in order to wash out excess starch and gluten so that the rice does not stick together after cooking, but is crumbly. It is best to use a colander. Pour rice into it and place the colander in a saucepan, after which we fill the saucepan with ordinary running water. At first, the water will be very cloudy, it must be drained, but after 3-4 thorough washes, it will be transparent, like the rice grains themselves. Pour the washed rice into a saucepan and fill it with water about 1:2. How much time to cook rice for a side dish? Enough 15-20 minutes.
  2. So, the rice is boiled, we leave it to rest, and in the meantime we will prepare the vegetables. We wash the bell pepper in water, after which we get rid of the seeds and the soft core. We cut about 60-70 g of pepper on a cutting board, first into thin strips, and then into small cubes.
  3. Wash broccoli (80-90 g) in water and chop on a cutting board in any shape. It is best to cut so that small inflorescences of this vegetable remain.
  4. We thoroughly wash the champignons in water, getting rid of various earthen residues. For this recipe not only champignons, but also other types of mushrooms are suitable. For example, royal oyster mushroom is great. About 80-90 g of washed mushrooms are cut on a cutting board in any shape.
  5. Wash the carrots in water and peel off the top layer. We cut about 60-70 g of the root crop on a cutting board. In order for the carrot to fry faster, it is best to cut it into very small cubes or grate it on a grater.
  6. Chop the chili pepper, one medium-sized stuff will be enough. We cut the pepper as small as possible so that it is evenly distributed in relation to all other ingredients in the finished dish.
  7. Approximately 5-10 g of ginger is cut on a cutting board in the form of thin straws. If you don’t like ginger at all, then you can do without using this ingredient, it is added solely to give the dish a special flavor.
  8. Garlic (5 cloves) must be peeled. This is done very easily and simply. We spread the garlic cloves on a cutting board, after which we press each with the side surface of the knife or simply hit with a spoon. After that, it will be very easy to separate the husk from the garlic itself. Chop the garlic on a cutting board.
  9. It remains to cut some greens. We send about 25 g of onion to a cutting board and chop it into small pieces, cutting the onion stalks obliquely so that it looks more beautiful in the finished dish.
  10. We remove the thick branches of cilantro, leaving only its feathers. Grind approximately 20-25 g of this greens on a cutting board in any form. So, all the ingredients are prepared, it's time to proceed directly to the preparation of our dish! We will cook our rice in a wok pan, it is very convenient for cooking almost everything. Asian dishes. We pour a little into it vegetable oil and leave our wok to heat up over high heat.
  11. When the oil in the pan warms up enough, you need to add one star of anise to it, dried pepper and half a teaspoon of coriander. Strongly these spices should not be fried, you just need to let them warm up a little in oil so that they give their aroma.
  12. Put the chopped garlic and half of the chopped ginger into the pan. We will add the second half almost at the very end of the preparation of this dish.
  13. Add chopped chili peppers, mix the contents of the pan and fry all the ingredients for about one minute, until the characteristic smells of roasted peppers and garlic appear.
  14. Add chopped carrots to all the ingredients in the pan. Fry the contents of the pan over high heat until the carrots become a little softer, this will take about another minute.
  15. We spread the chopped mushrooms in the pan, after adding which we fry all the ingredients in the pan for another minute.
  16. It's time to add the broccoli florets. Mix all the ingredients and fry the broccoli quite a bit. What matters is that this vegetable was not too overcooked, we need it to remain a little crispy so that it retains maximum amount vitamins.
  17. Now you need to salt and pepper the vegetables in the pan to taste, and add the remaining spices to them. We are talking about dried garlic (5-8 g), as well as turmeric (a quarter of a teaspoon). Mix the contents of the pan well again. We spread the crushed bell pepper, as well as 45-50 g green peas, mix everything again.
  18. Immediately after adding pepper and peas, put in a pan boiled rice and carefully mix the contents of the pan and make the fire a little quieter.
  19. Add the remaining ginger to the pan, and green onion with cilantro.
  20. Our dish is ready, put it on one large plate or pack it into small portions.

Video recipe for cooking rice for a side dish in a pan

If you have left questions about cooking rice for a side dish, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with this video recipe. It describes absolutely every step of the preparation of this dish as clearly and clearly as possible.

How to cook friable rice for a side dish in a slow cooker

Time needed to cook rice for garnish: 45-50 minutes.
Number of servings received: 2-3.
Used kitchenware and technique: knife, cutting board, multicooker, colander, spatula for mixing.


Let's start cooking rice for a side dish in a slow cooker

  1. First, thoroughly wash 280-300 g of rice in water, getting rid of excess starch and gluten. It is best to do this in a colander, which we place in a saucepan. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear.
  2. Chop the onion on a cutting board as finely as possible.
  3. We wash the carrots in water, after which we get rid of the top layer of the root crop. We cut the carrots on a cutting board, first into thin strips, and then into cubes. You can also grate the root crop on a coarse grater.
  4. Pour 40-45 ml of vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker, pour the chopped onion, and then the carrots. We set the mode "Frying".
  5. We wash the Bulgarian pepper in water, get rid of the grains and the soft core. We cut it first into thin strips, and then into small cubes. We spread the chopped pepper to the rest of the vegetables in a slow cooker and mix. Fry the vegetables for a few minutes, focus on the color of the onion, it should turn slightly yellowish.
  6. Add washed rice to sufficiently fried vegetables, level it with a spoon or spatula so that it is on the surface of the fried vegetables.
  7. Carefully, so as not to mix the rice with vegetables, pour water into the multicooker bowl, boiling water is best. We need about 450 ml of water.
  8. Salt our rice to taste, and add your favorite spices.
  9. We set the “Group” mode for 40 minutes and close the lid of the multicooker.
  10. After the time has passed, our rice is ready for a side dish. Leave it for 5 minutes to cool slightly, after which you can pack ready meal per serving.

Video recipe for cooking rice in a slow cooker

As you can see boil rice for a side dish in a slow cooker not difficult, but if you have any questions about cooking, be sure to check out this video. It clearly shows absolutely all the stages of cooking.

What food could be simpler and more unpretentious? What food could be more refined and refined? All of these seemingly contradictory definitions refer to the same product. To rice.

White rice is able to please any mood, because it is the only cereal that has a truly neutral and clean taste. Thanks to this, rice tends to be combined with absolutely any product. Meat and fish, vegetables and milk - you can add whatever your heart desires to rice, thanks to which you can get a new dish at least every day.

In addition, due to the simplicity and even some amazing “modesty” of its taste, rice is very “friends” with any spices, which opens up almost limitless horizons for the culinary imagination.

Boiled friable rice is an unfading classic not only in the East, but also, today, in any everyday cuisine. This is a universal side dish for anything, an indispensable component of some salads and just tasty dish by itself, without any additions.

And you know how to cook such a real one, versatile rice- crumbly, not sticky, grain to grain? If not, let's learn.

There is also a useful article on my blog -. I advise you to read, there is a lot of useful information.

How to cook fluffy rice for a side dish

Rice, as we have already mentioned, is a simple and unpretentious dish. But in order for this dish to be also tasty, it is not enough just to take it and boil it. To prepare the “right” rice that will please anyone, even the most picky taste, you need to know a few secrets. Now we will reveal them to you.

Let's go to the kitchen, we will master all the subtleties in practice. Get a bag of cereal and a pan from the cabinet.

The theater, as you know, begins with a hanger, and cooking - with necessary utensils. What kind of pot did you prepare for cooking rice? Enamel immediately set aside - the dish will definitely burn in it. Aluminum won't work either.

1. Now you will learn the first secret of properly cooked rice: it must be boiled in a deep bowl with thick walls. Yes, a cast-iron cauldron will be just right. A heavy-bottomed pot will also work.

The fact is that this cereal "loves" uniform heating. in good cast iron pan rice grains are thoroughly heated from all sides, and at the end of cooking, when the outer shell of the cereal has already softened, uniform heat allows the core of the grain to be steamed. Thus, each grain of rice retains a uniform structure.

With aluminum cookware, this is difficult to achieve, since thin aluminum is not able to accumulate heat and send it to the depth of the product.

2. Now about the rice itself.

Which, by the way, are you going to pour with a generous hand for cooking? Set aside the round without regret - it is suitable only for cereals, casseroles and sushi. When planning to cook crumbly rice, take long-grain rice, ideally Jasmine or Basmati varieties. And this is the second secret right rice. I do not like steamed rice - it has a slightly different taste and density, regular rice turns out tastier.

So, take 1 glass of dry long rice. If there is, choose rubbish and dark rice grains, they are of no use to us.

3. Rinse it thoroughly with water first. Do it as thoroughly as possible! From cloudy and white water should become clean and clear, so rinse, without being lazy, as many times as necessary.

And this is the third secret of proper rice - thorough washing before cooking.

Rinse at least 7 times.

4. Take your time to relax. Washing water should only be cold. Not warm and not hot. And this is the fourth secret of proper rice - I only wash it in cold water.

The fact is that before cooking, we need to preserve the natural texture of the grains. Rice is a very delicate product, and from warm or hot water the starch in its outer shell can brew, and the texture of the cereal will be broken.

5. So you washed the rice cold water and put it in a cauldron with thick walls. Now you need to fill the cereal with water.

And here, attention, there is the fifth secret of well-cooked rice. Grains and water must be measured strictly in a ratio of 2: 3.

Therefore, since we have one glass of rice, we will take one and a half glasses of water.

6. We put the cauldron on the stove and proceed directly to cooking.

Important! First we make a big fire on the stove under the rice. That's big!

And this is the sixth secret of proper rice - to start cooking it with a big fire.

So, our cauldron with rice is on big fire. Bring the rice to a boil and immediately cover with a lid.

7. Now immediately reduce the fire to a tiny one. Like this, abruptly.

And this is the seventh secret of proper rice - it is necessary to bring it to the condition on a small, “quiet” fire.

From the very beginning, when the rice in cold water was just put on the stove, until the very end of cooking, 15 minutes should pass.

So, the necessary 15 minutes have passed, you should turn off the fire. We do not open the lid!

Leave the cauldron with rice, covered with a lid, for another 15 minutes.

8. And here, please remember the last, eighth secret of proper rice. The lid for rice dishes should be very tight, leaving no gap between itself and the pan. After turning off the fire, the rice should stand for a while and steamed with heat. So it will reach the desired condition, but not boil soft. Therefore, a tight cover is needed - so that there is a "greenhouse" effect.

And in conclusion good advice: very well, before boiling rice, add vegetable oil to a pot of water (one and a half glasses of dry cereal will require about a tablespoon of oil). This technique will even better prevent the grains from sticking together.

There is one more interesting way cooking crumbly rice in a frying pan. Unlike the first recipe, washed and dried cereals are first fried in oil and only then water is added. For flavor, you can add a clove of garlic. Let's see step by step recipe cooking.

The proportions of water and rice are the same - for 1 cup of rice - 1.5 cups of water.

Now you know everything about cooking real, proper friable rice. Remember the eight secrets of its preparation, and you will definitely get the same rice - beautiful, tasty, grain to grain.

And one more important advice: any rice is best stored in glass jar With tight lid along with dry pod hot pepper. Thanks to this, our rice will be saved from mustiness and retain its original delicate and neutral taste.

So, as you can see, rice is truly universal product. He simply must be present in the bins of any hostess, becoming for her a great help and relief in the culinary field.

Now you know the secrets and subtleties of handling this wonderful product. And having mastered the proposed by us simple recipes cooking friable rice, you can proceed to more complex and sophisticated recipes in the future.

It may seem that preparing a side dish is the simplest task, but sometimes it can puzzle even experienced chefs. How to cook rice in order to get crumbly grains, and not a sticky, mushy mass? But nothing is impossible. Properly cooking friable rice will help knowing some culinary subtleties: use a certain amount of water, moderate temperature, pan with a tight-fitting lid. You also need to remember that you need to let the side dish stand for a while after cooking. By the way, by no means skip the last step. When you remove the rice from the heat, the moisture inside the pot will begin to redistribute, making the rice more homogeneous. To make the garnish crumbly, it is best suitable variety"basmati". It has thin, elongated grains and excellent taste, although the price is much higher than that of other varieties. Let's get started! How to cook rice, if you have made a choice?

How much liquid is needed?

It is best to measure rice by volume, not by weight: it is optimal to take 65 ml per serving. The liquid should be twice as much as rice grains. It is best to wash the cereal in the sink, in a cold running water until the water is completely clear. There are two reasons why it is necessary to wash rice. Firstly, some factories use talc in the production process, and secondly, in this way you will remove starch from the grains, which is the main culprit that sometimes instead of delicious porridge resulting in an unsightly sticky mass.

How to cook rice for a side dish: soaking

For most everyday meals you don't have to soak the rice to get it good result. If you are using pretty old grits leave it in the water for about 30 minutes: this will make it less prone to breakage. Basmati rice is traditionally soaked to maximize its length.

How to cook rice correctly: temperature and time

Place the cereal in a saucepan of a suitable volume, fill with water. Try not to add salt - this will make the grains brittle. Bring the rice to a boil over high heat without opening the tight-fitting lid. Then set the temperature to low: the grains will swell as they absorb water. If the fire is too strong, the rice at the bottom may burn, while the top will remain undercooked. Set a timer for 20 minutes. At the end of the set time, remove the pot from the heat and let the rice "rise" for an additional 5 minutes. To prevent steam from escaping, do not look under the lid.

How to cook rice for a side dish - culinary tricks

Stir the rice with a fork, but only when it is done. Do not open the pan during the entire cooking process! Rice can be served immediately or left covered while you prepare the rest of the dishes. If you need to cool rice for salad, spread it on a baking sheet where it will cool quickly. In addition, do not store boiled rice at room temperature over two hours.

Before learning how to cook crumbly rice for a side dish, I went through all the circles of culinary hell. My first experience of making "Saracenic millet" happened at a time when the Internet was something ephemeral and not entirely clear. Therefore, I stepped on several rakes at once and rubbed the burnt one for half an hour. rice water from the plate. The fact that friable rice is "friendly" only with hot water I, of course, forgot. Or didn't know. Therefore, without a second thought, I slammed half a pack of cereal into the pan. Turned on medium fire and went with a clear conscience to prepare a salad. By the way, the salad was delicious. What can not be said about the side dish. I managed to do the almost impossible - to cook half-baked and tightly stuck together in an unappetizing conglomerate of rice. But with experience comes skills. Therefore, I suggest that beginners study proven recipes for cooking this “harmful” cereal. But if and experienced chefs find something new for themselves, I will be very pleased.

How much water do you need to cook fluffy rice

Rules for cooking crumbly delicious rice for a side dish

The first and basic rule is less is better than more. This is about water. If you pour a lot of water, you will get not friable rice, but sticky unappetizing porridge for a side dish. If there is almost no liquid, add a little boiling water. And bring the dish to readiness. Did you find that the rice is undercooked after turning off the stove? Just leave it to rebuke the rod with the lid closed.

The second rule is no cold water! Pour rice with any method of cooking only with boiling water.

And the rest of the rules and recipes should be told in more detail.

Cooking friable rice with pre-frying

The recipe is suitable for cooking long grain rice, basmati, jasmine.

I love this method very much and often cook crumbly delicious rice as a side dish right in the pan.

  1. Before frying the “white grain”, you can chop the onion and carrot. Spasser vegetables in vegetable oil and cook "pearl grain" directly in it. This can be done both in a frying pan and in a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan. Rinse the future side dish thoroughly until the water becomes clear. Throw it in a colander. Then lay it out in several layers. paper towels to absorb moisture.
  2. At this time, prepare boiling water.
  3. Pour the washed and dried cereal into hot oil. Stir so that the fat completely covers each rice. Warm up for a few minutes while stirring.
  4. Then pour in boiling water. I usually mix rice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, and unpleasant surprises so far there hasn't been. Salt to taste. You can add some of your favorite seasonings. Stir. Cover with a lid. Set the minimum heating intensity. Cook crumbly rice side dish until the liquid is completely absorbed.

The water has not yet been absorbed, and the rice grains are already soft? Turn off the fire. Remove the lid and cover the rice bowl with a clean towel. This will remove some of the moisture.

Cooking fluffy rice in a pot with pre-soaking

The recipe is suitable for cooking round-grain rice, basmati and steamed cereals. Jasmine is not boiled this way.

Thanks to soaking, gluten comes out of the cereal, which “prevents” it from being crumbly. In this way, you can cook rice for a side dish or for cooking other dishes.

  1. Rinse the cereal. Fill with cold water. Soaking time - at least half an hour. Drain the water and rinse the cereal a few more times.
  2. Prepare required amount boiling water depending on the variety ( correct proportions above). Place the rice in a saucepan and cover with boiling water.
  3. Add coarse salt to taste.
  4. Turn on a high heat and bring the water in a saucepan to a boil. Reduce the heat intensity to minimum and cover the pot with a lid. Boil rice for 20 minutes. Turn off the fire. Without lifting the lid, wait another quarter of an hour. During this time, friable rice will reach perfect condition.

Add to taste butter and serve as a side dish.

Cook fluffy rice in plenty of water

The recipe is suitable for making crumbly basmati rice or round grains.

A win-win option. A large number of liquid prevents the grains from sticking together, so crumbly garnish you are provided.

  1. You will need a lot of water. To brew a glass rice groats, will need three-liter saucepan with two liters pure water. Boil an additional few liters to rinse the almost cooked rice.
  2. Rinse the rice thoroughly by turning the rice with your hands. Change the water until it becomes crystal clear.
  3. Pour the cereal into boiling water. Add some salt to taste. Cook at the lowest boil for 15-20 minutes. Try for readiness. If the rice is almost done but a little firm, turn off the stove.
  4. Drain the rice in a colander. When all the water has drained, rinse your future crumbly rice side dish with additional boiled water. This will get him ready.
  5. When the liquid has completely drained, pour the rice into a saucepan and add butter or vegetable oil to taste. Stir.

Before serving, the dish must be covered with a closed lid.

Recipe for cooking friable rice with the addition of vegetable oil to water

Suitable for cooking round grain rice and basmati.

Even round rice will be crumbly if you cook it this way. The perfect crumbly side dish, what can I say.

  1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly. 5 times minimum. Then soak it for 20-40 minutes.
  2. It is advisable to use for cooking rice in this way. aluminum cookware. Boil water. The ratio of liquid and cereals is 1 to 1 (by volume). Add salt so that the water tastes slightly salty. Pour in a tablespoon of unscented vegetable oil.
  3. Pour water from rice. Spread it on the bottom of the pan in an even layer. Bring water to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Reduce fire intensity to minimum. Cover the pot with a lid. Cook until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Ready!

Bon appetit!
