
What is in a Bellini Cocktail? Bellini cocktail recipes

Recently, some well-known cocktails have gained popularity, conquering many lovers of these low-alcohol drinks. The clearest example of this is the Bellini cocktail.


Cocktails are created in different ways, and the technology of preparation and components of drinks are those features, highlights that find their admirers. It is very important that the Bellini cocktail uses sparkling wines as ingredients in combination with fruit puree. In classic Bellini, these must be ripe peaches growing in southern Italy.

Sparkling wine with fruit puree

Some cocktails contain expensive ingredients or involve the use of exotic ingredients, which leads to certain difficulties in their preparation. A significant advantage of the Bellini cocktail is the simplicity of its preparation at home and the availability of all the necessary ingredients.


Italy, like Spain, is the birthplace of many famous cocktails that have won fans for their spicy taste, ability to quench thirst, and raising the general tone. Millions of fans of low-alcohol drinks prefer to drink cocktails during their leisure and recreation, which differ not only in alcohol content, but also in a variety of other components. A feature of such drinks is the unobtrusive presence of alcohol in a low concentration, combined with natural juices or other ingredients. Refreshing cocktails, often requiring pre-chilling, are widely used at parties, family celebrations, business meetings. They help to bring a festive mood, start a conversation and direct it in the right direction, as well as just relax.

Italians are very lively, temperamental people who like to gather in company with or without reason. Many professional bartenders spend a lot of time in order to somehow distinguish their institution from thousands of similar ones, designed for meetings, relaxation, and pleasant pastime. Giuseppe Cipriani succeeded 100 percent. Cipriani is the founder of Herre's Bar in Venice. His experimentation with mixing drinks was a professional hobby that grew over time into a life's work.

Giuseppe Cipriani drink

It is noteworthy that the Bellini cocktail was not named after its creator, but after the famous Italian artist Giovanni Bellini. The drink was first presented under this name at a solo exhibition of his paintings in 1948, although no one knows the exact date of creation of the cocktail itself. Most likely, over time, the drink has changed several times, and the first mention of such a cocktail is found in early 1932 in an institution where Cipriani worked as a senior bartender.

Giuseppe Cipriani was passionate about the idea of ​​creating new drinks and dishes. Another culinary work glorified his name among professionals - carpaccio with slices of raw meat treated with olive oil, became known to the whole world. But everything was invented almost by accident. The bartender's friend, Countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo, due to illness, stopped eating meat prepared in the usual way, her doctor strongly forbade her this food, although, like any Italian, she had a passion for such dishes. Cipriani developed a recipe for cooking meat that did not contradict the established diet, and thereby created the famous dish that all of Italy is now proud of. As a name, he took the name of another famous Italian artist, Carpaccio. It is said that the color of the master's paintings reminded the cook of pink slices of raw meat.

But Cipriani is best known for his famous drink. To date, Bellini is on the official list of cocktails used by the International Bartenders Association, and occupies one of the first places in popularity in its homeland. In many countries, the recipes for its preparation have changed somewhat. The use of champagnes gave the cocktail a new name, the classic name was changed to Bellini Royale. In Russia, strawberries are often used instead of peaches, and sometimes fruit pulp is replaced with orange juice, while getting the so-called Mimosa cocktail. There are many similar variations based on the classic Bellini.


The ingenious is always simple, we often do not notice the things that we see every day, and at the moment when the truth is revealed, we are amazed at its simplicity. The same applies to the preparation of the Bellini cocktail.

The peculiarity of the Bellini cocktail is the slightly sugary taste of the peach. Fruits are used in the form of puree, which is diluted with sparkling wine.

Peach Flavored Cocktail

The intoxicating flavor enhances the sensation of euphoria caused by the drink, but the ingredients of the cocktail must be treated with care. It will require:

  • 100 ml. sparkling wine;
  • sugar syrup (10 ml);
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice (10 ml);
  • peach puree (20 gr), preferably not thick;
  • ice cubes as desired.

Almost every kitchen has all the items with which you can make a cocktail, and if this has already been done before, then the procedure will seem quite simple. Required:

  • blender;
  • strainer;
  • trainer;
  • mixing utensils (tall glass, cocktail spoon).


The drink is very easy to prepare, all the work can be divided into 2 parts. First, take a separate glass for mixing the ingredients and place the desired part of the peach puree in it. All other liquid ingredients are also poured there: sparkling wine (preferably half, so as not to destroy all air bubbles), fresh lemon juice and sugar syrup. While stirring, add some ice cubes.

Preparing an alcoholic drink

The final step will be to pour the cocktail through a strainer or strener into a special glass designed for these cases - a highball, and then add the rest of the wine to it. You can decorate with raspberries or cherries, the combination of the taste of different fruits will give a certain extravagance to the cocktail. Bellini is served chilled, as its sparkling disappears when heated and its taste deteriorates.


Inveterate fighters with alcohol are a thousand times right when they say that the habit of using it in small doses sometimes plays a cruel joke. And not only this can serve as an obstacle to the use of low-alcohol cocktails. What to do if you want to treat yourself to an exotic drink, but you need to be behind the wheel or there is some other good reason for the restrictions? For these cases, there is a version of the non-alcoholic Bellini, which is not inferior in taste to the classic cocktail. You just need to exclude sparkling wine from the ingredients, replacing them with soda and 1 tsp. Grenadine. When preparing a non-alcoholic version of the cocktail, you can change the amount of soda at will, to your taste.

Variant of non-alcoholic "Bellini"

Sparkling wines have many varieties; in evening clubs, such cocktails are often prepared with the addition of champagne. Sometimes in the Bellini recipe there is such a component as peach liqueur. It must be remembered that then the percentage of alcohol will be slightly higher, in which case sugar syrup will not be required, since the liquor will successfully replace the right amount of the sweet ingredient. Using liquor instead of syrup, you can reduce the time of mixing it with lemon juice and wine - all components are mixed quickly enough.

The classic color of the Bellini cocktail is delicate peach, which is the hallmark of the drink, and to complete the picture, you should add a decoration in the form of a berry or a piece of fruit.

Sometimes, instead of peach, they use the grated pulp of berries or fruits - raspberries, strawberries and some others. Sometimes an orange is taken, which slightly changes the taste and color of the drink, but still it remains a classic Bellini. It is not uncommon for a cocktail to combine the taste of two fruits by mixing the grated pulp of one fruit with the liqueur of another.

The Bellini cocktail is served only chilled and freshly prepared, since the liquid that has stood in the refrigerator differs not only in taste, but also in sparkling, which will be noticeably less than in a fresh drink.

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at home

The classic version of the drink has a significant drawback - for its preparation you need fresh white peaches, which are available for a short season, and in winter they cost exorbitant amounts and do not have such a rich taste and aroma as seasonal fruits.

Quality sparkling wine from the best grape varieties is also not cheap. You can replace the ingredients with cheaper analogues. In this case, the loss in taste will be insignificant.


  • peach champagne or carbonated white wine - 100 ml;
  • peach puree or packaged juice - 60 ml;
  • fruit for decoration: a slice of peach, cherry or strawberry.


Pre-chilled ingredients are mixed in a tall glass, which is decorated with a straw and fruit to your liking. After settling the foamed pulp formed during stirring, the drink can be served at the table.

This is interesting! Industrially prepared juice already contains sugar, so the drink turns out to be sweeter than the original one.

Cocktail "Bellini" is a frequent guest of many feasts because of the ease of preparation and delicate taste. You can recreate the taste of the legendary drink of the Venetian bohemia both according to the classic recipe and according to the simplified modern one. Teetotalers of the company and children will also be able to appreciate the originality of the taste of the non-alcoholic version of the drink.

Bellini historical background

Bellini owes his birth to more than shocking bartender Giuseppe Cipriani, who kept several bars in Venice. It is not known exactly in which year this man invented the legendary drink, but presumably its occurrence dates back to 1934-1948.

Giuseppe, who was an ardent admirer of everything connected with the Renaissance, constantly sought to supplement the range of snacks and drinks offered with something unusual, not forgetting to give new delicacies the names of great artists. For example, in bars you could order Botticelli cookies or Leonardo salad, but only two original recipes called Carpaccio and Bellini have survived to this day. Why was the cocktail given the name of this particular artist? It's simple: Giuseppe was captivated by the technique of his drawing, which involves the complex application of numerous colors of red shades. As a result of such a mixture, an amazing pink color was obtained, which no one could repeat.

Cipriani did not lose, however, as always. His novelty quickly attracted representatives of the high society of Venice, and famous writers, theater critics, directors, artists and even society ladies dropped into the bars. Realizing that the alcoholic invention was in ever-increasing demand, Giuseppe launched the production of canned peach puree, giving people around the world the opportunity to try a pink spectacular drink.

Interesting Bellini Recipes

At home, you can simplify the process of making Bellini. To do this, you need to purchase high-quality peach juice with pulp in advance in the store. Do not skimp on this product, otherwise you can spoil the taste and aroma of the drink. Additionally, you should buy champagne.

Alcohol, juice and a glass from which you plan to drink must be sent to the freezer. All this must be thoroughly cooled. Then pour juice into the container in an amount of 50 ml. Add 100 ml of sparkling wine. Mix all ingredients. As a decoration, an orange or peach slice is most often used. Sprinkle sugar on the edge of the glass.

There is also a non-alcoholic version that can be consumed by everyone. You will need the following ingredients:

  • peach juice;
  • sparkling water;
  • grenadine.

In 100 ml of soda, add 60 ml of juice and 20 ml of pomegranate syrup, mix thoroughly. Consume the drink after pre-cooling.

Another version of the cocktail will appeal to lovers of rich flavors. For cooking, you need sparkling wine, sugar syrup, lemon juice, peach puree. All ingredients must be cooled by placing in the refrigerator for a while. Then, in 100 ml of champagne, add 10 ml of sugar syrup and lemon juice. Then mix in peach puree in an amount of 20 g.

All components of the drink can be whipped in a blender. You can change the ingredients as you wish. One of the variants of "Bellini" allows the presence of peach, as well as ripe berries, which are pre-crushed to a puree consistency. It is recommended to give preference to raspberries or strawberries.

If you replace peaches with other berries, you may get an unusual taste, which should be enhanced with sugar syrup. It is not recommended to add too much ice to the cocktail.

Types and varieties of Bellini cocktail

There is nothing more boring than one recipe that has not changed over the years (and it doesn’t matter if you are preparing a cocktail, sauce or dessert). Bellini, fortunately, is not one of those ten

It has been transformed and reinvented many times, adjusting to the taste, desires, and even to the gender of the customer (after all, ladies prefer sweeter drinks).

Selection of ingredients for a homemade cocktail and possible substitutions:

  • A sparkling wine. When choosing it, it is necessary to give preference to Proseco or Asti, or to Champagne. Wine, if possible, should be dry (up to 15 g of sugar per 1 liter) and light (9-12%);
  • Peaches. Ideally, they should be white, but if they are not available, ordinary ones with orange flesh will do. If there are none, take peach juice with pulp or mashed canned fruits;
  • Sugar. Can be replaced with sugar syrup or not used;
  • Proportions. Puree-wine can be mixed not only one to three, but also one to two;

Additional components. The use of new components turns Bellini into new mixes:

  • the introduction of vodka or gin will increase the strength of the drink (which will undoubtedly please men);
  • replacing sparkling wine with soda will turn this alco-mix into a children's one;
  • 2-3 drops of fruit and berry juices (strawberry, cherry, pomegranate) or liquors (Limoncello, etc.) will help to give new shades to the color and flavor range.

Try to prepare new alcohol blends based on the famous Bellini! All recipes below are for one serving.

Classic Bellini Cocktail Recipe

Today, bartenders know many different interesting options for the Bellini cocktail recipe. But the most popular of them is still the classic, without any extra ingredients.

Original cast

The original composition of the drink necessarily includes fresh peaches. Choose white fruits, which are less common than fruits with bright skins and flesh. If such peaches could not be found, you can take any that are at hand.

Bellini is a low alcohol cocktail. It contains ingredients such as sparkling wine (asti, prosecco, champagne) and white peach puree. Bellini is a very memorable drink., its original and delicate sweet taste has already conquered a large number of people. It is easy to prepare, and all the ingredients are freely available in almost all stores, which makes this cocktail affordable for making at home.

This incredibly delicious cocktail was created in the thirties and forties of the twentieth century by Giuseppe Cipriani (also known as the inventor of gazpacho), the owner of the famous bar in Venice "Harry's", where the entire creative beau monde of that time liked to spend time. Ernest Hemingway, Humphrey Bogart and Orson Welles were some of the bar's most famous patrons.

Cipriani was very fond of art, and therefore named his creation in honor of the famous Italian painter Giovanni Bellini, as he considered that the color of the cocktail is very reminiscent of the unique pink shades that only this artist could create. The very first recipe was compiled in 1934. But only white peaches were suitable for creating Bellini, so until 1948 the cocktail was considered seasonal and was prepared only during the ripening period of these fruits. When the enterprising French set up the production of white peach puree, Bellini became available all year round.

Soon a bar opened in New York under the name "Cipriani", in which this drink was offered to visitors. It quickly gained popularity among almost all visitors. Then the news of him spread throughout the city, providing the bar with a large flow of customers and regulars.

To date, the Bellini cocktail is included in the list of officially approved cocktails of the International Bartenders Association, which indicates its popularity and recognition not only among consumers, but also in professional circles.

Bellini Cocktail Recipes

At the moment, there are many different recipes for this cocktail. But they are all based on the classical formula.

To cook Bellini only the pulp of white peaches is used, mashed by hand using a strainer, which eliminates the appearance of lumps or heterogeneity of the mass. The use of blenders and other grinders is strictly prohibited.

If the peaches lack sweetness, then a little sugar syrup is added to the resulting puree. The ingredients from which Bellini is prepared must be chilled, the finished cocktail is also served very cold.

In the classic recipe, prosecco sparkling wine is used as the alcoholic component, but now it is often replaced with other dry wines and even champagne. Professional bartenders note that it is not recommended to add champagne to this drink, as it can kill the aroma and taste of peach - the main ingredient of this masterpiece cocktail.

Non-alcoholic versions of Bellini use medium-carbonated waters without the addition of alcohol instead of wine.

Classic Bellini cocktail

For making multiple batches classic Bellini you will need:

  • Five pieces of ripe white peaches.
  • Seven hundred and fifty milliliters of prosecco sparkling wine.
  • Fifty grams of granulated sugar or sugar syrup.
  • Ice for cocktails.

Let's start making a cocktail:

Bellini according to the classic recipe is ready. Serve very chilled, garnished with cherries or small pieces of peach.

To prepare the perfect peach cocktail, you need to observe the necessary proportions, namely, sparkling wine and puree must be related to each other three to one.

Bellini recipe for cooking at home

At home, you can make cocktails with peach juice and champagne. This will of course slightly affect the taste. Bellini, but the result will please you, and the availability of ingredients will allow you to often treat yourself to an unusual Venetian drink.

For one glass take:

  • One hundred milliliters of any champagne, semi-sweet or dry is perfect.
  • Fifty milliliters of peach juice or peach pulp puree.


  1. Chill all the ingredients for the cocktail and the glass in which the drink will be served.
  2. Pour peach juice or puree into a glass.
  3. Pour champagne into the juice.
  4. Gently stir the ingredients of the cocktail in a glass.

Homemade Bellini cocktail is ready. Decorate it with pieces of fruit or berries and serve.

Non-alcoholic Bellini

This recipe is perfect for making a cocktail for children, teenagers or non-drinkers. non-alcoholic party will shine with new colors if you present such a drink to guests. To prepare it, you do not need any hard-to-find or scarce ingredients, all the ingredients can be bought at any supermarket or in a shop near the house.

To create a non-alcoholic Bellini, prepare:

  • Sixty milliliters of peach juice.
  • Sixty milliliters of soda, peach soda, or carbonated mineral water.
  • Sugar syrup or grenadine (pomegranate syrup). If you do not have such ingredients, then they are perfectly replaced with a pinch of granulated sugar.

To prepare such a cocktail, you do not have to excel and do not require any special devices. Everything is extremely simple:

  1. All ingredients should be chilled beforehand.
  2. Pour peach juice into a glass.
  3. Pour soda or mineral water into the juice.
  4. Add syrup or granulated sugar to taste.

Serve Bellini Chilled. It can be decorated with a straw, a straw, an umbrella, as well as pieces of fruit or berries.

An interesting fact: today you can find bottled Bellini cocktails on the shelves of Italian stores! Yes Yes exactly. Back in 1988, one of the winemakers of Venice, Luciano Canella, invented a method for storing sparkling wine mixed with freshly made peach juice in bottles for a long time without the use of preservatives. When using this technology, the resulting cocktail retains its taste for a long time and is suitable for sale.

Bellini - versatile cocktail. It is suitable both for gatherings with friends and for a couple on a romantic date. The drink has a soft, memorable taste that few people can leave indifferent, because it was not in vain that it was so popular among the Venetian bohemia of the twentieth century. Only under such a masterpiece cocktail can one discuss novelties in the world of art, Hemingway's creations or the incredible pink clothes of angels in the paintings of the great Giovanni Bellini.

Bellini - a cocktail that has become widespread throughout the world, is a favorite drink of the bohemian Venetian society. Belinni cocktail, whose composition is not too complicated, can be easily made at home.

A bit of history

Bellini is a mixture of sparkling wine (champagne, asti and proseco) with the addition of peach puree. The author of this masterpiece of bar culture is Giuseppe Cipriani. Many famous representatives of creative bohemia loved to live in his bar "Harry's". Among Giuseppe Cipriani's regular visitors were Sinclair Lewis, Orson Welts, Humphrey Bogart, Ernest Hemingway and more.

The cocktail owes its name to the artist Giovanni Bellini, who was able to recreate amazing combinations of shades of pink on a white background on his canvases. Cipriani, a great admirer of fine art, considered that the color of his creation is very close to these shades.

Initially, the cocktail was prepared using white peaches. Therefore, "Bellini" was a seasonal pleasure. The first mention of a cocktail dates back to 1934. Already in 1948, the production of peach puree was launched, and Bellini could be prepared all year round. In the States, the drink has become the hallmark of the new Cipriani bar in New York. He quickly conquered the American public.

Classic recipe

For the preparation of "Bellini" in the classic version, the following components will be required:

The number of ingredients suggests that you get several servings of a delicious drink at once. First, let's deal with peaches: cut in half, remove the seeds, peel the halves. To obtain peach puree, pass the fruit through a sieve. If the puree is not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar. Refrigerate peach puree.

In a shaker, mix 3 parts sparkling wine and 1 part fruit puree. Add ice to this and mix well. Strain the cocktail through a bar strainer into a champagne flute glass. Decorate a glass of Bellini with a cherry or a slice of peach.

Bellini with peach juice

If you replace the ingredients with more affordable ones, then the cocktail preparation technology is greatly simplified. This recipe uses regular pulped juice instead of peach puree. So we need:

Champagne, juice and glass should be thoroughly chilled. First, pour the juice into the glass, then add the champagne. We decorate the finished cocktail with a cherry, strawberry or peach.

"Bellini" non-alcoholic

This option is suitable for those who do not drink alcohol. For cooking, you need to take:

  • peach juice - 60 ml;
  • soda (soda) - 60 ml;
  • grenadine (pomegranate syrup) - a few drops.

Chilled juice and soda are mixed in a glass, then pomegranate syrup is added. Mix the cocktail and serve with a straw.

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The Bellini cocktail is one of the most delicate and sophisticated inventions of bartenders. A simple composition and affordable ingredients have made this drink popular all over the world. The only drawback: if you carefully follow the classic requirements of the recipe, then the cocktail can be prepared from July to September. Only at this time you can find ripe white peaches in shops and markets.

Composition and preparation

To prepare a cocktail, you will need a shaker, which at home can be replaced with any bottle with a wide mouth and a tight cork. It is also necessary to stock up on a fine sieve for wiping a peach. Cocktail Ingredients:

white ripe peach;
Prosecco - 150 ml;
ice - 100 grams (about 8 small cubes).

Preparing the drink is easy.

1. Peel the peach and select the pit.

2. Hands rub the pulp through a sieve to get a homogeneous mass.

3. Put the resulting puree in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

4. Put ice into the shaker, pour wine and add peach puree.

5. Shake the shaker for about two minutes.

6. Pour the cocktail into a glass (flute) through a sieve so that ice does not get into it.

7. Serve immediately, the drink should be cold.

Rubbing through a sieve can, of course, be replaced with a blender. Many do, but the original technology involves manual work.

A cocktail can be prepared without alcohol, in this case, instead of wine, add soda with syrup (any fruit lemonade).

The taste of a bohemian drink will not change much if you add ordinary yellow peach puree to it, but the color will be different. Today you can buy canned peach puree, which is available as a base for cocktails, but this is troublesome and expensive. At home, Bellini is prepared from ordinary peach juice.

In addition to Prosecco, you can use dry champagne, but the taste of the cocktail is worse. In addition, sometimes peach puree is replaced with strawberry puree: the taste is different, and the color is correct.

bohemian story

Giuseppe Cipriani was an unusual bartender, and the owner of several well-known bars from him turned out to be non-standard. Fascinated by Renaissance painting, Cipriani constantly felt the need for creativity. Constantly inventing new snacks and cocktails for his establishment, the bartender gave them the names of great artists. There must have been Leonardo salad and Botticelli cookies in the Cipriani bar. But only Carpaccio and Bellini have survived to our times.

Giovanni Bellini, who worked in the era of the early Renaissance (Quattrocento), was distinguished by one wonderful ability: using a complex mixture of red colors, he applied many small strokes on a white background. Thus, the artist achieved the most delicate pink color, in which he painted the clothes of saints and angels in his paintings.

The color of the cocktail gave Cipriani the idea to name the new drink after the great artist. The idea turned out to be profitable. Giuseppe's bars were popular with the bohemian public. Writers, actors, artists ran here to knock over a glass. The most famous guest was Hemingway. A low-alcohol cocktail was popular among ladies from an artistic environment.

In the late 30s of the last century, Bellini conquered the whole world, and the Cipriani company launched the production of canned peach puree - the basis for a pink ladies' drink.
