
How to cook rice for two people. boiled rice

Rice groats are used to prepare the most different dishes. It is added to soup or salad, used as a side dish or one of the components of a complex filling. There are many options, but in each specific case rice after cooking should have a certain appearance. For example, for a casserole, dessert or sushi, it is desirable that the cereal be sticky and viscous. So she can give the dish a certain shape. But for pilaf or a side dish, it is better that the rice is crumbly. Otherwise, it will turn into a slippery lump and will not look appetizing at all. Therefore, before starting work, you need to know how to boil rice in one case or another. It should also be borne in mind that this popular cereal has a lot different types and varieties. Each of them has its own specific rules and methods of cooking. This is worth talking about in more detail.

Component ratio

In order to properly prepare a particular dish, certain proportions must be observed. This fully applies to the process of cooking rice. After all, the final result will depend on how much water and cereals are simultaneously subjected to heat treatment.

Therefore, in order to figure out how to boil rice, you need to know in what ratio you need to take the original components:

It should also be taken into account that the condition of the cereal before cooking is of no small importance. Some housewives advise soaking the rice for 1 hour in cold water to speed up the process. After that, the cereal is easier to heat treat. But we must understand that such a procedure leads not only to a reduction in cooking time by almost half. When soaked, rice absorbs a certain amount of water. Therefore, for boiling cereals, it will need to be taken a little less.

Cooking time

In order to properly cook rice, it is necessary to take into account the time during which the cereal will be subjected to heat treatment. This is another important indicator that affects the course of the process. But depending on the type of a particular product, it may vary:

But these data only talk about how to boil rice in a pan. However, housewives often use other utensils for work or kitchen appliances(frying pan, multicooker, microwave). There will already be other conditions and their time ranges.

Before starting cooking, it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances described above. Only then can you count on good result. Otherwise original product will be irreparably damaged, and it will not be possible to cook the dish correctly.

Rice in bags

IN Lately rice appeared in the market, packaged in disposable portion bags. This product has many advantages:

  1. It does not need to be washed. The manufacturer does this in advance.
  2. No need to weigh on the scales required amount. The weight is already indicated on the packaging. Usually one sachet contains 100 grams raw product.
  3. The packaged rice is already fried and steamed. It remains only to cook.
  4. The material from which the bag is made is environmentally friendly and quite durable. Nevertheless, it has small holes through which water penetrates inside.
  5. After cooking, the rice is perfectly fluffy.
  6. The package does not stick to the pan and the product itself does not burn.
  7. In such packages, there are no preservatives, dyes or flavor enhancers.

Now you need to figure it out, First you need to decide on the time. Depending on the type of cereal, it can be different.

Now you can take a closer look at the process itself:

  1. Place the bag in a saucepan and fill with water. There should be enough liquid so that the package floats freely in it.
  2. Make a strong fire and bring the water to a boil.
  3. Add some salt to taste.
  4. Reduce flame and cook covered until tender.
  5. Remove the bag with a slotted spoon, put it in a colander and wait for the water to drain.
  6. Cut open the bag and use the rice as directed.

The technology is extremely simple. The result is a perfectly cooked crumbly rice.

The secret of William Pokhlebkin

At any cookbook you can find a guide on how to boil rice crumbly. The famous has his own opinion on this matter. First you need to prepare the main ingredients:

  • water and rice in a ratio of 300:200.
  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid. Steam must not come out. This is the essence of the method.
  2. Pour water into it and bring to a boil.
  3. Throw in rice.
  4. Cook covered for 12 minutes. In this case, the size of the flame should be different. The first 2 minutes - a strong fire. The next 7 are moderate and the remaining 2 are weak.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove and wait another 12 minutes. Only then can the cover be removed.

It turns out perfect crumbly porridge, in which the grains do not stick together, but are located separately. In addition, rice retains all its taste and beneficial features. Now you can add salt, any spices, sauce, oil, and generally anything you want to it to taste.

Rice in a pan

There is another pretty interesting way how to boil rice friable. Some housewives have been using it for a long time. To work, you need to take:

  • 500 grams of raw rice;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 100 grams of butter (you can take any other);
  • 750 milliliters of water (3 cups).

In this case, the following preparation method is used:

  1. Put a deep thick-walled frying pan on the fire, put oil in it and heat it up a little.
  2. Throw in rice. Fry it for 3 minutes with constant stirring. The cereal should warm up well.
  3. Add salt and water.
  4. Make a small fire and cook covered for about 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the cereal to boil well. In this case, the lid cannot be lifted. You can ruin everything.
  5. Remove the lid and gently stir in the rice.

Now all that remains is to pour it onto a dish or spread it over portioned plates. Everything will depend on the chosen delivery option. Rice turns out fluffy, tasty and very fragrant.

Fried rice in a bowl

If you need to quickly prepare a side dish, and of all the free dishes in the kitchen there is only a saucepan, do not despair. For experienced hostess It's not a problem. There is a very simple option on how to boil rice crumbly for a side dish in a saucepan. You will need the following components:

  • 100 grams of rice;
  • 200 milliliters of water (twice as much as cereals);
  • 5 grams of salt and the same amount of olive oil.

The technology of this process is simple:

  1. First, the rice needs to be washed. Do it better under running water using a colander. The liquid should, passing through a layer of cereals, become almost transparent.
  2. Measured quantity cold water pour into a saucepan.
  3. Pour rice in there.
  4. Put the pan on the stove and set the fire to maximum.
  5. Add salt and oil.
  6. Once the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cover the pot with a lid.
  7. Cook for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to lift the lid and mix the rice.
  8. Turn off the heat and let the product brew for another 10 minutes.

Rice for garnish is ready. Now it can be laid out on a plate next to the main dish.

Crumbly garnish. Cooking

You can boil rice for a side dish in a saucepan in a different way. The task is to remove as much as possible from the surface of the grains not only debris and husks, but also starch, which is the main reason for their sticking together. But despite the fact that, as a rule, long-grain is taken for a side dish, this is not at all easy to do. For this method you will need:

  • 200 grams of rice;
  • 5 grams of any vegetable oil;
  • hot water(not less than 0.5 liters).

Cooking technology for delicious side dish rice:

  1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly. At first the water will be cloudy, and then it should become as transparent as possible.
  2. Transfer rice to a bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over it. The amount of water is not limited.
  4. Add oil and put the pan on the fire.
  5. As soon as the liquid in it boils, put the cereal in a colander and rinse it thoroughly with very cold (ice) water. Wait until the moisture drains.
  6. Put the rice back into the pot.
  7. Pour it up cold water and cook under the lid without stirring.

The side dish prepared in this way is also very tasty and does not stick together.

Fluffy round rice

In the kitchen of the hostess there are different situations. For example, you need to urgently prepare a side dish, and only round-grain cereals are available. How to boil rice crumbly in a pan in this case? In such a situation, you need to use the method with pre-soaking. This maintains the same ratio original components. The cooking process will take place in the following order:

  1. Pour the cereal into a bowl, pour it with cold water and leave it in this position for about half an hour.
  2. Rinse the rice with running water. It should completely wash off the gluten and starch. Indeed, on the surface of such grains, as a rule, there are a lot of them.
  3. Pour the rice into a clean bowl.
  4. Pour boiling water over it. Water should never be cold or slightly warm.
  5. Add salt and any (optional) oil. These components significantly affect the taste of the future dish.
  6. Cook covered for small fire. As soon as the water has completely evaporated, the pan can be removed from the stove.

For this method of cooking, it is better to use dishes with a transparent lid. So you can constantly monitor the progress of the process and finish the work on time.

Garnish from the multicooker

Modern housewives like to use various smart kitchen appliances for work. After all, with its help, cooking becomes much easier and more enjoyable. To verify this, you can consider how to boil friable rice for a side dish using a slow cooker. Here it is still much easier than in previous cases. After all, such a device for such an operation has special program. It is called “rice” (if not, then “spaghetti” will do). You will need already familiar ingredients:

  • rice and water in the ratio 1:2;
  • salt (to taste);
  • spices (a mixture of various herbs, turmeric or saffron).

Cooking method:

  1. The grains must first be thoroughly washed so that the grains do not stick together later.
  2. Transfer the cooked rice to a mixing bowl.
  3. Pour it with water, measuring in advance right amount.
  4. Close the lid tightly.
  5. Set the panel to "rice" mode. The end of the process will be signaled by a timer signal.

Novice housewives will like this method better than others. After all, here the machine takes over the most important moments.

rice for sushi

Every year, Japanese cuisine becomes more and more popular. This mainly applies to sushi. Original rice rolls with a variety of fillings have long been liked by the Russians. If you wish, you can learn how to cook them yourself. But first you need to figure out how, for example, boil rice in a saucepan. After all, not everyone today has multicookers or double boilers. To begin with, it is worth noting that in this case you need special Japanese rice. But, in principle, it can be replaced with an ordinary round-grain one. In addition, you will need:

  • water;
  • rice vinegar;
  • sugar;
  • sea ​​salt.

Once all the ingredients are assembled, you can proceed to the main process:

  1. Take a convenient dish, pour rice into it and rinse thoroughly, constantly changing the water. This stage can be considered one of the most important.
  2. Pour the rice into a heavy bottomed saucepan.
  3. Pour enough water into it so that the liquid completely covers the cereal.
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and put it on the stove.
  5. After boiling water, the fire needs to be made smaller.
  6. Boil the cereal until the liquid has completely evaporated. After that, she should stand for another 10 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, dilute salt and sugar in vinegar.
  8. Pour the prepared solution into the pot with rice and mix.

After all these procedures, you can start molding sushi.

Bulgarian style rice

Many of those who are trying to monitor their weight prefer to use rice as a side dish. After all, it is less high-calorie than, for example, the well-known mashed potatoes. In addition, this cereal is in perfect harmony with various vegetables and meat. It turns out a good combination of products. But in this case, I want the side dish to be not regular boiled cereals, but a tasty and fragrant independent dish. How to be in this situation? How to boil rice for a side dish so that it is pleasant to eat even without a main course? Can be used the simplest recipe, for which you need following products:

  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 50 grams of any vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • some salt.

You need to prepare the side dish in the following order:

  1. Rinse the rice well.
  2. Peel vegetables and chop finely. Carrots, if desired, can be rubbed on a grater.
  3. Fry them in a pan in oil.
  4. Add the prepared cereals and warm the food together for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Transfer rice with vegetables to a baking sheet (or into a mold).
  6. Add salted water.
  7. Cover the form with foil and put it in the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

This method is not quite usual, but quite interesting. And those who do not like carrots can not add it.

Good to know

Boiled rice is quite satisfying and besides low calorie meal. This explains its huge popularity all over the world. Therefore, every housewife is simply obliged to know how to properly boil rice. To do this, she must learn a few basic rules:

  1. It is desirable to conduct the cooking process in thick-walled dishes. Pans with a thin bottom are not suitable for this. In them, the product will burn from below, and from above it will remain uncooked. During heat treatment you have to stir it constantly. But then, for example, you can not count on friable rice.
  2. At the stage of preparation of the main ingredients, the proportion must be strictly observed. The ratio of water to rice should be 2:1.
  3. Grains must be washed before cooking. This procedure helps to remove from the surface excess starch. True, if we are talking about desserts (puddings), then such an operation may not be carried out.
  4. Observe temperature regime. rice stand high temperature just on initial stage. After boiling water, the temperature must be maintained at an average or minimum level. Otherwise, the result of cooking will not be porridge (or a side dish), but a thick sticky mass unsuitable for eating.
  5. Control the end result. It is advisable to check the readiness of rice “by the tooth”. If the grain cracks well, but still remains hard inside, then you can remove the pan from the heat. In 10 minutes, under the lid, he will have time to reach and reach the desired stage of readiness.

For someone who has mastered these rules, cooking rice will never again seem something complicated and incomprehensible.

Garnish rice with vegetables

There is another good option on how to boil rice deliciously. And in this case, you really get a dish that can be consumed without any additions. To work, you need to take:

This dish is prepared in stages:

  1. For work, it is better to take rice (brown), which is cooked longer. First, it must be washed, carefully grinding the grains with your hands.
  2. Transfer the prepared cereal to hot broth and mix (otherwise it will immediately stick to the bottom). As soon as the cereal begins to boil, the fire needs to be made smaller.
  3. Ready rice put in a colander and rinse warm water.
  4. Separately, fry randomly chopped vegetables.
  5. Add them to the rice and stir.

Such a side dish not only turns out to be very tasty, but it will also look beautiful on a plate.

Rice - great choice for supporters active image life and. Rice is a significant source of complex carbohydrates, and also, rice contains fiber in appreciable amounts.

How to cook fluffy rice. Method 1:

Before how to cook rice put it in a sieve and thoroughly (several times) rinse it in cold water, changing the water and shaking.
- Pour into a saucepan two volumes cold water, salt, add seasonings and pour one volume rice.
- Cook rice on low heat for 15-20 minutes. in a non-enameled saucepan with a closed lid.
- As soon as the water evaporates completely, the rice is cooked.
- After such cooking, the rice is transferred to a colander, then stored in a bowl or pan.

According to the length and shape of the grains rice is divided into:

- Round grain rice- has almost round opaque grains. The length to width ratio is less than two to one. Contains a lot of starch. When cooked, it acquires a creamy texture. The grains stick together and absorb a large amount of water. Due to its high “stickiness”, this particular rice variety is used for making sushi.

- medium grain rice. The length to width ratio is less than three to one. The grain size is 4 to 6 mm. After cooking, it remains whole and crumbly, and therefore is ideal for making paella, risotto, pilaf and soups. Cook rice in a water bath or in a saucepan.
- Long grain rice. It is at least three times longer than it is wide. When cooking, it does not stick together and absorbs moderate amount liquids. Most popular varieties: "basmati" and "jasmine". Both white and brown are popular all over the world. long grain rice. Thai red long grain rice is highly valued for its decorative appearance.

by color rice grains are distinguished:

- White rice- passed all the stages of grinding and lost a significant part of its useful properties.

Rice with yellowish or amber shade - soaked in water and steamed (steamed) white or brown rice. During steam processing, rice grains retain b O more vitamins and minerals, and the grains themselves become more crumbly.

- red rice. His homeland - Thailand - is the largest exporter of red rice. This is a long grain rice that takes about 25 minutes to cook. Valued for its decorative appearance.

- brown rice. In the process of processing, it retains a nutritious bran casing containing the most useful vitamins and amino acids. This shell gives the rice a slight nutty flavor.

- Wild rice. Black rice (Tibetan). This rice contains almost twice as much protein as regular and long grains. Its shell contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Has a peculiar taste.

How to cook fluffy rice. Method 2:

- Rinse the rice well, pour boiling water from the kettle in a ratio of 1: 2
(1 cup rice, 2 cups water)
- Bring to a boil, add salt to taste, let simmer for 2 minutes and turn off the heat under the rice pot.
- Let the rice "walk" on the stove on its own - and in 10-15 minutes it will be ready. This method is very good for parboiled long grain rice. - Main: do not stir rice while cooking.
- It is better not to use an enamel pan.
- Rice, when cooked, increases in volume by 3 times.
- Usually, one cup of rice makes four servings.
- For sushi and use small and round rice. Cook sushi rice for 15-20 minutes. Transfer the rice to a damp wooden sushi bowl and pour over the vinegar mixture. Turn the rice over but do not stir.

How to cook rice in the microwave

- Rinse the rice well under cold water, transfer to a bowl that can be put in the microwave.
- Add two cups of boiling water, a little salt, a little sunflower or olive oil (1 tablespoon) to a glass of rice, you can add more chicken bouillon(if the powder is 1 tablespoon, if the cube is diluted with the same boiling water), cover with a lid or a glass plate and put in the microwave for 13 minutes. Turn on the microwave at a power of 700-800 watts.
- Do not remove immediately, let stand for 5-10 minutes.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

- Put the washed rice in a slow cooker. Add boiling water at the rate: for 3 multi-glasses of rice 5-6 multi-glasses of water.
- Salt the rice, add oil (1 tablespoon), switch to the "buckwheat" mode, and cook until ready.

How to cook friable rice in a double boiler

- Rinse the rice well, drain the water and put in a double boiler.
- Pour rice with water in a ratio of 1: 1, add and.
- Cook rice in a double boiler for 35 minutes.

How to cook rice in a pan

- Before how to cook rice put it in a sieve and rinse thoroughly.
- Put the pan on the fire, add water, salt and pour rice in a ratio of 1:2. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to half a cup of rice.
- Cook rice in a pan for 15 minutes after boiling water under a lid over a small wide fire.

3 minutes before the end of cooking, add to taste.

How to cook rice with green peas and ginger

Rice ( ) - 1 glass; green pea(chilled) - 2 cups; turmeric - 1 tsp; garlic - 3-4 cloves; fresh ginger- rhizome 1.5 cm long; cardamom - 1 box; salt - to taste; vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.

Rinse the rice, put it on a sieve and let the water drain. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into slices. Remove the skin from the rhizome, grate. Crush the box and remove the seeds from it. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, throw cardamom, ginger and garlic into it. Saute, stirring, until the garlic turns yellow-brown. After that, use a slotted spoon to catch the spices from the oil and throw them away.

Pour the rice into the oil and fry until it becomes crumbly. After that, fill the rice with water (the water level should be about 1 cm above the level of the rice). Add the ground (do not interfere!), let the water boil, then reduce the heat and cook until the rice is cooked. Salt to taste. This will take quite a bit of time. Separately, boil green peas in salted water, add them to boiled rice and mix. Rice with peas is ready.

How to cook rice with vegetables

Round White rice- 1 glass; saffron - 1 small whisper; broth (or water) - 1.5 -2 cups; salt - to taste; cauliflower - about 400g; sweet pepper (red) - 1 pc.; olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Pour in water (about 1/4 cup). Rinse the rice, put it on a sieve and let the water drain completely. In a frying pan, heat a tablespoon of olive oil, throw in all the rice and, stirring, ignite it in oil for several minutes until the rice becomes “glassy”. Add broth and saffron infusion, shake the pan. The liquid should slightly exceed the level of the rice.
Salt, cover and cook until the rice is ready (do not interfere) Disassemble the cauliflower into very small inflorescences. Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. In another frying pan (or saucepan), add oil, cauliflower and pepper. Put on fire and simmer until the cabbage is cooked. Combine vegetables in rice, mix, shake the pan. Rice with saffron and vegetables is ready.

How to cook rice cakes

Rice - 1 cup, vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons, crushed white crackers - 1/2 cup, for sauce: dry mushrooms - 3-4 pcs., onion - 1 onion, flour - 1 tbsp., vegetable oil - 2 tbsp., raisins (raisins) - 1 cup, sweet almond- 1/2 cup, lemon juice, sugar - to taste.

Boil rice in salted water until soft, discard, let the water drain well, put in a saucepan, crush a little so as not to crumble, pour 1 tablespoon of oil and let cool. From this mass, cut cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and quickly fry on both sides. For the soaked sauce, boil the broth. Finely chopped onion fry in oil, add flour and fry together.

Pour, stirring gradually, into a glass mushroom broth and boil. Scald raisins and almonds several times with boiling water. Let the water drain. Add lemon juice, sugar, salt to taste, raisins, chopped almonds to the sauce. Let the sauce boil. Pour the meatballs with this sauce.

How to cook rice the American way

Rice (long-grain) - 0.8 cups, sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons, onion (chopped) - 1 pc., garlic (chopped) - 2 cloves, hot chili(red or green, fresh) 4-6 pcs., tomatoes (peeled and chopped, without seeds) - 350 g, chicken broth - 4 cups, salt, pepper - to taste, peas (boiled or defrosted) - 60 g, coriander - fresh branches.

Place the rice in a bowl, cover with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drain the water, leave the rice in a colander for about 1 hour. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan. Pour, stirring, rice so that all the grains are covered with oil. Add onion, garlic and chili. Saute for about 4 minutes, until the onion is translucent and the rice is golden.

Add tomatoes and broth, salt and pepper, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes until all liquid is absorbed and rice is soft and crumbly. Five minutes before the readiness, add the peas. If you prefer more cooked rice, add a little more broth after 20 minutes and continue to simmer until all the liquid has been absorbed. Transfer to a warmed dish and garnish with coriander.

How to cook rice with lemon and jam

Rice - 240 g, milk - 200 g, water - 200 g, powdered sugar - 200 g, lemon - 1 pc., rum - 40 g, jam - to taste.

Rice is washed, changing the water several times, poured into boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Then it is strained, boiled in a mixture of milk and water, put into a deep bowl and cooled. By adding powdered sugar, lemon juice and zest, rum, the mass is kneaded and laid out in a suitable form, greased peanut butter and kept for several hours in the refrigerator. Serve a dish with fruit, draining the syrup.

How to cook rice the Chinese way

Long grain rice (white) - 1 cup, water - 1.5 cups

Pour the washed rice with cold water, salt and leave for 3 minutes. Then, cover the pan with a lid and put on a strong fire. As soon as the water boils, cook the rice for 3 minutes. Then, reduce the heat to medium and continue to cook for another 7 minutes with the lid closed, then reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat, wrap the pot with rice and do not open for 15 minutes.

How to cook Korean rice (serve with carrots)

Round-grain rice - 1 cup; water - 2 glasses

Pour the washed rice with two glasses of cold water and put on high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook rice for ten minutes under a closed lid. Do not stir. Turn off the fire and do not open the lid for 15 minutes.

While rice is cooking, we are preparing Korean carrots. For this we need:

Carrots - 4-6 pieces; onion - 1 pc; garlic - 2 cloves; sugar - 1 tbsp. l.; soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.; Acetic essence- 1 tsp; allspice (black, ground) - 0.5 tsp; hot red pepper - 0.5 tsp; coriander (ground seeds) - 0.5 tsp; vegetable oil - 100 ml; salt to taste - 0.5 tsp

Three strips of washed carrots and knead very well with your hands. Add salt, sugar, coriander, pepper, soy sauce, vinegar and mix well again.

We cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil over high heat until a very persistent light brown color. We extract the onion from the oil - we don’t need it, and pour the carrots with this boiling oil, add crushed garlic, mix and - you can serve with rice. Bon appetit!

How to cook Japanese rice

Medium grain rice (round) - 1 cup, water - 1.5 cups, salt - 1 teaspoon

Pour the washed rice with cold water and leave for 15 minutes. Then, close the pan with a lid and cook for 12 minutes. Turn off the heat, do not open the pot of rice for 15 minutes. Then salt the rice and stir.

How to cook Indian rice

Long grain rice (basmati) - 1 cup; butter - 1 teaspoon; salt - 0.5 teaspoon; ground black pepper - 0.25 tsp. spoons; turmeric - 1 teaspoon; saffron - 6 stigmas; water - 2 glasses

Heat up the pan, melt the butter in it and lay out the raw washed rice. Salt the rice and add spices. Fry the rice for 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Pour boiling water into the rice, close the lid and cook the rice over low heat for 15 minutes. Do not stir.

How to cook rice the Vietnamese way

Long grain rice - 1 cup, water - 2 cups, cilantro (coriander greens) - 4 sprigs

Put the washed rice on a preheated dry frying pan. Heat rice, stirring, 2 minutes. Then, pour rice into a saucepan, add chopped cilantro and pour 1 cup of water. Cook rice without stirring for 20 minutes after boiling under the lid.

Brown rice with walnuts and golden raisins

2 tablespoons of olive oil; 1/2 small yellow onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup brown rice; salt; 2 tablespoons golden raisins; 1/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped; 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley; freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a 2 liter saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring often, until softened, 2 minutes. Add rice and stir to coat in oil. Add 1-1/4 cups of water and 1/2 tsp. salt.

Bring to a boil over high heat, cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer until all water is absorbed and rice is tender, about 35 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork.

Meanwhile, put the raisins in a small bowl and add enough boiling water to cover. Let them plump for 10 minutes; then strain. Mix the raisins walnuts, and parsley into the cooked rice and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Boiled rice Jasmine "Triple Sesame" with sesame

This rice gets its triple sesame flavor from toasted sesame oil and black and white sesame seeds. This dish is a great side dish for any meal, especially with salmon or other seafood dishes.

1 cup jasmine rice; 1 tablespoon of sesame oil; 1 tsp unsalted butter; salt; 1 tablespoon black sesame; 1 tsp roasted white sesame seeds

Rinse the rice in a large sieve under cold running water and pat dry. In a 2 liter saucepan, mix 1-1/2 cups of water with rice, Sesame oil, butter and 3/4 tsp. salt.

Bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir once. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer until the rice is soft and the water has entered the rice, about 15 minutes.

Then, place a clean kitchen towel over the pot and cover, and let stand to absorb any remaining water vapor, covered for 5 minutes. Add the black and white sesame seeds, stir with a fork, and serve.

wild rice with dried cranberries and hazelnuts

1 cup wild rice, washed 1 tablespoon unsalted butter;
1/4 cup thinly sliced ​​green onions (white part only) 2 tablespoons finely grated orange zest; juice of 1/2 orange; 1/2 cup dried cranberries, coarsely chopped 1/4 cup hazelnuts, coarsely chopped 1/4 tsp salt; freshly ground black pepper

Place the washed wild rice into a medium saucepan (2L) and pour about an inch of water over the top of the rice. Bring the water to a boil.

Immediately reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer until the rice is soft and most of the water has boiled away, 40 to 60 minutes (remember to try). Pour the rice into a colander or sieve to drain the water.

In the same saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add green onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add cooked wild rice, along with orange zest and juice, dried cranberries and hazelnuts, stir with a fork. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately.

Rice pilaf with saffron, red pepper and toasted almonds

The flavors in this pilaf are a bit like paella. This is a great side dish for salmon, shrimp or mussels.

2.5 cups low-salt chicken stock or water saffron (about 20 stigma fruits); 3 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 medium onion, cut into small cubes; 1 red bell pepper, remove the core, deseed and cut into small cubes (about 1 cup); 1 cup long-grain cooked white rice 1 tsp salt; a pinch of ground cayenne pepper; 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh parsley 1 large garlic clove, minced (1-1/2 teaspoon) 1/4 cup roasted almonds; 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano

On the stovetop or microwave oven heat the broth or water almost to a boil, turn off the heat and add all the saffron. Cover with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes.

in a saucepan with tight lid heat oil over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium low and add diced onion and bell pepper. Cook, stirring, until soft but not brown, about 5 minutes.

Then, add rice, salt and Cayenne pepper, and mix well to coat each grain with oil. Stir the rice for about 5 minutes. Stir regularly to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Reduce heat to low if there are any signs of burning. Add half the parsley and garlic.


Gently stir the rice with a fork from the edge towards the center of the pot. Continue this process around the entire perimeter of the pan for only about 5-7 minutes. Until the rice becomes translucent.

Add the saffron broth to the pot of rice, stir once, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 18 minutes. Then remove from heat, and let the pilaf remain closed for another 5 minutes.

After the pilaf has reached, remove the lid, add the almonds and mix the rice with a fork. Stir in remaining 2 tablespoons parsley and oregano. Salt as needed.

Basmati rice with pistachios

2/3 cup shelled pistachios; 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil; 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped (about 1 cup) 1/2 tsp salt; 1/2 tablespoon coriander seeds, lightly crushed 12 whole green cardamom pods; 3 inch piece of cinnamon stick; 1 Bay leaf; 1.5 cups basmati rice, rinsed 2.5 cups low-salt chicken stock

Roast the pistachios in the oven golden color 7 to 10 minutes. Cool down. Roughly chop the nuts and set aside.

Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and salt and cook for 2 minutes.

Then add the coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, and bay leaf to the pot and continue to cook, stirring, until the onion softens.

Add the rice and cook, stirring until the rice is well oiled and slightly translucent, about 3 minutes.

Add chicken broth to the rice pot. Add cinnamon, bay leaf, and cardamom pods. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low, cover, and cook without stirring until liquid is absorbed and rice is tender, about 15 minutes.

Salt to taste. When the rice is ready, sprinkle chopped pistachios on top.

Quick chicken risotto with white wine

1 cup round grain rice, 2 fillets chicken breast, 2 heads onion, 2 large carrots, 1 cup dry white wine, 1 cup water, olive oil, salt, pepper, all-purpose seasoning with dried vegetables.

Cut the washed and peeled carrots into long strips. Onion - slices.

Saute vegetables in a large skillet olive oil until golden. Pour the washed rice there and fry it until transparent. Cut the chicken into large cubes.

Move vegetables and rice to the side in the pan and fry the chicken in the vacant place. Mix everything, pour in wine, water, salt, add seasonings.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover with a lid and after 20 minutes - the dish is ready.

Cooking rice requires its own approach and some small secrets which we will reveal to you. It will help you prepare delicious rice porridge, as in the East - they know the price of rice and cook it everywhere not only as a side dish, but also excellent independent dishes.

How to cook rice correctly - advice from V. Pokhlebkin

A well-known historian and recipe collector helped more than one housewife to become an excellent cook, thanks to his remarkable experience, which he outlined in several of his books, which have become desktop in many families, and if you think - cook rice, salad and dinner are ready for it! So, Pokhlebkin teaches us how to cook crumbly delicious rice, several points must be taken into account.

Groats must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water before cooking;
Pour only boiling water;
Cook only under a tight-fitting lid, without lifting it until the end of cooking;
Do not pour a lot of water;
Do not fry before cooking;
Compliance with the exact proportions and cooking time.

So, the recipe for proper cooking of rice from Pokhlebkin:

We take cereals to water in the exact ratio of 1: 1.5. We use only boiling water - either fill the rice in a cauldron with water, or immerse it in boiling water. This is in order to eliminate the time when the rice will be in heated water, which will increase its digestibility. The lid must be tightly fitting, without holes, so that the steam has nowhere to go, since steam is a prerequisite for cooking friable rice. If such a cover is not available, we lay a towel under the cover.

So, the proportions are observed, the pan with the lid is selected. Now the main thing is how and how much to cook. Pokhlebkin advises: cook the porridge for 3 minutes on a strong boil, the next 7 minutes - on the average burning of the stove, and another 2 - on the weakest. Total 12 minutes. We turn off the fire, do not look at the porridge for exactly 12 minutes. During this time, the rice is still steaming. Everything, you can open, add butter and salt. We got a crumbly, not sticky lump, and not boiled rice.

How to cook rice so that it does not boil - the second recipe

This recipe has the right to life, it is used by many housewives. This is how long-grain rice is cooked, and different varieties Basmati type, goes well with steamed cereals.
We take the following proportions: 1 volume of cereal for 1.4 volumes of water. Rinse the grits also well, right until the water is transparent, about 8-10 times, moreover, with cold water (this is the main thing!). Let the water drain (for this you can put the cereal in a colander. The water will drain, the rice will dry out a bit - just right!).

Pour rice in a cauldron with cold water, close the lid tightly. Bring to a boil sharply, reduce the fire to a minimum, and forget about its existence for about 15 minutes. Then open the lid, take a fork, move it over the cereal, separating the grains and see how they crumble under the fork. We got crumbly, not boiled rice!

Adviсe: take a thick-walled pan in order to prevent burning the rice. You can also immediately add salt and oil, which will also add friability to rice and extra flavor. Especially tender will be porridge with butter.

You can also add a fried onion - it will turn out very tasty, and adding to it is just a magical combination!

How to cook rice so that it does not stick together - the secrets of Uzbek chefs

Pour dry rice into a cauldron, level with a spoon, put a plate on it. This is so that when you pour water, do not disturb the cereal. Now carefully pour in some water so that it becomes 1 cm higher than the cereal. Remove the plate, cover - on top, cook, as it boils, over low heat. Then add salt, butter (the most delicious - butter), you can peas with corn - tasty, not boiled, beautiful!

The third recipe for cooking friable rice - proportions and tips

Here the trick is that you immediately salt the water and put the oil, pour boiling water and cook over very low heat. Do not open the lid, do not look into the cauldron, do not check immediately after cooking for 10 minutes.

Another option, suitable for round rice, which is very difficult to cook crumbly due to its increased stickiness and flouriness.
Water is taken 1:3. Boil water, salt. Throw rice, cook over high heat. As soon as it comes to readiness - rinse, add oil and in the oven, or on the smallest fire, let it come. It will be fluffy and very tasty. And they will come to him for dinner.

How to cook crumbly, tasty and tender rice in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, it will turn out especially tender if you cook it according to this recipe.
Rice in ratio with water or broth - take 1: 2. Immediately put salt, oil and, if you like, spices.
Put the pre-prepared, washed cereals into the bowl, add all the ingredients, pour in water and press the “spaghetti / rice” button. On the machine, it will cook for about 20 minutes, when cooking turns off, turn off the multicooker, because it will switch to heating - we don’t need it. Now let it stand for at least an hour, it will be warm like in a thermos and will not fall apart.

Properly cooked rice on the water becomes an excellent side dish. And some prefer to eat it as independent dish using a minimum of additives. But rice must be prepared and cooked properly, and there are some tricks involved. We will reveal the main secrets and tell you how to cook delicious rice in the right form.

How long does rice cook on water and in what proportions

Each variety of rice is used to prepare specific dishes. The proportions of rice with water and the cooking time depend on the variety chosen. So:

  • If you are brewing long rice- for every 200 g you need 400-450 ml of water. This rice will cook for about 20 minutes.
  • Short rice will require a little less water: 200 g accounts for 350-400 ml. The cooking time will also be 20 minutes.
  • Brown and wild rice are foods that take longer to cook, so more water is needed to keep it from boiling over. 200 g of rice will require 450-570 ml of liquid.

How much rice should be taken for several people? It is best to measure the amount of rice by volume. Approximately 65-70 ml falls on one person. Let's take an example with basmati rice: 200 ml of rice requires 400 ml of water. 260 ml of rice is enough for a side dish for 3-4 people.

Preparing rice for cooking

Rice needs to be washed and soaked. This will get rid of large debris, small particles of dust, excess starch. There are two wash options:

  • under running water with a sieve;
  • in a deep bowl, stirring with your hand (drain the water 3-5 times, repeating the procedure).

Soaking rice makes it crumbly. He will prepare faster. round rice soaked for 15 minutes, it will have the least friability. Longish - scalded with boiling water, then washed with cold water. Small and thin - soaked for 5-8 hours in salted water, then washed.

Cooking rice in a pot

Rice can be cooked in different utensils, it is also cooked in a pan. We will now consider classic version. A thick-walled pot works best. Material such as cast iron is a priority option. A pan with thin walls will heat unevenly, which means that the top of the rice may remain raw. Because you can’t interfere with it - it’s better to avoid this by choosing a good pan.

Let's start cooking. We will need:

  • water;
  • table salt;
  • rice of a certain variety;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices, herbs - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • rinse the rice thoroughly, fill it with cold water;
  • bring to a boil, after which you can salt the water to taste;
  • leave to simmer;
  • after the water with rice has boiled - you can put 50 g of butter;
  • cook until all the liquid has evaporated, we indicated the approximate cooking time, but it differs depending on the type and variety of rice;
  • if you see that the rice is really not ready - add water, cook more.
  • Don't oversalt the rice. One teaspoon of salt is usually enough to prepare a dish for 4 people. And you can always add salt to rice.
  • What if the rice turned out like porridge? For desired dish it's better to take another rice and cook it the right way. But with the remnants of "porridge" you can do the following: fry it in the morning with an egg or make rice casserole- it will turn out good and tasty breakfast. Also, this rice is perfect for stuffed pepper or pigeons. Such porridge can also be used as a base for soup.
  • Rice should not be stirred while cooking. Otherwise, it will boil too much, turn into porridge, a homogeneous mass.
  • If the rice is not cooked, try adding half a glass of water and cook for another 3-5 minutes. But it won't help if the sushi rice is undercooked. In this case, it will stick together and become unsuitable for cooking Japanese dishes. Use it for other purposes.
  • Rice can add color. This is done with the help of various seasonings. Turmeric gives the rice a yellow tint. You can also add curry. A burgundy color can be made using beets. To do this, you just need to add a small beet fruit to the pan, which will color the rice.
  • An additional tip is to keep the rice from sticking together. When cooking, you can add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. But do not experiment and add more, so as not to make the rice greasy. There are a couple more ways to make rice crumbly: add a tablespoon lemon juice or a few tablespoons of milk.

Rice can be served as wonderful side dish. Decorate it with herbs, you can additionally pepper. Rice for sushi and rolls is prepared in the same way, the main thing is to prevent “porridge”.

Rice is one of the most widespread crops on our planet. it is able to instantly, like any carbohydrate, provide our body with energy, and also has a whole bunch of other irreplaceable useful qualities for our health. These include the benefits for the intestines, and the normalization of blood sugar and slowing down the aging process, because rice is a product containing antioxidants.

It is a fundamental food in many cuisines around the world. Dozens are being prepared various ways, but the most common is cooking. To serve very tasty and crumbly dish, which does not stick together into one big lump, you must be able to work with it correctly.

Today we will learn how to cook rice correctly.!

How to cook rice for a side dish at home

There are dozens of different types of rice. Each of them has its own characteristics of cooking, and also differs in the recipes of the dishes in which it is used.

How to cook a large portion at home so that everything turns out perfectly? Many learn this through a lot of trial and error. It seems like something grandiose and very difficult when you first take it on.

If you like to eat rice as a side dish, then you should consider buying a good rice cooker or slow cooker. But this does not mean that you should immediately run and buy it. Learn how to cook on the stove first. This will give you invaluable experience.

How to cook steamed round grain rice

What is parboiled rice?

This is rice that has undergone pretreatment ferry. This is done in order, according to manufacturers, to transfer benefits and nutrients from the shell to the grain itself, retaining the benefits of the final product. Plus it becomes more crumbly after cooking. This variety is perfect for eating side dishes, pilaf, but it is absolutely not suitable for use in sushi and rolls!


First and foremost rule. Always pre-wash the rice in water. Just pour it into a sieve and rinse under running water until you get rid of the main turbidity.

You won't be able to make it transparent, but you can easily get rid of most of it.

This is necessary to wash off unnecessary starch dust and various debris from the surface of the grain. Keep in mind that some varieties may have a fairly large amount of starch and you will have to spend some time and effort on this.

Water ratio

For most varieties, a 1:2 ratio is ideal, meaning one cup of rice to two cups of water. Measure an average of half a cup raw cereal per person.

Some varieties require a little more water, some less. It all depends on the variety. See the instructions on the pack, it is always indicated there right time cooking.

Wait until the water boils and pour rice into it. You should take into account that at the end of cooking the volume will triple, so you should initially take a larger container.

Cooking process

  • Pour rice into boiling water and cook, covered with a lid. At the same time, reduce the fire to a minimum. Try not to remove the lid from the pot just like that. Because of this, the necessary moisture will evaporate.
  • Look there in 15 minutes and evaluate his condition, how much he has prepared. Medium portion it is necessary with proper cooking for about 15-20 minutes over low heat. By consistency, it should not crunch on the teeth or be hard. At the same time, it should be crumbly and pleasant. If there is still water left at the bottom, drain the rest. If its amount is not very large, then cover with a lid and hold for several minutes on the off fire. After that, you can remove the lid and wait until it stops steaming and the last moisture disappears.
  • Next, you can add, for example, a little butter to improve the taste.
    If after filing you have a little left, then this is not a problem. Boiled for several days.

How to cook rice for making rolls and sushi

In recent decades Japanese food became widespread throughout the world. Our country is no exception. Now on almost every corner you can see an institution or a delivery service that offers sushi or rolls. They have become very popular with us in Russia, and this is not unreasonable, since this treat has great taste and unusual contrast and combination of products.

Proper preparation of sushi rice may seem very complicated, but in fact there are no huge differences with simple cooking, except perhaps in the addition rice vinegar in the end.
Stick to these simple recommendations and you will do great.

Right choice?

In fact, the Japanese have come up with everything and done it for us a long time ago. Our task is to adopt this experience and do according to the available instructions.

For the preparation of sushi and rolls, a special variety called "Shari" is used. In our stores it is sold under the name "Sushi Rice", so finding it is not a big problem. It has a round shape.

Rinse it under running water for several minutes to wash off all the starch from it. Keep in mind that this variety has quite a lot of it. After that, pour into a saucepan and fill with water with a ratio of approximately 1: 1.1 in favor of water.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the liquid.


  • From the very beginning, you need to turn on the fire to the maximum, stirring constantly until the water boils. After boiling, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  • After 6-10 minutes, check the level of the remaining water. If the water has boiled away, then turn off the fire, if not, then check every minute. Here it is important not to miss the moment and not burn the rice at the bottom, otherwise it will be saturated with the taste of burning. After cooking, let it stand for 5 minutes with the lid closed.
  • When you pour the cooked rice out of the pot, there are a few other things you need to consider. important points. For example, use only a wooden spatula for this. A metal spoon will damage the grains, and I also don't think metal and vinegar are the perfect combination.
  • Second, don't scrape any remaining rice from the bottom of the pot. If he is behind - great, if not - forget it. Dry and overcooked rice from the bottom will only spoil the whole delicate taste.

Vinegar dressing

Once you've boiled the rice, it's a good idea to season it almost immediately with rice vinegar, the condiment that gives rolls and sushi such an unusual flavor.

For 3 cups of dry rice, use half a cup of rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and 2 teaspoons of salt.

Use only rice vinegar! Stir over low heat with rice until the sugar and salt crystals dissolve.
Mix everything well, it will take no more than a few minutes. Then let the sushi rice cool down until room temperature. You should not put it in the refrigerator for this, you will only harm it.

Important! Some people prefer me spicy rice. It is also worth considering that different manufacturers of rice vinegar may have different concentration. If you are cooking for the first time and are not sure, then use half of what we have indicated. Trust your own taste and you will feel the necessary concentration of dressing.

How to cook long grain rice

You must understand that brown rice also applies to long-grain rice.

long grain rice- This is a culture in which the length of the grain reaches more than 5 millimeters. We are now talking about polished rice, that is, about grain that has been processed, during which it got rid of the shell, that is, bran.

Personally, I think that bran is the most important part, without which the use of this culture loses its meaning, since it contains all the minerals and vitamins, so I recommend using brown. However, polished long grain rice is also very popular. After cooking, it becomes very fragrant, tasty and crumbly.


Like any rice, first of all, it must be washed under cold running water. Pour it into a sieve or colander and rinse in several waters in order to remove excess starch and various debris from its surface. At the same time, gently press it with your hand, without causing damage to the delicate grains.

Cooking process

  • Pour everything into a saucepan prepared for cooking and fill with cold water. Water should be poured at the rate of 1 cup of rice per one and a half cups of water.
  • Pour in water, put the pot on high heat, cover with a lid and wait until the water boils. This takes an average of five minutes.
  • Then lower the heat and simmer your long grain rice for about fifteen minutes. At the end of this time, open the lid and see how things are with the water. If the rice starts to fry at the bottom of the pan, making characteristic clicks, then this means that you need to add a little more water.
  • If everything is in order, then turn off the fire, cover with a lid and wait another five minutes for it to infuse.
  • The field of this is everything! Your rice is ready to serve as a side dish or main course!

How to cook

Of all varieties - this is my favorite kind of rice. In terms of utility, he puts all other types on the shoulder blades.

According to nutritionists, you should consume some kind of whole grains every day, which includes brown rice. The main difference from white is that the bran and shell are not removed during processing. Bran and germ are rich sources of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

How to cook it?

Important! Don't Skip a Thorough Wash brown rice. It can have a fairly high concentration of arsenic in its composition, and thorough washing removes up to a quarter of this. harmful substance. Likewise, the concentration of arsenic in ready dish reduces rice cooking in large numbers water, approximately 1:5, though this is how you lose most vitamins and minerals in the process.


Pour the long-grain rice into a colander and rinse the grains with cold water under the tap for several minutes. After this, drain the excess residue, pour the rice into the pan and pour in water at the rate of 2 cups of water per 1 cup of brown rice. Add a large pinch of salt for taste.

Cooking process

Wait until the water boils, then stir the rice in order to bring down the temperature and cover with a lid, making the fire not very strong. It takes about 40 minutes to cook this type of rice. If you notice that the water begins to boil away too quickly before the rice is cooked, add a little more.

After everything is ready, turn off the gas and let the rice stand under the lid for a few minutes.
Consider the proportions during cooking, the correct ones - from 1 cup of brown or brown rice, the output is 3 cups finished product.

You can prepare the dressing in the form of fried onions and garlic, herbs or grated cheese. This rice goes well with these kinds of additions. If you want to use this rice instead of white rice in any recipe, then pre-boil it for about 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to reduce the cooking time. After that, feel free to use it like plain white rice in a recipe.

Common questions about how to cook rice

Many are surprised at people who still cook it the old fashioned way in a simple saucepan. After all, you can buy a slow cooker or rice cooker for quite a bit of money. To be honest, I'm not a fan of this technique, plus it takes up a lot of space in my kitchen. Cooking in a classic way hones your cooking skills, which ultimately affects your overall skill level.

Note: The pointers below refer to polished rice.

Should rice be washed before cooking?

Certainly! First, you will wash off the starch dust and various debris, including insects, that may be in your rice. Even though you wash away useful material- losses are minimal. Ridding the grains of starch will keep the rice from sticking together and cooking in lumps. This will give a delicate flavor and texture.

When washing rice, do you have to wait until the water becomes clear?

No, you will do this for ages and still the water will never become completely transparent. The maximum you can achieve is to make it less cloudy than at the very beginning.

Your goal is to be as clean as possible.

Can you cook rice with the lid open?

Of course! It won't affect the rice in any way. You can easily lift the lid as many times as you like, especially the first time you don't have enough experience.

Why did I say that you should not do this at the beginning of the article? Just to keep you from letting out excess moisture, which can cause you to develop extra hassle by pouring water. I love it when the process is debugged to the smallest detail. We poured water, fell asleep, turned on the fire, 15 minutes, removed it, ready).

What pot should be and how much water do you need?

Pretty big size. This applies to all varieties of rice. Just imagine that at the end of cooking, the volume of the finished product will be increased by a minimum of 2.5 times.

As for water, you must understand that for each rice it is individual. There are no clear and strict rules. For white varieties, use an average combination of one to one and a half, for brown or brown rice, one to two, as it needs more time. Consider these proportions at the beginning and over time you will learn to see immediately by eye.

You must understand that it is difficult to immediately take into account the exact amount of water, because even the moisture content in the rice itself can vary. Rice that has been recently harvested may contain much more moisture than stocked rice.

Do not be afraid to experiment and then you will achieve great success and learn how to properly cook any kind of rice!

Should you salt the rice?

And this is a matter of taste. Many people like rice unleavened, eating it as a side dish. Unleavened rice perfectly sets off spicy, spicy and salty foods. Others, on the contrary, like to make the rice itself salty. Try different options and come up with your own. There is no clear rules, which would prohibit salting rice.
