
Wild rice aquatic recipes. Rice Aquatica Color mix with porcini mushrooms

Rice is the main ingredient in many dishes in different cuisines around the world. In Italy, risotto is prepared from it, in Spain - paella, in Japan - sushi, in Asian countries - pilaf. Good high-quality rice, which is used in the cooking process, is already half the battle. That is why it is important to find a proven manufacturer of cereals. In Russia, such selected rice is produced by Mistral Trading.

Trademark "Mistral": premium quality cereals

Despite the fact that a variety of legumes are produced under this brand, Mistral Trading gained its fame in the Russian and world markets thanks to rice. The company started its activity in 1992. From the very beginning of its work, the company did not seek to produce cheap goods, but was aimed at a buyer with an average and high income. That is why Mistral rice has been and remains a more expensive product compared to competitors' prices.

Selected cereals from around the world (Spain, Italy, Thailand, India, North America) are carefully polished, processed, packaged and sent to stores. It is the quality of raw materials that determines the price of Mistral cereals. Russian and Asian rice is much cheaper, but the company is trying to keep the bar high and continues to work in the premium niche.

Varieties of rice "Mistral"

All rice produced by the company can be divided into two series: standard and elite.

  • round-grain "Kuban" - opaque round-shaped rice with a high starch content for making cereals, casseroles, puddings;
  • round-grain brown whole-grain "Kuban" - delicious rice, in which, thanks to the unprocessed shell, a maximum of useful vitamins and minerals is preserved;
  • long-grain steamed "Yantar" - thanks to a special technology of steaming, such rice always turns out crumbly when cooked;
  • long-grain "Orient" - snow-white grains retain their shape and color even after cooking.

Since Mistral Trading was originally focused on the premium segment of the market, the range of elite varieties of rice of this brand is much wider.

Premium series from Mistral

Elite rice of this brand includes the following varieties:

  • "Basmati" - this species is also called imperial. It grows at the foot of the Himalayas, has a classic refined taste.
  • "Jasmine" - grown in Thailand, has a delicate taste, similar to the flower of the same name.
  • "Indica" - has beautifully shaped grains, suitable for cooking most dishes.
  • "Italica" - a delicate-tasting rice originally from Italy.
  • "Japonika" - snow-white, with a high content of gluten.
  • "Arborio" - the best variety of Italian rice, comparable in popularity to pasta.
  • "Samarkand" - slightly polished for cooking oriental pilaf.

A separate series of the company produces rice "Mistral" of the gourmet class: "Aquatica", "Quinoa", a mixture of grains "Basmati".

  • "Aquatica" - wild rice, was considered especially valuable by the North American Indians. Due to the protein content, they ate it instead of meat.
  • Quinoa is a variety native to South America. It has an unusual round shape, reminiscent of fish eggs, and an oily texture.

Rice "Yantar"

Rice of this variety has a large long grain. It is specially grown for steaming. After such processing, the grain acquires an unusual appearance, which is why this type got its name. It belongs to the standard varieties and has a lower price, because it grows well in the south of Russia and in neighboring Asian countries.

Steamed amber rice "Mistral" retains more minerals and trace elements than before steaming. After cooking, the grains become snow-white, do not stick together even without oil. This is a great option for cooking pilaf, as a side dish and adding to salads.

Rice "Jasmine"

This variety with such an interesting flower name is grown exclusively in Thailand. Jasmine Mistral rice differs from other types of rice in its delicate aroma and grain shape, which is very reminiscent of jasmine flowers. After cooking, the grains remain the same thin and long, they taste tender and soft, with milky notes. keep in mind that rice "Mistral" Jasmine "is a little soft. Its grains stick together a little, which gives the garnish a special velvety texture.

It comes in traditional white and red. In the latter case, these are unpolished grains in the shell. Such rice has a greater nutritional value compared to white rice, therefore it is recommended for inclusion in the diet by nutritionists. Delicious rice "Jasmine" belongs to the premium varieties.

Rice "Basmati"

This variety is considered the elite of rice. It is grown in India, but after harvesting it is not immediately sent to the counter, but is aged for about 1 year in special storage facilities. During this time, the grains dry well, become long and thin, do not boil soft during cooking and double in length.

"Mistral" belongs to the premium varieties. It is not only fragrant and tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful. For this, it is also called imperial or royal. This variety is the most popular in all countries of the world.

What rice to choose for pilaf?

There are a lot of recipes for this dish. In the countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan), pilaf is prepared both for the everyday table and on the occasion of various events: weddings, funerals, and receptions. In some countries it is made from pork, in others - from lamb, beef, chicken and even fish. Rice remains the only part of this dish. How to choose it?

Should be long grain as it has a much lower starch content than round grain. The grains are transparent and whole, well polished white. These are varieties such as "Basmati", "Jasmine" or "Amber". The dish turns out crumbly and tasty if you use steamed rice for pilaf when cooking. Its grains are pre-treated with steam, so they do not stick together when boiled.

Pilaf will turn out much tastier if the rice is not soaked before cooking. It will be enough just to rinse it with cold water several times. With prolonged exposure to water, the grain structure is destroyed, and the rice becomes brittle.

Of course, from the grain of elite varieties, the dish turns out to be delicious almost always. But using steamed rice for pilaf "Yantar" "Mistral" for cooking, you can also easily make a traditional dish of the peoples of Asia crumbly and fragrant. The only thing left to do is to find a good recipe.

The recipe for pilaf from steamed rice "Mistral"

To cook a delicious pilaf, you will need: 1.5 kg of lamb (or other meat to taste), 1 kg of steamed Yantar rice of the Mistral trademark, 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of onions, spices, salt, vegetable oil, garlic. There is no single recipe for this dish. Therefore, spices can be added completely different to taste. Traditionally, zira, barberry, turmeric, red and black pepper are added to pilaf.

Where does the process of cooking pilaf begin? Onion cut into half rings is fried in a large amount (at least 150 ml) of vegetable oil. Then the meat is fried, followed by carrots, cut into large strips. Next, salt and spices are added (a tablespoon of zira and barberry, ½ tablespoon of turmeric, a little ground pepper) and all together is poured with water so that the meat is covered. After that, the cauldron must be put out to stew on a slow fire for 40 minutes.

Washed 6-7 times in cold water put the rice on the meat. Without stirring, level it and pour hot water into the center so that it covers the rice by 2 centimeters. Season with salt and cook uncovered until water is absorbed. Then put the garlic in the center and make small holes in the rice to let the steam out. Cook covered for another half an hour. Pilaf is ready! Before serving, the dish must be mixed well.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Mistral Aquatica Color mix consists of grains of red and brown color, as well as dark grains of wild rice, therefore it is a pantry of vitamins and chemical elements. It contains a large amount of fiber compared to other varieties of rice. The vitamin complex includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, PP, B5, B6, B9, A, K, E. The mineral complex consists of:

  • iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • zinc, potassium, selenium, sodium;
  • copper, manganese, choline.

100g of rice Mistral Aquatica Color mix contains:

  • Proteins - 8.8.
  • Fats - 2.3.
  • Carbohydrates - 72.8.
  • Kcal - 356.

The red and brown bran shell gives the rice grains their characteristic red-brown color and nutty flavor. By introducing this type of rice into the family diet, you can significantly diversify the menu with a tasty, healthy and beautiful side dish.

Rice Mistral Aquatica Color mix in cooking and dishes prepared on its basis

Handpicked Aquatica rice with very long, thin, brown or black grains with a characteristic sheen. It is not actually rice, but a relative of the cultivated rice, a perennial herb, Zizania aquatica or Zizania palustris, native to North America in the Great Lakes region. The grains of this cereal are so hard that they must be soaked overnight before cooking. And in order to cook a delicious Mistral rice dish, you need to know the subtleties and stick to them:

First cooking method:

  • Soak rice overnight.
  • Drain the cooked rice, put it in a saucepan, pour water in a ratio of 1: 2 and bring to a boil.
  • After that, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for about 35 minutes until the rice absorbs all the water.
  • Remove from heat and wrap for 20 minutes. Rinse should not be, so as not to lose the beneficial properties of this cereal.

If you cook pilaf from this type of rice, then it will be difficult to forget its taste.

Second cooking method:

  • Soak beans for 4 hours.
  • Drain the water, then pour over and simmer for about an hour, stirring all the time, until the grains open.
  • Then put the rice in a colander and rinse with hot water.

Aquatica rice recipe with salmon.


  • rice Aquatica Mistral - 150 g;
  • salmon steaks;
  • Greens, vegetables, lemon, garlic;
  • Pepper, salt and spices to taste.


  1. Rinse the rice soaked overnight and put it in a pot of water in a ratio of 1:3. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer for about an hour until the rice has absorbed all the water.
  2. Remove from heat and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. We prepare the marinade from garlic, vegetable oil and half the juice of a lemon. Add spices, put the steaks in the marinade and let marinate for 2 hours.
  4. Fry the finished steaks in a pan on both sides and serve with rice, sprinkled with herbs.

Talapia recipe with rice Mistral Aquatica.


  • rice Mistral Aquatica - 150 g;
  • fillet of 2 talapias;
  • juice of ¼ lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry white wine;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Pepper, salt and herbs for decoration.


  1. Soak rice overnight. In the morning, drain, pour into a saucepan with water in a ratio of 1: 2.5 and bring to a boil.
  2. Close the lid tightly and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes until the rice has absorbed all the water.
  3. Remove from heat and leave covered for about 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse the fish, remove the bones and cut into portions. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, pour over lemon juice, wine and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  5. Fry the marinated fish in vegetable oil until cooked and serve with rice, sprinkled with herbs.

At least sometimes treat yourself to exotic and very healthy rice Mistral Aquatica Color mix, which will not leave anyone indifferent. After unpacking, rice should be stored in the refrigerator, adhering to the shelf life.

In the video below, see the recipe for an unusual salad:

Contrary to popular belief, wild rice is not directly related to traditional rice - its oblong black grains are actually the seeds of the moisture-loving grass Zizania aquatica, which grows in North America. (Hence the other names for this cereal - Canadian rice, Indian rice, water oats, and even crazy oats!) For centuries, wild rice has been an important part of the diet of the Indians, especially in winter, when the rivers were covered with ice, and there was no one to hunt. Sometimes it even came to real wars for wild rice fields... And this is not accidental.

Let's start with the fact that wild rice has a unique, sweetish-exotic taste with a delicate nutty aroma. As for nutritional value, here wild rice leads by a margin among other cereals: it contains a significant amount of protein (15 g out of 100, and in a very rich layout of amino acids), B vitamins and is especially valuable in folic acid content (here it is five times more than brown rice). A glass of wild rice contains the daily amount of folic acid for an adult. In terms of minerals, wild rice contains significant amounts of magnesium (177 mg), phosphorus (433 mg), zinc (6 mg) and manganese (1.3 mg is 2/3 of the daily value for an adult).

And that's not all: wild rice has half the sodium of regular rice. There is no saturated fat or cholesterol in it at all. After so many benefits, is it worth mentioning that wild rice is also a whole grain?

However, wild rice also has its drawbacks: there are two of them. Firstly, it is quite expensive, as it grows only in a relatively small area (globally). And secondly, wild rice protein is not whole: it contains 18 amino acids, but lacks two - asparagine and glutamine. However, this is easy to fix - just serve boiled wild rice with legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils): they just contain the missing amino acids. Thus, you will get a whole protein, and this is of particular value to vegetarians and fasting. Alternatively, for the same purpose, you can flavor wild rice with chopped nuts or seeds, but here it is important to observe moderation: they are very high in calories.

How to cook wild rice? You can’t take it with brute force - you definitely need to soak it. Fill it with plenty of cool water overnight, and then drain this water. Pour the rice into boiling salted water (3 cups of water per cup of wild rice), reduce the heat to a low boil and simmer the rice, covered, for about 40 minutes. Ready rice will "open up" and become about 3-4 times larger than raw rice!

And if there is no time for a long soak, this trick will help: pour wild rice with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 3, cover with a lid and let it brew for an hour. Then drain the water and follow the recipe above.

Boiled wild rice is often used as a side dish (for example, mixed with brown rice), as well as an integral part of pilafs and cereal soups. However, there are plenty of delicious low-calorie dishes where he plays the first violin.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

The composition of wild rice brand Mistral Aquatica contains a large amount of fiber, protein, carbohydrates and fats. The vitamin composition includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, C and K. The mineral composition is also rich, namely, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper , manganese, zinc, selenium, etc. Especially a lot of lysine in wild rice.

100 g of Mistral Aquatica Wild rice contains:

  • Proteins - 14.
  • Fats - 0.5.
  • Carbohydrates - 72.
  • Kcal - 357.

Wild rice is an American herb of the cereal family with the unusual name "bog zest", the grains of which are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Growing wild rice is capricious and difficult. It is collected by hand, the process is laborious, which explains the high price for it.

Useful properties of wild rice and contraindications to its use


  • The protein found in Wild Rice contains all the essential amino acids (18 out of 20 existing), so it is especially appreciated by fans of a healthy lifestyle, vegans and vegetarians.
  • Dietitians often recommend Wild Rice for diet food and those who want to lose weight.
  • Wild rice is recommended for obesity, high blood cholesterol and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • The use of wild rice has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous system, it helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.


  • There are no data related to the harm of wild rice, but excessive consumption of it can lead to constipation. If a person suffers from this disease, then when using this rice, you should combine it with vegetables and fruits.

Rice Mistral Aquatica Wild in cooking

There are two types of wild rice: fine-grained and thick-grained. The latter is very tough, so it should be soaked before cooking for several hours, and preferably overnight, but fine grain should not be soaked, and it is cooked for about 30 minutes.

Wild rice is especially good as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. It is used in soups, hot appetizers and desserts. It has a nutty aroma and a sweetish aftertaste. It is especially tasty in combination with steamed long-grain rice.

There are several options for cooking Wild Rice, but to prepare a delicious dish from it, you must follow the cooking rules:

Option 1. Soak rice for 12 hours. Then drain the water, rinse and put on fire to cook in proportion with water 1:4. Cook until done, tasting occasionally. Add salt at the end of cooking, and drain excess water.

Option 2. Do not soak, but rinse the rice, pour water in a ratio of 1: 4 and put on fire. Cook until tender over low heat, checking the readiness for taste. After cooking, drain the water and serve with butter.

Option 3. Soak rice for an hour. Pour water in a ratio of 1:3 and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. You can not cook, but pour boiling water three times, insisting for 20 minutes each time under a closed lid. Drain the remaining water for the last time, season with salt and serve with butter.

wild rice for weight loss

Considering the presence of vitamins, macro- and microelements in Wild Rice, it is recommended to be consumed by athletes, weakened people and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, since it is an energy food.

Wild rice is devoid of fat, so it is considered a dietary product. Vegetarians especially respect it, because it contains a lot of vegetable protein, so wild rice is multicellular and protein nutrition in combination with amino acids, tryptophan, which calm the nervous system and improve mood.

Wild rice is on the menu of slimming stars around the world and Hollywood in particular. It is used as fasting days, which include 3 meals a day with rice and water or green tea without sugar. If you arrange such fasting days for yourself 2 times a week, then soon you can get an excellent result of losing hated kilograms, as well as improving overall well-being and facial skin.

Enter into the diet of your family, at least sometimes very healthy and unusually tasty cereal Wild rice, which will enrich the body with useful substances, improve tone and diversify the menu.

See the video below for the recipe for delicious wild rice with vegetables:

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

It is a genus of perennial herbs called Zizania aquatica or Zizania palustris, a close relative of sown rice. It grows in the North American Great Lakes region. Wild rice grains are very long and have a characteristic dark brown or black color and a smooth, shiny surface.

Product weight: 500 grams. Store rice Mistral Aquatica Wild in a dry place. Shelf life 12 months, according to the information on the packaging.

Calories in wild rice rice Mistral Aquatica

Calorie rice Wild rice Mistral Aquatica is 357 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Wild rice rice Mistral Aquatica

Composition of Mistral Aquatica Wild Rice Rice: wild rice.

This rice compares favorably with sowing rice with a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and fiber.

Rice Mistral Aquatica Wild in cooking

This rice is so tasty and unusual that it does not require any additives. It is best prepared as a side dish by cooking without a lid: two servings require 125 g of rice and 600 ml of water. Pour rice into a pot of boiling water and stir. Cook, stirring, for about 40 minutes, until all grains open. Drain the rice in a colander, then rinse with water (According to package instructions).

Wild rice grains are very tough, so they must be soaked in water a few hours before cooking and then boiled for 40 to 60 minutes (calorizer). Rice Mistral Aquatica Wild is used for salads, soups, hot and cold appetizers, toppings and even desserts. It is especially tasty as a side dish for fish dishes in combination with steamed long-grain rice.
