
Is it necessary to eat soup? Soup, porridge and other foods that your child does not need.

Soup, porridge, gravy, mashed potatoes - all these children hate with terrible force. And we are trying to shove them healthy meals using any tricks and tricks. Is it necessary to do so?

We all know that in the morning you need to eat porridge, at lunch - “first”, and for dinner - “hot”. But for some reason, children do not think so - and they are absolutely right. According to modern research, our understanding of proper nutrition nothing more than myths. And now you will be convinced of it!

Myth #1. Porridge is the best dish for breakfast.

Of course, satisfying, nutritious and does not irritate the stomach. But if your child does not suffer from gastritis or, he can easily eat scrambled eggs, a sandwich, cottage cheese with fruits, or at least meat and potatoes for breakfast. And by the way, cereal with milk or muesli with yogurt is not much different from porridge in composition.

Myth #2. Soup to eat every day

Grandmothers contradict themselves, arguing that the soup: a) saves from gastritis; b) improves appetite. These two points are mutually exclusive. The fact is that meat broth increases the acidity in the stomach and really improves appetite in this way. Only now, if the child has hyperacidity, soup not only will not save you from gastritis, but can also provoke it. A boiled vegetables is just fiber, because everything useful material destroyed during prolonged cooking.

Modern pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, say: eating soup is not harmful, but not at all necessary. And if the child refuses soup, meat with cereals and vegetables can be offered to him in any other form.

Myth #3. Can't eat dry food

Another pain is when children do not use at all liquid meals. They don’t eat soup, but only the second one, instead of cereals they gnaw cereal and cookies, they don’t drink two liters of water a day, they refuse juices, compotes and jelly. If the child has normal acidity, active salivation, enough teeth; if he eats fruits and vegetables and drinks at least some liquid, while urinating several times a day, and his urine is not dark, you can sleep peacefully.

Myth number 4. Dishes should be served and eaten hot.

Gastroenterologists remind: cold food is indeed less nutritious, because it leaves the stomach faster. But hot is no better: firstly, the child can get burned, and secondly, with strong heating, many substances are destroyed, which also makes food less healthy. The ideal food temperature is 37-39 degrees.

Myth number 5. Pureed food is best absorbed.

The only thing that can be said for sure about it is that it is easy to eat, even if you have no teeth, and the stomach digests pureed food faster than solid food. The rest is a complete disappointment. Not only does the baby not have time to appreciate the appearance and taste of the food when eating puree, but also quick swallowing (unlike long chewing) does not contribute to the production of gastric juice. In addition, mashed potatoes are digested faster, which means that the child will soon feel hungry. As for the benefit, grated apple it is exactly the same as in general.

Myth number 6. Your child's diet should include as many foods as possible.

“It’s impossible to eat only naval pasta!” Grandma screams. But the famous Spanish pediatrician Carlos Gonzalez believes that it is possible. In his acclaimed book My Baby Doesn't Want to Eat, he gives an example of research in which children could choose any type of food. Some ate only 2-3 foods, the diet of others was as diverse as possible. Interestingly, not a single child began to lag behind the others in terms of development, rate of growth and weight gain.

Myth number 7. The child should eat a lot - it will benefit him.

"Why didn't you eat? Eat this and that, and then I'll give you a cake." The same Gonzalez recalls: not a single person is able to eat more than he needs without harming his health. Excessively large portions are a burden not only on the stomach and intestines, but also on the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and, as a result, the heart.

Simple arithmetic: every additional 10 g per day gained by the end of the year will give an increase of 3.65 kg. At two years old, instead of 12 kg, a child will weigh 19 kg, by 10 years old, instead of 30 kg, he will weigh 65 kg, and by 20, instead of 60, already 135 kg. And gaining those extra 10 grams is quite simple - you just need to eat a jar of yogurt or drink a glass of fruit juice.

Many mothers are frightened by the slowdown in weight gain and the non-compliance of the child with the norms according to the WHO tables. But this is absolutely natural and physiological. Most actively, the baby gains weight in the first 3 months, and after six months, the pace decreases. Everything is individual and depends on the metabolism, but if a child at 2 years old eats as much as at 9 months, this can also be a variant of the norm.

Olga Karpenko

My son is 1.5 years old. By itself, in principle, not a problem, most of the time a calm fellow. But!! If he wants something, then the guard .... and not always his Wishlist can be resolved. Yesterday the elder made a fake with glue, the little one decided that he needed this glue. You can’t understand .... and if you don’t really need it, then it obeys. But if, like yesterday, I want everything, then we can’t hear the words .. we don’t hear all 100 times. ... the glue situation as an example in this case. Of course, you can get it out of sight ... but he will still climb, search and freak out. Or stands all over the apartment, starts throwing things, fighting, freaking out. I also used the method on the priest, it does not work at all .... it only angers him even more. What to do in such cases? It happens not so often, basically, as I already wrote, this is a calm child. It is useless to talk to him at this moment, he does not hear anything, he yells and fights.


Katerina Snegina

Do dirty children come to your garden? I explain. Normal, clean parents: shaved dads, painted moms - bring completely neglected children into the garden. This is fine? In stale socks, with an unwashed head, with uncut nails. Quickly pushed into the group and run. And the educator cannot present any claims - there is no one. And in the evening - "yes, he / she has been so sweaty / lousy for the whole day."
Does the teacher have the right to refuse to work with such children?



Good day. On the eve of the wonderful school years, another problem hit my head - summer before school. The situation is as follows: the garden ends on 30.06 iiiiiii .... that's it. What's next? Where to place a child summer time a single, working mother who has absolutely no grandmother and even relatives in principle? Options with camps are expensive, vouchers to sanatoriums are also past, they were distributed back in the fall of last year for the coming summer. The only possible option is to visit the Department of Education, perhaps there they will be able to pick up some prefabricated groups for the summer .. I want to listen to local old-timers: ladies, who and how got out of the situation? Maybe somewhere there is already a similar topic, you can redirect, I read it.



Give advice not to make the situation worse. Our relationship with my mother-in-law is even, only because I am silent. But we have been married for 8 years and my patience is running out. I will write from the beginning, as we got married, we began to live with our parents as it should be. I studied and at the same time worked together with my husband in their family business. Education is not expensive because we did not live in the capital, but in the region. Plus, we worked together, I think that from and to, because they brought good money. We didn't have our own money. They took only the essentials. I did not go in gold and fur coats. I don't need it. Everything you need is there. Everything suited me. A daughter was born. She was 4 months old when I went back to work. They hired nannies, because their business had a free schedule, but there was a lot of work, and my mother-in-law drove me there even during pregnancy. Everyone in the family also worked, and it is big. But the mother-in-law said that we invested a lot in part of the business of our shopping center. We naive believed. Then I started having health problems, miscarriages one after another. After 5 years, eyes began to open, we were constantly reproached. We decided to go to the capital to start everything from 0. We left and lived on rent. They had to sell part of the business because there was no one to deal with, but for 2 more years I regularly went and helped. As the business was sold, they gave a part of about 1/10 enough for a rough 100 sq.m plus for repairs in part. The rest of the money was spent on repairs. There was a moment when I needed $ 1.5, they refused, they also called me beggars. After this, I drew conclusions for myself. Over the course of the year, they slowly paid off their debts. Both work a lot. The income is good. But we are not millionaires. Yesterday, the 13-year-old sister of her husband asked for an iPhone in a general chat for $2,000. The husband promised that he would buy if he entered the university for a grant.)) For comparison, we have hundreds for $ 150. She began to insist on this year. I cited my younger sister as an example, her age who works part-time and also advised her. My mother-in-law has a store. So it turns out I insulted and humiliated her. We are very upset mother-in-law cried. That the son does not take off his last shirt. And she ordered her son to go on holidays to them. We all have tickets for $ 1000, it's very expensive .. I told my husband to go alone. I won't go myself anymore. I was going to take a vacation in the summer and take my granddaughter to them. What to do next? There is a great desire to call and express everything


According to children's nutritionists, first courses should be present in the diet of every baby every day, because soup for a child is a very healthy dish for a growing body.

At the same time, it is very important that the soup for the child be prepared in an appropriate way, taking into account all the age needs of a small child.

The first courses include both broths (meat, fish, vegetable) and soups, i.e. broths seasoned with various products.

The nutritional value of soups for children depends on the type of broth and, to a greater extent, on the ingredients included in their recipe. Yes, vegetable vegetarian soups for children usually serve as a source of valuable trace elements, vegetable fibers and organic acids. And soups for children, cooked with pasta and cereals, are rich in B vitamins and vegetable protein.

For additional enrichment of the soup with vitamins and microelements, as well as to improve the taste in many first courses (with the exception of sweet milk and fruit soups) it is worth adding finely chopped fresh herbs before serving.

Soup recipes for kids

Milk and vegetable soup (from 2 years old)


  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 parsley root
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 st. l. millet
  • sour cream
  • dill


Rinse the millet, boil separately. Peel potatoes, carrots, parsley root, finely chop, dip in boiling water and cook until tender. Throw the vegetables in a colander, leave a little vegetable broth. Bring milk to a boil, dilute with vegetable broth, salt, put vegetables and millet there, let it boil and remove from heat. Serve soup with sour cream and dill.

Pea cream soup (from 1.5 years old)


  • 200 g ice cream green peas
  • 50 g cottage cheese
  • 2 dec. l. cream
  • fresh dill


Boil 500 ml of water, pour peas into it without defrosting, and cook it until tender. Then remove from heat, cool for 15 minutes. Set aside a few peas. Add the cottage cheese and cream to the same pot, then place everything in a blender and blend the soup until creamy. Before serving, put the dill and a few boiled peas on a plate.

Borscht with spinach (from 3 years old)


  • 2 potato tubers
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 beetroot
  • 1/2 onion
  • 300 g spinach
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tsp flour
  • 15 g sour cream


Peel the beets, cut into strips, put in a saucepan, add a glass of water, oil and simmer. Cut the spinach, grate the carrots, chop the onion, fry everything in butter, add flour. Place diced potatoes in boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Then add the beets, fried vegetables and cook until tender. Serve soup with sour cream.

Rassolnik (from 2 years old)


  • 250 ml beef broth
  • pickle
  • potato tuber
  • 1/4 each carrot, parsley root and onion
  • 1 tsp corn oil


Sauté vegetables in oil. Put the potatoes into the boiling broth, cook for 7 minutes, then add the vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes. Put the pieces on a plate boiled meat, fill with pickle, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Soup - traditional first dish for lunch. Pediatricians recommend introducing the first vegetarian soup already in the second month of complementary foods. Interestingly, about great benefit soups are spoken mainly by Russian pediatricians and specialists from the CIS countries. They recommend that you definitely include this dish in daily diet child.

European experts do not believe that soup is an obligatory dish on children's table. In addition, many children are capricious and refuse to eat soups. Let's see if this dish is really so useful. And we will find out what to do if the child does not eat soup.

Is soup good for kids?

Indeed, soups perform a number of useful functions. They fill the body's needs for fluid and stimulate the formation of gastric juice, which is necessary for normal digestion. The soup is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach, which helps the functioning of the baby's not yet fully strengthened intestines. In addition, soups and broths are real sources of energy and strength, vitamins, useful elements and acids.

However, other foods or dishes perform the same useful functions. For example, the need for fluid satisfies drinking water, tea, juices and other drinks. An apple before dinner promotes the production of juice in the stomach, and vegetable purees are quickly absorbed and absorbed in the body. Besides, raw fruit and vegetables have a better effect on bowel function.

Soup is useful and beneficial in that it performs several functions at once. It simultaneously satisfies the need for meat, vegetables and water. This dish fills big amount vitamins and essential elements. A bowl of hot soup satisfies hunger and thirst, tones the body and, if necessary, warms, strengthens the immune system and helps to cope with a cold faster. In addition, the products in such a dish are easily digested and digested.

If necessary, soups can replace the main course and salad for lunch. Which is very convenient for little ones who need to be constantly forced to eat. Thus, the soup is necessary for the baby to good nutrition and for the convenience of the mother. However, it is not necessary to give this dish every day. But what if the child does not want to eat soups? Let's look into this issue.

Child refuses soup

  • Do not force the baby to eat if he does not want to, and in no case push the spoon into his mouth by force. This will only aggravate the situation and may frighten the child or cause even more protest;
  • If the child refuses to eat, do not insist, but try to give the dish again after 30-50 minutes;
  • If the baby does not want to eat soup or other food, he may not be hungry. Get into baby mode more physical activity and walks, especially in the morning. Feed your baby on an empty stomach!;
  • Take a closer look at the child and try to identify the reason for this behavior. If he refuses other food, there may be health problems or discomfort. Children don't like to eat hot food during the heat. In addition, the child refuses to eat with colds and fever, indigestion and stool, pain in the tummy and other similar problems;
  • Too hard and large vegetables or pieces of meat in a dish lead to the fact that the baby cannot chew food. In addition, they cause severe discomfort if the child still has few teeth;
  • When teething, children often refuse food, as it causes severe discomfort and pain. Special baby teethers will help relieve pain and inflammation in the gums;
  • Check the temperature of the food before serving. It should not be cold, scalding or too hot, too salty or peppery;
  • If you are just introducing complementary foods, it may be too early to give soup to your baby. Pediatricians advise including this dish children after seven months and only in the form of gruel or mashed potatoes;
  • Be careful when introducing new foods to your child's diet. First, let's try the ingredient separately, and not as part of other dishes, to see if it causes allergies;
  • You can interest a child in eating soup with the help of an interesting bright and beautiful tableware. Choose plates with a hero or a picture below. Tell the baby that something interesting is hiding at the bottom, and the baby will rather eat the contents to see the picture;
  • The child may not like the taste of the soup. Experiment, combine different ingredients and keep it interesting. Reveal taste preferences baby. If you don't like one dish, suggest another. At the same time, the soup you didn’t like can be offered again in one to two weeks;
  • Instead of bread, you can serve crackers, many children like it. Instead of vermicelli, use various stars, figures or letters. Or chop vegetables in an unusual way. This soup will not go unnoticed. A lot of interesting recipes soups for children you will find.

When and what kind of soup to give a child

The first soups are given to the baby on the seventh month, when mashed potatoes from some types of vegetables are already included in the diet. They should have the consistency of puree, gruel or cream so that the baby can easily chew food. Basically, this dish is vegetable puree, which is bred in vegetable broth or water without the use of salt and other spices. Try not to accustom your child to food with spices, as long as possible.

In the first month, the soup recipe should be simple and include no more than two or three components. In this case, zucchini and pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower, carrots and potatoes are perfect. Gradually increase the volume of the broth, making the dish more liquid, and include new components in the recipe.

Pieces of chicken, turkey or rabbit and meatballs, cereals and pasta can be added to soup as early as 9-10 months, fish is put in a dish at the age of 11-12 months. But do not overload the dish!

It is important that the ingredients have already been introduced into the child's diet separately. When preparing soup, meat and fish are cooked separately! After that, the products are finely chopped or chopped in a blender or with a fork and the cooked vegetable broth is added. Meat and chicken broths are not recommended for children under 1-1.5 years old, it is better not to give fish broths until 2-3 years old.

By the year, the baby can already eat the classic liquid soup with finely chopped pieces of vegetables, chopped chicken or fish, pasta or vermicelli, and meatballs. At the same age, pediatricians advise starting to give children milk, pea and bean soups, cabbage soup and children's borscht.

Something is wrong with the teenager.

Signs of internal readiness for suicide can be changes in sleep and appetite, problems with academic performance, loss of interest in your appearance, increased aggressiveness. Teenagers may start giving away things that are dear to their friends. Without parental support, a teenager often gives up.

“Be sure to have soup in the stomach once a day,” my lunch began with these words both at home and in kindergarten. What does modern pediatrics say about this? Are soups really essential? children's menu? And what if the child does not eat them in any way?

Soups. Pros and cons

European pediatricians do not count soups obligatory dish on the children's table. The child does not want to eat soup - he does not eat the way, he will replenish the need for liquid in another way - water, milk, compotes, broth. Our doctors are most often more categorical in this matter - soups in daily menu children are considered mandatory. Their arguments - soups contribute to the secretion of gastric juice necessary for digestion, soups are quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach, and also help the intestines. But other dishes and products cope well with all these arguments. For example, an apple before dinner stimulates the production of juice in the stomach, any vegetable puree can compete with soup in terms of absorption rate, and intestinal motility is best stimulated raw vegetables and fruits.

In fact, the soup is useful in that it “kills” two or even three birds with one stone, since it consists of several “components” that are most important for the development of the child.

A bowl of hot soup chicken broth perfectly satisfies the needs of the body in both vegetables and meat. The same can be said for milk soups with cereals - the need for calcium, liquid, trace elements and vitamins is replenished. That is why soup can be considered the main dish for lunch (as, for example, in European countries) and do not force the child to eat another second, salad and compote.

How to cook right soup?

  • You can start introducing your baby to soup from 6 months.
  • For the first soups in the diet, vegetable and milk puree soups are perfect.
  • Meat soups for babies, you need to cook on the second broth.
  • When preparing chicken soup, the skin must be removed from the carcass. It has a lot of fat in it.
  • Even if you yourself are very fond of frying vegetables, it is better to refuse it for children's soups, put whole vegetables in the broth.
  • When cooking, add vegetables only to boiling water, and wash them before that only in cold water.
  • When making cabbage soup or borscht, do not limit yourself white cabbage, add cauliflower, Beijing, broccoli.
  • Do not forget about greens and roots - parsley and dill, basil and cumin.
  • An excellent addition to vegetable broth seeds and nuts will be crushed or passed through a meat grinder - pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, walnuts.
  • Mushroom soup It is highly undesirable to give to children under 7 years of age. Firstly, mushrooms are hard to digest even by an adult organism. Secondly, mushrooms absorb everything from the soil, including any toxic substances. Mushrooms are strictly prohibited for children with liver and pancreas disease.
  • Pea soup, yes and legumes in general, it is better to include in the diet from 1.5-2 years.
  • Soups with smoked meats - not the best useful product for children. Up to 5-6 years, such soups are not recommended.

What to do if the child does not eat soup?

Don't balk. If he doesn't eat, then he doesn't want or doesn't like. In no case is it necessary to force - violence can only harm. In fact, a child’s refusal of soups is great occasion For culinary experiments. Maybe replace cabbage soup with vegetable puree soup? Little secret for its preparation - pour the thick from the cabbage soup into a blender, chop thoroughly, add the broth - voila, the puree soup is ready.

One small detail - and the soup can be swept away in a matter of minutes. Try serving crackers instead of bread for soup, let your child crumble them into a bowl. Instead of the usual, "boring" vermicelli, use all kinds of stars, figures, letters. This soup will be tastier and more interesting. Cut the carrot not on a grater as usual, but with a flower, the spoon will definitely not pass by the mouth with such contents. Use our mothers' favorite trick - say that something interesting is hiding at the bottom of the plate. I had a drawing of flowers, my daughter had Disney Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse. What do you have?
