
Bonn soup for weight loss: a great reason to get back in shape. Bonn soup for weight loss fat burning soup recipe

Long winter holidays often leave hated fatty deposits on our sides and stomach. In especially neglected cases, a second chin appears, the outlines of the neck swim, the fifth point and hips grow to enormous sizes. But even in this difficult situation, you should not hang your nose. The world-famous Bonn Soup diet, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by thousands of women who have lost weight, will help remove all unnecessary from your body.

Who Invented Bonn Soup?

There is no answer to this question. Even why the dish is called that remains a mystery to all curious people who are losing weight. Bonn soup, a diet that brings results easily and quickly, most likely came up with the Germans. After all, it is in Germany that there is the city of Bonn. But the principled and pedantic representatives of this nation deny their involvement in various diets and dietary restrictions, relying on the fact that there is no obesity problem in their country. On the contrary, they promote a high-calorie diet based on the famous German sausages, sausages with sauce and foamy beer.

There is also an assumption that the recipe for Bonn soup for weight loss was invented by Tibetan monks. But somehow I can’t believe it: 4 thousand meters above sea level is the average height of this area. Even in summer, temperatures rarely rise above 14 degrees Celsius. In such harsh weather conditions, Tibetans should eat more nutritious food. Therefore, the latest version is more plausible: the Bonn Soup diet was made up of Americans who have been fighting obesity in the United States for many years.

Bonn soup: calories and composition

In the conditions of the harsh Russian winter, the dish is very suitable for citizens of our country who have extra pounds. Fruit is expensive at this time of year, so Bonn soup comes to the rescue. The results from its regular use will not keep you waiting: the weight will go away and will remain at the level you need for a long time.

The soup consists of carefully selected vegetables. The French chose their favorite leek as its basis, in Italy and Austria they prefer healthy cauliflower. In some countries, tomatoes and bell peppers are added to the dish. In Russia, they settled on white cabbage, as it, despite its low calorie content, saturates well and satisfies hunger.

There are only 35-40 calories in one serving of soup. It contains almost no fats and carbohydrates, so in a week a person can lose 4-5 kilograms. Fiber and ballast substances contained in the soup perform a cleansing function. Also, its ingredients remove excess fluid from the body and break down lipid tissues.

Classic recipe

Bonn soup, a diet that allows you to quickly and easily acquire the desired forms, is prepared exclusively from vegetables alone. No meat, even the leanest, can be added to the dish. The main ingredients are: a head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers and tomatoes, celery, 5 onions. Finely chop all the vegetables and cook over low heat. At the end, add a little salt and pepper, add bay leaf and dry herbs for flavor.

How to cook Bonn soup if you do not like any of the above products? It's simple: replace most of them with other vegetables, such as carrots or kohlrabi. But it is not recommended to completely remove the ingredients from the classic recipe, since it contains exactly those products that actively contribute to weight loss. It is very important that the soup turned out to be thick and rich, because it should replace your main course as well. Bonn soup, the recipe for which does not require large financial and physical costs, satisfies the feeling of hunger well and for a long time.

Diet "Bonn Soup"

She is very soft and gentle. No need to torture yourself with prolonged fasting. If you feel that the body requires another portion of food, pour yourself a fragrant and healthy soup. It is the basis of the diet. The recipe for the Bonn Slimming Soup described above is designed in such a way that you can eat as much of it as you want. At the same time, the figure on the scales decreases, and the figure acquires the desired silhouette.

In addition to soup, you can eat other foods: lean meat, vegetables and fruits, milk and vegetable oil. In this case, the latter is allowed only once a week and together with potatoes. Be sure to remove the skin from chicken, cut off fatty areas from beef or veal. But in unlimited quantities it is allowed to eat Bonn soup. The diet also provides for the observance of a few more rules: drink plenty of fluids, weigh yourself every morning, do not deviate from the menu. Eliminate alcohol from your diet completely. Before starting a diet, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Menu for the week

Bonn soup should be eaten every day: 2-3 times. On the first day, in addition to the main course, fruits are also allowed. The exception is the banana. You can drink unsweetened coffee or tea, cranberry juice. On the second day, you can add any vegetables to the menu (except legumes). For dinner, boil one potato and season it with vegetable oil. Drink only clean water.

On the third day, eat vegetables and fruits, but also with the above restrictions. But on the fourth day, you can already eat a few bananas and drink two or three glasses of low-fat milk. On the fifth, 500 grams of boiled meat or fish, a few tomatoes are allowed. During the sixth and seventh days, also eat meat, but with green vegetables, lettuce, cabbage, celery. Juices without sugar and brown rice are allowed.

The diet "Bonn Soup", the menu of which is quite diverse, helps to easily withstand it. The main thing is to experiment with products: make salads from fruits, bake or steam vegetables, boil or stew meat.

Diet Benefits

First, such nutrition is healthy and correct. It is based on healthy foods rich in fiber, which easily cleanse the body of toxins and harmful toxins. The Bonn soup diet for weight loss speeds up metabolism, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It saturates the body with vitamins, trace elements, minerals and other nutrients.

Secondly, the diet does not provide for a hunger strike. Therefore, eating to your full, you will not feel stress and discomfort. Efficiency will remain at a high level. Throughout the body, you will feel a surge of energy and vitality, which are a direct consequence of a proper and balanced diet.

Thirdly, women who have eaten according to this scheme claim to have received an amazing effect from such a diet. The "Bonn soup" diet securely fixes the results and does not allow excess body fat to return to its usual place in your body.

Cons and contraindications

Like other weight loss methods, Bonn Soup also has its drawbacks. The recipe, diet and menu, which are based on vegetables to a greater extent, are not suitable for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines. Therefore, before limiting yourself to nutrition, it is better to consult with doctors, undergo a full examination and take tests. Only if you are completely healthy, you are allowed to diet.

Among the disadvantages of the "Bonn" principle of nutrition is strong flatulence, which can cause soup. In addition, it has a specific taste and smell due to celery, which is not always liked by those who lose weight. But it is impossible to exclude this vegetable from the menu, as it perfectly breaks down fat and cleanses the intestines. Bonn soup also has a diuretic effect, so you can get into an awkward situation. Therefore, it is recommended to go on a diet during the holidays.

Monotony is another drawback of such a diet. But it is easy to come to terms with him, especially when you look in the mirror and are amazed at the results of your efforts and hardships.

If you have gained a couple of extra pounds over the holidays - do not rush to get upset and run for a subscription to the gym. The nutrition system described below will help you quickly lose weight and say goodbye to swelling.

Exactly excess fluid in the body (a consequence of drinking alcohol, too salty and spicy food) can add up to 5 kg to you. A simple vegetable soup diet will do the trick without you needing to reduce portions or starve outright.

Basic principles

Diet " Bonn soup ” was invented by doctors from Brussels and first tested on patients with a pronounced form of obesity (in preparation for liposuction operations and during the rehabilitation period).

The easy and useful system was a huge success and spread far abroad.

The basis of nutrition is low calorie vegetable soup. You can eat such a dish without restrictions - it does not add extra calories and effectively satisfies hunger.

In addition to the main “hero”, the following are allowed:

  • fresh and processed vegetables;
  • seasonal fruits (depending on the day of the diet);
  • tea and coffee without sugar/honey.


  • Fat-burning vegetable soup contains a minimum number of calories, and there are no fats in such a dish at all.
  • The composition of the soup is rich in vegetable proteins to maintain the balance of muscle mass.
  • Bonn soup is recommended to be used not only to lose extra pounds, but also to regularly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Vegetables, which form the basis of the recipe, help the liver and gallbladder to function properly. This soup is often included in the special treatment and atherosclerosis.


Despite the great benefits and naturalness of this method of losing weight, Bonn soup is not suitable for everyone.

This type of fat burning Not recommended people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, the soup is not worth eating. pregnant without consulting a doctor.
Lactating this diet option is allowed, but it is worth remembering the pronounced diuretic effect.

Otherwise, Bon soup has a great effect on the body at any age. Losing weight note that such a diet does not make you starve, and sticking to a diet is quite comfortable.

After losing kilograms, weight is maintained for a long time due to the natural normalization of metabolic processes and stimulation of digestion.

Menu for the week by day

  • Day 1: You can eat only vegetable soup and fruits (excluding bananas, grapes and peaches).
  • Day 2: It is recommended to consume a large amount of soup and green vegetables (preferably raw). For example, asparagus beans, peas, sweet peppers, cucumbers. On this day, any fruits and berries are prohibited. For lunch, bake 1 small potato tuber with the addition of a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Day 3: the menu includes soup, all kinds of vegetables (in addition to potato dishes) and fresh fruits (excluding all the same bananas).
  • Day 4: only soup and three ripe bananas, in addition to this, you can drink some low-fat milk (about 1.5%).
  • Day 5: soup and about 500 grams of meat (it is allowed to boil or bake), 5 medium tomatoes.
  • Day 6: vegetable soup, chicken fillet and all kinds of green vegetables are allowed (without any restrictions on the size of portions).
  • Day 7: soup, boiled brown rice (you can cook a mixture of brown and regular rice), fresh vegetables and fruit salad.

If you think it's hard to go on a diet for a whole week out of habit, just replace the usual dinner or breakfast with Bonn soup. The effect of such a regimen will also be noticeable (albeit less than on a full diet).

soup recipe

Basic ingredients you will need:

  • 5 medium onions;
  • 5 fresh tomatoes (or a jar of canned ones);
  • 1 head of cabbage (in addition to white cabbage, you can use any other that you like);
  • 2 large sweet peppers;
  • 1 bunch of celery (permissible to replace 1 tuber);
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop all the vegetables and place in a saucepan, then fill with water and bring the soup base to a boil.
  2. After 12 minutes, you can reduce the heat and wait for the final cooking of all vegetables.
  3. At the end of cooking, you can add hot peppers, turmeric, Tabasco sauce - there are no restrictions on spices in the recipe, be guided by your own taste.
  4. If you are a fan of cream soup, you can use a blender to bring Bonn soup to the desired consistency.

Forbidden use a variety of thickeners - cream, wheat or other types of flour, potato starch.

It is not necessary to follow the classic recipe exactly - you can connect your own culinary imagination and experiment with the amount of ingredients. Someone loves onions more, and someone - on the contrary.

The main rule is add plenty of fresh parsley and celery (you can increase the amount of one ingredient, and reduce the proportion of the other).

The main nuance is that you should not focus on other products from the list. Basic part of the menu should be exactly vegetable soup.


  • For effective cleansing of the body and splitting of subcutaneous fat during the diet, any alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, soda are strictly prohibited.
  • When you feel hungry, you can eat a serving of soup, regardless of the time. The more often you eat Bonn soup during the day, the more subcutaneous fat will be burned as a result.
  • The traditional version of the soup should be boiled without adding salt. But, if this recipe seems too bland, you can use a little dry garlic and a pinch of coriander.
  • You can enjoy diet soup even late at night, the main thing is to do it a couple of hours before bedtime. It well eliminates hunger and allows you to fall asleep with a pleasant feeling of lightness in the stomach.

The Bonn soup diet is one of the safest for health in terms of general well-being and the psychological state of losing weight, as well as the normal functioning of internal organs. During the Bonn diet, it is allowed to eat an unlimited amount of specially prepared fat-burning soup, which in itself saturates the body well, so during this weight loss system you will not suffer from hunger.

In addition, the Bonn soup diet menu allows you to include some additional foods in the diet, which makes it easier to endure the process of losing weight. Judging by the positive reviews about the Bonn soup diet, thanks to it, you can get rid of 4 to 8 kg per week without causing discomfort from eating dry food.

Adhering to a diet of this type, it is necessary to observe a certain water regime. Consider its main principles:

  • Drink more purified water. It can be mineral without gas or ordinary boiled - at least 2 liters per day.
  • Of the permitted drinks, drink tea and coffee without sugar, as well as fruit juices.

However, the basis of the Bonn soup diet is, of course, the soup itself. It can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but not less than 3 times a day. We will look at the recipe for Bonn soup for a diet a little later. To begin with, let's talk about additional acceptable products that can be included in this weight loss system.

What can you eat on the Bonn diet besides soup? Who is it suitable for?

In this diet, from day 1 to day 7, the following additional foods are allowed:

  • Fruits (with the exception of bananas), as well as cranberry juice without sugar.
  • All green vegetables except legumes. It is also allowed to eat 1 baked or boiled potato on one of the days.
  • Any vegetables except potatoes.
  • Low fat milk and a few bananas one day.
  • Boiled chicken fillet, lean beef or fish.
  • To safely exit this type of diet, you can also add a small amount of brown rice to the diet.

Such a nutrition system is not suitable for children and the elderly, as well as for those who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In all other respects, thanks to the positive reviews of the Bonn soup diet, this weight loss system is recommended for use by girls and women of almost any age. If the result from the Bonn diet appears earlier than in a week, then weight loss can be stopped, especially if you managed to lose 8 or more kilograms, because continuing the diet on the Bonn soup in this case can adversely affect your health. Before embarking on such a diet, nutritionists recommend consulting a doctor.

Bonn soup recipe for diet and its properties

The Bonn soup diet is remarkable in that it allows you to lose weight in a short time with pleasure and a full stomach. Consider a Bonn soup recipe for this type of diet.

Soup Ingredients:

  • 1 bunch of parsley, dill and celery;
  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 5 small onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 small head of Beijing or white cabbage;
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder (or ground ginger)
  • 1 st. a spoonful of cumin;
  • 20 g chopped garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Soup preparation method:

Wash vegetables and herbs, and then finely chop. Heat a frying pan with a little vegetable oil and sauté onion, curry, garlic and cumin. At this time, put a pot with 2 liters of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. After boiling, it is necessary to pour all the chopped vegetables into the water and add the fried onions with seasonings and bay leaf. The readiness of the soup is determined by the softening of the vegetables. It can be served both hot and cold with parsley and dill.

Oddly enough, but some people have a strong dislike for celery due to its sharp aroma and specific taste, so there are some positive reviews about the Bonn soup diet, in which this root vegetable was excluded. Also, some losing weight, dissatisfied with the taste of celery, improved the soup recipe by replacing this root crop with parsnips.

Besides the fact that Bonn soup has a strong fat-burning effect, it is also a good diuretic and can cause gastric flatulence, which is quite normal when cleansing the intestines. Therefore, when planning to lose weight with a diet based on Bonn soup, you must take this fact into account and avoid responsible activities during this period.

7 day bonn soup diet menu

This type of soup diet cannot be used for more than 7 days due to possible loss of muscle mass. Its result is considered quite fast, but not so long, because weight loss occurs mainly due to the removal of fluid from the body. The best effect can be achieved if you repeat the 7-day diet from time to time, combining it with regular physical activity.

As we have already found out, Bonn soup is allowed to be consumed as soon as you need it, as soon as you feel hungry. Therefore, nutritionists recommend always taking it with you in a thermos, especially when you go to work or you do not have the opportunity to fully dine at home.

Consider an exemplary Bonn soup diet menu for 7 days:

Day 1. Soup and fresh fruits (except bananas, melons and watermelons).

Day 2. Soup and any green vegetables. You can add 1 baked potato with olive or vegetable oil to the diet.

Day 3. Soup, any vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas).

Day 4. Soup, 3 bananas, 3 cups of low-fat milk.

Day 5. Soup, 500 grams of boiled or baked meat (fish), 5-6 fresh tomatoes.

Day 6. Soup, boiled meat, any green vegetables.

Day 7. Soup, brown, wild or white rice, fruit salad, any vegetables.

And lastly, do not forget that at least 15-20 minutes should pass between meals and loads.

The rest was a success, but your favorite skirt does not want to fasten, and the stomach seems to have grown, if not twice, then one and a half for sure? We will tell you how to return the waist quickly and without much stress. Super-popular Bonn soup will help you lose weight and get rid of edema! Haven't you heard of this recipe yet?

Bon soup is a wonderful recipe if you need to quickly and without much pain lose a few extra pounds and remove excess fluid from the body. It is not recommended to sit on such a diet for a long time, but if you have an important event planned in a week or two, and you suddenly didn’t fit into your favorite dress, then start cooking Bonn soup - since the recipe for its preparation is akin to cooking scrambled eggs in simplicity ...

Bonn soup like a lifesaver

Do not rush to get upset because of the extra kilos gained, for example, on holidays or for vacation! You have a very real chance to get rid of them quickly, without even bothering yourself with grueling workouts in the gym.

But before telling you about the famous recipe for the so-called Bonn soup for weight loss, as well as the results and risks of this mini-diet, we suggest doing some simple but interesting calculations in your head. At the very least, they will convince you that the extra pounds gained during a vacation or, say, a barbecue weekend, are not as scary as you imagine...

So, 1 kilogram of subcutaneous fat contains about 7 thousand kilocalories (respectively, 2 kg - 14 thousand, 3 - 21 thousand). It is unlikely that you managed to absorb so much during the holidays or vacation days, even if your physical activity was reduced solely to the movement of the jaws.

Thus, speaking of excess weight, most likely, we are talking not so much about fat as about edema. Water inevitably lingers in the body if we eat too much salty (smoked fish, caviar, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, cheeses, sausages - the list is endless) and drink alcohol. But isn't that how we usually eat on holidays? Alas, most often - just like that.

So: there is no better way to quickly get rid of edema and fat that has not yet “compacted” than Bonn soup. The main advantage of which is obvious - you don’t have to limit yourself in eating time and serving sizes!

Eat Bonn soup every time you feel hungry. If there were not so many excesses during the holidays, it is quite possible that three days will be enough for you to get in shape. For those who are especially demanding of themselves, it is allowed to extend the diet on Bonn soup up to 7 days.

Bonn soup recipe for weight loss

Required products:

  • 6 bulbs;
  • 6 fresh large tomatoes (you can take a jar of tomatoes in their own juice);
  • 1 head of white cabbage (or any other - Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, kohlrabi or cauliflower);
  • 2 large bell peppers;
  • 1 bunch of celery greens (can be replaced with tubers);
  • 1 bunch of parsley.

How to cook Bonn soup:

Finely chop the vegetables, put in a saucepan and pour water so that they are completely in the water, and let it boil. After ten minutes, lower the heat and let the soup simmer until the vegetables are cooked through. Peppers (red, black, white, chili), curry, Tabasco - to taste. You can arm yourself with a blender and turn Bonn soup into puree soup. Just no thickeners or flavor enhancers like cream, flour or starch.

Celery and parsley are the main must-have ingredients in Bonn soup for weight loss. The rest of the vegetables can be varied if desired.

To begin with, it is better to cook half a serving (or even a quarter)! If you haven't used celery so far, be sure to smell it in the market first, it smells quite intense. Does the smell cause disgust? Do not take this recipe as a dogma. Rather, as a basis for culinary fantasy - for Bonn soup, it is quite possible to vary the ratio of products. Put less onions or, conversely, more. Reduce the amount of cabbage, put two tomatoes instead of six, etc. Do not be lazy to cook - fresh Bonn soup is always tastier!

The main rule of the Bonn soup diet: do not try to cheat and eat only "additional foods" from the list. The main part of the diet should be exactly the soup, in which the presence of parsley and celery is mandatory (!) If celery isn't your favorite, add more parsley!

What can you drink on a diet with Bonn soup

You have every right to drink all types of tea (without sugar), coffee without milk (also without sugar) and still water in any quantities. Purchased juices are banned due to their high sugar content. If you are completely unbearable, in the morning before 12 o'clock, you can afford 1 slice of dark chocolate with tea or coffee. You can salt the soup! But only a little bit and only in a plate, just before eating.

Diet menu for 7 days

  • 1 First day: only Bonn soup and fresh fruits (the exceptions are bananas, watermelons and melons, they are not allowed).
  • 2 Second day: only Bonn soup and green vegetables (raw, boiled or canned). For example, green beans, green peas, cucumbers. No fruits. For lunch, you can eat 1 baked potato with olive oil.
  • 3 The third day: only soup and any vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (bananas are still banned).
  • 4 Fourth day: Bonn soup and three bananas, low-fat milk (no more than 1.5% fat).
  • 5 Fifth day: Bonn soup and 500 g of boiled or baked meat, a can of canned or six fresh tomatoes.
  • 6 Sixth day: Bonn soup, meat and green vegetables without restrictions.
  • 7 Seventh day: bonn soup, brown rice (you can use a mixture of brown and white rice or a mixture of wild and white), vegetables, fruit salad.

If you feel like you can't make it through the week, just have dinner (or breakfast) with Bonn soup! Just be sure to calculate the time so that you always have 15-20 minutes left. The effect of eating soup will not keep you waiting.

In addition, you should not get carried away with Bonn soup and "sit" on this diet for more than a week (even if the results make you very happy), otherwise you risk losing precious muscle mass...

Bonn Diet Anna

Bonn Diet Rating



Variety of products

Total: Bonn diet will help you get rid of 3-5 kg ​​per week. Pros: a good result in a short time, a simple diet. Cons: the main course for the week is soup, which is boring, there are contraindications.

2.7 You can also try

Fast, easy and "non-hungry"- can be summed up in a nutshell Bonn diet. If you are thinking about quickly and painlessly throwing off a few unnecessary kilos, then the Bonn Soup Diet is perfect. Despite the fact that some Hollywood stars use it just for these purposes. Just 7 days you can safely throw from 3 to 5 kg.

The basis of the diet is the well-known Bonn soup, which can be eaten at any time. A diet based on this soup will not make you starve, because the soup itself is very nutritious, in addition, various products are added to the soup during the week. The menu of the Bonn diet is described in more detail below.

Bonn soup recipe: For the soup you will need:

  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 5-6 heads of onions;
  • 150 gr. green onion
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 red bell peppers;
  • bunch of celery
  • 1.5 liters of water

Cut the vegetables into cubes and fill with water. Bring soup to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes, then reduce heat. And simmer the soup over low heat until cooked! It is recommended to cook soup without salt, as salt retains water in the body. To improve the taste of Bonn soup, seasonings without salt, basil, bay leaf or coriander can be added.

Advice: The recipe for Bonn soup can be modified, so you can use cauliflower or broccoli instead of white cabbage, as well as add green peas and a little garlic. In addition, you can make puree soup from ordinary soup using a blender. Soy sauce can be used as a condiment to taste.

Bonn soup diet rules:

  1. We eat soup anytime.
  2. In addition to soup, you are allowed to eat products that are listed on the menu. You can't change the order of the days!
  3. Forget about bread, buns, sweets and soda!
  4. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of water, and you can also drink tea without sugar.
  5. Alcohol is completely excluded - it slows down the metabolism.

Bonn diet - menu:

Day Bonn diet menu for every day
1st dayBonn soup + any fruit (except bananas and grapes, they are high in sugar)
2nd dayBreakfast, lunch and dinner - Bonn soup, Vegetables can be eaten as snacks (with the exception of corn, green peas and beans). For lunch or dinner, you can treat yourself to a baked potato with butter. You can't eat fruits!
3rd dayBonn soup (you can't get away from it). You can also eat fruits (everything except bananas and grapes) and vegetables (everything except potatoes). Don't forget to drink water!
4th dayWe eat everything the same as on the 3rd day. But you can still drink skim milk. It is allowed to eat bananas (no more than 3 pcs).
5th dayLong live meat! Today, in addition to the Bonn soup, you can eat 300 gr. boiled or steamed beef. Tomatoes unlimited.
6th dayWe eat everything that if on the 5th day, only we replace tomatoes with leafy vegetables (lettuce leaves, iceberg lettuce, etc.)
7th dayBonn soup, you can add a little brown rice to it. Vegetables unlimited. You can drink juice (preferably freshly squeezed, without sugar).

Advice: on days when meat is allowed, it is better to choose lean meat (chicken or beef), chicken should be eaten without skin, and it is better to remove all fat from beef.

Pros and Cons of the Bonn Soup Diet:

Let's start with negative :

  • Lack of dairy products, as well as fish and fats, is not very beneficial for the body.
  • Weakness and irritability may occur due to a low-calorie diet

TO pluses can be attributed to the rapid effect and the short duration of the diet itself. In addition, such a lightweight diet cleanses the body.

Contraindications! The diet is forbidden to people:

  1. Who are allergic to ingredients in the soup.
  2. who have gastrointestinal disease
  3. Athletes and people involved in physical labor, since the protein intake in this diet is minimal.

The doctor's consultation anyway, it won't hurt!

Rules for exiting the Bonn Diet:

Judging by the reviews, the Bonn soup diet gives good results, but if you return to the previous diet immediately after the diet, then the weight will return quite quickly. To prevent this from happening, you should follow fairly simple rules:

  • Gradually return familiar foods to the diet, do not immediately pounce on cakes and fried meat. The first two or three weeks should be eaten with restraint. You can start your morning with oatmeal boiled in water or cottage cheese. For lunch, make a light soup, and for dinner, steamed fish with a fresh salad.
  • Give up sugar, drink green tea or water between meals.
  • Light physical activity has never hurt anyone - evening walks, Pilates or yoga are also good. And also to maintain skin tone will help cosmetic procedures - body wraps, massage - which you can do at home on your own.
The Bonn diet, like any other, requires not only fully adhering to the diet menu, but also a systematic exit from it in order to consolidate the results achieved.
