
Calorie content of food and prepared meals. Learn to count calories and lose weight wisely

Calorie is a unit of energy consumption and energy consumption by the body. A calorie is a certain unit of fuel for the body, which is necessary for normal life, heat production, food processing and other activities. Today we will touch on the topic of why it is so important and how to correctly calculate calories when losing weight.

The main thing in the article

Why is it important to count calories for weight loss?

In order for the weight to start to go away, you need to create a small one. It is a small deficit, because with a large weight loss, health problems can arise, in particular with the heart. The skin will sag, as collagen does not have time to develop and tighten the dermis.

There is another formula that takes into account physical activity:

How to count calories according to the table of ready meals?

  • Mono-diets are most dangerous because their list of products is limited, and therefore the chance to break loose increases. More effective nutrition is balanced, when healthy and wholesome foods predominate in the diet, less empty ones are consumed that do not carry any benefit, but momentarily satisfy the feeling of hunger: cake, ice cream, cakes, buns, sweets and other sweet ingredients.
  • It is very important to compose your diet so that its calorie content corresponds to what you calculated for yourself. To do this is very simple, you need to look at the table and find your product.
  • One more rule about the distribution of fuel by time of day should be taken into account. In the morning you should eat at least 1/4 of the total amount of calculated calories, at lunch - 1/3, and dinner should not be heavy, its calorie content is approximately equal to 15% of the total calculated amount.
  • If only products are presented in the table, then they need to be added to each other, and then calculate the total amount of calories per dish. It should be noted that the table shows values ​​per 100 g of the product. Therefore, if you have less, then you need to take this into account and calculate according to the weight of your product.

Calorie table of ready meals per 100 grams

Below we invite you to take a look at the tables that calculate the calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates of different dishes per 100 grams of product. It is important to consider that if you add dressings to a salad or oil, then the calorie content will increase. The same applies to cereals and side dishes - 10 grams of butter doubles the calorie content.

First course calorie table

As can be seen from the table, the lowest calorie content falls on the first courses, consisting of dietary meat and vegetables. Calorie content may increase depending on the composition of the dressing and in general its availability.

Reception of first courses usually takes place at lunchtime. It is during this period of time that you need to get enough of a large amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

porridge calorie table

Porridge in the classic version is consumed in the morning, often for breakfast. Breakfast should consist of a large amount of slow carbohydrates so that your body is saturated with energy throughout the day. Also, do not forget about proteins and fats.

Note that the calorie calculation is based on the addition of butter, sugar, and other sweeteners.

Side dish calorie table

The side dish is usually added to meat or fish as complex carbohydrates so that the body has enough energy for the rest of the day.

Please note that added sauces and dressings will increase the total number of calories.

Calorie table of ready-made meat dishes

Based on the presented table, it can be seen that fried foods contain not only a lot of fat, but also a high total amount of calories per 100 grams of food. The lighter the food is cooked, the fewer calories it contains and the more beneficial it is for the body.

Calorie table of poultry dishes

Poultry, in comparison with other types of meat, is the least high-calorie, and some of its varieties are dietary. Based on the table, it can be seen that turkey meat contains many times less calories than pork or chicken meat.

Calorie table of fish dishes

Fish is not only a source of phosphorus, but also the main competitor of meat in terms of protein content. And the minimum calorie content makes dishes more in demand for women who want to acquire a slim figure.

salad calorie table

Salad name

Proteins, gr Fat, gr Carbohydrates, gr Calorie content kcal per 100 gr
From tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers 1 0,8 4,9 22,3

From tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream

1,2 4,6 3,1 58

From tomatoes and cucumbers with vegetable oil

0,8 7,6 4,8 89,6

From tomatoes and cucumbers with mayonnaise

0,8 15,4 4,9 144,5
Radishes with sour cream 1,9 5 6,6 70
Tomatoes with garlic 3,8 1,8 10,2 70,8
From fresh cabbage with apples 1,4 0,1 6,2 33,2
Sauerkraut 1,7 0,1 5,4 27,4
From sauerkraut and beets 1,8 0,1 8,2 40,6
Vinaigrette vegetable 1,6 4,8 6,7 76,5
Vinaigrette with herring 4,6 6,8 10,4 119,6
Beetroot with prunes, nuts and garlic 7,6 15,2 30,9 281
With crab sticks and corn 4,9 2,7 9,7 102
Greek 4,1 17,4 4,2 188,4
Olivier with sausage 5,5 16,5 7,8 198
Herring under a fur coat 8,2 17,9 4,1 208
Tenderness 5,9 8,8 30,2 213,5
Kremlin 5,9 21,8 8,4 251
Mimosa 6,6 27,8 4,6 292
Caesar 14,9 16,8 25,9 301
Capital (meat) 15,6 25,8 4,6 324

Vegetables are necessary for the body to process other food. They are an indispensable source of fiber, which is involved in the processes of digestion. And the fewer components in the salad, the more dietary its composition.

Second course calorie table

Calorie table for sauces and dressings

Sauce name Proteins, gr Fat, gr Carbohydrates, gr Calorie content, kcal per 100 gr
Adjika 1 3,7 5,8 59
anchovy oil 17 18 0,3 235
orange sauce 0,6 4,6 3 55,3
Wasabi 0 9 40 241
Dutch 2,4 10 4 114,5
Table mustard 10 5,3 3,5 139
Mushroom 1 6 3 69
mustard dressing 1,2 31,3 7 312
salad dressing 0 47,5 5,2 447
Marinade vegetable without tomato 1,2 7,8 12 120
Vegetable marinade with tomato 3,2 8,7 13,7 143
mustard oil 1 79 2 722
Oil green 1 61 3 558
Oil with sprats and sardines 3 57 3 539
Lactic 3 11,5 7,5 143
White for fish 15 7 5,5 149
White with egg 13 18,5 5 236
Mushroom sauce with tomato 2,8 10 9 134
From butter and hard boiled egg 5 39 1,5 376
from celery 2,8 21,6 10,3 244
From horseradish 2 10 8,5 132
From champignons with cream 4 14,7 4 163
Cranberry 0 0 12,6 51
Red sweet and sour 14 5,6 35,5 240
Mayonnaise 2 72 2,6 665,5
sour cream 2,8 32 6,5 326
horseradish sauce 0,9 4,6 5 64
cheesy 6 11 5,5 141,5
Egg-butter 3 34 0,6 321

Calorie desserts in the table

Name Calorie content, kcal per 100 gr Proteins, gr Fat, gr Carbohydrates, gr
Jam 286 0,4 0,2 74,5
waffles 425 8,2 19,8 53,1
Hematogen 252 6,2 2,8 75,5
Dragee fruit 388 3,7 10,3 73,4
Zephyr 295 0,7 0 77,3
Iris 384 3,1 7,7 81,2
Caramel 291 0 0,2 77,3
Chocolate candies 576 3,9 39,7 54,6
Marmalade 289 0 0,2 77,1
Honey 312 0,6 0 80,5
ice cream ice cream 223 3,6 15,1 20,5
Creamy ice cream 182 3,6 10 19,5
popsicle ice cream 278 3,6 20 19,5
Paste 301 0,6 0 80,1
oatmeal cookies 430 6,5 14,1 71,1
Butter cookies 437 10,5 5,2 76
puff pastry 543 5,7 38,3 46,8
Biscuit cake 388 4,9 9,1 84,1
Gingerbread 333 4,4 2,9 77,1
Sugar 377 0,2 0 99,6
Sunflower halva 519 11,4 29,3 54,6
Dark chocolate 546 5,2 35,6 52,4
milk chocolate 552 6,7 35,6 52,4

As can be seen from the table, sweets and all kinds of desserts have a high calorie content, as well as a lot of carbohydrates. But these carbohydrates are simple, they are quickly absorbed into the blood and processed by the body. Consequently, you quickly become satiated, but after a while you become hungry. Such dishes should be reduced, firstly, because they do not bring any benefit to the body. And secondly, you can’t get enough of them, there will always be few of them.

Calorie table of flour and bakery products

Bakery products have an average calorie content. But keep in mind that some products are made from processed wheat varieties, while others are made from durum cereals. If you want to switch to a proper and balanced diet, then it is better to give preference to products made from rye, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Calorie drinks in the table

Name Calorie content, kcal per 100 gr Proteins, gr Fat, gr Carbohydrates, gr
apricot juice 39 0,9 0,2 9,2
Pineapple juice 48 0,2 0,2 11,4
Orange juice 36 0,9 0,1 8,4
Grape juice 56 0,3 0 14,5
Cherry juice 49 0,5 0 10,6
Pomegranate juice 58 0,2 0 14
cocoa with milk 377 24 17 33,1
Bread kvass 26 0,2 0 5
Cola 40 0 0 10
Coffee with milk 56 0,8 1 11
Lemonade 24 0 0 6,1
Lemon juice 18 1 0,1 3,2
carrot juice 31 1 0,1 6,5
Peach juice 37 0,8 0,1 9,1
Non-alcoholic beer 22 0 0 4,1
Green tea 0 0 0 0
Black tea without sugar 0 0 0 0
Black tea with lemon and sugar 2 tsp. 41 0,8 0,7 8,3
Black tea with condensed milk 2 tsp. 112 2,4 2,4 19,3
Energy drink 47 0 0 11,4
Apple juice 42 0,5 0,4 9,7

As can be seen from the table, during the diet, and indeed, it is better to drink tea or juice. The additional sweet ingredients bring not only a pleasant taste, but also a significant weight to calories.

Complete table of caloric content of ready meals free download

Presented here complete table of calorie content of ready meals, you can download it and use it when calculating your KBJU.

McDonald's calorie content of dishes: table

McDonald's has a handy calorie counting system. This is convenient because choosing certain products, you will always know how much you ate. But as you can see from the table, the food in the institution is very high in calories.

Burger King food calorie table

The fast food restaurant chain has high-calorie food, as its composition mainly includes baked goods with meat. But do not get carried away with fast food, because it will not affect the body in the best way.

Diet and calculation of caloric content of products according to Bormental

  • Excess weight often comes from overeating. Stress, depression, or vice versa a good mood - all this is fixed by a good portion of food. And no matter what, the main thing is to seize the pain, and it will become good - this is what most people think. But for the body this is an unbearable burden, it deposits unnecessary components in the form of fat, which, with frequent abuse, becomes very large.
  • The Bormental diet is based on reducing calories to 1200 per day. But it should be borne in mind that this calculation was made for people with a sedentary lifestyle. If you lead an active rhythm of life, the calorie content should be increased by about 500 kcal.
  • The essence of the diet is that there are no restrictions, as such. You can afford to eat whatever you want. But the main thing is to keep within 1200 kcal. You also need to keep a food diary in which you will enter all the foods consumed per day.

Calorie table of ready meals according to Bormental

  • If you have chosen Bormental nutrition, then you must definitely use the calorie table.
  • The specialists of the Bormenthal Center recommend drinking a glass of warm tea after each meal so that the feeling of satiety lasts longer.
  • Reduce foods high in fat.
  • Increase the amount of building material - protein in the diet.
  • Include more vegetables in each meal, and if possible, replace sweets with fruits.
  • Meals should be divided into 6-8 meals, three of which are main, and the rest are snacks.
  • It is better to get rid of bad habits, without them not only the body will look better, but also the skin, and hair, and your mood.

Counting calories for weight loss: video

  1. Nastya :
  2. Denis S. :

    Thank you very much for the food calorie tables, I will also support Nastya - it would be great to add the ability to download them in Word or PDF format.

  3. Julia :

    What a useful board. I didn’t know that corn flakes were so high in calories, but I eat them every day and wonder why those extra pounds don’t go away. Now I'm rethinking my diet. I'll remove some food.

  4. Pauline :

    It must be like everything in detail. It's strange that I've never seen anything like it before. But it is very convenient, especially for those people who monitor their health and their weight. I'll probably bookmark it too.

  5. Alina :

    What a great and detailed board! I want to print it out and hang it in the kitchen, because sometimes I want to eat something forbidden, but at least I’ll know how many calories there are and think twice if there is.

  6. Dina :

    Tell me, in the morning I eat oatmeal with milk, nuts and dried fruits, while I want to lose weight ... I stick to a diet. Can I replace my breakfast with something else, as I understand it, based on the table, is it high-calorie enough?

  7. Julia :

    And how do I know that your calorie table is correct? For example, I have slightly different data on the number of calories in products, and I took my table from the site, where they also said that they had the most correct table, and that many people lost weight using it. So who to believe? Or should I try, first that one, and then yours, or vice versa?

  8. Valeria :

    For some reason, I always thought that mayonnaise is much more high-calorie. A competent table, now it has become easier to control the diet. I immediately found my mistakes, I will take them into account for the future. And I will not give up my favorite bananas, you can afford one a day!

  9. Olya :

    I followed the calorie content only for the first 3 days of the diet, then I stopped, because it was already clear how many calories were in my breakfast, lunch or dinner. Moreover, there are a lot of applications that all calculate themselves.

  10. Sonya :

    I often look at such tables, naturally, the number of calories is approximate, not exact, but at least I know that I ate a little and my lunch or dinner did not affect my figure.

  11. Dasha :

    Sometimes it’s just interesting how many calories are contained in a particular product. During the diet period, that table generally needs to be printed out and hung on your refrigerator, highlighting the most high-calorie foods.

  12. Sasha :

    Knowing the calorie content of foods is necessary, especially if you are trying to monitor your figure. You need to at least approximately understand what part of the daily allowance you ate.

  13. Rita :

    Once again I’m going on a diet and this time everything will be serious, I downloaded and printed calorie tables, hung them on the refrigerator and I’ll count calories, once again I’m convinced that diets don’t work, only counting calories, with their deficit, fat begins to melt .

  14. Eve :

    For convenience, I advise everyone to download the calorie counting application. There are a huge number of them. No need to keep everything in your head, carry a cheat sheet with you. You bring in groceries, such as lunch, and you're done.

  15. Christina :

    Thank you for such high-quality and detailed tables, now it will be very easy for me to calculate the right diet in order to effectively start reducing my excess weight!

  16. Maria :

    And I was surprised that there are no carbohydrates in meat, in fish too. And what a fat caviar!!! You should not get carried away for sure, it’s also salty - it can retain water. With such a useful table, I learn a lot about products.

  17. Anna :

    I didn’t know before that counting calories is so important for weight loss. I thought you should go on a diet and try to starve. And the greater effect is just with proper nutrition - this plate is now to help me.

  18. Angelica :

    From my own experience, I’ll say that losing weight should begin with studying the calorie content tables of foods, and even better, print it out and put it on the refrigerator. It sometimes seems to us that there are few calories in the product, we eat without measure, as a result, all this is deposited in fat, since I began to count calories, the weight went down and all this without diets, I just eat in moderation observing the recommended calorie intake.

Let's get straight to practice.

Scales it is best to choose electronic. So you will know the exact weight. Before buying, the scales are easy to check: take a small object (or several objects), the weight of which you know, and put it on the scale several times. Restart scale and check again. If the number does not change, the scales do not lie. Many manufacturers allow an error of +/- 5 grams. Tables of measures and weights for determining the weight of products are not helpers here: the dish after cooking will need to be weighed to calculate its total calorie content, and then one of your servings.

Scales are best to choose electronic

A collection of calorie tables can be found in any bookstore and will always be at your fingertips. Also, the calorie content of the product is indicated on the package. Numbers may vary slightly in different tables. Choose one table for yourself and use only that one.

All kitchen utensils it is advisable to weigh in advance so that later you can easily subtract the weight of dishes or plates.

In cooking, it is important to remember: calories in water, salt- 0 (zero) kcal. But water adds weight and thus changes the total calorie content of the dish.

The more water you add, the more weight and the fewer calories per 100 grams

The dish you counted once is more no need to count if its composition does not change. Just write down the amount of ingredients you need in your notebook.

And the most important thing - formula to calculate the calorie content in 100 grams of the finished dish:

How to understand the notation in this formula?

A (grams) - the total weight of the finished dish in grams;

B (kcal) - the total calorie content of the products in the finished dish.

How to use this formula?

We multiply two numbers diagonally by each other and divide by the number that is diagonally from X:

H × 100: A= the number of calories in 100 g of your meal.

The formula is not very clear? Let's look at detailed examples of how to apply it in practice.

Simple dishes: porridge

Let's start with a simple dish and calculate the calorie content of ordinary rice porridge.

100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal

. Rice - 300 g
. Water
. Salt

1. 100 grams of dry rice contains 330 kcal.
2. For our porridge, we took 300 g of cereal: 330 kcal × 3 = 990 kcal.
3. The entire volume of cooked rice porridge will have a calorie content 990 kcal: apart from water and salt, which, as we already know, have no calories, we did not add anything else.
4. About 900 g of ready-made porridge is obtained from 300 g of dry rice.
5. We calculate the calorie content of rice porridge in 100 grams according to the formula:

900 g rice porridge = 990 kcal

100 g rice porridge= X kcal

990 × 100: 900 = 110 kcal (990 times 100 divided by 900)

So, our result: 100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal.

According to a similar scheme, we consider the calorie content of boiled pasta, beans, lentils. Before cooking, we weigh dry pasta, consider the calorie content of dry weight. Boil the pasta, drain the water and weigh the finished pasta: the weight will be greater, since the pasta has absorbed the water. Then we count the calorie content in 100 g.

Complex dishes: puree soup and apple sambuc

The calorie content of a multicomponent dish is not much more difficult to calculate than the calorie content of a simple porridge. Let's cook delicious pumpkin puree soup.

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal

For your convenience, all data is given in the table.


Product weight

Calories in 100 grams

Milk 3.5%

1 l (1000 ml)


Bulb onions

Butter 82.5%


1630.5 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that are needed to make pumpkin puree soup - 2675.
2. Total caloric content of products - 1630.5 kcal.
3. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion in butter, then add the carrots, potatoes and pumpkin cut into small pieces, pour in the milk, add salt. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 30-40 minutes. After that, grind the vegetables together with milk with a blender into a puree.
4. The weight of the finished dish is 2562 g and contains all the same 1630.5 kcal (I remind you that water evaporates, not calories).
5. According to the formula, we calculate the calorie content of pumpkin soup in 100 g:

In 2562 g of soup = 1630.5 kcal

In 100 grams of soup \u003d X kcal

1630.5 × 100: 2562 = 63.6 kcal (round up to 64 kcal)

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal.

And don't forget the light dessert. Today we have on the menu Airy Apple Sambuc with amazing cinnamon flavor.


Product weight

Calories in 100 grams

Prescription product weight calorie

Apples (peeled and peeled)

Egg white


479.4 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that we need to make apple dessert with cinnamon - 790 g.
2. The total calorie content of these products - 479.4 kcal.
3. Let's make apple sambuc.

Sambuc is a gelled dessert based on beaten egg whites.

Cut the apples into quarters, remove the peel and seeds. We put it in a mold, pour a couple of tablespoons of water on the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for about 25-30 minutes (until soft). Cool the finished apples, and in the meantime, dissolve the gelatin as indicated on the package, and heat to 40-50 ° C, after which we also cool. Using a blender, grind apples into puree, add sugar and beat with a whisk (nozzle) or mixer for about 1 minute. Then add egg whites to the apples, beat for at least 5 minutes: the mass will turn white and increase in volume. Then pour in the gelatin and beat for about 1 minute more. Pour the mass into bowls and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle with cinnamon, decorate with apple slices and a sprig of mint.
4. The weight of the finished dessert is about 675 g and contains 479.4 kcal.
5. Let's calculate the calorie content of apple sambuca in 100 g:

675 g of dessert = 479.4 kcal

100 g of dessert \u003d X kcal

479.4 × 100: 675 = 71 kcal

100 g of apple sambuca contains 71 kcal.

We fry cutlets, chops and meat in batter

When calculating the calorie content of fried foods, you need to consider one key point: 20% the amount of oil that you pour into the pan is absorbed into the product (cutlets, chops). However, if you fry potatoes, other vegetables, flour products, do not lose sight of the fact that these dishes absorb almost 100% oil. This is especially true for zucchini, eggplant, pancakes, pancakes: they absorb oil like a sponge and require additional “feeding” all the time. When you stew vegetables with oil, all the oil ends up in your stew. In this case, you need to take into account all the fats used in cooking.

Eggplant absorbs oil like a sponge.

I suggest a hearty meal fried chicken fillet with sour cream and garlic sauce.


Product weight

Calories in 100 grams

Prescription product weight calorie

Chicken breast fillet

Lemon juice

Vegetable oil

900 kcal - 20%*

Salt pepper


768 kcal

* 20% of the indicated calorie content of the oil, this is 180 kcal that will be absorbed into the chicken meat. The rest of the oil will remain in the pan.

1. For cooking fried chicken fillet, we need 650 g products.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 768 kcal.
3. Let's start cooking dinner. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts and lightly beat off. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Let's prepare the sauce for the chicken fillet. Ingredients to taste in the quantities you need: sour cream, garlic, herbs, salt. Squeeze the garlic through a press, finely chop the greens, combine with sour cream, add salt and mix. Or grind all the ingredients with an immersion blender. The calorie content of sour cream sauce will equal the calorie content of your sour cream: herbs and garlic are very low calorie foods.
4. The weight of the chicken fillet after cooking is about 400 g and contains all the same 768 kcal.
5. Now let's calculate the weight of the fried chicken fillet in 100 g using the formula:

400 g fried chicken = 768 kcal

100 g fried chicken = X kcal

768 × 100: 400 = 192 kcal

In 100 g of fried chicken fillet, we have 192 kcal (excluding the calorie content of sour cream sauce).

If you want to cook meat in batter, then you need to add the calorie content of batter (flour, milk, egg) to the calorie content of meat and vegetable oil.

And how many calories are in the broth and compote?

When cooking, part of the calories goes into the broth from the products: from fish - 15%, from meat - 20%, fruits - 30%, dumplings, manti and khinkali - 20%. These figures may fluctuate: it all depends on the cooking time of the products.

Let's calculate the calorie content of salmon fish broth. Take a salmon steak weighing 300 g and 1 liter of water. Calorie content of salmon in 100 g = 142 kcal, in 300 g of this fish = 426 kcal (142 × 3).

426 kcal - 15% = 63.9 kcal (round up to 64 kcal).

In 1 liter of salmon broth 64 kcal. There are only 6.4 kcal in 100 ml of broth!

Boiled meat and vegetables

Today we have dinner boiled beef, a glass of kefir and a salad. The calorie content of kefir is written on the package, and we will calculate the calorie content of meat and salad ourselves. With a salad, everything is simple: add up the calorie content of all its components. We count meat.

When meat is cooked, about 20% of its calorie content goes into the broth.

. Beef shoulder (boneless meat) - 1 kg
. Salt

1. 100 g of beef shoulder contains 208 kcal.
2. In 1 kg of a shoulder blade: 208 kcal × 10 = 2080 kcal.
3. After cooking, the weight of the boiled meat is about 700 g: the boiled meat has decreased in volume and weight.
4. When meat is cooked, about 20% of its calorie content goes into the broth, so 2080 kcal - 20% \u003d 416 kcal, that is how much was boiled into the broth from a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, and 1664 kcal left in the meat itself.
5. Now let's calculate the calorie content of boiled beef in 100 g:

700 g of boiled meat = 1664 kcal

100 g of boiled meat \u003d X kcal

1664 × 100: 700 = 237.7 kcal

In 100 grams of boiled beef shoulder 237.7 kcal (round up to 238 kcal).

And in conclusion, I want to give you useful advice: the calorie content of fruit compote (without sugar), broths, coffee and tea (also without sugar), garlic, herbs, and many dry spices are so small that you should not focus on this. You can't drink enough broth in a day to catastrophically go over your calorie intake. And, moreover, you are unlikely to master so much garlic. But if you cook with the use of fats, then you can reduce the calorie content of the first or second courses as follows: after cooking, remove the greasy film from the surface of the dish with a spoon.

Calorie counting may seem complicated only at first glance. Already for the second or third time you will do better, and after a while you will do it automatically.

Now spring is the most beautiful time of the year when nature awakens. I sincerely wish you to feel a fresh mood and cheerfully walk towards the intended goal.

Best regards, Natalie Lissy

For people who are familiar with diets and weight loss techniques, counting calories becomes a useful tool in losing weight. The number of calories consumed gives the body a supply of energy, but if it remains unspent, it is deposited in the form of fat cells. A balanced diet allows you to regulate the ratio of calorie intake and expenditure and control your own weight.

The calculation of the calorie content of meals and products is usually required to maintain fitness, in the process of losing weight or gaining weight. The calculation of calories in products, entrusted to the computer, avoids errors and saves time.

How to use the calorie calculator to determine the calorie content of one meal or to find out how many calories you consume per day?

Using the Calorie Calculator

Table calorie content of food and ready meals broken downinto two parts - “calorie content of dishes” and “calorie content of products”, each of which contains categories of dishes and products. When you click on a certain category, a list of the corresponding dishes or products appears. For each dish, information is provided on the calorie content and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

We select the dish or product you are interested in - this can be done in two ways:

  • enter the name of the dish or product in the search and select the appropriate one from the pop-up list;
  • select a product or dish from the list of the corresponding category from the table

Example: you are interested in how many calories are in 200g of pea soup.

  • in the part of the table “calorie content of dishes” click on the category “first courses” - a list of first courses will open;
  • we look for and select “pea soup” in the proposed list;
  • indicate the weight of the portion in the box on the left;
  • after specifying the weight, this dish will be added to the list of selected products.

Thus, at the top above the category table, your finalcalorie table of food and ready mealsindicating the number of calories separately for each dish and the final total calorie content. In the final list, it is possible to edit the weight of the product and delete unnecessary dishes.

Such calorie calculator for ready meals and products onlineuseful in analyzing calorie intake if the goal is weight loss. During the day, you can add all your meals to the list and find outhow many calories a dayyou consume. A useful service for losing weight is also a calorie consumption calculator for various activities, you will find it

How to calculate the calorie content of ready meals?

  • summing up the kcal of each ingredient of the dish, which can be found in the calorie table;
  • by entering all the data into the calorie calculator.

The number of calories in products is indicated in the table per 100 g. When calculating, this number must be multiplied by the actual mass of the specified ingredient, so you cannot do without a kitchen scale. Since we usually prepare a dish for several servings, the amount received must be divided by their number.

To find out how many calories you consume for the whole day, you will need to add together the calorie content of all meals eaten. If you use to calculate food calorie analyzer , then all arithmetic operations are performed automatically. You only need to select a dish or product and indicate the portion eaten.

The rate of calorie intake

Each person has their own standards. It depends on gender, age and activity. Women generally need fewer calories to function normally than men. People with reduced activity are less than those who play sports. With age, the required number of kcal decreases.

Thus, if you are a man leading an active lifestyle and under the age of 30, then your bar will be the highest - 3,000 kcal per day. If you are an active young woman, then your norm is already lower - 2,400 kcal. If you are an elderly man who does not lean on sports, but is moderately active, then for you the optimal calorie intake is 2,200 kcal.

Also, when calculating the norm, you can build on the ideal weight that you are striving for. You can calculate the daily kcal intake using the following averaged formula: desired weight * 14 / 0.453. The number of calories received is your daily allowance, which should not be exceeded, but it is also not recommended to underestimate.

In addition to the norm of calories, there is an optimal amount of macronutrients consumed. Proteins make up 10-15% of the total kcal, fats - 25-30%, and saturated ones account for only 7%, the rest is given to carbohydrates.

How much do you need to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight?

If you are aiming to lose weight, then reducing the calorie intake is indispensable. It is calculated according to the above formula. But not any desired weight is considered safe. Experts do not recommend reducing daily calories by more than 20%.

You can check this by dividing the resulting value by the total caloric content consumed at the moment. If the calculated number is greater than or equal to 0.8, then the reduction in kcal will not harm the body. In no case should you reach the dangerous limit of 1,800 kcal for men and 1,200 kcal for women. To strictly adhere to this allowable level, use calorie counter for ready meals.

Ways to reduce the calorie content of meals

It is possible to reduce the calorie content of ready-made meals and products by 100 grams not only by selecting low-calorie ingredients, but also by using special cooking methods. Foods that are heat-treated already lose up to 15% of calories. A slow cooker and a double boiler help to reduce the calorie content of dishes as much as possible.

Pre-treatment of products is also important. By removing the skin from the chicken, you will get a less high-calorie dish in the end. And by ditching processed foods and opting for making your own from scratch, you can reduce the amount of saturated fat you use. Another important point is the presentation of the dish. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you will eat.


What you need to know about calories and how to determine the optimal daily amount of calories and BJU.

The terms caloric content or energy value are increasingly found in conversations, in the press, on the Internet and on TV. We are talking about the amount of energy received daily with food due to the intracellular oxidation of useful elements. It is spent on maintaining the vital activity of the body: cell division and growth, activity, partially excreted or stored in the tissues of the body. At the same time, the calorie content table of finished products becomes the main assistant in matters of figure adjustment (drying, losing weight, weight gain, and so on). There are two units of heat energy measurement: kcal (kilocalories) or kJ (kilojoules), which are always written on the basis of per 100 grams.

It is worth noting a number of nuances when working with full tables of caloric content of products and ready meals:

  • The energy value of cereals, flour, coffee, potatoes and everything that requires cooking is prescribed per 100 grams of the original "raw material".
  • The calorie content of finished dishes differs from the original “material”, it is adjusted by additional ingredients, the method of processing and storage. It is calculated using special calculators or based on tables.

In addition to calories in dishes and products, it is customary to consider nutritional value in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

What should you know about calories?

It depends on the method of preparation: steaming, frying, boiling, stewing, drying. Thermal exposure significantly changes the initial indicators of the kilocalorie table, including those indicated on the food packaging of semi-finished products.

It is believed that the body will 4 kcal per gram of protein, 4 kcal from carbohydrates and 9 kcal from fat. Energy production depends on the health of the digestive system. Substances are absorbed and raise the level of glucose in the blood, replenish glycogen stores in the muscles or are sent to the subcutaneous fat. Some elements leave the body altogether. For example, fiber helps to remove excess animal fats.

Calculations based on tables of kcal in products are very approximate. Once upon a time, the French physical chemist M. Berthelot invented a calorimetric bomb - a sealed vessel with a heat-insulating water jacket. The product of a certain mass burned inside heated the water, releasing heat. This is how calories were defined - averaged, actually measuring energy in a vacuum. Existing laboratory methods can only measure the body's response to carbohydrate intake by monitoring blood sugar.

When controlling the diet, at least two tasks are distinguished:

  • getting a daily calorie intake;
  • combination of nutrients in the required amount.

Calories for muscle gain and weight loss

Calories have become a simple and widely available guideline for creating menus with specific goals. If it takes 9,000 kcal to store a kilogram of fat, then that’s exactly what the energy deficit should be to burn that amount. In this case, more weight can be lost due to the removal of fluid from body tissues.

Refusal of food does not give results: including compensatory mechanisms, the body reacts to hunger with a new replenishment of reserves. The only way:

  • tracking nutrients in the menu for the basic needs of the body;
  • creating a minimal calorie deficit due to fats and carbohydrates;
  • physical activity to increase energy consumption.

An increase in consumption by 450-500 kcal per day is the ability to lose up to 400-500 grams per week. Such weight loss, according to nutritionists, is considered normal. The food calorie table helps to adhere to the above three rules and save the result.

The main difficulty is to determine the optimal daily amount of energy. There is no “magic” number that allows you to lose weight, gain weight or keep fit. A person's needs are assessed based on gender, age, weight, and current activity level.

If you have a table of calories in products at hand, then you should use the popular Harris-Benedict formula and find out the starting point for developing a menu. Despite the "old age" (invented back in 1919 and improved in 1984), it allows you to get a number close to the truth.

  • For women: 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.098 * height in cm) - (4.33 * age, years).
  • For men the calculation has a slightly modified form: 88.362 + (13.397 * mass in kg) + (4.799 * height in cm) - (5.677 * age, years).

This technique is relevant for adults. The resulting figure reflects the minimum needs of the body. The more movement in life, the higher they are.

In order to take into account metabolic processes as accurately as possible, it is necessary to take into account the coefficient of physical activity. If a person sits at a computer 10-12 hours a day, then the value is minimal:

  • 1,2 - in the absence of activity (sedentary work at the PC and lack of training);
  • 1,375 - low activity (light housework, walking);
  • 1,55 - moderate activity (walking every day, jogging for 15-20 minutes, homework);
  • 1,725 - daily workouts
  • 1,9 – training in professional sports or hard physical labor.

With total numbers and a table of ready-made meals by calories, losing weight or maintaining weight is not something unrealistic. For a complete picture, let's analyze the calorie content of popular food groups.

Menu calculation data

Detailed information about the energy value can be found on the Internet. The tables of calorie content of dishes show the layout of cooked delicacies, so there is no need to make complex calculations.

Consider the calorie content of food that is included in the diet of most people:

  1. Salads. The energy value depends on the components and the dressings used. It is recommended to focus on recipes with a minimum level of fat:
    • salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers - 22 kcal;
    • salad with tomatoes and cucumbers (with vegetable oil) - 90;
    • salad with tomatoes and cucumbers (with sour cream) - 58;
    • sauerkraut - 27,4;
    • fresh cabbage with apples - 33;
    • tomatoes with garlic 71;
    • herring under a fur coat - 208;
    • mimosa - 292;
    • caesar - 301.
  2. Soups have a wide range of ingredients, but the calorie content of the products used is already taken into account in the table. A broth with a minimum fat content is obtained from lean poultry. It is enough to add pasta, cereals or fry in oil, and the indicator will change:
    • chicken broth - 21 kcal per 100 gr;
    • vegetable broth - 12;
    • bean soup - 66;
    • pea soup - 54;
    • mushroom soup with potatoes 72,7;
    • canned fish soup 52,3;
    • borscht with pork 133;
    • borscht with chicken 128.
  3. Second meals of protein are important for maintaining health and satiety:
    • pork goulash - 238;
    • turkey steam cutlets 139;
    • steamed chicken cutlets 127,5;
    • steamed fish cutlets 87;
    • pork chop - 249;
    • chicken chop - 187;
    • grilled chicken - 180;
    • fried potatoes with mushrooms 122;

  4. Porridge and side dishes. Cereals contain more calories, are sources of vitamin B, beneficial trace elements and fiber, therefore they remain full longer compared to potatoes:
    • buckwheat in milk 209;
    • buckwheat porridge on the water - 111;
    • oatmeal with milk 194;
    • oatmeal on the water 95,7;
    • corn porridge on the water - 109,6;
    • rice with milk 214;
    • boiled barley - 118;
    • boiled beans - 122;
    • boiled potatoes - 83,4;
    • fried potatoes - 199;
    • braised cabbage - 99.
  5. Flour products contain a lot of simple carbohydrates and calories:
    • cream biscuits - 398;
    • drying - 341;
    • rye bread made from wholemeal flour - 190;
    • rye bread made from wholemeal flour - 181;
    • wheat bread - 231.
  6. Fruits and berries are the main vitaminizers of the diet:
    • quince - 30;
    • avocado - 223;
    • oranges - 40;
    • bananas - 89;
    • cherry - 63;
    • strawberries - 34;
    • cranberry - 35;
    • dogwood - 41;
    • raspberries - 42;
    • plums - 43.
  7. Vegetables, as sources of fiber, make the menu complete:
    • green peas - 75;
    • zucchini - 27;
    • watermelon - 38;
    • White cabbage - 28 (Brussels - 25 );
    • melon - 35;
    • onion and green - 43;
    • cauliflower - 28;
    • carrot - 33 and so on.
