
Coriander and mayonnaise sauce recipe. Condiments and sauces

Sauces and gravies for barbecue are an integral part of a real picnic dish. With sauce, kebabs become even juicier and more aromatic. Surely, before the training camp, you have already managed to run to the supermarket for a portion of barbecue sauce. I propose to postpone the purchase until "better" times and prepare homemade tomato sauce for barbecue with cilantro.

I make this sauce with ingredients grown in my garden. You can buy tomatoes and fresh cilantro at the market. You will also need garlic, salt and black pepper.

There is an option to prepare a red sauce for barbecue with cilantro from tomato paste diluted with water. I like my version much better. Everything is homemade fresh, and it is a pleasure to pour homemade barbecue sauce on your own barbecue.

So, the recipe. Cut clean tomatoes into slices, removing the hard part of the stalk. Scroll the tomatoes in a meat grinder in mashed potatoes.

Cut the greens with a knife, but do not grind too much. The cilantro should feel good in the sauce.

Mix the sauce thoroughly with a fork.

Season to taste with salt and ground pepper.

Peel the garlic. Rub on a fine grater and add to the rest of the ingredients. The sauce for kebab with cilantro is almost ready...

Mix the contents of the mixing bowl well.

I'm all set, and you?

While I was preparing my fragrant homemade tomato sauce with cilantro and garlic, my husband fried my favorite.

What a blessing that there is an opportunity to more than enjoy a barbecue with fragrant homemade tomato sauce. We are at the cottage. How are you not with us yet?

Every day we cook a lot of different food, but, as a rule, the recipes are traditional, familiar to housewives. After all, the easiest way is to do something that has long been familiar and everyone likes to taste, but sometimes you want something new. But there is not always at that time, and the result may not be what was expected. Although the risk is noble, but when it comes to dinner for guests or for a husband, no hostess wants to spoil everything. How to diversify the diet simply without spending a lot of time and without culinary loss? You can do this by preparing a new dressing for meat or fish every time - tasty, fast, fragrant. And today it's cilantro sauce.

Spicy greens with the brightest taste

Before you learn the recipes, a couple of interesting facts about the herb. Cilantro is a rather unusual plant - it is loved and hated. But it is noteworthy that a person who could not bear the aroma of grass one day begins to eat it calmly. Also, many change their minds after greens have helped cure a number of diseases. Doctors often prescribe cilantro to eat when a person has problems with blood vessels - a slight bruise turns into a bruise. A bunch a day, and everything returns to normal.

Cilantro has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which gives it the ability to heal a person. It is also a powerful defense against attacks by viruses and bacteria. So maybe you will change your mind if it was negative about aromatic herb.
Take note of the best cilantro dip recipes and spice up your usual meal!

sour cream sauce

This is a very simple and useful refill. Served with meat, fish, it can also be used as a marinade, for impregnation of ingredients in dishes that are cooked in the oven and not only.

We will need:

  • a jar of sour cream - fat content to your taste - 400 grams;
  • a bunch of cilantro, dill;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pieces;
  • black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • spices - optional. Zira is ideal for barbecue;
  • juice of a third of a lemon.

We're getting ready to ship.

We wash all the greens, peel the garlic. It can be cut finely with a knife or squeezed through a spadefoot. We shift the sour cream from the jar to the gravy boat, chop the greens and combine the components. Salt, pepper, pour cumin, pour in the juice from a third of a lemon. Serve chilled sauce to the table.

Advice! Many people cannot do without mayonnaise, you can mix it with sour cream in equal proportions - very tasty. You can also add ketchup, experimenting with green onions.

Tomato sauce with cilantro

This is one of the most popular types of filling. There are many variations and below we have collected the best recipes for your dinner and barbecue picnic.

Option one

We will need:

  • tomatoes - ½ kg;
  • bulb medium;
  • anchovies - 30-40 grams;
  • oil - it is better to take olive oil for this dressing - 50 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pieces;
  • stalk of celery - 1 piece;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • vinegar - you need wine - a teaspoon;
  • wine - perfectly white and dry - 120 ml;
  • hot pepper - optional - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - to taste or two tablespoons;
  • spices are your favorite;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tablespoons.

We're preparing the sauce.

We wash the vegetables, peel the onion, chop finely, we do the same with celery. Pour vegetables with vegetable oil in a pan and then simmer for about 7-10 minutes. At the end, add spices, salt and hot pepper. You also need to put chopped seafood and garlic in the pan, which we either press through the garlic, or just finely chop with a knife. We pass for about five minutes, after which we pour in the liquid components - wine and vinegar, we also put pasta and granulated sugar to taste.
The time has come for tomatoes - wash them and cut the skin with a cross so that it can be removed. We boil water, lower the tomatoes for a minute and then remove the skin from them. We do this with the entire volume, after which we place the vegetables in a blender and grind until a homogeneous consistency. Combine the tomato mass with the ingredients in the pan, taste for salt and spices, boil the dressing and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Wash a good bunch of cilantro, chop and add 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking and that's it.

Advice! So that tomato seeds do not come across in the sauce, after the blender, you can filter the mass through a sieve or a fine colander. Greens can languish with vegetables all the time or be added at the end, then the flavor of the cilantro sauce will be more intense.

Option two

The first sauce with tomato paste is an option that is suitable even for a holiday. But if you were invited to a barbecue, there is no time, but you want to surprise with an interesting sauce, then here is the recipe for you. It will not take you 10 minutes, and the result is perfect.

We will need:

  • cilantro - a good bunch;
  • dill - can be on a par with cilantro or at your request;
  • ketchup - 220 ml. If for a picnic, then barbecue or tomato paste;
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pieces;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste;
  • onion - ½ piece;
  • lemon juice - a spoon.

We're preparing the sauce.

My greens and chop finely. We crush the garlic and lightly grind with herbs, salt and spices to get an even more aromatic sauce with cilantro. Pour ketchup for barbecue into a gravy boat, pour grated greens, additionally salt and pepper to taste, pour in lemon juice. Finely chop half an onion and combine all the ingredients. Dressing is ready in five minutes, just refrigerate before serving.

Advice! You can leave out the onion or replace it with herbs. Pour in soy sauce instead of salt.

Option three

Another delicious sauce with cilantro and tomato paste. And what a flavor! All thanks to spicy herbs, which are many in the composition.

We will need:

  • greens - cilantro, basil, dill, parsley - ½ bunch each and a few mint leaves;
  • tomato paste - a glass or a little more;
  • bulb - medium diameter;
  • garlic cloves - 2-3 pieces;
  • lemon - half;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • spices, salt, sugar - to taste;
  • vinegar - we need apple - a tablespoon.

We're preparing the sauce.

We wash the greens and onions, chop the last finely and put in a small bowl. Here we pour a spoonful of vinegar for pickling. When the vegetable has given juice, we remove all the liquid. Finely chop the garlic cloves, put in a bowl where it will be convenient to interfere with the future sauce. Finely chop all the greens, shift to the garlic. Pour tomato paste here, pour salt, spices and sugar.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon with your hands or with a juicer. We combine all the components in one cup, mix thoroughly, add clean water. The sauce can be put on a slow fire and boil for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly, can be served fresh.


Garlic is present in every dressing recipe, but we advise you to cook another version of the sauce. It is tasty, fragrant, spicy and, most importantly, very useful in the cold season. So, let's prepare another sauce with cilantro and garlic, where these two components will be the main ones.

We will need:

  • cilantro - a large bunch;
  • coriander (cilantro seeds) - a teaspoon or a little less;
  • garlic - a medium-sized head;
  • tomato paste - 100 grams;
  • sour cream - a tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • warm water - three tablespoons.

We're preparing the sauce.

Wash cilantro greens, dry and chop finely. We heat boiled water and dilute tomato paste or ketchup. Add a spoon or two of sour cream, mix well. You need to grind the coriander or buy a ready-made seasoning right away, combine it with salt and spices, pour it into a paste. We rub or crush the garlic, put it in a bowl with sour cream and pasta sauce, put the greens here, and stir. Serve chilled.

With pomegranate juice

And our today's selection is completed with an exquisite sauce with cilantro, pomegranate juice and red wine. The perfect dressing for a romantic dinner.

We will need:

  • cilantro, basil - a bunch;
  • a glass of dry red wine;
  • a glass of pomegranate juice;
  • starch - ½ teaspoon;
  • sugar and salt - to taste;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pieces;
  • little or no chili;
  • ground pepper - on the tip of a knife.

We're preparing the sauce.

A piece of hot pepper, garlic, herbs need to be chopped with a blender. After that, pour the mass with juice and wine, put on a slow fire and add starch. Stirring constantly, cook for 10 minutes, then under the lid for another 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle salt, sugar, pepper to taste. Cilantro sauce can be eaten warm, cold, and even stored in the refrigerator with a lid on.

What is the main thing in cooking shish kebab, of course, spicy sauce for shish kebab. In order for the meat to be juicy and well fried, it must be marinated well. And in order to have an appetite, looking at fried meat, you need to season it with something appetizing. The best for this will be, which will enhance the taste of meat and give the dish a unique flavor. You should not buy sauce, it is better to cook it yourself. It will take a little time to prepare Caucasian sauce for barbecue. You need to take a cucumber, ketchup, green onions and parsley, dill and cilantro, salt and pepper, cut all the products. salt and pepper, season with ketchup, stir and put on the table. What could be better than a homemade kebab sauce prepared with soul. In the preparation of sauces, natural pomegranate juice is often used, it is desirable that it be freshly squeezed from fruit. The store cannot give such a guarantee, so you need to do it yourself. To cook barbecue in pomegranate sauce, the recipe is taken from Azerbaijani cuisine, you need to make pomegranate juice and make a sauce based on it. To do this, you will need:

  • 1 st. pomegranate juice;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 st. sweet red wine;
  • 0.5 tsp starch;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • salt;
  • chopped basil;
  • black and red pepper to taste.
In order for the preparation of barbecue sauce to go well, you need to put all the necessary products and appliances nearby. Because the sauce must not be allowed to burn. Next, mix all the ingredients, including crushed garlic and 1 tbsp. wine, and warm over low heat until boiling. without closing the lid. Then cook for 20 minutes, covered with a lid. To prepare the sauce for barbecue with cilantro, you need:
    8 tomatoes, very ripe; onion - 1 head; cilantro - 1 bunch; hot pepper pod; salt.
Peel the pepper, cut the tomatoes into slices. Grind everything in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Finely chop the onion and cilantro and add to the mass of peppers and tomatoes. Salt the mass and knead well. This tomato sauce for pork and lamb skewers will be a delicious addition. There are lovers of hot sauces. They try to season all the dishes with spices. Therefore, they will like Alabama sauce for barbecue, the basis for cooking is mayonnaise - 2 tbsp., Apple vinegar - 1 tbsp., Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l., a mixture of different peppers 3 tbsp. l., cayenne pepper - 0.5 tsp. Mix everything well and send to the refrigerator. Serving, knead again. It is very easy and quick to prepare sour cream sauce for barbecue, you don’t need a lot of products at all. In butter, you need to fry the flour, add the meat broth and cook until thick. In a thick sauce, add sour cream, finely chopped greens, salt and pepper. Boil for another 3 minutes, turn off and let cool. Served cold.

What is the highlight of national recipes for barbecue sauces?

In the recipes of sauces of different nationalities, there is one zest that makes them a little similar. For example, Georgian and Armenian sauce for shish kebab with cilantro.
    1.5 kg of tomatoes; 1 clove of garlic; cilantro; on a sprig of basil and oregano; 2 tsp. adjika and a pinch of pepper.
To prepare a Georgian barbecue sauce, you need to remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut them in half. Release the seeds, and grind the pulp in a blender. Then cook on low heat for 20 minutes. After 15 minutes, throw all the ingredients into the mass, mix and boil for another 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate. Served very cold. You can prepare Armenian sauce for shish kebab in the same way, only instead of tomato you need tomato paste.

- tomato paste - 150 g,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- coriander - 1 tsp,
- cilantro - 1 bunch,
- salt - ½ tsp,
- sugar - 1 tsp,
- ground paprika - 1 tsp,
- ground hot pepper - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Everything is so simple here that there is nowhere else to go. One moment - I am a lover and an ardent fan of homemade, and this applies to almost everything, I have my own pasta, personally prepared from juicy ripe tomatoes. But if you buy pasta, it should be of high quality - thick and tasty. Such a paste should be slightly diluted with clean filtered water. Place the tomato base in the skillet.

Add spices - sugar and salt, the amount may be slightly different from mine, depending on the "sourness" of your pasta. Add ground coriander, paprika and a dash of hot ground pepper. Warm up the pasta with spices for a couple of minutes.

Peel the garlic and skip on the press. Transfer the garlic to the tomato base. You can also use dry garlic.

Heat the tomato paste with garlic for another minute. Rinse fragrant cilantro and chop finely. Add cilantro directly to the pan.

Stir and sample, add salt/sugar of your choice.

Arrange the sauce in jars and go to barbecue, guests will certainly appreciate your efforts!

Bon appetit and good rest!

We also recommend cooking with meat

Making barbecue sauce from tomato paste is quick and easy. The main thing is to use the right seasonings and spices, as well as follow all the recommendations of the recipe.

Product General Information

Homemade tomato sauce can be served at the table along with any dishes. However, most often it is made specifically for barbecue, because it is no secret to anyone that this meat dish turns out to be much tastier and more aromatic if it is dipped in tomato sauce.

Many modern housewives are lazy and buy ready-made sauce in the store. However, such a product does not always meet all quality and safety requirements. In this regard, we recommend making it yourself, especially since you do not need many expensive ingredients for this.

Tomato Paste Kebab Sauce: Recipe

Few people know, but there are a huge number of recipes, thanks to which you can make your own barbecue sauce. The simplest options will be presented in this article.

So, to prepare a fragrant tomato dressing, we need the following ingredients:

  • medium-sized garlic cloves - about 5 pcs.;
  • natural tomato paste - 900 ml;
  • large sweet onion - 1 head;
  • warm drinking water - 1 full glass;
  • salt and pepper - use to taste;
  • fresh herbs - a small amount (add as desired).

Cooking method

Before you make tomato paste sauce, you need to think about what product you want to end up with. If you need a spicy dressing, we recommend using a little more hot and spicy spices. Otherwise, only the aforementioned set of products should be used.

To make your own homemade tomato paste sauce, take a deep bowl, put the pasta in it and pour in warm drinking water. Mix the ingredients, put on fire and slowly heat up.

After boiling the mass, add finely chopped onion to it, as well as table salt, fresh herbs and pepper. In this composition, cover the ingredients with a lid and cook over low heat for about five minutes.

Boil the sauce a little and remove it from the stove. Then immediately add crushed garlic cloves to it and mix well again.

Then the tomato sauce should cool completely (you can put it in the refrigerator). After that, it is served to the table along with ready-made hot shish kebab.

We make Caucasian sauce for shish kebab

Tomato paste sauce for barbecue can be prepared using different ingredients. For example, dressing is very common in the Caucasus, which involves the use of a large amount of herbs and spices. How to cook it at home, we will tell right now.

So, to make tomato paste sauce for barbecue in Caucasian style, you need to prepare:

  • drinking warm water - about 2/3 cup;
  • natural tomato paste - about 450 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 large cloves;
  • fresh cilantro, dill, parsley, green onions - in a medium bunch;
  • hops-suneli - 1 dessert spoon;
  • allspice and salt - add to taste.

Cooking process

Before you make a tomato paste sauce, you need to prepare the base for it. To do this, the natural product is laid out in a bowl, and then diluted with warm drinking water. The resulting mass is put on medium heat and gradually brought to a boil. At the same time, the paste is regularly stirred so that it does not burn to the sides and bottom of the dishes.

After the described actions, finely chopped fresh cilantro, green onions, dill and parsley, grated cloves of garlic and various spices, including suneli hops, are alternately added to the ingredients.

In this composition, the products are boiled for about three more minutes, and then removed from the heat and cooled.

Ready tomato sauce is cooled in the refrigerator, and then served with a meat dish in beautiful bowls.

Making a quick sauce without heat treatment

If you do not want to subject the tomato paste sauce for kebabs to heat treatment, then we offer you a simple and quick cooking option. To implement it, we need the following products:

  • small clove of garlic - 1 pc.;
  • natural tomato paste - 4 large spoons;
  • medium-sized red onion - 1 head;
  • warm drinking water - 3 large spoons;
  • salt and pepper - use to taste;
  • dried basil and thyme - use as desired;
  • fresh herbs - a small amount.

How to cook?

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a sauce. Spread the tomato paste in a bowl and mix well together with a few tablespoons of warm drinking water. Then salt and allspice, finely chopped red onion and grated garlic clove are added to them. Dried thyme and basil are also added to the sauce for taste and aroma. If desired, chopped greens can also be laid out to it.

It is advisable to serve such a sauce to the table immediately after preparation. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Otherwise, the product will run out of steam, become less aromatic and lose its taste.

Summing up

As you can see, there are quite a few recipes for how to make barbecue sauce at home. If you do not want to use tomato paste for this, we recommend using regular tomatoes. By whipping them with a blender and adding the right spices, you will get the same tasty and aromatic sauce, which, in addition, will be very useful for the body.
