
What are the best foods to take on a long journey? Dairy products and eggs

A long journey in your own transport is an occasion to immerse yourself in your own thoughts, to think about life.

Most people love travel precisely for the opportunity to disconnect from the world and immerse themselves in memories.

This is a form of meditation that allows you to restore mental health and put your thoughts in order.

Business trip or vacation - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to think over the details. Otherwise, the trip can turn from pleasant to adventurous.

This is good in films, but in real life it is worth being prepared for everything, calculating all possible options. Then you can go with peace of mind.

In addition to the spare tire, on a long journey you need to take a few more things:

  • First aid kit.
  • Phone with charger.
  • Some amount of money.
  • Taser / gas cartridge.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Supply of drinking water.
  • Matches / lighter.
  • Warm clothes.
  • Pillow and blanket if the trip takes more than a day.
  • Food stock.

The last point should be taken very seriously. Food is necessary for the driver and passenger for a comfortable trip.

Important! If a person is motion sick on the road, it should be remembered that nausea often manifests itself with an empty stomach.

By eating healthy food, you will protect yourself from nausea, it will make your trip easy and enjoyable.

How you feel during the trip depends on what impressions you will have later. No matter how the road turns into a painful nightmare, you need to remember which products are forbidden to take on the road.

Top 5 foods not to take with you on a trip:

Products. Why shouldn't you take them?
1 Fish and its possible variations: fish casseroles, sandwiches and sushi of all kinds. Fish spoils quickly even in the refrigerator. Shelf life is a couple of hours. And fish poisoning is the most severe. The exception is dried fish - it definitely will not go bad.
2 Chips, crackers. It is known that in the West these products began to be called: "cancer sticks." The analogy is not with Soviet-era candy "cancer neck".

Additives in them provoke the development of tumors. Chips and kirieshki literally destroy the body, starting with the stomach and the entire digestive tract. It's definitely not worth taking them on the road.

3 Soft second courses: stew, goulash. Soft, juicy dishes spoil quickly, and they are also unpleasant to eat on the road due to their consistency.
4 Milk. Milk poisoning is accompanied by vomiting. Milk becomes unusable very quickly, and you don’t notice it right away.

And it does not harmonize well with other products, it is recommended to drink it separately. It should be replaced with yogurt or cottage cheese.

5 Fast food. This food is able to maintain freshness for a long time regardless of temperature conditions. But fast food often causes heaviness in the stomach and indigestion. This is junk food, you don’t need to take it on the road.

Which products are preferable on a long journey in your own car? The owner of the car will slow down at any time and eat calmly, which means you can take broths with you for a snack.

But it is worth remembering that meat broths are stored not so long, it is better to eat them first.

Snack options on the go:

  • Sandwich with vegetables, mayonnaise and smoked meats.
  • Smoked sausage and cheese.
  • Pigtail cheese.
  • Yogurt, kefir.
  • Fried potatoes, french fries.
  • Bread.
  • Rusks, cookies.
  • Muffins.

Important! Avoid fatty cream fillings in cookies or any desserts you take with you on the road.

They cause acute poisoning if spoiled. And it's hard to notice. This is a very fatty food, it will cause discomfort and nausea.

What food to take on the train?

Boiled eggs and potatoes are considered traditional food on the train. Many take smoked lard - this is an unfortunate option, the product exudes a strong smell, which will cause discontent among others. It’s not good enough if you smell of smoked lard.

According to the same principle, you should not take garlic and onions with you. If we are not talking about the flu season, then an exception should be made.

Pickles, casseroles, pies are well suited. They are worth treating fellow travelers. Pies are suitable, they are made both sweet and salty. A hearty snack will brighten up your trip.

What can I take to eat on the bus?

Traveling by bus means that you will have to eat while driving. This immediately excludes all liquid dishes. It is better to take food that cannot be accidentally dropped on your neighbor's trousers.

Suitable products are light and small in volume, which are easy to hold while shaking:

  • Fruits: apples, pears, bananas.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Pies.
  • Bun with sausage.
  • Lavash with vegetables.

You should not take products that have a strong smell, because the bus ride will take a long time, and there are a lot of people nearby.

Not everyone is pleased to feel the aroma of smoked sausage all the way. There are people who get sick from the smell of food on the way. You need to think about the comfort of others.

Sandwiches from bread and vegetables are prepared for children on the road. You can put some cheese in there. Suitable cookies, pies and casseroles.

From sweets, sweets, marmalade, dried fruits are suitable. You can buy pads or filled crackers. For children, vegetables are the best option.

As for meat, it is taken on a trip with caution. It is better to choose smoked pork or boiled chicken.

You will have to eat them first of all, the meat spoils quickly. You can take it on the road if it is fresh, carefully processed and well packaged.

Take care of your comfort in advance. Store food in a way that makes it easy to reach. The food you choose for the trip should be practical: it's best to leave perishable food at home.

Use plastic containers for food packaging. Take care of wet hand wipes. Take paper towels with you.

When the journey is thought out, it will be unforgettable, it will not be spoiled by problems such as poisoning, hunger or nausea.

Remember the main components of a pleasant road: light food, pleasant music and good companions.

When everything is taken care of in advance, there is simply no reason for concern. Good luck and bon appetit!

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List of things to take with you on the train: food, clothing, hygiene products, entertainment, medicines. Additionally - what to take with a child on a train.

If the train trip is going to be long - a day or more, the question naturally arises of what to take with you on the train: what hygiene products will you need, what kind of food to pick up on the road, what to take for entertainment, and so on. And if a child is traveling with you, you need to think over his leisure time with special care, because not all passengers are pleased with the sonorous children's voices that are carried around the car. Having an impressive one, we made a list of what to take with us on the train. Separately, we discuss what to take on the train from food - including for a child.

Documents and money

We advise you to put documents, tickets, phone and money in a small bag, which will always be with you, in order to avoid theft and loss. It is better to take cash exactly as much as you need for food and travel (with a small margin for unforeseen expenses), keep the rest on the card.


It is difficult to imagine a modern person without gadgets - everyone uses at least a mobile phone. Well, on the train with the help of technology, you can perfectly pass the time.

List of what you can take with you on the train:

  • mobile phone - it is better not to completely waste the battery if you need to call or announce your arrival upon arrival;
  • player - sometimes you really want to get away from the people around you: from the noise, din, conversations, crying children, etc.;
  • laptop - for work, games or watching movies;
  • a tablet is an alternative to a bulky laptop;
  • reader for reading electronic books - it weighs little, holds a battery charge for a long time;
  • camera.

Don't forget to bring all your chargers!

hygiene products

Hygiene products should be packed in advance in a small plastic bag or cosmetic bag.

List of what you need to take with you on the train:

  • toothbrush and paste;
  • antibacterial wet wipes;
  • paper napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • a piece of soap;
  • comb;
  • mirror;
  • deodorant;
  • for women - make-up remover, cotton pads and cotton swabs.

(Photo © vi4kin / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Clothing and footwear

Everything is simple here - have a comfortable change of clothes that does not restrict movement so that it is comfortable to sleep in it. The choice of clothing depends on the time of year and the temperature in the car: it can be shorts, breeches, trousers or jeans, on top - a T-shirt, shirt, turtleneck or jacket. In the summer, dress lightly, as there are no air conditioners in non-branded trains and it is very stuffy, and in the cold season, warm up so as not to catch a cold - it can blow heavily from the windows. True, it is hot in branded trains even in winter.

On the train, give preference to shoes that are easy to take off (slippers, flip-flops, sandals). Have replacement socks.

first aid kit

Wherever you go, a mini-first aid kit should always be with you. You do not know how your stomach will perceive unfamiliar food and water and whether you will be allergic to new plants, so always have with you when traveling:

  • painkillers;
  • remedies for diarrhea and to improve digestion;
  • antipyretics;
  • medicines to relieve the symptoms of a cold;
  • antihistamines;
  • individual medicines for chronic diseases.


What to take with you on the train, choose for yourself. We can recommend, in addition to a tablet with movies and a player, grab a notebook with pencils if you like to draw, and books if you like to read. Well, where without traditional crosswords (scanwords, Japanese crosswords, Sudoku, and so on)! You can take small chess, cards, board games.

(photo © Yuriy Kuzin / flickr.com)

What to take with a child on a train

When planning a trip with a child, take more entertainment with you on the train - your favorite toys, an album with felt-tip pens and pencils, coloring books, picture books or stickers, educational and logic games, puzzles - in general, something that will take him seriously and for a long time. If the child is small, then you need diapers, diapers and baby food, a nipple.

What kind of food should my child take on the train? Take what he loves. Save sweets - sweets, cookies, gingerbread, chocolate. In general, there should be no problems with what to take your child on the train with you - take the same thing as for yourself.

What to take on the train from food?

The train and food are already inseparable things in our minds. As soon as the train starts moving, passengers begin to rustle packages, and the smells of chicken, boiled eggs, Rollton and sausage spread throughout the car. Remembered? Now let's figure out what food to take on the train, if you do not plan to eat in the dining car, which costs about 1000 rubles to dine.

When buying food for the train, you should first of all be guided by how long it can be stored without a refrigerator. Then - how nutritious the food is and whether it will be tasty when cold.

List of what you can take on the train from food:

  • chicken
  • boiled eggs;
  • jacket-baked potatoes;
  • hard cheese (wrapped in foil) or processed;
  • sliced ​​bread;
  • fried or boiled meat;
  • raw smoked sausage;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, oranges, tangerines, and so on);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, carrots);
  • sweets (cookies, gingerbread, sweets, lollipops, crackers);
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • instant cereals;
  • tea and coffee bags;
  • sugar and salt;
  • bottled water and juice.

Sandwiches can be prepared in advance at home. It is better not to take dairy products, only if you immediately eat and drink them. Also, all products can be packed in a thermal bag - they can be stored in it for about 7 hours. As for all sorts of "doshiraks" and "rolltons", then do not feed your stomach with chemistry - it's better to order soup in the dining car.


Take on the train a set of disposable tableware - plates, forks, spoons. A plastic mug will also come in handy - it happens that the conductors do not have enough glasses (you can take them along with a teaspoon for free). Also don't forget the folding knife.

If you are going to travel by train to the Crimea, then it will be useful for you to read.

(photo © vasilv_spb / flickr.com)

Intro image source: © Roubicek / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

When going on a long trip, you need to think over not only the list of necessary things, medicines and documents, but also the travel menu: you will probably get hungry on the way, so a snack will not hurt, reports. What should be the food on the road?

What to take with you on the road

Eating on the road is usually not very comfortable, so there are several requirements for travel food. Firstly, it must have a sufficiently long shelf life without a refrigerator and not be afraid of heat and sunlight. Secondly, it should not get dirty, crumble, wrinkle, have a pungent smell - think not only about yourself, but also about your fellow travelers. Finally, you need to choose food that does not leave a lot of peels or other debris, which is easy to prepare, and best of all - does not require cooking at all and even cutting.


Sandwiches, which are advised not to be abused in everyday life (dry food, after all), are ideal for the road: here you have bread, and vegetables, and meat or cheese. In addition, sandwiches can be eaten without getting your hands dirty (that's why they were invented).

There are many recipes for sandwiches - there is room for imagination. However, some foods should still be avoided. It is better to replace boiled sausage with baked in foil or boiled meat - it has a longer shelf life. The spices will also help extend the shelf life of the meat.

Try not to use "wet" vegetables, such as tomatoes, in sandwiches - they can leak. It is better to take cucumbers, lettuce, sweet peppers. Wrap each sandwich tightly in cling film.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are a good snack. But soft and juicy fruits, berries and vegetables are best left at home: they will not be very convenient to eat on the road. You can take cucumbers, sweet peppers, radishes, celery, carrot sticks, leafy vegetables and herbs, from fruits - hard varieties of apples and pears, slightly unripe bananas.

What not to take on the road

Fresh bread is worth taking with you only if you are going to eat it right away (and if you are not afraid of crumbs). When traveling, it is better to give preference to bread or pita bread, which are stored longer and crumble less.

Leave chips, crackers and other snacks at home: they have very little nutritional value, they will only make you feel thirsty. If you absolutely want to crunch something on the road, grab unsalted nuts (they are very nutritious), dried fruits or apple chips (which, in fact, are also a type of dried fruit).


If you want something sweet to take on the road, stick with marshmallows and marshmallows, which don't melt in the heat/sun and store well enough without refrigeration. But they are also better to eat quickly. You can also take muesli bars, nuts, dried fruits, etc. But you should not take chocolate and cookies: chocolate will melt and get your hands dirty, and cookies will crumble. If you take pies with you, the filling in them should not be liquid.

You have to be very careful with dairy products. Recently, yogurts have become a popular "road food", but they are not stored for a long time without a refrigerator. Therefore, yogurt should be consumed first. On long journeys, it is better to buy dairy products during stops along the way (be sure to look at the expiration date). It is preferable to take cheese on the road processed and in slices (thin slices in individual packaging).

If you can’t imagine your diet without hot food, you can afford instant food: porridge, soup, mashed potatoes, noodles, etc. Buy semi-finished products not in bags, but in individual glasses, so you don’t have to worry about dishes.

You should not take jacket potatoes and boiled eggs with you (you will face the problem of peeling, and boiled eggs also have a rather specific smell), sausages and boiled sausage, meat delicacies (smoked meats, etc.), fatty fried meat.

How much food to take with you on the road?

It is difficult to say the exact amount: it will depend on the duration of the trip, the number of travelers, your appetite, etc. In general, on the road, due to low physical activity, the appetite is usually less, and people eat more likely not from hunger, but from boredom. Therefore, it is not necessary to take too much food: it will only increase the volume and weight of the luggage.

It’s better to take less and then buy more food on the road (it’s unlikely that you will go to remote places where you can’t even find yogurt or a chocolate bar) than to take too much food and then throw it away. But what you need to take on the road more is water (moreover, ordinary drinking, and not sweet soda).

Buy food on the road in a familiar store, be sure to look at the expiration date and storage conditions (you need products that can be stored at room temperature). All food must be sealed in plastic containers or individual bags. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed, dried and only then packed.

Be sure to take dry and wet wipes, hand sanitizer gel, several garbage bags, disposable tableware, and a folding knife on the road. You can also grab sugar, salt, instant coffee and tea packaged in bags.

The issue of food becomes acute especially when the family is going on a trip. It is not only about proper nutrition, but also about the right choice of products taken on a long journey. Why products have to be right?

Product selection is a responsible task. It’s rare that anyone takes a refrigerator with them when going on vacation, and therefore there is a possibility that the food will be lost, as a result of a spoiled trip due to poisoning.

Food on the road in summer features of food storage

Summer is the hottest time of the year and it is during the summer that many go to relax. Often the road to the destination is long, and therefore the issue of food becomes acute. It is impossible to be reliably confident in the safety of products bought on the way at a gas station, in a buffet at a roadside station, or in the nearest store. Much better to cook at home.

The peculiarity of summer weather (high air temperature) prompts us to think about the features of food storage.

List of requirements for products that can be taken on the road in the summer:

  1. Products not classified as perishable.
  2. Do not melt under the influence of sunlight.
  3. Possibility of storage without refrigerator.
  4. No strong odor.
  5. Completely ready-to-eat food.

What food to take on the road:

Regardless of the time of year, there are characteristics that food must meet due to the nature of its use.

These include:

  • ease of preparation;
  • dense texture;
  • small dimensions, affordable weight;
  • no (or minimum) waste.

Why must products meet these criteria? Everything is very simple. Agree, few people want to bother themselves on the road with cooking, and then also with cleaning? Who likes the unpleasant smell of food all over the cabin? And where to put the garbage left after eating on the road? All these nuances should be taken into account before cooking at home.

in summer

What is typical for summer? High air temperature and scorching sun. Such weather is ideal for a trip to the sea, but it is detrimental to products that contain moisture, they automatically begin to deteriorate quickly.

Proper storage of home-cooked food will help prolong its shelf life. At the same time, homemade food is not recommended to be stored for more than 6 hours, due to the lack of chemical additives in the composition, after this time, at elevated temperatures, they begin to deteriorate. For some products, even proper storage is not able to help, they are unusable after a couple of hours.

Foods that are resistant to heat:

  • raw smoked sausages;
  • bread;
  • dry foods: sandwiches, bread, dried fruits, crackers;
  • yogurt subject to storage recommendations;
  • canned food, in addition to sprats in oil.

Cooked meals that you can take on the road in the summer:

  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • potatoes: boiled, baked;
  • baked meat.


Traveling in winter is an adventure in itself. The weather at this time of the year is unpredictable. It is not difficult to take sweets, a roll, water with you on the road. But in the event of a sudden breakdown, snowfall, you will not be full of these products.

In order for a delicious hot lunch to be within reach, in winter it is better to travel with:

Another issue is food packaging. If the family goes on vacation by train, bus, then it makes no sense to carry various capacitive containers and boxes with them. It's just not convenient. It is much easier to pack food in vacuum packaging, which you can simply throw away after eating.

As for the products themselves, it is better to choose those products that contain more calories, which means that the body will spend more energy on their processing, get satiated faster, and the feeling of hunger will come later.


Since spring is the season of the first holidays, the first long trips often fall during this period. Why is he good? An abundance of vegetables and fruits, which are firmly included in the diet and smoothly turn from a small snack into a full meal.

  1. Carrot, sweet pepper, cucumber. These and many other vegetables can completely replace the currently popular snacks and chips. It is enough to cut them into strips and put them in a tightly closed container.
  2. Fruits.

  3. Baked meat until fully cooked. Remember, meat with blood, medium rare - this is what is strictly forbidden to take with you on the road.
  4. Burgers, sandwiches and rolls. At the same time, they can be not ordinary boring: butter and sausage, but completely different, with any filling.

  5. Snacks are a product that will be relevant on the road at any time of the year. Snacks can be bought, or you can cook at home with your own hands.

    Meat snacks are not only a snack for beer, but also a hearty snack.

    When preparing meat for the road, you should not spare seasonings. They work as an environmental preservative, extending the shelf life of meat.

  6. Ready-to-eat products: cereals, instant muesli, fruit purees for children.


The road in autumn is like a velvet season on the sea. It's not cold yet, but it's not hot either. So the ride is much easier. But this does not apply to products. Food that spoils without refrigeration will still spoil. Therefore, going on a trip in the fall, follow all the same tips in choosing food as in the summer and spring.

What to take on the road from food when traveling by train

A train ride is a kind of small journey that you don’t want to spoil with situations that a person has the power to control. The classics of the food genre on the train are fried chicken, boiled eggs, smoked sausage, fresh vegetables (canned) and, of course, tea. But is it right?

You should not take the following products with you on the road:

It is better to take care of the cleanliness of food ready for use on the train at home: wash and dry fruits and vegetables. It is better to pack food in separate plastic bags, parchment, gauze, or boxes. It is better to store food in the darkest and coolest corner of the compartment.

What you need to take with you on the train:

  • wet and dry towels, napkins;
  • medicines for disorder and poisoning;
  • hand sanitizer;
  • folding knife and salt.

Food for a long journey

When traveling by car, many families prefer not to take food with them, relying on a snack at a fast food restaurant. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that fast food itself is heavy food. Add here all the delights and stress on the body during the trip, and we can end up with unexpected results: food may not be digested, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, poisoning. You will remember this trip for a long time. In order not to be mistaken with a roadside cafe, you can evaluate it based on a well-known practice: the more trucks a cafe has, the higher its level of safety. Truckers often eat at trusted establishments.

Traveling by car is first and foremost about comfort.

You do not depend on the route schedule, and therefore you can make a stop anywhere, at any time. You can take with you not only food, ready-to-eat food, but also cook something on the road on a gas burner, primus stove. You can heat water, cook instant soup, fry scrambled eggs (scrambled eggs), steam porridge (oatmeal, cereal).

Things to consider before deciding what to take on a road trip:

  1. Water. It is this product, especially on the road, that should be an integral part of the diet. Mineral water without gases, coffee, tea, fruit drink.
  2. Food should be to your liking: sandwiches, flour products.
  3. The presence of a refrigerator bag makes it possible to expand the travel ration, for example, you can take some dairy products on the road: milk, yogurt.

Remember, on the road it is difficult to maintain a home diet. When traveling with children, it is better to eat more often.

Food on the bus

Given the desire to chew something on the road, you should not deny yourself this for fear that the food will go bad. It is enough to choose the right food.

  1. Grocery shopping should only take place in places where it is customary.
  2. It is necessary to carefully study the label of the selected product, the storage conditions are indicated there. When traveling, it is better to purchase products that can be stored at room temperature.
  3. Vegetables and fruits must be washed and dried at home. Then pack carefully. You should not do this on the train, since it is impossible to provide normal conditions for this there.
  4. It is better to eat perishable foods first.

Food for the child on the road:

Children are a separate issue. Surely every mother cares about the safety of the products she feeds her child, worries about whether the child is hungry, trying to cram at least a little into him, despite refusals.

A well-established home diet is hard to keep on vacation, and even more so on the road. It is very important to stock up on the road with those products that do not deteriorate, but at the same time will be interesting to the child, tasty, and most importantly useful.

by car

When traveling with children, you need to be prepared for various surprises: from lack of appetite to the completely opposite result. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on products that do not require long preparation and meet all safety parameters.

Products that may be useful:

  • water, preferably not sweet and without gases;
  • fruits (apples, bananas), better washed in advance;
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • bread rolls, bread sticks, straws, biscuit cookies - will be an excellent snack;
  • fruit puree - not only tasty, but also convenient;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dried bananas, nuts). It is better to exclude prunes, as it has a laxative effect;
  • uncomplicated sandwiches (preferably small sizes);
  • baked meat, potatoes;
  • instant cereals (muesli with dried fruits).

Children who cannot imagine their life without sweets can take marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows on the road.

A trip by car makes traveling people independent, and therefore provides for the possibility of cooking at any convenient time and place.

The presence of a refrigerator bag allows you to take fruit drinks or compote with you. You can also make a stop near any supermarket in order to buy any of the necessary products.

by train

Young children, for whom dietary compliance is a very important issue, can be prepared in advance as the first and second course at home. At the same time, you can not worry about safety if you pour food into a thermos.

by bus

Due to the peculiarity of riding a bus, it is worth choosing the food that would meet the requirements:

  • light and not bulky;
  • food with the least amount of waste;
  • non-staining food, that is, one that does not melt, does not crumble, does not have pungent / pungent odors;
  • it is necessary to exclude perishable products (dairy, undercooked / pre-fried / pre-baked meat products, dairy sausages, cheeses (including children's curds in glaze), as well as those products whose storage conditions do not provide for storage at room temperature).

When traveling with children, it is recommended to always have activated charcoal, atoxil, or other medications on hand in case of food poisoning / indigestion. You should also take care of water supplies, if there are no stops in the near future. Be sure to bring wet and dry wipes with you.

As for snacks, it is ideal:

  • biscuit cookies (mary, napoleon, zoology), straws;
  • fruit puree;
  • eco-chips, dried fruits;
  • granola;
  • dried fruits.

At the stops provided for by the trip, you can always get a little boiling water, so feel free to take instant cereals (hercules, muesli) or soups on the road.

Travel food recipes, 10 easy recipes

  1. Classics of the genre: hard-boiled eggs and baked meat. Boiled eggs are best wrapped in paper. But from meat it is better to give preference to chicken. It must be cooked until fully cooked, and cooled to wrap in foil.
  2. Frittatta may become a favorite travel dish of the whole family, but it is not recommended to store it for more than a day. To prepare 8 pieces, you need to beat 6 eggs and 100 ml of sour cream in a large bowl until smooth. Then, add any filling to taste (spinach, tomato, raw smoked sausage, cheese, greens). Knead the resulting mixture, pour into a pan, or put the dough into cupcake molds. Send to the oven, preheated at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

  3. Oat cookies:
  4. Burgers, sandwiches and pita bread. Their preparation can be completely different.

    Ready rolls, sandwiches are best wrapped in parchment, and then in a special bag.

  5. If you have somewhere to cook on the road, you can use the following idea for hot pita sandwiches: . But if this is not possible, the idea can be used as an example. After all, eating rolled pita bread as shawarma is not as convenient as an envelope.
  6. Pastila is an alternative to sweets on the road. Preparing is not difficult:
  7. More about meat snacks:
  8. Vegetable chips with their own hands. Thinly slice the vegetables into slices and arrange on parchment paper. Send to the oven for 7-8 minutes. Sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. Remove from the pan only after the chips have cooled.

    Homemade eco-chips are a great alternative to unhealthy store-bought chips.

  9. Puffs, buns with fillers allowed on the road. For cooking, you need to knead the dough, lay out the filling, give the desired shape and bake until cooked.

Delicious food on the road, recipes

Delicious food is doubly pleasant to cook for your household:

  1. Granola is not only delicious food on the go, but also nutritious and healthy. A great option when you're craving something sweet.

  2. Club sandwich. It did not get its name by accident. Initially, it was a favorite snack at the golf club. To prepare it, you need to take toaster bread and dry it in a toaster, or in a hot frying pan (without oil). Then fry the bacon in the oven (5 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees), or cook chicken, pork, beef. Put bread with cut crusts on a baking sheet, and, alternating, spread slices with mayonnaise and ketchup. Spread meat and cheese on bread. Bake until cheese is melted. Taking it out of the oven, put vegetables (tomato, gherkins, lettuce) on top of the second piece. Fasten with a toothpick.
  3. to prepare banana bread you need to mix in a bowl: 2 cups flour, 1.5 tsp. baking powder, 0.5 tsp soda, 1.4 tsp cinnamon. In another bowl, beat together 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 egg + 2 egg whites. Beat until a thick foam forms. Here also introduce 4 crushed bananas, 3 tbsp. butter, a third of a glass of yogurt. Beat until smooth. Mix the contents of the bowls and knead the dough. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, pour the dough into a greased cake pan and smooth it out in the form. Bake for about an hour. After 10 minutes, after baking, transfer the bread to a plate. For the road, wrap banana bread in parchment or a special bag.

    Another option for a delicious meal on the road is banana bread.

Healthy food on the road, recipes

Healthy doesn't mean tasteless. Often, it is proper nutrition that is tasty, healthy and interesting. Here are a few options that can make a great lunch on the go:

Option 1: pancakes with apple and dried fruits, walnuts, blueberries, herbs, carrots and cucumber (cut into strips).

Option 2: Muffin, apple, boiled chicken breast, vegetables and herbs.

Option 4: vegetables, minced chicken muffin, dried fruits and berries.

How to store groceries on the go:

Storing food on the road is the main issue of interest to people who collect provisions on the road. there are two options: either in a refrigerator bag, or using the folk methods described below.

in the fridge bag

Using a cooler bag greatly simplifies the process of storing food on the road. It is compact and convenient. A wide range of such products is provided on the market: from containers, vessels to bags. Pricing for every pocket.

There are several rules for using a cooler bag;

  1. Naturally, like an ordinary refrigerator, the bag is not recommended to be opened back and forth. The less often you do this, the slower the temperature in the bag rises.
  2. It is recommended to fill the container to the brim. So the temperature will stay even.
  3. If you plan a trip lasting more than 1 day, it is better to take a bag with a forced cooling refrigerator. These bags have a special battery that powers the Peltier cells.
  4. Also choose the bag that is most comfortable for you.
  5. Use separate bags to store all products. It is better to choose vacuum packaging, or wrap food in food foil, parchment.

without refrigerator

In the modern world, with the current nano-technologies, various devices have been developed that allow extending the suitability of any product, as well as preserving its taste and external qualities.

Among them are:

  1. Cheese paper and cheese storage bag. They are a two-layer paper that has a smooth coating, similar to wax paper, which allows the cheese to breathe. Maintains optimum moisture, prevents cheese from drying out, preserves the cheese flavor by preventing other flavors from absorbing into the cheese.

  2. Natural wax coated paper. Paper is ideal for storing baked goods, vegetables, fruits and even cheese. Plus, this packaging is reusable. This environmentally friendly device needs the warmth of your hands to tightly wrap your food or plate.

  3. Special bags for linen flour products. You can make a bag with your own hands, or buy a ready-made one. Such a device will not only prolong the life of the bun, but also preserve its qualities: a fresh aroma, a crispy crust. Ordinary plastic/polyethylene packaging cannot boast of such properties.

  4. Another device will help maintain the freshness of flour products. Thick fabric napkin.

    In such a napkin it is very convenient to transport sandwiches, rolls and other products.

  5. Glass containers with tight lids. Due to the tightness, this container is suitable for preserving food, so why not use it for storing food on the road? The only downside is bulkiness.

    A more environmentally friendly container is glass.

  6. More economical packaging - made of plastic. Keeps inside the box optimal conditions for the safety of products.

  7. A natural way to extend the life of perishable foods is to cover food with nettle leaves. the method with meat products is especially good. An effective method thanks to the phytoncides that are part of the nettle and formic acid, which the leaves are covered with. By the way, it is formic acid that makes nettle leaves stinging.

How to store frozen food on the go

There is a need to transport perishable products. How to find a way out if there is no refrigerator bag at hand? The way out is to freeze the product before the road. But what if the road is not close? How to keep the product frozen until the end of the whole journey?

  1. Before traveling, freeze the necessary product well in a freezer bag (or in a clean new plastic bag). Before the trip, take the bag out of the freezer, wrap it with a cloth, then another bag, then again with a cloth, repeat the layers several times. After that, wrap everything with a synthetic winterizer piece (it can be an old jacket). Then put everything in a thermal bag.

    The cold accumulator may look like a box filled with blue liquid.

  2. Another method that is suitable for trips not exceeding 7-8 hours. To do this, a bottle of water is also frozen along with the products. Then they create a multilayer wrapper for products using food foil. A bottle and a frozen bundle are placed in a thermal bag.

    The process of wrapping food in foil. However, it is recommended to alternate layers of foil with paper towels, so the cold will last much longer.

A list of products that are categorically not recommended to take on the road, based on the condition of low storage temperature.

Among them:

  1. Dairy products: especially cheese curds, which are loved by children, kefir is allowed, provided that they are consumed immediately.
  2. Confectionery with creamy, custard.
  3. Sausages, pates, fish.
  4. Salads, especially those that contain mayonnaise, sour cream.
  5. flour products with filling: cottage cheese, fish, offal.

This is explained by a well-known fact: at temperatures above +8, an ideal microclimate is created for the reproduction of various microorganisms. This process is dangerous for the human body. If there are products from the list on the table, it is recommended to use them first.

Along with perishable products, there are those whose shelf life is much longer than others. Also, such products are not afraid of heat, which is an indisputable advantage on the road.

Nuts can top the list due to their nutritional properties, usefulness and safety.

You can also take on the road:

Nevertheless, despite the advice received and the confidence in the quality of the products, you should not scoop up an armful of food with you. It is enough to take a minimum of what can be useful. It is worth postponing thoughts about what if the child / husband remains hungry. Not suddenly, and will not stay. You will always be able to buy safe food on the road, knowing what foods are allowed.

and finally, when going on the road with a child, you should find out his opinion about what he would like to eat on the road. Then this trip will become a pleasant and tasty memory for your family.

The popularity of bus transportation has been steadily growing in recent years.
Bus routes compete with rail transport on intercity and international routes.

For example, among those who want to see Europe, it is the bus tour that is very popular. With it, it is possible to visit several countries in a limited period of time and at an affordable price.

A traveler can spend more than one day on the road. And although there are stops on any route, most of the journey is in motion.

When going on a trip, it is very important to take with you items and gadgets that can brighten up your travel leisure.

Another important question is what to take with you on a trip from food to the bus.

It is assumed that bus tourists take a hot full meal during stops. The purpose of the food taken with you is to satisfy the feeling of hunger between stops or simply organize a snack for pleasure.

  1. Products must not be perishable. All products taken with you must be transported in the cabin. The temperature regime does not allow to have products that are demanding on storage conditions.
  2. Taken food should not exude a pungent odor. The bus is a public transport, each passenger has the right to a certain comfort. Pungent odors not only cause discomfort to others, but can cause suffocation for allergy sufferers.
  3. It is worth choosing products that leave as little waste as possible (crumbs, cleaning).

The amount of food taken on the bus

How much to take this or that product, each person determines independently, based on his appetite.

General rule: Consider the time for which the bus trip is scheduled.
If you have to spend a day on the road, then the amount of food will be more than with a night flight.

What is on the road?

1. Nuts. Any, previously peeled, nuts or pumpkin seeds are suitable for the road.
2. Dried fruits. Choose options that do not cause excessive gas formation in the intestines. Good raisins or dates. Be careful with dried apricots and prunes.
3. Biscuits. Unsweetened and slightly crumbly biscuits are the perfect travel option.
4. Processed cheese is a wonderful addition to the liver.
5. Fruit or cereal bars.
6. Pre-cut bread. Can be used to make sandwiches.
7. Sausage - this product is controversial due to the presence of a characteristic smell. But if a sandwich without sausage is unacceptable for you, then you should take dry, raw-smoked varieties with you.

8. Fruits and vegetables. These healthy products must first be washed. It is unknown if there will be such an opportunity on the bus. Suitable options: citrus fruits, apples, bananas.

By the way, it is better to choose apples with a green peel, they are less able to cause gas formation in the intestines.

From vegetables it is worth giving preference to cucumbers and carrots. In addition to saturating the body, they are a source of water.

About liquid

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of water for the human body.
Going on a bus trip, you should take ordinary water with you.
Juices, sweet carbonated drinks, of course, will quench your thirst at the time of their use. However, after a while, the thirst will be felt even stronger.

An additional minus of carbonated drinks is the ability to cause discomfort in the stomach.

About hot drinks

It is not safe to drink hot drinks while the bus is in motion.
Wait until it stops or use special glasses that exclude the possibility of spilling.

Before the trip, you need to check whether the bus is equipped with water heating equipment. This, as a rule, is on international routes.

If the bus has water for boiling and heating devices, then the tourist will have to grab tea leaves, coffee, sugar and a glass.

Otherwise, you can take a thermos with hot water or ready-made tea with you.

Special attention

If a person with health problems or a passenger with a small child is going on a bus tour, then children's meals suitable for road conditions or special meals must be added to the main products.
