
Test: melted butter. Ghee homemade

Dear readers, hello! In this article, I will show you how to make ghee at home. Melted butter is also called ghee butter - this word came to us from India, where such butter is considered the most valuable healing product. In Russia, too, they used to often melt butter, but, unfortunately, over time, these traditions were lost. Today I will describe the beneficial properties of ghee and its recipe.

I want to apologize right away for the quality of the photos - I cooked butter in the evening, and the camera of my phone is not capable of taking high-quality pictures in unnatural lighting. I will try to smooth this out with a detailed description of the process).

But first, about why you need to cook ghee at all. The fact is that this is one of the two oils that you can cook with. The second is coconut oil. That's it, you can't cook on anything else. What about refined sunflower oil, you ask? I answer.

Refined oils are obtained by thermal and chemical processing of vegetable oils. In this case, chemical solvents are used - hexane, similar in composition to gasoline. During further processing, the solvents are evaporated and the oil is converted into trans fats. You already know why margarine should not be consumed - because it also contains trans fats. So, these same trans fats are found in refined oil. In general, trans fats have appeared relatively recently, and our body has not yet learned how to remove them. Imagine: even if you completely stop eating products with trans fats, the body will be able to remove them only after 2 years. Any refined oil is dangerous for health, and I do not advise anyone to use them.

Add cold-pressed oils to salads - olive, mustard, linseed, sesame. Cooking on them is also impossible, because when heated, they form carcinogens that are dangerous to the body. As I said, only coconut oil and ghee (ghee) are suitable for cooking.

The benefits of ghee

Ghee is milk fat in its purest form. It is easily digestible and completely non-toxic. In addition to the fact that you can cook on it, it is useful to add it to cereals and other dishes. It can speed up metabolism and aid digestion. In India, it is believed that ghee oil has the energy of the sun, increasing a person's vitality.

Ghee is an antioxidant, it protects us from free radicals, helping to prolong youth and beauty. It also strengthens the immune system and improves eyesight. You can list its useful properties for a long time). But, perhaps, I will move on to a step-by-step recipe for its preparation)).

How to cook ghee

You will need unsalted butter with a minimum fat content of 82%. If the fat content is less, then there are some additives in the oil, and ghee will not work from it.

You can heat oil in the oven and on the stove. Enamel and non-stick cookware will do. You can't heat oil in aluminum! The process itself is simple, just two three). There is no need to interfere in the heating process, the oil is heated by itself - the main thing is to make sure that it does not burn.

We cut the butter into pieces of 50-100 grams, put it in a bowl and put it on the weakest fire. The bowl should be larger than the estimated volume of oil, because. during the process, the oil can foam a lot. Gradually, the oil will begin to melt:

After 5 minutes, the butter will completely melt. Now you need to set the minimum fire at which the oil will boil slightly. I have a gas stove, and the oil boils even on the smallest fire, and foam begins to form:

The foam does not need to be removed, it will be filtered out when filtering the oil. Make sure that water does not get into the oil - even with 1 drop, it starts to splatter a lot).

Gradually, the protein begins to separate from the fat. Cooking time depends on the amount of oil. 300 grams of butter will be ready in about 25 minutes (and in the oven it would cook for 45 minutes).

How to determine that the oil is ready? The oil is ready when it becomes clear and the bottom of the saucepan is visible. At the same time, sediment forms at the bottom (since fats are separated from proteins during cooking, which settle at the bottom). Melted butter should be a beautiful amber color. If it is darker, then you overexposed it. The first time I overexposed the oil, because. I didn't expect it to cook so quickly. Now I don’t leave the stove, I check all the time).

When the oil is ready, it must be filtered through a sieve with gauze or bandage folded in 4 layers, where the foam and sediment will remain. Any glass jar will do.

And the oil itself is transparent, it has a slight nutty flavor. From 300 grams of butter, about 250 grams of ghee came out.

When the oil cools, it will be opaque. You need to store it in a dark locker. I keep it for no more than a month, although it is believed that ghee has an indefinite shelf life.

Melted butter in the oven

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put a bowl with butter cut into pieces. We periodically check its color - it has become transparent, which means it's ready. Still easier than when cooking butter on the stove)).

Ghee immediately after cooking

If I fry something, I only fry it in ghee. I myself have completely given up fried foods, but my husband is not going to do this yet). And to make fried food as safe as possible, I only cook with ghee.

I really hope you find this information useful. In the modern world, it is quite difficult to separate the harmful from the useful due to the abundance of advertising and human delusions. I wish you to be healthy, eat wholesome food and all the best and kindest to you!)

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Homemade melted butter (Ghee): 82 comments

  1. Alexandra

    thank you, is it malai in english? Did I understand correctly?

  2. Lisa

    Hello, thank you very much for such useful articles! I want to consult with you. The situation is this: my hair is prone to oiliness, fall out. Once a week I wash my hair with flour. The second time for the whole day I make such a mask: castor oil on the roots, olive oil on the length. After I wash off with shampoo. And after that, there is always a bunch of hair in the bath. What do you think, should I do oil masks, if I don’t see any benefit yet, only more loss? I also tried to replace the shampoo with tar soap, but it does not wash my hair well. I also tried to wash off the oil with flour, kept the flour on my head for an hour, nothing was washed off. How do you manage to wash off the oil with flour?

    1. Anna Post Author

      Lisa, hello! The main thing is not how much to keep rye flour on your head, but how to intensively “soap”. Try making more flour, and thicker. Everything should work!
      Oil masks are always first accompanied by increased hair loss, then everything returns to normal. Do not worry! Oils are very useful and you will soon notice a positive effect.

  3. Anastasia

    Anna, thank you very much for the article, I have heard about GHI oil for a long time, but my hands did not get to know it in more detail.
    Question: Butter contains a lot of cholesterol, so people who have high cholesterol in their blood should not use butter. People like me subsist on vegetable spreads like Rama.
    Do you know if the cholesterol content of ghee changes or remains?

  4. Alexandra

    An, I bought myself a ready-made oil from the Indians yesterday. This is good. And then I began to think, maybe you will dispel my speculations ...
    Look, it turns out - NOT vegetable fat, but animal fat, so why is it better than margarine, let's say okay, it has been abandoned for 10 years, but why is it better than vegetable fats? ...

  5. Alexandra

    Ugh you, vegetable oils I had in mind. Is it bad to fry on sunflower, soy or canola?

  6. Alexandra

    no, I'm not against ghee butter. I took it and will try it, I just don’t know how the taste of food changes when cooked on it, for example, frying for the same borscht or fish.

    1. Anna Post Author

      The taste does not change a bit) Try it!

  7. Alexandra

    I take chyawanprash with warm milk. Soon to finish.)) And the beginning of bringaradzh. While I also take it with warm milk.

    And for what purpose did you take Guy at night?

    1. Anna Post Author

      There was no particular goal, there was a feeling that the body needed it. After such a course, all problems with metabolism finally disappeared).
      Well done, useful herbs!

      1. Anna Post Author

        By the way, how do you like chyawanprash? Why did you take it and how do you feel after taking the course?)

      2. Alexandra

        thank you)) bringaraj just started. I will continue. I take for hair. taste - like mother and stepmother))

  8. Alexandra

    yes, what have you heard?

  9. Alexandra

    I also have shatavari-like female weed on my note, have you heard?

  10. Alexandra

    Anya, where is the best place to store the oil? In the fridge or just at room temperature?

  11. Angelina

    Ahh! I finally made it! Everything worked out for me :) Oh, what a fragrance it has, I'm bastard))) Thank you, Anna, this is just a discovery! I'll try frying it tomorrow.

  12. Angelina

    The question has arisen: can this oil be used for cosmetic purposes?)

  13. Julia27

    Anna, I read in your comments that you try to eat healthy food. Can you share your experience on how to fall in love with everything useful, how to cultivate willpower, how to refuse harmful, delicious goodies (I'm talking about sweets)? So I want to be healthy. But the enjoyment of food is one of the most enjoyable in our lives. And yet - what is your reaction to the comments of other people (including your husband) about your diet and lifestyle? Thank you

  14. Anna

    Anya, can you tell me, please, can this oil be stored in the refrigerator? well, so as not only to use for frying, well, for sandwiches, for example

  15. Anna

    Anna, what do you do with the sediment from melted butter? It is most logical to dispose of it, but many sites write that it can be used in baking. Why extract pure oil if its waste is then also used as food? I can't figure it out...

    1. Anna Post Author

      Anna, I also do not understand why somewhere they write like that. I throw out all the sediment and foam, I use only pure oil.

  16. Anna

    I will try, thanks for the replies!

  17. Tatiana

    Anna! Is it possible to eat sediment and foam or, say, smear on the skin (if it is protein, then in theory it is useful)?

  18. Victoria

    I bought the most expensive butter (fat content above 82.5 "Traditional", made by our Odoev, Tula region), which I considered the best (it tastes better than other butters that I tried). Everything turned out great ... But when I tried the foam, it was real milk powder .... Now I’m thinking about whether it will definitely be useful, because I don’t know what they put there and what it was made of (although 100% cream is written in the composition) ... Perhaps this recipe is only suitable for those who have their own cow or can buy their own butter from trusted people. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe that's how it should be. Has anyone tried the foam? Share, I really want to hear those people who make Ghee from their homemade butter.
    I found one comment where a girl made from her homemade butter, she writes:
    "Good afternoon!
    I got it, thanks for the recipe.
    Only I have one question: tell me, I had almost no sediment,
    what does it mean?
    I can assume that my homemade oil means natural,
    Am I right or not?"

    Link to another ghee recipe, I copied the comment from there.
    (This recipe was written by a very bright man, blessed memory to him).

  19. carousel

    I also made ghee butter, but I overate it so much during my home panchakarma that I don’t want to look at it, let alone fry it. I hope this will pass with time. I also read on the Internet that it is smeared on the face and wrinkles are smoothed out, especially for dry skin. But she didn't rub herself. But for the elderly, ghee with honey is very useful, only honey and ghee should not be the same. Either more ghee and less honey, or vice versa. So Ayurvedic people write.
    And not only for the elderly, but for everyone, when the bones are especially crunchy, it acts like a lubricant.
    I have had ghee for the third month now, just in the cupboard, it’s normal, it doesn’t spoil.

  20. Nina

    If the oil turned out a little lighter than amber, then it didn’t finish? But it is transparent .. though there are some suspended particles ..

  21. Vikul

    Hello Anna!
    After a couple of weeks of storage in a dark place, white flakes and sediment began to form in my oil. What's with him?)) I did everything according to the recipe) Thank you)

  22. Luba

    Anya, today for the first time I did as you did - that is, without throwing out the foam ... and regretted it, anyway, the smallest sediment passed through the gauze (in 6 layers). And settled at the bottom with a thin film ... when I removed the foam, the oil was like a tear. The quality of the oil is guaranteed. I melted a lot of butter to ghee, I understand it perfectly ...

  23. Luba

    To check the quality of ghee, you need to freeze it in the refrigerator, and if there is graininess, then the oil is of the highest quality.
    I do not store in the refrigerator, I prefer soft butter

  24. Oksana

    Wow! The most useful information. I just came to the point that I whip the butter myself (we bring homemade sour cream). I won’t say that I haven’t heard about ghee and haven’t eaten for 40 years)))), but how timely the article with all the explanations.
    Thank you

  25. Alex

    Excellent oil, clean dishes do not burn, do not contain harmful impurities, give an excellent taste to the dish. By the way, you can buy in Odessa on the Greek square1. TM "Life"

  26. Julia

There is no doubt that butter is a key ingredient in the culinary recipes of every housewife, especially if you like to bake cakes, pastries, puff pastry products. For this reason, we can say that it is an indispensable product in our kitchen. Butter is a food product containing lactose and obtained by processing cow (or other types of cattle) milk.

Compared to other types of dairy products, butter contains on average more calories, about 750 per 100 grams, than, for example, milk, which contains 40-65 calories, depending on the type, and skimmed about 30 calories.

The types of butter can be classified according to several factors: origin of milk (from cow, sheep, goat, etc.); salt content; fat content (for example, there is a softer one, which is easier to spread on baked goods, or a harder one, which is ideal for baking).

But basically three types are known:

  1. Sour. Obtained in the process of whipping cream.
  2. Sweet. In the process of special processing.
  3. Clarified or melted, obtained from melted butter. (It has been known to us since ancient India, where it was called ghee).

Is ghee good for you? In the cuisines of many countries of the world, it is considered the recognized king among oils and fat-containing products, an amber-colored oil valuable for gastronomy.

It is called differently: peeled, dehydrated, melted or ghee.

Cooking Ghee

Ghee is obtained by refining ordinary butter (many advise using it with a higher fat content), obtained from cow's milk by separating fats and proteins from water.

Ghee or ghee (this name comes from the Ayurvedic tradition) is a food that our ancestors used many years ago and which has wonderful properties, both taste and medicinal. It is still used in folk medicine today.

Ghee is used in their diet even by vegans who eat only live foods, as it brings nutrients to their diet. For example, vitamins D, K2 and some others are almost impossible to get from plant sources.

Ayurvedic doctors talk a lot about the benefits of ghee and recommend its use, since this natural product has the ability to balance 3 doshas - the fundamental life forces - vata, pitta and kapha.

Ghee is made by melting unsalted butter at low temperatures until all milk solids are separated from the fat. The result is a stable product that is ideal for cooking or frying and is of course free of trans fats. It does not require refrigeration and, according to the ancient Ayurvedic tradition, has many beneficial and healing properties.

Trans fats are found in all foods as long as they have been chemically processed, such as refined oils and margarine. These substances, entering the body, linger in it for years, therefore, when frying, it is better to use ghee rather than vegetable oil.

Cooking ghee at home

Ghee is easy to make at home as it is made from regular butter. Depending on your taste and financial circumstances, it's best to buy good quality, unsalted butter.

  1. It is necessary to melt the product in a bowl, preferably with a thick bottom, to prevent burning. The fire should not be too strong for the same reason.
  2. When the oil begins to boil, foam will form on the surface. The fire must be reduced to a minimum and do not cover the bowl with a lid.
  3. Hard lumps will appear on the surface, which must be removed.
  4. Make sure the liquid is light and clear, because if it is dark and has a strong odor, the oil is burnt.
  5. The process of preparing a kilogram of the original product will take about half an hour.
  6. The weight of the finished ghee will be reduced by 20%, resulting in an amber-coloured liquid that is clear enough that you can see the bottom of the container. In India it is called "liquid gold".
  7. After that, pour the finished product into a saucepan and let cool (without a lid).
  8. Finally, after cooling, you can cover the pan with a lid and put it away for storage.
  9. After we have removed the substances that give bitterness to the oil, it can be stored both in the refrigerator and outside it, at room temperature, this does not affect the properties of the product.

What is useful ghee

  1. Ghee is a very nutritious food because it contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamins and at the same time helps the absorption of other nutrients when eating. Many websites say that a healthy diet recommends eating vegetables with some type of fat, which contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
  2. Ghee also contains butyric acid, which has antiviral and anticancer properties.
  3. Home-made ghee can be used in cooking, which is ideal for those who suffer from allergic reactions or are sensitive to cow's milk, as all milk residues are practically eliminated in the process of its production.
  4. There is information that most people with a milk allergy are perfectly tolerant of the addition of ghee to food (but remember that we are all unique, so it's best to do an individual tolerance test in advance).

Ghee, its benefits and several wonderful properties

  • The ability to heal the skin. For example, with burns that you can get while cooking. Just apply ghee to the burn or wound and in a few minutes the pain will go away and there will be no scar! Imagine that the same healing properties of ghee will be on the internal organs.
  • Adding to cosmetic products helps to moisturize, acquire smoothness and tenderness of the skin, removes harmful chemical compounds and impurities from the body.
  • It is very useful for the treatment of cracks on dry lips, it can be used to treat the mucous membranes of the nose, protecting them from drying out and getting various infections.
  • It helps digestion and assimilation of food, has a general tonic effect on the body, increases mental performance, has a positive effect on the nervous system and does not increase cholesterol levels.
  • This is a good source of vitamins.

The harm from the use of ghee can only be associated with its fat content, so it is better to observe the measure when using it for people suffering from overweight, digestive problems, as well as diseases of the liver and pancreas.


Summing up, we can say that ghee is an excellent product and its benefits are undeniable. It is an excellent ally in culinary affairs, adding flavor, aroma and brilliance to prepared dishes. It can also be recommended because it has been widely used since ancient times and has proven its worth. Ghee is a favorite fat-containing product that is used by French and Indian chefs, and the whole world as a whole. If you are getting ghee at home, then you must take care of the quality of the original product and choose the one that suits you best in terms of taste and salt content. Obviously, however, it is necessary to control oil intake and maintain a balance of good and bad fats.

Recipes with ghee are found in every kitchen in the world. For example, if you cannot refuse fried meat, then it is better to cook it with ghee and eat it with vegetables, and season the salad with high-quality extra virgin olive oil.

Such an ordinary and familiar product as ghee contains vitamins A, C, D, group B and has useful properties. In some countries, it is even considered liquid gold. Why the product is so valued, a recipe for ghee at home with a photo and how to cook it deliciously, find out further.

The benefits of ghee

So, is ghee good for youfor the human body? Although the usual product is a concentrated fat, it improves digestion, promotes the rapid removal of harmful substances. The benefits of dishes cooked in ghee are higher than those cooked in vegetable oil. When heated, ghee does not emit harmful substances, such as sunflower. In addition, it nourishes the skin well, so it is suitable during a massage or after water procedures.

Thanks to the 100% natural composition without additives, fried or oven-cooked dishes acquire a beautiful golden crust, a pleasant sweetish taste and smell. The product does not contain water or other unnecessary components, so even a small amount is enough to fry or bake something, evenly lubricating the surface of the pan or baking sheet.


Main ghee damageis that it is pure cholesterol. Due to the high fat content (energy value 900 kcal per 100 g), it is not recommended to use it in its pure form, it is better to use it only for cooking. It is recommended to exclude the product from the diet for people with diseases of the digestive tract and those who are overweight.

How to cook ghee

It is possible to find and buy a quality product in stores with organic products, but the cost of such products is high. There is a way out if you know how to melt butter at home.Cooking gheetakes a lot of time, but then enjoying a homemade product will be even more pleasant.

The cooking process is a furnace of an ordinary top-grade creamy product in a bowl or pan in a water bath. During heating, water and protein components evaporate from the oil. The foam formed on the surface is removed with a spoon, after which a transparent mixture of golden color remains - this is the finished oil, which can be used instead of sunflower oil for frying. About 750 grams of melted product comes out of one kilogram of cream.

How to store ghee at home

The shelf life of ghee is higher than that of cream. In the refrigerator, it can be kept from one to three years, and at room temperature, the oil will stand for 6 months without losing its beneficial properties. The best thingkeepin glassware in the refrigerator, but if you plan to keep it in the freezer, then an ordinary plastic container will do.

Ghee Recipes

If you decide to cook the product yourself, the following recipes will help you learn how to melt butter and get the finished product in just a couple of hours. Please note that properly prepared butter does not contain lactose, so people with intolerance to milk or cream can safely consume it.

How to melt butter at home

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings: 1.

Cuisine: Russian.

Melted butter is very easy to make at home. But in order to avoid burning, when the milky taste takes on notes of bitterness, you need to constantly stir until completely dissolved. To remove the foam, it is better to use a strainer, slotted spoon or a simple spoon. It is best to take a good, heavy saucepan or stewpan with a thick bottom. Do not choose aluminum dishes, everything will burn to it and the finished product will turn out not so tasty.


Cooking method

  1. Put the bar in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on medium heat.
  2. As soon as everything is dissolved, make a low fire and simmer for about 40 minutes, removing the foam.
  3. After removing the foam, the color of the mixture will become golden (as in the photo). It remains to strain the product through a sieve or cheesecloth into a glass jar and let cool.

In a slow cooker

Cooking time: 2-3 hours.

Servings: 1.

Calorie content of the dish: 900 kcal.

Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Cuisine: Russian.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Although now almost every home already has modern stoves and high-quality dishes with which it will be easy to cook, many people buy« smart” technology that can completely replace an ordinary stove. Melted butter in a slow cooker cooks quickly and turns out delicious.


  • unsalted butter - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  1. We put a piece in the multicooker and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode.
  2. We wait until everything melts and only then it is necessary to make the temperature lower - 100 degrees.
  3. Stir and remove the foam for 2 hours. Do not close the multicooker lid!
  4. The finished product of a golden hue (as in the photo) is poured into ceramic dishes or a glass jar.
  5. After solidification, the color will become honey-yellow.


  • butter of the highest grade - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the main ingredient into pieces, transfer everything to a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  2. As soon as it melts, increase the heat to maximum, stirring to bring to a boil.
  3. After the appearance of white foam, reduce the heat and mix gently.
  4. After evaporation of the protein components, a thin transparent film forms on the surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  5. A golden brown precipitate should form at the bottom of the pan. Only in this case the heating technology is observed.


The benefits and harms of ghee have been known for a long time. This product has been used in traditional cuisines of some nations for several centuries. It differs from ordinary butter in greater usefulness, improved properties and a long shelf life. Its use is not limited to cooking: this oil is used in cosmetology and medicine.

What is ghee

Melted butter is a dish of Russian and Indian cuisine. This product is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Thermal processing of butter changes its properties: milk fat components are melted out of it, which makes it more useful.

At the same time, water, some components of milk and many impurities are removed from the product. In fact, only pure fat remains from the original components.

This fat can be heated to a temperature of about +200 ° C, while carcinogens are not formed in it, and it does not burn. This means that when frying there will be no foam and smoke. In addition, this procedure significantly extends its shelf life.

The composition and calorie content of ghee

The composition of the oil includes the following components (per 100 g of product):

  • vitamin A - 660.0 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 - 0.12 mg;
  • vitamin B5 - 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin E - 1.5 mg;
  • vitamin D - 1.8 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 0.1 mg.

The product also contains provitamin A (beta-carotene), cholesterol and water residues. The share of the last two components does not exceed 1%.

The mineral composition of the product is as follows:

  • iron - 0.2 mg;
  • potassium - 5.0 mg;
  • calcium - 6.0 mg;
  • magnesium - 0.4 mg;
  • zinc - 0.1 mg;
  • phosphorus - 20.0 mg.

In addition, it includes manganese, copper and zinc.

The calorie content of the product is 892 kcal. It is almost 99% fat, proteins in it are about 0.2%.

What is useful ghee

The benefits of ghee for the body are as follows:

  • improvement of digestion due to the normalization of the digestive tract (vitamin PP, sodium, phosphorus);
  • strengthening immunity (due to the content of zinc and copper);
  • reduction of headaches and migraines (vitamin B5 and potassium);
  • strengthening bones and joints, maintaining their good shape (calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D);
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system (potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin E);
  • improvement of metabolism, immune system functioning (vitamin B5, copper, zinc);
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes, antioxidant properties (provitamin A).

The benefits of homemade ghee are manifested in the treatment of many diseases (rickets, osteoporosis, colds, sciatica, and others); it is used for injuries - bruises, fractures, wound healing.

It is also used in cosmetology, helping to maintain a healthy appearance of the skin and hair.

For pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of ghee for women are manifested primarily during pregnancy. As a product rich in vitamins A, E and D, oil is simply irreplaceable. The lack of these vitamins can lead to fetal pathologies. When breastfeeding, a set of these vitamins, as well as phosphorus and calcium, will be useful to the baby.

In addition, ghee, rich in medium chain fats, is much better absorbed in the body of a pregnant woman than butter, since bile is not required for their breakdown.

For the elderly

For the elderly, this product will be useful primarily due to its ability to restore the performance of the joints. Not the last role is played by the normalization of the processes occurring in the brain. By using the product in old age, you can maintain clarity of thinking for a long time.

Is ghee allowed for children

Children can eat this product only after the formation of a full gastrointestinal tract, that is, after they reach 10-12 months of age. The norms and rules for its use are similar to the use of ordinary butter. There are practically no contraindications, since its allergenicity is very low.

Important! Doctors have proven that children who did not consume oils in sufficient quantities completed the stage of early development much later. We can say that this product is critical for them.

The use of ghee is much more preferable than butter: it is more easily absorbed by the body and does not contain any traces of lactose.

Ghee butter treatment

In folk medicine, ghee is used to treat and prevent various diseases:

  • Angina. Take orally 1 tbsp. l. every 2-3 hours with the addition of a small amount of turmeric. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to lubricate the throat from the outside once a day.
  • Flu. The oil is mixed with finely ground black pepper in a ratio of 1 to 30. Three times a day after meals, slowly dissolve 1 tsp. mixtures.
  • Hypothermia. In this situation, in order to avoid illness, one should, after coming home, rub the back and feet with oil.
  • Inflammation of the intestine. Dissolve 1 tsp. pure oil half an hour before meals.
  • Constipation. Make a compress on the lower abdomen with melted butter.
  • Radiculitis. Heated oil with a temperature not exceeding +45 ° C (i.e. actually melted) is applied to the back in the lumbar region, where it is kept for up to 40 minutes. To prevent the liquid from spreading, “sides” should be made on the back in the lumbar region, for example, from dough.
  • With fractures. The product should be eaten mixed with cottage cheese in a ratio of 1 to 1 once a day, preferably for breakfast.
  • For bruises and sprains. The product in its pure form or mixed with rye and cinnamon is applied locally to the injury site.

The use of ghee in cosmetology

In cosmetology, oil is used to create masks for hair and facial skin. Its beneficial properties can moisturize the skin, prevent its flaking, smooth wrinkles and eliminate minor imperfections. The hair treated with it has a healthy appearance, they become more durable.

Face masks

Preparation of a mask for dry and normal skin:

  • in a small container, mix 1 tbsp. l. melted butter and 1 yolk;
  • mix thoroughly and wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply on the skin of the face for 20-30 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water.

Advice! This mask can be used no more than once a week.

A mask for oily skin is made according to the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp is steamed in water. l. with a slide of oatmeal for 5 minutes;
  • flakes are removed in a separate container and 1 tbsp is added to them. l. product;
  • components are thoroughly mixed;
  • after 1 min. half tbsp is added to the resulting mixture. l. liquid honey, and the mixture is mixed again;
  • a pinch of turmeric is added to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face, where it is kept for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Re-use of such a mask is allowed after 10-15 days.

Hair masks

The simplest recipe for a nourishing hair mask is to simply apply the product to the hair and cover the head with a plastic cap for half an hour. After that, the mask is washed off with shampoo. This procedure is not recommended to be done more than 1-2 times a week. If the hair is oily, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus extract to the mask.

The restoring hair mask is done as follows:

  • ghee, olive oil and milk are mixed in equal proportions;
  • 2-3 drops of castor extract are added to the mixture;
  • the mask is applied to the hair, and also rubbed into the scalp;
  • it is necessary to withstand the mask on the hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

How to make ghee at home

For cooking, you need butter 72% fat. Preferably use homemade. It should be cut into pieces and placed in a dry container.

The beginning of heating is carried out on a fire of medium intensity. As soon as the solid pieces melt, the intensity of the fire is reduced to a minimum. As the foam appears, it should be removed.

Important! The resulting liquid must not be mixed!

As sediment appears, pour the liquid into a new container and continue the process. When there is practically no sediment left, the procedure can be considered complete. Cooking time for 1 kg of product is about 1-1.5 hours.

Is it possible to fry in ghee

Ghee is perfect for frying. Its boiling point is +252 °C, while the first signs of evaporation appear only at a temperature of +205 °C. This means that any food can be fried in such oil, and they will not burn.

Which is healthier: ghee or butter

The structure of the product is significantly different from butter, and in general, from all fats of animal origin. Its main component is unsaturated fatty acids. Their share in the total mass can reach up to 35%, while in butter they are only 24%. Ghee has a higher content of vitamins A, D and E.

Otherwise, the products are similar and, one might say, identical.

However, given that the product contains only fat without impurities and water, it is more pure. And only butter of high fat content and very good quality can compete with it in terms of usefulness. Also, the product has a significant plus - almost an order of magnitude longer shelf life.

On the other hand, ghee is more nutritious, so if you use the same amount of both products, the weight gain from it will be greater. But this factor is subjective, because someone should gain weight, and someone should lose.

Harm of ghee and contraindications

This product has only one harm - an extremely high calorie content. With the abuse of this product, an increase in fat reserves in the body occurs, obesity and related diseases develop. First of all, these are diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to the use of ghee in their vast majority do not relate to any diseases, but to the volume of its consumption. In small quantities, it has no harm and no contraindications. Since it removes the milk components when heated, even people with lactose intolerance can use it. Cases of allergies from this product are extremely rare and are isolated.

If we approach the issue of contraindications from a formal point of view, then the use should be limited or used with caution by people with the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • diseases associated with obesity (hypertension, ischemia, heart attack, arthritis, etc.)

However, there are several diseases that have direct contraindications, completely prohibiting the use of ghee for food. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity of internal organs.

How to store ghee

It is recommended to store the product in hermetically sealed containers (jars with lids, wide-mouthed bottles, etc.). At room temperature, its shelf life is about 9 months. If stored in the refrigerator - about a year. If a freezer is used for storage, then it does not lose its useful properties for a year and three months.


The benefits and harms of ghee do not raise any questions now. This wonderful pure and natural product is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Its only drawback is its high calorie content, which significantly limits both the volume of its use and its availability for certain groups of people.

Many people think that ghee is ordinary butter that they decided to melt, however, this opinion is erroneous. These products differ in taste, aroma, texture, which affects their properties. This article describes the features that distinguish the melted product, recommendations for its storage, use, and so on.

What is it and how is it different from other species?

Ghee is obtained from butter by exposure to high temperature. Impurities, moisture, milk part are removed from the creamy product. The melted product, made according to the rules, has a pleasant nutty smell, amber tint. Such oil is stored longer than butter, it has many wonderful properties.

The melted product has been used in Rus' for a long time. Previously, this oil was made constantly, but at the present time, dairy products are more often used, which are far from being useful in all cases. The melted product was known not only in Russia, but also in other countries - for example, in India. There it was called "ghee" (gi). Indians use it more actively for treatment, hair care, skin care and cooking.

To get a melted product, fat is isolated from the cream.

There are no carcinogens in ghee, which are even in vegetable oil. For this reason, this product is considered even more useful.

When frying, it will not smoke and foam. Melted butter hardens well even without a refrigerator: it usually takes about a day.

Composition and calories

This oil is quite high in calories: 100 g - 892 kcal. However, subject to moderate consumption, the ghee product will not cause excess body fat. BJU of ghee:

  • carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • fats - 99 g;
  • proteins - 0.2 g.

The melted product contains polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated fatty acids. It also contains vitamins (groups B, D, E, A), minerals:

  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.


The melted product has a very good effect on people. Its benefits are as follows.

  • If you take into account all the recommendations for the preparation of such a product, it can be used not only for nutrition, but also for treatment. For example, it is often used in folk medicine.
  • Ghee is safe for humans and yet effective. If it is processed, focusing on certain rules, it only brings benefits. This product is used for both outdoor and indoor use.
  • This tool can be used when performing a massage. Indians believe that it provides the body with healing solar energy, which effectively restores it.
  • This product helps with headaches, migraines. To do this, you need to take a small amount of oil and rub it into the place where you feel discomfort (in the temples, forehead).
  • The melted product can also treat a sore lower back. It will calm the nerve endings, help to cope with inflammation.
  • This oil is very effective for colds: it improves immunity. It is also used to prevent the occurrence of colds. It will be necessary to rub the feet and palms with oil.
  • Melted product helps with depression, weakness. It helps to improve metabolism, the production of enzymes, and the functioning of the digestive system. Ghee has a very good effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

This product has a very pleasant taste. Many recommend choosing just such an oil for cooking, because it has a very good effect on the human body. It doesn't burn, it doesn't burn.


A melted product can not only have a positive effect on people, but also be harmful to the human body. The following disadvantages can be distinguished.

  • Doctors do not recommend using this oil for people who are overweight, because it has a high calorie content. Such a product can cause even more obesity.
  • This oil has a lot of cholesterol (as in ordinary butter), so it is not recommended to use it too often and in large quantities. Otherwise, then it will be possible to face such a problem as atherosclerosis.
  • It is recommended to refuse this melted product in the presence of diseases of the pancreas, liver.

Even if your health is perfect, ghee should not be abused. Excessive fat has a negative effect on the body.

For the benefits and harms of ghee, see the next issue of the "Live Healthy!" program.

How to determine the quality of a product?

To find out if ghee is natural, of high quality, you need to check whether it meets a number of requirements. When choosing the right product, keep the following in mind:

  • high-quality butter is easy to spread on bread, it is grainy;
  • the smell of the natural product is very pleasant, it does not foam and does not emit fumes;
  • high-quality solid oil is dull, bright yellow, and liquid is transparent yellow;
  • this product hardens within 24 hours.

If the oil meets the above criteria, it means that it is completely natural. Such a product is harmless to humans, it does not contain herbal additives.

cooking recipes

Many are interested in how to cook a baked product at home. There are different ways to create it at home. The classic way to prepare such butter involves the use of a container with thick walls and a fatty cream product (it is recommended to choose a homemade one).

Usually, 1000 g of butter is prepared to create ghee. As a result, you can make approximately 750 g of product. According to the traditional recipe, such oil is created as follows.

  • Cut the butter (the pieces should turn out small), put it in the prepared dish and heat over medium heat. The product should become liquid.
  • Make the fire slow and leave the oil for another 40 minutes. From time to time, white foam will appear on its surface. It will need to be removed regularly.
  • Remove the pan from the stove and pour the oil into the jars. They must be dry and clean. Before this, strain the product using cheesecloth and a sieve.

In a slow cooker

You can use a slow cooker to make ghee. You need to create this product in this order.

  • Take a creamy product, cut it and place it in a slow cooker, setting the "Extinguishing" mode.
  • When the oil becomes liquid, lower the temperature by 100 degrees. During cooking, it will not be possible to close the lid of the device.
  • Simmer the oil for about 120 minutes. From time to time it will be necessary to remove the foam, mix the mass.
  • Pour the resulting product into a clean dish. Its shade should eventually become honey.

In the oven

This method works well if you need to cook a lot of ghee. However, it should be borne in mind that it will take at least 90 minutes to prepare 0.5 kg of product. To make melted butter will need to be like this.

  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Put the butter in a container with thick walls (leave a few centimeters to the edge, otherwise it will splatter a lot), put it in the oven.
  • The finished oil should become amber, transparent. When it's ready, take out the container.
  • Carefully remove the film from the surface of the oil, strain it and place it in a clean dish.


Such a product is used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. Various highly effective masks for hair and face care are created from it. It takes a long time to prepare such a product, but the results are worth it, which is confirmed by the numerous positive reviews of the fair sex. How to make ghee butter

  • Put the creamy product in a container with thick walls. Put the butter on medium heat and let it melt, after which the mass will need to be mixed properly.
  • When the product begins to boil, reduce the heat. The oil should continue to boil.
  • The resulting foam must be carefully removed. The mass should not be mixed.
  • After a while, water, milk protein and fat separate from the butter. The water will quickly evaporate: it will be at the top.
  • The protein should become a white precipitate. He is at the bottom. When the hue starts to turn golden instead of white, you will need to turn off the fire.
  • Strain the resulting fat using cheesecloth and a sieve. Place it in clean containers.

Make sure that the protein does not darken. If it burns, the oil will turn out to be spoiled: it cannot be used in cooking.

With black pepper

This oil has a rather strong odor and a bitter taste. To prepare it, take approximately 3 tbsp. l. pea black pepper per 1.5 kg of butter. Put the pepper in cheesecloth and add it to the melted (but not boiled) mass. Then make the melted product in the usual way, remove the pepper before straining.

Application features

People who love ghee note its light nutty smell and pleasant taste. With it, you can fry potatoes, meat, pancakes, scrambled eggs and much more. It is often added to deep frying. Confectioners use ghee to create cakes and other similar sweets. Many people like to simply spread it on bread.

For treatment

The melted product helps to cope with a variety of health problems. This tool can be used like this.

  • To get rid of a runny nose, mix ghee with cinnamon or cardamom and rub it on the inside of your nose. This method also helps to improve cerebral circulation.
  • To get rid of the flu, mix mustard or black pepper with the melted product, then dissolve 1 tsp from time to time. such a tool.
  • Ghee will help cure inflamed intestines. To do this, dissolve it in its pure form.
  • You can get rid of constipation by rubbing such a remedy in the navel area. Another effective way is to create an oil compress.
  • Add turmeric to the melted product to cure a sore throat with it. Rub this remedy into your throat regularly.
  • Sick joints can be lubricated with oil mixed with calendula.
  • To improve immunity, you should use the melted product in the morning, after mixing it with dried fruits, honey, nuts, seasonings. It should be borne in mind that for best results, breakfast should consist only of this remedy.

In cosmetology

Ghee effectively slows down the aging process. It provides moisture, nutrition to the skin, promotes the process of tissue regeneration. This tool effectively removes accumulated toxins, slags. You can mix the baked product, turmeric and mashed potatoes. Spread the resulting mass over the face, wait about a quarter of an hour and remove the mask. It will noticeably soften the skin, make it more hydrated.

To get rid of wrinkles, mix a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of ghee, a teaspoon of castor oil and a drop of iodine. Spread the resulting mixture over the skin, wait about 120 minutes and remove the product. Such a mask can not be done too often: 2 times a week will be enough. It is suitable for storage in the refrigerator.

If you want to get rid of edema, eliminate mimic wrinkles, use an egg mask. Mix the yolk of one egg with the melted product and treat the skin around the eyes with the resulting product. Ghee has a good effect not only on the skin, but also on the hair. It can be applied like this.

  • For fine hair. Combine lemon juice, any vegetable and ghee (proportions can be any). Apply this mass to your hair, wrap it with a towel, wait a quarter of an hour and remove the mask.
  • To strengthen hair. Make a decoction of 30 g of licorice root, the same amount of calamus root and a liter of water. Combine it with a melted product (the proportions should be equal). Put the mixture on low heat to get rid of excess liquid. Spread this mass on your head, wait a quarter of an hour and wash off the mask.
  • For dry hair. Combine 1 tsp. ghee and olive oils, warm milk. Distribute the mask through your hair, wrap it with a towel. Wait a quarter of an hour and wash off the mass.
