
Puree for a child from birth. The best options for vegetable puree for a child

Your baby is already quite an adult and it seems to you that the time has come for him to the first complementary foods? Then you met our article in time. Puree for babies is the best option, which is easily digested by the children's stomach, moreover, almost all children love this particular food consistency. It is also good that pediatricians recommend starting the transition to "adult" food with various purees. To choose the right or prepare the most delicious and healthy puree for the first feeding on your own, just follow our advice.

Purees for babies are adored not only by kids, but also by their parents for their ease of preparation. The process consists of just a few simple steps, which is why it is remarkable for the everyday life of a mother and baby: the daily bustle of the first year of life simply does not allow spending a lot of time on cooking super-complex dishes. But in order to get acquainted with a new type of food with a bang, you need to offer it correctly. We will consider another important aspect: which baby puree will be the best - purchased or made at home.

Why puree?

Puree is the ideal food for breastfeeding, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Soft foods are best absorbed by children's digestion.
  • So that acquaintance with new food is not stressful for the baby, you can add a few drops of the usual breast milk or mixture to the puree: this way the dish will not lose its taste, and it will not be so alien for the child.
  • The puree-like consistency allows the baby not to make serious efforts in order to get his portion of food: he practically does not have to chew (yes, perhaps there is nothing else).
  • You can simply cook the dish yourself or buy a ready-made product: the quality of modern children's food of famous brands is beyond doubt.
  • If you decide to make baby puree at home with your own hands, you can do it for the future. This luxury of saving time and effort is not available with all types of children's meals, because most of them need to be eaten only freshly prepared.

When the time comes

A baby in the first six months or a year of life can safely receive all the necessary substances from breast milk, and the inclusion of other products will be more of an addition than a replacement.

If earlier grandmothers introduced the child to new tastes already at the age of 3 months, today pediatricians strongly recommend starting the first complementary foods no earlier than six months.

Before reaching this age, the baby does not need any other food than their favorite sweet milk. As a rule, his immature digestion is not ready for gastronomic experiments. Another argument against early complementary foods is that the sooner you introduce a new food to your baby, the more likely he is to react to it with an allergy.

For formula-fed babies, the timing for the first complementary foods is usually earlier.

Probably, every mother wonders at what age she can give her baby new food, and almost always doubts whether her child is exactly ripe for such a “revolution” in her diet. Often experiences are in vain: the baby himself will begin to hint to her that he is ready for innovations. You will understand its signs by the following signs:

  • the baby will begin to observe with interest what and how you eat;
  • will ask for food more often;
  • will try to eat on their own;
  • if you give him something to try, he won't protest.

But when it is possible to give a child this or that food for complementary foods is an individual question for each new item on the baby's menu. Types of products are suitable for children's digestion in different ways and are characterized by varying degrees of allergenicity.

Fortunately, the basic rules from pediatricians still exist and have been successfully tested on personal experience by many mothers.

Reminder for mom

Preparing mashed potatoes for babies is quite simple. This dish usually quickly enters the category of a child's favorite. And if you decide that it is time for your child to eat "adult" food, remember some important rules:

  • The ideal option for complementary foods at 6 months of age is a one-ingredient, one-ingredient vegetable puree. A little later, when the baby's menu includes 1 introduced vegetable and more, you can mix the learned ingredients and prepare a monocomponent puree.
  • It is recommended to start acquaintance with new products in the form of puree according to the following scheme: the baby is first offered a teaspoon of treats, then gradually, by slowly increasing the portion, the dosage is adjusted to 50 grams.
  • The first step on the way to adult food often causes bewilderment in the baby, and more often - whims and protests. In this case, mom needs to be patient and not give up her attempts to introduce the stubborn little one to new food. Offer one type of food at least 10 times, and if the reaction to the product is the same negative, try using a different vegetable to mash for babies.
  • No matter how bland and tasteless you may think baby puree for complementary foods tastes, it is forbidden to dilute it with salt, oil and spices. Your child is not yet familiar with other flavors, so the product will seem very edible and incomparable to anything, literally.
  • Even if you've tried baby puree and feel like spitting it out, your baby shouldn't suspect it. The opposite approach is needed here: share a new dish with the baby and eat it with great pleasure: this way you will arouse his curiosity for the product.

It is better to offer mashed potatoes prepared on your own to the crumbs immediately after cooling: the benefits and taste of a fresh dish are always higher.

Careful selection of ingredients

In such an important issue as the introduction of complementary foods to a baby, it is useful for every mother to know which foods are optimal for a child's body at the age of about 6 months.

The first dish for babies is usually vegetable purees and sometimes cereals. Today we are talking about puree. The main criteria when choosing a product for its preparation are hypoallergenicity, benefits, safety and ease of assimilation by children's digestion.

The universal components for complementary foods include zucchini and broccoli: it is from them that most parents prepare the first puree in the baby's life. When he learns these simple vegetables, it will be the turn of pumpkin, potatoes, green peas, carrots, spinach and kohlrabi.

But the question arises: which puree is better, cooked by yourself or purchased?

From mom with love

Many well-meaning mothers prefer to make baby puree at home in order to provide the baby's body with the most natural food. This solution has both pros and cons.


  • you cannot be deceived in the naturalness of the process: after all, you do everything yourself;
  • mother in this case is the main expert on storage conditions and compliance with expiration dates;
  • home-made baby purees are always the freshest and healthiest;
  • guaranteed absence of preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives;
  • you can cook treats "wholesale" and store in the freezer;
  • confidence in the sanitary conditions of preparation;
  • saving money, because it’s easier to buy the necessary products for the future than to spend money on a jar of mashed potatoes every time;
  • you yourself determine the portion and, depending on it, select the right amount of ingredients;


Making mashed potatoes at home has its drawbacks:

  • the laboriousness of the process is familiar to every mother of a baby who has chosen complementary foods of her own preparation;
  • making puree yourself is a long time, and this time could be spent on more pleasant activities: for example, playing with a baby;
  • the quality of purchased vegetables and fruits is often questionable, especially if you purchase them out of season;
  • the shelf life of a fresh product is limited to days in the refrigerator, and even this is undesirable;
  • home-made puree is more difficult to take with you;
  • small portions are problematic to prepare: especially in a blender, when the minimum amount has to be literally scraped off the walls.

Jar food

Often, due to lack of time or the presence of any beliefs, parents of a baby decide that making mashed potatoes at home is not practical. Then they come to the aid of purchased products.


Store-bought puree is often a good option as well, as it has significant benefits:

  • its quality is subject to strict state control;
  • manufacturers have thought of everything for convenience: both sealed packaging and a long shelf life;
  • the main advantage for many women is that they do not have to spend time cooking;
  • the food is already completely ready to eat;
  • manufacturers take into account the characteristics of the age of the baby and make the product in accordance with them;
  • many purees mix several ingredients at once: for example, vegetables and cereals;
  • often children's products contain additional vitamins;
  • you can read the entire composition on the jar to be sure of the purchase.


Unfortunately, purchased mashed potatoes for babies also have some disadvantages:

  • The nutritional value of purchased treats is often lower compared to self-prepared ones due to the high water content;
  • the taste is sometimes less intense;
  • sometimes quality control is not the most strict and you can lose sight of the freshness of the components and the correctness of the cooking technology;
  • the high price for one jar is also not encouraging;
  • many purchased purees allow unwanted salt and sugar in their composition.

Parental control

To make the purchase of baby food puree only a joy, you should know what you should pay attention to in the store.

How to choose

In fact, everything is very simple and, given these points, any mother will choose the highest quality product:

  • Evaluate the tightness of the package: the lid must be tightly closed, and the entire jar is wrapped in a film.
  • Don't forget to check the expiration date.
  • The composition deserves special attention: there should not be any extra components.
  • The color of the puree should be the same as that of the main product in the composition.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Many mothers of babies are interested in what brand of baby food purees is the best. Parents make their rating empirically and then share their observations. Among the most popular and high-quality are:

  • "Gerber";
  • "Grandma's basket";
  • "FrutoNyanya";
  • "Subject";
  • "Agusha";
  • "Hipp";
  • "Semper";
  • "Humana";
  • "Haynes";
  • "Nutrition".

Easy cooking

Do you know how to make baby puree at home? Basic recipes for a delicious children's dish will help you navigate the technology:

  • The first puree for babies is often made from zucchini. How to do? Very simple! Boil several rings of peeled vegetables for 10 minutes in a double boiler. Then chop the vegetable in a blender and wipe through a sieve: the dish is ready.
  • Making broccoli puree is just as easy. Boil the washed inflorescences in a double boiler for 20 minutes. In a saucepan, frozen broccoli will cook for 15 minutes after boiling, while fresh broccoli will cook for only 5-7 minutes. Keep in mind that the water should only slightly cover the vegetable. After that, puree the broccoli using a blender or sieve.

Cooking complementary foods at home: video

It is enough to learn how to cook one puree for babies, and the rest of the recipes will already seem simple.

We wish your baby tasty and light pureed foods!

Vegetable puree, as a rule, becomes the first food for the baby. They satisfy the needs of the growing organism of the crumbs in vitamins, vegetable protein, dietary fiber ... In a word, purees are very useful, especially if they are made with love at home :)

Mashed potatoes (from 5 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the potatoes well. Peel it off. Wash again. Steam the potatoes or bake in the oven until soft. Strain the still hot potatoes through a sieve or puree in a blender. While whisking the potatoes, gradually pour in the hot milk. Put the resulting puree on fire and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter. Cool down.

Cauliflower and courgette puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 50 g of cauliflower, 60 g of zucchini, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: Rinse the vegetables well under running water. Peel the cabbage, divide it into small inflorescences. Cut the zucchini into small pieces. Put the vegetables in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over everything so that the water completely covers the vegetables.

Close the lid and cook until fully cooked. Rub the still hot vegetables with the broth through a sieve until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree. Boil for 1-2 more minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished puree and mix.

Carrot-potato puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash carrots and potatoes well. Clean and wash again. Cut vegetables into cubes. Put them in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over so that the water covers the vegetables. Simmer the vegetables over low heat, covered, until tender.

Pass hot vegetables through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add milk, salt, vegetable oil to the puree. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.

Carrot puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, hot water, 2 tablespoons milk (breast milk or formula), 1/2 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: wash the carrots well, peel them, wash them again. Cut the washed carrot into cubes, transfer it to an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the carrots. Steam or simmer the carrots, covered, until the carrots are soft and the water is boiled away.

Rub hot carrots through a sieve until smooth. You can grind carrots in a blender. Add butter, hot milk and mix everything. Boil for another 2-3 minutes. Refrigerate before serving.

Mashed zucchini and chicken meat (from 9 months)

Ingredients: 150 - 200 g of squash pulp, 50 g of boiled white meat of chicken or turkey, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the zucchini well. Remove the skin from it and cut into small pieces. Steam until fully cooked. Hot, grind the zucchini through a sieve until smooth. Mix with chopped poultry meat until smooth. Pour in hot milk, salt and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Add butter to the puree.

Cauliflower puree with milk (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g of cauliflower, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Ingredients: rinse the cauliflower well. Cut it into florets. Remove green leaves. Put the small cauliflower florets in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over it so that the cabbage is completely in the water. Close the lid and simmer until the cabbage is cooked and the water has completely evaporated.

Rub the hot cabbage through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to the puree and boil for another 1-2 minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished hot puree.

Apple-pumpkin puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g pumpkin pulp, 1 apple, 1 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: rinse the pumpkin and apple well. Peel off the skin, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces. Fill the pumpkin with water and cook over low heat under a lid until the pulp. Add an apple. Boil for 10 more minutes. Grate the still hot fruits on a fine grater together with the broth until smooth. You can use a blender. Boil puree for another 102 minutes. Cool, add butter and serve.

Puree from potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets and pumpkin (from 8 months)

Ingredients: 1/5 potatoes, 30 g of carrots, pumpkins, beets, white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash vegetables thoroughly. Peel them, cut into small pieces. Put the chopped vegetables in an enamel pan, add water, close the lid and simmer over low heat. Complete evaporation of water must not be allowed. When the vegetables are soft, rub them hot through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree and bring everything to a boil. Add vegetable oil.

Bon appetit!

The first complementary foods begin to be offered to the baby in the period from 4 to 6 months. It all depends on the characteristics of the development of the digestive system and the type of feeding. Fruit puree occupies an honorable place among complementary foods. Kids love it and it's beneficial. You can choose, for example, pear puree for babies or any other. Moms can only make it themselves or buy it in a store.

Fruit puree is administered to artificially fed children as early as 4 months old, and on natural feeding - after six months of age. They begin to give it only after the child has mastered vegetable puree.

Experts believe that it is best to start with vegetables. They are rich in mineral and vitamin composition, and also contain more plant fibers. In addition, vegetable puree has a low allergenicity. After vegetables, the body will be ready to accept fruits.

For the first feeding, a dish from one component is suitable. This will help to recognize whether there is an allergy to the product or not. If, for example, a child was offered pear puree, and a rash developed, then it can be easily replaced with another one. After the monocomponent puree is successfully mastered, you can give the child puree from several fruits or together with berries.

Complementary foods are introduced gradually.

  1. A new product should be given once a week.
  2. It should be given in the morning, before the main feeding with milk or formula.
  3. The serving should be equal to half a teaspoon.
  4. If the puree is too thick or concentrated, you can dilute it with water.

During the week, no other products need to be introduced. You should carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the baby. In the event that vomiting, diarrhea, rash appears, you need to stop complementary foods.

What to offer first

The green apple is usually introduced first. This fruit contains a lot of iron, rarely causes allergic reactions, stimulates digestive activity, improves blood composition and improves immunity.

Pear improves intestinal motility, is rich in minerals and vitamins, cleanses the body of toxins. But you should know that pear puree more often than apple puree causes colic in the stomach.

Plum puree is suitable for babies over five months of age who are prone to constipation, as it has a slight laxative effect.

Banana is a nutritious and sweet fruit that young children love. It should be given with caution to infants who are prone to constipation, bloating and excess weight. In addition, eating a banana can adversely affect the composition of the blood.

All the benefits of home cooking

Homemade baby puree, made by hand, is always fresh. It is especially good if the fruits are from your garden. Then you can be sure of the quality of the product. The main thing is to choose the right recipe.

For puree, choose a ripe, dent-free fruit. If he is from his garden, then he simply washes with hot water. If the fruit is bought in a store, it is better to scald it with boiling water. After that, the selected product is cut into small slices and boiled in a saucepan with water for about 10 minutes. Cooked pieces are ground through a sieve or using a blender. Do not add sugar or other flavor enhancers.

When fruits are steamed (in a water bath or in a slow cooker), more valuable nutrients are retained in them.

Variety of food options

  • Recipe for preparing a dish of dried fruits for the first complementary foods

You can introduce prune puree when the child is 4 months old. It should be given in small portions. It is with this dried fruit that it is recommended to start complementary foods.

Prune puree for babies is a source of vitamins (C, PP, A) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron). By itself, prunes are able to fight pathogenic bacteria, it improves the work of intestinal motility, thereby eliminating constipation, strengthens blood vessels and the heart.

To prepare a tasty and healthy puree, you need to choose high-quality berries. Fresh dried fruit has a matte surface, pleasant smell and black color. If there are bones inside, then they are removed before cooking. To gain moisture, prunes should be soaked for several hours in hot water. Add berries to water and boil for 20 minutes. After that, remove the skin, mash and add a little broth if the mass is too thick.

Puree for babies can be prepared in a slow cooker. The cooking steps will be the same.

  • Pear food recipe

Pears have a soft color, they are low allergenic and easily absorbed by the body. They have a laxative effect. Contain a vitamin complex, dietary fiber and fruit acids. It is recommended to introduce complementary foods from this fruit when the baby is 6 months old.

For the preparation of pear puree for babies, only fresh, ripe, dent-free fruits are selected. It is better if the peel is green. Pears should be washed well and poured over with boiling water. Remove peel, pits and core. After that, the pear must be cut into cubes, transferred to a saucepan and poured with water. It only takes 15 minutes to cook. Pears should be mashed until smooth and cool. If the mass turned out to be thick, you can dilute it with syrup obtained during cooking.

There is an option to prepare mashed potatoes for babies for the winter. The recipe is simple. To do this, for example, a pear is cut into cubes, poured with water and boiled until tender. Ready fruits are crushed to a puree, brought to a boil again. Add a few drops of citric acid. Hot mashed potatoes are laid out in small jars, which are pre-sterilized. Roll up lids.

Puree can be frozen. But it is better not to do this. Since after defrosting, the product must be well heated so as not to catch a cold for the baby.

The recipe allows you to make pear puree in a slow cooker. After the fruits are washed, doused with boiling water and peeled, they need to be cut into cubes. The multicooker has a special stand that allows you to cook food for a couple. That's where the fruit goes. Water is poured into the bottom of the device and a container with cuttings is placed on top. After that, the desired mode is set in the multicooker, the time is 20 minutes. Ready fruits are kneaded to a homogeneous consistency.

  • peach puree recipe

Peaches and mashed potatoes from it can be given to the baby when he is 7-8 months old. This fruit often causes allergies, so you need to introduce it into the diet with caution, in small portions.

Peach puree leaves no child indifferent. It is sweet, fragrant and healthy. Peach contains many vitamins and minerals. You need to choose fruits of medium softness, without stains and damage.

To prepare peach puree with your own hands, you must first wash the fruit, scald it with boiling water, remove the skin and remove the stone. Cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan and cover with water. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes. Cool the finished product, knead. Peach puree is thick, so you need to add water.

Peach puree can be prepared in a slow cooker, canned for the winter or frozen. The recipe will include all the same steps as for batch cooking.

To prepare a dish in a slow cooker, peaches are washed, scalded with boiling water, the pit and skin are removed and chopped with a grater. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and fill with water. Select the program "Baby food" in the menu and time - 30 minutes. The finished puree must be mixed, cooled and you can give it to the baby.

  • Recipe for the first feeding from apples

To make puree, you need one apple and a little time. A whole apple is dipped in boiling water and boiled for several minutes. From the cooled fruit, you need to get the seeds, peel the peel, bring the remaining pulp to a homogeneous mass.

A dish of apples can be cooked in a slow cooker. The recipe involves the following steps. The apple needs to be washed, peeled, freed from the middle, cut into slices. Transfer the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto a special bowl. Turn on the required mode and set the time - 20 minutes. Grind ready-made fruits and give the baby warm.

  • The recipe for making applesauce for the winter is as follows.
  1. Choose apples of a suitable variety (1 kg).
  2. Sugar is better to use cane (1 spoon).
  3. You will need half a liter of water.
  4. Apples should be peeled and chopped.
  5. Transfer to a saucepan and add the remaining ingredients, after boiling, cook for 20 minutes.
  6. Prepare small jars that need to be sterilized first.
  7. Spread the finished mass into containers, close the lid and put it in a dark place.

Properly selected and prepared fruit puree largely determines the further work of the child's digestive system, prepares his body for adult food. Do not forget to monitor the condition of the baby after the introduction of a new product. If any reactions occur, inform the doctor.

Apple is the most popular fruit in our country. The apple tree grows in almost every plot, in every garden. It is unpretentious, easily endures Russian winters with hard frost, and almost every year pleases us with delicious ripe fruits. Plus, apples are incredibly healthy! They contain a lot of important trace elements and vitamins. That is why apple puree for babies is so loved by both parents and children.

Benefits of apples for babies

  • They contain antioxidants to strengthen the immune system of the baby.
  • These fruits have all the B vitamins, vitamin C, A, PP.
  • Apples contain a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine and other trace elements, as well as pectin, mineral salts, and fructose.
  • These juicy fruits stop the processes of decay in the intestines due to the content of beneficial acids in them.
  • Tannins have a positive effect on the kidneys and liver.
  • The high content of fiber cleanses the body of toxins and removes toxins.
  • Apples help cleanse the blood and lymph.
  • This juicy fruit normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Apples increase appetite.

Which variety to choose?

For baby food, it is better to use domestic varieties - "Simerenko", "Antonovka", "White pouring". It is better if these are fruits from your own garden or bought in season. But glossy, ideally shaped fruits of foreign varieties (Golden, Jonathan and others) are better not to buy. Not only have these fruits been processed with chemicals, they may be genetically modified foods.

If you use sour varieties of apples (for example, Antonovka) to make puree, add sweeter fruits - pears, bananas.

Give preference to fruits of irregular shape, with heterogeneous color, with wormholes and barrels. mA, it is better to refuse glossy fruits with a smooth, uniform surface.

How many months to introduce applesauce?

You can introduce apples from 6 months for babies and from 4 months for artificial babies, but it is better to postpone apple foods for several months and first treat the baby with vegetables and cereals.

This is due to the fact that after sweet applesauce (if given as the very first complementary food), the baby is unlikely to want to eat tasteless vegetables or cereals.

apple puree recipes

There are many recipes for baby apple puree. Someone prefers to cook monopurée to let the child feel the true taste of the product, someone mixes it with other fruits (bananas, pears) or vegetables (carrots, pumpkin).

Fresh apple puree

This is the easiest applesauce recipe for babies.

Wash the fruit, peel, remove the seeds and partitions. Next, grate the fruit, and then carefully chop in a blender. You can grind the fruit in a meat grinder, but make sure that it is perfectly clean - a piece of spoiled meat that accidentally gets into baby puree can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Classic apple puree

This recipe is suitable for those who are going to make mashed potatoes "once" and not close it for the winter. To prepare this dish, you will need one fresh apple and 5 minutes of free time.

Dip the apple in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes. During this time, the pulp will have time to soften. Peel the cooled fruit, remove the seeds and core, put the pulp in a blender and grind thoroughly. Applesauce for babies is ready!

Some advise adding ½ tablespoon of sugar to complementary foods, but if you use sweet varieties of apples (Cinnamon, Melba), then this measure is unnecessary.

This puree can be mixed with bananas, pears, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables and fruits.

Applesauce in a slow cooker

How to cook such food? You will need one apple. Peel the fruit from the peel, seeds and partitions, cut into medium pieces and put on the grid in the slow cooker. Turn on the "steam" mode and cook the fruit for 15-20 minutes.

Mash softened fruits with a spoon or beat with a blender. The finished puree should be slightly cooled and served warm.

Applesauce in the oven

This is another healthy and quick way to make your own fresh apple puree. For one serving, take two medium apples. Use a knife to cut the core without cutting the fruit in half. Put the prepared fruit in cupcake molds so that the juice does not leak out, and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

When the apples are softened, cool them slightly, take out the pulp with a spoon and grind it in a blender. Applesauce is ready!

If your baby already eats almost all the basic foods, the fruit can be stuffed with rice, millet, cottage cheese before baking.

Applesauce for the winter

To prepare 1 kilogram of puree you will need:

  • sour apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 spoon;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

If you are mashing for the smallest baby, it is better to replace white sugar with high-quality cane sugar.

Peel the apples from the skin, seeds and core, cut and grind in a blender. Put the finished mass in a saucepan, pour in water, add sugar and cook over high heat until boiling. Next, reduce the heat and simmer the puree for another 20 minutes.

At this time, wash and sterilize jars and lids. It is better to take small jars at a time.

Spread the puree in jars, close and put in a dark place. As you can see, it is not difficult to cook it at all.

What can you pair an apple with?

Applesauce can be combined with almost all vegetables and fruits. The most popular and delicious combinations are presented below.

  • apple + pear

In this case, both fruits are boiled or steamed, and then mixed in a blender. For an older child, you can prepare such a puree with the addition of cranberries or cinnamon. The main thing is that the crumbs do not have allergies.

  • apple + banana

Applesauce with the addition of a banana is prepared according to the following scheme: the fruits are washed, cut, chopped with a blender. Additional heat treatment is not required. You can add a little breast milk to the finished puree.

  • Apple + pumpkin

Requires 1 apple and 1 slice of medium pumpkin. Place them in the multicooker bowl and steam them. Mash the prepared vegetables, add a piece of butter or a little milk and serve to the child.

  • apple + carrot

Take carrots and an apple in equal proportions (1 each). Boil the fruits until tender in boiling water and mash with a blender. You can add a little cream or breast milk to applesauce with carrots.

  • Apple + zucchini

Steam an apple with zucchini (15 minutes). Mash softened fruits with a spoon or blender.

  • Apple + cream

This dish is suitable for older babies who already eat dairy products. Preparing such complementary foods is quite simple: put peeled and chopped apples (2 pieces) in boiling water (1 cup). Boil for 15 minutes, and then pour in the cream (2 tablespoons). Cool the puree and serve to the baby.

Also, delicious complementary foods are obtained if you make combinations with cottage cheese, peach, apricot, cereals.

How to choose ready-made puree?

It is quite difficult to choose high-quality baby food, as a jar with a low-quality product can always be caught. Nevertheless, compliance with a number of rules will allow you to buy only the best for the baby.

  1. Always look at the expiration date of the product. If it has expired, leave the jar in the store, or rather inform the seller or manager about the stitching.
  2. Avoid preservatives! In baby food, only ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is allowed.
  3. It is better not to buy a product for babies that contains sugar or starch. The first is undesirable for the child's body, the second can cause allergies.
  4. Check the label. If the manufacturer has indicated a specific age range (for example, from 6 months), then it is better not to give the product to the baby before the prescribed age.
  5. Pay attention to domestic brands - "FrutoNyanya", "Spelenok", "Grandmother's basket" - and to foreign ones - Humama, Hipp, Gerber, Fleur Alpine. In them, apart from apples, water and vitamin C, there are no additional components.
  6. But the manufacturers of Semper and Agusha add starch to the product to thicken it. Heinz puree contains additional lemon juice, which can cause allergies.

If possible, make your own puree. Such a dish will bring many times more benefit to the baby than purchased complementary foods.


Applesauce is one of the best treats for babies. It is healthy, tasty, pleasant yellow color, delicate homogeneous texture. If you choose sweeter apples, additional components such as sugar and other fruits (banana, carrot, pear) will not be needed.

Meat puree is introduced into the diet of the baby after the development of vegetable and fruit mixtures. When the baby is 7 or 8 months old, his body needs additional sources of calcium and phosphorus, iron and animal protein.

Unfortunately, mother's milk can not always provide the baby with important nutrients, so meat complementary foods are vital for a growing body. How to make meat puree for babies at home?

Pediatricians have no consensus on this.

Someone advises introducing meat puree no earlier than nine months of a baby's life, someone already eats meat at half a year. It all depends on the individual development of the digestive system of the crumbs and its features.

  • the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • the child has low globulin;
  • the baby is in dire need of B vitamins.

If you need early feeding with meat, it is better to use canned baby food: manufacturers maintain acceptable standards for fat content and sterility of preparation. Babies from 9-10 months old can cook meat at home.

From the list of meat products allowed for babies, you can cook a recipe from:

  1. beef;
  2. turkeys;
  3. rabbit meat;
  4. veal.

A chicken meat recipe for babies is not suitable due to possible allergic reactions to its components. Pork is very fatty, so it is advisable to cook pork dishes after two years. However, this recommendation of pediatricians is of a general nature: it all depends on the stability of the crumbs' digestive system.

Meat puree, like vegetable mixtures, must be introduced gradually in small portions. First, offer the baby a coffee spoon of the product, then increase the portion, gradually bringing the volume to 60-70 grams. By the year of the baby, you can cook beef and turkey meat in the amount of 70-80 grams of a daily serving.

Preparing Beef for Cooking

What kind of meat can be cooked for a baby? The choice of meat products must comply with special rules:

  • the piece should not be "suspicious";
  • meat should not be fatty;
  • the cut of the meat piece should have smooth edges;
  • the color of the meat should be pink.

To prepare meat puree for a baby at home, a piece should be washed under running water, all veins removed and cleaned from the film. Next, the piece must be cut into small squares 10x10 mm and put the required amount in a saucepan with cold water.

The recipe for cooking meat for babies does not differ in principle from the culinary processing of meat products for adults. However, the first water after boiling must be drained: this will remove excess fat from the broth. Excess fat makes it difficult for the baby to digest. Pour the meat with a fresh portion of water and cook for about two hours. Salt and spices are not included in the recipe for babies.

Cooking beef mousse

Further, the recipe for making puree consists of grinding the boiled pieces with a meat grinder and a blender. To prepare a puree mass, you need to add a little vegetable broth or milk mixture to the finished minced meat. Then the resulting mass must be boiled for a minute, cooled and offered to the baby.

Important! It is not recommended to cook meat broth for babies.

So that the baby does not reject mashed meat the first time, mix it with an already familiar vegetable side dish that can be prepared for lunch or warm up a frozen ready-made portion.

The first meat supplement should consist of one coffee spoon of turkey or beef meat. The recipe for a meat dish may include a vegetable side dish.

Turkey meat pate

The recipe for making turkey meat mousse consists of preparing the loin of the carcass for cooking. You can cook turkey meat for a couple, in water or in a slow cooker for about 40 minutes. Cut the boiled pieces of meat into pieces and grind with a blender.

Turkey meat is dry, so you need to add a little broth from cooking vegetables, breast milk or formula to the minced meat. Serve turkey meat puree with a vegetable side dish.

Meat with vegetables

To prepare this dish, you need products:

  • fillet - 60 grams;
  • zucchini - 90-100 grams;
  • carrots - 40-50 grams;
  • green peas (fresh) - 50 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a teaspoon.

It is better to take turkey or rabbit meat - it cooks faster. If you decide to cook in a slow cooker for a couple, cut all the ingredients into smaller pieces. If you cook the dish in water, put the vegetables in boiling water for 15 minutes, and the fillets in cold water for 45 minutes.

Important! Green peas should be cooked for no more than 3-4 minutes, so we put them last.

When the ingredients are cooked, you can prepare mousse from them. To do this, grind the cooled vegetables and fillets in a blender. We dilute the finished mass with vegetable broth and boil for a minute or two. Before feeding, add vegetable oil.

How long to store meat?

Important! Meat products can only be defrosted once. Repeated freezing and thawing increases the amount of harmful bacteria.

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