
How to salt white milk mushrooms at home. Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way

Milk mushrooms are one of the favorites of mushroom pickers, and are also considered the best among conditionally edible mushrooms. Usually they go for pickling milk mushrooms in a hot way for the winter. The mushrooms themselves are quite fleshy and juicy, with their own special flavor. How to properly and safely salt milk mushrooms for the winter will be prompted by the recipes below.

Also on our site you can find recipes that your whole family will like.

Using the hot salting method gives several advantages at once. Firstly, mushrooms will never have an unpleasant odor, secondly, natural bitterness will go away from mushrooms when boiled, and thirdly, they will surely delight you, your family and friends with their original taste. Hot salting is considered a fairly safe way to cook conditionally edible mushrooms.

Required products:

  • one kilogram of white mushrooms;
  • 60 grams of table salt (coarse);
  • 4 large garlic cloves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 10 blackcurrant leaves;
  • 2-3 umbrellas of overripe dill.

Salt milk mushrooms step by step recipe:

  1. Freshly picked milk mushrooms should be cleaned of plant debris, which sticks to the hats of these mushrooms more than to the rest of the “gifts of the forest”. Cleaning milk mushrooms is a tedious task, but the result is worth it.
  2. Cut the legs short, that is, leave about a centimeter at the base. Cut out rotten areas, and if you find wormholes, then it’s better to get rid of such mushrooms, they definitely won’t go into salting.
  3. Wash the hats thoroughly in cold running water (under the tap), use a soft brush to facilitate the work.
  4. Cut large mushrooms into several smaller pieces, small and medium ones can be left whole.
  5. Put the processed mushrooms in a saucepan, pour plain water, you can add salt, wait for a strong boil.
  6. After boiling the water, boil the milk mushrooms for only five minutes, do not forget to remove the foam formed during the cooking process.
  7. Catch all the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and rinse in a colander in cold water, so they cool down a bit and drain.
  8. Sprinkle a small part of salt on the bottom of a sterilized container, throw two peppercorns, a dill umbrella, two blackcurrant leaves, the first layer of mushroom caps. Then again salt, spices, milk mushrooms and so on. Mushrooms should be packed fairly tightly.
  9. Do not pour out the mushroom broth, but pour it over the laid milk mushrooms, they must stand so that excess air comes out (you will see how small bubbles rise to the surface).
  10. Next, cork the container, cool, rearrange in the refrigerator or cold cellar, where the workpiece will be stored. Metal lids are not suitable for closing.
  11. A month and a half later, the white breasts will be completely salted and will be edible.

After reviewing the recipes on our site, you can also cook other delicious preparations, such, and.

How to salt milk mushrooms in Altai

An old Altai recipe for salting white mushrooms in a barrel will tell you how to save a large number of collected mushrooms for the winter. In fact, the cooking process is simple, despite the long soaking. The list of ingredients also consists of all the familiar and classic spices in conservation. The output is a lot of tasty and fragrant salted mushrooms, which can be treated to a large number of people. By correctly calculating the products, you can pickle both 20 and 30 kilograms of mushrooms.

Need to:

  • 10 kg of fresh mushrooms;
  • 0.4 kg of edible salt (not iodized);
  • 35 grams of green dill;
  • 40 gr. chopped garlic;
  • 18 grams of grated horseradish root;
  • 10 laurels. leaves;
  • 40 grams of souls. pepper.

How to salt white milk mushrooms:

  1. Sort the milk mushrooms, cut off the legs (they will not be needed in salting), wash the hats.
  2. Place the processed mushrooms in a large basin, fill with completely cold clean water.
  3. Soaking will take from two to four days, it is necessary to change the water in the basin, do this at least once a day.
  4. After a while, put all the mushrooms in a colander or sieve so that the remaining liquid drains.
  5. The barrel must be prepared in advance: cleaned, scalded with boiling water and dried.
  6. Mushrooms are laid in a barrel in layers: mushrooms, salt, spices. Repeat until all ingredients are in the bowl.
  7. Cover the top layer with a clean white rag or linen napkin, put a padded wooden circle, put the most heavy press. If the load is not heavy enough, milk mushrooms will not give juice.
  8. In the process of salting, the volume of mushrooms will noticeably decrease, so more mushrooms can be added here, if desired.
  9. During the first days, under the yoke, a mushroom brine should appear over the circle.
  10. After 25 days, the milk mushrooms will be salted and will be suitable for eating.

Recipe for salting milk mushrooms

This recipe does not use any spices or spices at all, only coarse salt is the only preservative. Thus, you will fully feel the taste of mushrooms, not seasoned with anything superfluous. Salted white mushrooms can be used in different variations: as a separate snack, as well as as part of salads and soups.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared, which will not only decorate your dining table, but will also be a wonderful and tasty addition to your dinner.

We take:

  • five kg of freshly picked mushrooms:
  • 300 grams of coarse table salt.

Salt milk mushrooms recipe:

  1. Wash each mushroom separately in cool running water, pay special attention to the hats, they accumulate a lot of forest debris. Cut off the damaged areas, cut the mushrooms themselves into small pieces, so you can also see the state of the mushroom inside (if there are traces of wormholes, then such specimens need to be thrown away, they will not work in pickling).
  2. Place the washed and processed milk mushrooms in a clean wide basin or a large bucket, pour cold water here. Since they themselves are lighter than water, they will naturally float to the surface, in order to immerse them back into the liquid, you need to put a flat object on top a little less than the diameter of the container and press it down with something heavy. It is not worth pressing down the breasts strongly, we just need them to completely disappear in the liquid and the soaking process begins.
  3. Soaking will take five days, and every day it is necessary to change the water at least once. The foam that appeared on the surface of the liquid indicates that it is time to refresh the water for mushrooms, otherwise they will simply turn sour and, as a result, will be unsuitable for further use - such mushrooms are already poison.
  4. After five days, the soaking process will end, the milk mushrooms will significantly decrease in size, just in case, try a slice of the mushroom on your tongue, if it is not bitter, then the mushrooms are definitely ready for salting.
  5. Put the pieces of soaked mushrooms in a separate basin, abundantly sprinkled with salt. For any mushroom pickles, they usually take salt that does not contain iodine, otherwise the mushrooms will simply turn black.
  6. Put a circle on top of the mushroom surface and place the heaviest load possible (now it should compress the mushrooms well).
  7. In this state, milk mushrooms should stand for three days, and they need to be mixed once daily. During this time, the mushrooms will release their own juice, mixed with salt, it will become a brine, in which milk mushrooms will be salted.
  8. Three days later, put the milk mushrooms in banks, they should be laid very tightly, without voids. Lids for closing are used either polyethylene or ordinary ones with a screw thread.
  9. The workpiece should stand for about a month or a little more, then you will definitely be sure of its readiness.

For lovers of winter preparations, our piggy bank of recipes also has one, which can serve as a separate dish or be used for making salads.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way recipe

Not all lovers of salted mushrooms are satisfied with the hot salting of mushrooms, many people prefer to salt the mushrooms in a cold way. Cooked with this salting option, white milk mushrooms turn out crispy and remain as snow-white as before cooking. Various salads, snacks, caviar and even meatballs are made from such mushrooms.

Recipe Ingredients List:

  • milk mushrooms (white) - five kilograms;
  • non-iodized salt - two glasses;
  • stems of old dill (without seeds) - 10 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 15 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 5 pieces;
  • horseradish - 1 small root.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way step by step recipe:

  1. Rinse and clean mushrooms from dirt.
  2. Fold clean milk mushrooms into a capacious dish such as an enameled (plastic) bucket, pan, basin.
  3. Pour cold water from the tap, cover the mushroom area with a wide plate or a special circle, press down with a not too heavy load.
  4. Soak the container with milk mushrooms in a cool room for 72 hours, changing the water daily.
  5. After soaking, roll each mushroom in salt and place in a container where the mushrooms will be salted.
  6. Place peeled garlic cloves and chopped horseradish root mixed with mushrooms.
  7. Close the surface of the mushrooms with gauze folded in several layers, put horseradish leaves, cherries, currants and dill stalks on it.
  8. Put a heavy oppression, under it the breasts should expire with juice that will cover them completely. If the brine is not enough, then you can add salty cold boiled water (50 grams of rock salt per liter). Do not leave the top mushroom layer dry.
  9. Milk mushrooms will be salted for one month in a room whose temperature should not exceed +10 degrees.
  10. Then you can store salted milk mushrooms in the same container or transfer them to jars. Keep cold.

How to salt milk mushrooms

This recipe is a simple option for salting white mushrooms with a short soak and blanch. A salted mushroom preparation made using this method is ready in 25 days.


  • 3 kg of mushrooms;
  • 150 grams of salt;
  • a tablespoon of black peas pepper;
  • 10 black leaves currants.

Salted milk mushrooms recipe:

  1. Sort fresh mushrooms, clean, wash and soak in salted water. Water is salted according to this calculation - a tablespoon of salt dissolves in one liter of water.
  2. Soaking will take 36 hours, change the water 4-5 times during this time, add salt to fresh water.
  3. After a day and a half, rinse the mushrooms under running cold water, and then blanch in boiling water for five minutes.
  4. Place boiled milk mushrooms in a sieve to drain.
  5. Arrange mushrooms in jars and sprinkle with salt, peppercorns and blackcurrant leaves.
  6. Close with nylon lids, store in the refrigerator.

Salted milk mushrooms have been very famous in Russian cuisine since ancient times. They are equally good as an independent snack, and as one of the ingredients of a dish. To this day, mushrooms are considered the best classic mushrooms for pickling, so salted mushrooms are sometimes even called "royal".

Good afternoon friends!

What do you think about when you see fragrant, crispy cold-salted milk mushrooms on the table. I am sure that men will not mind missing a stack or two of strong, for such an appetizer. And women will try to find out the recipe for an amazingly tasty preparation for the winter.

These robust mushrooms with a fleshy funnel-shaped hat, on a short thick leg with white milky juice of a burning taste, are used exclusively for pickling, unlike other mushrooms, for example, which are only fried or dried.

These milkers are considered conditionally edible, therefore, when cooking, they must be boiled, and when cold, they are soaked. You can salt them in barrels, tubs, enameled pans. I suggest preparing salted milk mushrooms in jars for long-term storage in a city apartment.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way so that they are tasty and crispy

We sort freshly picked milkers, remove dry forest rubbish: needles, adhering leaves. We cut large hats into small pieces that will easily fit in the mouth and will be soaked faster. Cut off the legs, rinse under running water.

We put the mushrooms in a container, fill it with water so that it covers them a little from above, keep them under pressure so that they do not float up and are constantly in the water.

Soaking time depends on the temperature. At room temperature, the process will be faster, at a cooler longer. If they are not soaked to the end, they will not be bitter, but sharp.

This process should be taken with full responsibility, because it depends on it how tasty and crispy the mushrooms turn out.

For detailed additional information, especially for beginners, check out this video.

Interestingly, milk mushrooms are not soaked in running water, but only turn black.

So, after soaking, the mushrooms should:

  • change color - black milk mushrooms from dark olive to wine-red, whites acquire a bluish tint;
  • become soft and elastic;
  • decrease in volume by almost a third.


  • milk mushrooms - how much they collected
  • salt - 40-50 g per 1 kg of soaked milkers

We put the prepared soaked semi-finished products on the bottom of the prepared container, put salt and spices between the layers and on top.

We put spices according to our preferences, these can be: oak leaves, currants, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas, garlic. Someone prefers to salt without spices.

We cover the mushrooms from above with a clean cotton cloth, then with a folded shield, it can be a wooden circle or a pan lid.

We use a can of juice as oppression. Milk mushrooms under the press will compact, settle and release juice. After a week, we check if there is a brine in the jars. If there is too much of it, then we drain it, if it is not enough, we increase the load or add brine. Which we prepare separately, dissolving 20 g of salt in a liter of boiled cold water.

We send the container for storage in a cool cellar. After 35-40 days we take a sample.

You can always make pickled mushrooms from salted mushrooms by adding marinade.

The roots remaining after salting are used for making sauces and soups. Finely chop and dry, laying out on canvas on a hot day in the sun or in the shade. Then crush into powder and store in a dry place.

Salted milk mushrooms in jars - a step by step recipe for the winter

The recipe for cooking "immediately in jars" for the winter reduces the time, you do not need to once again shift the milk mushrooms from the container to the jars.

If the workpiece turns out to be very salty, soak it in water, changing the water. Then cut into bite-size pieces and serve with thinly sliced ​​onion and fragrant vegetable oil.

How to store salted mushrooms in an apartment?

The question arises before city dwellers - how to keep salty crunchy mushrooms in jars, in an apartment? It is important not only to cook, but also to keep this delicious preparation for the winter. Below are tips for you:

1. For long-term storage, we use glass jars or wooden barrels.

2. Mushrooms must be in brine. We put a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol on them. After that, we bend them with chopsticks, turning them crosswise over the shoulders of the can. We also moisten the sticks and the lid with alcohol. And under a nylon cover we send it for storage in the refrigerator.

3. The ideal temperature in a room or refrigerator is from +1 to +4 degrees.

4. Below 0 degrees - the pickle will freeze and lose its nutritional and taste value. Above +7 degrees - sour and moldy.

The main thing is that the mushrooms do not freeze in the cold and do not peroxide in the heat.

5. The room must be ventilated and dry.

6. From the moment of opening the jar, the contents should be consumed within 2 days, if there is a suspicion of the quality of the product, resolutely send it to the wastebasket.

7. Another way to store salted mushrooms at home is in the freezer. After salting, drain the brine, put the blanks in plastic bags (best in portions) and send them to the freezer. They are stored for a long time and well, without losing consumer qualities. After defrosting, they are ready to eat and do not require additional processing.

Salted mushrooms of cold salting for the winter in jars under ideal conditions can be stored until the next harvest, in our country they barely “survive” until the New Year.

Mushroom season is gaining momentum, stay tuned for new posts about mushrooms: where they grow, how to harvest, what dishes to cook and many more interesting things. Do not miss! See you!

Many housewives are interested in how to salt milk mushrooms in order to preserve the texture as much as possible and not lose nutritional value. All the variety of recipes is based on two methods of preparation: cold and hot. Each of them will be able to give fleshy mushroom hats not only the desired crunchiness and aroma, but also remove the toxins contained.

How to pickle milk mushrooms?

Salting of milk mushrooms is done in cold or hot ways. Both involve pre-soaking mushrooms in water for three days. After the procedure, in the cold - the mushrooms are sprinkled with salt and sent under oppression, in the hot - they are boiled in brine and are under load for a day, boiled and laid out in containers.

  1. Mushrooms have the ability to absorb poisons from the environment. To prepare milk mushrooms for the winter without harm to health, you need to sort them out, clean them of debris and soak in water for 2 hours.
  2. In the process of sorting, you can separate the legs from the caps, cut the caps according to the recipe.
  3. With the main three-day soaking, the mushrooms should be poured with cold water, oppression should be set and the water should be changed once a day. After the end of the process, rinse the mushrooms thoroughly.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to dishes. For soaking, only glass, ceramic or wooden containers are used.

Quick salting of mushrooms is the easiest harvesting option. In fact, this is one of the versions of the hot salting method in which the mushrooms are boiled, sprinkled with salt and put under oppression for several days. The amount of brine is controlled by the water remaining from cooking. As a result, the mushrooms acquire a crispy texture and are salted in a week.


  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • salt - 500 g;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • allspice - 10 g;
  • water - 8 l.


  1. Before salting milk mushrooms, fill them with 7 liters of water and set aside for 5 hours.
  2. Add the rest of the water and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the water and refrigerate.
  4. Cool the mushrooms, sprinkle with salt and spices, put under oppression for 3 days.
  5. Transfer to jars and refrigerate for 7 days.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way?

Particularly busy housewives will suit This is a convenient option for processing a large number of mushrooms. To do this, milk mushrooms are boiled, cooled, poured with fresh brine, put under oppression and after 3 days they are laid out in jars. The duration of cooking is compensated by the lack of bitterness and delicate taste.


  • milk mushrooms - 500 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 3 l;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.


  1. Milk mushrooms pour 1.5 liters of water with 30 g of salt and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Make a new brine from the remaining water and salt.
  3. Put mushrooms, laurel in the brine and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, add spices and press down with oppression.
  5. After 6 days, transfer to clean jars, fill with brine and put salted milk mushrooms in the cold for 45 days.

Especially delicious. This method does not provide for heat treatment: the mushrooms are simply sprinkled with salt and put under pressure. With such salting, milk mushrooms retain all the nutrients and are saturated with the aromas of herbs and spices. The latter, give the mushrooms strength, crunchiness and excellent taste.


  • milk mushrooms - 4.5 kg;
  • salt - 500 g;
  • horseradish leaves - 6 pcs.;
  • horseradish root - 1 pc.;
  • garlic clove - 8 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 4 l;
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.


  1. Before salting milk mushrooms, fill them with water for 3 days.
  2. Transfer to a clean bowl, add salt, spices.
  3. Put under oppression and send for a month in the cold.

Salting white mushrooms with short soaking and blanching will allow you to enjoy a crispy preparation after 25 days, which is appropriate for a short shelf life of this type of mushroom. Such a "flaw" is perfectly compensated by the expressive color and juicy dense pulp, ideal for this method of preparation.


  • milk mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • black pepper in a pot - 10 g;
  • currant leaves - 4 pcs.


  1. Before salting white milk mushrooms, soak them in water with 50 g of salt and set aside for 36 hours.
  2. Rinse, blanch for 5 minutes.
  3. Arrange in jars, add 140 g of salt and spices.
  4. Keep refrigerated for 25 days.

Salted black milk mushrooms are a popular delicacy for which experienced mushroom pickers advise the cold method. Salting in cabbage leaves is the easiest and relatively quick option to turn bitter mushrooms into an excellent preparation. Soaked in cabbage juices, milk mushrooms get rid of bitterness and acquire an amazing taste.


  • milk mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • cabbage leaves - 7 pcs.;
  • salt - 400 g;
  • horseradish root - 1 pc.;
  • dill umbrellas - 15 pcs.;
  • garlic head - 1 pc.;
  • currant leaves - 10 pcs.


  1. Before salting black mushrooms, put them for 3 hours in a solution of 170 g of salt and 10 liters of water. Rinse.
  2. Salt in 220 g of salt and spices.
  3. Cover with cabbage leaves and put under oppression for two days.
  4. Arrange in jars and put in the cold for 2 months.

The recipe for salting milk mushrooms is variability. So, pre-soaked and boiled mushrooms can be an excellent basis for. And, even considering that milk mushrooms are exclusively Russian mushrooms, they go well with the traditional sweet and sour marinade and a set of spices typical of Asian cuisine.


  • milk mushrooms - 3.5 kg;
  • onion - 900 g;
  • carrots - 400 g;
  • head of garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • vinegar - 200 ml.


  1. Soak the mushrooms for 3 days, rinse and boil.
  2. Cut onions, carrots and mushrooms into strips.
  3. Fry the onion.
  4. Mix vinegar, salt, sugar, oil and garlic.
  5. Pour mushrooms and vegetables with marinade and refrigerate.

The old way of salting milk mushrooms is based on cold cooking in wooden barrels. As a result, the mushrooms were saturated with tannins and became crispy and fragrant. Another advantage was that as they were harvested, new mushrooms could be added. The disadvantage of this method is that the milk mushrooms need to be washed well after salting.


  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg;
  • salt - 500 g;
  • horseradish leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • dill umbrellas - 15 pcs.


  1. Soak mushroom caps for 3 days.
  2. Put some greens and salt on the bottom of the barrel.
  3. Lay the mushrooms in layers, adding salt.
  4. Put under oppression for 2 months.

Salting dry mushrooms, or white loading (the mushroom got its name because of the dry cap), is simple. The absence of bitterness makes it possible to apply the dry pickling method, which does not require pre-soaking the mushrooms. You just need to wipe the mushrooms with a napkin, freeing them from dirt, and put them in jars, sprinkled with salt.

More recently, it has rained and now the warm, sunny weather has returned - it is time favorable for the mushroom harvest. This season is quite generous for mushrooms. The fact that there are many of them can be judged by the abundance in the markets and the numerous mushroom pickers selling the collected gifts of nature along the highways.

Now, it's time for tubular mushrooms - boletus, boletus, butter and other forest delicacies that are most suitable for preparing delicious dishes and harvesting for the winter. They are pickled, dried, fried, etc.

But a little more time will pass and milk mushrooms will appear. They are not boiled or fried, they are not suitable for this. But on the other hand, they can be salted and used as a delicious fragrant snack. In winter, get it out of the jar, rinse the salted mushrooms, sprinkle with onion, pour vegetable oil, and on the table - delicious, you will lick your fingers!

We have already talked about why people love milk mushrooms, what benefits they told. Let's consider today how to salt milk mushrooms in a cold and hot way for the winter? But before proceeding directly to the recipes, let's get acquainted with some tips from experienced mushroom pickers on the preliminary preparation of mushrooms before salting. It is very important to know them, as this will help to prepare really tasty salted milk mushrooms and keep them for a long time:

Some useful tips for salting:

Edible mushrooms in the forest are not always clean on the outside, so be sure to sort through, remove adhering debris, remove old, spoiled, broken ones - they are not suitable for pickling.

Wash the remaining mushrooms with running water, brush them with a brush. Place in a wide dish, such as an enameled or plastic bowl, with the caps down. Fill with cold water and leave for a couple of days in a cool place. Pre-soaking will help get rid of bitterness. Change the water periodically. At the last change, add some salt to the water.

Use ordinary table salt, preferably coarse. Iodized or fluorinated is not suitable.

It is very important not to violate the recommended proportion of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms, so as not to oversalt the finished product. However, if this happens, you do not need to be upset. It is enough to rinse or soak ready-made milk mushrooms for 2-3 hours with cold water so that they become less salty.

And yet, experts do not recommend rolling cold-salted milk mushrooms into jars in order to avoid the multiplication of botulism bacteria, which threatens with serious poisoning. Hot-salted mushrooms can be rolled up, but carefully following all the rules for sterilization.

Salt mushrooms for the winter in a clean, dry bowl. Ideally, of course, milk mushrooms, like other agaric mushrooms, are best salted in an oak barrel. But in the conditions of an ordinary city apartment, this is not available to everyone. Therefore, experienced mushroom pickers advise using enameled pots, ceramic containers or glass jars. We will cook in a large enamel pot (tank) or bucket. So, let's get down to our recipes:

Harvesting mushrooms for the winter on their own

How to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way for the winter?

For cooking, we need: 10 kg of milk mushrooms, 100 g of salt, 4 peeled heads of garlic, dry dill umbrellas, fresh or dried leaves of horseradish, cherries and black currants.

Also prepare a large piece of clean gauze, a wooden circle and oppression. Instead of a wooden circle, you can use an enameled lid from dishes of a smaller diameter, and as oppression, a heavy rounded stone scalded with boiling water.


Pour a thin layer of salt on the bottom of the pan, put a layer of horseradish leaves, currants, cherries. Add an umbrella of dill, 6-7 garlic cloves cut in half. Next, lay a layer of mushrooms, be sure to caps down. Again, put the leaves, garlic and dill, but smaller, sprinkle with salt. So shift each layer of mushrooms with a small amount of spices and sprinkle with salt.

When the pan is full, cover the mushrooms with the remaining spices, cover them with cheesecloth so that it completely covers the mushrooms, and its ends hang down to about the middle of the walls of the pan.

Take it to a cellar or other cool place. Put a clean wooden circle or lid on top, place the oppression. It is better to use heavier oppression so that enough brine stands out. This is very important for the quality of the finished product.

Leave the mushrooms to salt for a month. Then try. If you are not ready yet, let them salt further. Ideally, the salting period is one and a half to two months. Then you can eat.

Wear clean rubber gloves or use plastic bags when you take the mushrooms out of the pot. This will prevent mold. If it does appear, carefully remove it, replace the gauze, wash the circle and oppression. Ready mushrooms can be left in a saucepan, but it is better to put them in jars, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way for the winter?

The difference between this method and the previous one is that the milk mushrooms are pre-boiled. This greatly reduces their preparation time. However, hot-cooked mushrooms are still less fragrant and resilient than cold-salted ones. But they are ready for use almost immediately.

For the recipe, we need: 10 kg of mushrooms, salt to taste (about 1 tbsp per 1 kg), fresh or dried blackcurrant leaves, parsley, pieces of horseradish root, allspice peas, a head of peeled garlic. You can add a few cloves. But this is an amateur.


Boil prepared mushrooms in batches. Plunge the first portion into a pot of boiling water. When it boils again, reduce the temperature so that the water barely boils. Add salt, a few peppercorns, cloves. Boil 15 min. Strain the brine through a colander into a separate clean saucepan, boil again.

Put hot milk mushrooms in a large enameled pan (tank). Add garlic, currant leaves, pieces of horseradish root. Pour in hot mushroom brine. Cover with gauze, put a wooden circle or a cover of a slightly smaller diameter, set oppression. Leave it like that for a day.

Then spread the milk mushrooms in clean glass jars, fill with brine. Close with tight plastic lids and store in the refrigerator. Mushrooms prepared in this way are immediately ready for use.

Milk mushrooms are best suited for salting. Not only do they look attractive, but they also taste amazing. There are several variations of such blanks. Even before salting mushrooms, you need to familiarize yourself with all the recipes and choose the most suitable one. By following the recipe exactly, you will be able to cook crispy and fragrant mushrooms that can decorate any table.

Milk mushrooms are best suited for salting

Milk mushrooms, like most other mushrooms, can be salted not only hot, but also cold. If the first option allows you to speed up the salting process, then in the second case, the mushrooms remain as crispy as possible, which is also important.

This method of preparation ensures the safety of the product even at room temperature. That is why hostesses, despite certain difficulties, often resort to the use of this recipe.

Required products:

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 80 g of salt;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 50 g of garlic;
  • 10 g of allspice;
  • 5 g of cloves;
  • 5 g bay leaves.

This method of preparation ensures the safety of the product even at room temperature.

Cooking steps:

  1. Water must be poured into a saucepan, pour salt and spices into it, warm it up on the stove.
  2. Mushrooms should be sorted out, washed well and poured into the same pan, boiled.
  3. After boiling, they need to be cooked for another 25 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  4. Garlic must be peeled, finely chopped and poured into the pan after it is removed from the stove.
  5. Boiled milk mushrooms should be put in another pan, pour brine there and put under oppression, move for 24 hours to a cool place.
  6. After that, the mushrooms, together with the brine, must be boiled and decomposed into sterile, already dry jars, filled to the top with brine, hermetically sealed.

Wrap mushrooms in jars, after cooling, store in a pantry or cellar.

Cold pickling method

You can quickly salt freshly harvested milk mushrooms thanks to this recipe. They will be not only fragrant, but also crispy. The most difficult thing is to wait until the mushrooms are ready, because you really want to quickly take a sample.
