
Birch sap cider recipe. Birch sap wine without boiling

Not everyone knows that birch wine was widespread in our country several centuries ago. It was prepared in large quantities and stored in wooden barrels, periodically enjoying a tasty and healthy drink. By the way, the creation of wine allows you to save almost all the useful trace elements of this wonderful gift of nature.

Rules for making wine from birch sap

Birch sap is a "capricious" raw material that requires a special approach. In order to get delicious wine from birch sap at home, you need:

  • Use exclusively fresh juice without the slightest sign of souring. If it turns out to be of unsuitable quality, then the wine will not work or will have an unpleasant taste and smell of mash. And when using the technology with pre-brewing, the spoiled product will generally curl up, and it will not work to make a wort out of it.
  • Be sure to add acid, which can be used as a lemon, lime or regular store-bought citric acid. This is necessary in order to enhance the weak taste of raw materials and ensure their safety.
  • Prepare the starter from raisins, necessary to start fermentation. The fact is that yeast is contained in a fresh liquid in a minimal amount, they may not be enough to create full-fledged alcohol.

Cooked birch wine will surely appeal to women, because it has a pleasant acidity, aroma and taste of champagne.

How to make wine from birch sap

Most often, pre-brewing technology is used to obtain a fragrant drink. This is necessary to thicken the liquid, remove various possible dirt from it. For four days, you should also prepare a starter, for which you need:

  • Pour 100-200 grams of raisins, 50-70 grams of sugar, 0.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature into a liter bottle or jar.
  • Mix everything thoroughly, cover the neck with gauze and transfer to a warm, dark place for fermentation. It is recommended to shake the container several times a day to prevent souring.
  • After the appearance of hiss and foam, move the starter to the refrigerator.

Prepared sourdough starter from raisins can be stored for no more than 15 days, and after that it becomes absolutely unusable!

We offer to make wine from birch sap according to the classic recipe:

  • 25 liters of juice should be boiled over low heat until its volume is reduced to 20 liters. In the process, it is recommended to remove the emerging film or foam, as dirt is concentrated in them.
  • Add 6 kg of sugar to the still warm liquid, mix thoroughly. If desired, refined sugar can be replaced with 200 grams of liquid natural honey.
  • Cool the future wort to a temperature of 24-25 degrees. During cooling, it is important to remove the emerging crust!
  • Add pre-prepared sourdough, 8-10 grams of citric acid or juice from 6 medium lemons to the liquid.
  • Pour the wort into a fermentation container, install a water seal and place in a dark, warm place for fermentation.
  • After the end of fermentation, the young wine is drained from the sediment and tasted. If desired, at this stage, you can add more sugar or fix with alcohol.
  • Pour the wine into bottles, filling them to the very neck, cork tightly and rearrange in a cool place for 20 days to mature.

If desired, you can make a drink using dry cultural yeast, as well as adding some other components. For this you need:

  • Heat 9 liters of juice to 75 degrees, and then maintain this temperature for about twenty minutes.
  • Remove from heat, add 2 kg of sugar, zest from two oranges and four lemons. Stir the resulting mixture and cool to 25 degrees.
  • Add juice from oranges and lemons, one package of industrial yeast for white wine, as well as make-up for them to the cooled must. Stir and leave under gauze for 5 days.
  • On the 6th day, pour the wort into another container, install a water seal and leave in a warm, dark place for 3 months for quiet fermentation.
  • After the end of fermentation, the drink is removed from the sediment, bottled and kept for 6 months in a cold room.

In such a wine made from birch sap without boiling, you can add various aromatic herbs, spices, and replace a couple of lemons with limes. Mix them together with dry yeast. To achieve maximum transparency during maturation, it is recommended to remove the drink from the sediment 2-3 times.

Making original wine from birch sap at home is not at all difficult. This low-alcohol drink will delight lovers of home winemaking, given some of the subtleties of its preparation.

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Features of preparing juice for wine

The first condition that must be met is that the raw materials must be fresh, and in no case sour, otherwise it will be impossible to make homemade wine from birch sap. The sour juice will curdle during the boiling process, and it will not be possible to put the wort. This delicate product may spoil during the day if the weather is hot at the time of picking.

Secondly, the birch drink itself does not have a bright taste, there is no acidity in it, so citric acid will be an indispensable component of the recipe, which can be replaced with lemon juice.

A full replacement is the juice of one lemon instead of a teaspoon of citric acid.

3 to 4 days before making wine from birch sap, you will need to prepare a starter from raisins, since natural yeast is required for fermentation. You need to take a handful of black raisins with a whitish coating, and pour it with 1.5 - 2 glasses of water. Raisins do not need to be washed to keep the "wild yeast" on their surface. The container with the prepared sourdough should be kept warm for several days.

You can replace homemade sourdough with ready-made industrial wine yeast.

The simplest birch sap wine recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 20 liters of birch sap;
  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tsp citric acid;
  • a handful of large raisins.

Some of the sugar can be replaced with honey to offset the slightly bitter taste, although this is not necessary.

Stages of making wine

Before making wine from birch sap at home, the juice itself needs to be boiled down by about a third to give a denser consistency. You can boil it first without adding sugar and acid, or you can first add these ingredients, and then put the mass on boiling. When cooking, be sure to remove the foam.

The resulting mass should be cooled, stirring occasionally, so that a crust does not form on its surface.

Wine on birch sap - the sequence of preparation:

The output is a low-alcohol wine, the tasting of which will delight connoisseurs of home winemaking. The shelf life of this wine is no more than a year in a cool place.

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Have you ever heard of birch sap wine? This drink has been enjoyed since ancient times. Belarus is the birthplace of this original wine. A hundred years ago, in the cellars of the villages, there were huge reserves of birch sap. Interestingly, the wine was prepared without the addition of sugar. Honey was used instead of granulated sugar.

It turned out such homemade wine slightly carbonated. The alcohol content of the drink is low. Unfortunately, the recipe was forgotten for many years. More recently, winemakers remembered this interesting drink and decided to optimize the process of its preparation in modern conditions. And they did great! Homemade drink is very original. Its taste is impossible to forget.

So, you have decided to please yourself and your loved ones with an amazing drink? Then let's get down to the exciting process - winemaking.

We begin to "conjure", or the Recipe for making birch wine

The raw material in this case is birch sap, and it must be fresh. It is impossible to make good wine even from quite a bit of sour juice. Sugar must be added - it is he who will give the drink sweetness, as well as a fortress.


  • birch sap - 25 liters;
  • dried grapes - 200 grams;
  • honey - 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 5 kg;
  • citric acid - 8 grams.

Cooking method

  1. Before you start working with juice, you need to make a starter from raisins. If you have wine yeast, you are exempt from this stage.
  2. Next, you need to take a large saucepan. Mix juice, citric acid and sugar in it. Boil the mixture over low heat until about 20 liters of liquid remain in the container. The foam from the wort must be removed in a timely manner. To such an extent, the juice must be evaporated in order to increase the concentration of solids in it. This will positively affect the final taste of the drink.
  3. Stir the mixture occasionally until it cools down to 25°C. It is desirable to prevent the formation of a film on the surface of the liquid. If it does appear, remove it.
  4. After that, add sourdough (or wine yeast), as well as liquid honey, to the wort container. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour the liquid into a special container, where the most important process - fermentation - will take place.
  5. Either a medical glove or a water seal must be installed on the neck of the container. If you are using a glove, remember that one of the fingers must be pierced. Take the container to a dark and warm room (t=19-25°C).
  6. Active fermentation will stop after about a month. But all cases of preparing a drink are strictly individual. Therefore, carefully monitor the water seal. If fermentation is over, it will stop bubbling. A dropped glove also informs about the end of this process. The wort will also change - it will become lighter, and the sediment will fall to the bottom. From this moment on, the mixture gets the proud name - young wine. Carefully pour the drink into another container, trying to leave the sediment in the jar.
  7. Now the container with wine should be hermetically sealed with a lid. Place the container in a cool, warm place to soak. Three weeks is enough.
  8. The finished drink must be carefully filtered again. Pour the wine into dark bottles and put them in the cellar or refrigerator. It is best to use glass containers. An alcoholic drink will keep for about a year. However, it is best to open the wine for the next holiday.

Birch sap champagne is an original move, an unusual solution!

Another very interesting drink is birch champagne. Pleasant taste and original aroma accompany this sparkling wine. Preparing it is quite simple.


  • 12 liters of birch sap;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of yeast;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 lemons;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka.

Cooking method

  1. Add sugar to the juice and boil the liquid in a saucepan. It is best to choose enameled containers. Remove foam from the surface. When a third of the liquid has evaporated, turn off the heat. The mixture should cool down to the temperature of fresh milk.
  2. Next, carefully strain the syrup. After that, pour it into a wooden barrel. Add yeast and vodka to the wort. Lemons are best cut into circles and released into free swimming in a barrel. The liquid must not reach the edges of the container.
  3. Leave the must overnight in a warm place. There it will begin to roam. After that, the barrel must be taken to a cool place for 2 months. After this time, strain the drink and pour it into bottles. It is important to seal the bottles tightly with corks. Store champagne in a cool place.

You will remember the great taste of this drink for a long time. Wine made from birch sap is not found on store shelves. But a true winemaker will always have a bottle of birch wine or champagne in his “stash”.


To make wine from birch sap at home, you will need raisins, sugar or honey with sugar and, of course, collected birch sap. Birch wine, a recipe for home winemaking, allows you to achieve a delicate taste, preserve the aroma of the forest, make a natural product with your own hands using simple tools available at home.

In the spring, after the leaves bloom, the end of sap flow, when the liters of healthy elixir extracted in the forest are preserved in jars, homemade kvass is prepared from fresh tree liquid, if each member of the family has drunk plenty of fresh nectar and does not want to drink anymore, the question arises of what to make from birch sap? Wine Berezovik is an alcoholic drink based on wood elixir and birch buds.

This is an old recipe, using which our ancestors, home-grown winemakers, kept the life-giving liquid collected in the forest, which has healing powers, for a longer time, at the same time they drank their homemade low-alcohol wine in liters from year to year.

You need to have time to collect birch buds, try not to be late with the collection, not every getter manages to stock up on raw materials for making wine. We offer homemade birch wine based on birch sap with raisins, orange, lemon zest, sugar (sugar can be replaced with liquid honey), without buds and without boiling - easy to prepare, like dry champagne, with the original taste of real wine.

For women, a natural drink with lemon notes will be to your taste, while men will appreciate homemade sparkling champagne, which does not require a real winemaker to obtain.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. The main composition of birch wine, the ingredients for preparing the drink, includes raisins - dried fruits are necessary for the fermentation process. On the surface of the raisins are wild wine yeasts, based on which sourdough is prepared. Sourdough causes active fermentation in wine. When buying dried fruits, pay attention to the composition on the package: if the raisins are made using sulfur, then there are no wild wine yeasts on the berries, there will be no fermentation without wine yeast, sulfur kills all the bacteria necessary for this.

Wine must is made in various ways: with evaporation, without boiling, with yeast and without yeast. Wine made from birch sap without yeast turns out to be light, transparent, with a lemon aroma, but with ordinary yeast and increased proportions of sugar, it tastes like mash.

Sourdough for wine is necessary if the wine is prepared without raisins, raspberries, strawberries or grapes. These berries, which have wine yeast, turn birch sap into wine.

Ingredients for birch sap wine without yeast

  • birch sap - 3 liters;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - half;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 900 g;
  • raisins - 300 g.

How to make wine from birch sap at home

  1. For the wort, dissolve sugar in warm birch sap. The right proportion of sugar increases strength and sweetness. Without the addition of sugar, the wine will be weaker. Pour the resulting sugar syrup into a large wine bottle, clean and washed, of sufficient volume. Or rinse two clean glass 2-3 liter jars with boiling water. Let's start making wort.
  2. Squeeze juice from all lemons and other citrus fruits. Cut the zest of one orange and the zest of half a lemon into pieces. Lime cut into slices. Instead of lemon, citric acid is sometimes used, it is necessary to balance acidity and increase shelf life.
  3. Add citrus juice to a wine bottle with sugar, put pieces of orange and lemon zest, lime slices.
  4. Pour raisins into the bottle (berries replace wine yeast), close the container with a cork. We insert a tube into the cork or into the lid of the jar - we install a water seal, we bring the other end of the tube into a bottle of water. We insist the wort at room temperature not lower than 20 ° C in a dark place for 2-3 months, until the fermentation in the wort stops. In addition to the shutter, winemakers use a medical glove. In the glove, it is necessary to pierce a hole and put it on the neck of the container.
  5. After the sediment falls, the water lock will stop releasing bubbles, the wine will become lighter, it will be time to drain the sediment. Drain the wine from the sediment through a straw into a clean bowl.
  6. Throw away the rest of the residue. We pour the wine into bottles, add a few fresh raisins to each and cork hermetically. We store the finished wine in a cool place.

Experienced winemakers pour homemade wine from the sediment twice, but this is not necessary on the basis of birch sap. If during the taste test the sweetness of the wine does not suit you, you can add sugar to each bottle, pour liquid honey. Adjust the amount of sugar, seal tightly with a cork and leave for 10 days for aging in a cool place.

The shelf life of wine from birch sap is 1 year, provided it is kept in the refrigerator, in a cool place. Drinking a low-alcohol drink is recommended in small doses, unless there are medical contraindications for health reasons.

Making original wine from birch sap at home is not at all difficult. This low-alcohol drink will delight lovers of home winemaking, given some of the subtleties of its preparation.

Features of preparing juice for wine

The first condition that must be met is that the raw materials must be fresh, and in no case sour, otherwise it will be impossible to make homemade wine from birch sap. The sour juice will curdle during the boiling process, and it will not be possible to put the wort. This delicate product may spoil during the day if the weather is hot at the time of picking.

Secondly, the birch drink itself does not have a bright taste, there is no acidity in it, so citric acid will be an indispensable component of the recipe, which can be replaced with lemon juice.

A full replacement is the juice of one lemon instead of a teaspoon of citric acid.

3 - 4 days before making wine from birch sap, it will be required, because for fermentation you need to take a handful of black raisins with a whitish coating, and pour it with 1.5 - 2 glasses of water. Raisins do not need to be washed to keep the "wild yeast" on their surface. The container with the prepared sourdough should be kept warm for several days.

You can replace homemade sourdough with ready-made industrial wine yeast.

The simplest birch sap wine recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 20 liters of birch sap;
  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tsp citric acid;
  • a handful of large raisins.

Some of the sugar can be replaced with honey to offset the slightly bitter taste, although this is not necessary.

Stages of making wine

Before you make wine from birch sap at home , the juice itself needs to be boiled down by about a third to give a denser consistency. You can boil it first without adding sugar and acid, or you can first add these ingredients, and then put the mass on boiling. When cooking, be sure to remove the foam.

The resulting mass should be cooled, stirring occasionally, so that a crust does not form on its surface.

Wine on birch sap - the sequence of preparation:

At the time of the spring awakening of nature, an active process of sap flow begins in birch trunks. This is the time to collect life-giving birch sap, with unique healing properties, mild sweetish taste. From this juice, the Slavic peoples produced a low-alcohol, sometimes slightly carbonated drink. Birch wine has an unusual taste composition, can quench thirst, helps restore vitality. Hand-made wine from birch sap will surprise you with a pleasant aftertaste.

life-giving juice

An important stage in the production of birch wine is the correct preparation of the raw material. Birch tree sap is a life-giving moisture that moves along the trunk due to root pressure. Through the incisions made on the trunks of trees, amazing woody life-giving moisture is collected. The collection period is very short. It is important to determine the optimal amount of liquid that can be obtained without harm to the birch itself. A chute is inserted into the incision made, through which the life-giving moisture flows into the prepared container. Birch tree sap has a unique sweet taste.

Proper preparation of raw materials is considered an important step in the production of birch wine.

The use of this wood liquid allows you to:

  • restore strength after increased stress loads;
  • save yourself from overwork, a depressive period;
  • get rid of chronic diseases;
  • prevent a decrease in immune forces;
  • prevent the development of avitaminosis.

This natural elixir acts as:

  • anthelmintic agent;
  • diuretic;
  • preventive development of neoplasms;
  • detoxifying agent.

It is useful to drink it for migraines, vascular spasms, systemic diseases (rheumatism, gout), ulcerative colitis, bronchitis. The form of vitamins, active substances in the wood liquid contributes to their easy and rapid absorption.

Wine Features

Wine made from birch sap has all the properties inherent in useful wood moisture. The liquid flowing from this tree does not have bright color, olfactory features, so experienced winemakers advise adding natural ingredients that act as flavors and dyes. A big plus of birch moisture in the production of an alcoholic beverage is that there is no need to add water. Birch sap does not need additional processing. The quality of the finished product depends on the imagination of the master. The starting material allows you to experiment with additional flavors based on the expected end result. Alcoholic drinks made from birch sap, prepared by different winemakers, are not alike, they are all inimitable, unique. The final product can surprise with taste, color combinations.

The quality of the finished product depends on the imagination of the master

Features of preparing juice for wine

The liquid emitted by birch trees does not require special preparation for the production of high-quality wine material. The main, perhaps the only condition for the quality of birch slurry is its freshness. Sour juice is sensitive to temperature rise. Under the influence of heat, slightly sour, instantly curls up. Its freshness lasts less than a day, it is important to use the material as soon as possible. The next point to consider is the lack of a pronounced taste. The absence of acids in its composition forces winemakers to add acidifiers (squeezed ripe lemon fruit or its artificial substitute). In order for fermentation to occur with the help of wine yeast, before starting the winemaking process, it is worth making a wine sourdough. For this purpose, raisins are suitable.

You do not need to wash it, just pour 400 ml of water over it, put it in heat. After a few days, foam will appear, indicating active fermentation. It is easier to use ready-made yeast for wine production.

Ingredients for making homemade birch sap wine

The production of birch wine material does not require special physical, material costs. It is enough to have on hand:

  • 5 l woody birch liquid;
  • 1 kilo of sweetener (for an amateur);
  • ready-made yeast for wine, sourdough raisins;
  • acid regulator (optional).

Taking into account the sweetish taste, it is necessary to add a sweetener - this will add resourcefulness to the finished product. Acidity should be adjusted carefully based on personal preference. The preparation of raisin sourdough involves the use of an unwashed product, with the presence of traces of a whitish coating - natural wine yeast.

The sweetener will add turnover to the finished product

How to make wine from birch sap? Recipes step by step

Let's try to figure out in more detail how to make alcohol from birch sap:

  1. The first task is to prepare a yeast sourdough or purchase a ready-made one.
  2. Mix birch tree liquid with sweetener, acidify to taste. Heat, boil, simmer over low heat with constant stirring. It is necessary that a fifth of the total mass evaporated.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Thoroughly mix the main part with sourdough or yeast, pour into a glass bottle, arrange a water seal.
  5. After a month, when the gas formation is over, carefully drain the wine into another container so that the sediment does not overflow. Leave in cool and dark for another month.
  6. After 30-31 days, carefully drain from the sediment.
  7. Packed in bottles for later storage.

After learning how to make wine from birch sap, many want to go further in their experiments and learn how to make champagne from birch sap. The first five points are the same as above. It is possible to add the pulp of orange, pear, cranberry in the process of making birch wine material, this will diversify the taste, give original color schemes. After draining from the sediment, pour into a plastic container, without adding 5-7 cm in height to the lid. At the bottom add 10-15 gr. sweetener per liter of wine material. Leave in the dark.

After a week, plastic bottles will inflate, and the drink will be saturated with carbon dioxide. Sparkling wine made from birch sap is ready for the table, it is important to keep the finished product in the cold.

Cooking mulled wine at home using birch sap wine material is performed according to a traditional recipe, you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing spicy additions. The recipe for birch sap wine with raisins is very easy to prepare.

Very easy to prepare recipe for wine on birch sap with raisins

Birch sap lemon wine recipe

Main cast:

  • birch tree sap 1 bucket (10-12 l);
  • 5 kg of sweetener;
  • 10 st. l. citrus peel;
  • a glass of raisins.

We reduce half of the woody base with half of the sweetener, heat it up. Pour in the remaining juice, stirring gently. Grind the zest with the remaining sweetener, add to the total mass. Last add raisins. Remove for 5-6 days in a place warm, inaccessible to sunlight. Filter after expiration. Pour into a small container for permanent storage. The optimum temperature for further storage is 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Cinnamon Honey Wine Recipe:

  • two three-liter bottles of birch sap;
  • 3 kg sweetener (buckwheat honey);
  • a few cinnamon sticks;
  • 2 bottles of fortified muscat wine.

Heat up without boiling. Mix nutmeg wine with sweetener, carefully pour into the main liquid. Throw cinnamon sticks. Close tightly with a water seal. Leave in a cool place to infuse.

It will be available for bottling in two weeks. Remove for 1.5 months for ripening. This wine will please with a tart aroma of buckwheat, a pleasant aftertaste of cinnamon.

fruit wine recipe

An unsurpassed, light low-alcohol drink will turn out if you add your favorite fruits when making wine based on birch wine material. It will be complemented by fruit desserts with herbs.

Source materials:

  • 1 bucket of birch tree sap;
  • 5 kg of sweetener;
  • favorite fruits or berries (pears, raspberries, oranges, strawberries);
  • a glass of dark raisins.

Peel the berries from petioles, seeds, if necessary, cut into portions. Mix the birch base with the sweetener. Fruits or berries are gradually poured into the syrup, raisins are added last. Using a water seal, clog for a month and a half. The end of gas formation indicates the completion of active fermentation. The fruit wine composition should ripen in portioned containers for another three to four months. After drinking a few sips, you can feel the aroma of fruit extravaganza.


Tree sap is an unusual raw material for festive drinks. Having once tasted homemade birch sap wine, you will no longer be able to deny yourself such a pleasure. Newcomers to winemaking are interested in whether it is possible to drink unfermented wine. During the ripening period, you will repeatedly have to try the must, its taste will certainly not delight. A completely unfermented wort can exacerbate many ailments of the digestive system. In this matter, caution is more important than the desire to take a sample ahead of time.
