
Oolong useful properties. Milk green oolong tea (oolong): what is it, what are the beneficial and harmful properties


Of the many varieties of Chinese tea, a special place is given to milk tea, the benefits and harms of which are said as follows: that it helps to calm a person and completely relax, while increasing tone.

Oolong milk tea

Now let's talk about the benefits and harms of oolong tea for human health. The drink has a huge number of useful and healing properties. No wonder the Chinese use it in the treatment of various diseases. Tea promotes the production of the "hormone of joy" - dopamine. It activates the body's defenses, rejuvenates, normalizes blood circulation.

What is the benefit for a person from oolong tea?

  • It contains many useful substances for the life of the body.
  • Excellent thirst quencher.
  • Protects tooth enamel from caries.
  • Strengthens bone tissue - the most important quality in protecting against osteoporosis.
  • Improves brain function, protects against stress and removes depression.
  • When taking it, blood pressure rises and cheerfulness appears due to the presence of caffeine, similar to ginseng.
  • It strengthens the blood vessels.
  • Treats migraine.
  • They also talk about the benefits of it for weight loss, like green tea. It helps digest food and normalizes digestion. Able to speed up metabolism. If you drink it every day for 2-3 cups, you can noticeably build up in a month, but no one cancels rational nutrition at the same time.
  • This liquid is able to break down 10 percent more fat when taken with food, which has been proven by numerous studies.
  • With daily regular use, the human body is cleansed of toxins and beneficial microelements accumulate in it.
  • There is a huge benefit of milk tea, like green tea, for the hematopoietic and circulatory system. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. And this is a very valuable property.
  • Its use is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. When taken regularly, it helps to renew blood and blood circulation, improves the functioning of the spleen, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases.
  • When drinking oolong tea, cholesterol levels are lowered, which is also the prevention of strokes and heart attacks. And this is a very important feature of this product.

Tea leaves contain vitamins B, C, D and E, as well as iron, selenium, fluoride, calcium, zinc and manganese. It helps to strengthen the immune system and is an excellent prevention of colds. The drink contains antioxidants, so the Chinese talk about the beneficial properties of prolonging youth. It fights free radicals and prolongs the life cycle of cells. With regular use, the skin becomes smooth and radiant, its turgor improves.

The Chinese call oolong medicinal and use it in alternative medicine. If you regularly use this tea - it helps in the prevention of cancer. This is the important and useful quality of this type of tea.

And what is the harm of milk oolong

  • In milk oolong, it manifests itself if there is an individual intolerance to the components. In this case, an allergic reaction may occur. If it is not there, then with moderate drinking of the drink, it should not bring harm.
  • But if you drink more than three cups a day, you may experience insomnia, as the drink contains caffeine.
  • It is also not recommended to drink it before going to bed, as it has tonic and invigorating properties.
  • You can not drink it to pregnant and lactating because of the high concentration of theine - caffeine. Because of the same property, it is not worth drinking for heart patients. He, like ginseng, tones up and will not let you fall asleep.
  • In diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, the use of this product is also not recommended. Since it is a diuretic and can cause the movement of stones.
  • Oolong should be used with caution by people with a history of gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis and ulcers.
  • For those who have low cholesterol, it is also better not to abuse this product, since tea can lower it, and a person needs cholesterol in normal amounts for life.

How to brew, store and drink a drink

In order to enjoy the real taste and aroma of milk oolong, as well as to preserve all the beneficial substances, however, like the varieties of Ginseng, Pu-erh and others, it must be brewed correctly. In oolong milk tea, the properties depend on the correct preparation.

Here are some cooking rules.

  1. The best utensils for brewing oolong tea - earthenware, metal - are highly undesirable, as they tend to react with the product.
  2. You can’t take tap water. Pure spring, bottled or at least filtered is better.
  3. One teapot (200 ml) will require 5-7 grams of tea leaves, but it also depends on your taste.
  4. To brew varieties of weaker green tea, you will need water at a temperature of 60-80 degrees and a time of 1-3 minutes. More fermented varieties will require temperatures of 90-95 degrees and take 3-5 minutes.

To begin with, in a teapot, pre-rinse with boiling water, then pour the required amount of tea leaves and pour it with heated water on one third of the container. Hold for 15 seconds and drain the liquid. The tea leaves are washed with the first batch of water. After that, hot water is poured again and kept for one minute and the tea is ready. One brew can be used up to 10 times, but some varieties can be used up to 20 times. Connoisseurs say that the more times tea is brewed, the better the taste is revealed and its best qualities are manifested. Just like regular green tea.

Drinking a drink is not worth more than two or three cups a day. And you can not combine tea drinking with eating. Store oolong tea in a sealed container.

Be sure to watch this video. You will find out what is the feature of oolong tea and why it is, and not shen pu-erh.

The benefits and harms of milk oolong tea now, I hope, have become more clear to you. What do you think about this type of tea? Please leave your comment.

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Artem and Elena Vasyukovich

Oolong, or oolong, is obtained from the leaves of the same plant from which green and black teas are produced - Camellia sinensis. The difference lies in the method of preparation.

What it is?

Leaves Camellia sinensis contain some enzymes that stimulate the passage of oxidative reactions in them. Green varieties are made from leaves that are not oxidized (or, as they say, fermented). - these are leaves in which the oxidation reaction has taken place.

The difference between oolong tea and green and black tea is that it occupies an intermediate position between these varieties. Its leaves are oxidized, but not completely. Therefore, it is wrong to call oolong green. This is a completely different kind of drink. And if we describe it in color, then it is brown.

Many people believe that oolong tea is always milky. This is wrong. Milk oolong is made by adding milk extract to it during processing, which gives it an original taste and aroma. But this is just one of the varieties. It is the most popular in our country. However, the oolong does not have to be "dairy".

The benefits and possible harms of oolong milk tea and regular oolong tea are the same.


One cup of freshly brewed drink contains:

  • 26% of the daily requirement of manganese;
  • 36 mg caffeine;
  • 5-24% of the daily dose of fluoride;
  • as well as potassium, magnesium, sodium, niacin.

But, of course, the benefits of green milk oolong are determined not by vitamins and minerals, but by completely different biologically active compounds.

Oolong contains a lot of antioxidants of the polyphenol group (theaflavins, araubigins and EGCG) and flavonoids (catechin, myricetin, kaempferol and quercetin).

Theanine amino acid is present, which is responsible for its relaxing effect.

Beneficial features

  1. Prevention of type 2 diabetes. The polyphenolic compounds in the drink have been shown to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels while increasing cell sensitivity to this hormone. It has been shown that people who drink 720 ml of oolong per day reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 16%. Those who are already sick and drink 1500 ml daily can lower their blood sugar levels by 30%.
  2. Protection of the heart and blood vessels. The beneficial properties of Chinese oolong are the ability to slow down the development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, how to prevent its occurrence, and to alleviate the manifestations in those people who are already sick. The drink dilates blood vessels, and low density lipoproteins. Regular tea drinking with oolong reduces the risk of developing heart disease by 61%.
  3. Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Caffeine, theanine amino acid, polyphenol EGCG enhance the effect of norepinephrine and dopamine on the brain, improve the functioning of the hypothalamus. This makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of many severe neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. According to some reports, the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease with regular use of this variety of Chinese tea can be reduced by 86%.
  4. Improvement in mental status. The combination of theanine, caffeine and polyphenols calms and at the same time puts a person in a business mood, improves concentration, and increases efficiency.
  5. Cancer prevention. Tea antioxidants destroy free radicals that damage cellular structures, causing cancer. At the same time, polyphenolic compounds reduce the rate of division of already formed cancer cells. The greatest activity is shown against melanoma, tumors of the pancreas and ovaries.
  6. Dental health support. The anti-inflammatory activity of antioxidants helps fight inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, prevent the development of periodontitis, and eliminate pathological dental deposits. The beneficial effect of the drink is also associated with the presence in its composition of significant amounts of fluorine, which strengthens tooth enamel.
  7. Increase in bone density. The special benefit for women of milk oolong from China is due to its ability to maintain proper bone mineralization. It has been shown that if a woman regularly consumes a drink in her youth, then by the age of menopause her bone tissue has a 4.5-4.9% higher density than if she did not drink this tea.
  8. Help in the treatment of eczema. Oolong is not able to completely rid a person of eczema. But it can enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs used to treat this disease.

Benefits for weight loss

What else is useful milk oolong tea or any other version of oolong is that it helps to lose weight.

The drink cannot be called a “diet pill”. But it is advisable to include it in the diet for those people who want not only to quickly lose a few kilograms by the beach season, and then return them back, but to strive to lose weight sustainably with health benefits. Let not quickly, but correctly.

A successful combination of caffeine and drink polyphenols:

  • has a thermogenic effect and due to this;
  • reduces the absorption of dietary fats;
  • slows down the formation of new fat deposits.

Also, oolong tea for weight loss is useful in that its antioxidants help the body cope with inflammatory processes. Since a significant weight gain is always associated with the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in a person, this function of the oolong is extremely important for normalizing body weight.

Another property useful for normalizing weight is a decrease in cell resistance to insulin. This effect helps not only to avoid the development of diabetes, but also to lose weight. Especially in the abdomen. Since the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal cavity is always associated with the presence of resistance to the hormone insulin.

In order for oolong for weight loss to be truly useful, it must be consumed without sugar and other sweeteners, including without honey. But it is useful to add spices that will enhance the healing effect of the drink, primarily cinnamon.

Contraindications and side effects

There is caffeine in the drink and the harm of milk oolong tea may be associated with this if consumed in large quantities.

However, it is difficult to overdose on caffeine with regular tea drinking. According to official data from international medical organizations, adults can safely consume 400 mg of caffeine per day. For pregnant women, the norm is 200 mg.

It is also theoretically possible to overdose on oolong's polyphenolic antioxidants. But it is theoretically, since in reality cases of overdose were recorded only when using additives in the form of extracts, but not the drink itself.

The only group of the population for which the harmful properties of tea can be expressed quite clearly are those who suffer from iron deficiency.

Flavonoid antioxidants, consumed in large quantities, reduce the absorption of iron from food by 15-67%.

Therefore, those who suffer from iron deficiency are not recommended to drink this version of tea at the same time as meals. In addition, it is imperative to saturate your diet with foods rich in vitamin C, which improve the absorption of the trace element.

When breastfeeding, milk oolong is allowed and even indicated.

Brewing rules

You can see with your own eyes how to properly brew green milk oolong tea in the video.

The basic rules are as follows:

  • to keep the maximum amount of antioxidants in tea leaves, they must be brewed with water at a temperature of 90 degrees;
  • infusion time - 3-10 minutes;
  • 3 grams of leaves are taken per cup (oolong is usually large-leaved, so 3 grams correspond to 2-3 teaspoons).

How does the drink affect the human body: conclusions

Oolong is made from the leaves of the tea bush, which have undergone partial fermentation. That is, milk oolong tea is an intermediate position between green and black varieties. That's what it is.

The beneficial and harmful properties of the dairy version are exactly the same as those of the regular one. The difference in taste is due to the fact that the dairy variety is treated with milk extract.

Oolong tea helps prevent diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. It is useful for sustainable healthy weight loss, treatment of eczema, strengthening bones and teeth.

Possible harm is associated with an extremely high amount of drink consumed - more than 10 cups per day.

Another drink from the East is gaining popularity - milk oolong tea, the benefits and harms of which are very pronounced. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the drink are stronger than those of some other types of tea, due to its specific processing. If you know how to properly brew milk oolong, you can get the maximum benefit and enjoyment, because tea has a very delicate aroma and taste.

The correct name for this tea in English is oolong, but we remade it into a more convenient oolong tea, and so it remained with us with that name.

1) The first, after which an expensive elite oolong is obtained, due to the laboriousness of the process. Then the tea bushes themselves are processed, first sprayed with a solution of sugar cane, then the soil around the bushes is watered with instant milk and all this is sprinkled with rice husks.

2) The second way is much easier, but the price of such tea is lower. The collected leaves are soaked in milk extract before drying.

What is useful milk oolong

The value and benefits of milk oolong increases due to the fact that it is partially fermented. First, the very edges of the leaves are dried a little, then they are twisted into balls and dried.

Due to such gentle processing, tea becomes richer, all valuable substances are better preserved in it:

  • Lots of essential oils
  • Tannins
  • Polyphenols
  • Theine, similar to caffeine
  • Mineral and vitamin compounds
  • Antioxidants

Good milk oolong tea, of high quality, gives all the nutrients when brewing, giving us mood and vigor:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin P
  • Vitamin PP
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Potassium

Oolong milk tea calories

This is an ideal drink for weight loss, because 100 grams of dry tea contains only 140 kcal. A teacup requires a teaspoon of dry leaves, which is equal to one gram by weight. So, drinking one cup of oolong you get only 1.4 kcal.

Oolong milk tea - useful properties

Oolong tea is somewhat different from other teas in its properties, some of them are stronger than green tea, some are similar to the action of black tea we are used to, there are similarities and the most valuable.

  • One of the main properties of oolong tea, which actually made it so popular, is that it breaks down fats in the body well. Of course, it should not be considered a panacea, you will not lose weight just by drinking tea, and even with cakes. You still have to work hard and exercise. However, oolong will be a good help in the battle for a slim figure.
  • The antioxidant properties of tea are undeniable, those who love this drink are much less susceptible to cancer.
  • It is useful to drink oolong tea for the elderly and those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels. In tea, tannins are found in large quantities, which help strengthen the vascular walls and make them more elastic.
  • Also, milk tea is a very good immunostimulant, it is able to help the body survive during periods of cold epidemics. It provokes the immune system to work "to its fullest."
  • Another very valuable quality is the effect of tea on the cells of the body. It does not allow them to wear out and helps to restore the level of collagen in the cells, and as you know, this protein is responsible for skin elasticity, it is the main builder, thanks to which we have the opportunity to look young and attractive for a long time.
  • Oolong helps rid our blood of an excess of bad cholesterol. He has the ability to bind and remove from the body everything that is harmful to him, including salts of heavy metals, toxins, toxins.
  • Despite the ability of milk oolong to break down fats and thereby promote weight loss, it stimulates appetite. So with reduced weight, you can also safely drink it, only 20 minutes before meals.
  • Milk oolong helps not only with cardiovascular problems, helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes, it adjusts the stable operation of the entire gastrointestinal tract, of course, if you drink it constantly.
  • The aroma of tea and its creamy aftertaste helps to cheer up, restore vitality, cope with blues and despondency. It helps to activate brain activity, increase brain function. No worse, and maybe better invigorates in the morning.
  • It warms and tones, helps relieve fatigue after hard work, and quickly restores strength.

How to choose the right milk oolong tea

Milk oolong, good quality and fresh, has a green color with a sheen. Its leaves look like they are crumpled into tiny lumps. There should be no damaged leaves or tea dust.

Be sure to smell the tea before buying, the aroma should be rich, but soft and pleasant, with milky notes.

How to brew milk oolong

For proper brewing, you will need porcelain or faience dishes, a teapot or teapot, clean water, preferably spring water.

One teaspoon of raw materials is required for one cup of tea. This tea can be brewed up to eight times. But you can’t fill it with boiling water, as we brew black tea, the temperature of 85 degrees is optimal for it.

The first water with which we fill the tea leaves should be immediately drained, only after pouring the second time we let the tea brew a little so that it gives all its taste and aroma.

Harm of milk oolong tea, contraindications

You can not drink this tea to hypertensive patients. Theine is very good at increasing blood pressure, despite the fact that it is only an analogue of caffeine.

Do not drink this tea before going to bed, and not because you will run to the toilet, you simply will not be able to sleep, it has an effect that excites the nervous system.

Oolong tea is a very good diuretic, so be careful with it if you have kidney problems or urolithiasis.

Tea is completely contraindicated in acute disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, gastritis, colitis. It is better to wait out the exacerbation and then drink it in small portions.

It is impossible to drink milky oolong tea without restrictions. Dietitians advise to consume a rate equal to three cups a day.

How to store milk oolong

All teas, and oolong is no exception, very quickly absorb other people's smells, especially sharp ones. It must be stored separately not only from strong-smelling spices, but also from other types of tea, so that there are no foreign impurities in the aroma.

For storage, do not use metal or tin utensils. Pour tea into porcelain or ceramic, you can glassware, always with a lid.

For storage, it is better to choose a cool place, you can also use a refrigerator if the lid is very tightly closed.

It is advisable to choose dishes that do not transmit light or keep them in a dark closet. In the light, all the beneficial properties of tea disappear very quickly.

Milk oolong tea is good for washing or freezing cosmetic ice, it tones the skin, gives it freshness and smoothes it. But for the teeth, its effect can be called negative, the enamel begins to darken.

If we talk about the benefits and harms of milk oolong, then it all depends on you, how you will brew it, in what quantities you drink. In the homeland of this tea, in China, tea drinking is treated as a sacrament, trying to enjoy the soft aroma and taste. Get and you a lot of pleasure from this tasty and valuable drink.

Useful properties of milk oolong tea, video

Tea fermentation. What it is?

On the shelves of modern stores you can now find many varieties of black, green, red, white, yellow tea. The taste and color of the drink obtained from them is radically different. Many people think that green and black tea, for example, are obtained from different types of raw materials. In fact, both varieties are made from leaves collected from one bush. What makes them different is the degree of fermentation.

Fermentation is the main point in the processing of tea leaves, during which, during their drying and twisting, the tea enzymes are oxidized. Fermentation includes two stages: roasting and oxidation.

The action of oxygen leads to the oxidation and fermentation of the juice contained in the tea leaves. Oxidation can take a long time. It depends on its duration, what will be the color of the final product: black, white or green. Roasting stops the oxidative processes in dried tea leaves.

Depending on the degree of fermentation, tea can be:

  • Weakly fermented: white, yellow, green.
  • Semi-fermented: Various varieties of oolongs fall into this category.
  • Fermented: black.
  • Overfermented: Such teas are called pu-erh.

How is oolong tea fermented?

Fermentation of most varieties of oolong tea is only half done: not the entire surface of the tea leaves is subjected to it, but only their edges and a small part of the middle. The main mass of the inner layers is not subjected to fermentation and retains its natural structure.

The raw materials for this variety are mature leaves collected from adult bushes. It is important to follow a certain sequence of actions:

    At first, the raw materials are dried for an hour under the hot rays of the sun. After that, the dried raw materials are placed in bamboo baskets, which are sent to a shady place, where further fermentation takes place.

    Every 60 minutes, the leaves are carefully turned over and washed, leaving their structure intact. Having reached the desired level of fermentation, the leaves are subjected to short-term drying with hot air up to 300 degrees.

    After that, they are rolled into tight balls, and then drying is completed, which rids the tea of ​​excess moisture and stops the fermentation process.

It is not difficult to determine the authenticity of the species: this tea should be only whole-leaf, free of dust, crumbs and fragments of tea leaves. True oolong leaves, which open at the time of brewing, show dark edges and a green center with veins.

Experimental varieties

Over the past four decades, specialists in the island of Taiwan, engaged in the production of elite varieties of oolong tea, have paid great attention to the manufacture of flavored varieties.

Aromatization is carried out by adding various extracts obtained from ginseng, rose petals, cinnamon tree flowers. Flavored products are intended exclusively for export, as the native Chinese consider this a "spoilage" of the tea leaf and prefer a drink with an original taste.

Oolong milk tea: useful properties

The raw materials for the production of milk oolong tea are leaves collected from tea bushes of the "golden flower" variety, created on tea plantations in Taiwan three decades ago. Fresh leaves of this tea have a slight milky smell. After fermentation, a sweetish caramel note joins it.

Useful properties are predetermined by the richness of its chemical composition, which includes about four hundred substances (hibiscus tea is no less useful, the beneficial properties of which are described here).

The tea contains:

Milk oolong and its beneficial properties

(Total votes: 7 , average rating: 4,43 of 5)Author: Valeria Terekh 7 May 20137 Comments

Oolong (or oolong) is one of the most delicious and healthy teas, which has a unique pronounced taste, a very delicate and delicate aroma of green tea. Its turquoise, slightly yellowish amber hue simply fascinates and attracts. This type of tea is very popular not only in China, but also in Europe and Russia.


In terms of antioxidants, milk oolong is twice as much as regular black tea. It is very rich in various useful substances, of which more than four hundred species are contained in tea. It contains a lot of various useful microelements and vitamins, which are perfectly preserved thanks to the tea leaf processing technology.

Useful properties of milk oolong are primarily in its warming and tonic effect. Regularly drinking this healing drink, you can perfectly relieve fatigue, increase your efficiency and improve the functioning of the spleen. Tea perfectly improves appetite and helps to get rid of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, especially after eating fatty foods. It perfectly relieves headaches and strengthens the circulatory system. It also remarkably freshens breath and improves the condition of the oral mucosa.

One of the main features of this tea is its ability to act on the walls of blood vessels. It perfectly strengthens them and prevents the formation of blood clots in the body. Regular use of oolong helps to reduce excess weight, as well as strengthen your immune system. For the fair sex, this tea will help fight wrinkles and give youthfulness and a beautiful complexion.


The uniqueness of this tea lies in its vitamin content. It contains vitamins such as E, C, B, D. Minerals such as iron, calcium, calcium, manganese, selenium and phosphorus are also present. Milk oolong tea has an effective effect on the cardiac and vascular system and on the whole body as a whole.

Preparing a fragrant drink

In order for oolong (oolong) milk tea to be not only tasty and fragrant, but also healthy, it should be brewed correctly. This will allow him to give all the most healing, useful and valuable substances. By following simple cooking rules, you can not only enjoy a wonderful and tasty drink, but also replenish your body with vitamins and microelements.

In order to fully use all the beneficial properties of milk oolong, you must:

  1. Pour boiling water over the kettle;
  2. Put in it 9 grams of tea leaves, which pour half a liter of hot water;
  3. Water should be no more than 85 degrees, otherwise the aroma of tea and all useful substances will simply be destroyed;
  4. Then, the water should be immediately drained;
  5. Then again fill with hot water and brew for 2-3 minutes.

Oolong is fully revealed only after several brews. This is the only way to get a real delicate and wonderful aroma and taste. Each subsequent brewing should last 3 minutes longer than the previous one. The total number of tea brews can be 5-6 times.

It is necessary to store milk oolong in a dark, dry place, in a hermetically sealed container, separately from other teas. Porcelain dishes are perfect for these purposes.


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Green tea Milk Oolong and its beneficial properties.

Hi all! Do you know anything about Green Tea Milk Oolong? If not, then join! Now on the women's site there will be information, namely, about this tea.

The birthplace of Milk Oolong is mountainous Taiwan. The cultivation of tea and the production of flavored oolongs are very developed here.

The favorable local climate and the development of production technologies make it possible to successfully grow many varieties here, including Milky Oolong. The Japanese tea culture also played a big role, as Taiwan was under the influence of Japan for a long time.

The raw material for the manufacture of Chinese Milk Oolong is tree-like tea bushes of a certain variety (Jin Xuan variety, which means "Golden Flower" in translation), which grow on Mount Alishan.

This variety was bred about forty years ago at an experimental station in Taiwan.

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Bushes of this type of tea are unpretentious. They grow very well both on plantations in the mountains and on the plain. The leaf at harvest should be fleshy and fully developed.

Milk Oolong in the classification group is located between black and green teas. Its fermentation properties are higher than those of green tea, but weaker than those of black.

Since its inner layers remain intact as a result of fermentation, it has a rich and unusual taste and aroma.

Autumn is the best time of the year to pick Milky Oolong Tea. In this case, the wonderful tea taste is perfectly balanced, and the aroma is rich and pleasant. Spring tea is also fragrant, but not as deeply saturated.

Milk Oolong is one of Taiwan's flavored oolongs. You should know that Milk Oolong has a number of properties for which true connoisseurs of tea appreciate it very much.

When brewing Milky Oolong Green Tea, you will get an infusion that has a light lemon color.

Chinese Milk Oolong has a rich aroma of cream and a delicate caramel taste. This aroma is so pronounced that one might think that milk or cream was really added to the tea infusion.

True tea lovers really appreciate it for this property. The taste of Milk Oolong is very expressive, gentle, soft and can be consumed even without sugar.

But where do these milky notes and the unique taste of caramel come from? Many legends and fictions have been created about this.

They say that during the ripening period, the tea bush is watered with milk and, probably, that is why the Green Milk Ulun has such a wonderful aroma and delicate taste. But it is not so.

Milk Oolong is a type of flavored Oolong and this much-loved flavor is the result of flavoring in the production of the product.

For aromatization of high-quality tea, only natural aromatic substances are used. Therefore, this tea is highly valued and expensive.

Oolong milk tea and its beneficial properties.

Centuries-old traditions of growing Milky Oolong tea and special processing technologies have made this tea very useful.

Women, young and not so young, use Milk Oolong for weight loss, as it promotes fat burning and allows you to part with extra pounds. But for the best effect, you need to limit the consumption of fatty foods, sweets and exercise.

A very useful property of Milk Oolong is its ability to remove toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Green tea will improve your condition after eating fatty foods, as well as overeating.

A cup of tea contains a large number of different chemical elements that our body needs.

So in its composition in large quantities there is:

  • Vitamin K, responsible for blood clotting.
  • Iodine, which normalizes the endocrine system.
  • Potassium, which helps our cardiovascular system work.
  • Fluorine, under the action of which tooth enamel is strengthened.
  • Vitamins PP, C, copper, silicon, phosphorus, organic acids.

By using Milk Oolong, we improve mood, activate brain activity, improve memory and attention.

How to brew Oolong milk tea.

To appreciate the aroma and feel the taste of Milky Oolong tea, you need to learn how to prepare it correctly:

  1. The best dish for its preparation is an earthenware teapot, the thick walls of which retain heat for a long time.
  2. It is advisable not to use tap water for making tea. For these purposes, it is better to use purified water or water from a spring.

In a teapot pre-treated with boiling water, put 10 grams of tea. Tea is poured with boiled water, the temperature of which is 85-90 degrees. This is necessary to preserve the aroma and taste.

Then you need to immediately drain this water from the teapot, and then pour hot water again.

After 3-4 minutes, you can pour the resulting infusion into cups and enjoy the aroma and taste of the rich first tea leaves.

Milk Oolong can be brewed several times. The taste of each brew is different from the previous one.

At the end of tea drinking, it is necessary to wash the teapot with clean water, without using any cleaning agents. After drying the kettle, you can put it away until the next use.

It should be remembered that there are contraindications when using Oolong Milk Tea.

  • Green tea Milky Oolong contains a large amount of alkaloid - theine. In this regard, doctors do not recommend drinking it for nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as for certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • If you suffer from insomnia, do not drink tea before bedtime, as the high content of caffeine causes the cardiovascular and nervous systems to become highly aroused.
  • Give up green tea with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis.
  • If you have a fever, drinking green tea is not recommended, as theophylline, contained in tea, contributes to an increase in body temperature and at the same time neutralizes the effect of drugs that lower the temperature. And yet tea has a diuretic effect, i.e. removes fluid from the body, and this is unacceptable at high temperatures.

Factors to avoid when drinking tea.

  • Do not drink Oolong Milk Tea on an empty stomach: stomach cramps and vomiting may occur.
  • The use of very hot tea can lead to burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach.
  • Strong tea can cause increased arousal, insomnia, headache.
  • Drink tea only freshly brewed, it is not allowed to leave and drink it the next day.
  • You can use yesterday's tea for external use.
  • It is forbidden to drink medicines with Oolong milk tea, because it contains tannin interferes with the absorption of drugs.

To prevent various diseases and maintain health, it is recommended to drink weak tea leaves. Such tea restores physical strength, perfectly invigorates, but does not affect sleep and does not overexcite.

The use of Milk Oolong up to three cups a day helps to avoid the occurrence of many diseases, maintain harmony and beauty of the body, as well as clarity of mind until old age. But it must be remembered that it is unacceptable to abuse it.

You are welcome, go to the ruble: “All about tea”, you will learn a lot of interesting things about different teas.

How oolong (oolong) affects our health

Oolong (oolong) and its effect on the body

Oolong is a semi-fermented Chinese tea, it is very difficult to process and store, so it is traditionally more expensive than other types of tea and is much less common. A good oolong (oolong) is made only from adult tea tree leaves, which are rolled into tight lumps in such a way that the contact of the tea leaf with air is minimal, otherwise excessive fermentation of the tea in the air will occur.

Recently, oolong has become increasingly popular due to its medicinal properties. To date, hundreds of studies have been carried out in different countries of the world, confirming from a scientific point of view all those miraculous properties that the ancient Chinese attributed to oolongs. Here are just some of the properties of oolongs confirmed by scientists:

  • Oolong helps weight loss
  • Helps prevent the development of most types of cancer
  • Oolong, due to its high content of antioxidants, helps fight aging, especially with regard to changes in the neurons of the brain and the decline of the nervous system that comes with age.
  • Fights hypertension and normalizes blood pressure
  • Oolong is a strong antioxidant

Oolong helps weight loss

Japanese scientists in 2001 conducted a very interesting study: they measured the metabolism of people who regularly drink oolong and green tea. According to the results of the study, it turned out that oolong drinkers burn an average of 2 times more calories during exercise compared to those who drink green tea.

Another 2004 study aimed to measure calorie expenditure in women who drink a cup of water, green tea, and oolong before meals. It turned out that women who drank oolong before each meal burned an average of 10% more calories compared to those who drank plain water, regardless of physical activity. Women who drink green tea burn only 4% more calories.

How oolongs fight cancer

Oolongs have been drunk in China for many centuries, and the Chinese believe that this tea can heal even the terminally ill. Recent studies have shown that oolong consumption can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer, and in some cases stop the growth of existing cancer cells.

In one of the recent studies, a case was described of how an extract of polyphenols from oolong tea (OTPE) caused apoptosis of cancer cells in the human stomach (apoptosis is the natural death of a cell due to changes in the external environment).

Oolong anti aging

Various types of tea, including oolong, are the most consumed beverages in China. It is not surprising that this country has so many centenarians, because tea contains a huge amount of antioxidants, and oolong is simply a champion in their content. The antioxidants contained in oolong tea neutralize free radicals that affect the cells of the human body at the DNA level and, in fact, are the cause of aging.

Oolong helps with heart disease

A 2001 Japanese study found that drinking oolong tea for a month significantly lowered blood cholesterol levels, which reduced the risk of atherosclerosis. Another study by Japanese scientists showed that oolong tea increased plasma levels of adiponectin. The low content of this protein in the blood plasma leads to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, overweight and coronary vascular disease.

Fat in the human body is present in different forms, but the most common form is triglycerides, they are one of the main causes of heart and vascular diseases. A 2007 American study found that regular oolong consumption reduced blood triglyceride concentrations by 80%. That's why oolong is so good for the heart.

Oolong and hypertension

Oolong lowers blood pressure. Scientists have proven that regular use of oolong tea throughout the year (if you drink 1 cup of oolong tea a day) reduces the risk of developing hypertension by 45%, but if you drink 2 or more cups of tea a day for a year, then the risk of developing this disease is reduced by 65%.

Oolong improves skin condition

Green tea is known to have anti-allergic properties. Scientists wondered if oolong has the same properties. In 2001, a study was conducted on 118 patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. They were asked to drink 1 liter of oolong brewed from 10 g of dry tea per day without violating the usual treatment regimen. A month later, in 63% of patients, the dynamics of recovery was significantly higher than the average.

Also, regular use of oolong tea significantly improves the condition of the skin with severe acne and improves complexion.

Milk Oolong is a type of tea that is produced on Chinese plantations. The drink has many beneficial properties for the human body. Tea with a milky taste strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity, has an antioxidant effect, and is used for weight loss.

But despite the benefits, the drink can cause allergic reactions and is contraindicated in people with certain chronic diseases. To reveal the fullness of taste and aroma, you need to follow certain rules for brewing and drinking tea leaves.

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    Drink Features

    Milk Oolong is a large-leaf tea grown in the highlands of China and Taiwan. When it is brewed, a light lemon-colored drink with a pleasant creamy aroma and milky taste is obtained.

    Varieties of oolong tea

    Oolong, or oolong, is the most popular type of tea in China. It is he who is used in Chinese tea ceremonies. A drink is prepared from the leaves of an alpine tea tree or shrub. The processing process does not destroy their structure, but only affects the edges. Therefore, the core of the tea leaf retains its natural characteristics.

    This tea is called turquoise or emerald, since oolong tea cannot be attributed to either red or green varieties. It lies between them and approaches one or the other, depending on the degree of fermentation and processing of raw materials. In the process of making tea, the leaves are dried. As a result, they secrete juice and fermentation begins. This stage of leaf oxidation, which occurs due to the enzymes contained in them, is called fermentation.

    Oolong tea varieties are divided into 2 groups according to the degree of fermentation:

    1. 1. Highly fermented (40-70%).
    2. 2. Weakly fermented (25-40%).

    For comparison: black is fermented by 100%, green - by 2-12%. Oolong combines the properties of both types: it is characterized by the aroma of dark tea and the taste of light.

    Oolongs are further divided into 2 groups according to taste:

    1. 1. Flavored.
    2. 2. Aged.

    One of the popular types of oolong teas is milk oolong. It is classified as a highly fermented flavored variety. This is a drink with the smell of milk. There is a myth that, according to ancient Chinese traditions, tea bushes are sprayed with a solution of sugar cane and watered with fresh milk to obtain a milky aroma. Then sprinkle with rice powder to give the tea leaves a special flavor.

    In fact, China is constantly experimenting and trying to develop new varieties of tea with improved taste. In the 80s of the last century, a variety of tea bush "Jin Xuan" was created, which translates as "golden flower" or "fire flower". From it began to produce weakly fermented tea - oolong. Tasters felt notes of milk and caramel in it. Gourmets offered to strengthen them. Breeders failed to do this during the growing process. After many unsuccessful attempts, it was decided to flavor the drink artificially. The necessary taste notes were given to the tea by the Nai Xiang flavor added during the fermentation process. The indigenous people of China did not appreciate the taste of flavored milk oolong. Therefore, it is rarely found on the shelves of shops in the Middle Kingdom - it is produced only for export.

    Useful properties of oolong

    Milk oolong, like any other Chinese tea, contains many useful substances in its composition:

    • essential oils that help relax the nervous system;
    • antioxidants that prevent the destruction of cells by free radicals;
    • vitamins K, B12, E, C, B1, B6, B3, D;
    • minerals: iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc;
    • flavonoids that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease;
    • tannins that slow down overly active intestinal motility and thereby increase the absorption of nutrients.

    Milk oolong is a natural immunostimulant. Compared to other types of tea, it contains kahetins. These are organic flavonoids with a strong antioxidant effect. They reduce the amount of free radicals in the human body, resist the destruction and damage of cells, and have an antitumor effect. A large amount of kahetins is explained by the gentle heat treatment of the leaves, which stops the oxidation of these beneficial substances.

    Essential oils and tannins in the composition of tea strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of plaques and blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    For women

    Those who regularly drink this drink have beautiful elastic skin, strong nails and healthy hair, as it stimulates the natural production of collagen. It has been proven that women who drink 1-2 cups of milk oolong daily, endure menopause more easily.

    For men

    This tea is also good for men. The drink increases potency and immunity. With its regular use, the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

    Use for weight loss

    The ability of the drink to break down fats has made it a popular means for losing weight. Milk oolong cleanses the intestines of toxins. Due to the antioxidant action of the polyphenols contained in tea, the process of digestion and metabolism in the body is improved. All this contributes to the rapid burning of fats.

    When drinking tea rich in catechins, the body's metabolism is accelerated. This increases energy consumption and significantly reduces the amount of body fat.

    Brewing rules

    To reveal the fullness of the taste and aroma of the drink, it must be brewed correctly. A certain sequence of actions in the preparation of oolong must be followed as accurately as possible. Properly brewed tea preserves vitamins and other beneficial substances, and the special taste of the tea leaf is more fully revealed. Drink preparation procedure:

    1. 1. Tea is brewed in a porcelain, faience or clay teapot. Glass can not be used - they do not hold heat. The teapot is rinsed with boiling water and poured 2 teaspoons of milk oolong.
    2. 2. The leaves are poured with hot water - its temperature should be about 90 degrees. When brewing with boiling water, the delicate aroma of oolong will disappear. Water is poured into 150 ml. Close the kettle with a lid, stir and quickly drain the water through the spout. This step is called “dust washing”.
    3. 3. Open the lid and inhale the aroma. Good tea will have fruity notes. Leave the lid of the kettle open for 1 minute.
    4. 4. Fill the kettle with tea leaves with water at a temperature of 90 degrees by a third.
    5. 5. After 30 seconds, completely drain the drink from the teapot into a glass or porcelain milk jug. They wait 5-10 minutes and only then pour the oolong into cups. Intermediate dishes are needed in order not to overexpose the tea infusion. The Chinese call this container "chahai" - "chalice of justice" or "sea of ​​tea".

    Milk oolong is not diluted with water, sugar is not added to it. Before drinking, the drink should stand in cups until the aroma is fully developed, that is, cool to a temperature of 40-50 C. Cups should be used the smallest available, but it is better to drink tea from bowls.

    The fourth point of the brewing procedure can be repeated 5-7 times. Each time the exposure time in step 5 increases by 15 seconds.

    Contraindications and harm

    Despite the great benefits for the human body, tea has contraindications for use and can be harmful:

    1. 1. People with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Tea contains a lot of theine, its effect on the body is similar to caffeine, which stimulates cardiac activity and raises blood pressure. The drink has an exciting effect on the body - after drinking a cup of milk oolong in the evening, a person will not be able to fall asleep for several hours.
    2. 2. Allergy sufferers. This type of tea is contraindicated for them because of the flavoring it contains.
    3. 3. Patients with ulcers and gastritis during an exacerbation of diseases. Oolong stimulates the digestive tract. During the remission period for such diseases, you can drink it with great care so as not to provoke an exacerbation.
    4. 4. Pregnant and lactating women. They should not consume more than one cup of oolong per day, since the caffeine and tannin contained in it easily penetrate the bloodstream and have a negative effect on the fetus.

    If you exceed the allowable rate of tea per day (3-4 cups), then unpleasant side effects may occur:

    • insomnia;
    • irritability;
    • physical weakness;
    • frequent urination;
    • heartburn;
    • tremor of the limbs.

    To maintain the tone of the body and improve overall well-being, it is enough to take 1-2 cups of oolong per day.
