
Ayurvedic health tea Kashayam. Ayurvedic cooking recipes

There are countless recipes for different teas and drinks on the Internet. You always come across one - there is no description of the nuances. And they always appear. But this is how I learned to distinguish between recipes for SEO (for machines) and recipes for people. When a person writes to help, not to lure traffic, then there are no white spots in his description.

You will see an example of such a recipe now.

Of course, it's not that I wanted to talk abstractly. In fact, I give the recipe for this tea so often that it has become easier once and for all to state it on the blog.

First, a few words on the topic

WHY ginger tea? What is ginger tea for?

Who cares about everything to the smallest detail - you can look on the Internet for ingredients. about their properties.

Of course, some symptoms pass quickly. Especially any SARS. Others, who have been sitting in the body for years and poisoning life, go away little by little.

There are only two conditions for success:

correct recipe and long-term use.

This tea is not only ginger. Ginger is the main ingredient. I took the recipe from Ayurveda and slightly supplemented it over many years of application and experimentation.

So. The main mandatory composition: ginger root, cinnamon, cardamom.

By quantity I will give an alignment for 1 liter. Who wants to brew on large quantity- according to liters of water, proportionally increase portions.


Should not be dry in powder, namely a living root. You can buy in the supermarket. You have to choose. Don't take any. The root should be fresh, tight, not sagging, not wrinkled. The smell on the cut/break should be good and pleasant. Not even a hint of decay. On scrap should be juicy.

You can buy a pound right away. Do not need anymore. Store at home in the refrigerator.

WARNING: Do NOT store in plastic bag. DO NOT wrap in cling film. So it quickly deteriorates. You just need to put it in the door shelf of the refrigerator without any bag.

For cooking, take 3-5 cm. At this point, many are confused. They don't know how to measure. Very simple. By eye. I try to break off the entire root growth. The root is formed by such, as it were, "semi-tubers". Look at the photo - everything should be clear. Here I try to immediately use such a whole “tuber”. If possible.

The skin can be peeled off with a knife, but it is much more convenient, faster and more economical to do this with a vegetable knife.

By the way, if you had to use only part of a large “half-tuber”, then the rest can already be wrapped in a bag or cling film. But then try to use this balance the next day or, in extreme cases, every other day.

So, the skin was cleaned, and on Coarse grater rubbed into shavings.


This is to heat up the flask.

Now put grated ginger in an empty heated thermos.

Once you take 3-5 cm, and not, for example, 3.25 cm, that is, approximately, then the taste will be slightly different each time. Choose and try on the amount of ginger so that your mouth should burn moderately.


You need to buy it in aluminized bags (in such it happens in stores) and be sure to WHOLE it, in sticks. In the market with merchants, she usually the worst quality, as it lies open and exhales. Do not buy ground anywhere, from anyone, ever. The quality is so much inferior to self-ground whole cinnamon, as if they were completely different spices.

So, whole cinnamon needs to be ground into a coarse powder. Best result in terms of speed and quality of grinding is achieved in

My Bosch burr grinder

burr coffee grinders. If there is no such house, I recommend buying it. You need to take a volume of 250 ml. approximately. These cost about 5 tr, but it's worth it. Works much better than a knife grinder. Where to buy a burr coffee grinder? Just ask the search engine and you will immediately find a lot of options.

And it won't dust you. Especially if you are fond of herbs, do all sorts of herbal teas. Ideal for grinding roots.

Also, if you have not yet saved up for a coffee machine, but you already know what and how they make instant coffee, then such a burr grinder will be the perfect compromise between price and result. That is, the result in a Turk will get no worse than in an automatic coffee maker, but at a price an order of magnitude cheaper, everything will cost in a circle. Here is a live review from a burr grinder user:

“This is the best you can buy for competent coffee preparation. A coffee lover's dream. Better than this only exclusive solutions.
I use 8 years. The next one will be the same. There is simply nothing to compare with. Grinding - honest 15 gradations - from grains to dust. And, as you know, the taste of coffee depends on the grinding. Changing the gradations change the taste. Since the coffee grinder is a burr grinder, the grinding is as uniform as possible and the coffee does not heat up. From 5 gradations and below, it is simply brewed with boiling water in a mug. A very handy measuring spoon, it is also for cleaning the outlet. Everything is well thought out.
As far as I know, several times they were taken out of production and re-installed. Because it is in constant demand. Think for yourself. KMM 30 forever.

OK then. We return to ginger tea, or rather, to the preparation of cinnamon. Since it is chopsticks, it is useless to put them entirely in the coffee grinder. Take your pliers and slowly break the sticks into 1-2 cm pieces. Don't forget to inspect the cinnamon sticks. Sometimes there are damaged ones. How to find out? Some mess inside. White spots outside. Such a wand without sparing - in the trash.

I usually buy 10 bags of cinnamon and immediately grind them into a coarse powder. Enough for 2-3 months. Can't breathe completely. Only ground cinnamon needs to be stored properly - in glass jar, closed tight lid. Store the jar in a dark place.

For our ginger tea, we take 1 teaspoon of coarsely ground powder from there without a top.


Buy cardamom at the Indian spice shop. How to find one in your city if you have never seen it before? Try in 2gis.ru in your city to enter "SPICES" in the Categories. 100% find.

So cardamom Also dare in the mill. After grinding, the seeds will be at the bottom, and the peels at the top. Both are needed. Mix well and also pour into ANOTHER glass jar. Close with a tight lid. Store in a dark place.

Take from there for tea 1/2 tsp. no top to taste.

All. Now you can top up the thermos boiling water and close the plug.

Wait at least 20 minutes and you can drink. Pour directly from a thermos into a glass and drink with meals instead of black/green tea. They drank - what was left in the thermos, let it be so. The main thing is to drink during the day.

What is interesting - even if you "forget" about what was left in the thermos ginger tea and look back in 3 days, then not a hint of souring. Apparently there are such strong antibacterial and antifungal substances that the process of souring and molding will not even begin.

But I think that it is still better not to store ginger tea for days in a thermos, but to brew it in the morning and drink it gradually during the day.

By evening, ginger tea begins to thicken in a thermos. See - you will understand what I mean. This does not mean that it has deteriorated. Everything is fine. But this is another reason not to leave it for tomorrow.

Tip: if you “overdo it” with ginger - it burns so that it is impossible to drink, then dilute it right in a glass boiled water to the desired concentration, and next time just reduce the amount of ginger.

What else can be added to a thermos with ginger tea:

1 bud of cloves. Directly unground whole. If you suffer from acute respiratory infections, then you can 2-3. Sold in supermarkets. Don't take the grind.

2-3 petals of saffron. Not to be confused with turmeric. In the markets, Caucasians selling spices call turmeric saffron. Saffron is nothing like turmeric. It is sold in the form of long narrow red petals. And it costs 500-700 rubles. for one gram. Very strong and useful. Gives a pleasant subtle aftertaste. More V.V. Pokhlebkin wrote that the annual rate of saffron for a person should not exceed 1 gram. I have not seen saffron in supermarkets. Exclusive item. Only in specialized stores type "Indian spices". Or order online.

If you get sick or get sick, some kind of inflammatory process is going on, then be sure to 1/4 tsp. without the top of turmeric. Turmeric gives yellow, harsh taste, but very useful for the liver and is a natural strong antibiotic. Sold in supermarket bags. Only in powder form. Okay, take it. There is no other.

To improve the taste (although it is already so pleasant), you can put a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey into a glass immediately before drinking. Delicious.

All of the above doses are guidelines. Slightly change this - that, that - this and see what taste it turns out. But in general stick to the dosages given here. At least approximately.

How much to drink?

Drink this ginger tea without measure until you feel good and the body says "enough". That is, the desire to drink it will disappear. There are no target dates. Everyone is very different. Someone drinks 1-2 months, someone 1-2 years in a row. Listen to yourself. Trust your feelings on this matter.

Should I drink this ginger tea for weight loss? Didn't check the effect. But I think that all “mono-wonder remedies” either shake out the wallet or the health. reasons excess weight only three - either a metabolic disorder, or malnutrition, or both together. In any case, ginger tea will contribute to weight loss, as it has a general beneficial effect on the body.

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Ayurveda recommends drinking a warm drink with meals to aid digestion, but no more than one cup per meal. It is considered ideal if after eating the stomach is 1/3 filled with solid food, 1/3 with liquid and 1/3 empty. For digestion, it is very good to drink a glass of buttermilk lassi or diluted yogurt at the end of a meal. Sometimes you can drink during meals or between meals delicious tea, a drink made from herbs that also have healing properties. In Ayurveda, the consumption of iced drinks is never recommended, as the cold shocks the digestive system and greatly weakens the digestive fire.

Note: in recipes, the letters denote: V - vata, P - pita, K - kapha, m - reduces, b - increases

Pachac lassi – Vm Pm Km

For 4 servings:
2 glasses of water
1/2 cup plain yogurt
2.5 cm fresh ginger root
1/2 tsp cumin seeds or ground cumin
1/8 tsp salt
1 st. l. chopped cilantro leaves

Place all ingredients, except cilantro, in a blender and grind for 1-2 minutes until a thin slurry. Garnish with cilantro.

Lassi is a food that balances all doshas. Mixing in a blender enhances the agni in yogurt, making this combination of spices and yogurt very beneficial for digestion when taken with lassi at the end of a meal.

Lassi with spices - Vm Pm Km

For 4 servings:
2 glasses of water
1/2 cup plain yogurt 2 tbsp. l. Sukanata or other sweetener (to taste)
1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger or 1/4 tsp. ground dry ginger
1/2 tsp ground cardamom

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. Sweeten according to your body type and mood.

Good for people of all types of constitution, especially for kapha constitution. Blending in a blender enhances the agni.

Sweet Lassi – Vm Pm Km

For 4 servings:
2 glasses of water
1/2 cup plain yogurt

1 drop rose water

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. Add sugar to taste.

Suitable for everyone, but especially good for Pitta people.

Sidha dugdam (milk drinks with medicinal properties)

For Kapha disorders


1 glass of milk
1/4 cup water

Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil and continue to simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly, until about 1 cup of liquid remains.

This good remedy for "washing" the liver and gallbladder. Especially effective for people with a pronounced kapha constitution, suffering from lymphatic congestion.

1/2 tsp ground pippali
1 glass of milk
1/4 cup water

Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil and continue to simmer over medium heat until about 1 cup of liquid remains.

This drink is useful for chronic bronchial obstruction, asthmatic blockage of the bronchial tree, as well as effective remedy with allergic disorders respiratory tract kapha type.

1/2 tsp turmeric
1 glass of milk
1/4 cup water

Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Then boil, stirring constantly, until about 1 cup of liquid remains.

This remedy is useful in pharyngitis, laryngitis and hoarseness. It is also effective in acute tonsillitis with the formation of congestion and acute lung conditions of kapha and pitta type. Acts as a natural antiseptic.

1/2 tsp ground dry ginger
1 glass of milk
1/4 cup water

Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil and continue to simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly, until about 1 cup of liquid remains.

It is a good remedy for mucus from the colon, chronic indigestion and pathological conditions kapha and vata respiratory systems such as dry cough and emphysema.

For vata and pitta disorders
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp ground charoul nuts (or optional)
1/4 tsp ground almonds
1 glass of milk
1/4 cup water

Mix the nuts with the cardamom and, after combining this mixture with milk and water, bring to a boil. Then boil, stirring constantly, until 1 cup of liquid remains.

It is a tonic drink that gives a lot of energy. It is also effective in chronic fatigue syndrome, in case of sexual weakness or decreased libido.

Breakfast tea – Vm Pm Km

1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 pinch cardamom
1 glass of water

Suitable for people of any constitution. Pitta people can add 1/4 cup milk when cooking.

Lunch Tea – Vm Pm Km

1/3 tsp cumin seeds
1/3 tsp coriander seed
1/3 tsp anise
1 glass of water

Boil water, add spices to it, close the lid and remove from the stove or turn off the gas. Insist 5 minutes. Filter and sweeten according to your constitution.

Dinner tea – Vm Pm Km

1/8 tsp anise
1/3 tsp cinnamon
1/3 tsp chamomile
1 glass of water

Boil water, add spices to it, close the lid and remove from the stove or turn off the gas. Insist 5 minutes. Filter and sweeten according to your constitution.

Spiced Tea – Vm Pm Km

3 glasses of water
4 cloves

2 pinches ground cinnamon
2 pinches ground cardamom
1/2 st. l. minced fresh ginger root
1 tsp black tea (dandelion root or lemongrass)
1 glass of milk
2 tsp sweetener of your choice

Boil the water with spices for a few minutes. Then add tea, leave for 2 minutes, add milk, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Sweeten and serve.

The amount of milk and sugar in this recipe can be changed according to the type of constitution and at will. Of course, more milk and/or sugar can induce kapha.

If you drink tea with caffeine, then cardamom will help neutralize the effects of caffeine.

Mint Tea – Vm Pm Km

1/2 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger
3 pinches ground dry ginger
3 pinches ground cardamom
1 cinnamon stick
2 pinches ground nutmeg
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 cup fresh leaves mint or 1 tbsp. l. dried mint leaves
3-4 whole cloves
3 glasses of water
1 glass of milk

Boil water and add herbs, spices and milk to it. Cook at a low boil for a few minutes. Filter and serve.

Tea for Vata people – Vm Pb Km

For one cup:
1/4 tsp grated fresh ginger
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ajwana
1 cup water

Boil water, add spices and remove from heat. Let it brew for a few minutes. Sweeten to taste.

Very good for pacifying vata dosha.

Tea for Pitta people – Vm Pm Km

For one cup:
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp coriander
1/4 tsp anise 1/4 tsp finely chopped rose petals
1/4 tsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 cup water

Boil water and add spices to it. Now turn off the gas, close and let it brew for 5 minutes. Filter and sweeten according to your constitution type.

This tea stimulates digestion, but it also has a calming effect on pitta.

Tea for people with kapha constitution – Vm Pm(b) Km

For one cup:
1/4 tsp dry ginger
1/3 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp dill seed
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds
1 cup water

Boil water, add spices, cover with a lid, turn off the gas and let it brew for a few minutes.

Very good at calming kapha.

Masala for tea – Vm Pm(b) Km

1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Mix the spices together and when making tea, take a pinch per cup of tea.

It can be consumed by everyone, but people with a pitta constitution are advised to reduce the amount of black pepper and cloves.

Agni tea – Vm Pm(b) Km

For 6-8 cups:
1 liter of water
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 handful minced fresh ginger
2 tbsp. l. sukanata or other sweetener
1/8-1/2 tsp rock salt

Boil water with all ingredients and cook for 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, cool and add the juice of 1/2 lime (lemon). Don't boil the juice!

The prepared drink can be poured into a thermos and drunk throughout the day.

This tea “ignites” agni and is therefore good to drink before meals. Since it is somewhat stimulating to Pitta, Pitta people should use this tea with caution and avoid adding cayenne if necessary.

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, people are divided into three types of constitution - Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Depending on the type of constitution, for the complete harmony of soul and body, recipes for healthy, fragrant, health-improving tea are offered.

The first tea recipe for those with a Vata constitution

♦ Take grated fresh ginger - the fourth part of a teaspoon.

♦ Ground, the same.

♦ Ajwan and, as much.

♦ Put in a cup, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for a few minutes, then strain through a strainer. You can add sugar to taste.

This proportion of herbs is designed for one cup of tea. This fragrant blend is excellent for pacifying Vata dosha. This tea useful in evening time, it relieves feelings of anxiety and anxiety, is useful for improving vision, relaxes after a hard labor day, refreshes and invigorates on the road and travel. After drinking Vata tea, you will relax and find inner peace.

Vata tea can be consumed throughout the day - at work or at home. Brew at night with milk to fall asleep easily and soundly. The drink has a sweet, soothing taste. The ingredients included in its composition will relieve stress and tension, strengthen the hormonal system. The drink improves anabolic processes, the work of the mind, slows down aging.

If you have a Pitta constitution

Take crushed rose petals, freshly chopped cilantro, and anise, all in equal parts one fourth teaspoon.

♦ Pour a cup of boiling water, let it brew for five minutes, strain, add sugar.

Renders positive action on digestive system and calming on Pitta. Pita tea has a refreshing effect on the mind and body, is useful in sultry heat, has a cooling effect, and relieves irritability. Tea ingredients have a beneficial effect on bone marrow and muscle cells, purify blood and lymph, reduce joint pain, spasms and colic.

Tea for those with a Kapha constitution

♦ Take 1/3 tsp.

♦ Dill seeds and fenugreek seeds 1/4 tsp.

♦ Pour a cup of boiling water, cover, let it brew for a few minutes.

It has a calming effect on Kapha. Spicy flavor ginger and cloves, combined with other ingredients, stimulates the mind and body. Useful for Kapha imbalance, in the morning and in wet weather. Releases from drowsiness, excessive fatigue. Improves everyone's performance internal organs and liver, warms in cold weather.

Drink a cup of Kapha tea and you will see how the whole body and mind are filled with strength and energy, lethargy and laziness recede. Tea does not contain caffeine, will help in getting rid of excess weight. Tonic acts on the work of the heart, relieves pain in the joints and arthritis, relieves cough.

Collecting tea spices is also good for pacifying Kapha:

♦ Take cloves and black pepper 1/2 tsp each.

♦ and 1/4 tsp cinnamon, add one tsp. ginger, all ground. Combine, mix.

♦ Put a pinch in a cup of tea.

This mixture can be added to any type of tea, however, for a Pitta constitution, it is desirable to reduce the amount of cloves and.

You can always purchase these and others in our online store.

In Ayurveda, the use of any substance, including tea, is recommended or not recommended in accordance with the constitutional type of the patient and his state of health at the moment.

Neither black nor green tea Ayurveda does not recommend the constitution of Vata representatives, since both of these substances are stimulants and excite nervous system, which Vata is already overexcited. However, green tea has these properties to a lesser extent.

For Pitta and Kapha, black and green tea is acceptable as it has a bitter taste that is beneficial to both Pitta and Kapha.

However, in any case, Ayurveda favors herbal teas. In Ayurveda, herbal teas are also consumed in accordance with the constitution, that is, for each of the three constitutions, there is a certain set of most useful herbs. Of these, it is worth preparing teas.

In addition, it offers a range herbal drinks to compensate for various diseases.

Herbal teas in Ayurveda

Prepare herbal teas in Ayurveda it is necessary, guided by the lists of herbs below, suitable for each of the constitutions. Another very important point Not all sweeteners are suitable for every constitution.

Refined sugar is definitely not suitable for any constitutional type.

To make the most of healthy tea, you need to know that Kapha does not accept any other sweetener than honey. preferable for them old honey. Honey should not be put in boiling water or subjected to heat treatment, because. in this case he loses his beneficial features and becomes harmful.

Pitta representatives can use absolutely all types of sweeteners in herbal drinks, with the exception of old honey. Fresh honey is good for Pitta.

Vata can use all sweeteners, incl. any honey. Both old and fresh.

Properly selected herbal teas greatly increase the effect of Ayurvedic treatments. Therefore, if you are interested in having a positive effect on your body, improving your well-being and contributing to a comprehensive recovery, learn how to prepare herbal teas, taking into account the effect of herbs on each of the constitutions. will help you with this.

Pitta representatives can use many herbal teas. The only exceptions are drinks that have a warming effect and have a spicy taste.

Raspberry leaves



Green and peppermint

burdock root

dandelion root




The Kapha constitution accepts literally everything, with the exception of sweet-tasting drinks and those that become slimy when brewed.


· Hawthorn

· Mustard seed




· juniper berries and etc.

Vata people can drink an extensive list of herbal drinks, remembering that teas with bitter and astringent properties, as well as those liquids that have a cold effect on the body, will not have the desired result.


· fresh ginger


· nutmeg




Eucalyptus, etc.

Ayurvedic tea recipes:

anise tea

Before ordering, many compatriots on own experience test the effectiveness of Ayurvedic drinks. One of them - anise tea, perfectly suitable for eliminating the symptoms of angina. It is effective in asthma and urolithiasis.

To prepare anise tea, take 30 mg of anise seeds and 250 ml of boiling water.

Seeds pour boiling water, leave for 8 minutes.

Take anise tea 2 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before eating, 4 times a day.

Masala tea with spices

The use of spice drinks, as well as, is an integral part of the culture of Ayurveda. They help to solve many health problems. An example of this is masala chai.

For cooking, you need 1 liter of boiling water and 750 ml of milk, 50 g of black tea and 50 g natural honey. As spices, a teaspoon of ground vanilla and 4 cinnamon sticks, 20 mg of cardamom and 8 pcs. carnations.

Before making tea, all spices except vanilla must be placed in a small bag of thick fabric, tied and left with a thread. A bag of spices is lowered into a saucepan with a liter of water, put on fire, brought to a boil. Reduce the heat to a minimum, leave the pan with liquid for 10 minutes. Add black tea, insist 3 minutes. We take out the bag with spices, add milk, honey, vanilla. Masala chai is consumed warm.

Ayurvedic teas, the recipes of which great amount, will help to cope with colds and chronic diseases, increase the tone of the body and prolong youth.
