
The best dessert. Dessert "English breakfast", Ireland

Oscar Wilde once joked that after good lunch You can forgive anyone, even your relatives. But only if the meal ends with a decent dessert.

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary says that dessert is fruits and sweet dishes served at the end of dinner. It is symbolic that the word "dessert" French descent, because for centuries French confectioners have been and remain trendsetters in the manufacture of cakes and pastries. But the best desserts in the world covered the whole country with their delicious and intoxicating smells. Earth from Foggy Albion to China. Let's make our own "dessert" guidebook and remember how incredible combinations of tart and bitter, sweet and sour, spicy and velvety tastes of the best dessert masterpieces were born.

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"Peaches Melba"

One of the most delicious desserts was invented by the head chef of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, Auguste Escaffé. Once, the singer Nelly Melba decided to consult with the great culinary specialist about what to serve for dessert to friends - peaches or ice cream. Monsieur Escaffet dispelled the doubts of a charming woman with his skill and imagination. The gallant Frenchman came up with one of the best desserts, which he named after the singer: vanilla ice cream with slices of white peaches and raspberries, decorated with nets of sugar threads.

Pie "Savarin"

Not less famous dessert is the Savarin pie. During the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, it was invented by Anselme Brillat-Savarin. He said: “Since we are doomed to eat, let us eat well.” This French writer and court figure is better known as the author of books on cookery and famous aphorisms about food. The dessert that bears his name is a rum-soaked yeast cake in the shape of a ring, in the heart of which are various berries and fruits, garnished with whipped cream.

Napoleon cake"

But there are several versions about the origin of the Napoleon cake. Some historians attribute the honor of the invention of the air-cream dessert to the emperor of France - Napoleon. Dean of the best desserts in the world was not the result of much thought and experimentation, but appeared as a result of a brilliant impromptu. Once, Bonaparte's wife, Josephine, was unpleasantly surprised by how indecently close to one young lady the emperor was sitting, whispering something in her ear. Napoleon did not lose his head and said that he was just sharing with his counterpart the recipe for the cake he had invented. And then he announced the composition of the ingredients and the method of baking.

According to another version, the name of the delicacy comes from the shape of the cake, reminiscent of the famous cocked hat of Napoleon. Allegedly, this multi-layered confectionery delicacy was invented by Moscow confectioners in 1912 on the centenary of exile. French army From Russia. The triangular cakes later evolved into large triangular cakes, but the name has been retained.

It is typical for the history of culinary arts that royal persons became the authors of the best desserts in the world: Catherine de Medici, Louis 14, Marie Antoinette ... In many European restaurants you can order "Strawberry a la Romanow". It turns out that Peter came up with this dessert familiar from childhood - strawberries with cream.

His Majesty "Pudding"

“The taste of pudding is known in food,” said the 17th century English poet and playwright Glepthorne Henry. This saying of his eventually turned into a proverb. Definitely pudding. business card Foggy Albion. Famous plum pudding made from flour, raisins, eggs, nuts and the addition of sherry or cognac. Agatha Christie put into the mouth of her hero Hercule Poirot a real ode to this national dish, which ends with these words: “It is already worth visiting London just to enjoy the sophistication and variety of English puddings.”


palm among Italian desserts has been holding the exquisite Tiramisu for the fifth century. First air cake was prepared at the end of the 17th century for the Duke of Tuscany Cosimo de' Medici, who was known as a great lover of sweets. And today in many restaurants and cafes of the world there is this truly best dessert, for the preparation of which mascarpone cheese, Savoyardi cookies and Marsala wine are used without fail.

Recipe and method of preparation of this Italian tiramisu you will find .


Marsala wine is the main ingredient of another Italian dessert, Zabaione. Its name, translated from Neapolitan, means "Divine foam". This the most delicate cream dessert prepared from egg yolks with sugar and served hot, and even the creamer must be warmed up before serving.

Cake "Sacher"

Adds to the list of the best desserts in the world and is the national pride of the Austrians. His true taste can only be experienced in the Sacher Hotel in Vienna. The cake bears the name of its creator, Franz Sacher, who served as head pastry chef at the court of Austrian Chancellor Prince Clemens Metternich.

Meringue cake "Anna Pavlova"

There is something to be proud of and the Green Continent. Anna Pavlova is Australia's most famous and best dessert. Your name air meringue cake received by no means because the great ballerina loved to feast on them. During Mrs. Pavlova's tour of Australia in 1929, she performed in the city of Perth. A few years later, the owner of the hotel where the ballerina stayed asked her confectioner to create an original new dessert. After much experimentation, the confectioner "conjured" a cake with whipped cream, meringue and fruit. Seeing this sweet miracle, the woman impulsively exclaimed: “Ah, this is like light, like ... Pavlova!” Initially, the famous dancer's edible dough was prepared with kiwi and passion fruit. With time Exotic fruits were replaced by strawberries.

The World's Best Desserts Made in China and Japan

What we mean by the word "dessert" is missing from the Chinese meal. This does not mean that the largest nation has not ticked off the list of the world's best desserts. It's just that the Chinese use it between meat and fish dishes to bring out their taste. The most common delicacy is "What stretches." These are fruits in caramel. One of the oldest desserts in China rice pudding"Eight Jewels". The role of jewels in the pudding is played by a filling of eight ingredients: walnuts, water chestnuts, raisins, green and red cherries, candied melon slices, ginger and kumquat (a fruit of the citrus family, which is also called the golden apples of the Hesperides), ginkgo nuts. They also pay tribute to ice cream, invented by the Chinese five millennia ago.

Ice cream is the basis dessert table in Japan. Made on the basis of green tea, this is truly the best dessert in the world, for the Japanese, of course. Such ice cream is also served as a sauce for the favorite dish of the country's emperors. rising sunbiscuit "Midori". The fantasy of court confectioners created a three-layer miracle with fresh pineapples, bananas, custard, garnished with whipped cream and carom.

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Cakes, sweets, casseroles, brownies, muffins, puddings, ice cream - it seems that in any country in the world people cannot do without something sweet. Today we will talk about ten amazing and delicious desserts from around the world. If any of them turn out to be unfamiliar to you, urgently go to the nearest restaurant or store and try to find it! If the desired dessert was not found, this is a great incentive for a new journey with a culinary bias!

  • Pudding "Castle", England

Pudding "Castle" © Depositphotos

With this dessert, the British definitely did not fail. Some people are even willing to skip the main course just to jump right into this warm, delicious dessert, generously poured over. strawberry sauce. What makes this pudding different from others is the topping - Strawberry jam, which flows down the sides.

  • Chestnut quintons, Japan

Chestnut Quintons © Depositphotos

Usually these candies are more suitable for a movie theater than for a full-fledged dessert, but for these Japanese creamy sweets you can make an exception - they are too tasty. The basis for them is chestnut with the addition of sweet potatoes, sugar, sweet sauce and vinegar. Only chestnuts of a special variety, which can be found exclusively in Japan and South Korea, are suitable for making sweets.


  • Gulab Jamun, India

Gulab Jamun © Depositphotos

To prepare this delicious dessert, it is better to use corn oil. The main ingredients are flour, milk and some raisins and pistachios. The dough is divided into small balls, which will increase in size during cooking - almost like donuts. Only, unlike donuts, which are usually sprinkled powdered sugar, Gulab Jamun is immersed in sweet syrup. The taste of the syrup may differ depending on which part of India you are in. After dipping in the syrup, it is better to leave the dessert overnight so that it absorbs more of the syrup. Gulab Jamun can be served hot or cold.

  • Tiramisu, Italy

Tiramisu © Depositphotos

Sometimes this dessert is called "Tuscan trifle", and Siena, a city in the north-west of Italy in the province of Tuscany, can be considered its homeland. It is, as it were, the antipode of the heavy American pie - light dessert reminiscent of tapioca pudding or whipped cream. Tiramisu is made from eggs, mascarpone cheese, cookies Lady fingers, cream, brandy, sugar, rum and grated chocolate or cocoa. Currently, he has won the recognition of the sweet tooth of the whole world.


  • Sopapiyas, USA

Sopapijas © Depositphotos

The name of this dessert comes from the Spanish word "Saipa", which can be translated as "sweet fried dough". He is a prominent representative of a whole family of desserts - fried buns, poured with butter, very common in a number of countries in Latin America. Sopapiyas first appeared in New Mexico as much as 200 years ago. They can be eaten both separately from everything and dipped in honey, which reveals their taste in a completely new way.In addition, for a special flavor, you can sprinkle cinnamon on sopapiyyas.

Pavlova Cake © Depositphotos

This dessert is very popular in Australia, New Zealand and England. You can’t buy it in a store or the nearest eatery - it is served only in chic restaurants and the most advanced stores. In addition, this dessert is not high in calories at all, so even those young ladies who are on diets can enjoy it. It is prepared from egg whites and sugar, the shell of this dessert must be crispy. The cake is wrapped in whipped cream on top and has a marshmallow texture inside. It is always served with fruits - strawberries, kiwi, raspberries or peaches.

  • Macaroon, China

Macaroon © Depositphotos

This cookie first came to us from China, but now it can be found all over the world. Sometimes these cookies are served as a dessert after a hearty Chinese meal, such as suckling pig or lobster. Do not confuse macaroons with fortune cookies, which also came to us from China - to taste, it will give the "predictive" cookies a hundred handicap points. And if you drink almond biscuits with milk, then you can’t find a better dessert.

Contrary to popular belief, desserts are an integral part of good nutrition. Main principle, which must be adhered to, according to nutritionists, is that they should not enter into daily diet. But for special events, various holidays, they can become a kind of “reward”. New Year, Christmas is the perfect time to indulge in some goodies. Since the holidays are still going on, we offer an overview of the most popular desserts in the world that can still be cooked.

Christmas Pudding (UK)

No Christmas celebration in Britain is complete without some special pudding. Despite its popularity in the country, and beyond its borders, it is not as tasty as it seems. However, everyone still has a chance to try it. And suddenly like it.

Dulce de leche (Argentina)

Condensed milk is the pride of Argentina. This is a mixture of milk and sugar, which is boiled down until caramelized and turns into a thick, tender mass. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but it will be much tastier cooked at home.

Bolu rey (Portugal)

Bolu Rei, which is also called royal cake– traditional Portuguese sweet bread with nuts and candied fruits, which is served at Christmas or January 6 on the day of the King.

Mazariner (Sweden)

Delicious almond baskets are considered one of the Italian crostata di mandodorle, almond pie. And the name itself suggests the origin of the dish. They are named after the Italian-French Cardinal Giulio Mazarin (1602-1661), also known as Jules Mazarin. Thus, the dessert is already more than four hundred years old, and such longevity only proves its amazing taste.

Cherry Pie (Holland)

Cherry and chocolate lovers will appreciate the lite version german cake"Black forest".

Gulabjamun (India)

Gulabjamun is one of the most popular Indian desserts, which is donuts made from condensed or skimmed milk, bathed in pink sugar syrup.

Winarterta (Iceland)

In Iceland this layer cake with prunes is also called the "Striped Lady". It is usually prepared during winter holidays especially at Christmas. But there is no single recipe, but there is an opportunity to try several of them.

Banoffee Pie (England)

Perhaps this is one of the most stunning desserts in England. It is made from bananas, cream and toffee, boiled from condensed milk. All this is laid out on a cake of crumbled cookies and butter.

Knafeh (Middle East)

Many Middle Eastern countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Syria claim to be the birthplace of this delicious dessert. But no one can say for sure. The same Greeks cook very similar dish called kataifi, only soft cheese do not put in it.

Tiramisu (Italy)

Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian desserts, made with coffee-soaked savoiardi biscuits and a cream of beaten eggs, sugar and mascarpone. Due to its popularity, it has spread throughout the world and acquired many variations.

Cranahan (Scotland)

A traditional Scottish dessert made from oatmeal, cream, whiskey and raspberries. This is an amazing opportunity to hit guests not only in the heart, but also in the stomach.

Rocky Road Cakes (Australia)

Rocky Road is Australian dessert preparing from milk chocolate, marshmallow and served in the form of cakes or cupcakes. In the US, it is usually served with ice cream.

Guinness Chocolate Cake (Ireland)

The Irish have their own idea of ​​celebrating Christmas or St. Patrick's Day. And alcohol plays an important role there, even in desserts. And the combination of chocolate and beer in the cake will be simply unsurpassed.

Three Milk Cake (Mexico)

The cake got its name due to the fact that it is soaked in three kinds milk. Although Mexican cuisine known for its delicious, but very hearty meals, this dessert can be called the lightest and most harmless, in terms of calories.

Devil's Food Cake (USA)

The cake is made from dark chocolate, and it got its name for its rich and rich taste, which simply cannot be sinful.

Dobos (Hungary)

"Dobosh" - magnificent biscuit cake of seven cakes, smeared chocolate butter cream and decorated with caramel. It was named after the creator, Hungarian chef Joseph Dobos.

Brazo de Gitano (Spain)

Although the name translates as "Gypsy's hand", it's just biscuit roll. It is worth noting that it did not appear at all in Spain, but somewhere in central Europe, but it was here that it turned into a traditional Christmas dessert.

Christmas Log (Belgium/France)

It's incredible delicious roll prepared from chocolate biscuit And chocolate cream. It is usually sprinkled with powdered sugar, which is supposed to symbolize snow.

Melomakarona (Greece)

From small honey cookies it's just impossible to get away. This is one of the most popular treats in Greece during the Christmas holidays. And to make the taste even better, melomacarona is covered with milk chocolate.

Profiteroles (France)

Profiteroles are one of the best desserts in the world, which are balls of choux pastry filled with cream and covered with milk chocolate glaze.

Sacher Cake (Austria)

This is one of the most famous chocolate cakes in the world since its introduction in 1832 thanks to the Austrian Franz Sacher. It is a stunning biscuit covered with a thin layer apricot jam, and chocolate icing on top only emphasizes the greatness of its taste.

Pavlova Cake (New Zealand)

Don't let the name fool you, this dessert originated in New Zealand. But it is really named after the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. It is the most delicate meringue, decorated with whipped cream and pieces of fresh fruit.

Panettone (Italy)

Possibly the most popular Christmas sweet bread in Europe over the past few decades. He appeared in Milan and soon became a symbol of the city. Now panettone can be found in many European and American cities.

Cheesecake (Greece/USA)

Incredibly delicious dessert, the origin of which is usually attributed to the Americans, will make festive table unique. And the history of cheesecake is longer than you think. The first memories of it date back to the fifth century BC. The ancient Greek doctor Aegimus wrote an entire book on the art of making cheesecakes.

Cake "Black Forest" (Germany)

"Schwarzwald" - amazingly delicious chocolate cake, consisting of four biscuit cakes, pickled cherries and whipped cream, sprinkled chocolate chips and garnished with berries. And for dessert, you can serve a cup

Cakes, pastries, muffins, puddings, ice cream - it seems that in every country in the world people cannot do without something sweet after hearty lunch(or any other time of the day). Today we're going to talk about ten amazing and delicious desserts from all over the world. If any of them turns out to be unfamiliar to you, we urgently run to the nearest restaurant or store and try to find it! Didn't find the dessert you wanted? Well, this is a great incentive for a new journey with a culinary bent!

The name of this dessert most likely comes from the Spanish word "sopaipa", which can be translated as "sweet fried dough". It is a prominent representative of a whole family of desserts - fried buns dipped in oil - which is very common in a number of Latin American countries. Sopapiyyas first appeared in New Mexico as much as 200 years ago. They can be eaten separately from everything, or dipped in honey, which reveals their taste in a completely new way. You can also sprinkle cinnamon on the sopadilla to give it a special flavor.

9. Churros (Spain)

We owe the invention of churros. These days, they can be found in almost every corner of the world, including Korean movie theaters and American baseball games. Churros are sticks made from soft dough, on the cut very similar in shape to a star and made from wheat flour and other special ingredients. Best enjoyed cold winter evenings when the cinnamon flavor of these warm buns is especially pleasant.

8. Tiramisu (Italy)

Sometimes this dessert is called "Tuscan trifle", and Siena, a city in the northwest in the province of Tuscany, can be considered its homeland. It is, as it were, an antipode of the heavy american pie- light, somewhat reminiscent of tapioca pudding or whipped cream. Tiramisu is made with eggs, mascarpone cheese, ladyfingers, cream, brandy, sugar, rum and grated chocolate or cocoa. Currently, he has won the recognition of the sweet tooth of the whole world.

If you definitely want to try tiramisu, it is on his historical homeland- in the town of Siena - be sure to go there! Moreover, in addition to desserts, this city has thousands of architectural beauties and culinary delights that make you fall in love with it! It is better to book accommodation in Siena in advance and you can do it.

7. Macaroons (China)

This cookie originally came to us from, but now it can be found all over the world. Many Americans, for example, often go to a Chinese restaurant just to buy a box of their favorite candy. Sometimes these cookies are served as a compliment after a hearty Chinese meal, like suckling pig or lobster. Do not confuse macaroons with fortune cookies, which also came to us from China - they will give fortune cookies a hundred points ahead in taste. And if you drink it with milk, then better than dessert and not found at all.

Where else to try real Chinese macaroons if not in the capital of China - Beijing? If you are suddenly planning to make a culinary trip to China, it is better to always book accommodation in advance in order to minimize the inevitable language barrier here during the search.

6 Fruit Salad (Central Africa)

There is nothing healthier than a fruit salad, and what could be better than a dessert that is even healthier than a main course?

In Africa, there is no clear composition for this salad, but most often it includes watermelon, without which no one fruit salad will not be considered completed.

5. Pudding "Castle" (England)

Rarely can boast of particularly tasty and gourmet dishes. However, the British obviously did not fail with this dessert. Not surprisingly, some of them are even willing to skip the main course just to jump right into this warm, delicious dessert, generously drizzled with strawberry sauce. What sets this pudding apart from the rest is the topping - it's not the pudding itself that's so striking taste buds, but the strawberry jam that runs down its sides. They were clearly just made for each other.

4. Pavlova Cake (Australia and New Zealand)

This dessert is very popular in, and. You can’t buy this cake at the corner store or the nearest eatery - it is served only in chic restaurants and the most advanced stores. In addition, this dessert is not high in calories at all, so even young ladies who are on diets can enjoy it. It is made from egg whites and sugar, and the meringue shell must be crunchy. The cake is wrapped in whipped cream on top and has a marshmallow texture inside. It is always served with fruits - strawberries, kiwi, raspberries or peaches.

3. Baklava (Türkiye)

This unearthly dessert is now usually associated with Greece, but it first appeared in the Ottoman Empire in the territory. At that time, the Greeks and Turks were actively exchanging ideas and culinary delights, including baklava. It is made using phyllo dough, which is often difficult to handle because it dries out rather quickly. Melted butter and syrup made from honey, sugar, lemon juice and orange water are poured over the numerous layers of dough. Nuts are laid out on top - most often, pistachios.

Each country is famous for its own national dish: borscht in Russia, pizza in Italy, sausages in the Czech Republic, paella in Spain. In addition to the main dishes, there are also dessert dishes, which are also completely different in different countries. Today we will tell you about the 10 most delicious sweet dishes in the world.

Dessert is a sweet dish served after the main (and not the main one), at the end of the meal. The term is borrowed from fr. dessert, from fr. desservir, which translates as "clear the table". It is usually sweet (like cake or ice cream), but there are also savory desserts from fruits and/or nuts without added sugar/honey.

Gulab Jamun (India)

The main ingredients for this dish are flour, milk, some raisins and pistachios, and corn oil. The kneaded dough is divided into small balls, which will increase in size directly during cooking. Gulab Jamun is somewhat reminiscent of donuts, but instead of being sprinkled with powdered sugar, this dessert is dipped in a special sweet syrup. The taste of the syrup differs depending on which part of the country you are in. Some states prefer saffron, some citrus juice and some rose water. The dessert dipped in syrup is usually left overnight so that the syrup can be completely absorbed into the treat. Gulab Jamun is served both cold and hot. This traditional indian dessert It is customary to serve it on holidays, where it is eaten with pleasure under the roar of fireworks and music.

Chestnut Quintons or Cream Candies (Japan)

In all countries of the world, such sweets are more suitable for cinemas than for festive feast. However, an exception can be made for Japanese cream candies, because no other sweets can be compared with the famous chestnut quintons in taste. The basis for this delicacy is chestnut. To it is added sweet potato, sugar, vinegar and sweet sauce. Interestingly, chestnut varieties for making these quintons can only be found in Japan and South Korea.

Baklava (Türkiye)

This dessert, beloved by many, is mistakenly considered Greek, although it first appeared in Turkey. Many years ago, among the Greeks and Turks, it was customary to exchange culinary ideas and delights, including baklava. For the manufacture of this dessert, a special filo dough is used, which is sometimes quite difficult to handle, due to the fact that it dries very quickly. Melted butter and syrup are poured onto numerous layers of dough, the main components of which are honey, sugar, lemon juice and orange water. Top dessert is decorated with pistachios or other nuts.

Pavlova Cake (Australia and New Zealand)

This lightweight and airy dessert very fond of in Australia, New Zealand and England. It is almost impossible to buy a Pavlov cake in small local shops or nearby eateries. This dessert is served, as a rule, in specialized pastry shops and expensive restaurants. Pavlova cake is a real find for losing weight, because there are very few calories in it. This dessert is prepared from egg whites and sugar. The cake is topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit- strawberries, kiwi, raspberries, peach.

Pudding "Castle" (England)

England is one of those countries that can rarely surprise with special delights in cooking. However, this dessert is an undoubted reason for pride among the British. Pudding "Castle" - warm delicious dessert, generously poured with strawberry sauce. A special highlight of this dish is topping - strawberry jam that flows down the sides of the pudding.

Fruit Salad (Central Africa)

There is nothing healthier and tastier than a fruit salad. Undoubted benefits for the body - this is one of the main advantages of this dessert. There is no single specific recipe for this delicacy in Central Africa, however, all cooking recipes include watermelon as an obligatory ingredient. Watermelon feeds the entire animal world of Central Africa, and is used in so many dishes not on the territory of this country.

Macaroons (China)

This cookie, of course, is quite common in all countries of the world, but it came to us from China. Many Americans, for example, often visit Chinese restaurants just for the sake of this favorite dessert. Sometimes macaroons are served as a compliment to the main courses - suckling pig, lobster and others. Many confuse macaroons with the famous Chinese cookies with predictions, but the taste of macaroons is far ahead of its rival. It is best to consume this dessert with milk.

Tiramisu (Italy)

Another name for this dessert is “Tuscan trifle”, and it was born in Siena, a city in northwestern Italy in the province of Tuscany. Tiramisu is a light and airy dessert, somewhat reminiscent of tapioca pudding. Prepared "Tuscan Trifle" of eggs, mascarpone cheese, ladyfingers, cream, brandy, sugar, rum and grated chocolate or cocoa.

Churros (Spain)

Churros are soft dough sticks made from wheat flour and many other ingredients. Today, churros are popular in every corner of the world, including Korean movie theaters and American baseball games. Typically sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, churros are a treat on cold, rainy days.

Sopapiyas (USA)

Translated from Spanish name This dessert means "sweet fried dough". Sopapiyas is a bright representative of a whole family of desserts - fried buns - which are very common in almost all parts of the United States. This dessert first appeared over 200 years ago in New Mexico. You can eat sopapiyas like independent dish, or dipping them in honey, revealing the taste of this delicacy in a completely new way.
