
Roman pie puff with condensed milk recipe. The cake is baked from ready-made puff pastry

In this article we will talk about how, I must say that not only excellent cakes come out of it. Baskets, vol-au-vents, croissants, co all kinds of fillings and not just sweet ones. Dessert or unusual sandwich for family breakfast gourmet snack To romantic dinner, a richly decorated puff pastry cake - all this requires a long preparatory work. These pancakes can be made on hastily. And puff pastry requires a lot of effort, several hours of time and ... a refrigerator. But the result is worth it! Soft, crunchy, thin, perfectly holding cream. And if you don't have time, you can buy already ready dough in the supermarket.

How to knead puff pastry (ingredients)

In confectionery products of this kind, the filling or cream is the lightest phase. culinary process. Let's leave it for later. Whatever you are preparing to bake - apple cake from puff pastry or flounces with tuna - you should first knead and roll out the base. For her, you need to choose flour with great content gluten (from soft varieties wheat). Salt and vinegar (or citric acid) are also needed, even for desserts. Butter (200 grams per kilogram of dough), which in no case can be replaced by margarine or cooking oil, should be used at a temperature of 14-17 ° C, when it is most plastic. You will need a couple more eggs, milk or water.

Kneading, oil preparation, layering

These are the three phases of making puff pastry. First, pour the flour in a slide. Shake the egg in a glass, add water, add citric acid or vinegar, salt. In the flour hill we make a recess like a crater. We pour into it egg mixture and knead until smooth. If the dough came out too liquid, add flour, and if it is too steep, add water. For elasticity, you can add one or two spoons butter.

We cover the gingerbread man with a napkin so that it does not “wind out”, and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Soften the butter and mix with a small amount flour. It will become dry and sticky, it will be well distributed between layers. From this mass we form layers of about 2 cm thick. We cool them to 14 ° C. And finally, the last phase is layering. We roll the gingerbread man into a layer no more than a centimeter thick, and we are zealous at the edges. In the center, where the dough is wider, spread the butter. We close it with an “envelope”, pinching the edges. Roll out again into a thin layer. We connect the opposite ends of the square in the middle, again creating a single layer. Fold the dough in half and refrigerate for half an hour. If you carelessly treat this last phase, the puff pastry cake will not turn out lush, it will not rise.


This procedure does not require any special efforts however it is very important. If you do not give the dough a good "rest" in the refrigerator, it will simply tear during the last rolling. We cannot name exact time standing. It depends on the elasticity of the gluten, the thickness of the layers that will form your puff pastry cake. The procedure of rolling into a very thin layer, folding it in half, four times and then hiding in the refrigerator for thirty minutes should be repeated about four times. The rolling pin needs to be worked smoothly and slowly. After the last rolling out, the dough should rest already at room temperature about twenty minutes.


If you bought store-bought sheet dough, then you do not need to read the previous text. But the final stage, baking, requires some culinary skill. If you want to make a "quick" cake (from ready-made puff pastry), then you must first defrost the bag at room temperature. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the cellophane film.

We heat the oven to 220 ° C. Dust a work surface lightly with flour and unfold a tight bundle on it. Very sharp knife With one sharp movement, cut the dough into several parts. We roll out thin layers of them. We spread the cake on a baking sheet moistened with water and often prick its surface with a fork to prevent the appearance of large bubbles. You can brush it with an egg. We bake for about a quarter of an hour. You need to apply the cream after the cakes have completely cooled.

Puff pastry cake: Dream recipe

There is another method for making a "fast" sheet base. Three hundred grams of butter should be quickly chopped with 4 cups of flour, add an egg, four cups granulated sugar, a little milk, a pinch of salt and soda quenched with vinegar. knead from this elastic dough and put it in the refrigerator. Bake three cakes (since they are thick, the cooking time increases to 20-25 minutes). The cream is prepared very simply: apple or plum jam mixed with the same amount of sour cream. We spread the filling on the still hot cakes.

Such different "Napoleons"

Actually, this cake everyone loves is made from and then soaked ready-made cakes wet oil cream. After a night in the fridge, the dessert just melts in your mouth. But you can make this puff cake No. 1 is like this. We divide a kilogram of dough into three or four pieces, leave one for rolling out, and hide the others until the time in the refrigerator. We lay the cake on a baking sheet moistened with water, pierce with a fork in several places. We do this with all the pieces of dough. Cooled cakes can be layered with custard, oil, sour cream or whipped cream with jam.

Another "Napoleon" (cake)

Puff pastry cut into eight or ten pieces. We keep the buns in the freezer for two hours. Roll out the cakes very thinly, bake until golden color. Cool down. We cook a jar of condensed milk for two to three hours. Milk mixed with a pack dessert cheese"Mascarpone". We smear the cakes with this cream, slightly compacting the cake with our hands. After a night in the refrigerator, it will soak enough. We decorate the top of the product with the remnants of the cream, candied fruit, nuts.

What else are cakes

As we noted above, confectionery doesn't have to be sweet. There is also puff pastry. They are different.

You can cook wonderful using pate, mushrooms and carrots with onions. Vegetables (300 grams) fry. Mix with pate. Fry finely chopped mushrooms (in the same amount as vegetables). We form three or four cakes from puff pastry, bake them for five to ten minutes. When they have cooled, we begin to make a cake. Bottom cake Lubricate with mayonnaise, spread the pate. On the second place mushrooms, vegetables. We alternate the fillings until we reach the top cake. We simply grease it with mayonnaise, decorate the top with chopped herbs and pitted olives.

If you are a fan of light salads, you can bake puff flounces- barrels of dough. You can put inside slightly salted salmon, cut into pieces and mixed with herbs and cheese, or boiled chicken breast with vegetables, or foie gras with olives. The main thing is that the salad filling should not be too liquid, otherwise the puff will spread.

You can bake apples with this dough. Cut the center of the fruit, fill the hole with sugar and cinnamon, wrap in a layer of dough. Bake until done. If there is no sheet, you can make a cake from puff pastry. It is also sold in stores. It is baked in a similar way, only we do not sprinkle the baking sheet with water, but cover it with parchment paper.

Layered cake with condensed milk is my lifesaver for all occasions when you need to prepare something for tea for guests or just for home gatherings! Due to the fact that condensed milk and butter are always in the refrigerator, and ready-made puff pastry can now be easily bought at the nearest supermarket, cooking it is a pleasure, so I think that every housewife should have the recipe for this cake!

Let's prepare products for a puff cake with condensed milk. Take out puff pastry from freezer and let him unwind. Take the butter out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature. While we bake the cakes, the butter will soften.

Cut the puff pastry sheet into 4 pieces. Lay out the sliced ​​layers of dough on a baking sheet, make punctures with a fork on the surface of the dough so that it rises evenly. Send the baking sheet with the dough to the oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. Finished puff cakes Take out of the oven and let them cool completely.

We knead one cake well with our hands into crumbs. We need crumbs to sprinkle the finished cake.

The remaining cakes are cut lengthwise into two parts.

Prepare a cream of condensed milk (not boiled) and butter. Let's put them in a bowl.

Using a mixer, beat the cream ingredients into a smooth mass.

Well, now everything is simple. Lubricate the cakes with cream and lay them on top of each other.

Grease the finished cake on top and sides with the remaining cream.

This is how our final cake will look like.

And now sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with crumbs. After that, we send the cake for at least 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Layer cake with condensed milk is ready!

Slicing the cake portioned pieces. The longer the cake sits in the fridge, the easier it will be to slice.

Happy tea!

But there are enough secrets in cooking, familiar experienced chefs. One is that puff pastry cake recipes are not limited to variations of the "namesake of the great emperor." Is there some more puff log, almond, sour cream and honey desserts. A special charm to the taste is given by everyone’s favorite since childhood. boiled condensed milk. Quite common summer cakes co fresh berries: raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries. In autumn, apples, pears and plums are used.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Preparing any of these delicacies is not difficult, although some of them may take up to several hours to prepare. But don't be afraid. There is a pleasant secret: it is not necessary to make the dough yourself. For those. who is "not friends" with pastries, there is a great way out: semi-finished products. Now, without a long search, you can buy frozen plates in the store, the cake from which can turn out to be just as airy and magically delicious. Taking this method into service, you can replenish the piggy bank of sweets for unplanned tea parties in case of inadvertently descending guests.

There are moments when you want to please guests or are close to something extraordinary, but there is no time or desire to fiddle in the kitchen for a long time. I'm just one of those people :) Therefore, such a miracle cake is my favorite. It's quick and easy to make and looks amazing and delicious!

I call it "Delicious ruins")

First, defrost the dough. Sprinkle baking paper with flour and put the defrosted dough, NOT ROLLING, on a baking sheet with paper. We send to bake in the oven for 30 minutes, temperature 180-200 degrees

Here's what we should get. Let the crusts cool down.

Cream preparation:

We measure all the ingredients for the cream and put them in a deep bowl, in which it will be convenient to mix with a mixer.

Knead the cream until smooth

By this time, our shortbreads have already cooled down. We cut it into rugs, and each halves are still in half. The crumb that appears when sprinkling the top layer is also useful to us !!!

We take a flat and large plate. Put the strongest and thickest piece of dough in the first layer.

We generously coat it with cream.
And so on we proceed with all the layers of dough, smearing them with cream.

We got such a "turret". Upper layer- this is a cream, we coat the top well so that the dough is not visible.

Crumble the rest of the dough with your hands and sprinkle over the top of the cake.

Grate milk chocolate on fine grater and sprinkle on the cake

We put the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the cakes are soaked and the cream hardens a little

A perfect dessert for a Sunday family tea party!
It can also be prepared for a holiday if few guests are expected.
By cooking time:
Preparatory work - 15 minutes
Cake baking - 30 minutes
Assembling the cake itself - 10 minutes
Cooling in the refrigerator - 3 hours.
Be sure to try! With love, from Mary

Cooking time: PT00H25M 25 min.

Few have heard of famous cake Napoleon never tasted it at least once. The favorite taste of this delicacy is known in every family, because it is an integral part of almost any celebration. Unfortunately, the preparation of the classic version takes a lot of time, so not every modern hostess independently dare to create this confectionery miracle. But there is worthy alternative- Recipe for Napoleon cake puff pastry. This product can be found in almost any grocery store. It will become the basis for a sweet dish that can be easily and quickly made. But, if you do not like purchased products, then for you there is a recipe for your favorite cake from homemade dough.

Consider step by step and with a photo how to cook Napoleon cake from puff pastry at home.

Cake Napoleon from ready-made puff yeast-free dough

A simple and quick recipe that does not take much time, and the dish is in no way inferior in taste to the classic version.

For cooking you will need:

  • Ready dough (puff pastry, rolled into a roll) - 2 packs of half a kilo;
  • Condensed milk - one jar;
  • Pack of softened butter good quality (82,5%);
  • Cold fatty 33% cream - 250 ml.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Defrost the dough, then carefully unroll the roll and cut it into equal parts. The best option is four squares. They will be thin, which will allow the dessert to soak better, and it will turn out to be more tasty;
  2. You can make a square cake. But if you want a round one, then you need to pick up a plate of a suitable diameter and carefully roll out each layer, giving it a size slightly larger than that of the selected plate, before that, lightly lubricating the rolling pin and the work surface with vegetable oil;
  3. From the resulting workpiece, cut out a circle along the diameter of the plate and make punctures over its entire surface with a fork. We do not throw away the scraps, but put them aside, covering them with any container;
  4. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and move our test circle onto it, then send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. The baking process continues for 15 minutes until a light golden hue is achieved. Similarly, you need to bake the rest of the cakes and the remaining trimmings. Do not be alarmed if the shortbreads turn out to be too lush, after soaking they will acquire the necessary shape;
  5. Now cream. We combine condensed milk with butter and evenly knead (but do not beat) with a mixer at low speeds;
  6. In a separate container, beat the cream until thick so that they do not fall out if the dishes are turned over. But you don’t need to beat until the consistency of butter. Then we shift them to the mass from the previous step and gently knead with a spatula until smooth;
  7. Putting together our masterpiece. Shortcakes, richly smeared with cream, are laid out on top of each other. Don't forget about the top and sides;
  8. We decorate the delicacy with chopped shortbread trimmings;
  9. We put the Napoleon cake from the finished puff pastry in the refrigerator for 12 hours for impregnation. It is better to cover it, for example, with a saucepan, so that it does not absorb foreign odors.
The cooked dish is best cut with a large serrated bread knife. Of course, it turns out to be less impregnated than in classic version, but it is much easier and faster to prepare.

Cake Napoleon from ready-made puff yeast dough

Many people think that for the preparation of Napoleon is used exclusively yeast-free dough. But still there are recipes where this delicacy is prepared from yeast. Here is one of them.

You will need:

  • A kilogram of frozen "puff" in sheets;
  • 3 testicles;
  • A liter of milk;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Vanillin sachet.

The cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Without removing the dough from the package, start defrosting in the refrigerator, then at room temperature. Thawed layers do not need to be rolled out, they immediately move to a baking sheet, slightly smeared with oil;
  2. Cakes are baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees until golden brown. It's about 10-15 minutes. Cut each hot crust in half lengthwise. Save the crumb left after cutting for the final decoration;
  3. Combine eggs, sugar and flour in one container, then beat until smooth;
  4. Warm the milk to 30 degrees and carefully pour it into the ingredients from the previous step, stirring it constantly;
  5. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and cook the cream, stirring constantly, until the first bubbles form, then immediately remove the dishes from the flame;
  6. IN hot cream stir in vanilla and oil, cool slightly;
  7. We put the first cake on a plate and generously coat it. We do the same with the remaining shortcakes;
  8. Decorate the cake with crumbs and place in the refrigerator overnight to soak. After that, the dessert can be cut and served.

Cake Napoleon from homemade puff pastry

This recipe is for those who are not used to buying ready-made shop dough but likes to make confectionery and pastries on her own. Accordingly, it will take more time.


For the first test:

  • Creamy margarine - 200 g;
  • 2/3 cup flour.

For the second dough:

  • One egg;
  • Cold water;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • A quarter of a small spoon of lemon juice;
  • A pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Egg;
  • Softened butter - 200 g;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a sachet of vanilla.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Let's start with a test. We cut the chilled margarine into pieces, put it in a bowl, add flour to it and chop everything into crumbs with small lumps. We form a ball from the resulting mass (no need to knead). It turned out dough number 1;
  2. Now the second dough. Pour flour into a separate container, add lemon juice, add. We break the egg into a glass, add water so that it is 2/3 filled, beat a little with a spoon and add to the bowl with flour. Mix well. To do this, first use a spoon, then continue with your hands on a table powdered with flour. Make sure that the mass is not very steep;
  3. We roll out blank No. 2 not thinly and put the ball from the first step closer to one edge in the middle into it. We wrap it with an envelope, put it “seam” down on a plate with flour and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour, without covering it with anything;
  4. We take out the blank, slightly roll it into a rectangle and again form an envelope and place it in the refrigerator. We perform similar actions for the third time. Our dough is ready;
  5. Now cream. In a saucepan, grind the egg white with sugar, add vanilla and mix well. Pour the milk and put the dishes on a small flame, stir the mixture regularly until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil (Do not boil!);
  6. Remove the container from the gas and cool the contents at room temperature;
  7. The resulting envelope is cut into 6 parts. We set the oven to heat up to 230 degrees;
  8. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll each piece into a circle according to the diameter of your baking dish;
  9. We place each rolled blank in a mold and bake on a medium flame. The first two shortcakes are baked for about 15 minutes, the next - 10. They should become golden in color;
  10. Beat the softened butter with a spoon. Next, put in it a tablespoon of custard mass and beat well with a spoon after each addition;
  11. We collect our masterpiece from classic puff pastry. Put the first shortcake on a dish and coat with impregnation. For each piece, there are approximately 2 large spoons cream mass. Calculate it correctly so that it is enough for the whole cake;
  12. We lay the next cake on top of the previous one and press it a little with our hands, then we also coat it. A crumb may remain, we do not throw it away, but use it for decoration;
  13. We do the same with the remaining shortcakes;
  14. We decorate the resulting dessert from homemade puff pastry with the remaining crumbs from the cakes and leave to soak, preferably at night.

Try to cook for everyone favorite treat according to simplified recipes from puff pastry. At the same time, you will save time, and the taste will not suffer at all.

Video: A quick Napoleon cake recipe from ready-made puff pastry
