
Layer cake recipe. Cake "Log" from puff pastry

Few people have not heard about the famous Napoleon cake and have not tried it at least once. The favorite taste of this delicacy is known in every family, because it is an integral part of almost any celebration. Unfortunately, the preparation of the classic version takes a lot of time, so not every modern housewife will independently dare to create this confectionery miracle. But there is a worthy alternative - the Napoleon cake recipe from puff pastry. This product can be purchased at almost any grocery store. It will become the basis for a sweet dish that can be easily and quickly made. But, if you do not like purchased products, then for you there is a recipe for your favorite cake from homemade dough.

Consider step by step and with a photo how to cook Napoleon cake from puff pastry at home.

Cake Napoleon from ready-made puff yeast-free dough

A simple and quick recipe that does not take much time, and the dish is in no way inferior in taste to the classic version.

For cooking you will need:

  • Ready dough (puff pastry, rolled into a roll) - 2 packs of half a kilo;
  • Condensed milk - one jar;
  • A pack of softened creamy butter of good quality (82.5%);
  • Cold fatty 33% cream - 250 ml.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Defrost the dough, then carefully unroll the roll and cut it into equal parts. The best option is four squares. They will be thin, which will allow the dessert to soak better, and it will turn out to be more tasty;
  2. You can make a square cake. But if you want a round one, then you need to pick up a plate of a suitable diameter and carefully roll out each layer, giving it a size slightly larger than that of the selected plate, before that, lightly lubricating the rolling pin and the work surface with vegetable oil;
  3. From the resulting workpiece, cut out a circle along the diameter of the plate and make punctures over its entire surface with a fork. We do not throw away the scraps, but put them aside, covering them with any container;
  4. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and move our test circle onto it, then send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. The baking process continues for 15 minutes until a light golden hue is achieved. Similarly, you need to bake the rest of the cakes and the remaining trimmings. Do not be alarmed if the shortbreads turn out to be too lush, after soaking they will acquire the necessary shape;
  5. Now cream. We combine condensed milk with butter and evenly knead (but do not beat) with a mixer at low speeds;
  6. In a separate container, beat the cream until thick so that they do not fall out if the dishes are turned over. But you don’t need to beat until the consistency of butter. Then we shift them to the mass from the previous step and gently knead with a spatula until smooth;
  7. Putting together our masterpiece. Shortcakes, richly smeared with cream, are laid out on top of each other. Don't forget about the top and sides;
  8. We decorate the delicacy with chopped shortbread trimmings;
  9. We put the Napoleon cake from the finished puff pastry in the refrigerator for 12 hours for impregnation. It is better to cover it, for example, with a saucepan, so that it does not absorb foreign odors.
The cooked dish is best cut with a large serrated bread knife. Of course, it turns out to be less soaked than in the classic version, but it is prepared much easier and faster.

Cake Napoleon from ready-made puff yeast dough

Many people believe that only yeast-free dough is used to prepare Napoleon. But still there are recipes where this delicacy is prepared from yeast. Here is one of them.

You will need:

  • A kilogram of frozen "puff" in sheets;
  • 3 testicles;
  • A liter of milk;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Vanillin sachet.

The cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Without removing the dough from the package, start defrosting in the refrigerator, then at room temperature. Thawed layers do not need to be rolled out, they immediately move to a baking sheet, slightly smeared with oil;
  2. Cakes are baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees until golden brown. It's about 10-15 minutes. Cut each hot crust in half lengthwise. Save the crumb left after cutting for the final decoration;
  3. Combine eggs, sugar and flour in one container, then beat until smooth;
  4. Warm the milk to 30 degrees and carefully pour it into the ingredients from the previous step, stirring it constantly;
  5. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and cook the cream, stirring constantly, until the first bubbles form, then immediately remove the dishes from the flame;
  6. Stir vanilla and butter into hot cream, cool slightly;
  7. We put the first cake on a plate and generously coat it. We do the same with the remaining shortcakes;
  8. Decorate the cake with crumbs and place in the refrigerator overnight to soak. After that, the dessert can be cut and served.

Cake Napoleon from homemade puff pastry

This recipe is for those who are not used to buying ready-made dough from the store, but like to make confectionery and pastries on their own. Accordingly, it will take more time.


For the first test:

  • Creamy margarine - 200 g;
  • 2/3 cup flour.

For the second dough:

  • One egg;
  • Cold water;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • A quarter of a small spoon of lemon juice;
  • A pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Egg;
  • Softened butter - 200 g;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a sachet of vanilla.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Let's start with a test. We cut the chilled margarine into pieces, put it in a bowl, add flour to it and chop everything into crumbs with small lumps. We form a ball from the resulting mass (no need to knead). It turned out dough number 1;
  2. Now the second dough. Pour flour into a separate container, add lemon juice, add. We break the egg into a glass, add water so that it is 2/3 filled, beat a little with a spoon and add to the bowl with flour. Mix well. To do this, first use a spoon, then continue with your hands on a table powdered with flour. Make sure that the mass is not very steep;
  3. We roll out blank No. 2 not thinly and put the ball from the first step closer to one edge in the middle into it. We wrap it with an envelope, put it “seam” down on a plate with flour and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour, without covering it with anything;
  4. We take out the blank, slightly roll it into a rectangle and again form an envelope and place it in the refrigerator. We perform similar actions for the third time. Our dough is ready;
  5. Now cream. In a saucepan, grind the egg white with sugar, add vanilla and mix well. Pour the milk and put the dishes on a small flame, stir the mixture regularly until the sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil (Do not boil!);
  6. Remove the container from the gas and cool the contents at room temperature;
  7. The resulting envelope is cut into 6 parts. We set the oven to heat up to 230 degrees;
  8. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll each piece into a circle according to the diameter of your baking dish;
  9. We place each rolled blank in a mold and bake on a medium flame. The first two shortcakes are baked for about 15 minutes, the next - 10. They should become golden in color;
  10. Beat the softened butter with a spoon. Next, put in it a tablespoon of custard mass and beat well with a spoon after each addition;
  11. We collect our masterpiece from classic puff pastry. Put the first shortcake on a dish and coat with impregnation. For each blank, there are approximately 2 large spoons of creamy mass. Calculate it correctly so that it is enough for the whole cake;
  12. We lay the next cake on top of the previous one and press it a little with our hands, then we also coat it. A crumb may remain, we do not throw it away, but use it for decoration;
  13. We do the same with the remaining shortcakes;
  14. We decorate the resulting dessert from homemade puff pastry with the remaining crumbs from the cakes and leave to soak, preferably at night.

Try to cook everyone's favorite delicacy according to simplified recipes from puff pastry. At the same time, you will save time, and the taste will not suffer at all.

Video: A quick Napoleon cake recipe from ready-made puff pastry

Napoleon cake

You can easily make a Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry according to this recipe. Napoleon from puff pastry is obtained quickly and easily, each piece

1 h 15 min

380 kcal

4.75/5 (53)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, mixer, knife, spoon, fork, saucepan, deep bowl, glass, whisk.

According to the traditions of my family, it is always baked for the holidays. So, on the eve of my birthday, I discovered this quick, delicious, tender cake“Napoleon” from store-bought puff pastry according to a recipe from her godmother, whose baking is quick and easy, each piece just melts in your mouth, and the aftertaste remains light and tender.

I have always wondered why this cake is called “Napoleon”. It turns out that there are many versions of the origin of the name and legends about the country in which this layer cake was invented.

For example, in Italy and France it is called millefeuille. And there is also a version that a new dessert was made for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia - a puff pastry with cream, baked in the shape of a triangle? which was associated with the famous hat of Napoleon. Hungary has its own “Napoleon”, pieces of which are served cut into squares of a fairly large size.

Required Products

For cream:

Cake Ingredients:

How to choose the right ingredients

Cake "Napoleon" can be prepared from ready-made puff yeast-free dough, as well as from the finished puff yeast dough- there is no significant difference, since each layer of the cake is smeared with cream. The difference between these types of dough is that yeast-free is drier, and yeast is more tender and rises better.

So, cooking a Napoleon cake with store-bought puff pastry: a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Napoleon from ready-made puff pastry - step by step

1st stage test preparation

  • Packing of ready-made puff pastry, rectangular shape (2 packs of 500 g or 1 pack of 1 kg).

2nd stage cream preparation

  • Milk - 1 l.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs. (or 2 large ones).
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons.
  • Butter - 40 g.
  • Sugar - 1 cup or to taste
  • Cream (fatty) - 300 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

I draw your attention, if you want to get a more even cake, do the following:

  • We coat 6 cakes, put 7 cakes without cream on top.
  • We put a dry, clean cutting board on top of it and put a load (a jar of water) for 10 minutes. The cake will look more even.
  • After we grease the top cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Napoleon puff cake is ready! It can be eaten immediately - then it will be more crispy. And you can leave it to soak, it will become soft and will melt in your mouth!

The choice is yours. Bon appetit!!!

How to make a Napoleon cake from puff pastry truly festive and author's? We show imagination and decorate the cakes with chocolate chips, fresh berries, chopped fruits, nuts, almond petals, caramel decor, etc.

Napoleon cake video

Below is a video from Alexander Seleznev, the king of desserts, where he tells how to quickly prepare the dough for the Napoleon cake himself, and demonstrates a master class on caramel decor. Words cannot express - watch and enjoy!

Layered dessert is rightfully one of the most popular cakes. In the classic version, the Napoleon cake is made with custard, but this recipe is for those who save their time. Believe me, a quick-cooked Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk will turn out to be a great treat. , whipped with butter, also perfectly copes with the impregnation of the cakes, and they turn out to be very soft and tender. To make cooking easier and minimize the time spent on it, take store-bought puff pastry. Let's not mix it up ourselves. Then it remains only to bake the cakes. Such a cake is prepared in a maximum of an hour, so you can afford it not only for a holiday, but also on a regular weekday.
Cake "Napoleon" from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk, recipe with photo.

You will need:

- 200 g butter,
- 1 can of condensed milk,
- yeast-free puff pastry (1 kg),
- a little flour.

How to cook with a photo step by step

There are two types of dough on store shelves: already formed into sheets and simply frozen. If you bought the second option, then carefully cut the dough into equal squares.

Gently roll out each cake, not very thin.

Line a baking sheet with parchment. And carefully transfer raw cakes to it.
We make holes in them with a fork or a toothpick. This will prevent the formation of bubbles.
I didn’t fit all the cakes together, I baked one at a time. If your oven and baking sheet are large, then you can immediately bake cakes from ready-made dough for Napoleon.

Set the oven temperature to 200C.
Leave the dough to bake for 15-18 minutes.

To make a delicious cream, soften the butter to room temperature. Beat it until fluffy.
We add a little condensed milk. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

We form a cake, thickly lubricating the already cooled cakes with cold cream. The top layer can be sprinkled with crumbs - to do this, simply cut off the edges of each layer with a knife.

Tips: To make the Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk more tender, soak each cake in sweet syrup or milk. And only after that lubricate with cream.
Butter and condensed milk are more convenient and faster than whipping in a blender.
Instead of butter, you can combine condensed milk with full-fat sour cream. And you can leave both of these ingredients, mixing in equal proportions.

Another option to diversify the taste of the cake is to pre-cook condensed milk. Simply place the tin can in water and simmer after boiling for at least two hours.
You can add a little vanilla or a little orange zest to the cream - so the cake will acquire new fragrant notes.
Cakes are best rolled out to a thickness of two millimeters.
Bon appetit.
Old Lesya
But that is not all!

Here is the purchased puff pastry - my best friend and a lifesaver when a girlfriend or guests are on the doorstep! You have no idea how many delicious things you can bake from it! Especially loved in my family is the puff log cake, excellent taste and the simplest recipe. And you will need only three ingredients for cooking, well, you can use nuts for decoration 🙂


  • yeast-free puff pastry 750-900 g
  • cream 33% 500 ml
  • condensed milk 380 g
  • almond petals 70 -100 g


To prepare the cake, we need ready-made puff pastry. Cut into strips about 2 cm.

Put on parchment and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees, 15-20 minutes. Until browned.

Let's prepare the cream. We take cold cream, at least 33% fat and beat for 5 minutes with a mixer. We start with the minimum speed, gradually increasing the speed. When the cream leaves a mark from the whisk, it is ready. Now gradually pour in the condensed milk and whisk again.

Cover the table with cling film and put the sticks on it. Lubricate with plenty of cream. Then another layer of sticks and cream. And so on. I got three rows.

Wrap foil over the top. We send the cake to the refrigerator overnight. He must be well fed.

Step 1: Prepare puff pastry.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Puff pastry must be laid out in advance and allowed to thaw at room temperature. When the dough becomes soft enough, roll it into layers, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 millimeters. Cut the sheets into equal pieces. They can be square or rectangular in shape. Trim uneven edges.
Take turns baking puff pastry cakes in the oven until golden brown, usually it takes 7-15 minutes.
Remove the finished cakes from the oven and cool. If you wish, you can divide each of them lengthwise into halves. Since our dough is yeast, the cakes will turn out to be lush and voluminous, so if they are not cut, they will be saturated with cream worse.

Step 2: Prepare the cream.

While the cakes are cooling, start preparing the cream. To do this, beat the chilled cream with a mixer until thick sour cream. Then gradually, without stopping the mixer, pour the condensed milk into the cream. Whisk it all together. The cream should "remember" the shape of the whisk well, when this happens, stop whipping it, you're done.

Step 3: Assemble the puff pastry cake.

Place the first puff pastry on a plate and brush it well with whipped cream. In the process, determine and correlate the number of cakes and cream, and how much cream you need per layer. Make sure there is enough whipped cream to cover all the cakes.

Lay washed and peeled fresh berries on top of the cream. In this case, especially large ones, such as strawberries, can be cut into thin slices. Close the layer of berries with the second cake.
Repeat all layers one after another in the same order until you have collected the entire cake. If you have cream left, then spread it on the top cake and the entire cake on the sides.
Now hide all this beauty in the refrigerator and let your cake brew for 4-5 hours and then serve it to the table.

Step 4: Serve the puff pastry cake.

Puff pastry cake is an airy delight. Serve it as a dessert. Strong black or green tea without sugar, as well as aromatic coffee, is perfect for it. You can treat yourself and your family to such a cake for breakfast, having prepared it in the evening. It's not very nutritious, but it's a great mood booster!
Bon appetit!

You can also use canned or caramelized fruits as a filling.

If the nearest store does not have cream of suitable fat content, replace them with fat sour cream, the taste will turn out to be somewhat different, but also tender and sweet.

If you sprinkle the cakes with sugar before baking, they form an appetizing sweet crust, which will add zest to the cake.
