
How to make cake decorations from protein. Secrets of making the right protein cream

The airy tender mass is easy to prepare and can complement almost any sweet dish. Recipes protein cream do not require a large number of components, while it can be used as a filling or decoration for cakes and pastries. eclairs, tubules, jelly and even pancakes. Products filled with snow-white cream will decorate any festive table or diversify regular dinner.

How to make protein cream

The mass contains a large number of granulated sugar, however, despite the fact that it is the main enemy beautiful figure, the component serves as an excellent preservative. Thanks to this, protein fillings stay fresh much longer than butter or other fillings. However, it is best to use the cream immediately before it loses its fullness. Rules for preparing proteins:

  1. Only chilled proteins are suitable for whipping (ideally, their temperature should be 2 degrees).
  2. Cooking utensils must be thoroughly washed and dried ( minimum content water or fats reduce the splendor of the dish by half). It is better to treat the bowl and beaters with boiling water.
  3. With manual whipping, sugar has time to dissolve without residue, and when using a mixer, you will save time and effort, but you will have to more closely monitor the protein mass (if sugar crystals remain in it, the cream will not be elastic).
  4. To avoid the problem described in the previous paragraph, it is better to take powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar, which should first be sieved.

With sugar

Raw protein cream is a great base for desserts. Cooks also call this filling the main one and use it to create meringues, marshmallows, baking crispy cakes (for example, for Kyiv cake). As a layer of cakes protein mass they are used extremely rarely, because under the weight of baking, it loses its splendor and shape. Experienced chefs advise to beat egg whites not with sugar, which can then crunch on the teeth, but with powder. The first option is acceptable only if in the future the mass will be subjected to heat treatment (baked in meringue, etc.).

With syrup

Alternative way creating fillings for desserts - brewing protein mass on sugar syrup. Ease of preparation and delicate structure make this cream the best option for any confectionery. To create it, powdered sugar is poured into a small container, which is then poured warm water; container is placed on medium fire.

The powder is boiled with constant stirring. When the syrup boils, small bubbles appear on the surface, which after a few minutes increase in size, take the liquid with a spoon and pour into cold water. If the syrup has frozen in a drop, but it is well rumpled with your fingers, it is ready. After it, gently pour it in a thin stream into the proteins whipped in a separate container.

Protein Cream Recipes

To cook delicious delicate cake, it needs to be lubricated big amount protein cream, which is easy to make yourself. Exist different variants recipes for protein impregnation, each of which has its own characteristics. Main types cream mass on egg whites:

  • custard;
  • raw;
  • protein-oil;
  • protein with gelatin.


  • Servings: 1 cake or 15 pastries.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 191 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Italian.

Perfect fit protein- custard for decorating the cake and filling tubes or eclairs. It differs from other fillings in its delicate texture and very airy, light texture. It contains a minimum of fat, unlike oil or chocolate impregnation. In addition, the protein cream keeps its shape perfectly even when it stays out of the refrigerator for a day. The big advantage of such a base for desserts is that it is prepared from affordable and simple products.


  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken proteins - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice- 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix water and granulated sugar, after the container is put on fire.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of 1 lemon, filtered through gauze.
  3. After boiling, the syrup is cooked for another 10 minutes, while it will become thicker and darker.
  4. Cold raw proteins should be beaten until persistent peaks appear.
  5. When the mixture takes on the form of a stable foam, you can begin to pour in a trickle of hot syrup, continuing to beat the proteins with a mixer.
  6. Without turning off the device, lemon juice and sugar syrup are added to the components.
  7. After that, the mixture is whipped for another 7-8 minutes until the mass becomes snow-white, fluffy, dense.
  8. Ready-made custard protein cream can be immediately placed in tubules / eclairs or used to decorate a cake, pastries.

Protein cream for eclairs

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 eclairs.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 439 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Favorite by many delicious tender filling often used to fill eclairs. At the same time, in order for the dish to turn out successful, the consistency of the protein cream is important, since in case of unsuccessful preparation, it can flow out of the cakes. A dense mass consistency can be achieved if you follow the rules for its preparation. Below is a detailed description of the technology for preparing the filling with a photo. creamy taste.


  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • vanillin;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Chilled proteins need to be beaten with a mixer, in the process adding 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  2. When the mass becomes lush foam, the mixer can be switched off for a while.
  3. Put the sugar combined with water on the stove, stir constantly until the sugar dissolves. The readiness of the syrup is determined as follows: you need to drop a spoonful of liquid into cold water. If the syrup does not dissolve but curdles into small ball- he's ready.
  4. Pour the syrup into the whipped egg whites hot and little by little. In this case, the components should be whipped at low speeds of the mixer.
  5. After the device is turned on to the maximum and 1 tbsp is added to the mass. l. lemon juice.
  6. After 10 minutes of operation of the mixer, the dense foam should increase in volume, become even thicker.
  7. Add vanillin or other if desired. natural flavor. The filling for eclairs is ready.

For decorating a cake

  • Servings Per 1 Cake.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Ideal biscuit cakes are those that are smeared with a lot of protein cream. At the same time, it can be quickly made at home from improvised components: you just have to choose the right recipe from the many existing ones. The dessert will turn out to be much tastier and healthier than those presented on store shelves. Below is a description with a photo of how to cook tasty impregnation with an airy consistency for cakes.


  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • salt, lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. The container for whipping the components and the whisks of the mixer must be perfectly clean and dry (it is better to take glass or metal utensils).
  2. Proteins are whipped to stable peaks. To speed up this process, the egg container is placed in cold water.
  3. After use water bath. For this, it is taken large saucepan into which some water is poured. Inside is placed a container with a protein mass. Without turning off the mixer, the contents of the bowl warm up on the stove.
  4. When the mixture begins to foam, it is removed from the oven. Protein product should continue to beat until completely cooled.
  5. When the mass reaches room temperature, sugar is added to it and beat for another 5 minutes. At the end, pour a little salt here and pour in lemon juice. If desired, the impregnation for the cake can be colored with food coloring.

Protein cream with gelatin

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per 1 Cake.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Cream of protein and sugar is suitable for decorating confectionery, filling tubules or eclairs. If you combine it with fruits or berries, you can get delicious product art. The texture of the mass comes out very lush and resistant due to the gelatin that is part of it. From the finished product you can make a cake or sweets " bird's milk”, waiting for the solidification of the mass. How to make a cream of eggs and sugar with gelatin?


  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • squirrels - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin should be poured in advance boiled water and leave to swell.
  2. When the component increases in volume, it is heated without bringing to a boil, but only until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. While the gelatin is cooling, beat the chilled chicken proteins with citric acid.
  4. Having achieved uniform consistency and splendor of the mass, gelatin must be drained into it with a thin stream. In this case, the mixer speed is minimal.
  5. After 5-7 minutes of whipping, you can start decorating the cake with protein cream.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 230 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.

As a rule, the protein-oil mass is used to decorate cakes, leveling their sides and top, as it holds its shape well and is easy to work with. The filling is also used to fill cupcakes, cakes and other desserts. At proper preparation the mass is tender, airy, and tastes like creamy ice cream. Below is a recipe for a protein cream at home with a photo.


  • butter - 0.3 kg;
  • egg whites - 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Butter should be cut into small cubes, allowed to melt slightly at room temperature.
  2. Proteins should be previously separated from the yolks, placed in a dry, clean bowl, beat until a thick, dense foam is formed.
  3. While whipping, add to the proteins in small portions powdered sugar and vanilla.
  4. After they start laying butter for perfect uniformity.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 226 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This filling is ideal for custard, puff or shortcrust pastry. If desired, the components can be supplemented with seasonal fruits, then you will get a very tasty, fresh fruit mass for filling or decorating pastries. If you use a gelatin type thickener, protein product will stop into a marshmallow or marshmallow. How to make dessert toppings?


  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • cream with a fat content of 30-35% - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Proteins must be cooled, and only then whipped with a mixer / whisk.
  2. In the process of whipping, you need to add lemon juice to the component.
  3. When the mass becomes dense and voluminous, cream is poured into it a little bit.
  4. The filling is ready for use when perfect uniformity and high peak stability have been achieved.

With condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 400 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Impregnation for baking with condensed milk has a delicate texture, appetizing milky flavor and sweet rich taste. The product can be used both to decorate the top of pastries or cakes, and as a layer between cakes. Such a protein cream has a great advantage over others - it can be used not immediately after preparation, but stored for some time in the refrigerator.


  • water - 0.25 l;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 130 ml;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • butter - 0.3 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. The gelatin must first be soaked in water.
  2. Sugar is added to the swollen ingredient and the mixture is brought to a boil. After the container is rearranged in a water bath.
  3. Melted butter is whipped together with boiled condensed milk.
  4. Whisk egg whites separately.
  5. Without waiting for the mass of gelatin and sugar to cool, it is transferred to a container with eggs. A mixture with condensed milk is also sent here.
  6. After 5 minutes of operation of the mixer, the cream is ready for use.

Sour cream protein cream

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 15 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 210 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

It is important that all the products indicated in the recipe are fresh, and the eggs are also chilled, only then the mixture will turn out lush and will not settle. Any used appliances and utensils must be perfectly clean, fat-free, dry. In addition, it is very important to beat the components for at least 5 minutes, even if it seems to you that the peaks are already stable. When cooking, it is important that hot syrup did not boil much: remove the pan from the heat as soon as the sugar becomes light brown.


  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream 25% - 0.25 l;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour sugar into the pan, pour it with water. The syrup should be brought to a boil over medium heat and held for another 4-5 minutes.
  2. The protein part of the eggs is beaten until foamy, then boiling syrup is poured in here.
  3. By reducing the power of the mixer, the mixture is continued to beat for about 10 minutes, until the product becomes homogeneous and cools to room temperature. During this time, the meringue should double in size.
  4. Sour cream is whipped separately. If desired, a little citric acid or a thickener is added to it.
  5. Meringue is added to sour cream in small portions and with a spatula protein blend mix thoroughly but gently.

With cocoa

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Original taste, delicate chocolate flavor and appetizing beautiful viewdistinctive characteristics such a filling for baking. Depending on your individual preferences, cocoa powder in the recipe can be replaced with black, milk or White chocolate, which is pre-finely chopped (with a grater or knife) and added to other components.


  • vanillin - ½ pack;
  • squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • cocoa - ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. First, eggs are beaten with powder.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, cocoa is sent here (it is better to add 1 spoon each).
  3. Without stopping the mixer, vanillin is added to the rest of the products.
  4. After another 5 minutes, the protein filler for cakes / eclairs will be ready.

with jam

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 210 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This recipe is more time consuming than the classic one, but the result will please you. finished product has not only an attractive appearance, but also a pleasant berry or fruity taste. You can add any jam or jam to the protein cream, while the component must be crushed in a blender or rubbed through a large sieve. The finished product is allowed to be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 36 hours.


  • granulated sugar - 90 g;
  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • any jam - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin in a little water beforehand.
  2. When the mixture swells, place it on slow fire and heat until the gelatin dissolves.
  3. Heat the jam separately, rub through a sieve and dissolve the sugar in the product. Keep the components on the stove for 5-6 minutes so that they boil down.
  4. Send gelatin here, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Beat the eggs until stiff peaks and add the jam mixture to them without stopping the beating. After 3-4 minutes, the protein filling for baking is ready.


It is so accepted that any festive event is certainly accompanied by the presentation of a chic gift to the hero of the occasion. delicious cake. No one knows when it started, but the old tradition is still alive today.

How to make a symbol of celebration unforgettable

To attract everyone's attention, the cake must look beautiful. This effect is easy to achieve if there is a snow-white protein cream on top of it. The cake will immediately attract everyone's attention, and the goal can be considered achieved. It is also important that it is not very difficult to make a protein cream at home on your own. To do this, you only need to have 3 raw chicken eggs, 200 grams of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of citric acid.

Required for work steam bath, or you can just use two pans of different diameters. Pour water into one and put on fire, and start cooking delicacies in the other. The process must be carried out as follows:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Place the whites in a dry smaller saucepan, add the lemon there and start whisking with a whisk.
  3. Continue beating while adding sugar little by little.
  4. As soon as the water in the first pot boils, place the second one on it so that its bottom does not touch the hot liquid, and continue whisking for about 15 more minutes. During this time, the cream will clump into a tight lump and stick to the whisk.
  5. Remove the top container and continue the active mixing process for a few more minutes. The product is ready.

Another version of the cream

Many people think that the protein cream will turn out to be more tender and airy if you don’t add it to it. regular sugar, and syrup from it. To do this, you just need to slightly adjust original ingredients. It will take 3 eggs, 250 grams of granulated sugar, 70 grams of water and 2 grams of lemon.

Protein cream is prepared in a similar way:

  1. Pre-prepare the syrup. To do this, boil water in a separate container, add sugar to it and slowly heat until it is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Fall asleep citric acid and stir well. The syrup should not darken. Its readiness can be determined by dropping it on a saucer or in cold water. On a plate, it should not drain, and in the water it will be possible to make a ball out of it. Now the main process begins.
  2. Place the whites in a clean, dry bowl and beat with a mixer into a dense foam.
  3. Without interrupting the beating, slowly pour in the syrup. The process should be continued until the mixture is completely cooled.

Now you can slowly start decorating confectionery, because such a cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. There is time for reflection.

Ways to decorate confectionery

Depending on the desire and abilities of the confectioner, decorating the cake with protein cream can be done in various ways:

1. Ready biscuit or a stack of cakes is easiest to completely cover with a thick layer of the resulting mixture. Most often this is done with a wide knife or fork. But professionals for this case have special blades.

2. The cream can be applied with a pastry bag or syringe. Usually in a set with such devices there are a large number of nozzles. They differ from each other in the shape of the outlet, which makes it possible to apply various patterns or figures to the surface of the product. If there are no such items in the house, then decorating the cake with protein cream can be done using plain baking paper. To do this, you need to roll it into a cone in the form of a tube and cut off the tip a little with scissors at an angle. You will get a kind of envelope, which remains only to be filled with cream, and you can begin work.

Unity of opposites

In order for food not only to be enjoyed, but also to be beneficial, it is necessary to choose the right food. original components. As you know, all products are divided according to the predominant content of certain substances. Each such kind in a special way recycled human body. This circumstance must be taken into account when selecting ingredients for complex dishes. But it doesn't always work out that way. For example, sugar and nuts are completely incompatible, as well as eggs and strawberries. Therefore, no fruits can be used with protein cream (although, it should be noted, this is quite delicious combination). But in life, sometimes you have to close your eyes to something. It really does look great biscuit cake, entirely covered with protein cream and strewn with fresh raspberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries or strawberries. Such a spectacle in itself is appetizing and attracts well-deserved attention.

Essential replacement

Not everyone knows how protein custard differs from regular protein. In fact, everything is very simple. In the second case, granulated sugar or powdered sugar is used in the cooking process. Whipping can be done in normal conditions or in a water bath. In the first case, sugar syrup is first prepared, and only then this hot (but not boiling) sweet mass is added in a thin stream to whipped proteins. This essential moment allows to make the final product more elastic and durable. Protein cream is most often used for stuffing tubules, eclairs, profiteroles and others. dough pieces. They can even cover the cake crust. But through a short time tender layer may lose its shape and drain. In this case, it is best to take custard. Its dense structure is able to maintain its elastic qualities for a long time. This is exactly what confectioners need. Ready product ideally should preserve as much as possible external qualities, it is good to transfer transportation and small differences of temperatures. With custard, these tasks are doable.

Product with unlimited possibilities

A special place in the production of cakes is decorated with protein cream. This The final stage can be considered the most important. True, for work it is better to take a custard semi-finished product. In this case, it will also be possible to make a voluminous tender layer between the cakes from it. Such a mass for a long time won't settle or spoil appearance products. The surface of the cake can be covered with flowers and petals made from the same cream. It's easy to make them. All you need is a pastry bag with nozzles, scissors, food coloring and a little imagination. The glossy surface of the cream will give the flowers an extra shine, and the elastic mass will not allow them to turn into a shapeless sweet lump over time. color scheme you can choose according to your taste, but otherwise follow the advice experienced professionals. With the help of a syringe, you can also make any inscription, and for even greater effect, complement the overall picture. fresh fruit, candied fruit or chocolate.

Cake cream

How to prepare a protein cream for decorating a cake and filling cakes - see the answers to the question in step by step recipe cooking.

1 h 30 min

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

Kitchen appliances: the preparation of this cream is impossible without a blender with the ability to adjust speeds. In addition, take a deep bowl with a volume of 500-600 ml. and another one with a volume of 200-500 ml, spoons (tea and table), whisk, measuring utensils or scales.

We often saw beautifully decorated various creams cakes in stores, and more than once wondered: how do they do it? My grandmother, who worked at a bakery in her youth, once taught me how to make the protein cream commonly used in bakeries to decorate a cake.

It turned out that the recipe is quite simple even for beginners and can be easily implemented at home. This cream has magnificent And air consistency and rarely falls off even the next day after production. And most importantly - it can be used not only as a decoration, but also as independent filler for cakes such as baskets, eclairs or tubules.

It was my grandmother's advice that I took advantage of when I decided to write for you step by step guide on the preparation of a cake cream from proteins and sugar.

I have been asked many times how to achieve desired consistency masses so that you can decorate the cake with protein cream own cooking? The answer is very simple: try to relate careful to details in the process, and read this recipe carefully and without haste. Polls on culinary sites confirm that rushing and choosing the wrong ingredients is often the reason why your cream may be too runny or not fluffy enough.

You will need

The basis of any version of the protein cream is sugar and eggs. Only the freshest and most chilled eggs "straight from the store" will give you the opportunity to cook perfect cream. Sugar should not be raw, crumbly and without lumps.

How to make protein cream cake

Cream is ready! Now you will have no problem choosing a cake decoration: your fluffy protein cream and our simple recipe made it possible to cook at home real masterpiece . Let the cream brew in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes and then start cream injector or bag lush mass and start decorating your cake or filling your cupcakes.

Lightweight and custard from proteins became mine ideal option for decoration literally any cake. I usually use two or three nozzles: the first one is for applying continuous longitudinal stripes along the outer circumference of the cake. The second, thinner one, I carefully draw in the middle a congratulation for the birthday man or something else that is relevant for the current moment. Third, in the shape of a heart or an asterisk, I carefully apply the remaining small strokes. So my cakes are always cheerfully decorated and decorated for a look.

Cream recipe video

The answer to the question of how to properly prepare protein cream for decorating cakes can be seen in the video below. All the secrets of cooking in the video, which lasts only a few minutes.

Every housewife can make a lush protein cream.

Gentle and airy protein cream is loved by both adults and children. Products stuffed with such a snow-white mass can decorate any festive table or make an ordinary dinner bright and unforgettable.

Any novice cook or ordinary housewife can make protein cream. It is great for decorating the surfaces of cakes or pastries. They can fill tubes, but it is not suitable as a layer.

How to make protein lemon cream, recipe with photo

The most important thing in such a cream is well-whipped egg whites.

Tip: To beat egg whites thick foam, it is necessary to carefully separate them from the yolks. Chicken egg yolk very fatty, and if at least a drop of it gets into the proteins, then they will not be beaten.

Tip: You always want to whip egg whites quickly. To do this, before starting the process, put them in freezer for a few minutes. When the surface of the mass is covered with ice, remove it from the freezer and start whisking quickly.

How to make protein lemon cream to make it airy and tasty? Here is the recipe with photos:


  • Lemon juice - a few drops or citric acid - 5 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Water - 10 ml
  • Egg - 3 pieces


1. Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks so that not a drop of the yolks gets to the proteins. Put them in the freezer for 15 minutes

2. Make syrup from sugar and water. It should thicken well

3. Remove frozen proteins from the freezer, add lemon juice or citric acid to them

4. Start whipping the whites, adding a drop of syrup

5. Beat until the mass increases three times

6. As soon as Last straw sugar syrup hit the whipped egg whites, turn off the mixer

The cream will turn out lush, tasty and thick. They can fill tubes or decorate cakes.

Recipe for protein cream according to GOST

Roses from protein cream according to GOST

GOST is an accepted state standard, so cooking according to the norms is considered the most correct and optimal.

The recipe for the preparation of protein cream according to GOST:


  • Egg whites - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 140 grams
  • Water - 50 grams
  • Lemon juice - a few drops
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet


1. Boil the sugar syrup. Fully cooked syrup on fire bubbles in large circles

2. Add a bag to the proteins vanilla sugar. Start whipping the chilled egg whites, pouring the hot syrup in a thin stream

3. When the mass increases by 3 times, and the syrup is over, stop whipping - the cream is ready

Easy Protein Cream Recipe

The basis of all varieties of protein cream is classic recipe. It is simple, and you can make it quickly by whipping with an ordinary whisk.

A simple recipe for protein cream is that even non-chilled proteins can be whipped. It is enough to put the dishes with them on ice, and the proteins will whip up as quickly as after the refrigerator.

Important: If there is no time to boil the syrup, you can take powdered sugar and add it to the proteins in small portions.

Tip: Store such a cream will not work, it will quickly lose splendor. Therefore, use it immediately after preparation.

Sour cream protein cream, recipe with photo

Such a cream is more saturated, with a creamy taste. Sour cream protein cream is used to fill tubes, decorate pastries and cakes. It can also be used as a layer.

A recipe with a photo will help you prepare a delicious and snow-white mass.


  • Egg whites - 4 pieces
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Water - 10 ml
  • Cream or sour cream - 150 grams


1. Boil the syrup

2. Start whipping the chilled proteins, adding syrup drop by drop

3. Continue whisking, adding small portions of cream

Important: You can add fruits to this cream. They will make it more dense and tasty.

Chocolate Protein Cream Recipe

In addition to fruits, cocoa can be added to the protein cream. This technique will add beauty and unique taste to products.

Tip: Make a chocolate protein cream and combine it to decorate a cake or brownie.

The recipe for such a cream is simple - beat the proteins with syrup, as described above, and at the end add a tablespoon of cocoa.

Tip: To avoid lumps in cocoa, mix it with a small amount powdered sugar or granulated sugar.

Preparation of protein custard

Many housewives believe that protein custard is whipped proteins with the addition of hot sugar syrup. But there is another cream recipe with the same name:

1. Preparation of protein custard begins with cooking custard from milk, sugar, one egg and a tablespoon of flour. When the cream is ready, leave it on the stove to cool. Then beat it with a mixer with 50 grams of butter

2. Now beat the proteins with sugar, as usual, adding citric acid and vanillin

3. Combine whipped egg whites and custard. Beat again to get a lush homogeneous mass - the cream is ready.

Important: You can lubricate cakes with this cream and fill baskets and wafer rolls.

Cooking oil protein cream, recipe

Oil creams go well with biscuit cakes. Make Buttery Protein Cream to Wow Your Guests unique taste home baking.


  • Egg whites - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Liqueur - 2 tablespoons


1. Melt the butter, cool and beat with a mixer until a thick consistency

2. Beat the chilled proteins with sugar until the volume is increased by 3 times

3. Continue whisking, adding butter in small portions

4. At the last stage, pour in the liquor, beat for another minute and turn off the mixer - the cream is ready

Important: This cream is used to prepare various desserts.

How to make liquid protein cream?

Often, for some types of pastries, a liquid sweet mass may be needed, for example, to decorate Easter. How to make liquid protein cream?

Tip: To make the protein cream turn into a fluid mass, add a few drops of plain water to it.

Even culinary experts warn housewives that they need to be responsible for the process of whipping proteins - they need to be frozen and the dishes wiped dry. If water gets into the mass, the cream will be liquid.

Protein cream with gelatin for cake decoration, recipe

From such a cream, you can make a soufflé for "Bird's Milk" sweets. Protein cream with gelatin is great for decorating a cake.


  • Egg whites - 5 pieces
  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tablespoon
  • Water - 5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups


1. Fill the gelatin floor with a glass of boiling water and leave to swell. If lumps are visible after it cools, heat the mass on gas and leave to cool

2. Beat the chilled proteins with sugar and citric acid

3. When the protein mass increases by 3 times, start pouring gelatin in a thin stream, continuing to beat

4. Gelatin is over - the cream is ready!

Important: Under such a cream, whole berries or fruit slices will look great on cakes.

Every woman can make such a cream, even if she does not like and does not know how to cook. Many housewives ask: how to cook a delicious protein cream? Our advice and feedback from other women will help you make the most delicious protein cream.

Tip: To test the readiness of the syrup, take a little sweet mass spoon and pour onto a plate. If it solidifies and does not spread, then the syrup is ready.

Tip: Pour only hot syrup into the mass. If it cools down, then the cream may not work.

Previously only the best chefs could make such a cream. Currently, his recipes are available to all women. Create miracles in the kitchen and surprise your household and guests!

Video: video recipe: protein cream for cake

The recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes and other homemade desserts should be known to every housewife. Indeed, with the help of such an egg mass, you can beautifully decorate any delicacy without making much effort and without using a lot of ingredients.

In this article, we will present you with several options for how you can do it yourself for

The easiest and fastest way to make protein cream for cake

The presented protein cream recipe for includes a small set of ingredients. That is why it is so popular among housewives.

So, to cook for yourself homemade dessert, we need:

  • pre-chilled egg white - 3 pcs.;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - about 200 g;
  • drinking water - 1/3 cup;
  • lemon acid or lemon juice - use at discretion.

Making syrup from sugar and water

The recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes can include completely different components. We decided to make this sweet using syrup. To prepare it, you need to pour granulated sugar into an iron bowl, and then add a little water to it. After that, the ingredients must be placed on low heat and cook for about six minutes. Wherein sweet product should melt, and the syrup should become transparent. If you overexpose sugar with water on fire for longer than the allotted time, then subsequently the cream may acquire an unpleasant brownish tint, and also have a burnt taste.

Whisk the egg whites

The protein recipe calls for chilled eggs. After all, this is the only way you can get a persistent and lush foam without putting it in special efforts. By the way, before the whipping process, be sure to add a pinch of salt, as well as citric acid or juice to the proteins.

Whip the ingredients at the maximum speed of the mixer.

Putting Components Together

After the whites are whipped, they should be poured into them in a thin stream. sweet syrup. In this case, the ingredients must be continuously whipped with a mixer. It is recommended to carry out this procedure until it cools completely. If you leave it warm, the proteins can quickly settle, which will spoil the whole appearance of the homemade cake.

How to apply for dessert?

Now you know how protein custard is prepared for decorating cakes. The recipe for the sweet mass must be kept in cookbook. If you want to make the dessert bright or colorful, then while mixing the components, you can add some kind of dye to them.

Apply protein cream to the cake with a brush. After that, the formed dessert should be placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours homemade treat you can safely serve guests with tea.

A step-by-step recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes (photo)

If you do not want to boil the syrup and beat the egg whites separately, then we suggest using the recipe described below. Thanks to him, you can do very long-lasting cream, which is well suited to decorate any homemade dessert.

So, we need:

  • egg whites, pre-chilled (from four eggs);
  • sugar sand - a glass;
  • vanillin - a small bag;
  • citric acid - ¼ small spoon.

Protein processing

Before making another custard out of egg whites they should be handled carefully. Carefully separating the product from the yolks, it must be placed in the refrigerator for exactly 20 minutes. Next, you need to add a pinch of salt, citric acid and vanillin to the proteins, then you need to beat everything thoroughly using a mixer for this. In the process of mixing, sugar should be added to the ingredients. As a result, you should get a rather lush, but unstable foam.

Heat treatment of cream

After whipping the proteins with sugar, they must be immediately put in a water bath. After the water in a large container boils, the contents of the bowl should be mixed again with a mixer. It is recommended to carry out the described actions for ¼ hour. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the maximum lush and stable mass. If desired, you can add any dye to it.

homemade dessert decoration

The protein cream for decorating cakes, the recipe of which we reviewed above, must cool completely after it has been subjected to heat treatment. At the same time, it should be continuously mixed with a mixer. Next, the entire surface of the dessert should be beautifully covered with an air mass, using a brush or a culinary syringe for this. After that home cake It is recommended to keep in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Making an unusual protein cream

How is protein cream for decorating cakes prepared? We will consider its recipe right now. For it we need:

  • white sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • low-fat milk - ½ l;
  • white flour - 3 large spoons(you can 4, at your discretion);
  • vanillin - optional.

Cooking process

Before preparing a cream for decorating cakes, you should separate the proteins from the yolks, and then combine the first component with sugar (0.5 cups) and beat with a mixer. In this case, you should get a persistent foam. Next, you need to pour the milk into a bowl, add ½ cup of sugar to it and quickly bring the mixture to a boil. At this time, you need to mix the remaining sweet bulk product along with yolks and flour. They should be added to milk as soon as it boils. In this case, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.

Before the milk mixture with yolks begins to boil, it must be removed from the stove, and then slowly introduced into the lush protein mass. At this time, it should be whipped vigorously until the cream cools. At the very end, it is recommended to add a pinch of vanillin to the dishes.

Ready protein should be used for its intended purpose immediately after its preparation. In the future, it is recommended to keep the dessert in the refrigerator for an hour.

Secrets of making protein cream

Not all housewives manage to cook protein cream. To save yourself from banal mistakes, we recommend remembering a few secrets:
