
Basic cupcake recipe: perfect cream and tender muffins. Cream for cupcakes - a delicious decoration

Cupcakes used to be baked in small cups, hence the name of these cupcakes. Confectioners often decorate them with cream, icing or mastic, less often with sprinkles and other decor. Here are some easy and quick options for chocolate cream for decorating cupcakes.

Chocolate cream for cupcakes based on ganache

The recipe for chocolate ganache is taken as the basis for chocolate cream for cupcakes. Cupcakes are decorated with it, it fits well under the mastic and is wonderful as a filling.

  • 200 g (or 300 g for milk cream);
  • 100 g cream with a fat content of more than 33%.

For dark chocolate cream for cupcakes, dark chocolate is used in a ratio of 2: 1 to cream, if white (milk) ganache is needed, then we take the corresponding light chocolate and cream in a 3: 1 ratio. In the heat, it is recommended to increase the amount of chocolate used by 0.5-1 part (50-100 g) to maintain a stable consistency.

So, chop the chocolate very finely.

Heat the cream over medium heat, remove from heat, wait 1 minute and add chocolate to the cream. Shake the container with cream a little so that the chocolate is completely immersed in them and let it melt.

Put our container on the smallest light and gently stir the resulting mass with a dry whisk, trying not to create bubbles, until the last pieces of chocolate have melted.

Without letting the creamy chocolate mass cool, pour it into another container, which can then be put in the microwave. Cover with cling film and let stand overnight on the kitchen counter.

Before using the cream, warm it up a little in the microwave at minimum power.

How to make chocolate buttercream cupcakes that hold their shape

If you need a creamy cupcake decoration to keep its shape throughout the holiday, then you should pay attention to this recipe, in which the chocolate cupcake cream keeps its shape. Its density is provided by the oil in the composition and, despite the fat content of the cream, its taste is simply delicious.

  • 230 g butter;
  • 2 gr.st. powdered sugar;
  • 1/3 gr.st. cocoa powder;
  • 170 g;
  • 1/4 gr.st. cream 35% fat;
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 1 chip. salt.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator and keep a couple of hours at room temperature. Carefully, in two steps, sift the powdered sugar and cocoa.

Beat soft butter with a mixer at medium speed for about 2 minutes. Add the icing sugar to the butter and beat for another 2 minutes. Now add cocoa and beat again (4 minutes) until smooth cream.

Melt the chocolate, add it, vanilla extract and salt to the cream and, little by little, at the minimum speed of the mixer, mix. After the chocolate is evenly distributed, gradually introduce the cream into the chocolate mixture, continuing to mix until the desired lightness, and gradually increase the number of revolutions of the mixer.

The finished cream is enough for 24 small cupcakes.

Chocolate cream cheese cupcake recipe

If you are a big fan of cheesecakes and variations on their theme, then you will be interested in learning how to make chocolate cream for cupcakes. This gentle cream also holds its shape, but is less greasy and has a richer and more interesting taste, reminiscent of a cheesecake. Such chocolate cream cheese is suitable for cupcakes, biscuit cakes or desserts, you can also serve it solo by putting it in dessert dishes and decorating with a mint leaf.

  • 500 ml cream;
  • 300 g curd cheese;
  • 180 g of chocolate;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar.

Beat 450 ml of very cold cream with a mixer for 7 minutes, gradually speeding up. Place the sugar in the cream and mix them with a mixer, then the curd cheese and mix again.

Heat 50 ml of cream, pour the chopped chocolate with cream and continue heating until all the chocolate has melted. Pour it into the whipped cream cheese and beat them together with a mixer until fluffy.


How to make chocolate cheese cream for cupcakes

The second version of chocolate cheese cream for cupcakes is based on the classic recipe for cream cheese cream for cake. The combination of rich cheese flavor and creamy chocolate tenderness in it is ideal for any dessert.

  • 300 g soft cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 100 g chocolate icing or cocoa powder;
  • 0.25 tsp vanilla.

The photo of the recipe for chocolate cream for cupcakes shows the process of kneading cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla and cocoa - uniformity in this matter is very important, make sure that the cream turns out without lumps. In a homogeneous mass, gradually, stirring, add the cream, and behind them - beaten eggs separately. Beat the mass until smooth and use as directed.

If you used dry cocoa and the cream is not sweet enough for your taste, you can increase the amount of powdered sugar by carefully mixing it with a mixer into the finished product.


Simple and delicious cupcake cream recipes: butter, sour cream, chocolate ganache, as well as making your own mastic.

How to give your loved ones a piece of your soul and please them with your attention? One of the ways to show your feelings is cooking. In this area, you can realize with your own hands any fantasies that will be remembered by an aesthetic view for the eyes and a fantastic variety of tastes for the stomach! This article is for dessert lovers.

Have you heard of cupcakes? These are cakes consisting of a biscuit base, decorated with cream caps that give them a special taste. Considering how quickly these little cakes are gaining popularity, what happens due to their unique tenderness, many housewives are wondering - how to make cream for cupcakes?

Based on my own culinary experience, I will talk about this, as well as what tools to use, and reveal the secrets that make cooking easier. The primary detail of the whole composition is a delicious decoration. So, treat its creation with special responsibility and care, if you want it not to lose its attractiveness and immediately seduce with its impeccable appearance.

And don’t be upset if the molds don’t turn out perfect the first time, firstly, you are just learning, and secondly, the main thing is that it is insanely delicious, made with love and consists of natural products, the composition of which you know well.

So, in my culinary experiments I use several cooking methods. I alternate them so that my family does not get bored, and it’s most interesting to do something new, try original ideas.

I offer several options for you to choose from. Try it and maybe one of them will become your favorite!

buttercream recipe for cupcakes


  • Butter - 250 g;
  • Powder - 575 g;
  • Milk - a quarter of a glass;
  • Vanilla extract - 1 g;
  • Food coloring (optional)

The cooking process is the following. It is advisable to sift the powdered sugar before use. The indicated amount in grams is approximately four and a half glasses, if you do not want to measure so accurately every time.

So, how to make cream for cupcakes. Melt the butter first. To do this, I take it out of the cold for half an hour before I start cooking. Already melted, put it in a container (large enough to accommodate all the components and comfortably work in it with a whisk).

Beat the butter, adding vanilla little by little. Do not pour all at once! First you need to add about half of the total volume. After that, we move on to other components: we introduce milk and vanillin. Beat a little more and add the rest of the powdered sugar. Next, beat until a pleasant consistency. The mass should become fluffy. This will happen pretty quickly.

chocolate ganache

This is a completely stable cream for cupcakes, based on chocolate. So it's perfect for those with a sweet tooth. I tried this recipe first, as it is not too complicated, and my family just loves chocolate goodies. After I successfully managed to decorate small cakes with chocolate caps, I proceeded to other confectionery experiments.

So, you need a minimum of ingredients:

  • Chocolate - 250 g;
  • Honey - 40 g;
  • 30% cream - 270 g.

Place the cream in a saucepan that needs to be put on fire. Add honey to it and let the mixture boil. Finely chop the chocolate with a knife. How finely it is cut will determine the ease and uniformity of mixing. Add it to the already warmed honey paste. Stir gently with a spatula until evenly combined.

We put the resulting essence in the refrigerator and cool until the mass seizes so that it can hold its shape. The presence of honey and chocolate gives sufficient viscosity and density, so it is very convenient to decorate.

How to make cream for cupcakes from sour cream

Sour cream is a product that is almost always in the house. And the result is very cool, gentle and pleasant. Due to the simplicity of all the components, you can start cooking at any time, without even leaving your home to go to the store.

We will need:

  • Sour cream (it is better to take with 20% fat content) - 360 g;
  • Butter - 130 g;
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanilla extract;
  • Sugar - 110g;
  • Egg.

For this option, I use completely melted butter, I take it out of the refrigerator for this a couple of hours before cooking.

We will cook on a steam bath. Therefore, you will need two saucepans or bowls, both resistant to heat: one for water, the other for ingredients. Match them to each other in size so that one fits inside the other. In our first container, the liquid will boil. We collect water, but do not fill it completely so that the container placed on top does not “drown”. We put on fire and, while the water boils, we proceed to mixing the ingredients.

In a separate container, mix one chicken egg with sour cream. I take 20%, but this is not particularly important. This only affects the fat content of the finished product. Pour sugar, vanillin and flour into the resulting mixture. Vanillin will fit 1 gram (as a rule, this is one packaged bag), it is no longer worth it - bitterness will appear.

When the water in the first pot boils, put the second one on it. Stir constantly so that not lumps form, but a uniform consistency and you get the best cream for cupcakes. Five minutes is usually enough to thicken everything. But in order not to be mistaken, it is better to check for readiness. To do this, I run a spoon over the surface of the mixture. If it does not flow back into the formed furrow, it is ready.

After removing from heat, cover the resulting mixture with a film and send it to the refrigerator.

To bring to the final state, beat the butter and add it gradually to the chilled composition. We do not stop working with the mixer. This will add lightness, airiness and softness of taste. In my opinion, this is one of the best delicacies, so some laborious preparation is fully justified.

Meringue - cupcake cream that keeps its shape, recipe with photo

This option is suitable for those who will not regret spending time preparing a delicious dessert and putting some effort into it. But as a result, you can get the perfect decor: varied and original. Everyone will love this decoration. This is one of my family's favorite variations, because you can experiment with it as you like.

To decorate 12 cupcakes you will need:

  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs;
  • Water - a quarter of a glass;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Butter - 170g;
  • vanilla extract;
  • Food coloring (optional)

Eggs are needed at room temperature, so we take them out of the refrigerator in advance, like butter (30 minutes). We separate only the protein from the eggs.

We place it in a deep container. Be sure to check that it is completely clean and dry so that the most delicious cupcake cream is prepared correctly.

Pour a quarter cup of water into a small saucepan and pour sugar into it. We put the container on medium heat and bring it to about 120 degrees. Remember to stir occasionally so the mixture doesn't burn. As a result, sugar will completely dissolve, leaving no lumps and grains.

Beat the whites well, adding a pinch of citric acid to them. Pour the already prepared syrup there and beat it too. You need to do this for a long time until the composition cools down. It takes me a little less than half an hour.

After cooling, add a little oil and beat again. At the same time, the volume will begin to decrease and fall off, but after whipping, uniformity and smoothness will return. If this doesn't happen, no problem. In this case, I put the mass in the refrigerator. After ten minutes of keeping in the cold, everything turns out perfectly.

When you get a uniform consistency, put one gram of vanillin, dye, if you want to make the mixture colored, and any flavors or additives. At the same time, the dessert perfectly retains its shape. So I suggest trying it to everyone who loves cooking and sweet treats!

Cream for cupcakes a simple recipe with mascarpone

You will need:

  • Cream - 250 ml;
  • Banana - 1 pc;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 130 g;
  • Sugar - 65 g;
  • Vanilla extract.

To make such a dessert, I prefer 33% cream, I recommend it to everyone. We take a banana of medium or small size and quite ripe.

There is one trick in this recipe: cool the components and even the dishes that you will use in advance. Then the process will go much better and faster.

So, pour cream and cheese into a container, sugar, a little vanillin on top. We begin to beat the mixture with a mixer. And at first we turn on the minimum speed, gradually it can be increased. The mass will soon become lush. There gradually knead the mashed fruit and beat. In the end, you will get a homogeneous consistency.

Use of mastic

For decoration, you can involve not only creams for cupcakes. One of the wonderful techniques that allow your imagination to run wild is mastic.

It is prepared from the most common ingredients and does not require special culinary skills, so feel free to experiment.

You will need:

  • Marshmallow sweets - 100 g;
  • Lemon juice - one spoon;
  • Powdered sugar - one or one and a half glasses (it will be clear during the cooking process);
  • Multi-colored food dyes.

To get started, pour marshmallows with citrus juice and microwave for 10-20 seconds. You can steam instead. As a result, the product will noticeably increase in volume.

In this recipe, as a rule, food coloring is used, since the variety of various colors is one of the charms of mastic. We introduce the coloring matter into the marshmallow and mix very carefully so that the color is uniform.

Continuing to stir, add a little powdered sugar. At some point, the mass will become difficult to mix in the container. At this point, start kneading like dough. Sprinkle the table, as if with flour, with powdered sugar, and when kneading, continue to pour the powder. When the sweet "dough" stops sticking, wrap it in a film without gaps and send it to the refrigerator.

Cool for half an hour and you're done!

cooking tools

During cooking, especially if you are engaged in confectionery, you can’t do without the use of special equipment that will make the whole process easier for you. And sometimes, without the right special tool, you won’t get exactly what you wanted at all.

If you ask how to properly decorate cupcakes with cream, I will answer that the best way to do this is with a special pastry bag. And I purchased the bag and nozzles for it on the site. A spatula, various vessels and spoons will also come in handy. All this is simply necessary to decorate the cupcake with a beautiful cream cap.

For the preparation of the actual biscuit, baking molds are also useful. And if you want to sculpt from mastic, then stencils will not interfere.

Beautiful presentation

When everything is ready for use, for the greater joy of the household, it remains only to interestingly arrange everything that we have prepared. There is a plethora of advice on exactly how to serve cupcakes. I believe that this is a personal matter for every housewife, because only you know very well what will please your family the most. There are only a couple of universal tricks for all options.

To serve cupcakes well, put them on a dish in such a quantity that they do not touch each other with caps, otherwise their shape may deteriorate. The cream tops themselves, regardless of the recipe chosen, can be sprinkled with chocolate or coconut chips, powdered sugar, decorated with various berries, sweets and cookies. You can also use edible confectionery decorations for decoration, which can be found in the online store or made independently from the same mastic.

In any case, when decorating confectionery, show your imagination and experiment. Regardless of whether you chose a simple cupcake cream or a complex one, whether you decide to decorate it difficultly or leave it in a classic way, the cutely laid out decorated top will not only make the cupcake attractive in appearance, but also give it a uniquely delicate and original taste, which is so much appreciated. these delicious little cakes.



● 1.5 cups flour
● 1 glass of sugar
● 1/2 tsp. salt
● 1/2 tsp. baking powder
● 1/4 tsp. baking soda
● 100 gr melted butter (82% or more)
● 1 egg
● 1/4 cup sour cream (15-20%)
● 3/4 cup milk
● 2 tsp. vanilla sugar


In a saucepan or deep bowl with a whisk or fork, mix sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, sour cream and milk. Then add the slightly cooled melted butter and mix well again. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, soda and salt. mix. Then sift the flour mixture through a sieve into a saucepan with the milk mixture. Mix well with a whisk until smooth. It is even better to let the dough rest a little at room temperature for 15 minutes.

With a teaspoon, put the dough into molds (I have silicone molds, but I also use paper molds that I put in silicone ones) by 2/3. We put the cupcakes on a baking sheet and put them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. They will bake for about 9-13 minutes. Everyone's oven is different, so I give you a universal tip to make cupcakes tender and not dry. Keep an eye on the cupcakes after my 8th minute of being in the oven. Check them for readiness with toothpicks, stick them in and if they come out dry, take them out immediately. Cupcakes should be white, if they begin to “golden”, then they are already dried.

Butter cream for cupcakes


For the cream you need:
● 1.5 cups of powdered sugar
● 100 gr very soft butter
● 1-2 tbsp. 20% or 10% cream
● 1/2 tsp. vanilla sugar


According to the recipe for the cream, you just need to beat all the products, BUT. To make the cream really tender and soft, you need to do this: Beat the butter until white at medium speed with a mixer. and they will interfere). Now add vanilla sugar and cream.

Beat with a mixer for several minutes until our mixture acquires the consistency of a cream, airy and pleasant. The finished cream can be dyed with cocoa or dyes, I do not recommend adding syrups, because of them the structure of the cream will change and it may leak, delaminate. You need to apply the cream on cooled cupcakes, otherwise it will not just flow, but the water will separate and it will look disgusting.



For test:
● eggs - 2 pcs,
● milk - 120 ml,
● butter - 100 g,
● sugar - 220 g,
● flour -310-320 g,
● 2 medium oranges (350 g),
● chocolate (bitter) - 50 g,
● baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
● vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with vanilla sugar),
● salt on the tip of a knife

For butter cream
● butter - 200 g,
● condensed milk - 6 tablespoons,
● powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons,
● orange juice - 2 tablespoons,
● vanilla extract (optional) - 0.5 teaspoon


Wash the oranges, pour over boiling water and wipe dry. Remove the zest from the oranges using a special tool or a medium grater. Cut the oranges in half and squeeze the juice out of them (you will need 120 ml of orange juice). Chop the chocolate with a knife. Sift the flour together with the baking powder into the combine bowl, add sugar, a small pinch of salt and softened butter. Mix all the ingredients with a spatula or guitar dough attachment (you can knead the dough in a food processor with knives).

Advice. The dough can be prepared without using a food processor. To do this, grind flour with baking powder, sugar and a pinch of salt (or chop with a large knife) with softened butter in a bowl or on a large cutting board. Pour milk into the dough in 2-3 doses and mix. Beat in the eggs and mix the dough. Advice. At this stage, you can add vanilla extract to the dough. If there is no vanilla extract, you can replace some of the sugar in the recipe with vanilla sugar.

Also, in 2-3 doses, pour in orange juice and mix the dough until smooth. Tip. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream. If the dough is too liquid, add some flour to it. And if thick - a little orange juice or milk. Add chopped chocolate and orange zest and mix well. Divide the batter into the prepared molds, filling them 2/3 full. Bake the cupcakes for ~25-30 minutes in a preheated oven at ~180°C until light golden brown.
Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven and cool.

Prepare butter cream on condensed milk. Beat softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping beating, add condensed milk in small portions. Then add powdered sugar and beat the cream until smooth, at medium speed of the mixer. vanilla extract and beat the cream well. Tip. If desired, the cream can be tinted with food coloring. Decorate the cupcakes with butter cream using a pastry bag (asterisk nozzle) and sprinkle with multi-colored pastry toppings.



● Egg (protein) - 4 pcs.
● Milk - 1 cup
● Vanillin - 2 teaspoons
● Flour - 3 cups
● Sugar - 1.5 cups
● Baking powder - 1 tablespoon
● Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
● Butter - 1.5 packs
● Confetti - 1/2 cup
● Creamy glaze


Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Whisk egg whites, milk and vanilla. Beat. Sift flour and sugar.
In a food processor, combine flour, sugar and softened butter. Add egg and milk mixture and mix until smooth. Add confetti. Mix. Divide the dough among all molds, filling them halfway. Bake for about 20 minutes. Cover the cooled cupcake with buttercream icing



For test:
● butter - 100g,
● cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons,
● sugar - 0.5 - 0.75 cups,
● milk - a little less than 0.5 cups,
● flour - 1 glass,
● eggs - 2 pieces,
● baking powder.

For cream:
● 4 tablespoons of thick sour cream,
● 3 tablespoons of cocoa,
● 3 tablespoons of sugar,
● 20 g butter.
● Nuts or colored powder for decorations.


Combine butter, cocoa, sugar and milk. Stir and bring to a boil. Remove the hot mass from heat and let cool. Add a glass of flour, baking powder and 2 eggs to the cooled one. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Insert paper cups into round muffin tins and fill 2/3 with the resulting mass.
Bake in a hot oven at a temperature of 200C for 15 minutes. While baking the cupcakes, prepare the cream to decorate the top of the cake. To do this, mix sour cream, cocoa, sugar and butter. Bring to a boil and cool. The cream should be thick enough. You only need to decorate the cooled cupcake with cream.
Sprinkle the top with cream with nuts, small sweets or multi-colored powder.



● Flour ~190g
● Soda - 1/2 teaspoon
● Salt - 3/4 teaspoon
● Cocoa - 1 tablespoon
● Sugar - 180g (I put 150g)
● Vegetable oil - 160g (3\4 cups in the original)
● Egg - 1 piece
● Kefir - 125g (room temperature)
● Table vinegar 9% - 1/2 teaspoon
● Food coloring red - in accordance with the instructions on the package
● Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

For cream:
● Cream cheese - 240g
● Butter - 40g (optional)
● Powdered sugar - to taste (it took me 100g of powder)
● Vanilla extract - to taste


Line muffin cups with paper liners. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Sift flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder into a bowl and mix. In another bowl, beat the butter, sugar, vanilla sugar with a whisk, add the egg and mix well again, but do not beat too much. Mix kefir with dye, add vinegar. Use the dye as written in the instructions, if the dye needs to be diluted in water, then dilute it in a very small amount of liquid and add it to kefir.
Add the kefir mixture to the mixture of butter and eggs, mix.

Combine the mixture with dry ingredients and mix until smooth (I stirred with a mixer). Fill the molds with dough 1/2 and put in a preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes, check readiness with a toothpick. Remove the finished cupcakes from the molds and cool. For cream, beat butter at room temperature, cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract. Decorate cooled cupcakes with frosting.



● 195 grams of flour
● 200 grams of sugar (ground in a blender so that there are no large grains)
● 30 grams of unsweetened cocoa
● 1 teaspoon of soda
● 1/4 teaspoon salt
● 240 ml of water
● 80 ml vegetable oil
● 1 tablespoon of vinegar 5%
● 1 sachet of vanilla sugar, weighing about 8 grams

For creamy filling:
● 227 grams Philadelphia, Almeta or other brand cream cheese
● 65 grams of sugar (ground in a blender so that there are no large grains)
● 1 large egg (room temperature)
● a teaspoon without a hill of vanilla sugar


First, prepare a 12-muffin tin by greasing it with oil or lining it with paper muffin liners. Preheat the oven to 177°C. Dough preparation: In a large bowl, sift flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, vanilla sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, mix water, oil and vinegar. Make a hole in the sifted flour mass and pour a liquid mixture of water, oil and vinegar into it. Mix it all with a whisk or spatula until smooth.

Divide the prepared chocolate dough into 12 molds. Then you need to prepare the creamy filling: In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth, add sugar and vanilla sugar to it and beat for about a minute until the sugar combines with the cream cheese. Then add the egg and beat until creamy and smooth. The mass should turn out like thick sour cream.

So, as I already wrote, on top of each cupcake you need to distribute the creamy filling for 12 cupcakes, then put in the oven to bake for 18-25 minutes at 177 ° C until cooked (look at your oven). Test the dough with a wooden skewer, if you stick the skewer into the dough, it should come out dry. Since the creamy mass is poured in the middle of the cupcakes and it will be hot and watery, you need to stick the skewer along the edges of the dough, sticking it deep into the middle of the dough. Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven, put them on the wire rack along with the mold and let them cool for about 8 minutes, after Remove the cupcakes from the mold and let them cool completely on a wire rack.



● 100 grams of butter
● 2/3 cup sugar
● 2 eggs
● 1 1/4 cups flour
● 1/8 tsp. salt
● 2 tsp. baking powder
● 1/3 cup milk
● different additives to taste (nuts, chocolate chips, raisins)


Beat butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well each time. Divide the total amount of flour into three parts. Add a third of the flour to the total mass, mix well. Add baking powder and salt. Then add the remaining two parts of flour, alternating with milk. The last ingredient added should be milk, then add raisins, nuts, and more.

Arrange in molds (I laid out the form with paper rosettes). Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees until dry. From this proportion, I usually get 48 mini cupcakes or 20 medium cupcakes. After that, I take some filling (jam, Nutella, ganache), pierce the cake and stuff it with a pastry bag. And then in a circle I deposit the cream with a special nozzle.

For cream:
●~140 grams of curd cheese (standard pack of Hochland)
● 100-120 grams of butter
● powdered sugar to taste
● various additives at will (50 grams of any chocolate, jam, peanut butter, Nutella)


Whisk cream cheese with butter. Add powder, beat. At the end, beat with other additives. Put in a bag (or a pastry syringe) and deposit on a cupcake. You can put a berry on top, sprinkle with chocolate chips or multi-colored confectionery sprinkles. Give free rein to your imagination!



● 2 eggs
● 160 ml milk
● 100 g butter
● 220 g flour
● 150 g sugar
● 1 tsp. cinnamon
● 1 tsp. baking powder
● 1 tsp. vanilla extract
● 250 g apples

For cream:
● 175 gr Philadelphia or Almette cheese,
● 100 gr butter,
● 100 gr of powdered sugar,
● 0.5 tsp. vanilla extract,
● 3/4 tsp. cinnamon.


Beat softened butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, add milk, beat, add van. extract. Sift flour with baking powder and cinnamon into the butter-egg mixture, mix well.
Add finely chopped apples, mix. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour into molds and bake for 20-25 minutes. To prepare the cream, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and beat with a mixer. Spread the cream on completely cooled cupcakes. Decorate with sprinkles if desired.



● 100 g sl. oils
● 100 g sugar
● 100 ml. cream
● 3 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder
● 2 tablespoons rum or Grand Marnier
● 1 egg
● 1 teaspoon baking powder
● 200 g canned cherries
● 200 g flour
● 100 g Mascarpone
● 4 tablespoons of sugar
● 100 ml. cream
● 1 tbsp rum or Grand Marnier


Drain the juice from the cherries, leave 100 ml, mix with 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier, pour over the cherries and leave for 1 hour. Mix the cream with sugar and cocoa, add the oil and heat over low heat until smooth, without boiling and stirring constantly. Cool down. Add egg and mix well. Mix flour with baking powder or 1 tablespoon of starch. Sift into the chocolate-cream mass, mixing gently. Add 1 tbsp Grand Marnier.

Drain the cherries in a colander to drain the liquid. Grease cupcake molds with oil. Fill 1/3 with dough, put a couple of cherries, pour dough on top again so that the molds are half filled. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, checking for readiness with a match.
Whip the cream with sugar into a fluffy mass, add Mascarpone and 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier. Fill a syringe or bag and place on cooled cupcakes. Top with remaining cherries and grated chocolate.

Cream for cupcakes serves as both a delicious ingredient in the dish and its decoration. These little cupcakes must be beautifully decorated as they are an important part of any tea party. This means that the cream must keep its shape well and not spread, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect.

There are a lot of recipes for how to make cream for cupcakes. They can radically differ in the set of ingredients, their cost and taste. To choose your favorite option, you will have to try at least a few different creams. In addition, it is better to pick them up under the cupcake dough to get a whole dessert.

The most popular among confectioners is cream for cupcakes based on cream cheese or mascarpone. Also, this ingredient is often replaced with cottage cheese. As a result, a dense air mass is obtained, which perfectly complements the cupcakes and allows you to create beautiful “hats” for them.

Also, modern housewives use cupcake creams with the addition of butter, cream, milk, eggs, etc. For taste and aroma, they put melted chocolate, cocoa, fruits and berries, syrups, juices, citric acid, vanilla, wines and cognacs. Of course, the cream for cupcakes should be sweet. However, sugar is rarely used for its preparation. More often it is replaced with powdered sugar, which allows you to achieve a more delicate texture of the cream.

Cupcakes are decorated with cream immediately after cooking, and then the dessert is left for a while in the refrigerator so that the decoration freezes and retains its shape longer.

Many cupcake creams require some exquisite ingredients for their preparation, which are expensive and are not sold in every store. The same recipe will allow you to make a delicious decoration for cupcakes from affordable products that can be found right in your refrigerator. Perhaps the taste of the cream will be rustic, but with it you can easily make beautiful tops for cupcakes, which definitely will not crumble and will not flow.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup of water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/3 tsp citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar to it.
  2. Put the syrup on a high heat and wait for large bubbles on the surface.
  3. Add citric acid to the saucepan, stir quickly for 40 seconds.
  4. Stir less intensively for another 5 minutes, then remove the syrup from the heat.
  5. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them until a fluffy white foam.
  6. Pour sugar syrup into the proteins in a thin stream, constantly stirring the cream.
  7. Beat the cream at medium speed for another 10 minutes.

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Cream for mascarpone cupcakes is considered traditional and is most often used by experienced confectioners. In his favor speaks and delicate texture, and density, and taste. If you consider yourself a real fan of cupcakes, you should at least once try to make just such a cream, without drawing attention to the high cost of products. Cream must be taken fatty (required!).


  • 250 g mascarpone;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 300 ml cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix millet powder through a sieve with mascarpone cheese.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the cream well with a whisk.
  3. Gradually (in a small spoon) add mascarpone with powder to the cream.
  4. Constantly mix the mass with a mixer at the slowest speed.
  5. When all the cheese is mixed with cream, you can start decorating the cupcakes.

Curd cream gives cupcakes a very interesting flavor, makes them more "fresh" and fragrant. Especially if you add a little wine and vanilla sugar to the composition. Wine can be replaced with the same amount of cognac. Depending on what is at hand, and which flavor you prefer.


  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 st. l. dessert wine;
  • 60 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 150 g butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Soften the butter, add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar to it.
  2. Beat butter with sugar until white.
  3. Continuing to beat the cream at maximum speed, gradually add condensed milk to it.
  4. Pour cognac into the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Rub the cottage cheese well through a sieve or chop in a blender.
  6. Add cottage cheese to the rest of the ingredients and beat everything again with a mixer.

Many consider oil cream to be too fat and unnecessarily high-calorie, but in terms of taste, there is little that can be compared with this delicacy. It is easy to prepare, but in order to keep its shape, you need to beat the mass for a long time with a blender. Be sure to melt the chocolate in advance and let it cool a little, otherwise the butter will start to melt and you will not be able to achieve the desired cream consistency.


  • 120 g of powdered sugar;
  • 80 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt chocolate, heat butter to room temperature.
  2. Put the butter in a deep bowl and beat until it turns into a fluffy mass.
  3. Sift the powdered sugar and add to the butter, mix and beat for another 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the melted chocolate into the resulting mass and beat the cream at a low mixer speed.
  5. As soon as the cream becomes homogeneous, transfer it to a pastry bag and apply to cupcakes.

Butter cream is considered to be one of the best options for decorating cupcakes. It turns out to be very tender and light, while it does not flow down and does not fall off after being applied to the cake. Approximately the same cream is prepared on the basis of mascarpone, but regular cream cheese is perfect for this. At the same time, such a replacement will be a pleasant financial savings. Cream must be taken with fat - at least 33%.


  • 100 g cream;
  • 500 g cream cheese;
  • 70 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cream into a bowl and beat until sharp peaks form.
  2. Pour the sifted powdered sugar into the cream, mix.
  3. Add the cream cheese to the rest of the ingredients and beat well again.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

This cupcake custard recipe is relatively simple and perfect for beginner cooks. It will turn out tender and fragrant, and it will not take much time. If desired, sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar. Vanilla essence is optional. You can replace it with other flavors, such as liquor or cognac.


  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 6 art. l. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 drops vanilla essence.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil milk and dissolve sugar in it, add vanilla.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs (a little), pour hot milk into them in a thin stream.
  3. Return the cream to the stove and, stirring constantly, heat it well (do not boil).
  4. Beat the butter with a mixer in a lush foam, add a slightly cooled mixture of milk and eggs to it.
  5. Beat the resulting mass again, decorate cupcakes with it.

Now you know how to make cream for cupcakes according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Cream for cupcakes is an integral part of delicious and beautiful cupcakes that will perfectly complement any tea party, coffee break, buffet table, etc. With its help, the dessert is given a finished look, turning ordinary cakes into real works of art. If you want to surprise your guests or family with an interesting sweet treat, you definitely need to learn how to make cream for cupcakes. The following recommendations will help with this:
  • If you have chosen butter cream for cupcakes, do not be lazy to beat it well. You can achieve the perfect consistency in about 5-7 minutes with a mixer;
  • For the cream, be sure to sift the powdered sugar. This will make it even more tender and airy;
  • If you add cream to the cream, you need to beat them into a fluffy mass, and stop. If you continue to whip this product for too long, the oil will separate from it and the cream will no longer work;
  • For the cream, you need to use cold cream, and it is also recommended to cool the bowl in which you will beat them;
  • For a cream based on proteins, it is very important to properly separate them from the yolks. It is necessary to make sure that even a small drop of yolk does not get into the protein mass, otherwise you will have to start cooking again.

Cupcakes are small, adorable cakes. A dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent, will give an extravaganza of taste and colors. Any cake, no matter how beautiful and tasty it is, will be on your plate only a small piece of the whole, and a cupcake will be a cake just for you. If you are interested in this amazing delicacy, then on our website you will find. These desserts are decorated with confectionery powder, toppers, marzipan, and filled with various jams. A true artist and creator has a place to roam. But a mandatory attribute of any cupcake is a cream that will give it uniqueness and beauty, airiness and lightness. There are many different recipes for cupcake creams, we offer you a few to choose from. So, how to make a cream for cupcakes with your own hands.

The simplest recipe for curd cream for cupcakes

A pastry bag is enough to decorate cupcakes with cream, but you must admit that when you have a choice of form, the process of preparing a dish turns into an exciting adventure. A confectionery syringe with different confectionery nozzles will help you with this. But whatever you use, you'll need a cupcake creamer recipe that holds its shape. Here are instructions for how to prepare it, and don't be fooled by its simplicity.


  • 340 grams of curd cheese (consistency - ground cottage cheese).
  • 115 grams of butter without vegetable additives.
  • ½ cup powdered sugar.
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla.

Recipe for making a simple cream

The scheme for making cream at home:

  1. Before you start preparing the cream, curd cheese must be put in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably all night. And leave the butter for the same time on the table. It should have a soft texture. These nuances will affect the texture and taste of your cream.
  2. After you have prepared the products, you need to beat the butter and powder with a mixer at maximum speed for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Add cheese and vanilla essence to the resulting mass, then beat with a mixer until smooth.
  4. To achieve some color, you can add various fruit purees or cocoa.

In this recipe, cottage cheese can be replaced with and then you get a butter cream for cupcakes.

Butter cream for cupcakes - a time-tested classic

Composition of products:

  • 200 grams of high-fat butter, without vegetable additives.
  • ½ cup or 100 ml milk.
  • 150 grams.
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence.

buttercream recipe

How to make butter cream for cupcakes yourself:

  1. As in the previous recipe for this dish, the butter must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and kept at room temperature until it acquires a soft texture.
  2. Milk is also preheated to 27-30 degrees.
  3. Now mix butter and icing sugar with a mixer. Sometimes it is advised to pre-grind the mixture before whipping and only then beat. We'll leave that up to you.
  4. After the butter and powder are beaten, add milk. Remember, it must be warm. And beat until smooth. Vanilla essence can be added while frothing milk.

This option also applies to cupcake creams that keep their shape, but the oil must be high in fat.

Mascarpone cupcake cream step by step recipe

Before we start cooking this sweet, let's figure out what mascarpone is.

It turns out that mascarpone is an Italian cream cheese, whose birthplace is the region of Lombardy. In its production, only milk cream with a 25% fat content is used, but in order for the cream to curdle, lactic acid cultures are not used in the manufacturing process, they are replaced with tartaric acid, lemon juice and white wine vinegar. Thus, mascarpone differs significantly from other types of cheese. I wonder how to make cupcake cream from this original.

We need the following list of products:

  • 250 grams Mascarpone cream cheese.
  • 300 grams of milk cream 32% fat
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar.

As you noticed, most of the creams are based on some kind of cheese. Some experts distinguish mascarpone cream from all cheese creams for cupcakes.

The process of making mascarpone cream

So, we present to your attention the instructions for making cream for mascarpone cupcakes at home.

  1. As in all recipes for making cream for cupcakes, first of all, cheese (mascarpone) and powdered sugar are mixed.
  2. Separately whip milk cream, which should be at room temperature. To do this, use a whisk.
  3. Now it's the turn to add the mascarpone and icing mixture to the cream. In this process, we use a mixer, but we choose the minimum speed and introduce mascarpone in small doses.

Hooray! Sweetness is ready. And you can proceed to the most creative part - decoration.

Cream Cheese for Cupcakes (Cream Cheese)

The preparation of this dish is based on any cream cheese, for example, such as or. Please don't confuse cream cheese with cottage cheese. Cream cheese resembles in consistency, and curd cheese - ground cottage cheese.

Thus, recipes for making buttercream for cupcakes or cream for mascarpone cupcakes can already be attributed to this category. But since these cheeses are very expensive, we suggest you make your own cream cheese for cupcakes and subsequently use it in any recipe we present. For this you will need:

  • ½ liter of kefir 3.2% fat.
  • 250 grams of sour cream 20% fat.
  • ½ liter of curdled milk 3.2-4% fat.
  • 1 small spoonful of white wine vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 small spoon of salt.

Cream Cheese Cooking Scheme

A step-by-step diagram for making delicious cream cheese for cupcakes:

  1. Before the cooking process, you need to prepare the following tools: two bowls, a colander and cheesecloth.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix lactic acid products: kefir, yogurt and sour cream.
  3. In the resulting mixture, add 1 small spoon of vinegar or lemon juice and 1 small spoon of salt. We mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Place a colander in the second bowl. The colander should not touch the bottom of the bowl. In a bowl we place gauze folded several times so that about 15-20 cm hangs from the edges.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into the resulting structure. We collect the edges of the gauze and cover our mixture with them.
  6. We put in the refrigerator for a day. We need to get rid of the cheese.
  7. After that, your cream cheese is ready and you can start making any cheese cream for cupcakes.

Video: Cooking Buttercream for Cupcakes
