
Equipment for the production of bagels. Trading House Borodinsky

Information about the industrial production of lamb products with a quality of dough processing comparable to manual dough processing, as well as the production of taralli, sticks, croutons, bread slices.

Lamb products. Lamb production technology.

1. Assortment and quality indicators of lamb products

Bagel products include dryers, bagels and bagels. They differ from each other in moisture, size and weight. Bagels have the highest humidity (22-25%), approaching the properties of bakery products. Dryings have the least weight and humidity (9-12%), the moisture content of bagels is 14-19%. Bagels and drying weight products; bagels are produced weighing 50-100 g. The yield of lamb products is 96-120% (for different types).

The range of bagel products includes about 40 types of bagels, dryers and bagels. Products are made from flour I and premium. Many products are prepared with the addition of sugar, vanilla dried (20%), as well as lemon, sugar, vanilla and pink bagels (15%) contain the most sugar. The recipe of some products includes fats (1-8%) and milk (15-20). The recipe for the most common lamb products is shown in Table 1.

Table 1



Quantity in 1 kg, pcs.



Pressed yeast, kg

Salt kg

Sugar, kg

Margarine, kg

Animal oil, kg

Vegetable oil, kg

Mo-loco, kg



Poppy. kg

Molasses for cooking. kg

Bagels from wheat flour I grade


35 - 40



35 - 40




30 - 35



Bagels made from premium flour


25 - 30


sugar with poppy

35 -40




40 - 45




Drying flour I grade


100 - 110



220 - 240




110 - 120



Drying flour of the highest grade

with poppy

125 - 140

0 15


105 - 110

8.25 2


130 -150




Bagels from flour I grade




dairy with poppy

10 - 12




The quality of lamb products is evaluated by organoleptic indicators - shape, surface condition, internal state, fragility and physico-chemical indicators - humidity, acidity, number of pieces per 1 kg swelling, i.e. the ability of products to absorb water. In the production process, it is most difficult to provide the necessary fragility and swelling of products. These indicators are interconnected; the better the brittleness, the higher the swelling, since fragile products contain many microcracks and absorb moisture well.

2. Technological scheme for the preparation of lamb products

The technology for preparing lamb products has specific features and consists of the following operations: dough preparation; rubbing dough; resting dough; blank molding; proofing of blanks; scalding blanks; baking products; packaging and storage of products.

Rice. 1 - Mechanized line for the production of bagels:

Traditional () lamb products are prepared on discontinuous or flow mechanized lines, consisting of:

  1. kneading machine for hard dough
  2. dough resting table
  3. scalding cabinet
  4. or tunnel kiln with scalding unit

2.1. Dough preparation

Lamb products are recommended to be prepared from flour with sufficiently elastic and elastic gluten with an extensibility of 16-19 cm. The gluten content in premium flour should be 34-38, and grade I 30-32%. Dough, sourdough or porch (porch - a substitute for sourdough - a semi-finished product of a thick consistency, obtained from flour, water and part of the sourdough or ripe porch) for lamb products is kneaded in portions in a TM-63 machine or other machines with a stationary vat, as semi-finished products for lamb products , which are a strong, elastic mass, cannot be kneaded well on bread dough machines (less powerful).

The dough for lamb products is prepared on the dough or on the porch. VNIIKHP proposed a bezopasny accelerated method.

In the sponge method, the dough is prepared on a thick and liquid sponge (the latter option is used less often).

Thick dough with a moisture content of 38-40% consists of flour (13-60%), pressed yeast (0.5-1.0%) and water. If the recipe includes milk, then it is also added to the dough. Dough for vanilla dryers should be especially strong, since 20% sugar is added to the dough, which inhibits yeast. In this regard, yeast for vanilla drying is usually activated, and amylorizin is sometimes added when kneading the dough. The initial temperature of the dough is 28-32°C, the duration of fermentation is 3.5-4.5 hours, the acidity at the beginning of consumption is 2.5-3.5°N.

Ready dough is usually spent on several servings of dough, the duration of spending the finished dough is no more than 2 hours (otherwise it will peroxide). The lifting force of the dough is 13-15 minutes. The recipe and mode of preparation of dough on a thick dough are shown in table 2.

table 2

Recipe and cooking mode

Drying flour I and premium

Bagels from flour I and premium


Ukrainian from flour I grade

Flour for dough kneading, kg

87 - 80

80 - 61

60 - 41

Opara, kg

20 - 31

30 - 58

60 - 90

Salt, sugar and other raw materials, kg


Initial temperature, °С

29 - 36

30 - 35

30 - 36

Duration of rest

0 - 10

10 - 20

10 - 20

Dough moisture, %

27 - 37

31 - 37

31 - 36

Acidity of the test (final), about N

2 - 2,5

2,5 - 3,5

2 - 3

Note. The recipe (in kg) is given for 100 kg of flour.

From Table. 2 it can be seen that the dosage of dough and the moisture content of the dough fluctuate over a wide range. The dosage of the dough depends on the type of product and its recipe. The dough for dryers should be slightly loosened, and in the dough for bagels, fermentation is relatively intensive, therefore, the dosage of dough (ceteris paribus) for dryers is the smallest, and for bagels the maximum.

If there is a lot of sugar and fat in the recipe of the product, then the dosage of the dough increases. So, for a test for vanilla drying (20% sugar), they take 2 times more dough than for simple drying. With strong flour, the dosage of the dough is slightly increased, with weak flour, the dosage of the dough is reduced.

The humidity of the dough also depends on the recipe of the product, it drops significantly for products containing a lot of fat and sugar, since these substances thin the dough. The moisture content of the dough for simple dryers is 36-37%, vanilla 27-29%, for simple bagels 36-37, and rich and mustard 29-32%.

The temperature of the dough depends on the quality of the gluten, the temperature of the workshop and the technological regime. When processing strong flour, the temperature of the dough is slightly increased.

When preparing the dough, the necessary portion of dough is weighed (on hundredths of a scale), loaded into a kneading machine and mixed with melted fat, a solution of sugar, salt, water and other raw materials, then flour is added. After that, the dough is kneaded for 5-8 minutes.

The temperature of the dough is regulated by changing the temperature of the solution of sugar, fat and water. The duration of the kneading is increased when processing strong flour, as well as with the accelerated method of preparing the dough (see below). When preparing the dough, crumbs (2% by weight of flour) and rusk flour (1-1.5%) obtained from the processing of marriage are used. The dough at the end of the kneading should be dry and homogeneous.

Liquid dough for lamb dough has a moisture content of 63-65%; to reduce viscosity and reduce pricing, some salt is added to the dough. At some enterprises, a little sugar is added to the dough (1% by weight of the dough), which stimulates the fermentation of the dough and reduces it by 0.5–1 ^ (the dough with sugar ferments 2.5–3.5 hours, and without it 3.5 -4 hours). The initial temperature of the dough is 26-30°C, the lifting force is 20-30 minutes. The dosage of liquid dough for kneading dough (22-36% of the total mass of flour) depends on the type of product. Together with the dough, 9-16% of the fermented flour gets into the dough. Ready liquid dough is used for kneading dough for 30 minutes. The dough is kneaded in the usual way. The amount of water for kneading the dough is reduced.

The preparation of dough on the porch is used only for bagels and dryers. The porch contains fewer yeast cells than the sourdough and causes the dough to ferment insufficiently to make bagels. The porch is prepared in two (on a dough) or in one (on a ripe porch) phase.

The dough for the preparation of the narthex is prepared in the usual way. After 3.5-4 hours of fermentation, it is divided into 2 parts. For each portion of the dough (with an interval of up to 2 hours), a narthex is prepared by mixing the dough with flour and water. Together with the dough, 15-30% of the flour from its total content in the narthex gets into the porch.

The preparation of the porch on the ripe porch is & the following. In a dough mixing machine, a part of a ripe porch (16-25 kg), flour (82 kg), water (32 l) and pressed yeast diluted in water (0.5-1 kg) are mixed. A freshly mixed porch ferments for 5-6 hours, then it is divided into 4 parts: 1 part goes to prepare a new porch, and 3 - to prepare 3 servings of dough. The narthex is updated once a week to improve the composition of the fermentation microflora.

In this case, the existing porch is completely spent on kneading the dough, and the new one is prepared in two phases. The first phase consists of flour (30%), part of water and yeast (0.6-1 kg), after fermentation for 4 hours, prepare the second phase by mixing the first with flour (70%) and water. The second phase, which is a production porch, after fermentation for 3-4 hours, is spent on kneading the dough and resuming the porch in the manner described above.

The porch prepared on a sponge or on a porch is characterized by the following indicators: acidity at the beginning of consumption is 4-5. and at the end of 8-9 ° H, the duration of consumption of the finished porch is not more than 3 hours, the lifting force of the porch is 15-30 minutes, the humidity is 37-40%. The finished porch, when pressed on its surface, falls off. The porch is used for kneading dough at a dosage of 10-48% of the total mass of flour (depending on the recipe of the product), with strong flour, the dosage of the porch is increased.

The preparation of dough in an accelerated single-phase method (VNIIKhPa method) is based on the combined use of various means that accelerate the maturation of semi-finished products. The dough according to this method is prepared in one step from the entire amount of raw materials put according to the recipe with the addition of whey (20-25% by weight of flour). Milk whey is heated before kneading the dough. The amount of whey is calculated based on its acidity and the desired acidity of the dough.

The dosage of pressed yeast is increased by 1.5-2 times, it is recommended to activate the yeast, which reduces their consumption and improves the quality of products. The duration of kneading the dough is increased to 15-20 minutes (by machine TM-63), and the temperature of the dough is increased to 33-35°C. The kneaded dough is subjected to a more intensive rubbing.

Comparative evaluation of dough preparation methods. Cooking lamb pastry on dough is the most common method that replaces the use of a vestibule. The sponge method is technically simpler (the sponge is cooked in one phase, the 9 porch in two) and universal (bagels are not cooked on the porch). At the same time, the porch contains more aromatic substances and acids than the sponge, it causes a slow, uniform fermentation, which improves the quality of simple bagels and dryers.

Dough for products with a high sugar content is usually prepared on dough. At some enterprises, lamb dough is prepared with liquid sponges. The use of liquid dough makes it possible to mechanize the transportation and dosage of this semi-finished product, and thick dough is unloaded after kneading from the machine, transported and usually dosed manually.

Currently, a single-phase accelerated method for preparing lamb dough is promising. This method is technically simple, it significantly increases labor productivity and reduces the cost of flour for fermentation.

2.2. Dough rub

Dough rubbing consists in its mechanical processing (rolling), which makes the dough more plastic and homogeneous, improves gluten swelling, contributes to the uniform distribution of additional raw materials in the dough mass, and facilitates the molding of blanks. The dough after kneading is cut into pieces weighing about 10 kg, which are passed alternately through the rollers of the H-4 rubbing machine.

The dough for bagels and bagels is rolled 2-3 times, and for dryers 3-4 times. After each rolling, the dough layer is folded in half. With the accelerated method of preparing dough, when rubbing, the dough is passed through the rollers 7-8 times. Some enterprises prepare the dough without the rubbing stage, increasing the duration of its kneading up to 15-20 minutes. Sometimes for rubbing the dough, instead of a roller machine, a screw machine is used, which allows rubbing the dough in a stream.

2.3. Dough resting

Pieces of dough after rubbing are rolled up into rolls (butts), covered with a cloth to prevent airing, and left alone for 10-40 minutes. The duration of dough resting, during which fermentation occurs, depends on the type of product, the quality of the gluten, the temperature of the dough, and the accepted technological regime. Some enterprises give the test resting before and after rubbing. In the warm season, as well as with relatively weak flour, the resting of the dough is reduced or canceled. Dough for drying is often prepared without resting. The dough at the end of resting should be plastic with rare pores, there should be no traces of the corrugated rollers of the rubbing machine.

2.4. Dough molding

Rice. 2. Scheme of the dividing-forming machine B-4-58

1—injection rolls; 2 - pressure piston; 3— working chamber; 4 - forming sleeve; 5 - rolling pin; b - cylindrical knife; 7 - rolling glass; 8 - rolling sleeve; 9 - cylindrical spring; 10 - test divider.

Dough blanks are shaped into rings on a universal dividing and forming machine (Fig. 2). Machine capacity for dryers 40-60 kg/h, bagels 90-160 kg/h and bagels 150-200 kg/h. When molding, pieces of dough weighing 8-10 kg are loaded into a receiving funnel, which must be constantly filled with dough. The dough is fed into the piston chamber by means of feed rolls, from where it is forced by pistons into the annular slots between the ends of the forming sleeves and rolling pins. The dough comes out in the form of an annular spiral.

After the annular blanks are pressed out of the slot, the cylindrical knives, moving under the action of the springs to the left, cut off the blanks from the total mass and slide them along the rolling pin. Then the rolling sleeves, having made 3 reciprocating movements along the rolling pins, finally form the workpiece and smooth out the irregularities on its surface. After that, the blanks are dumped onto a belt conveyor and stacked on sheets or plywood boards.

For forming various types of blanks, the machine has interchangeable working bodies, which differ in the number of channels (from 3 to 6 pieces), the diameter of the glasses, rolling pins and ejectors. So, for bagels weighing 50 g, the diameter of the rolling pins, glasses and droppers is 66, 85 and 85 mm, respectively, and for simple donuts, 57, 73 and 73 mm. During molding, the mass of test pieces is systematically checked, which should ensure the output of a standard number of products.

The mass of dough pieces is an important indicator of quality. Lamb products of greater mass have increased moisture content, less swelling and brittleness. Reduced weight products are characterized by low humidity, which negatively affects their yield. For the convenience of checking the mass, the number of blanks is set, constituting 200 g (15-18 pieces for dryers, 4.5-6 pieces for bagels). By adjusting the mass of the dough pieces, the working stroke of the pistons is changed (with an increase in the stroke, the mass increases) and the angle of rotation of the feed rolls, as well as the width of the annular gap between the rolling pin and the sleeve.

The quality of the molding of dough pieces depends on the accuracy of the machine adjustment, its technical condition and the properties of the dough. When forming dough that is weak or too strong, as well as youthful or fermented, dough pieces have defects (tears, annular cracks, poorly coiled spiral, etc.).

The dough of a weak consistency covers the bushings and rolling pins, and can also hang on the ejectors.

Finished products can acquire a rough surface if the rolling sleeves are dirty, as well as if the rolling pins are too deep. If a piece of dried dough gets between the sleeve and the rolling pin, the test ring will be open. Poor helical rolling of the billet can cause ring cracks in finished products. The reasons for poor seaming are the insufficient mass of the blanks, the reduced moisture content of the dough, and the gap between the rolling pin and the sleeve is too large. The wear of the knurling on the rolling pins and the insufficient gap between the rolling pin and the sleeve also cause poor rolling of the workpieces.

A dough piece with so-called interceptions appears when the dough is weak, the dough is not loaded into the funnel of the machine correctly, the sleeves are dirty with pieces of dough. If the dough divider in the machine is not located in the center, or the rolling pin is not centered, then the dough piece has an uneven thickness.

During the shift, rolling sleeves, rolling pins and ejectors are periodically cleaned of the dough film using special (soft) scrapers so as not to damage the working surface of the parts. The funnel of a running machine must be constantly filled with dough. At the end of the work, the machine is thoroughly cleaned, the pistons and cylindrical knives are lubricated with margarine.

2.5. Proofing dough pieces

The molded blanks are placed on plywood boards (if the products are baked on the hearth of the oven) or on metal sheets (if baking is done on sheets in scalding-oven units with FTL-2 ovens). For proofing, cabinets with three-shelf cradles are used, and in small enterprises - trolleys.

Bagel blanks have low humidity and a dense texture, the dough is significantly compacted during molding. Therefore, the proofing of blanks is long and it is carried out at high humidity (80-90%) and high temperature (35-40 ° C) of the environment. Blanks for bagels are proofed for 90-120 minutes, bagels - 40-90 minutes, dryers - 45-60 minutes. Preparations for vanilla and mustard dryers, containing a lot of sugar and fat, are proofed for a longer time (80-100 minutes). During proofing, the blanks increase in volume, acquire a rounded shape.

2.6. Scalding of dough pieces

The spaced dough pieces are scalded with low-pressure steam (3.0–5.0 kPa) in special steam chambers at an ambient temperature of 96–98°C. The duration of scalding is 1-3 minutes: the greater the mass of the workpiece, the longer the scalding. When scalding, the products significantly increase in volume, the weight of the products slightly increases (by 6-7%).

The temperature of the dough piece after scalding should be 50-60°C in the center and 60-70°C on the surface. Inside and most completely on the surface of the workpiece in the process of scalding, denaturation of protein substances and starch gelatinization occur. The denaturation of proteins fixes the achieved volume of the workpiece at the end of scalding, the gelatinization of starch on the surface provides (during subsequent baking) a shiny, even and intensely colored surface. The fermentation microflora of the dough dies when scalded. Excessively long or insufficient scalding of dough pieces causes defects in finished products.

2.7. Baking products

For baking lamb products, scalding-furnace units are most widely used, consisting of a scalding chamber and an FTL-2 type oven. The total number of cradles in various units is 36, 55 or 60 pieces, of which 4-7 cradles are located in the scalding zone. In such units, products are baked on sheets with a size of 340x920 mm. Up to 75 pieces are placed on each sheet. dryers (15X5), up to 30 pcs. bagels (10x3) and up to 16 pcs. bagels (8X2).

Baking lamb products is recommended on mesh sheets, which improves the color and surface condition, as well as the fragility and swelling of the product. The duration of baking bagels is 16-19 minutes, bagels 13-15 minutes, dryers 14-15 minutes.

The conveyor of the scalding-furnace unit moves continuously, which ensures more uniform scalding of the workpieces. In belt tunnel ovens, products are baked on the hearth. A through scalding chamber with a metal mesh conveyor belt is installed in front of the oven, from where the workpieces are automatically transplanted onto the hearth of the oven. Baking lamb products on the hearth takes place at a higher temperature and in a shorter time than baking on sheets (2-4 minutes).

Regardless of the design of the oven, lamb products are baked without steam and with sufficient ventilation of the baking chamber, since the workpieces have already received the necessary moisture during the scalding process. The presence of steam in the oven deprives products of gloss.

During the baking process, the following processes occur in lamb products. Denaturation of proteins and gelatinization of starch ends, the surface of the product is colored as a result of caramelization of sugar and the formation of melanoidins, the central part of the product warms up to a temperature of 106–112 ° C, intensive evaporation of moisture from the mass of the product occurs, baking, as it were, is combined with drying of the product. The volume of the product during baking practically does not increase.

Upek is 16-25% of the weight of the dough piece. Brittleness and swelling mainly depend on the baking mode. Baking at a relatively high temperature in the baking chamber and significant dehydration of products at the same time (residual moisture content of 8-12%) provide a loose structure and high swelling of bagels. Products baked for a long time at a low ambient temperature are dense and do not swell well in water.

3. Packing and storage of lamb products.

The products that come out of the oven are fed by conveyors to the table or into the bunker of the bottom machine, along the way, hot products are cooled with the help of fans. When packing or lowering products with defects are rejected. Bagels are placed in trays of 45 pieces, the period (maximum) of storage of bagels at the enterprise is 6 hours, and in the distribution network up to 16 hours. The shelf life of bagels and dryers has not been established; due to low humidity, these products become stale more slowly than bagels, and are, as it were, canned bread.

Bagels and dryers can be packed in bags (0.2-0.25 kg each) or in bulk in bags or boxes lined with paper, strung on twine.

Automatic machines are used for packaging in polymer film bags. For stringing products on twine, low machines with a capacity of about 150 kg / h are widely used. The number of products in one bundle is 100-120 pieces for dryers, 70-80 bagels, 20-25 bagels. The bundles are then hung on hairpin trolleys. During transportation, bundles are placed in trays or placed on the racks of a car. Transportation of strung products in bulk is prohibited.

The conditions and terms of storage of lamb products significantly affect their quality. In these products, during storage, the process of staleness occurs (albeit slowly). Products are compacted, fragility and swelling are reduced, taste and aroma deteriorate. These unfavorable processes occur especially intensively if the products are stored in an atmosphere of moist air. Packing products in bags made of polymer films helps to preserve the freshness, taste, aroma and fragility of products.

Lamb products are stored separately from bakery products, which prevents them from excessive moisture. Shrinkage of lamb products is insignificant (up to 0.5%).

4. Defects in bagels

The pale surface of the products can be caused by peroxide dough, excessive proofing of blanks, insufficiently high temperature in the baking chamber.

Blisters and stains on the surface of the products result from uneven distribution of sugar in the dough, too rapid fermentation of the dough with an overestimated dosage of yeast, as well as when using youthful, insufficiently fermented dough.

The absence of gloss on the surface of the products is observed both with insufficient and excessive scalding of dough pieces, or with the presence of steam in the oven. The surface of the product in the last two cases is not only devoid of gloss, but also becomes wrinkled, and the product becomes rigid with reduced brittleness.

Reduced swelling of products is the most common defect. It is caused by insufficient fermentation of the dough, excessive scalding, prolonged baking at low temperatures or peroxide dough.

Undermining and cracks on the surface of products can be caused by youthful dough, insufficient proofing, insufficient scalding, too strong or windy dough, poor rolling of blanks into a spiral during molding.

Blurry, flat-bottomed products are obtained with a weak test, excessively long steam scalding.

Defects caused by a violation of the mode of forming blanks are indicated above.

5. Safety regulations for the production of lamb products

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the equipment, dosing, instrumentation and starting equipment, as well as the serviceability of the fences of the machines. It is forbidden to clean the bowl and the kneading arm and check the condition of the dough while the mixer is running.

The drive mechanism of the rubbing machine is protected by a solid casing. To avoid getting hands between the rolls of the machine, a mesh fence interlocked with the drive of the machine is installed along their entire length. The design of the railings must allow for adjustment of the gap between the lower edge of the railings and the conveyor of the machine. During the operation of the rubbing machine, do not correct the dough in the receiving funnel or on the conveyor of the machine, as well as clean the rolling rolls. The feeding of the dough into the receiving funnel of the dividing and seaming machine must be mechanized. When manually feeding, the distance from the edge of the funnel to the feed rolls must be at least 0.6 m.

The dividing-forming box of the machine must be covered with an organic glass casing. The rear and front covers of the machine must be interlocked with its engine. It is forbidden to adjust the annular gap during the operation of the dividing and seaming machine. Installations for scalding dough pieces with steam must have devices for mechanical unloading and exhaust ventilation to remove steam.


Information about the differences between Soviet bagel products (which appeared after the 1930s) from those that were at the beginning of the Soviet period and during the time of Tsarist Russia, as well as those produced in Italy and which can now be produced automatically but with the quality of manual dough processing.

Proofing, scalding or scalding and baking. Formed dough pieces are placed on plywood boards or cassettes, which are placed in a proofer.

Dough pieces are finished when laid on cassettes or boards. The duration of proofing of dough pieces, depending on the type of product, is: for bagels - 90-120 minutes, bagels - 40-120 minutes, dryers - 15-55 minutes. Proofing is carried out at a temperature of 35-40 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-85%.

Scalding or scalding of dough pieces is carried out in order to increase the workpieces in volume and form a glossy crust.

Scalding of test pieces, i.e., steam treatment, is carried out in a separately installed steam chamber or which is part of the proofing-scalding-furnace units or the scalding-furnace unit. The duration of scalding is 1-3.5 minutes. If there is no chamber for scalding dough pieces, then they are scalded in a special container at a water temperature of 92-95 ° C. The duration of scalding dough pieces for dryers is 45-90 s, for bagels - 20-60 s, for bagels - 5-20 s . After welding, the dough pieces are slightly dried.

Bagels are baked in ovens FTL, G4-PKhZ-S-25, BN, etc. Baking time: dryers - 12-18 minutes, bagels - 11-17 mini bagels - 9-18 minutes at the temperature of the oven FTL-180-270 "C, G4-PKhZ-S-25 - 165-250 ° C and BN - 230-290 ° C. The mechanism of the process of baking lamb products is different from baking bread. When baking lamb products, due to their rapid heating, evaporation also begins to occur in the central layers products and moisture from them moves to the surface of products in the form of steam.The temperature of the central layers reaches by the end of baking: bagels 104-106 ° C, bagels 107-108 ° C, dryers 110-112 ° C.

Packaging and storage of products. Lamb products are produced by weight and packaged. Weighted lamb products are strung on twine in bundles on a low machine or manually and stored in a suspended state on rolling or stationary hairpin trolleys separately from bakery products or chilled packed in boxes or paper bags. Bagels are allowed to be stacked in rows in trays.
Bagel products weighing from 0.2 to 0.25 kg are packed on automatic machines AR-4Zh and others.

Production lines for the production of lamb products include flour production bins, flour and liquid recipe components dispensers, dough mixing machines, semi-finished product fermentation tanks, a rubbing machine, dividing and rolling machines, a proofer, a scalding unit, an oven, belt or cradle product cooling conveyor and packaging equipment.

Flour for production is fed into production hoppers of the XE-63 type with a ShP screw, liquid prescription components are fed into AE-type collectors. For dosing flour, a Sh2-KhDA dispenser is used, liquid components - a Sh2-KhDB dispenser.

Dough for lamb products is kneaded mainly in TM-63 dough mixers. Fermentation of semi-finished products takes place in rolling bowls or in bowls as part of a dough preparation unit of the Sh2-KhBV type, or in a fermentation tank as part of a dough preparation unit of the Sh2-KhBB type. Plasticization of the dough after kneading and resting is carried out on a N-ChM rubbing machine. Dividing and seaming machines B-4-58, A2-KhBD (for donuts), A2-KhBU (for bagels) are used for molding bagels. Proofing of dough pieces is carried out in proofers Т1-ХР-2А, Т1-ХР-2Г with a different number of cradles depending on the capacity of the furnace. The scalding device is non-standard. For baking, dead-end or tunnel-type baking ovens FTL, Sh2-HPA, G4-PKhZS-25, etc. are used.

A belt or cradle conveyor is used to cool lamb products, for packaging - usually lower machines, filling machines M1-AKG-1 (for dryers), for storage - hairpin trolleys and containers.

The technological process for making bagels and dryers differs significantly from the technological process for making other bakery products, from dough preparation (so-called rubbing) to baking products.

Before talking about individual varieties of this group of products, it is necessary to dwell on the general issues of the technological process.

Bagels and drying are prepared as follows.

Making a pretend.

Dough for lamb products is prepared on the so-called "pretice". Before proceeding with the systematic production of these products, it is necessary to first prepare the initial ("uterine") pretense.

Such a pretense is prepared by craftsmen in various ways, of which the following is the most appropriate.

For every 100 kg of flour for the production of products, 2.5 kg of flour, 0.05 kg of yeast and 1.5 liters of water are taken for the preparation of a “mother liquor” of flour.

Dough No. 1 is put:

  • flour - 1.5 kg
  • yeast - 0.05 kg
  • water - 1.0 l
  • The initial temperature of the dough is 25 - 26 C.

Opara is given two exits. Then 1 kg of flour and 0.5 l of water are added and dough No. 2 is kneaded, with the same initial temperature, which is given two outlets. The final acidity should be 5 - 6 N. On this porch, a production porch is prepared and carried out in the future.

In a well-cleaned box, an old porch is taken 12% (to the flour for the porch), flour is poured in an amount of 8 - 10% of the total amount of flour used to prepare bagels (baking), and 60% of water in relation to the flour used to prepare the porch , yeast 0.26% in relation to the flour for baking (the yeast must first be diluted in water) and all this is well mixed. The initial temperature of the porch is 25 - 26 C. The final acidity is 7 - 9 N ​​(according to the mash). Fermentation time is about 5 - 6 hours.

The fermented sourdough (sourdough) is divided into 3-4 parts, depending on the number of varieties of dough being prepared, and a new sourdough with the addition of 0.25% yeast is placed on one of them, i.e. the process is repeated, and on the remaining 2 - 3 parts, various types of dough are placed ("stuffed").

You should not take a young porch, since the dough, and then the bagels cooked on a young porch, have a reduced swelling.

Stuffing (preparation) of dough.

To the taken part of the porch 5 - 10% to the flour of the dough, depending on the required fermentation time of the dough, the rest of the ingredients are added according to the recipe: salt, sugar, butter, flour, water and the dough is stuffed (kneaded).

The dough is stuffed until the flour has absorbed all the water. The temperature of the dough after stuffing is about 16 - 18 C. After stuffing, the dough is allowed to rest (rest) for 10 - 20 minutes (for better swelling of the gluten).

Test rub.

After the dough "rests" for 10 - 20 minutes, it is transferred to the rubbing table and rubbed with a special rubbing knife.

(The rubbing table is made of thick pine or spruce boards about 0.70 m high from the floor and about 1.5 m wide.

The rubbing knife is an iron strip 110 mm wide, 1700 - 18800 mm long and 45 - 50 mm thick, attached to a wall or one side of a table. At one end, which is a handle, a belt loop about 0.5 meters long is put on, into the hole of which the master inserts his foot when cutting through the dough. )

Rubbing consists in the fact that the stuffed dough is often cut through with a rubbing knife. The grinder starts this operation from one block of dough and cuts through to another, then the dough is folded from three sides inward, again dusted with flour and again rubbed (cut through). Thus, the rubbing process continues until the dough has a homogeneous consistency (without signs of unmixed). On average, the rubbing process lasts about 20 - 30 minutes. The grated (kneaded) dough is rolled up in a lump (butt) and covered with a damp cloth to prevent the formation of a crust (from weathering). The dough is left to ferment on the table.

Fermentation time is from 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the amount of pretense and its quality.

The final acidity of the dough is about 3 N.

Cutting lamb dough.

After the dough has fermented, it is divided into equal parts (slices) according to the number of assistants of the master (doers - table-makers). An assistant doer, in turn, divides this piece of dough into strips, called luzki, 5-6 cm wide. Then these luzki one after another are well-kneaded and bloom into one thick tourniquet with a diameter of 3-4 cm. Having finished the first rolling of the tourniquet, they proceed to the secondary rolling into a thinner tourniquet, depending on the type of bagels, which is rolled up on the table in the form of a dense ball-spiral and covered with a damp cloth. For smaller varieties, such as drying, straws, the tourniquet is rolled out for the third time into an even thinner tourniquet, sometimes reaching up to 50 meters in length. The dough, loosened into bundles, is allowed to rest for 10 - 15 minutes, after which the process of preparing bagels or dryers begins.

Some varieties of lamb products, such as rahai, rich and twisted, rolls, folk pretzels and others, are made on a pinch, from a piece of dough. Cutting the dough into a pinch consists in the fact that pieces of the required size are torn off from a piece of dough, which is held in the left hand. After that, pieces of dough separated from the husk are rolled into the corresponding flagella and products of the desired shape are made.

Making bagels and dryers.

The process of shaping the bagels is as follows: the bundle of aged dough is divided into parts 10 cm long, rolled out to a diameter of 2.5 - 2 cm (depending on the variety), and then its ends are connected with the thumb and forefinger and places are rolled for better bonding connecting the ends with the fingers of the hand on the table or in the palm of the left hand.

Drying is done on a pinch, or a hitch, as the rammers say, i.e. after separating the part of the bundle with the thumb and forefinger, the ends of the product are fastened by clamping between the fingers.

Ready-made bagels and drying are placed on a board lightly dusted with flour, and set for proofing for 5-15 minutes.

Scalding (scalding) of lamb products.

After proofing, lamb products are boiled in a special boiler at a water temperature of 80 to 90 C.

When scalding the bagels with water at a higher temperature, and especially reaching the boiling point, the protein substances of the upper crust of the products quickly coagulate and an obstacle is created for proper scalding of the inside of the bagels, which causes ruptures in the latter during baking.

When immersed in water, bagels and drying immediately sink to the bottom of the boiler and only after being scalded do they float to the surface. After that, they are taken out with a wire ladle (scalded) and thrown back onto the tray so that the water is glass.

The readiness of scalded lamb products is recognized by their ascent to the surface of the water. They become elastic to the touch and a thin crust forms on their surface.

Insufficiently scalded products are soft, and overcooked products become flat and wrinkled.

If lamb products are made from young dough, then they do not float to the surface during cooking. For such products, the welding time is extended by 1 - 2 minutes. On the contrary, if the products are made from old dough (fermented), then when they are lowered into the boiler (into water), they do not sink, but float on the surface and they have to be pressed on top of the scalds, and the scalding time is reduced to 1 - 2 minutes.

Cooking time 2 - 3 minutes depending on the size of the products, the quality of the dough and other reasons.

In the case of a low oven temperature, when cooking lamb products, molasses is gradually added to the water from 0.5 to 1.5% per 100 kg of flour, depending on the type of product.

Molasses is used to give products a better color during baking.

Drying and baking.

After excess water has drained from the lamb products, they are laid on boards (paddles) and placed on the “garden”, and then, if necessary, they are removed and placed in front of the oven near the light for drying. Drying lasts about 2 - 3 minutes and aims to eliminate the causes of product sticking to the oven bottom.

After drying, the products from the board are transferred to the shovel with the dried side up.

All varieties of large lamb products are put into the oven from left to right on wooden, so-called French blades, covered with canvas, from which the products are tipped over under the oven by the other side. All small products, in the form of drying and straw, are planted on iron square shovels, lubricated with vegetable oil, by quickly lowering them into the hearth of the oven. In this case, planting is carried out sequentially from the front of the hearth to the back, which requires a lot of experience in the work of the master.

Baking of lamb products in special Russian-type lamb ovens is carried out with the so-called illumination. Illumination is the burning of finely chopped dry firewood, which burns with a bright flame in the right side of the baking chamber behind the cauldron.

The purpose of illumination is to maintain the desired temperature in the oven chamber and thereby ensure even roasting of products to obtain good ruddy and gloss.

Firewood for lighting should be birch, to get a bright flame. In addition, firewood must be cleaned of birch bark, as it gives soot that falls on products.

The magnitude of the illumination flame must be adjusted depending on the temperature of the furnace, i.e. at the beginning of baking, when the oven is hot after heating it, the light is given to the smallest, and then, for the subsequent storage of products, the light is gradually increased in order to obtain products of a uniform external color and bake the maximum number of products per shift.

The firebox of a conventional baranka stove is made by laying firewood in a cage in the back of the stove chamber. The coals of burned-out firewood are scattered all over the hearth of the stove and left to lie until they tarnish. After that, the coals are raked out under the calciner with water, and the rest of the coals are removed. Then, wet pomelo is swept clean under the oven and after a while, when the heat is evenly distributed over the oven, the latter can be considered ready for baking lamb products.

The temperature of such ovens is recognized organoleptically, by the experienced hand of a master or a pinch of flour thrown on the floor of the oven and observing its combustion.

Recently, experiments have been carried out on baking lamb products in other systems of ovens, where there is no illumination. In particular, in Leningrad at the bakery. Badaev lamb products are baked on a conveyor oven.

The baking time of bagels depends on the temperature of the oven, the thickness of the products and other reasons. The readiness of products is recognized by their appearance - they become ruddy and light. The baked products are taken out of the oven with the same iron shovel or French shovel, but not covered with linen, and go down the tray into a basket or box.

Finished products are strung on twine and sent to the distribution network in boxes.

Lamb products are produced mainly in a handicraft way. At the present time, this production is also beginning to be mechanized, rubbing, plaiting and stamping machines are being introduced.

Production of lamb products from kneading to baking.

Bagel products include various types of bagels, dryers and bagels, which have the shape of a ring or an oval formed by a “round” cross-section tourniquet. Products have a flat surface on the side lying on the sheet, mesh or hearth. This group also includes straws and bread sticks, the manufacturing technology of which is close to the technology of lamb products. Bagel products differ in the thickness of the bundle, the size of the rings and the mass fraction of moisture. Drying is produced from flour of the highest and first grades.

The range of simple dryers is insignificant: from the highest grade flour - simple drying, including achloride, lemon, with poppy seeds, etc .; from flour of the first grade - simple, salty, achloride. Production features. Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades with a high gluten content.

The technological process of production includes: dough preparation, rubbing, shaping, proofing, scalding or welding of dough rings, baking, packaging and packaging.

Test preparation.

The dough for lamb products is prepared steep and put on a dough or a special leaven - a porch (for bagels only on a dough). The most common way to prepare lamb dough is on a dough.

Preparing a porch or dough. The dough for bagels and dryers is prepared using a porch as a baking powder - a periodically updated wheat sourdough; sourdough prepared with pressed or liquid yeast. The porch is prepared in two ways: on the porch of the previous preparation and on the dough. The preparation of the porch anew according to the first method is carried out in three phases: 1 phase - flour, water and pressed yeast are mixed. Pressed yeast is taken in an amount of 2-3% by weight of the flour taken. The initial temperature of the mixture is 27-28 °C. Fermentation time 4 h; 2nd phase - after 4 hours, more flour is added to the 1st phase in an amount twice as large as it was taken at first, and water (the moisture content of the mixture is 38%) and allowed to ferment for 4-4.5 hours until the final acidity is 6-9 °; Phase 3 - production porch. After 4-4.5 hours on the porch of the 2nd phase, a production porch is prepared. To do this, water, yeast (in the amount of 0.3-0.7%) and a porch of 2 phases in the amount of 30% of the flour weight are added to the flour. The humidity of the production porch is 38-40%, the initial temperature is 25-27 C. The duration of fermentation is 5 hours. The final acidity of the production porch should be 5-9 °. The finished porch is used for kneading several portions of the dough and for preparing the subsequent porch. It is prepared according to the 3-phase recipe and is also spent on preparing the dough and a new portion of the subsequent porch. So they work for four to seven days, after which they carry out the entire cycle of removing the porch again.

Depending on the method of cutting the dough - manually or by machine - the dough for lamb products is prepared in different ways. Dough intended for cutting by hand is prepared at a lower temperature - 23-27 ° C. A porch or dough is taken from 5 to 16 kg per 70 kg of flour going into the batch. In terms of 100 kg of flour, counting the flour brought in with the porch and the flour going into the batch, this will be from 7 to 20 kg of the porch. The duration of dough fermentation is usually 50-60 minutes for bagels and 30-40 minutes for dryers. Dough intended for machine cutting is prepared warm, at a temperature of 28 to 34 ° C. The duration of dough fermentation is much less than with manual cutting - usually 20-30 minutes, in connection with which the amount of admixture added to the dough increases to 17-40 kg per 100 kg of flour (including flour added with admixture). Less is taken into the dough for drying the porch: 6-8 kg per 100 kg of flour for manual cutting and 10-15 kg per 100 kg of flour for machine cutting. In the dough for bagels, the recipe of which includes fat (butter, mustard bagels), put a little more porch than in the dough, for example, for simple bagels. On a sponge, the porch is prepared from flour, water and yeast (1-2% to flour) with an initial temperature of the dough of 27-28 ° C and a humidity of 38-40%. The duration of fermentation is 4 hours, the final acidity is 3-3.5°. On the finished dough, the narthex is kneaded. For 50 kg of flour, take 15-20 kg of dough and add 19-20 liters of water. The humidity of the porch is 38-39%. The initial temperature of the porch is 27-30 °C, the duration of fermentation is 4.5-5.5 hours, the final acidity is 8-8.5°. The finished porch is gradually consumed to prepare the dough. To obtain the next vestibule, a new dough is prepared. The amount of the porch prepared at one time is set by the enterprise, based on the fact that this portion of the porch should be consumed within no more than 3-4 hours, since otherwise it can peroxide. When preparing a dough on pressed yeast, 1.5-2 kg of yeast and about 40 liters of water are taken per 100 kg of flour (the moisture content of the dough is 39-40%). The duration of fermentation is 4-5 hours. The final acidity is 2.5-3.5 °. This dough is used for dryers and bagels. Dough for bagels is prepared with a large amount of pressed yeast (2-3%) and with a higher final acidity (3.5-6 °). When using liquid yeast, 32-35 liters of liquid yeast and 18-20 liters of water are taken per 100 kg of flour (dough moisture content is 40-41%). The duration of fermentation is 4-6 hours, the final acidity is slightly higher (5-6°). This dough can be used for dryers, bagels and bagels. The quality of the dough significantly affects the quality of the finished product. If young or poorly fermented dough is used to knead the lamb dough, then the baked bagels have burnt spots and bubbles; ring cracks appear on them if hot water was used to knead the dough; if the water is too cold, bagels do not have a glossy, even surface.

The dough is kneaded in a dough mixer. It has a tilting trough for unloading the dough from the machine. When kneading the dough, the required amount of porch or dough is first weighed, then it is thoroughly mixed with water and additional raw materials. Additional raw materials - animal butter and margarine - must be pre-melted, sugar and salt are dissolved, the solution is filtered. Then the flour is dosed and mixed for 3-5 minutes. Since the lamb dough is cooked steep (its moisture content for simple bagels is 36-37%, sugar - 30-33%, dryers - 36%, etc.), then at the end of the kneading, a completely homogeneous coherent dough mass is not obtained, but separate its pieces, in which unmixed flour is visible.

Test rub.

Dough rubbing consists in its mechanical processing, which makes the dough more plastic and homogeneous, improves gluten swelling, contributes to the uniform distribution of additional raw materials in the dough mass, and facilitates the molding of blanks. To give the dough plasticity and uniformity, it is passed through the H4-M rubbing machine. It consists of a ribbed shaft, mounted on a bed, and a conveyor belt located under the shaft. The dough is fed by a belt under a rotating corrugated shaft, while it is compacted. When all the dough passes under the shaft, it is rolled up, the machine is switched to reverse and again passed between the belt and the shaft, subjecting it to further prominence. After two to four passes, the dough acquires proper uniformity. The operation of rinsing the dough is called rubbing the dough. Excessive mechanical impact on the dough can lead to a sharp weakening of the gluten. This makes it sticky. Therefore, in the process of processing the dough, it is impossible to allow the working bodies of the machine to act on it for an unnecessarily long time. After rubbing, the dough is rolled up and left alone to carry out the fermentation process. To prevent the surface of the dough from drying out, it is covered with a damp cloth. After 2-3 hours of fermentation, the dough is sent for molding.


The ripened dough is formed in special machines, from where it comes out in the form of an annular spiral and is cut into blanks with the help of special knives. Molding lamb products is the most time-consuming operation of the entire process of their preparation. With the manual method of molding, bundles are prepared from dough on a rolling-cutting machine. The wire-cutting machine consists of two pairs of smooth rolls and a pair of rolls with grooves. First, the dough is rolled into a layer with smooth rolls, and then cut into bundles with grooved rolls. The grooves on the rolls are shaped so that they give a round cross-section tow, and appropriate rolls are used for each type of product. When preparing tows for drying, rolls with a chute 10 mm wide are used, bagels - 15 mm and bagels - 22 mm. This ensures that bundles of the required diameter are obtained.

Currently, most of the enterprises that produce bagels are equipped with dividing and seaming machines for forming bagels, bagels and dryers. Rings are made from the resulting tourniquet, the size of which depends on the type of product and is determined by the number of pieces per 1 kg, established by the standard. Bagel products are molded in a dividing and seaming machine, where a thin tubular blank is formed into an annular blank, spiral in cross section. Machine-molded products differ significantly from hand-molded products. In cross section, the former have a spiral structure, the latter are solid. In addition, they are distinguished by the correct shape, the absence of a slip space, a more beautiful appearance, for the production of bagels of different varieties, the machine has a set of interchangeable working bodies of the forming part. When switching from one grade to another, parts of different diameters are placed depending on the required cross-section of the steering wheel.

Proofing of test pieces.

The molded products are placed on plywood boards placed on trolleys and sent to special proofing chambers, where a certain temperature and air humidity are maintained to prevent the surface of the bagels from drying out. In the process of proofing, bagels are somewhat rounded, become elastic to the touch and acquire the necessary porosity. The duration of the proofing is different, it depends on the type of products and the method of molding. For simple bagels with manual molding, the proofing time is 20-25 minutes, with machine molding - 60-90 minutes or more. The duration of proofing of dryers is less: with manual molding 15-20 minutes, machine molding - 40-60 minutes. The long proofing time of products during machine molding is explained by the fact that their dough pieces are more compacted and it takes more time to loosen them due to gas formation during additional fermentation than for hand molded pieces.

Scalding of test pieces.

To fix the shape and obtain products with a smooth shiny surface, the dough pieces are scalded with low-pressure steam in special steam chambers (in the absence of a scalding chamber, this operation is replaced by scalding with water at a temperature of 92-95 ° C). The greater the mass of the workpiece, the longer the scalding. Form fixation is facilitated by the processes occurring in the dough - protein denaturation and starch gelatinization. The fermentation microflora of the dough dies when scalded. The scalding process is a specific operation of bagel production, when the spaced dough pieces are dipped into boiling water. The purpose of welding is to obtain a layer of gelatinized starch on the surface of the dough piece, which ensures the achievement of a glossy smooth surface of the product. In addition, due to the partial denaturation of proteins, as well as the inhibition of fermentation, the product retains the shape given to it during molding. When scalding bagels in boiling water, the temperature in the central part of the bundle reaches 55-60 C, i.e., the temperature at which the proteins begin to denature and the fermentation of the dough practically stops. To give the bagels a ruddy color, molasses, sugar or burnt sugar are added to the boiling water. The duration of welding is set by the technological instruction, depending on the type of product and the method of preparing the dough. for bagels, it averages 50-90 seconds, bagels - 1-2 minutes, dryers - 50-70 seconds. Scalded lamb products are unloaded on the table and then laid on boards for drying. At the same time, the products deformed during cooking are straightened and given the correct shape. For welding, large boilers are used, in which there is a grid at a certain depth. Between the grid and the bottom of the boiler there is a coil, through which steam is supplied, which heats the water. Dough pieces from the proofing boards are manually poured into the boiler and, at the end of the scalding process, are removed from it using a scalder. The scald is a mesh stretched over a wire ring with a handle. A sign of the readiness of bagels during scalding is their floating to the surface of the water in the boiler. There are mechanized welding machines. They consist of a shallow wide bath of boiling water through which a moving metal mesh (conveyor) passes. Test pieces are poured onto the grid. The speed of the mesh is adjusted so that the bagels lying on it are under water for as long as necessary for their welding. More modern is the method of processing dough pieces with steam. After welding, the dough pieces are dried in special chambers with gas or electric heating or directly in the air in the workshop.

Drying lamb products before baking significantly improves their appearance and quality. Products receive uniform coloring, a pure and glossy surface. After drying, they go to baking.

Baking products.

Products are baked in both tunnel and rotary convection ovens. During the baking process, denaturation of proteins and gelatinization of starch ends in lamb products, the surface of the product is colored as a result of caramelization of sugar and the formation of melanoidins, intensive evaporation of moisture from the mass of the product occurs, baking, as it were, is combined with drying of the product. The volume of the product during baking practically does not increase. Products are baked at a temperature of 165 to 290 ° C, depending on the type of ovens. Baking time (in minutes): for dryers - 12-18, bagels - 11-17, bagels - 9-18. The process of baking lamb products has its own specifics. It is characterized by the fact that while the products are in the oven, a large amount of water must be removed from them. For example, the moisture content of dough pieces for simple bagels is 36.5%, for finished products - 17%, i.e. upek reaches 18-19%. Lamb products, due to their small thickness, quickly warm up in the oven, then the drying process begins, that is, the removal of moisture. To make the products glossy, it is necessary to remove steam from the baking chamber during baking. The duration and temperature of baking depend on the type and grade of products, the oven system, respectively - from 9 to 25 minutes and 190-260 ° C.

Quality expertise.

According to organoleptic indicators lamb bakery products must meet the following requirements:

  • shape in the form of an oval or round ring. In hand-cut products, a noticeable junction of the ends of the bundle and a change in the thickness of the products at the junction of the ends of the bundle are allowed. No more than two small prints are allowed, the presence of a flat surface on the side lying on the sheet, mesh, or hearth;
  • the surface is glossy, smooth, without blisters and cracks, sprinkled with poppy seeds, cumin, salt in the corresponding varieties. Corresponding to the type of product, without contamination. Grid prints are allowed on one side, the presence of small cracks with a length of not more than 1/3 of the ring surface. For packaged bagels, slight wrinkling is allowed;
  • color - from light yellow to dark brown. A darker color and lack of gloss on the side laid on the sheet, mesh or hearth is allowed;
  • internal state - loosened, baked, without signs of unmixed. Mustard dryers and bagels have a yellowish color in the break; - fragility - drying should be fragile, bagels - brittle or fragile;
  • taste - corresponding to this type of product with a taste of aromatic and flavoring additives, without foreign taste;
  • smell - characteristic of this type of product, without foreign smell. In the corresponding products, the smell of the added additives should be felt. The amount of scrap is normalized.

Humidity is controlled from physical and chemical indicators. In products with added sugar and fat, their content is established and controlled. For dryers and bagels, the swelling coefficient is determined.

Safety monitoring is carried out.

To be honest, I don’t really like bakery products, especially such a plan. However, it's always interesting to see how it's done. So, in the city of Kirov, we managed to admire the process of the birth of traditional dryers and crackers - the very ones whose garlands, along with an accordion and a samovar, are considered a symbol of Russian tea drinking.

We were to visit the OAO Bakery and Confectionery Plant, which also has a second name - Novovyatsky Bakery. The production employs about 350 people, and about 60 in the drying and bread shop. Up to 15 tons of products are made here per day. The enterprise is modern, clean, but for some reason the information about it is wildly classified - there is almost zero information on the Internet, and in the workshops it is strictly photography is prohibited. This, of course, is a form of disgrace. Why then arrange shows, especially for bloggers? However, I managed to remove almost everything that is needed, and therefore -
1. The main gate of the plant with a proudly emblazoned name.

2. Checkpoint.

3. The territory of the plant looks like this.

4. Here, someone also tried to shout about the ban on photography, but it was too late.

5. Looking ahead, I note that these are already layers of finished products. And to the left behind the wall is a company store.

6. Well, let's look inside. In these bags, the main raw material for production is flour.

7. And these are rolls of packaging.

8. The main shop looks like this.


10. The process begins with the preparation of the dough. To the right are butter bricks.

11. It is rendered in such containers.

12. And here is the dough. It is manually transferred to special sockets at the beginning of the line, then the process is fully automated. But transferring is a rather difficult task; for a shift, the dough mixer transfers up to 3.8 tons of dough.

13. Automation has simplified a lot in production. So, before its appearance, 8-9 people worked on one line, now there are only three: a dough mixer, an operator of a dividing and seaming machine and an operator of a packaging machine. And the line began to produce in the same time one and a half times more products.


15. From the laid dough, the machines form the very drying that we are used to seeing. They are still raw and are just about to be baked.





20. Having passed difficult crossroads, raw products enter the oven, located above the belt.

21. More and more, now through such a complex structure.


23. Here they are already ready. Hot!

24. After that, the dryers are moved in equal parts to the packaging part of the shop.

25. By the way, the size of products is calculated quite strictly - with the help of a laser, and then they are selectively weighed.



28. These are not just loaves. The same shop also makes crackers. Contrary to popular misconception - not according to the residual principle of unusable stale bread, but just like that.

29. Loaves are also automatically cut into identical pieces, from which crackers are subsequently obtained.



32. Well, at the final stage, the bakery products are dressed up in a package with the help of a special machine and go to the final distance.

33. Where they are accepted, laid out in boxes.

