
Resistant cream for decorating the cake recipe. Making protein cream

What is a holiday without guests, gifts and cake? Boring! A holiday is a holiday for having fun, chatting, dancing and pampering yourself with all sorts of delicious treats! If you know how to bake cakes and make delicious creams- this is already half the success. Today we will look at options on how to decorate a cake at home.

How to decorate a cake at home?

How to decorate a cake at home with cream

First of all, you need to deal with the question of what kind of cream is ideal for decorating confectionery. There are not many of them:

  • oil;
  • protein;
  • creamy.

The basis of the butter cream is butter, with a fat content of at least 82%. You can also use condensed milk or powdered sugar to make the cream. As for the proportions, when preparing butter cream with condensed milk, it is necessary to take into account the consistency of the milk itself. Often experienced confectioners boiled condensed milk is used, it is denser and ensures the stability of the cream. To give the decor the desired shade, it is more advisable to use liquid food coloring.

In butter cream you can also add cocoa powder or chocolate melted in a water bath. This technology is ideal for decoration chocolate biscuits and cupcakes.

Protein cream - one of the capricious. Its preparation will require patience and endurance from you. Custard is used to decorate cakes. protein cream, the preparation of which takes place in three stages:

  • pour ¼ cup into a saucepan clean water and add 6 tablespoons of sugar. Put on the fire and cook the syrup for 3-5 minutes after boiling (checking readiness is easy enough - dip a spoon into the syrup and raise it so that the finished syrup flows down - if the thread is thick and continuous, your syrup is ready);
  • put 3 cold egg whites in a clean and dry bowl and beat with a mixer until a thick white foam (to get stable peaks, you can add 3-4 drops lemon juice or a pinch citric acid);
  • Continuing to beat, pour the finished protein into the whites in a thin stream sugar syrup and beat the resulting mass for another 1-2 minutes. At this stage, the necessary flavors and dyes can be added to the cream.

Applied ready cream on the cake also using confectionery syringe and bait. The capriciousness of the cream lies in the fact that overcooked or undercooked sugar syrup will cause the flowers and patterns from the cream to lose their shape very quickly. And the overcooked syrup will add bitterness to the cream. To thicken the protein cream, you can use agar-agar (this natural product safe for children and adults).

For cooking butter cream you will need fatty confectionery cream (at least 32% fat) and powdered sugar. Cream is also a rather capricious ingredient. Before whipping, it is necessary to cool not only them, but also the container in which you will whip the cream, as well as the whisks of the mixer. The observance of time when whipping the cream also plays an important role, a common mistake of novice cooks is over-whipped cream. Cold cream is whipped with powdered sugar until stiff peaks are obtained. If you doubt that the cream will not lose its shape within 12-24 hours, you can add a special thickener to it, which is sold in almost any supermarket. Butter cream can also be given any shade, but classic version cream cake decorations - White color cream.

How to decorate a cake at home with mastic

Today it is very popular confectionery, decorated mastic figurines. It is also worth clarifying here that there are two options making mastic:

  • sugar;
  • marshmallow.

The first option is more time consuming, but guarantees the stability and strength of your figures and flowers. By the way, almost every one of us has come across such figures and flowers - they are sold as decor for Easter cakes. Sugar and marshmallow mastic are sold in ready-made but you can also make them yourself.

For cooking sugar mastic you will need:

  • 80 ml of water;
  • 7 g of instant gelatin;
  • 15-20 g soft butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of glucose (fructose);
  • 1 kg powdered sugar.

Gelatin must be prepared in advance. To do this fill it cold water and set aside for 30-40 minutes, then heat the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved (but do not boil!). Add butter and glucose to hot gelatin, mix until smooth and refrigerate. If you want to give the mastic any shade, then the dye must be added to the hot gelatin. Powdered sugar is added to the mass only after complete cooling. It is necessary to knead the mastic like dough for dumplings (sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and knead the mass until the mastic stops absorbing the powder).

For the preparation of marshmallow mastic you will need chewing marshmallows (marshmallows), powdered sugar, a little butter. Marshmallows must be heated in a microwave or in a water bath until they increase by 1.5-2 times (a piece of butter must be added to a container with marshmallows before heating). Stir the enlarged sweets, add dyes and, adding powdered sugar, knead the mass similar in consistency to plasticine. This mastic is used to cover cakes and create various figures.

You can decorate the cake fresh or canned fruit, grated chocolate, coconut flakes.

Recipes for cream and others confectionery decorations

cake decorating cream keeps its shape well

500 ml

1 hour

180 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

I really love homemade cakes and practically do not recognize the "plastic" cakes from the store. To be honest, the question is how to decorate home cake, for me for a long time I didn’t stand, because the charm of home-made sweets lies precisely in the absence of pathos - it is more than replaced by the love invested in cooking.

But today, so many new and interesting things have appeared on the shelves, both in terms of products and in terms of kitchen appliances that it becomes quite a real task to compete with a confectionery not only in content, but also in form.

With those who are ready to accept the challenge, I will share good recipe cream for decorating the cake.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: a saucepan with a thick non-stick bottom, a bowl, a mixer, a wooden spatula for stirring.

The technology involves cooling the hot product to room temperature, so the cooking time may vary slightly depending on the conditions in your kitchen and whether it is possible to speed up the process a little, for example, by putting the mixture on a cold balcony.

Required products

To prepare the cream, you will need:

Features of product selection

I use regular sugar to make this cream, but if you have the opportunity to replace it with cane sugar, the result will only be better. Brown sugar will give the cream a more noble color and an additional flavor note.

Instead of vanilla sugar you can use vanillin, but be careful: it has a coarser taste, so do not overdo it with the amount.

Butter quality - main secret good cream! It must be at least 82.5% fat, and you must be sure that you are using it. milk product, not spread.

Some housewives, however, argue that it’s just from the spread that the cream turns out to be quite good, but as for me, the benefits healthy food yet no one canceled.

How to make a cake decorating cream that keeps its shape well at home

We break the proteins into a saucepan, add sugar and beat with a mixer until the mixture increases several times in volume and becomes much lighter.

Put the saucepan on slow fire and heat, stirring constantly until the protein-sugar mixture acquires the consistency of thick semolina.

Do not get distracted and do not stop stirring, otherwise you will not notice how the eggs curl or burn. The mass should remain homogeneous and in no case should it stick to the bottom of the dish. The whole process is not very fast, be prepared to spend a good half an hour at the stove.

Remove the mixture from the heat and continue stirring until the bottom of the saucepan has cooled. Then beat until thick foam.

In a separate bowl, beat the butter until white, adding in the process vanilla sugar. Enter carefully into custard oil.

Continue whisking until smooth and fluffy.

At this stage, the cream can be tasted for sweetness and, if sugar is not enough for your taste, add a spoon or two of powdered sugar.

The best cream for decorating the cake is ready, you can get creative.

Such a cream, by the way, can also be laid out with openwork “caps” on muffins and muffins. Or just use it as the main one in cakes and pastries ( last option- in case the embellishment does not work out at all).

In the process of preparing the custard part of the cream, it is very important that the protein-sugar mixture does not burn. If you do not have suitable dishes for such a procedure, it is better to use water bath. Bringing the cream to desired consistency in this case it will take a little longer, but in this case it's definitely the lesser evil.

Before you start cooking, make sure that all the utensils you use are completely dry.

It is best to stir the cream with a wooden spatula, you can also use a silicone one. But it is better to refuse a metal spoon, since when heated, it can react with products, which, firstly, is not very useful, and secondly, it negatively affects the taste of the finished cream.

The following indicator indicates the readiness of the custard: when you run a spatula along the bottom of the saucepan, the protein-sugar mass does not return to its place immediately, for several seconds the bottom remains completely bare. The mass is easy to scoop up, after which it slowly and leisurely flows from the shoulder blade back into the saucepan.

When you remove the custard from the heat and leave to cool, tighten it cling film, and not on the surface of the saucepan, but directly lay the film on the cream. Then the mass will not become weathered, will not be covered with a crust, but will remain silky and uniform.

In order for the butter to beat well and not delaminate into fractions, it must be completely softened, and not cold. If you still have lumps in the process of whipping, try melting the butter a little in a water bath or wait until it warms up naturally.

There is one more trick: if everything is really bad with butter, you can try to fix the situation by adding melted chocolate to it, but the cream will turn out to be much darker, so that the “composition” you have planned on the cake may collapse. On the other hand, in theory, butter cream is intended for decorating chocolate cakes, but if your products have a light surface, then chocolate can be added to such a cream not forcedly, but intentionally.

Just do not forget that chocolate cannot be heated over direct fire - only in a water bath, and the bottom of the container with chocolate should not come into contact with the surface of the water. And one more rule: when melting chocolate, it cannot be stirred - the mass must melt “in a calm atmosphere”, without outside help.

It is also important to remember that only fresh cream keeps its shape well for decorating a cake. It is better to use it right away, since decorating a cake at home is already not an easy task, but with overdone cream it is completely problematic. You can, of course, whip the cream again before the procedure, but even in this case there is a danger that the roses you lovingly built will still “float”.

And the last. The mass in the process of decorating should be at room temperature. If the cream is cooled, the butter will harden, and it will be very inconvenient to “work” with such a mass, moreover, decorations from cold butter cream do not turn out appetizingly shiny. Warm cream, on the contrary, spreads, does not “line up” and mixes with the main cream on the cake or dough, which does not suit us at all.

A video recipe for cake decorating cream that holds its shape well

Decorating cakes with cream is a fascinating process and a real art that you can comprehend all your life, however, after watching the video, you will be convinced that the walking one will master the road:

Protein custard. cream cake recipe

✔ Subscribe - http://goo.gl/SUkMQR

The recipe for the most delicious and beautiful protein custard.
This cream is ideal for decorating muffins, cakes, baskets with berries.
The cream keeps its shape perfectly and does not lose it when room temperature.

Tools that can be bought on Aliexpress:
— Kitchen thermometer http://ali.pub/1bfwau
- Food coloring AmeriColor 101 - 128 http://ali.pub/jnw8p
- Food coloring AmeriColor 129 - 165 http://ali.pub/t8jy9
— Confectionery disposable bags http://ali.pub/9knog
— A set of adapters (large and small) http://ali.pub/1dqupi
— Small seamless nozzles for cream http://ali.pub/1dqvrm

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COOKING AT HOME with Oksana Pashko is a culinary channel where you will find many video recipes for making cocktails, cakes, desserts, meat, poultry and fish dishes, salads, various snacks, fragrant soups.
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In fact, the Internet has great amount a variety of master classes on decorating cakes with cream, but this video contains a whole series various variations and ideas - both for beginners and for those who already have certain skills in this area of ​​culinary creativity. You can choose any to your taste and learn the science of decorating a cake with cream literally step by step.

Invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

There are a lot of creams for decorating cakes at home, the creamy one I suggested is just one of the options. For spectacular presentation protein cream is well suited, often purely butter (with sugar or condensed milk) or sour cream is also used. Which cake decorating cream to choose depends on the idea and personal preferences. I want to know more secrets about how to decorate a cake beautifully, and I will be especially grateful for ideas on decorating homemade cakes with cream with a photo. Write, let's discuss and engage in creativity together!

There are a lot of recipes for creams for decorating a cake. Some of them require cooking, the latter are so-called raw. Depends on the type of cream prepared appearance cake, and the quality of its impregnation. What are the recipes for cake decorating cream?

Curd cream for cake decoration

This cream is great for meringue cake and fruit cakes.


  • Milk - 1st.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp
  • Curd - 200 g
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Vanillin


  1. Bring half of the indicated amount of milk to a boil. Stir the flour into the remaining cold milk.
  2. Add hot milk to this mixture, keep on fire until thickened, stirring thoroughly all the time. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in half a glass cold water, wait until it swells, and then heat until completely dissolved.
  4. Add softened butter, sugar to cottage cheese and grind thoroughly.
  5. Whip the whites into a strong foam.
  6. Mix the curd mass with the milk mixture, gelatin, yolk. Beat everything well, add vanilla, add proteins and mix everything again. Cream is ready!

Custard classic cream for cake decoration


  • Eggs - 5 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Beat eggs thoroughly with sugar. Add flour, stir until it becomes a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  2. We heat the milk, start pouring into warm milk egg mixture in a thin stream. Stir all the time, continue to cook until thickened, cool.
  3. Soften the butter, add vanillin, powdered sugar, beat everything, add the mixture to the cream. Again, beat everything into a fluffy mass.
  4. If you want to get especially lush cream , enter into it two tightly whipped egg whites.

Egg cream with cocoa for cake decoration


  • Yolks - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 b.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind the yolks with sugar.
  2. Mix soft butter with condensed milk and beat into a fluffy mass.
  3. Dissolve cocoa in cold water.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and beat well into a homogeneous mass.

Sour cream for cake decoration


  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Fatty sour cream - 2 tbsp.


Mix the ingredients and beat until thick.

Cream soufflé for cake decoration


  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 8 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Gelatin pour 150 ml of cold water, wait until it swells, and heat it until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with half of the sugar indicated in the composition, add milk and flour, stir thoroughly, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. In the cooled mass, add soft butter, vanilla and beat everything well.
  3. Beat the whites with one glass of sugar until a strong foam is obtained, add gelatin, the bulk, and beat well again.

This cream should be used to decorate the cake immediately after preparation. This is due to the fact that it freezes very quickly.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Vanillin


  1. Add sugar to eggs and beat well.
  2. Then add flour, four tablespoons of milk and mix everything until smooth.
  3. The remaining milk should be brought to a boil, add beaten eggs to it, heat in a water bath, stirring until it boils.
  4. When it boils and thickens, add soft butter and vanilla. Then we cool the cream.

Butter cream for cake decoration


  • Cream 35% fat - 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 g


  1. Pre-cool the cream, pour into a container, put this container in another so that the bottom is in cold water.
  2. Whisk with a whisk until the cream thickens.
  3. Without stopping the whipping process, add vanilla sugar, powdered sugar to the cream, and again beat everything thoroughly.

The cream should be used to decorate the cake immediately after preparation.

No matter how delicious a cake for a holiday is, if it has no shape and the decorations on it float in different sides- he will not create Have a good mood while drinking tea. Of course, you can make any, even a crooked and crooked cake, if there are only your own in the house, but if guests come to you, then you may be ashamed of your culinary experience.

Remember that cake decorating cream can not only draw attention to chic pastry, but also to hide some flaws in the cakes.

If you had to cut off some parts from the cake, then only cream can close it. If there is no experience in creating correct and clear decorations, then it is better to practice in advance, otherwise not only the cake will lose its attractiveness, but the mood of the hostess can be spoiled by hard decoration work, which will not lead to the desired result.

The easiest way to learn is on a protein or oil cream.

Both of them hold their shape well and don't float. long time. If you cook something once a week, then this can be a time for stuffing your hands. Look at how certain decorations are made on the cake, try to repeat them and in this way the hands themselves will understand how much cream and with what movements it needs to be squeezed out to get smooth graceful lines or beautiful flowers.

One of the most famous creams, from which figurines, flowers and other holiday paraphernalia for cakes are most often made, is mastic.

You can read a separate article on the manufacture of this plastic material on our website, so we will not repeat ourselves and consider other types of cream that hold their shape well and are designed to decorate any culinary creation.

The easiest creams to make are not always suitable for impregnating cakes, since for the most part they turn out to be dense and an abundance of sugar or oil can only harm. Therefore, to prepare a delicious, but at the same time beautiful cake, you will most likely need two types of cream. One for impregnation between cakes, the second for decoration.

Let's start with the simplest, oil cream.

Creating various lines, zigzags, monograms using this cream is as easy as shelling pears. Firstly, it holds its shape well, and secondly, it can be painted in any color. This will allow you to make decorations for the cake in several color schemes which will add to its attractiveness.

What is included in the cream and what are the proportions of the ingredients so that flowers and other beauty do not fall off in 10 minutes.

At the same time, the thicker you find condensed milk, the better cream keeps its shape.

The preparation is quite simple.

- Remove the butter from the refrigerator and cut into cubes 15-20 minutes before cooking. Condensed milk in jars is rarely stored in the refrigerator, but if it is still there, then you need to get it much earlier so that it warms up to room temperature. After the butter has become soft and the condensed milk has required temperature Let's start making cream.

At low speed of the mixer, beat the butter and gradually add the condensed milk in very small portions, without stopping whipping. After the mass has acquired homogeneous consistency, divide it by required amount parts and in each we introduce our own dye. Think over the drawing of the cake in advance, but rather put it on paper and decorate it with pencils, so it will be easier to create decorations on the product itself.

After you have applied all the pieces of jewelry to upper layer cake using cream different colors, put the dessert in the refrigerator until serving.

The next recipe, which is also suitable for a cake and holds any, even the most inconceivable forms, is a protein cream.

Its recipe is simple, but requires some skill.

There is a simpler and fast way make this cream, so as not to sit for hours with a cup and whisk. Separate the proteins, beat them with sugar, just a little so that all the sugar disperses, and then put the bowl of cream in a water bath. Add lemon juice and wait for the water to boil under the bowl. From this moment, we begin to beat the mass until it all starts to wrap around the beaters, after which we remove it from the bath and beat for another 5-10 minutes. You can create cake decorations of any color, since the mass tolerates color remarkably, and also does not need to be in the refrigerator for a long time to solidify. This is perhaps the most budget of all creams.

Cream cheese.

This type of decoration, like the previous ones, does not float, but it costs a little more, since cottage cheese you rarely meet domestic producers, most often it is Holland or Germany. Naturally, imported cheeses are more expensive, but if you can buy good domestic curd cheese, then consider yourself very lucky. Some dairies in the country produce this delicacy, so the famous Hochland can be exchanged for a domestic one.

To make jewelry, we need:

  • 200 gr. butter, good quality- not salty;
  • 280 gr. curd cheese;
  • 150 gr. Sahara.

We beat the softened butter with sugar at low mixer speeds, it is better to take tall dishes for this, since not all mixers work in one mode, you press the start a little harder, and the speed increases. In this case, the butter flies out of a low bowl, and then washing it all over the kitchen is “the height of bliss.” After all the sugar is mixed with the butter, you need to put all the cheese into the mass and beat again. The cream will not immediately become dense, so you need to put it in the refrigerator for two hours and then start creating decorations for the cake. Since this mass requires solidification, then consider this aspect and do not leave cooking at the last moment before the guests arrive.

Basically, most cakes have to stand either at room temperature or in the refrigerator to soak the cakes for a while, so it's rare that anyone deals with dessert at the last moment.

To create beautiful drawings and ornaments on pastries are suitable for any sweets based on butter, since it is very resistant when it hardens, but not many people like its taste in in large numbers. If you are going to make dessert for children's holiday, then keep in mind that most children simply do not use this product. In addition, this is a very difficult type of baking coating for both children and adults, and if you do not want all the roses and leaves to remain on the plates after the holiday, then use a different type of fondant.

In this case, you can use whipped cream, which also makes excellent drawings and flowers, but such a coating is much lighter and is eaten by everyone without exception.

What is included and how to prepare a creamy dessert for ornaments:

  • 0.5 l. cream with a fat content of at least 30%;
  • 100 gr. powdered sugar.

And that's all, but there are a lot of small nuances in the preparation of this type of coating for baking and other desserts. Let's start by preparing fondant to create jewelry. To do this, start whipping cream at low speeds, gradually increasing them. In the process of whipping, pour in the powdered sugar and continue to work with the mixer. The mass is prepared quite quickly, but if you need the cake to stand for a long time and not lose its splendor, then add diluted gelatin (20 gr.) Or in some stores a cream thickener is sold, which must be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Now about some features of cooking.

Cream will whip better if used chilled, not frozen. What air cream likes is cold and clean dishes. You can put the bowl on ice while whipping, but you can also simply cool it in the freezer before making it and then wipe it dry.

Whipped cream does not like old age, so it’s possible to beat a little sour cream, but the air mass will delaminate and begin to fall off at the most inopportune moment for this. If you are preparing a cake for a child, then imagine his tears when he sees something vaguely ugly instead of beautifully decorated pastries. Always buy in store only fresh food This will save you from disappointment.

Maybe this is not a secret for anyone and for her, but in many small shops, especially not specialized ones, they know how to interrupt on boxes with high quality. Buy from dairies if possible specialized stores in soft plastic bags, it is almost impossible to change the stamped production date on them. And this cream is stored much less, but there are very few preservatives in them.

Before whipping, keep the cream overnight in the refrigerator and only in the morning start it up for cream production.

Whipped cream is not very durable, so it should be prepared on the day of serving, and eaten no more than three days in advance.

If you want to make a multi-colored pattern, then at the home pastry shop ask if this or that dye is suitable for whipped cream.

Already prepared whipped cream in a tube can also be suitable for decorating the sides, just make sure that the production date is fresh, and not two or three months ago. These tubes are immediately equipped with some likeness confectionery nozzle, but if you need a different pattern, then put on the stationary part from pastry bag, that is, the nozzle that seems most suitable, and secure it with a double-sided tape seal.

Firstly, no figures and flowers will fall on an unprepared cake.

It must be smoothed out with cream. On smooth glaze also, not a single decor will hold. If you decide to glaze pastries, then you should stop there. You can only make an inscription from a protein cream and decorate with nuts or dried fruits.

Any gelatin-based creams last much longer and have advantages over non-gelatin coatings.

Almost all creams can be colored with either special food coloring or vegetable and fruit juice.

Jelly and gelatin fillings with fruits they look very elegant, but children very rarely like them, so you should not upset the child, but cook pastries for kids with protein or cream figures. Children also love mastic coatings, but not flowers, but cakes in the form of toys or cartoon characters.

Gelatin coatings on the top of pastries can be grouped with protein or air-cream sides.

But it is necessary to decorate the sides only after the gelatin has completely solidified, that is, after 1-2 hours. To gelatin mass has not leaked out of the cake, it is necessary to make high sides of dense material, or use removable sides from the cake maker.

Gelatin can be home baking use instant, only it cannot be boiled, but only heated, otherwise it will not harden even in the freezer.

Also, never connect or pour components with different temperatures.

Cream and sour cream should be chilled, but all other components of the creams should have the same room temperature, then the drawings and other accessories from the cream will not flow over the cake and will not delaminate during the manufacturing process.

When staining, do it with small drops of dye, mix, if you have not yet reached the desired color, then drop a little more, but do not pour in a lot at once, as this may turn out saturated color that it will be extremely difficult to match other colors to it.

If you still need to put a flower or other decor on a cake with icing, then do it on a slightly frozen, but not yet completely icing, and then remove it again culinary product into the refrigerator. When solidified, the decor will firmly stick with icing to the cake.

Since it is not always possible to calculate the required amount of cream for decoration, its remains can be easily stored in the freezer, and used to decorate the next cake or pastries or as an independent dessert, if this species coating does not cause unpleasant taste sensations a lot. with anyone oil cream you can easily make morning sandwiches for a child or any other sweet tooth in the family. IN a small amount, the oily-condensed mass smeared on a loaf will be great start day.

If you decide to freeze the decor until the next baking, then first pack it in plastic containers and tightly close the lids, and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this time, move the containers to freezer and store up to 4 weeks.

Eat creamy and protein creams immediately or divide into dessert bowls and decorate with chocolate and serve to children after the cake or with it, since these cake coatings are not stored in finished form.

You can also make ordinary meringues from protein cream and also serve at the end of the holiday in a separate bowl.

In the future, you will learn how to accurately calculate the number of components so that there are no residues, but at the first stage, you can use the listed tips.

Good housewives always want birthday cake was not only delicious, but also beautiful. Today, there are many ways to beautifully serve dessert: sprinkle it ready-made decorations, put on mastic, make your own edible flowers or pour over glaze. In this article, you will learn recipes for special creams that are suitable for decorating a cake or pastries and, at the same time, will only add zest to the taste of a dessert.

Classic cream cake recipe for decoration

This is the most basic way to make a cream, you can add your favorite ingredients to it yourself: vanilla extract, cinnamon, even ground cloves or cardamom, zest. To give color to the cream, you need to buy dyes, the best option will be helium dyes, which can be found in the confectionery departments. If you could not find them, then give preference to loose food coloring, after diluting them thickly with water. Some housewives use natural pigments, like beets.

Take these ingredients:

  • 220 - 230 grams of butter, not salty.
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla sugar.
  • 600 grams of powdered sugar, very fine, good grinding.
  • Two tablespoons of warm milk


  • The oil must be put on the battery in a metal bowl, or put in a water bath. When it melts to a soft state that you can easily fluff with a fork, remove.
  • Beat the butter and vanilla sugar until smooth, which resembles a lush foam. Start gradually adding powder, but do not pour all at once. Pour about a glass of powder in a thin stream, then beat the mass again and so on until the very end.
  • Milk is added last and the cream is whipped again.
    If you have special spices or dyes, then add them at this stage.
  • After that, it is recommended to put the cream in the refrigerator for 15 - 20 minutes and let it cool. Spread the finished oily cream with a spoon into a confectionery bag and draw the desired patterns and patterns on the surface of the cake. Do not forget that you can not put such a cake in a warm place.

Cream cake recipe for decorating with rum

Some original recipe, the proportions of the ingredients here differ from classic recipes, and alcohol gives a zest to the taste. Instead of rum, you can use liqueur, cognac and even amaretto.


  • 200 grams of sugar, you can cane, but this will affect the color.
  • One egg.
  • Half a glass of milk.
  • 300 grams of butter.
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract can be replaced with vanilla.
  • One tablespoon of rum.

The cooking technology is different from all the others:

  • You need to put the milk to boil in a cauldron or pan, immediately add the egg and beat this mixture well.
  • Slowly add sugar, stir until completely combined. Do not stop stirring the cream until it thickens to a jelly, but liquid. Only then stop stirring and put the pan in a cool place.
  • While the mixture is cooling, soften all the butter and beat it until it looks like thick sour cream. Add it to egg mixture without stopping churning. Add rum, vanilla and all desired ingredients.

Such a cream is immediately ready for use, you will not wait until it cools, but immediately start decorating.
