
How to make Chocolate Cocoa Biscuit Easy. Moist chocolate biscuit

A simple chocolate biscuit is always fluffy, moist and very porous. It prepares easily and quickly. Soda is poured into sour kefir. Liquid components are mixed with loose ones, hissed kefir is added and everything is baked at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. And you don’t have to worry if the eggs are well beaten or not, as in the classic version. come out tall and airy.

The whole secret is in the correct sequence of actions and knowledge of the nuances. We will tell you about everything and in detail today in the comments and with a photo.

The subtleties of the recipe for a simple chocolate biscuit

  1. Only the highest grade flour must be sifted. This procedure eliminates possible debris and saturates the mass with air.
  2. Soda is used, which is poured into kefir or sour cream, yogurt or bifitat. The product to start the carbon dioxide formation reaction in the liquid base must be sour and old. Cooking with it a very tasty and simple chocolate biscuit will be a successful preparation for assembly or cakes. Yes, and there will be where to dispose of expired kefir / sour cream / yogurt.


  • It is not necessary to replace soda with baking powder, so as not to lose the splendor of the cake.
  • It is impossible to extinguish soda with vinegar. In the process of these grandmother's manipulations, all carbon dioxide evaporates before it gets into the dough.
  1. All components must be at room temperature.
  2. Store-bought eggs are less fatty. They do not need to be beaten with a mixer, dividing into proteins and yolks. They are introduced by whisking together with sugar with a whisk or mixer. Can be doubled in size. But this is not essential.
  3. Cocoa must be sifted so that there are no lumps in a simple chocolate biscuit for the cake.
  4. If desired, instead of cocoa, you can add chocolate melted in a water bath (100 g per serving). It will turn out a richer taste - ideal for chocoholics.
  5. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste, but for the first time it is better to do it strictly according to the recipe.

Preparing a mold for a fluffy and simple chocolate sponge cake

Optimally - detachable form with a special coating. Diameter - up to 25 cm. The larger the diameter, the thinner the cake will come out. To get a tall biscuit in a wide form, you need to at least double the amount of ingredients.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil. If you want to use butter, then you need to dust the bottom and sides with flour. This method of preparing the form is called a French shirt.

Delicious and easy chocolate biscuit recipe with step by step photos

Our cake on kefir with cocoa. Alternatively, sour cream, yogurt or bifitat are suitable. The main condition is that fermented milk products should not be the first freshness, as sour as possible. The biscuit then comes out megaporous and tall. And it always turns out for everyone, even in the absence of experience.

How to cook a delicious chocolate biscuit so that the cake based on it turns out not only the most chocolate, but also airy and well soaked? All those who love chocolate will support my opinion that the most delicious cake is chocolate. And even though it has a lot of calories, and it is not harmless to the figure, but this pleasure cannot be compared with any fruit salad or diet bread!

Even the most delicious chocolate cake we usually prepare on special occasions. And if so, then a little tinkering is not so difficult. The result is worth it, because a delicate chocolate biscuit differs from any other cake layer in the most beneficial way. If usually the taste of the cake is created mainly by cream, filling or impregnation, then in the case of chocolate biscuit, chocolate cake gets most of the breathtaking taste thanks to it.

How to make a chocolate biscuit: theory and subtleties

Of all the bases for cakes and pastries, the biscuit has the most magnificent structure. Egg whites serve as a natural baking powder in biscuit dough, the freshness and temperature of which determine how fluffy the biscuit will turn out. The main components of a biscuit are eggs, sugar, flour, and often starch, butter, cocoa. For chocolate sponge cake, cocoa is often used to taste, but it is usually 1 part cocoa and 2 parts flour. In one of the sources, I found the following recommendation: take cocoa in a mass of 10% of the mass of eggs. Some recipes may also use dark chocolate.

How to get a fluffy chocolate biscuit: dough preparation

  • The splendor of a biscuit depends on many factors, and if you try to take everything into account, the result will not disappoint you.
  • Eggs should be at room temperature. This will help the sugar dissolve faster.
  • It is better to beat eggs with sugar for a long time (about 30 minutes) so that the mass in its volume increases by 2-3 times. First beat at low speed, gradually increasing it. The duration of whipping will not be a problem if you have a planetary mixer.
  • The flour and cocoa for the biscuit must be pre-mixed, sifted and mixed into the egg mass quickly (about 15 seconds), since some of the air bubbles in the dough are destroyed when the dry ingredients are mixed.
  • It is worth avoiding mechanical influences on the finished dough: carefully pour it into molds and immediately send it to the oven.

How to bake a biscuit?

The finished dough should not be left to stand for more than an hour. You should not be distracted by anything until your biscuits are in the oven. It is during baking that we make the most mistakes that spoil the result.

  • Prepare the molds in advance: line the bottom with parchment paper, grease the sides with butter.
  • Fill the forms no more than 3/4 so that the risen biscuit does not “run away” during baking.

Advice: Before baking, level the surface of the dough with a knife or spatula, driving the dough against the sides of the mold. This will help keep the cake from puffing up in the middle.

  • You need to put the forms with the dough only in a well-heated oven (180-200 degrees).
  • Do not touch the forms with the dough for at least the first 10 minutes from the start of baking.

When is the biscuit ready for cake assembly?

Before soaking the biscuit, it must be allowed to "ripen". This process takes place 8 hours after baking. The finished biscuit is cooled like this:

  • It is not immediately removed from the oven - it is turned off and left for 5 minutes, and then slightly opened and the temperature is allowed to gradually drop for another 5 minutes.
  • The biscuit is removed from the oven and allowed to cool directly in the mold for about 30 minutes.
  • The cooled biscuit is separated with a knife from the side of the mold.

Advice: At the time of maturation, it is better not to remove the paper from the biscuit - this will prevent it from drying out too much.

During maturation, the structure of the biscuit will become more durable. If you are in a hurry and skip this step, your still-too-fresh biscuit will wrinkle and crumble when cut, and the impregnation will simply soak it.

Impregnation for chocolate biscuit

Once your airy chocolate biscuit is ready to assemble the cake, it needs to be soaked. By itself, it may seem dry to you, but with the right impregnation, the biscuit will get a new taste. The easiest impregnation option is syrup with cognac or dessert wine:

  1. To get 500 g of impregnation, take 250 g of sugar and water, 25 g of cognac or strong dessert wine and a drop of essence to taste - rum, almond or vanilla.
  2. Boil sugar with water and cool to room temperature, and then add cognac or wine, as well as essence.

This biscuit impregnation recipe can be taken as a basis, adding liqueurs and fresh juices to it if desired. You can also use strong sweet natural coffee as an impregnation. Just do not forget that such an impregnation will have a rather strong taste that can drown out other tastes and smells.

Moist chocolate biscuit

This wonderful chocolate biscuit recipe was shared on her webinar by the wonderful confectioner Alina Akhmadieva. Thanks for this great recipe! The biscuit really came out very tasty, and, most importantly, it was very suitable for the cake. It is strong yet light enough.

  • All dry ingredients except soda and vanilla should be mixed in a large bowl: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt.
  • Pour kefir into a separate container, add soda to it, mix and leave for a couple of minutes. The acid in kefir will react with soda and you will get a lush mass.
  • Mix kefir at low speed, add eggs one at a time, then hot water, oil and vanilla.
  • Add dry ingredients in portions, pour into pre-prepared forms and bake cakes at 180 degrees.

Chocolate biscuit for Prague cake

  • Mix flour with cocoa in a separate bowl and sift well.
    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff, adding half the sugar.
  • Grind the yolks into a fluffy mass with the second half of the sugar, add soft butter and 1/3 of the whipped proteins gently mix with a spatula.
  • Add the flour mixture to the batter in batches and fold in the remaining egg whites.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.

Airy chocolate biscuit for Black Forest cake

  • Mix flour, cornstarch and baking powder in a separate bowl and sift. Melt chocolate.
  • Separate eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks with hot water, sugar and vanilla sugar until thick foam, add melted chocolate.
  • Beat egg whites until stiff and add 1/3 to chocolate mixture.
  • Add the mixture of flour and starch to the dough in portions, and then the remaining proteins.
  • Bake a biscuit in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Biscuit Cake Recipes

    Delicious homemade dessert will decorate any holiday. And today we want to tell you how to bake a chocolate biscuit for a cake on your own.

    air biscuit

    A delicate base for the cake is prepared from the simplest products. It can be made both in a conventional oven and in a slow cooker.


    • 150 grams of sugar.
    • Two chicken eggs.
    • 100 ml vegetable oil.
    • 100 ml of milk.
    • One glass of wheat flour.
    • Three tablespoons of cocoa.
    • A teaspoon of soda quenched with vinegar.
    • Vanillin to taste.

    How to make a chocolate biscuit is very simple:

    • Combine vanilla, sugar and eggs in a deep bowl.
    • Beat the products with a mixer, gradually adding milk and vegetable oil to them.
    • Add cocoa, soda and sifted flour to the resulting mass.
    • Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and pour the dough into it.

    Bake the biscuit for 40 minutes in the "Baking" mode. When the base for the cake is ready, it must be cooled and decorated as desired.

    Chocolate cake with chocolate cream

    Biscuit is the basis of any dessert. This means that the choice of recipe should be approached with special attention. We offer you to bake an original puff cake for your relatives or guests, which will become a real decoration of your holiday.

    Required products:

    • 1.25 cups flour (one cup contains 240 ml).
    • One cup of cocoa.
    • Two pinches of salt.
    • Eight eggs.
    • One and a half cups of sugar.
    • Four spoons of sugar.
    • One cup of coffee.
    • One third of a cup of cognac.
    • 400 grams of milk chocolate.
    • Three cups of cream.
    • A teaspoon of vanilla extract.

    For the cake and chocolate cream recipe read below:

    • Sift cocoa, flour and baking powder into a deep bowl. Add salt.
    • Separately, beat the eggs with a mixer. Spend at least two minutes doing this. Gradually add sugar to them.
    • Mix half of the dry mixture with the eggs and then add the warm butter. After that, add the remaining flour and cocoa to the dough.
    • Divide the finished dough into several equal parts, pour it into the same molds and bake until cooked.
    • Next, start preparing the cream. First, melt the chocolate in a water bath, then cool it and mix with cream. Add to extract and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
    • When all the components of the cake are ready, you can start assembling. Put the first cake on parchment, soak it with cognac and brush with cream. Repeat this operation until you run out of blanks.

    Decorate the surface of the cake with cream and cut off uneven edges with a sharp knife. After that, put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours.

    Recipe with photo

    A juicy and tender dessert that your loved ones will surely enjoy. Cooking will not take you much time, and the products will need the simplest.

    • 220 ml milk.
    • 80 grams of butter.
    • Three eggs.
    • 85 grams of brown sugar and 80 grams of regular white.
    • 170 grams of flour.
    • 50 grams of dark chocolate.
    • Two tablespoons of cocoa.
    • A pinch of salt.
    • 500 grams of mascarpone.
    • 200 ml cream.
    • Powdered sugar - to taste.
    • Half a teaspoon of instant coffee.
    • A pack of baking powder.

    So, we are preparing a delicious chocolate biscuit for the cake:

    • Put the saucepan on the smallest fire, pour milk into it and lower the butter.
    • Beat white and brown sugar with eggs.
    • Sift flour, coffee and cocoa into a separate bowl.
    • Combine egg and dry mixture.
    • Break the chocolate into pieces and send them to a saucepan where the butter is heated. Stir the ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil.
    • Pour the chocolate mixture into the dough.
    • Lubricate the form with oil, transfer the dough into it and send the future biscuit to bake in the oven.
    • For cream, take mascarpone, cream and powdered sugar. You can add any flavoring at this point if you wish.
    • Cut the cooled biscuit in half and grease the cakes with cream.

    Stack the blanks on top of each other, and then send the dessert to the refrigerator all night.

    cherry biscuit

    • Six eggs.
    • 200 grams of powdered sugar.
    • Three teaspoons of vanilla extract.
    • 170 grams of flour.
    • A pack of baking powder.
    • Canned cherries - to taste.
    • Grated chocolate.
    • Whipped cream.

    For the chocolate mixture you will need:

    • 200 ml of milk.
    • 25 grams of flour.
    • 200 grams of dark chocolate.
    • 75 ml vegetable oil.

    Read the dessert recipe here:

    • Pour milk into a saucepan and add flour to it. Beat the food with a whisk until the mass begins to boil.
    • Add butter and chopped chocolate to the cream.
    • When the chocolate mixture has cooled, add sugar and vanilla extract to it. Beat the dough until it becomes glossy.
    • Gradually add eggs, flour and baking powder to it. At the very end, put canned cherries.
    • Divide the dough into two parts and bake the cakes of the same size.
    • Lubricate the first workpiece with cherries and whipped cream. Cover it with the second biscuit.

    Let the cake soak with cream and serve it to the table.

    Biscuit without eggs

    If you are fasting, then prepare this dessert on a holiday.


    • A glass of sugar.
    • 180 grams of flour.
    • Two teaspoons of baking powder.
    • A quarter teaspoon of salt.
    • Three tablespoons of cocoa powder.
    • 12 tablespoons of refined oil.
    • 200 ml of water.
    • A little vanilla.

    Cooking chocolate biscuit for the cake:

    • Sift the vanilla and flour into a deep bowl.
    • Add sugar, water and vegetable oil.
    • Mix the dough so that there are no lumps in it.
    • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour in the chocolate mixture.
    • Bake a biscuit, cool it and cut lengthwise into three equal parts.

    Spread the blanks with jam or any cream. Since the cakes are very soft, you can refuse additional impregnation.

    Biscuit with custard

    This delicious dessert can be prepared on a holiday or on a normal day for evening tea.

    Required products:

    • Five eggs.
    • One and a half cups of sugar.
    • Tablespoon of vanilla sugar.
    • A glass of flour.
    • Half a teaspoon of baking powder.
    • A glass of milk.
    • 100 grams of butter, milk and dark chocolate.

    How to make a delicious chocolate sponge cake and custard? The dessert recipe is very simple:

    • Beat a glass of sugar, vanilla and four eggs until fluffy.
    • Add baking powder and sifted wheat flour to the products.
    • Pour the dough into a mold and bake it in a preheated oven until fully cooked.
    • Beat half a glass of sugar, one egg and two tablespoons of flour with a mixer.
    • Whisking constantly, pour in the milk. Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan and cook until thickened.
    • Add butter to the finished cream, mix the products again and cool.
    • Cut the biscuit into two pieces. Brush one generously with custard and then top it with the second.
    • Melt chocolate in a water bath, add butter and milk to it.

    Cover the cake with icing and decorate as desired.

    Boiled chocolate biscuit

    Cooking this porous airy biscuit is a pleasure.


    • Egg.
    • 50 ml vegetable oil.
    • 100 grams of milk.
    • One and a half cups of wheat flour.
    • A glass of sugar.
    • Three tablespoons of cocoa.
    • Half a teaspoon of soda.
    • A little baking powder and salt.
    • 150 ml of water.
    • Sift the flour and add all the dry ingredients to it.
    • Beat the egg with milk and butter with a whisk.
    • Combine and mix prepared foods.
    • Pour boiling water into the dough.

    Bake the biscuit in a suitable form for 50 minutes. Cool the cake base on a wire rack and decorate or frost as desired.

    simple chocolate cake

    Even the simplest dessert can be surprisingly delicious.

    • One and a half cups of flour.
    • A third cup of cocoa.
    • A teaspoon of soda.
    • A glass of sugar.
    • Half a glass of vegetable oil.
    • One glass of coffee or water.
    • Two teaspoons of vanilla.
    • A little bit of vinegar.
    • Mix cocoa, flour, sugar and salt in a suitable bowl.
    • Add soda quenched with vinegar.
    • Separately, beat coffee (or water) with vanilla and butter.
    • Combine both mixtures.

    Pour the dough into the mold and bake the cake in a preheated oven for about half an hour. Garnish with icing sugar or grated chocolate before serving.

    Sponge cake with fruit filling

    This delicious and beautiful dessert looks great on the festive table. To prepare it you will need:

    • Five bananas.
    • 60 grams brown sugar.
    • 60 grams of butter.
    • A few drops of lemon juice.
    • 210 grams of flour.
    • A teaspoon of baking powder.
    • Two pinches of salt.
    • A teaspoon of cinnamon.
    • 150 grams of white sugar.
    • One egg.
    • One egg white.
    • 120 grams of sour cream.
    • Half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
    • 80 grams of chocolate.

    How to cook:

    • Place the brown sugar and half of the white sugar in a metal baking dish.
    • Put the dishes on the fire, add oil and heat the food.
    • Cut four bananas into slices and place them on top of the caramel.
    • Mash two peeled bananas with a fork or chop with a blender.
    • Combine cinnamon, flour, remaining white sugar, baking powder in a bowl and add fruit puree to them.
    • Separately beat sour cream, eggs, 30 grams of butter and vanillin.
    • Combine both mixtures together and mix thoroughly.
    • Pour the batter into the mold over the banana slices. Put the future dessert in the oven and bake it until cooked.

    When the dessert has cooled, invert it onto a flat dish and serve.


    We will be glad if you like to cook delicious sponge cake with chocolate filling, custard or chocolate icing according to our recipes. It will decorate any holiday table and will be remembered by your guests for a long time.

    I found this cocoa biscuit on a Polish site, it is also called a thrown biscuit. This name was given to him, because after baking it needs to be thrown down, but first things first. So everyone gets a biscuit! Therefore, talk about what I did not work out is not accepted. Please follow the recipe and you will succeed! And no baking powder or starch. Thanks for the recipe Natalie M.

    So, let's prepare the ingredients according to the list. All ingredients must be weighed on the scales, not any by eye.

    Separate the whites and yolks. Let's beat the whites.

    Beat the whites for 5 minutes. Add sugar by a spoonful. Proteins should be whipped to such peaks.

    Now, while continuing to beat, add the eggs one at a time. After beating a little more, we will add flour. To do this, mix it with cocoa and sift everything into our mixture. We sprinkle everything in parts. I did this in 4 sets.

    At the same time, mix everything with a spatula from top to bottom, folding, as it were, dough.

    Let's prepare the form, I have it with a diameter of 24 cm. Cover the bottom of the form with baking paper. We do not lubricate the form with anything. We transfer the mass. The oven must be turned on beforehand. Set to bake at 170 degrees for 40 minutes.

    We check the biscuit with a toothpick, if it is dry, then it is ready.

    And now the most interesting. We take out the form with the biscuit from the oven and turn it over like this. Raise it 50 cm above the table and throw it down on the table. Yes, yes, we will quit and there is no need to be afraid. I do it for the 2nd time and it works.

    Then we also put it on the wire rack immediately and let it cool in this form for 4-5 hours.

    After 5 hours, I removed the form with a knife. This is how he turned out. Bon appetit!

    Another photo of a biscuit with cocoa.

    The basic requirements for a chocolate biscuit remain the same as for the most ordinary biscuit: it must keep its shape, be fluffy and airy, not crumble and be easily cut into the required number of pieces for soaking with syrup and filling with filling. For recipes for chocolate biscuits, a variety of types of tiles are used, or ordinary cocoa powder.

    How to make plain and chocolate biscuits at home

    Biscuit is often referred to as "confectionery bread". Not only before making a chocolate biscuit at home, but also for making the most ordinary biscuit, you need to thoroughly study the proportions of the ingredients and strictly follow the order in which they are added.

    The proportions are very simple - for a round shape with a diameter of 22–24 cm, we take 4 eggs (eggs of the 1st category are considered 50 g each), 120 g of sugar and 120 g of flour. It should be understood that the density of flour is less than sugar, and we are talking about mass, not volume. If it is more convenient for you to measure the volume, then 120 g of sugar is half a standard glass (250 ml), and 120 g of flour is a full glass.

    There is a risk of "killing the proteins" - so that they can begin to delaminate. When whipping, pause and check the degree of desired foam strength

    Bookmark order: the yolks are separated from the proteins and beaten with the addition of half the measured sugar. There is a small detail here: it is better to remove the shell from the yolks before whipping (the film that retains their shape). If the film does not work out, just gently pick it up with a fork and remove it so that the yolk spreads freely, then you can pass the yolks through a sieve. Removing this film will reduce the omelet flavor of the future biscuit. The yolks are beaten until a snow-white foam and sugar dissolves. After that, you can proceed to whipping the proteins. They are beaten until a stable foam (and until the volume increases by 2-3 times), after which the remaining portion of sugar is added to them and beaten to firm peaks. For the stability of whipped proteins, a pinch of salt or a drop of lemon juice is sometimes added to them (as an option, they smear the sides of the dishes with lemon before starting to whip) - in principle, these tricks are optional, with a good mixer, the proteins are whipped to firm peaks and without any tricks. But for flavor, you can add a drop of almond essence or powdered sugar with a vanilla pod aged in it to the proteins: there is such a way to store vanilla and at the same time flavor powdered sugar, you just need to put a whole pod in a jar, fill it completely with powder and keep the jar tightly closed. All additives are allowed already in tightly whipped proteins. Half of the proteins are sent to the yolks, stirred, then flour is introduced there, and here it is not necessary to beat, it is necessary to stir thoroughly and quickly and carefully introduce the remaining proteins. Pour the dough into a mold and immediately send it to bake in a preheated oven (up to 200 degrees) for 20-25 minutes until a confident golden crust and before testing with a wooden skewer: a wooden toothpick or skewer is stuck into the finished biscuit and immediately removed, if the skewer came out dry, then the dough is baked enough, if we see stuck pieces of dough, then it needs more time.

    There are options for baking biscuits in the microwave. It does not need to be preheated (and it will not work), the dough in the form (glass, ceramic or silicone) is sent to a power of 600–700 watts for 7–8 minutes. In addition to saving time, we get the effect of a “white biscuit” - without a baked golden crust, which would still have to be cut off if we plan to use this biscuit to create a cake.

    The finished hot biscuit must be removed from the oven, but allowed to cool in the form - about 20 minutes, then removed from the form and allowed to cool completely. Do not immediately soak it with syrups or lubricate with cream. The biscuit must not only cool down, but also ripen - dry. Ideally, the finished biscuit cake should be kept for 10-12 hours (night) or left to dry for a day. So he will definitely lose the omelet flavor, and, in addition, the dried biscuit is much easier to soak evenly with syrup.

    Based on the finished biscuit, you can make cakes by cutting the biscuit into squares, soaking it in syrup and decorating with cream. You can make the Potato cake: grind the dried biscuit with a blender or in a meat grinder, mix it with butter cream, form balls and roll them in cocoa powder or chocolate chips.

    You can make cakes - cut along the cake and soak it with syrup, or build a two-tiered cake from two cakes of different diameters.

    If you want to make a biscuit roll, then you need to bake it not in shape, but by pouring the dough onto a sheet of baking paper, which is lined with a baking sheet, and bake a little less time so that it remains soft.

    For biscuit crumbs, a biscuit can also be baked on a sheet, but until fully cooked.

    There is a “biscuit for the lazy” - this is the well-known apple charlotte.

    And how to make a chocolate biscuit at home so that it turns out lush and does not crumble? To prepare a chocolate biscuit at home, as required by the rules of culinary excellence, you can do the following:

    • replace part of the flour with cocoa powder;
    • add grated chocolate to the dough before putting it into the mold;
    • when whipping the yolks, add melted chocolate to them (it should not be hot; in principle, natural chocolate melts already at a temperature of 34-36 degrees), while also reducing the amount of flour.

    Flour can also be partially replaced with nut flour (almond or walnut resin blender).

    Biscuit recipe with nuts and dark chocolate

    Biscuit with dark chocolate and almonds


    For a sponge cake with chocolate and nuts, you will need 200 g of butter or margarine, 150 g of powdered sugar, 200 g of peeled ground almonds, 5 egg whites, 140 g of flour, 50 g of powdered sugar for whipping proteins into foam, currant jam.

    Chocolate fondant: 5 egg yolks, 150 g powdered sugar, 100 g.


    Grind butter or margarine with sugar into foam, add almonds, beaten together with sugar into thick foam, egg whites, flour. Stir the mass lightly. Put the dough on a greased and floured baking sheet, put in a preheated oven and bake over low heat. Cool the finished product, grease with jam, glaze with chocolate fondant. When it hardens, cut the biscuit into rectangular pieces.

    Chocolate fondant: Grind egg yolks with sugar, add softened dark chocolate to the mass and stir again.

    A biscuit with bitter chocolate prepared according to this recipe should be left to soak for several hours.

    How to make delicious Chocolate Hazelnut Cake

    And how to cook a chocolate biscuit with the addition of cocoa powder?

    Chocolate biscuit with cocoa and nut filling


    50 g butter or margarine, 200 g powdered sugar, 2 eggs, 100 g crushed nuts, 200 g flour (preferably premium), a pinch of baking soda, 250 ml milk, 20 g cocoa powder.

    Filling: 150 g powdered sugar, 150 g butter, 50 g crushed nuts, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

    Lemon lipstick: 120 g powdered sugar, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. water at room temperature.


    Before making such a chocolate biscuit, butter or margarine, sugar and eggs must be thoroughly mixed, add nuts, flour along with baking soda, milk, cocoa powder and stir. Put the dough in an even layer on a greased and floured baking sheet and place in a preheated oven, bake over low heat. Cool the finished delicious chocolate biscuit, cut it in half, grease with the filling, connect the halves, glaze the biscuit with lemon fondant on top. When it hardens, cut the product into rectangular pieces. Filling: grind sugar with butter until foam forms, add nuts, lemon juice to the mass and stir. Lemon fondant: Beat sugar, lemon juice and water until thick.

    Chocolate and coffee biscuit


    6 eggs, 150 g powdered sugar, 140 g crushed nuts, 1 tbsp. l. ground natural coffee.

    Filling: 3 eggs, 180 g powdered sugar, 2 tsp. cocoa powder, 180 g butter, 20 g powdered sugar.


    Before preparing a chocolate biscuit, five egg yolks, an egg, sugar must be ground until foam is obtained, add nuts, ground coffee, thick foam whipped from egg whites, grated crackers, mix slightly. Put the dough on a greased and floured baking sheet and bake in a moderately warm oven. Cool the finished biscuit, cut in half, put the filling, connect, let stand, then cut into rectangular pieces. Filling: combine the eggs with sugar, cook, stirring constantly, until thickened, then, removing from the heat, knead the cocoa. Separately grind the butter together with powdered sugar (20 g) and add this mixture to the already prepared chilled egg mass.

    Chocolate biscuit with nuts


    4 eggs, 200 g of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. l. water, 50 g nuts, 200 g flour (highest grade), a pinch of baking soda, 20 g cocoa powder.

    Filling: 250 ml milk, 20 g flour, 1 egg yolk, 30 g vanilla sugar, 200 g butter, 200 g powdered sugar.

    Fondant from cocoa for glazing: 100 g butter or margarine, 40 g cocoa powder, 100 g powdered sugar.


    Before making a chocolate biscuit, beat the egg whites into a thick foam, add sugar, water, egg yolks and beat again until thick, add flour along with baking soda, cocoa, chopped nuts. Put the dough on a greased and floured baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven over low heat. Cool the finished biscuit, grease with the filling and glaze with cocoa fondant, which should harden.

    As you can see in the photo, the chocolate biscuit needs to be cut into rectangular pieces:

    Stuffing: stir flour, egg yolk, vanilla sugar in milk, cook the mixture until thickened, cool, stirring constantly. Grind the butter with sugar and gradually add to the chilled mass. Cocoa lipstick: in melted butter (or margarine), add cocoa sifted through a sieve, sugar, stir the mass until it thickens.

    How to make chocolate chip cookies with apples and lemon at home

    Here you will learn how to bake a chocolate sponge cake with apples and lemon juice fudge.

    Chocolate sponge cake with apples


    For the recipe for this chocolate biscuit, you will need 450 g of flour, 8 eggs, 30 g of wheat flour, 550 g of sugar, 600 ml of cream, 1 kg of apples, 30 g of butter, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, vanillin to taste, powdered sugar


    Separate the yolks from the proteins, put the proteins in the refrigerator, grind the yolks with sugar until white in a lush mass. Beat the remaining proteins until a thick foam forms. Pour flour into a separate bowl, add pounded yolks and whipped whites, add cocoa, stir everything (from top to bottom). Put the resulting biscuit mass into a mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with wheat flour. Smooth out and place in oven over medium heat. Bake a biscuit in the oven for 1 hour. Sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar and refrigerate. Cut the biscuit horizontally, soak with berry juice, pour berries and raisins on top. Decorate a chocolate sponge cake with apples whipped with sugar and vanilla cream.

    Chocolate biscuit squares glazed with lemon fondant


    Butter - 180 g, powdered sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 4 pcs., chocolate - 180 g, flour - 1 cup; for lemon fondant: powdered sugar - 1.5 cups, hot water - 2 tbsp. spoons, fresh lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon.


    Before preparing a delicious chocolate biscuit, butter or margarine, sugar, egg yolks, mix thoroughly, then add a thick protein foam whipped from egg whites, combine with flour. Stir the mass lightly. Put the finished dough on a greased and floured baking sheet, put in a preheated oven and bake over low heat. Glaze the finished product with lemon fondant and, when the lipstick hardens, cut the biscuit into squares.

    Making lemon curd: mix sugar, hot water, lemon juice, vegetable oil until a thick, shiny mass is obtained.

    How to make chocolate biscuit with cherries: recipe

    Chocolate sponge cake with cherry


    Baking soda - ½ teaspoon, lemon juice - ½ teaspoon, medium-sized eggs - 5 pcs., high-fat sour cream - 250 g, beet sugar - 270 g, cocoa powder (natural chocolate can be used) - 5 tbsp. tablespoons, wheat flour - 260 g, frozen or fresh cherries - 2/3 cup, vegetable oil - 10 ml, vanillin - 5 g.


    For this chocolate cherry sponge cake recipe, the egg yolks are carefully separated from the whites and laid out in different dishes. Sugar is added to the first ingredient, and then it is thoroughly ground using a large spoon. As soon as the egg mass becomes lush and whitened, sour cream of high fat content is spread to it and mixed well. As for the proteins, they are whipped into a strong foam. To do this, you can use a hand whisk, or you can use a blender.

    Having carried out the described actions, the egg masses are combined. Next, baking soda is added to them, which is first quenched with lemon juice. Cocoa, vanillin and wheat flour are also poured into the base. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous and airy dough is obtained. Some cooks use a mixer for this purpose.

    Preparing berries for the pie

    Cherry biscuit can be prepared with frozen or fresh berries. To do this, it is sorted out from the garbage, washed thoroughly and all the bones are taken out. If the cherry was frozen, then it must first be thawed.

    Product Formation Process

    What should I bake a biscuit with cherries in? The recipe involves the use of a heat-resistant form with sides of 6-8 cm. It is preheated in the oven and then greased with oil (vegetable). After that, all the biscuit dough is laid out in the prepared dishes. It is desirable to carry out this process immediately after its kneading. If you keep the base aside for more than 5-10 minutes, the cake will not rise properly and will turn out sticky.

    As soon as the dough is in shape, pitted cherries are alternately laid out in it. This can be done randomly. It should be noted that the berries will sink a little into the base. This is quite normal.

    Cooking the pie in the oven

    How should you bake a cherry biscuit? After the form is filled, it is sent to the oven. To make the cake as fluffy as possible, the kitchen cabinet should be preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the dessert at the indicated temperature for 45 minutes. During this time, the dough should be completely cooked and rise well.

    Cream preparation

    Cream for such a cake can be used differently, but sour cream filler is the best fit. To prepare it, the dairy product is strongly whipped with a blender, gradually adding sugar to it. At the output, a rather lush white mass is obtained, which is immediately used for its intended purpose. After baking a chocolate sponge cake with cherries, it is removed from the mold and completely cooled for two hours.

    Boiled chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker and oven: recipes with photos

    Chocolate biscuit on boiling water in a slow cooker


    • 2 cups of flour,
    • 2 cups sugar
    • 2 eggs,
    • 1.5 tsp soda,
    • 6 art. spoons,
    • 1 glass of milk
    • 70 ml vegetable oil,
    • 1 glass of boiling water.


    For this recipe for chocolate biscuit on boiling water in a slow cooker, you need to beat eggs with sugar, add vegetable oil and milk, mix everything thoroughly. Whisk the flour, baking soda and cocoa in a separate bowl, then fold into the batter bit by bit. At the very end, pour in boiling water and mix again. The dough is very liquid.

    To prepare a chocolate biscuit in boiling water according to this recipe, you need to grease the slow cooker with butter and immediately pour the dough into the bowl. Turn on the "Baking" mode for 1 hour, then, without opening the lid, set the "Heating" mode for 20 minutes (you can use the "Baking" mode for all 80 minutes - it depends on the type of multicooker and how it bakes).

    Chocolate biscuit with almonds


    6 eggs, 180 g of powdered sugar, 5 ml of vegetable oil, 30 g of vanilla sugar, 50 g of crushed almonds, 250 g of flour (preferably of the highest grade), 15 g of baking soda.

    Filling: 200 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 30 g cocoa powder, 150 g powdered sugar, 50 g almonds, a little rum.

    Pomade: 200 g powdered sugar, 30 g vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. boiling water, 1 tsp. cocoa powder.


    With a mixer, beat the eggs together with powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and vegetable oil until thick (about 7 minutes). Then add almonds, flour along with baking soda to the mixture and beat again. Put the dough on a greased and floured baking sheet and bake in the oven. Cool the finished biscuit, cut into two parts, spread with filling, connect, glaze with lipstick on top. Filling: with a mixer, beat the butter, boiled in cocoa milk, sugar until foam is obtained, then add the crushed almonds, rum to the mass and beat the mixture again. Lipstick: beat with a mixer a mixture of powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, vegetable oil, water (boiling water), cocoa powder until thick.

    Look at the photo for boiling water chocolate biscuit recipes - such products turn out to be very magnificent:

    How to make a banana and dark chocolate biscuit: step by step recipes with photos

    Check out the step-by-step recipe and photo of a biscuit with chocolate and banana filling.

    Biscuit with chocolate filling and bananas


    40 g butter or margarine, 150 g powdered sugar, 30 g vanilla sugar, 4 eggs, 20 g, 80 g grated crackers, 130 g flour (preferably premium), a pinch of baking soda.

    Filling: 200 ml milk, 30 g flour, 100 g butter, 100 g powdered sugar, 30 g dark chocolate, 3 bananas.

    Whipped cream: 250 ml cream (for whipping), 20 g powdered sugar.


    To prepare a sponge cake on dark chocolate, butter or margarine, sugar, vanilla powder and egg yolks need to be whipped into foam. Then add grated chocolate, thick protein foam, grated crackers, flour mixed with baking soda. Stir the mass lightly, put on a greased and floured baking sheet and put in a preheated oven, bake over low heat. Cool the finished product and cut into three layers, spread with stuffing and put on top of each other. From above and from the edges of the biscuit also grease the filling and decorate with peeled bananas and whipped cream.

    Filling for biscuit with banana and chocolate: stir flour in milk and cook until thickened, then cool and add, stirring constantly, butter, grated chocolate, bananas cut into slices.

    Whipped cream: chilled cream (for whipping - 35% fat content) beat together with sugar until a thick foam is obtained.

    Here you can see a photo of a biscuit with chocolate according to the recipe presented above:

    How to make delicious chocolate biscuits at home

    Chocolate biscuit with banana

    This biscuit is very large, so sometimes I cook half the recipe. You can choose any cream. If desired, you can also use classic sour cream.


    For test:

    • Flour - 3 tbsp.
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
    • Soda - 1.5 tsp
    • Vinegar - 1 tbsp.
    • Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp.
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Milk - 1 tbsp.
    • Refined sunflower oil - 1/3 tbsp.
    • Boiling water - 1 tbsp.

    For cream:

    • Butter - 200 g
    • Cottage cheese (preferably liquid) - 300 g
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • Banana - 1 pc.
    • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

    For glaze:

    • Sour cream - 3 tbsp.
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
    • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons

    1. Mix all dry foods.

    2. Beat the eggs with a mixer. Add oil and continue beating.

    3. Add soda quenched with vinegar and continue whisking.

    4. Alternating, add milk and dry mixture in several steps. Whisking thoroughly each time.

    5. Pour a glass of strong boiling water into the resulting thick dough and beat again until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

    6. Pour into a large mold and bake for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 1800C. Let cool.

    7. For the cream, soften the butter. And grind it with sugar.

    8. Grind banana in a blender. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

    9. Add cottage cheese to the oil mass (if it is not liquid, it is better to grind it in a blender beforehand) and a banana. To stir thoroughly.

    10. Cut the cooled biscuit across into 2-3-4 parts (as it will) and coat with cream.

    As you can see in the photo, for this chocolate biscuit recipe, you need to prepare the icing. To do this, combine sour cream with sugar and cocoa in a saucepan and heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cover the biscuit with frosting.

    Biscuit with milk chocolate

    Biscuit "Chocolate" with milk chocolate


    For test: 150 g of premium wheat flour, 200 g of butter, 8 eggs, 200 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon of chopped nutmeg, 30 g of starch.

    For chocolate filling: 200 g of grated milk chocolate, 1 tablespoon of crushed bitter almond kernels, 5 egg whites, 100 g of powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of rum, 1 teaspoon of butter.

    For glaze: 50 g sugar, 20 ml lemon juice, 1 tablespoon red wine.

    For decoration: 50 g chopped almond kernels, 1 tablespoon chopped walnut kernels.

    Cooking method:

    To prepare the dough, separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites, and grind the yolks with sugar. Mix softened butter with mashed yolks, then beat with a mixer, add vanilla sugar, proteins, nutmeg, mix everything thoroughly, then add a mixture of flour and starch, beat again with a mixer.

    Put the dough into a mold, set the “Baking only” mode, set the timer for 25–30 minutes. Cool the finished biscuit, cut lengthwise into 3 parts.

    To prepare the chocolate filling, mix grated chocolate with egg whites and powdered sugar, put in a water bath.

    Stirring, bring to a boil, then put in a buttered form, put in the oven, preheated to 120 ° C, for 10 minutes. Then cool the filling, add nuts, rum to it and layer the biscuit cakes.

    To prepare the glaze, mix sugar with lemon juice. Grind, pour in the wine, mix everything thoroughly.

    Ready-made biscuit with the addition of chocolate icing and decorate with nuts.

    Biscuit with chocolate "Budapest"


    8 eggs, 80 g of powdered sugar, 20 g of cocoa powder, 100 g of crushed almonds, 60 g of powdered sugar for whipping protein foam, 100 g of flour (preferably of the highest grade), 50 g of chocolate, 40 g of butter.

    Filling: 180 g butter, 120 g powdered sugar, 100 ml milk, 100 g milk chocolate, 1 tbsp. l. Roma.


    Grind egg yolks together with sugar until foam is obtained, add cocoa, roasted crushed almonds and mix. Beat a thick foam from egg whites, knead sugar into it, then add grated chocolate, melted warm butter, flour and yolk mass, mix lightly. Put the dough on a greased and floured baking sheet and bake in a moderately warm oven. Cool the finished product, cut into three identical layers, grease with the filling and connect. Top the biscuit with a filling of melted chocolate and whipped cream. Filling: put chopped chocolate into milk and cook until thickened, cool, add butter pounded with sugar and mix. Then rum should be added to the filling for the milk chocolate biscuit.

    Biscuit with melted white chocolate inside: recipes with photos

    Biscuit with white chocolate


    For a biscuit with melted white chocolate, you will need flour - 400 g, egg - 5 pcs., Sugar - 100 g, butter - 100 g, white chocolate - 200 g, baking powder - 2 teaspoons, zest - 2 oranges.


    Wash the oranges well and pour over with boiling water, dry. Grate the zest on a fine grater. Cut the butter into pieces, break the chocolate, combine and melt in a water bath or microwave oven, mix and cool. Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar into a lush, increased mass, add melted chocolate and butter. Gradually add the sifted flour and baking powder. Add orange zest, mix gently. The dough will have the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover the baking dish with parchment, grease the sides with oil, spread the dough evenly. Place in an oven preheated to 180 C. Bake 20-30 minutes until done. Check the white chocolate biscuit prepared according to this recipe with a wooden stick. Cool the finished biscuit with chocolate inside and remove from the mold. Cut to desired shape.

    Butter cake with white chocolate


    • Flour - 1.5 cups
    • Eggs - 3 pcs.,
    • Butter - 100 g,
    • Baking powder - 1 sachet,
    • Vanillin - 1 sachet,
    • White chocolate - 1 bar,
    • Sugar - 1 cup.


    To make a chocolate biscuit, you need to beat the eggs into a bowl. Beat them into a fluffy foam with a mixer or whisk. Then add sugar. Stir again until the sugar is completely dissolved. Break white chocolate into pieces. Put it in a bowl. Stirring, melt in a water bath. Melt the butter in a separate bowl. Cool chocolate and butter to room temperature. Then pour it into the egg mixture. Stir.

    To make the biscuit fragrant, add a bag of vanillin or vanilla sugar. Pour in the baking powder for the dough. Mix the mass again. Add flour sifted through a sieve. Mix the biscuit dough well. Its consistency is quite liquid and resembles dough for pancakes and fritters. Grease the sides and bottom of the mold with a piece of butter or sunflower oil. Pour the batter into an even layer.

    Like other types of biscuit dough, this biscuit should only be baked in a hot oven. The oven temperature should be 180-190C. Bake 30 minutes. During baking, do not open the oven door so that it does not settle. Check readiness with a toothpick or match.

    Here you can see photos for homemade white chocolate biscuit recipes:

    Easy Chocolate Strawberry Cake Recipe

    Chocolate biscuit with strawberries


    To prepare a chocolate biscuit according to this simple recipe, you will need 5 eggs, 150 g of powdered sugar, 20 g of cocoa powder, 150 g of flour (preferably of the highest grade), strawberries.

    Protein foam: 4 egg whites, 80 g granulated sugar, 30 g vanilla sugar, 4 tbsp. l. water.


    Beat the eggs with sugar with a wooden spatula or a metal whisk until thick, then add, stirring constantly, the sifted cocoa powder and flour. Grease a baking sheet with oil, sprinkle with flour and put the dough on it, put in a preheated oven. Without bringing the biscuit to readiness, remove the baking sheet from the oven, put the washed strawberries (remove the pedicels from it), decorate with protein foam on top, put back in the oven and bake until cooked. Cool the finished biscuit and cut into rectangular pieces.

    Protein foam for chocolate biscuit with strawberries: pour granulated sugar together with vanilla powder with water, put on fire and cook a thick syrup. Beat the egg whites into a thick foam, pour in, stirring constantly, hot syrup. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

    How to cook chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker

    Chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker


    • 1 glass of milk
    • 1 cup of sugar,
    • 100 ml vegetable oil,
    • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa,
    • 1.5 cups flour
    • 3 eggs,
    • 1 st. l. baking powder, salt.


    Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer in a lush mass, then add vegetable oil and milk there, mix gently. Then, in turn, stir in the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, but not with a mixer, but with a spoon or fork to keep the splendor of the dough. Lubricate the slow cooker with oil, lay out the dough and cook in the “Baking” mode for 80 minutes. Turning the chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker is not necessary.

    The video "Chocolate Biscuit" will help you better understand the technology for making such pastries:
