
Light summer cake “Broken glass. Cake "Broken glass" recipe

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Greetings, dear reader of my page! Broken glass jelly cake is an easy-to-prepare, amazingly delicious jelly cake on sour cream with gelatin. It is very easy to prepare it - absolutely anyone can do it, because the ingredients for it are bought almost ready. It remains only to mix, cut, and send to the refrigerator.

I really like these simple recipes, one of which, however, you only need to bake the cakes, but even those are from ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in any store.

Looks cake Broken glass simply gorgeous, both in the cut and in general. The guests are just crazy! See for yourself:

And in the context of the cake - generally beautiful, like a real mosaic of broken glass:

The tender pulp of this no-bake cake is due to its simple ingredients:

  1. Jelly of different colors - you choose the colors yourself.
  2. Gelatin - one 10-gram sachet is enough.
  3. Jelly powder - you can take it if there are not enough flowers, and dilute it. After - send it to the refrigerator and it will turn into jelly. We took orange powder.
  4. Sugar - half a glass or 100 grams.
  5. Sour cream - 500 grams.
  6. Vanilla sugar 8 gram sachet.

For a sample - see photos:

That's all it takes for this delicious cake. We prepared orange yellow gelatin ourselves, in the photo - a sample bag.

This is a green apple jelly.

This cherry jelly is bright red in color.

This is the orange jelly that gives yellow fragments of "glass". It is easy to dilute - just like in the instructions on the back of the bag, and in the refrigerator until the desired jelly-like state.

We use gelatin and vanilla sugar like this. But any other is possible - it doesn't matter. There is sour cream and sugar.

First you need to start preparing the gelatin. To do this, you need to dilute it with a glass of water at room temperature.

And put it aside so that it absorbs water. Water can be either boiled or raw. Then we'll do the sour cream.

In a separate bowl, add 500 grams of sour cream, mix with half a glass of sugar and a bag of vanillin. All this is desirable to mix with a mixer, so that everything mixes well.

The next step is to boil the gelatin. It boils quickly. The goal is for it to become transparent, like amber.

As you can see in the photo, it absorbed water and swelled. Now, constantly stirring over low heat, bring it to a transparent state, without lumps.

This is ready-made, transparent gelatin, for adding to sour cream, but first it must be cooled to room temperature, in any way possible. For example - place in a larger bowl with cold water. In the meantime, it's all cooling down, prepare the broken glass:

We take out the jelly from the cups, and cut into any random shapes so that they form a pattern that creates the illusion of broken glass.

Cut like this. We also cut all the jelly, which is different figures.

We collect all the pieces in one dish, regardless of color.

The field of how the jelly was cut, we need to finally prepare the cream. To do this, while mixing with a mixer, add the cooled gelatin in small portions. It is gradually and in small portions and at a low mixer speed - until a homogeneous mass.

This is our cake mold. The shape can be absolutely any - choose to taste - even square, even rectangular, whatever. The only caveat is that it should be smooth from the inside so that the cake separates without difficulty and damage, otherwise its appearance will be spoiled, which we would not want.

If there is no smooth shape, you can use any, but after covering it with food cellophane film so that the edges hang down. This will be very convenient when removing the cake from the mold.

We put pieces of jelly into the mold, and pour sour cream with gelatin.

All this is gently mixed, then sent to the refrigerator for the night, or for 4-5 hours. This is enough time for the cake to take shape.

The best part remains:

Having covered the form with the cake with a dish of a suitable size, turn it over and carefully remove the form. The cake is ready - you can immediately serve it to the table.

Below is a video recipe for making this amazingly delicious cake, if you have any questions, or have something useful to add - feel free to write in the comments below, we will be happy to participate in the discussion. And the star scale is your best rating for this recipe.

Sincerely, .

Cold summer cake "Broken Glass" in the classic version is made from gelled sour cream with the addition of multi-colored pieces of jelly. In addition, the dessert is complemented with a biscuit base, fresh or canned fruits, and crumbs from store-bought cookies. Sour cream is successfully replaced with yogurt or grated cottage cheese. "Broken glass" is a very beautiful dessert, which will be especially useful for a children's holiday table. Bright multi-colored pieces of jelly look great in a white base. As a rule, for this cake, a cake pan is chosen or poured into a regular semicircular bowl. The cake should be prepared ahead of time as it will take several hours to cool.

Light cake with pieces of biscuit, kiwi and tangerine. Cooking time: 1.2 hours. Refers to products without baking.


Homemade biscuit:

  1. One glass of sugar and flour.
  2. 4-5 chicken eggs.
  3. Vanilla - 1 pinch.
  1. Multi-colored jelly of 2-3 types - one glass each (you can take a store-bought one).
  2. Kiwi - 2-3 pieces.
  3. Tangerines - 2 pieces.
  1. Fatty homemade sour cream - 900-1000 grams.
  2. Sugar - one and a half glasses.
  3. Gelatin - two small packages.

Cooking process

We bake a biscuit:

  1. Beat the broken eggs until thick and firm.
  2. Gradually add sugar.
  3. Add vanilla.
  4. Sift flour there.
  5. Pour into a lined round shape, bake for at least half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. It is optimal to use a silicone mold that can be lightly greased with melted butter.
  6. Then remove the biscuit, cool on a wire rack.
  1. Prepare store-bought jelly in advance, as directed on the package, freeze.
  2. Before use, it must be removed from the molds. To do this, quickly dip the bottom of the mold in boiling water, transfer the jelly to a plate.
  3. Cut it into small cubes, put jelly of different colors in one bowl and put it in the cold.

Filling preparation:

  1. Pour gelatin with the amount of water indicated in the instructions on the sachet. Let him swell.
  2. Then transfer to a bowl, put on a small fire, stirring, melt, without boiling.
  3. Pour sour cream into a large bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour the slightly chilled gelatin there and mix everything.
  5. Peel the fruits from films and stones, cut the kiwi into circles, and cut each slice of tangerine in half.

We begin to collect the Broken Glass cake with fruits:

  1. Crumble the biscuit with your hands into a round silicone mold, where it was baked.
  2. Distribute evenly across the bottom.
  3. Lay out the jelly cubes, stirring them and lightly pressing them into the dough.
  4. Then lay out a layer of chopped fruit, and on top - break the second half of the biscuit cake with your hands.
  5. Put the rest of the jelly and fruit on top.
  6. Pour in sour cream mixed with gelatin.
  7. Flatten gently with a spoon and refrigerate overnight.
  8. Turn the finished cake on a dish, decorate with any fresh fruit on top.

Cake "Broken glass" with cookies

A quick, easy no-bake cake will help you out a lot when guests are on the doorstep. Looks great thanks to multi-colored jelly pieces, rich sour cream base and crispy cookie crumbs. Cooking time ~ 1 hour. The cake belongs to products without baking.


  1. 250-270 grams of sugar.
  2. 300 grams of baked milk cookies.
  3. 3 packs of jelly in red, yellow and green.
  4. Vanilla - one package.
  5. Gelatin - one package.
  6. Sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 700–900 grams.

Cooking process

Prepare components for assembly:

  1. Prepare the jelly ahead of time. Fill it with the required amount of water (usually 400 milliliters of very high temperature liquid is required per package), pour into a flat plastic mold. Put in the refrigerator until the morning.
  2. Gelatin also fill with water, leave it for a few minutes to swell.
  3. Beat sugar with sour cream using a blender. Do three to four sets of 1 minute so that the sour cream is not upset.
  4. At the very end, pour in the melted gelatin in a trickle and beat again.

Assembling the cake:

  1. Directly in sour cream, you need to put pieces of multi-colored jelly.
  2. It can be cut into cubes with a knife or taken directly from the molds with a teaspoon.
  3. Without taking it out of the bag, crumble the cookies with your hands into large crumbs.
  4. Put it on the surface of the sour cream, slightly pressing inward. Leave a gap between the pieces, as the cookies will increase in size as they swell.
  5. Refrigerate the mold overnight.
  6. To get the cake in the morning, pour boiling water into a wider bowl, lower the bottom of the mold into it for literally one minute and quickly turn it over onto a large festive dish.
  7. Why can the cake be removed for another hour or two in the refrigerator and served.

Light cake "Broken glass" with yogurt

Especially for those who watch their figure, a light low-calorie jelly cake "Broken glass" with fruit is intended. Perfect for breakfast on a hot summer day and for a festive table. You can add any fruits according to the season, as well as decorate the cake with nuts, coconut flakes. Its preparation time = 1 hour 10 minutes. A light cake belongs to low-calorie desserts without baking.


To make your own biscuit, take the following products:

  1. 1 cup of sugar.
  2. 250 grams of flour.
  3. 4 chicken eggs.
  4. Starch - 20 grams.
  5. 5-7 grams of baking powder dough.

For filling you will need:

  1. Half a liter of light neutral yogurt without additives.
  2. 250 grams of sugar.
  3. Vanilla packaging.
  4. 3 tablespoons of gelatin diluted in 120 grams of cold water.

For the filling, take:

  1. Orange - 2 pieces.
  2. Two bananas.
  3. Blueberries - 120 grams.

Cooking process

Let's start with the biscuit:

  1. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl and beat vigorously.
  2. Add regular and vanilla sugar.
  3. Mix starch with flour, add parts to the resulting lush foam.
  4. Bake in a lined form for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 - 190 degrees.
  5. Before use, the biscuit must be cooled on a wire rack.

Let's prepare the filling:

  1. Soak the gelatin in water and leave to swell for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Beat yogurt, add sugar and vanilla to it.
  3. Pour gelatin into the mass with a thin stream and mix with a whisk.

You can start assembling a light Broken Glass cake:

  1. Cut the cold biscuit into small cubes.
  2. Rinse the fruits in running water, remove the peel, seeds, films. Cut blueberries in half if they are large, bananas in slices, orange slices in half.
  3. Line a semicircular bowl with cling film.
  4. Put pieces of cake, fruits and berries into it, mix with a spoon.
  5. Pour in yogurt mixture.
  6. Smooth the surface with a spoon.
  7. Refrigerate for at least 10 hours, after covering the bowl with cling film.
  8. In the morning, take out the form, cover with a wide dish and quickly turn the structure over.
  9. Remove the film, cut into pieces and serve.

Dessert "Broken glass" with cottage cheese

A beautifully designed Broken Glass cake can be prepared not only on the basis of sour cream. It can be successfully replaced with cottage cheese, which is more healthy and high-calorie. Such a cake will become a real lifesaver for those parents whose children do not want to eat healthy cottage cheese under any pretext. Adults will also like this dessert for sure: it is light, chilled, and does not take much time to prepare. Cooking time will take no more than 1 hour. Refers to curd desserts without baking.


For the base you will need:

  1. Ready biscuit cake - one piece (can be replaced with biscuit cookies).

For the filling, take:

  1. Jelly with red currant flavor - one pack.
  2. Yellow jelly with lemon flavor - one pack.
  3. One packet of kiwi flavored green jelly.

For filling-soufflé you will need the following components:

  1. 400 grams of cream (fat content 33-35%), pre-chilled.
  2. 80 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  3. One and a half bars (150 grams) of white chocolate.
  4. Two chilled proteins.
  5. 200 grams of homemade mashed cottage cheese.
  6. 80 grams of sugar.
  7. 5 leaves of gelatin.

Cooking process

On the evening of the previous day, prepare three jelly molds:

  1. Empty the contents of the sachets into 3 plastic bowls.
  2. Pour 400 grams of boiling water into each.
  3. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  4. Cool slightly, refrigerate overnight.
  5. In the morning, take the jelly out of the refrigerator, remove it from the molds, heat the blade of the knife and cut the mass into small cubes.
  6. Pour all the cubes into one large bowl and stir.

We begin to collect our cake:

  1. Cover the bottom of the detachable form with a film, lay the biscuit cake.
  2. Soak it in syrup, to which, if desired, you can add a little rum or cognac - about 2 tablespoons.
  3. While the cake is soaking, wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  4. Soak gelatin in cold water, leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Whip the cream in a mixer, melt the chocolate in the microwave.
  6. Place the swollen gelatin leaves in warm orange juice, stir until the gelatin dissolves.
  7. Beat 2 proteins separately until strong peaks, mix cottage cheese with sugar and place in a mixer bowl. Whip it up too.
  8. Pour the already cooled chocolate into it, mix, add orange juice with the addition of gelatin.
  9. In the curd mass, add the proteins, whipped cream in parts, mix everything with a wide spatula by hand, preferably in one direction.
  10. Pour the pieces of jelly into the prepared soufflé and mix.
  11. Put this mass on the cake and level with a wide spatula.
  12. Before that, you need to put a confectionery ring in the mold to make it easier to get our dessert.
  13. Place the mold in the refrigerator overnight.

We advise you to prepare:

Do you remember how delighted you were with your children's toy - a kaleidoscope? Bright multi-colored glass pieces folded into intricate figures, in some unknown way, and it seemed that this was real magic. The principle of mosaic formed the basis of a dish with an unusual design - the "Broken Glass" cake.

The dessert recipe is based on the use of gelatin, due to which it has some advantages:

  • it does not need to be baked;
  • does not require special training from the cook;
  • the recipe can be supplemented and varied;
  • useful in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, excretory and endocrine systems, due to the presence of amino acids in natural collagen;
  • considered dietary.

It is said that Josephine spoiled Napoleon with a similar delicacy. And half a century later, thanks to advertising campaigns, moderately sweet tender pleasure received laurels of universal recognition. Confectioners tried to vied with each other to make changes and add details, thus bringing distinctive features and changing the audience.

  1. "Broken glass" can be prepared on agar-agar or pectin, which can be appreciated by vegetarians, athletes, as well as those who care about their figure.
  2. Cake "Broken Glass" with sour cream - a classic option, good in hot weather, as a refreshing dessert.
  3. Cake "Broken glass" with biscuit - a more nutritious option is convenient for exquisite tea parties.
  4. Broken Glass Cake with Cracker is a quick cake that will also appeal to those who prefer to consume less sugar.
  5. Cake "Broken glass" with cookies - a quick children's option, hypoallergenic and saturated with healthy cereals.
  6. Cake "Broken glass" with fruits - universal for any banquet, season and time of day.

Advice! It is important to use products from familiar manufacturers, as the color saturation of the jelly is the main point. A poor-quality product will spoil the whole dish as a whole.

We are preparing a jelly cake "Broken glass" based on sour cream with the addition of cookies.


  • Dry jelly - 4-5 bags of different colors
  • Gelatin - 25 grams
  • Sour cream - 450-500 grams
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Cookies - 200 grams
  • Water - 1 glass

Cooking method

Pour each sachet of jelly into a separate container.

We carefully study the instructions for making colored jelly. Following the recommendations, dissolve the powder and put in the refrigerator.

Important! The jelly should be quite strong. To do this, you can reduce the volume of water by 25 percent.

In order for the pieces to keep their shape well, it must be cooled properly. It is convenient to do this in the evening. The solution will set well overnight.

Pour gelatin with boiled water (following the instructions). Let it swell for 15 minutes. To reduce the time, you can put in a water bath for 5 minutes.

Mix sour cream with sugar (to taste).

Beat with a mixer until the crystals are completely dissolved. We combine sour cream mousse with a gelatin solution. Mix thoroughly.

Crush the cookies and put them on the bottom of the mold.

I moistened it a little with gelatin water, which I added to sour cream. This may or may not be done.

Cut the finished jelly into different pieces (about 1 cm in size).

Mix colors and spread on top of cookies. Pour in sour cream sauce.

Check if there are any gaps. Using a spoon or spatula, straighten the surface and remove until completely solidified in a cold place.

Alternatively, cookies can be placed not on the bottom of the mold, but rather on top of the jelly.

Dip the mold in hot water for 1 minute, without letting the water touch the edges. Then, turn over and pull out the dessert.

As you can see, no special culinary talents are needed to please family and friends with such a spectacular, colorful and tasty delicacy. Experiment, try adding different fruits, this dessert will only become tastier and more interesting.

I decided to please you with excellent recipes for such a tasty and easy cake in every sense called broken glass. It is called so because the filling in it looks like small fragments of multi-colored glass. And in the context it is very similar to a glass mosaic. In this delicate treat, the melting taste of jelly and the aroma of fruits are very well combined; these ingredients literally complement each other and, in combination, an excellent dessert is obtained.

The recipe for cooking on a biscuit is considered to be a classic, but there are also other cooking recipes that have already fallen in love with the sweet tooth. And of course, among these recipes, the most popular and simplest ways to make broken glass appeared. Below I will try to give examples of the most popular and delicious broken glass cake recipes.

This recipe will be no-bake. Let's start preparing broken glass with the simplest recipe that does not require complex manipulations. Before we start, prepare all the necessary ingredients. Which can be easily found in any supermarket.


Jelly 3-5 colors.

Gelatin bag.

Sugar-100 grams.

Vanilla-10 grams.

Sour cream-500 grams.

Multicolored jelly. It can be bought ready made. And you can cook yourself. If you couldn’t find the jelly of the color you need, then we buy dry jelly and cook it ourselves. The jelly recipe is very simple, pour the right amount of water, mix the powder with water and refrigerate.

I couldn't find yellow jelly so I took a bag of dry orange jelly and made it myself.

It is advisable to start cooking with the preparation of gelatin. Which needs to be diluted with a glass of plain water. Water temperature room.

As long as the gelatin dissolves in water. Prepare the sour cream base. Mix sour cream with sugar and vanilla.Beat well with a whisk or mixer. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of sugar in sour cream. I made this with a blender, but you can also use an immersion blender.

In the meantime, the gelatin has dissolved in the water and you need to warm it up a little, bring it to readiness, so to speak. Gelatin cooks very quickly, so you should not leave it for a long time.

We heat the gelatin without bringing to a boil, stirring constantly with a spatula or spoon. As soon as the gelatin reaches a state of transparency, that is, it is completely dissolved in water, we immediately remove it from the stove. And let it cool down to room temperature.

While the gelatin is cooling, prepare the jelly, you need to cut it. You can cut it into any shapes you want.

How to easily remove the finished jelly from the mold

In order to easily get the jelly out of the dishes, you need to warm it up a little, literally just a little bit. Dip the glass or bowl in hot water for 5-10 seconds. And the jelly will slip out of the dish very easily.

Mix the cooled gelatin with sour cream. Pour gelatin into methane with a thin stream and constantly mix with a mixer or whisk.

You can choose any glass, plastic, or silicone mold for the cake without a difference. It will be a square shape, round or oval, it's up to you. You can distribute the resulting mass into several small forms or cups. The most important thing is that the surface inside the mold is perfectly smooth. That will allow you to remove the finished dessert without damaging its appearance.

You can cover the bottom and walls of the mold with food. And if the stacks are smooth, then the finished dessert will pop out without using a film.

Well, everything. Now we put the pieces of jelly into a mold, fill it with a sour cream-jelly mass, mix a little and send it to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, and preferably at night. To be sure that the cake is completely frozen. Although it froze for me in 3.5 hours.

We take out the dessert from the refrigerator, cover it with a suitable plate or dish on which we will serve this treat, turn it over and shake the cake onto the dish. It remains to cut into pieces and start tasting this truly delicate cake.

If something was not clear, watch the video, which describes in detail each step in the preparation of the Broken glass cake.

Video detailing how to make broken glass cake

Cake broken glass recipe with biscuit

The cooking option for this dessert with a biscuit is not much different from the previous one, but of course it has its own characteristics. For those who do not know how to make a biscuit, I will say that you can use ready-made biscuit cakes or ready-made biscuit cakes. You can read the biscuit recipe below.

Ingredients .

Sour cream 500 grams.

Sugar 100 grams.

Gelatin 1 sachet.



Multicolored jelly. 3-4 colors are enough.

Cooking process.

If you take ready-made jelly, then the cooking process will be reduced by half, since you will not have to wait until the jelly thickens. And if you cook the jelly yourself, the cooking time will increase slightly.

Let's prepare the gelatin. Pour the contents of the bag with boiled water at room temperature. Waiting for it to soak up water.

Then heat the gelatin until it is completely dissolved. Keep the saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. The main thing is not to bring the gelatin to a boil. Now let's set it aside to cool and take care of the biscuit and jelly.Biscuit mode into small pieces, we also do with jelly.

If the cake pan is not perfectly smooth, you can cover it with cling film. which in the future will make it easier to remove the finished product from the mold.

We lay out the pieces of biscuit in the form in which our cake will solidify. Distribute jelly on top. And so several times until the ingredients run out.

Mix sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Beat everything well with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved in sour cream.

Mix gelatin with sour cream again, beat everything well with a mixer and pour into a mold with jelly and biscuit.

Put the form in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. After the finished cake, turn it over into a dish on which you plan to serve a treat.

If the cake does not want to go out of shape. Dip it in boiling water or heat it with a hair dryer from all sides, then the jelly will very easily pop out of the mold. A delicious treat is completely ready and it can be served at the table.

Cake Broken glass with fruits and berries

For this delicious and airy cake, fruits and berries must be chosen very carefully. Sour and slightly bitter will not work because they will violate the overall palette of taste. Therefore, before adding fruits to the cake, first taste the berries, taste the berries, even the most beautiful strawberries or grapes can spoil your culinary masterpiece.


Sour cream, sugar, fruits, berries, vanilla, gelatin, sugar, ready-made jelly, biscuit cakes.

Cooking process.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. And let it cool down. WARNING Do not bring to a boil.

Wash the berries, sort and cut.

Mix sour cream, sugar and vanilla and beat with a blender or whisk.

Mix the cooled gelatin with sour cream, pour in a thin stream and beat everything well again.

We break the biscuit with our hands and put it on the bottom of the mold. Jelly mode into pieces and lay out on a biscuit. We do the same with fruits and berries.

1-layer biscuit.

2-layer jelly.

3-layer fruit-berries.

4-layer biscuit.

Pour all layers of sour cream with gelatin and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

We take out our broken glass from the refrigerator, put it on a plate and serve it to the table and receive compliments.

Biscuit recipe

You will come in handy not only for making Broken glass cake, but for many other dishes, biscuit cakes are also very often required. And the biscuit itself is a very tasty treat. There are a lot of cooking recipes, but I will give the simplest one that even a beginner can handle.


3 eggs.

Flour glass.

Sugar glass.

Dough baking powder.

Cooking process.

Separate the yolks from the whites.

Divide the sugar into two equal halves. One part goes to the yolks, and the other to the proteins.

Beat the yolks with a mixer until they change color from yellow to white. We continue to beat the yolks until a light foam appears.

We are doing the same story with proteins. True, more time needs to be devoted. Beat the whites until a stable thick foam appears. The foam should be so thick that traces from the whisks of the mixer remain on its surface.

Now these two consistencies need to be mixed. We spread the yolks to the proteins and gently mix with a spoon.

Sift the flour directly into the bowl with the eggs. Add baking powder. Stir the dough with a spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Pour the batter into the prepared mold. And send it to the hot oven. The baking temperature is about 120-150 degrees. The cooking time of the biscuit depends on the temperature and on the form. But on average it takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

To check the readiness is very simple, pierce the cake in the middle with a toothpick, if the toothpick is clean and there is no dough on it, then the biscuit is completely ready. You can take it out of the oven.

Broken glass cake with cherries and peaches

This dessert is quite easy to make. And the ingredients are readily available. Cooking time is only 3-4 hours.


Ready-made jelly, a bag of gelatin, sour cream 500 grams, sugar, fresh or canned peaches, fresh or frozen cherries, vanilla, biscuit cake, coconut flakes.

Cooking process.

Let's prepare the gelatin. Pour a bag of gelatin into a bowl and pour a glass of water. Waiting for it to soak up water. As soon as the gelatin has absorbed all the water, add another half a glass of water and send a bowl of gelatin to the pita. Bring it to a liquid state without boiling. And cool to room temperature.

We shift the sour cream into a bowl, add half a glass of vanilla sugar and mix with a mixer for about 5 minutes. Thus, all the sugar will dissolve and the sour cream will become more airy and liquid.

Jelly mode in freeform. Biscuit cake mode into pieces no more than 3 cm.

in the form where the cake will cool down, lay out the prepared peaches and cherries. Then biscuit pieces and jelly. You should not bother with the layout especially, since in the end you will have to mix everything well.

Mix the cooled gelatin with sour cream and beat well. Pour sour cream into a mold with fruit jelly and biscuit, mix and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Before taking out the cake, dip the mold in hot water so that it lags behind the walls of the mold.

Sprinkle with coconut flakes before serving. Now you can serve treats to the table and delight the kids. Bon appetit.

What can you make broken glass cake from.

You can cook only with jelly, or you can cook it in a bunch of jelly plus something else. Below are examples of what else you can cook this excellent dessert cake with.

Jelly Candied.


Colored marshmallow biscuit.


Canned fruit-jelly-biscuit-pineapples.



You can add a little cocoa to the sour cream, then you get a broken glass chocolate cake.

Recipe with condensed milk and cream

Recipe with condensed milk and cream video
