
German chocolate pie. German chocolate cake


I just fell in love with recipes. %0A">Michelle, again her recipe.

Today's cake bears the name of the German chocolate cake, although its recipe was invented in America. It’s just that German chocolate was used during the development of the recipe, hence the name of the cake. Usually it is layered or sprinkled with coconut flakes. This cake is very chocolate-rich, but at the same time not cloying. In general, dedicated to all chocoholics!

For cakes:

113 g sl. oils, room temperature
1/2 st. brown sugar
1/2 st. regular sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
150 g dark chocolate
1/2 st. water
2 tsp instant coffee powder
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp. flour for cakes
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 st. unsweetened yogurt (or low-fat sour cream)

For cream:

4 squirrels
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
10+3 art. l. Sahara
1/4 st. water
1.5 st. sl. oils
6 tbsp cocoa powder

2 tbsp. unsweetened coconut flakes

Preheat oven to 170C(350F).
Grease and flour two 8" (20 cm) round tins. Line the bottom of each tin with parchment paper.
In a saucepan, mix chopped chocolate with coffee, cocoa and water. Heat until completely dissolved and allow to cool to room temperature.
Beat butter with brown and white sugar until fluffy. Add vanilla and one egg at a time. Continuing to beat at low speed, pour in the chocolate mass.
Sift flour with baking powder, soda and salt. Add to the total mass in 3 doses, alternating with yogurt.
Divide the dough equally between the two forms (knock the filled forms on the table so that excess air bubbles come to the surface), and bake for 20-30 minutes, checking for readiness with a match. Cool ready cakes.

From 10 st. l. sugar and water boil syrup (238F). Beat egg whites with cream of tartar, gradually adding 3 tbsp. Sahara. Pour the hot syrup into the egg whites, beating them at low speed. Then, at the highest speed, bring them to a glossy state. The butter should be soft but cold. Continuing to beat the whites, add the oil in small portions. At some point, it will seem that water has separated from it, but this should not stop you, you need to continue whisking until the cream becomes airy and glossy in appearance. It took me about 10 minutes. Add the sifted cocoa and beat until the mass is smooth.

Cut the chilled biscuits into 2 cakes (if desired, you can soak in regular syrup or syrup mixed with liquor). Cover each cake and sides of the cake with cream, and sprinkle with dried coconut flakes. Cool in the refrigerator and serve.

“My favorite is with chocolate icing,” says Stefanie Lage. “But the cake was originally covered with icing, which is how my parents like it. We don't bake this cake at home. But my mother is from Salzwedel. When she was little, they had baumkuchen with sugar icing on the festive table. It is this taste that still reminds her of childhood.

This pie or kuchen has been known in Germany since 1692. 4 recipes were found in the cookbook of Maria Sophia Schelhammer. Baum in translation is a tree and the layers in the cake symbolize the layers of the tree on the cut. And they usually bake it for the New Year. But we'll try it today! Let's get started already!

Chocolate cakes resemble the dark paws of fir trees, and a layer of whipped cream resembles snow-covered forest clearings ... Biscuit cakes are soaked in strong cherry brandy, cherries also serve as a filling and decoration. The picture of a sweet and terrible temptation in its calorie content is complemented by chocolate chips. The Black Forest cake is the “namesake” of a mountain range in Germany, covered with dense forest.

I agree, very tasty, I just instead of sunflower oil added olive and not very much and used apricot jam. Thank you for the recipe, I recommend that anyone whose oven allows you to bake such a cake is sure to surprise not only relatives, but also guests!

Put the form in the oven for 7-8 minutes, the dough on top should be browned. To do this, it is better to use the upper heat or put the form on the upper level. Put the second layer of dough - 2 tablespoons on the first baked layer, and put it back in the oven. So it is necessary to alternate the layers until all the dough is finished. Bake the last layer a little longer, 12-15 minutes. Cooking time may vary and will depend on the oven: if the layer of dough does not have time to bake in the specified time, bake a few minutes longer, do not make the next layer - if the previous one is not baked, the cake will turn out raw.

Personally, this time I simply melted the butter and chocolate in the microwave (heated with pulses, because the chocolate is easily cut off) to a homogeneous liquid mixture and covered the sides and then the top of the baumkuchen with such a quick glaze. I garnished the top of the cake with thinly sliced ​​almonds.

“My favorite is with chocolate icing,” says Stefanie Lage. “But the cake was originally covered with icing, which is how my parents like it. We don't bake this cake at home. But my mother is from Salzwedel. When she was little, they had baumkuchen with sugar icing on the festive table. It is this taste that still reminds her of childhood.

The name of the pie surprises many. Translated from the German "baumkuchen" (Baumkuchen) means "pie tree". “It's made from a pastry dough with lots of eggs,” says Berlin-born Stefanie Lage, an amateur pastry chef. “The dough should be fairly liquid and well beaten.”

Recipe for the traditional Baumkuchen pie. Latest details.

Stollen, a Christmas pastry especially popular in Germany, occupies a special place among traditional winter treats.

Chocolate baumkuchen, tree-pie, with sour cream

55 g dark chocolate
110 g softened butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
7 eggs, whites and yolks divided
2/3 cup flour
3 tablespoons starch

The classic German pie baumkuchen (“tree-pie” - this is the literal translation from German) is actually baked not in molds, but on a skewer, turning it over the fire and pouring the dough layer by layer. As a result of such an unusual process for baking, a layered structure of the cake is obtained with dripping drops of dough, which form, as it were, “knots” of wood. Baumkuchen is then removed from the spit, cut into portioned pies and covered with chocolate. You can also use dark chocolate, but the dough is so tender that dark chocolate (in my opinion) clogs its taste with its bitterness. Ready-made pies can be found in shops in Germany, and in Berlin there is a cafe that has been baking the best Baumkufen for several decades and even delivers them to different parts of the world for true lovers of this extraordinary pie.

After baking the last layer, let the cake stand for 15-20 minutes - cool in the mold and you can get it out. For a more even application of the glaze, first “plaster” the upper surface of the baumkuchen with apricot jam.

From Alsace to the southern regions of the Palatinate, more than forty seductive "halts" of the tourist Chocolate Route invite the sweet tooth to feast on confectionery.

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Well, our pies are ready, let's try them. Delicate cupcake dough with a light and fragrant layer of apricot jam - just melts in your mouth. A light note of almond flour is felt and all this is complemented by chocolate icing. Try more delicious and original desserts with Love to Cook.

Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a small saucepan. Melt the chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly with a spatula. Cover the cake on all sides with hot chocolate. Let the chocolate cool and put the cake in the fridge for an hour.

Chocolate cake Baumkuchen recipe at home. Detailed information.

You can also prepare this delicacy at home, says Stefanie Lage. True, in a slightly different form: the dough is poured into a baking dish in a thin layer and put in the oven higher, right under the grill, browned, then repeat all over again. The slices of sliced ​​(even rectangular) pie are very similar to the original "slice".

To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar and lemon juice until a thick consistency. The resulting mass is applied to the surface of the cake, after which it is placed in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

Chocolate and sour cream glaze:

110 g dark chocolate

3 tablespoons sour cream

80 ml sour cream

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups sifted powdered sugar

Put the peeled grains on a baking sheet and dry a little (literally 3-4 minutes) in the oven. Next, either scroll through the almonds in a meat grinder, or use a coffee grinder, leaving 5-7 nucleoli to decorate the baumkuchen.
Divide eggs into whites and yolks.

Test Ingredients:

250 grams of butter

250 grams of sugar

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

100 grams of starch (corn)

1 tsp baking powder

150 grams of flour


2 tbsp apricot jam

200 grams of cream 30% fat

200-250 grams of dark chocolate

2 tbsp butter

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with remaining sugar until stiff peaks form. A few words about whipping egg whites. Start whipping the whites at low speed, after the whites have clearly increased in volume, add the mixer speed. Add sugar to already very well whipped proteins when the protein mass forms soft peaks (i.e., the peak formed on the surface no longer spreads, but is able to hold its shape for some time, but this form is not stable, soft). Add sugar in small amounts. After adding all the sugar, beat the protein mass well until it becomes so dense that, as the Germans say, it can be cut with a knife.
Very carefully, so as not to lose the achieved volume, mix the flour part of the dough and whipped proteins. When mixing, do not mix the dough very intensively. Movements should be smooth, accurate, from the bottom up, folding. Add whipped proteins not at once, but in small portions. This remark is especially true for the first servings of protein, when the flour part of the dough is still quite dense. In the process of mixing, the proteins will gradually make the dough more liquid.

Visiting is good, German tourists say, but the native bread “in a foreign land” is clearly not enough: thoroughly cooked, from different types of flour, and better - from dark ones, with seeds and bran.

And when in Europe they mastered the industrial production of relatively cheap sugar from sugar beets, the time came for the flourishing of the confectionery craft, which gradually separated from the baking business. Eggs were now beaten with sugar, which gave the pastries a more delicate taste and airiness. This is how the fifth generation baumkuchen appeared. Many confectioners consider themselves to be the discoverers of the most delicious “tree-pie”. But the city of Salzwedel is still considered the birthplace of modern baumkuchen in Germany.

The tradition of such baking came to us from antiquity. More than two thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks baked bread flavored with honey in this way: the dough wound on huge skewers was baked over an open fire. In Greece, this bread was intended for ritual actions during celebrations dedicated to the god Dionysus, and the Romans ate fragrant, ruddy bread in honor of the patron saint of winemakers, the drunken merry fellow Bacchus.

Baumkuchen chocolate cake step by step recipe. All news.

Well, our pies are ready, let's try them. Delicate cupcake dough with a light and fragrant layer of apricot jam - just melts in your mouth. A light note of almond flour is felt and all this is complemented by chocolate icing. Try more delicious and original desserts with Love to Cook.

And when in Europe they mastered the industrial production of relatively cheap sugar from sugar beets, the time came for the flourishing of the confectionery craft, which gradually separated from the baking business. Eggs were now beaten with sugar, which gave the pastries a more delicate taste and airiness. This is how the fifth generation baumkuchen appeared. Many confectioners consider themselves to be the discoverers of the most delicious "tree-pie". But the city of Salzwedel is still considered the birthplace of modern baumkuchen in Germany.

A thin layer of such a test is applied to a wooden or metal roller covered with cardboard or thick paper. The roller, fixed over the fire in a special furnace, is constantly turned, until the dough will not brown. When it acquires a characteristic light brown hue, it is coated on top or, more precisely, watered with dough, forming the next layer. Since the roller rotates, part of the dough flows into a special tray, so the layers are not evenly distributed. Thus, the characteristic "annual rings" typical of this pastry appear. Thanks to them, baumkuchen resembles a saw cut of a tree in a section - hence the name.

Very tasty cake! Very airy dough, bright nutty and orange taste. And it looks very nice. Only I took 150g of sugar, because. I do not like very sweet, but here is jam and icing. Thanks for the recipe!

The third option for such baking is strips of sweet dough wound on small, conical-shaped, wooden rollers. Hungary, for example, they are eaten sprinkled with sugar. Here they are called “twisted rolls”, and one of the hypotheses says that this delicacy came to Germany from Hungary, where the pie was considered a wedding delicacy. Be that as it may, the oldest German-language recipe for a “wooden” pie was found in the Heidelberg manuscript and dates back to 1450. Later, in the 18th century, in Germany they began to use rich dough more often, which changed the taste of the fourth generation of the pie.

The first generation of "skewer pie" is followed by the second - pie or loaves of bread (Stockbrot). Strips of dough woven around long rods were also baked over a fire. German children are still very fond of the Stockbrot oven during camping trips around the evening fire. It replaces the traditional Russian baked potato.

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At school, where we studied German in depth, we had the topic "Cooking". We learned grammar and culinary vocabulary, translated recipes, and even cooked according to recipes from national cuisine books. Then they came to school, treated classmates and teachers, shared their impressions. I remember that then I loved everything German and everything connected with Germany, including German cuisine.
I got this recipe by lot when it was my turn to cook according to German recipes. And that was my very first baking experience. First, I decided to train with my family over the weekend. Oh, what kind of nerves were then!JAfter all, at that time I did not know the very basics of baking pies. I began to make dough from cold eggs, butter, just taken from the refrigerator. I didn’t even know then that all the ingredients should be at room temperature so that the dough comes out homogeneous and tender. And so, when I began to knead the dough, I added wine to eggs with sugar and butter ... cold wine! My God, the dough is all twisted, turned into lumps! I remember that in order to somehow remedy the situation, I had to heat this mixture over low heat. I managed to rectify the situation a little, although the eggs curled a little ... But the cake turned out to be delicious no matter what. And since then, it has become my signature dish among my family. Therefore, I prepared it for Round 64 "German Tea Party", announced in the communitygotovim vmeste . It is also perfect for the brown week flashmob from Inna kulimania

Now a little about taste. It is chocolate-chocolate, soft and juicy, with a little pleasant astringency that red wine gives (but it doesn’t feel like wine, don’t be afraid! :)). This cake is best eaten warm, with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream.

Necessary utensils: baking dish 22-24 cm
Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Cooking time: 45-60 min.


  • 100 ml dry red wine

  • 240 gr softened butter

  • 240 gr flour

  • 4 eggs

  • 150 gr sugar

  • 1.5 tbsp cocoa

  • 1.5 tbsp ground cinnamon

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (1 sachet of vanilla sugar)

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 150 gr dark chocolate

  • 2 handfuls of almond flakes (optional)


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Beat eggs with sugar until white cream. Add softened butter and continue beating until smooth.
3. Add cinnamon, cocoa and baking powder to the flour and mix well.
4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath (make sure that the boiling water does not touch the bottom of the pan with chocolate).
5. In the egg-cream mass, first add the flour, and then the wine, continuing to beat.
6. Lubricate the baking dish with a small amount of oil (if the silicone form, then this step can be skipped).
7. Lay out the almond petals, and then the dough.
8. Bake the cake in a preheated oven for about 50-60 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick - if the dough does not stick to a toothpick, then the cake is ready.

Serve warm with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.

Happy tea!

Test Ingredients:

250 grams of butter

250 grams of sugar

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

100 grams of starch (corn)

1 tsp baking powder

150 grams of flour


2 tbsp apricot jam

200 grams of cream 30% fat content

200-250 grams of dark chocolate

2 tbsp butter

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with remaining sugar until stiff peaks form. A few words about whipping egg whites. Start whipping the whites at low speed, after the whites have clearly increased in volume, add the mixer speed. Add sugar to already very well whipped proteins when the protein mass forms soft peaks (i.e., the peak formed on the surface no longer spreads, but is able to hold its shape for some time, but this form is not stable, soft). Add sugar in small amounts. After adding all the sugar, beat the protein mass well until it becomes so dense that, as the Germans say, it can be cut with a knife.

Very carefully, so as not to lose the achieved volume, mix the flour part of the dough and whipped proteins. When mixing, do not mix the dough very intensively. Movements should be smooth, accurate, from the bottom up, folding. Add whipped proteins not at once, but in small portions. This remark is especially true for the first servings of protein, when the flour part of the dough is still quite dense. In the process of mixing, the proteins will gradually make the dough more liquid.

Recipe for the traditional Baumkuchen pie. Fresh material.

Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a small saucepan. Melt the chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly with a spatula. Cover the cake on all sides with hot chocolate. Give cool the chocolate and put the cake in the refrigerator for an hour.

The first generation of "skewer pie" is followed by the second - pie or loaves of bread (Stockbrot). Strips of dough woven around long rods were also baked over a fire. German children are still very fond of the Stockbrot oven during camping trips around the evening fire. It replaces the traditional Russian baked potato.


55 g dark chocolate

110 g softened butter

3/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

7 eggs, whites and yolks divided

2/3 cup flour

3 tablespoons starch

Sour Cream:

160 ml sour cream

3 tablespoons of sugar

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Chocolate and sour cream glaze:

110 g dark chocolate

3 tablespoons sour cream

80 ml sour cream

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups sifted powdered sugar

Extras for decoration:

fresh strawberries


Heat up the broiler (heater at the top of the oven, it usually automatically heats up to 500F=260C). Melt the chocolate in the microwave and let it cool.

Whisk butter, 1/2 cup sugar and vanilla in a bowl. Whisk in the yolks while continuing to beat. Add sifted flour and starch.

Divide the dough into 2 parts, pouring half into another bowl. Add in the cooled melted chocolate.

In a clean bowl, beat egg whites to stiff peaks. Gradually add the rest of the sugar. Place half of the whipped firm egg whites into each bowl.

Pour about half a cup of the chocolate batter into the prepared lined pan. Place the pan under the broiler for about 1-2 minutes before baking. Pour the same amount of white dough on top and again under the broiler for another 1-2 minutes. Repeat with the rest of the dough, alternating colors. You should get about 10 layers in total.

Whisk all the ingredients for the sour cream and apply it on top of the cakes. Place under the broiler for another minute. Cool for about 15 minutes and you can remove the sides of the form. Cool down completely.

For the glaze, melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave, stir until smooth and set aside. Add sour cream and vanilla. Gradually add the powdered sugar, continuing to beat until smooth.

Spread about 2/3 of the amount of frosting on the sides of the cake. Arrange the strawberries on top of the cake and decorate with the rest of the icing as desired.

Place the cake in the refrigerator until serving.

Bon appetit!

Chocolate baumkuchen, tree-pie, with sour cream

Personally, this time I simply melted the butter and chocolate in the microwave (heated with pulses, because the chocolate is easily cut off) to a homogeneous liquid mixture and covered the sides and then the top of the baumkuchen with such a quick glaze. I garnished the top of the cake with thinly sliced ​​almonds.

Stollen, a Christmas pastry especially popular in Germany, occupies a special place among traditional winter treats.

Chocolate cake Baumkuchen recipe at home. Breaking news.

The third version of such baking is strips of sweet dough wound on small, conical-shaped, wooden rollers. Hungary, for example, they are eaten sprinkled with sugar. Here they are called “twisted rolls”, and one of the hypotheses says that this delicacy came to Germany from Hungary, where the pie was considered a wedding delicacy. Whatever it was, but the oldest German-language recipe for a "wooden" pie was discovered in the Heidelberg manuscript and dated 1450. Later, in the 18th century, in Germany they began to use rich dough more often, which changed the taste of the fourth generation of the pie.

You can also prepare this delicacy at home, Stefanie Lage assures. True, in a slightly different form: the dough is poured into a baking dish with a thin layer and put into the oven higher, right under the grill, brown, then repeat all over again. The slices of sliced ​​(even rectangular) pie are very similar to the original "slice".

Well, our pies are ready, let's try them. Delicate cupcake dough with a light and fragrant layer of apricot jam - just melts in your mouth. A light note of almond flour is felt and all this is complemented by chocolate icing. Try more delicious and original desserts with Love to Cook.

Put the form in the oven for 7-8 minutes, the dough on top should be browned. To do this, it is better to use the upper heat or put the form on the upper level. Put the second layer of dough - 2 tablespoons on the first baked layer, and put it back in the oven. So it is necessary to alternate the layers until all the dough is finished. Bake the last layer a little longer, 12-15 minutes. Cooking time may vary and will depend on the oven: if the layer of dough does not have time to bake in the specified time, bake a few minutes longer, do not make the next layer - if the previous one is not baked, the cake will turn out raw.

Visiting is good, German tourists say, but the native bread “in a foreign land” is clearly not enough: thoroughly cooked, from different types of flour, and better - from dark ones, with seeds and bran.

Baumkuchen chocolate cake step by step recipe. recent events.

“My favorite is with chocolate icing,” says Stefanie Lage. - But initially the cake was covered with icing, that's how my parents like it. We don't bake this cake at home. But my mother is from Salzwedel. When she was little, they had baumkuchen with sugar icing on the festive table. It is this taste that still reminds her of childhood.

The name of the pie surprises many. Translated from the German "baumkuchen" (Baumkuchen) means "pie tree". “It's made from a pastry dough with lots of eggs,” says Berlin-born Stefanie Lage, an amateur pastry chef. “The dough should be fairly liquid and well beaten.”

A thin layer of such a test is applied to a wooden or metal roller covered with cardboard or thick paper. A roller, fixed over a fire in a special oven, is constantly turned until the dough is browned. When it acquires a characteristic light brown hue, it is coated on top or, more precisely, watered with dough, forming the next layer. Since the roller rotates, part of the dough flows into a special tray, so the layers are not evenly distributed. Thus, the characteristic "annual rings" typical of this pastry appear. Thanks to them, baumkuchen resembles a saw cut of a tree in a section - hence the name.

The oddly named Baumkuchen chocolate cake is a traditional German Christmas cake. "Baumkuchen" in German means "tree-pie", he received such a name for his interesting cut, with alternating chocolate and white layers, which is very reminiscent of a cut of a tree.


  • 55 g dark chocolate;
  • 110 g butter;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 7 eggs;
  • 140 g flour;
  • 3 tbsp starch.


  • 160 ml sour cream (20%);
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice.


  • 110 g dark chocolate;
  • 3 tbsp sour cream;
  • 80 ml butter;
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar.

For decoration:

  • 250 g freshly picked strawberries.

German chocolate cake "Baumkuchen" - preparation method

Before you start making chocolate cake, you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up to a temperature of 210 degrees.

Dough preparation

To prepare the dough, it is necessary to melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave oven and cool it to room temperature.

Gradually, during churning, yolks separated from proteins are introduced and flour with starch is added.

After preparing the dough, in a separate bowl, beat the remaining proteins until a thick dense foam and gradually pour the remaining sugar into them.

The finished dough is divided into two equal parts. Melted chocolate and half of whipped proteins are introduced into one of them. The remaining half must be added to the white part of the dough.

Cake baking

In order to achieve the unique multi-layer structure, it is necessary to put approximately 100 g of chocolate dough on the bottom of a parchment-lined form, after which, put it in the oven for about 2 minutes until fully cooked. The same amount of white dough is laid out on top of the finished chocolate cake and baked for about 2 minutes.

It is important to be active in the oven top only heating element, this allows you to bake the top layer of the cake and prevents the bottom from burning

Similar actions must be repeated until the end of both parts of the test, as a result, about 10 cakes should be obtained.

Cream preparation

To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar and lemon juice until a thick consistency. The resulting mass is applied to the surface of the cake, after which it is placed in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

After cooling, you can remove the walls of the form and pour the cake with chocolate icing.

Preparation of chocolate glaze

To prepare the glaze, it is necessary to melt the butter with chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave until smooth. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and cooled.

After cooling, sour cream and vanillin are added to the chocolate mass. At the last stage, during churning, powdered sugar is gradually introduced. The final result should be a homogeneous cream-icing.

Approximately 2/3 of chocolate icing is applied to the finished cake on all sides.

Strawberries pre-peeled and cut in half are laid out on top, as well as decorations from the remaining glaze.

Before serving, the chocolate cake must be cooled in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!
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