
Apple pie American cuisine recipe. American apple pie

Semenov 30.10.13
I have never added vanilla sugar to a cream of condensed milk. What can I say - it turned out quite an interesting taste and aroma. I'll do the same for a change.

Anastasia 03.11.13
The saddest thing is that the cream may not work out if you take bad condensed milk, and you can easily run into it. I always use condensed milk of one company, it is proven and the cream is obtained. I am making a cake, in which the dough contains condensed milk, and the cream itself from butter with condensed milk.

Lera 05.11.13
I always make it with boiled condensed milk and add a little oil. In my opinion, with the usual one you get a liquidish cream or you need to add a lot of oil. And this is for an amateur.

Natalia 06.11.13
I like to make cream from condensed milk when there is no time. Plus, it's so delicious. Stir the condensed milk with butter and you're done)) And you can also add crushed nuts, poppy seeds or raisins.

Alexandra 15.01.14
I do not know what other hostesses think, but the combination of butter and condensed milk always makes an excellent cream for any cake. It is not always possible to add liquor, but vanilla sugar is simply necessary). Vanillin is added to almost all pastries.

Marina 28.02.14
I love condensed milk cream, my favorite! I have been preparing it for more than a year, time-tested, simple to prepare and delicious in taste. Just what you need for cakes!

Olga 11.05.14
Cream with condensed milk turned out just super! Thanks for the recipe!

Yuliy@ 27.07.14
I completely agree with the post written above that this cream is very dependent on condensed milk. A couple of times I came across bad condensed milk and the cream turned out to be a little liquid. It is better, of course, to choose condensed milk with a high percentage of fat content, and it is even better to make this cream with boiled condensed milk. I love this cream "condensed milk + butter" - fast, convenient and the taste is not inferior to other creams. Bellisimo! :)

Yuliy, thanks for the feedback! With toffee (boiled condensed milk), this cream is generally a bomb)))

Vika 08.01.15
And I also add lemon zest, grated on a fine grater, to such a cream, it gives an unusual aroma and a pleasant citrus flavor. She can even replace vanilla, who does not have it at hand.

Sveta 05.02.15
And I keep thinking where to put a jar of condensed milk that has been hanging around my refrigerator for a month;). Here is the answer to my question - I will bake a biscuit, and I will smear it with such a cream with condensed milk and butter, there will be a bomb! In the evening I will treat my homemade cake)).

Vlad 10.02.15
I tried to make this cream with both regular and boiled condensed milk. The flavors and texture are really different. I think that a lighter option is more suitable for biscuit cakes, and boiled condensed milk can be used for honey cakes, then the taste is more saturated. Well, this is my observation.

Nicholas 23.02.15
In the cream, you can add halva grated on a fine grater. Better sunflower and good quality. Try it, you won't regret it!

Evgenia Savinova 09.03.15
The recipe is just great! It's not the first year I've been using it. I lubricate with such a cream a biscuit, and waffles, and cakes from dough, and much more. The main thing is that you can cook it quickly, but how tasty it is!

Valya 27.02.17
can you make patterns on the cake with this cream?

Valya, yes, of course, I only advise you to use butter with a fat content of at least 82%, because. margarine melts quickly. Butter cream from condensed milk should be transferred to a pastry bag and slightly cooled in the refrigerator, after which you can decorate the cake)))))

Condensed milk cream is much softer than traditional butter cream whipped with sugar. It is suitable for making cakes, biscuits, waffles and homemade cakes.

On the basis of condensed milk, you can prepare several types of cake cream. A variety of additives - juice of fruits and berries, nuts, honey, chocolate, sour cream - will allow you to arrange the most daring experiments, getting a new taste every time.

A classic of the genre is a cream based on condensed milk and butter. Many housewives love it for its speed and ease of preparation.

Creme brulee by . Watch the video!..


What do you need:
1 can of condensed milk
250 g butter at room temperature

How to make a classic cream of condensed milk:
1. Cut the butter into small cubes and place them in a deep saucepan. Turn on the mixer on low speed and use it to beat the butter into a homogeneous mass. It usually only takes five seconds.

2. Gradually add condensed milk. Just don't pour it all at once. Add milk literally 1-2 tablespoons, no more. The mixer speed can be increased. Continue whisking the cream until it stops sticking to the sides of the pan.

3. Use the resulting cream immediately, do not store it. It is perfect for making any cake, but is especially good in combination with biscuit, sand and waffle cakes. The cream can be used both for the layer and for decorating the cake.


What do you need:
200 g butter at room temperature
0.5 cans of condensed milk
200 g sour cream (it is advisable to use sour cream with a high fat content)
300 g walnuts

How to make cream of condensed milk with sour cream:

1. Beat the condensed milk with softened butter with a mixer. Add sour cream and beat again.

2. Grind walnuts and add them to sour cream and condensed milk.

3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This cream is great for biscuit-based cakes.


What do you need:
200 g condensed milk
1 st. milk
100 g butter
2 tbsp Sahara
2 tbsp flour

How to cook custard with condensed milk:

1. Pour milk into the pan, add sugar and flour, mix. After adding flour, lumps may appear, but you should not try to get rid of them, as they will then be broken by a mixer.

2. Cook the cream over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Do not get carried away with cooking, otherwise the cream may burn.

3. Cool the cream to room temperature, add condensed milk and butter, and then beat everything with a mixer. Optionally, you can put a little vanilla for flavor.

4. Try experimenting with supplements. Pour a teaspoon of rum, cognac or any liquor into the prepared cream, and it will become much more aromatic and tastier. You can also use fruit essence or vanillin as a flavoring agent.

And now it's time to cook a delicious cake "Napoleon" with your favorite cream!

Cream on butter and condensed milk is one of the easiest and fastest recipes for confectionery creams. It is great for filling straws and eclairs, as well as for decorating cakes, pastries and other sweets.

In order to prepare butter cream with condensed milk, you only need two ingredients, but they must be of the highest quality. Butter is better to take a premium class, the highest fat content - 82%, in extreme cases 72.5%. Condensed milk should also be real, with whole milk and sugar, without vegetable fats. If you have high-quality products and you strictly follow the cooking technology, the butter cream will turn out to be homogeneous, airy and smooth. It will keep its shape perfectly even at room temperature.

What can not be done so as not to spoil the cream

It is not difficult to prepare a delicious cream for a cake, but if you break the technology, it can delaminate or take on lumps.

If the butter cream with condensed milk came in lumps, then:

  • you have low-quality condensed milk or butter with vegetable fats;
  • the butter did not have time to reach room temperature before whipping;
  • condensed milk is too cold;
  • you beat the butter badly;
  • you introduced the condensed milk all at once, and not in parts.

But don't worry! You can try to save the cream! Put the bowl in a water bath and, continuously whisking with a mixer, heat - literally 10-20 seconds. Lumps will disappear, and the cream itself will become a single air mass. Just do not overdo it in hot, so as not to completely ruin it. After heating, immediately place the bowl in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and whisk again. This method of “extreme” rescue will help only if the products were of high quality, but if they are based on vegetable fats, then, alas, the cream will not be “reanimated”.


  • butter 200 g
  • condensed milk 1 can

How to cook butter cream with condensed milk

Butter cream with condensed milk can be used immediately after preparation or put in the refrigerator. It remains only to fill the pastry bag and that's it - you can decorate cakes, cupcakes and other desserts. The cream "does not float" and holds its shape very well.

On a note

If you need to color the cream, use fat-soluble food coloring. Water soluble are not suitable!
