
Sea buckthorn juice for the winter - a step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking at home. Sea buckthorn juice: useful properties of sea buckthorn juice

Harvesting: sea buckthorn juice for the winter through a juicer has healing properties. And canned to get an optimally balanced source of vitamins in winter.

The benefits of sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn is a small, sunny-colored berry that attracts the eye. Sweet and sour berries are full of useful vitamins and substances that are essential for a person. It is not only sweet, but also a very tasty medicine!

Sea buckthorn juice has the same beneficial properties as berries:

  1. It contains the most important plant pigment for our body - beta-carotene, as well as various organic acids, alkaloids, serotonin and other very useful components.
  2. It is an excellent tool in the fight against free radicals, as it contains vitamins of groups E, C and A.
  3. Vitamins C, P and E, which are contained in a significant amount, contribute to the normalization of the endocrine system and support the immune system, preventing the development of inflammatory diseases and the appearance of allergic reactions.
  4. It can be used as a fat burning supplement due to the record amount of vitamin C in it, which is the best natural fat burner.
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is present more than in most other plants known for their beneficial properties.
  6. Wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties are especially pronounced.
  7. The present succinic acid, which is rare, reduces the toxic effects of various drugs and radiation, and lowers blood pressure.
  8. It is used for atherosclerosis of blood vessels, disorders of the nervous system and liver diseases.

Do not forget about the dangers: individual intolerance is possible, also do not use with cholelithiasis, gastritis and ulcers.

Prepare sea buckthorn juice at home according to any recipe below, and during the cold winter you will be able to support your immunity.

Sea buckthorn juice is not just a fragrant drink, it is a very effective and proven source of vitamins and nutrients for many years. It has a rich color and a sour taste.

Sea buckthorn juice in syrup

This sea buckthorn juice recipe is easy to prepare and all the beneficial properties are preserved for the winter!

You need to choose berries that are orange, dense, they should not have spots or damage. In overripe fruits, there are practically no useful properties.


  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • for syrup: one liter of water and half a kilogram of granulated sugar.


For a variety of taste, you can add the juice of blueberries, blackberries or any other berry.

Natural sea buckthorn juice for the winter without sugar

You will need sea buckthorn.


In order for the drink to have more pulp, you need to pass the cake through the juicer several times.

To preserve all the vitamins, it is preferable to harvest the juice without boiling and boiling. How to make sea buckthorn juice without boiling?

Sea buckthorn juice with sugar


  • sea ​​buckthorn berry;
  • sugar - 1 kg of sugar (per 1 liter of juice).


The cake that remains can be used for further preparation of sea buckthorn oil.

The juice obtained from sea buckthorn for the winter, passed through a juicer, is highly concentrated. The blank can be used for cooking fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Sea buckthorn juice with boiling


  • berries 6 kilograms;
  • water 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar 1 kilogram.


The juice can stand all winter and not spoil.

Sea buckthorn juice made according to this recipe for the winter through a juicer will help protect the body from various colds in winter.

Sea buckthorn ripens by September. If a berry appears on sale earlier, it is likely that it is specially treated with various chemicals in order to accelerate growth.

Sea buckthorn juice does not lose its properties during heat treatment. During storage, sea buckthorn juice breaks up into two fractions. Therefore, before drinking, you need to shake the drink well until a homogeneous mass.

DIY sea buckthorn juice - video

The health berry, as sea buckthorn is called, is useful in any form. It can be eaten fresh or drunk to make juice from it. When honey or sugar is added to it, the sourness of fresh berries softens and the drink acquires a pleasant taste.

The benefits of sea buckthorn juice

You can drink juice from it just like a delicious drink, or you can use it to support your immunity, prevent the development of certain diseases, and even cure some of them. Sea buckthorn juice is useful for solving such problems:

  • Establishment of digestion, removal of inflammatory processes of the stomach or pancreas.
  • Acceleration of the healing process of wounds, abrasions and other damage to the skin.
  • Removal of inflammation in the oral cavity and in the throat area.
  • With rheumatism or an attack of gout, sea buckthorn juice is used as a lotion on the affected area.
  • For high blood pressure, sea buckthorn juice thins the blood and improves blood flow.
  • As a natural antibiotic, sea buckthorn juice will be useful for eliminating colds, treating bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • In autumn and winter, sea buckthorn juice is able to saturate the body with the missing vitamins.
  • Rubbing the juice can help in solving the problem of baldness or hair loss.
  • Due to the high concentration of tocopherol, sea buckthorn juice has a rejuvenating effect on the epidermis.

Orange berry juice is useful even for small children. A few drops of juice strengthen the immunity of an infant. It is useful to use it for women during the period. It protects the body of the expectant mother from the effects of infection and reduces the likelihood of developing pathology in the child.

Juice is given to children by mixing it into dairy products. This improves the taste of the latter and the child eats a previously unloved product with pleasure. In some cases, sea buckthorn is allowed to be mixed with apple. This does not reduce the beneficial properties of juices and adds variety to the child's menu.

Harm and contraindications of sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn juice is not always allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities. In the presence of some ailments, it is capable of harming. These states include:

  • Diseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Chronic form of cholecystitis in the acute stage.
  • Gastritis is when the gastric juice is highly acidic.
  • Allergic reaction to carotene.
  • Individual intolerance to sea buckthorn berries.

Since there is a rather high concentration of acids in sea buckthorn nectar, its consumption can worsen the health of a person with gastritis and peptic ulcer. A powerful choleretic effect makes it impossible to use sea buckthorn juice in the presence of stones in the gallbladder.

How to make sea buckthorn juice

Useful sea buckthorn nectar is obtained in different ways. At the same time, it can be prepared both for immediate consumption and for winter storage.

Sea buckthorn juice with pulp

To prepare such a drink, 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries are thoroughly washed and dried. Then the berries are lowered into a saucepan, where a liter of water was first brought to a boil. The residence time of the berries in boiling water should not exceed 3 minutes. After that, the berries are taken out, and the liquid is boiled again along with two glasses of sugar. After complete dissolution of the sugar crystals, the heating is turned off.

The berries are rubbed through a sieve and mixed with sugar syrup. The resulting juice is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees and poured into pre-sterilized jars. The containers are sent for 20 minutes for pasteurization and sealed tightly with lids.

Sea buckthorn juice without sugar

If you prefer a natural drink, then you can do without the addition of granulated sugar. In this case, 2 kg of berries are required. It is washed, allowed to drain and kneaded, put in an enameled container. Separately, 400 ml of water is heated to 40 degrees and mixed with a berry.

The mass is heated to 50 degrees and passed through a sieve. The remaining juice is again heated to 90 degrees and poured into sterilized jars. After ten minutes of pasteurization, the jars are carefully corked and left to cool, turning upside down.

Any person who understands that plants can benefit the body knows that sea buckthorn helps solve numerous health problems.

We can safely say that sea buckthorn has absorbed all the best from nature - both the vitamin and mineral complex, and the organic acids that are so necessary for a person, as well as many other micro and macro elements.

To appreciate the maximum taste and all the benefits of the gift of nature, you can try sea buckthorn juice.

We will talk about the beneficial properties of the drink and how to prepare it at home in this article.

What is sea buckthorn juice - description and biochemical composition

As it is already clear, a healthy drink is prepared from orange berries with a unique, sour taste.

All the benefits of sea buckthorn are preserved in the juice - read more about its healing properties in this one.

The systematic use of several tablespoons of sea buckthorn drink will provide the human body with a large amount of substances necessary for a full life.

The composition of the sea buckthorn product is very rich.

It includes a large amount of fat. There are also a lot of vitamins in the healing product.

The following vitamins are present:

  1. Group B (B1, B2, B6).
  2. PP etc.

Also in the drink from sea buckthorn berries there are the following substances:

  1. organic acids.
  2. Carotene.
  3. Coumarins.
  4. Sterols.
  5. Flavonoids.
  6. Catechins.
  7. Macronutrients (Fe, K, Zn, Bo, Mg, Mn, etc.).

The composition is enriched with valuable acids (ursulic, succinic, oleanic).

The calorie content of the product is 52 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Sea buckthorn juice - useful properties of the product

What is useful sea buckthorn juice for women and men?

For therapeutic purposes, a unique product is used in the complex therapy of malignant and benign neoplasms,.

It is also prescribed for beriberi and reduced.

It can be used not only inside, but also externally for some pathologies of the skin.

The medicinal properties of the product are effectively used for painful symptoms, which are provoked by the development of inflammation.

The value of the sea buckthorn product is also in the ability to heal wounds, since the juice provokes the restoration of cellular tissue.

Sea buckthorn juice can be used during pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications to it.

Sea buckthorn juice for beauty

Juice is a unique remedy for the fair sex.

It is often called the elixir of beauty, as the product contains a lot of vitamin E, which positively affects the condition of the skin, supports the body and protects it from premature aging.

To moisturize and nourish dry skin and make them smooth, it is enough to carry out care in combination with the use of pure sea buckthorn juice. A moistened swab should be smeared over the skin of the face and after 2 minutes. just wash up.

  • Mask with sea buckthorn juice for facial rejuvenation

Sea buckthorn gives the best effect if it is used regularly as part of a homemade honey-cream mask with an egg.

To prepare a nutritional composition, you need to take a quarter cup of sea buckthorn juice, egg yolk, a spoonful of honey and quite a bit of cream.

All components are mixed until smooth and for 15 minutes. smear on a previously cleansed face. Next, you need to wash first with warm, then cold water and lubricate the skin with a good cream.

  • Face mask with cottage cheese and sea buckthorn juice

The composition of cottage cheese / sea buckthorn juice will help to effectively reduce the enlarged pores of problem skin. It is necessary to mix sea buckthorn juice and curd product in equal proportions.

This mask will also help even out the tone of the face.

In order for the healing product to help to the maximum, it must be used systematically and not only externally, but also internally. Only with regular use the effect will be excellent.

By the way, ice made from a healthy drink will also bring great benefits to the skin. Such cubes should be used to wipe the skin of the face in the morning, so that the skin becomes elastic, healthy, beautiful.

How to make sea buckthorn juice at home?

You can make your own healing drink.

  • Do-it-yourself sea buckthorn juice - recipe

Both freshly harvested and frozen ripened raw materials are suitable.

  • Berries should first be sorted out, washed well and mashed. Crumpled sea buckthorn should be filled with water, temperature 40 degrees in an enamel container in proportions per kilo of berries - 0.25 liters of water.
  • When the ingredients are mixed, the container must be sent to the fire and brought to 50 ° C. Then remove from the stove and press out - squeeze out the nutritious juice.
  • The resulting mixture must be filtered and brought to 90 ° C, let stand for 10 minutes. Next, the sterilized containers must be filled with juice, closed well and removed.
  • After a while, the product will decompose into 2 states, on top there will be orange oil, which has unique healing qualities, and on the bottom there will be a much less concentrated sea buckthorn drink. To make it homogeneous, it should be well mixed.
  • You can prepare the product for the winter through a juicer.
  • The product should be stored in glass containers, in a cool, dark place.

By right, you can appreciate all the healing qualities of the sea buckthorn drink only with its regular use. You need to know how to drink this remedy.

It is better to check the dosage with a doctor, but in the absence of contraindications, you can drink in courses, 100 ml every day.

This will help to make the body more resilient, increase immunity, and also rejuvenate the body.

Sea buckthorn juice - contraindications

Any product made from sea buckthorn should not be consumed if a person has an individual intolerance.

Also, sea buckthorn will harm gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatic pathologies, liver or gallbladder diseases in an exacerbated state.

We should not forget that sea buckthorn products, due to carotene, can provoke an allergic reaction.

Sea buckthorn is an unusual culture with juicy amber fruits.

And leaves, and berries, and roots, and bark have the power to get rid of ailments.

And sea buckthorn juice is healthy, tasty and healing at the same time.

What is contained in the composition

The complex composition of sea buckthorn berries includes almost all familiar vitamins, a good set of minerals, organic acids, tannins, natural antibiotics, pectins, serotonin, flavonoids.

From the vitamins we list:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 (water-soluble metabolism vitamins);
  • vitamin of coagulation (coagulation) of blood K;
  • vitamin P capillary protection;
  • growth provitamin A;
  • beauty vitamin E;
  • vitamin redox processes PP;
  • vitamin C is a special immune stimulant.

The largest amount belongs to vitamin C.

The mineral complex is represented by calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium. Not a single vital process can do without them. Organic acids are represented by oxalic, tartaric, malic acids.
Tanning components give a tart taste, inhibit the activity of harmful microbes, remove unnecessary toxins, cleanse the body. Pectins increase the shelf life of berries and squeezed juice from them.

Serotonin of sea buckthorn berries, as a well-known "hormone of happiness", gives mood, drives black thoughts away. The flavonoids give the berries an amber-yellow color, but above all, they give the sea buckthorn nectar its antioxidant and free-radical scavenging properties.

With a pronounced beneficial effect on a person, the calorie content of juice is approximately 82 kcal per 100 g. This amount is achieved not due to sugar, but due to the presence of fatty acids.

Did you know?Sea buckthorn berries in winter become an important element of food for individual birds, for example, fieldfare.

Benefits of sea buckthorn juice

Multivitamin sea buckthorn has long been famous for its healing qualities. In ancient Greece, healers noticed that dressing with sea buckthorn leaves made animal hair shiny and silky, cuts and wounds healed more easily, as evidenced by the Latin translation of the name “glossy horse”.

Later, all parts of the bush healed the ailments of people. The rich vitamin composition gives the juice anti-inflammatory, regenerating, regenerating properties.

With daily intake of nectar, your skin will become elastic, acquire a fresh radiant color. In winter, sometimes during the period of frequent colds, juice will help overcome illnesses, because vitamin C and carotene guard your health.
The amber berry product is stored for a long time and will be the main natural source of nutrients in winter. Juice promotes rapid regeneration and healing of skin tissues.

Important! It is because of the presence of succinic acid in the drink that it is especially important and useful to drink sea buckthorn juice for the elderly.

The most valuable acids of sea buckthorn are ursolic, succinic and oleic. Ursolic is indispensable in the fight against skin lesions. Amber saves from pressure surges, stress, breakdowns of the nervous system, atherosclerosis, removes toxins. A significant role belongs to oleic acid, which exhibits anti-cancer, antiviral, vasodilating, normalizing blood circulation qualities.

Use during pregnancy and lactation: benefit or harm

Sea buckthorn juice is persistently offered to women in position and while breastfeeding babies. A healing drink is recommended even for babies of one month of age in the amount of two or three drops (can be mixed with breast milk) to improve immunity.

The characteristic taste of an amber berry is neutralized by fermented milk products, so the kids do not refuse treats. Nectar from a mixture of sweet apple juice and sea buckthorn juice will delight older children who are already being introduced to complementary foods.

Important! Taking half a glass of juice daily relieves the fetus of unwanted pathologies, and gives a pregnant woman ease of labor.

How to make at home: recipe

Sea buckthorn juice is easy to make at home from frozen or fresh berries. To do this, you need a blender, gauze or strainer.


  • a handful of berries;
  • glass of water;
  • sugar as desired and to taste.

The order of preparation is as follows.

  1. Rinse the berries under running hot water.
  2. We put the purified product in a blender.
  3. Add a glass of water.
  4. Sugar to taste on top.
  5. We turn on the blender and crush everything well.
  6. Ready nectar is filtered through a sieve or gauze.

The juice is tart, for vitaminization of the body it is enough to drink 1-2 times a week . You can add honey, dilute with other juices or infusions of life-giving herbs, prepare fruit drinks.

How much can you drink per day

For a good mood and maintaining a strong immune system, three tablespoons of fresh juice a day will be enough to protect yourself from the onslaught of pathogenic bacteria.

But in case of malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, you need to increase the amount to half a glass a day and drink in small portions.

This normalizes your blood pressure and heart rate, stabilizes blood flow and density, and prevents cholesterol plaques from appearing.

To destroy viruses that have already penetrated and increase resistance, you need to drink at least 100 g of juice per day. With manifestations of beriberi and anemia, daily drinking of vitamin juice is prescribed for ¼ cup, preferably with one teaspoon of honey.

People with cancer of the stomach and esophagus should drink fresh nectar in a tablespoon between meals 4-5 times a day.
Pregnant and lactating mothers should not forget to take half a glass of drink every day. It is extremely important for hypertensive patients to drink juice in the amount of 1 g of drink per 1 kg of weight. Hypotension patients - 2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

How and where to store

Sea buckthorn berries for the preparation of a freshly squeezed drink are stored in the freezer, arranged in small bags. Juice prepared for the winter can be stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony in the fall, poured into glass containers, given that it has undergone a sterilization process.

If not, then only in the freezer, otherwise the fermentation process will soon begin.

How can it be used in cosmetology

The amber berry product is able to work wonders in the field of cosmetology. It returns youthfulness to the skin, and confidence and beauty to the fair sex, mainly due to vitamin E. The drink is used alone or in combination with other components.

Nourishing mask

Apply gruel from ¼ cup of juice, a teaspoon of honey, egg yolk, half a teaspoon of cream to the face. Withstand 15 minutes. Rinse alternately with hot and cold water. Be sure to finish the process with a moisturizer.

For dry skin

Moisturize your face with a cotton pad abundantly moistened in juice for three minutes every day. Wash off with room temperature water. The skin will become soft and silky.

For problem skin

  • Nectar sea ​​buckthorn, combined with cottage cheese, apply in equal parts on the face. Keep for 15 minutes, then wash off.
  • Whitening tonic. Moisturize your face with a cotton pad for 10 minutes. Wash off with water without the use of detergents. Age spots and freckles disappear.
  • ice tonic. Dilute sea buckthorn liquid with water (1:2). Fill the molds and put in the freezer. Wipe the face with cubes in the morning. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, silky.
With hair loss, dandruff, lifeless hair, sea buckthorn drink is also useful. Apply a healing agent to the roots and weakened hair. Wrap for 30 minutes. Wash your head.

Sea buckthorn is famous for its beneficial properties. It is rich in vitamins B, E, H, C, F, beta-carotene; minerals: potassium and magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, titanium, manganese, silicon, boron and others; organic acids, succinic acid, coumarins, flavonoids, catechins, phytoncides, sterols, dietary fiber, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The high calorie content of sea buckthorn (82 kcal per 100 g of product) is not due to the high sugar content, but to the presence of useful fatty acids.

Sea buckthorn juice favorably affects the composition of the blood, increases the amount of protein in it, increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion. Sea buckthorn juice has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulating the production of serotonin; also useful in eye diseases, has a choleretic effect, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, prevents the formation of blood clots, fights tumors.

All the useful properties of sea buckthorn juice can not be listed - a real storehouse of health. Therefore, it will be very useful for you sea ​​buckthorn juice recipe which we are happy to share with you.

To whom sea buckthorn juice is contraindicated

Any drug has contraindications, and miraculous sea ​​buckthorn juice- not an exception. It should not be used for cholecystitis and pancreatitis, as well as for those who have cholelithiasis. Sea buckthorn juice is also contraindicated in hyperacid gastritis, as well as acute diseases of the pancreas. You should not use sea buckthorn juice for those who are allergic to carotene and with individual intolerance.

Sea Buckthorn Juice Recipes

Both fresh and frozen berries are suitable for making sea buckthorn juice. Rinse them in cold water and dry a little, then grind them in a mortar (or the bottom of a clean glass bottle on a cutting board set at an angle into the bowl).

Put the crushed sea buckthorn in an enamel pan, pour warm water (1 tablespoon of water per 1 kg of berries), heat a little, and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Then strain the juice through cheesecloth, rolled up in 3-4 layers, and heat again to about 90 ° C), then immediately pour into dry sterilized jars. Then put the jars in hot (about 70 ° C) water, bring to a boil and sterilize for 5-10 minutes, then set to cool.

One more recipe sea ​​buckthorn juice Suitable for those who have a juicer. We squeeze the juice, filter it, heat it in a saucepan (but do not boil!) And add sugar (1 to 1). Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and immediately pour into sterilized jars.

It is best to store sea buckthorn juice in the refrigerator, but if you put more sugar (1.5: 1), then it will be perfectly preserved at room temperature.

From sea buckthorn berries, you can not only prepare sea buckthorn juice, but also. Its scope is truly extensive - from the treatment of burns to the alleviation of "female" diseases.
