
Beer alcoholism in men symptoms treatment. Female and male alcoholism - what are the differences

For many, beer is associated with youth, sports, football and fun. It has become so firmly established in our lives that many no longer imagine any company without this drink. But it is beer alcoholism that is currently considered the most intractable.

Fans of this foamy drink are just right to think about what such a weakness can turn out to be for the body. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Distinctive features of beer alcoholism

If we consider the effect of beer from a pharmacological point of view, then it really has a certain relaxing effect. Even in the last century, it was prescribed as a sedative.

By drinking beer, a person simultaneously gets used not only to alcohol, but also to the effects of sedatives.

Beer alcoholism is a real scourge of the 21st century. He does not bypass anyone, from men to children and teenagers. Those who drink beer are quite sure that there is nothing to worry about, and this drink is completely harmless, since it contains very little alcohol.

It becomes scary that if addiction to vodka is most often the lot of adult men, then beer alcoholism can be observed in very young boys and, worst of all, in girls, and these are expectant mothers.

Not only that drinking beer in large quantities destroys the still fragile psyche of the child, it also entails a whole train of non-childish diseases, most of which are difficult to treat, for example, problems with CCC.

Bollinger, a professor from Germany, coined the term " bull heart”, and this is no accident, because beer contains cobalt, which is responsible for the formation of foam. But he is also responsible for the deterioration of the heart, thickening of its walls, and subsequently the development of necrosis of the heart muscle.

Cobalt and the gastrointestinal tract do not bypass; over time, problems with digestion will certainly appear.

Another feature of beer alcoholism is a special cruelty. Any alcohol destroys a person, makes him lose control over his actions, but it is beer alcoholics who most often commit robberies, rapes, robberies.

Signs of a beer addiction

It is far from immediately possible to identify signs of beer alcoholism. This process is long and gradual. It all starts with a bottle of beer every day, and then you don’t even notice that without this drink you can’t relax at all.

The problem of beer alcoholism is that dependence among young people is formed much faster. In recent years, doctors have been detecting signs already in 12-14-year-olds. And this is already the degradation of society.

If beer alcoholism develops, symptoms may include:

  1. Every day there is a need for beer, more than 1 liter of the drink is drunk per day.
  2. If there is no beer, then aggressiveness and irritability appear.
  3. Over time, a "beer" tummy appears.
  4. Periodic headache.
  5. Problems in the sexual sphere begin to appear.
  6. Insomnia at night and sleepy during the day.
  7. It becomes increasingly difficult to relax without special stimulants.
  8. There is a need to drink beer even in the morning hours to cheer up and tune in to the working mood.

The appearance of such symptoms can be ignored for a long time or try not to pay attention to them. If relatives are convinced of the presence of beer alcoholism at an early stage, then the person himself will never admit this, he believes that he does not need the help of a doctor.

Beer alcoholism in men is also distinguished by the fact that he practically does not have binges. A person drinks beer every day, on weekends this dose is exceeded several times. It turns out that he is constantly in some kind of borderline state: neither sober, but not drunk either, but simply in a drunken frenzy.

The female body is more susceptible harmful effects beer, since in the female body the enzymes that destroy alcohol work less actively. First of all, beer alcoholism affects the appearance of the lady. Its symptoms are immediately noticeable, among them:

  • Weakness all over the body.
  • Edema appears, especially they are noticeable on the face.
  • Bluish lip color.
  • Legs become disproportionately thin.
  • The skin ages early, wrinkles appear.
  • In appearance, untidiness is visible.

A woman who is not averse to sharing a company with men over a glass of beer becomes outwardly masculine. The voice becomes rougher, antennae appear above the lip.

The task of relatives and parents is to try in time to stop the excessive passion for the foamy drink.

Stages of development of beer alcoholism

Any dependence is not formed immediately, overnight, whether it be alcohol or excessive love for tranquilizers. This also applies to beer addiction. There are two stages of beer alcoholism:

It ends with the fact that a beer alcoholic can drink more than 15 liters per day, but he does not consider this a serious problem at all. From beer addiction at hand to drinking more strong drinks. Many vodka alcoholics once started with beer.

Reasons for the development of beer addiction

The main factor in the formation of beer alcoholism can be considered the fact that almost no one considers beer strong alcohol. Many after work allow themselves a couple of glasses, considering this an ordinary vacation.

Very little time will pass, and a person will simply not be able to fall asleep without drinking a bottle of beer before going to bed. The doses of the drunk will gradually grow, and beer alcoholism is formed, gradually destroying the entire human body.

An important role in the formation of beer addiction is played by advertising on television, when they show a football match, for example, and all the fans are sitting with glasses of beer in their hands. On a subconscious level, there is an association of normal rest with this drink.

A small strength of this drink adds fuel to the fire, because many believe that it is harmless to the body. The majority does not recognize the dependence on beer, and this is the big threat of this drink to human health.

So gradually, from bottle to bottle, dependence is formed, and a person becomes an alcoholic, without realizing it.

Teenage alcoholism beer

This dependence is quite common among young people, especially in Lately. It's so cool - with a glass of beer in your hand to prove your maturity among peers! According to statistics, in our country, many teenagers start drinking beer at the age of 12-13. The body is not yet strong, the psyche is not fully formed, so addiction occurs much faster than in adults.

Here, a great responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, they must know the company with which their child communicates, what they do. Very often, such an addiction begins to form from the desire to become more authoritative among comrades, to feel like an adult.

The following symptoms should alert you:

  1. Achievement dropped sharply.
  2. The child became irritable and nervous.
  3. Parents began to notice that their son or daughter began to lie.
  4. Closure.
  5. The child began to come home late, trying to do it at a time when the parents are already sleeping.

In this case, the treatment of beer alcoholism can still be quite effective, although it will take enough patience and time. In this case, the maturity of the psyche of a teenager plays an important role, because it is believed that this is more psychological dependence than physical.

Parents, for their part, must make every effort so that the child finds a hobby for himself, whether it be sports or a computer club. If the company became the culprit of such an addiction, then it is advisable to protect the child from communicating with it.

Female alcoholism

Most people think that beer is a purely masculine drink, but as it turns out, no. Beer alcoholism in women also occurs, and not as rare as we would like. Often the foundations are laid in adolescence, and gradually the problem grows like a snowball.

Women often lead to drinking the following problems:

  • Problems at work.
  • Difficult family relationships.
  • Difficulties in personal life.

All this can eventually lead to the fact that a beautiful lady tries to distract herself from all problems with the help of alcohol. Very often, beer becomes such a drink, here are some signs of beer addiction in women:

  • Emotional instability.
  • Frequent depression.
  • Apathy for work.
  • Closure.
  • hysterical behavior.

In addition, there are more physiological symptoms that will not keep you waiting:

  • Problems with childbearing function.
  • Frequent headache.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver.
  • Depressed state.

Alcohol constantly affects the female body and causes damage to nerve endings, which gradually leads to memory lapses, a decrease in intelligence. The fair sex loses interest in life, her goal is another bottle of foamy drink.

It has already been said that alcohol destroys the female body much faster, beer alcoholism in a woman leads to personality degradation. It all ends with the fact that she ceases to practically navigate the world around her and turns into a drunken and sick person.

Consequences of beer alcoholism

Many people think that beer addiction is a completely harmless hobby. But scientists different countries more than once conducted research to identify the effects on the body of beer and other alcoholic beverages. The results are quite disappointing:

  1. Enlarged liver - this diagnosis is most often made to beer alcoholics.
  2. Beer leads to the death of brain cells, so dementia gradually develops.
  3. Gastritis and pancreatitis are frequent companions of beer lovers.
  4. Visual and hearing impairments.
  5. development of hypertension.
  6. The consequence of beer alcoholism is lactic acidosis.
  7. Disorders of the spinal cord.
  8. Neuropathy.
  9. In the male body, the production of testosterone decreases, which makes the strong half of humanity effeminate.
  10. Formation of vodka alcoholism.

Don't all these dire consequences make many people think about the harm they do to their body, having fun in the evenings with a glass of beer in their hand?

Treatment for beer addiction

Any disease can be dealt with if you seek help at initial stage and take treatment seriously. If there is beer alcoholism, treatment at home is possible only after consultation with a narcologist. The therapy is usually lengthy and requires patience and willpower. It must be understood that in an instant the patient will not be able to give up his favorite drink, he will most likely need psychological help.

During treatment, it is advisable not to attend events, companies where there is a chance to break loose and drink. To get rid of addiction as soon as possible, you need to contact a narcologist.

If the question arises of how to get rid of beer alcoholism, then we can say with confidence that only an integrated approach can solve the problem. In this case, close and relatives of the patient play an important role, because they must provide all kinds of moral support. All treatment can be divided into two stages:

Since a beer alcoholic often becomes depressed, becomes irritable, it is advisable not to leave him alone for a long time, so that there is no way to cheer yourself up with a glass of beer. Go out somewhere more often, communicate, distract him with household chores, taking care of children. Beer alcoholism will gradually recede, treatment at home must be carried out in close connection with a narcologist.

One of the mistakes is the constant reproaches from relatives against the alcoholic, this will not lead to anything good. Alcoholism is the same disease as hundreds of others, so help is needed, not moralizing.

The psychological aspect of the treatment of female alcoholism

If a man is being treated for alcohol addiction, then they most often sympathize with him, empathize, support, but if such a problem occurs in a woman, then she, as a rule, remains alone with her. Friends turn away, family despises.

To get rid of female alcoholism, you must:

  • Find out the causes that lead to the bottle and eliminate them.
  • Do not leave a woman alone, show care and attention.
  • Try to interest her in something else, for example, enroll in cutting and sewing courses, in the fitness section.

Women are more psychologically pliable, so the support of loved ones plays a very important role. Care and attention will return a woman to normal life much faster than constant reproaches and moralizing.


Prevention of beer alcoholism is now greatly hampered by the constant promotion of beer on television. In addition, this drink can be easily purchased at any kiosk, and it is sold to almost everyone.

When children are left to themselves, they have no hobbies, they do not attend circles and sections, they have nothing left to do but drink alcohol and smoke in the alley.

Preventive work should be done not only by teachers, but also by parents. And above all, they themselves must lead a healthy lifestyle. Parental authority should be in the first place, joint family sports, going to the theater and cinema simply will not leave a choice, because they are not compatible with alcohol.

It is especially scary when you see a young girl with a bottle of beer in her hand. The time will come when she wants to start a family, give birth to children, or it may happen that she won’t be able to get pregnant or bear a baby, and beer is to blame. Mothers should definitely talk about this with their daughters.

Very often innocent children then pay the price for rampant youth, being born with a bunch of neurological and other problems.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The same applies to beer alcoholism. It is necessary to be more attentive to your loved ones, not to leave them alone with their problems, to become a friend to your children. Only in this case, you can not worry that in search of comfort they will reach for a bottle of beer.

Alcoholism is a big problem in any of its manifestations, be it vodka, wine or beer alcoholism. And the thing is that many consider beer to be a completely safe and even healthy low-alcohol drink akin to kvass. Some rely on the assertion that even in regular kefir and kvass has something like 1 degree of alcohol. There is not much more of it in beer. Another thing is vodka, where the percentage of alcohol content is from 30 and above. But no one thinks about the amount drunk.

Few people can overpower even 0.5 liters of vodka at a time, but beer is easily drunk in liters. So, an ordinary half-liter bottle of beer in terms of alcohol content is equivalent to half a hundred-gram shot of vodka. So a liter of beer is a shot of vodka, and 2 liters (the usual norm of a strong man) is already 2 glasses, and a direct path to alcoholism, subject to the systematic intake of an invigorating drink.

ICD-10 code

F10 Mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use


The epidemiology of this process is such that beer alcoholism is becoming more widespread already at school age. Approximately by the age of 12-13, drinking beer (even if in small quantities) is becoming commonplace for teenagers, especially boys. By the age of majority, about 98% of boys and girls are actively drinking beer.

Causes of beer alcoholism

For the development of alcohol dependence, the type of alcoholic beverage does not matter. A large role is played by the amount of alcohol consumed and the regularity of drinking alcohol. In narcological practice, such a thing as beer alcoholism does not exist at all. Drunkenness is drunkenness and must be treated.

However, a pathological addiction to a foamy drink with a pleasant bready smell and tonic effect is causing more and more concern among doctors. After all, beer is drunk with or without reason. Just to relax in a pleasant company when meeting with friends or relieve stress after a long day at work. On hot days, beer effectively quenches thirst, on sad cloudy days it also helps to cheer up.

Isn't that what the ubiquitous advertisement tells us? But we don’t even think that this is a direct call to alcoholism, which, for unknown reasons, is not prosecuted by law, although beer contains the same ethanol alcohol as vodka, and addiction to it is detected much faster.

The reasons for the development of beer alcoholism include the availability of a foamy drink, its wide range, and a fairly low price. Beer can be purchased at any grocery store and supermarket, as well as in markets and stalls. A bunch of trademarks domestic and foreign, convenient packaging for every taste and need and beckon to try everything to taste. The low price makes beer accessible to the general population, including teenagers. And unscrupulous and irresponsible sellers only contribute to the development of beer alcoholism in adolescents, knowingly or naively not equating beer with alcoholic beverages prohibited for sale to persons under 18 years of age.

In addition, drinking beer does not entail social condemnation. IN modern society this is considered the norm rather than a deviation from generally accepted forms of behavior.

Risk factors

If alcoholism in general is a problem inherent mainly in the adult male and some part of the female population, then the consumption of beer in various quantities does not have clear age limits. Many people can safely say that they have known the taste of beer since they were toddlers. Kids are often attracted by the pleasant bready smell of the drink, and they simply do not feel the alcohol component behind the gas. Parents and guests are amused by this, and from that moment on, an unhealthy need for beer begins to form in a fragile organism. Not realizing all the danger, parents do not deny their children the opportunity to try a new taste even at an older age. And then they don’t know which bell to sound the alarm when the teenager can no longer imagine another opportunity to have fun, except to drink a beer.

But children's beer alcoholism is much worse than an adult. It is no secret that the ethyl alcohol contained in any alcoholic beverages adversely affects the functioning of many human organs, including the performance of the brain, as well as the mental state. Hence the lag in learning, decreased memory and attention, irritability, depression, conflict and other aspects that interfere with the proper development and socialization of the young organism.

Beer alcoholism in adolescents has other unattractive consequences. Firstly, addiction to beer of a completely unformed organism occurs much faster. Secondly, beer in its composition has some components that adversely affect the external attractiveness of a person, which is very important at a young, vulnerable age.

The fact is that beer contains phytoestrogens (analogues of female sex hormones), which act differently on men and women, without adding attractiveness in both cases. Women and girls, due to an excess of specific hormones that suppress the action of "relatives", acquire features similar to those of men. The voice becomes rougher, the figure and gait change.

On the contrary, phytoestrogens make men and boys look effeminate. Body shapes are rounded, especially in the chest and hips. There is a feminization of the male population. Hence the problems with potency, which make themselves felt already in adulthood.

A significant role in the development of beer alcoholism is played by heredity. No matter what kind of alcoholic drink the parents were addicted to, in most cases their child will be 4 times more likely to develop beer alcoholism than their peers. In order for such a teenager to avoid the fate of his parents, it is necessary to control him in terms of drinking alcohol (no more than 1-2 times a week in small doses).

For development teenage alcoholism factors such as an unfavorable family environment, too much parental control, violence in the family and outside the home, a drinking company, etc. .


Since drinking beer is considered almost a generally accepted norm, no one attaches importance to the negative impact of beer on the human body as a whole and on individual bodies. Only the positive properties of beer are taken into account: effective thirst quenching, the ability to relieve stress, the presence of vitamins, especially group B, the presence of vegetable (grape, malt) sugars and extractive substances that are easily absorbed by the body, etc.

Seeing the obvious benefits of beer, we do not want to notice its harm. This is facilitated by the fact that the development of addiction to beer takes a longer period than in the case of vodka alcoholism. At the same time, in most cases it is not even realized by patients of narcological clinics.

What is dangerous beer alcoholism? First of all, the fact that thanks to him there is a gradual degradation of the individual. The beginning of beer alcoholism is already characterized by a change in the psychological state and behavioral characteristics. A person becomes apathetic and weak-willed, he slowly and reluctantly makes decisions, does not adhere to the chosen position. Gradually, his desire to develop disappears, the desire for career growth disappears, work and family fade into the background.

The next stage of beer alcoholism manifests itself in the form of a refusal to communicate, a person withdraws into himself or drinks with a couple of drinking companions. Gradually, not only the social circle decreases, but also sexual desire, especially in men. The calorie content of beer provokes the appearance of visible symptoms of obesity, such as a beer belly in people of different sexes, as well as a beer chest in men, and the development of physical inactivity (lack of mobility).

The targets of habitual alcoholism are 3 organs: kidneys, liver, brain. Beer alcoholism has its main target in the heart and cardiovascular system, not forgetting about other organs and systems of the body. And if an ordinary alcoholic can be given up to 20 years of life for his "hobby", then a beer alcoholic cannot even count on this.

Symptoms of beer alcoholism

Since beer alcoholism develops at a rather slow pace, it is very difficult to recognize it in the early stages. Well, a man drank a bottle or two of beer, did he already become an alcoholic from this? If this happens infrequently, then there is little reason to worry, but if drinking beer becomes a daily habit, there is every reason to suspect a painful addiction, from which alcoholism begins.

The first signs of beer alcoholism can be considered:

  • the habit of starting the day with a glass of beer for cheer up,
  • the desire to drink beer with or without reason, at any Times of Day,
  • increased irritability if there is no opportunity to drink beer,
  • inexplicable loss of desire for self-development and personal growth,
  • the appearance of sleep disturbances if a person did not drink beer the day before,
  • increased headaches,
  • daily allowance drunk exceeds 1 liter.

These signs indicate the initial stage of beer alcoholism, then other symptoms join them:

  • short-term or long-term weakening of potency in men,
  • the growth of a "beer" tummy in men and women, as well as breast enlargement in men,
  • change in body shape towards the opposite sex,
  • rough, hoarse voice in women,
  • lack of appetite associated with calories in beer,
  • pronounced swelling on the face and body, due to problems in the work of the heart and kidneys,
  • memory loss after drinking quantities of beer,
  • changes in the length and regularity of the menstrual cycle in women,
  • gradual degradation of personality.

As you can see, the symptoms of beer alcoholism almost do not differ from the signs of ordinary drunkenness, and this once again indicates the danger of this condition for the physical and mental health of a person.


It is important to understand that beer alcoholism develops regardless of the strength of the drink. Whatever the types of beer, except for the non-alcoholic version, with their systematic use in decent quantities, an attachment to this species alcohol.

The onset of the first stage of beer alcoholism is very difficult to calculate, since it practically does not manifest itself in any way. There is a slight craving for beer. Usually 1-2 bottles are drunk not every day, but several times during the week: for a holiday, after work, on the beach, in company, etc. Over time, periodic alcohol consumption becomes systematic, i.e. daily.

The second stage is already established beer addiction. The amount of beer drunk per day is already more than 3 bottles, and sometimes more than 3 liters. A person with a beer addiction at this stage is ready to drink beer several times a day, starting in the morning.

If at the first stage it is still possible to somehow influence a person without the help of narcologists, then the second stage already requires serious treatment /

The third stage of beer alcoholism is similar to ordinary alcoholism. These are violations in various organs and functions of the body. Problems with thinking, memory, socialization. Partial or complete degradation of the personality.

It should be borne in mind that beer alcoholism in women, due to physiological reasons, develops much faster than in men. At the same time, addiction to beer appears earlier than to other alcohol. The reason for this is the pleasant taste and aroma of the drink, the insignificant strength and the spread of the myth about the safety of beer.

But beer in the case of women in the first place significantly undermines the reproductive function. Hence frequent miscarriages and infertility among foam lovers.

Beer alcoholism in men, although it develops more slowly, but has no less dangerous consequences. What is worth only a decrease in potency - a blow to male pride?! And what self-respecting man would want to outwardly turn into a magnificent young lady with rounded shapes? How much negativity, and yet we have not yet mentioned problems with the heart, kidneys, liver and other important organs.

Complications and consequences

The consequences of uncontrolled drinking of beer are quite predictable, as in the case of ordinary alcoholism, and include both the development of various diseases and complications of existing ones. This is especially true for heart disease. high calorie content beer is an additional burden on the heart and liver, as well as the development of vascular diseases. An increase in the cavities of the heart leads to compression of the vessels, the borders of the heart and the central vein expand, and this leads to premature weakening of the heart muscle and a decrease in the intensity of blood pumping. Heart attacks and strokes are the most common cause of early death in beer alcoholics.

Liver cells also die under the influence of alcohol, whether it be beer or vodka. The liver shrinks and cirrhosis develops, the second leading cause of death for active beer drinkers.

Beer does not spare the human brain, systematically destroying its cells. This leads to the development of dementia and personality disorders. A person actually loses interest in everything that was dear to him. His behavior becomes inadequate, and at times aggressive.

Beer alcoholism can cause hormonal disorders in the male and female body, and if in men it causes feminization and a decrease in potency, then in women it is a common cause of infertility and various disorders during pregnancy.

Beer produces a strong diuretic effect (with a violation of the acid-base balance), and this forces the kidneys to work in emergency mode, which can lead to hemorrhages and kidney failure.

An unenviable prospect, isn't it? 3-4 years of “foamy” pleasure, and as a gift a bouquet of diseases leading to a significant reduction in life expectancy. And all of their own stupidity or naivety!

Diagnosis of beer alcoholism

Since the treatment of beer alcoholism is a longer and more difficult process than the eradication of a painful addiction to vodka, it is very important to diagnose as early as possible the moment when a pleasant pastime with a bottle of beer turns into an unhealthy addiction to it. The fact is that beer is more addictive, since the intake of alcohol in the body comes in small portions and is associated with pleasant sensations.

The patient himself, with the alleged diagnosis of "beer alcoholism", is unlikely to agree with such a statement, since he is not aware of his attachment to beer. In such a situation, the help of relatives is very important, who can recognize the onset of the disease in time and prevent its development by clearly explaining the situation to a beer fan, or even seek help from a narcologist.

A narcologist may suggest that a patient undergo a simple test for beer alcoholism, consisting of 5 simple questions:

  1. Do you have a craving for the smell of beer so much that you dream of consuming it as soon as possible?
  2. Do you agree that a beer after work is the best way to unwind?
  3. Do you usually drink more than one beer a day?
  4. Do you drink beer whenever the opportunity presents itself?
  5. You can't refuse a beer offered to you?

Thus, by the number of positive answers, the doctor will be able to understand how strong a person's craving for beer is, and explain how it is possible to get out of beer alcoholism in an accessible and effective way so that the disease cannot return in the future.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnostics based on the collection of anamnesis, patient complaints (which does not always happen) and obtaining information about the patient from relatives and relatives will help to make a timely diagnosis. If other health disorders occur against the background of beer alcoholism, additional tests and studies may be needed.

Treatment of beer alcoholism

A positive psychological attitude plays a big role in the effectiveness of the treatment of beer alcoholism, but only on it you will not go far. Firstly, the patient can change his mind at any time and start drinking beer with renewed vigor. Secondly, not everyone has enough willpower to go through this path to a complete cure to the end.

At the same time, not only the psychological aspect is important in treatment. Long-term alcohol intake various doses causes over time severe intoxication organism, which means that medications should be prescribed that reduce the symptoms of poisoning the body with alcohol decay products.

It is for the purpose of detoxifying the body that the following drugs are prescribed: "Enterosgel", Activated carbon, white coal, etc.

"Enterosgel"- a drug in the form of a paste or powder that reduces the negative effect of alcohol on the body. It should be taken no later than 1-2 hours before meals or after meals. Adult dose: 3 times a day, one and a half tablespoons (1 sachet). It should be taken either with the drug with water, or by stirring it in an amount of water that is 3 times the volume of the drug.

Precautionary measures. Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to the drug and atony (decreased tone and dysfunction) of the intestine. The drug should not be taken together with other drugs, it must be done 1-2 hours before or after taking other drugs. In hepatic or renal insufficiency, an aversion to the drug may appear. Side effects occur infrequently and are limited to constipation and nausea.

Of the drugs that reduce the psychological craving for alcohol, we can distinguish "Esperal", "Disulfiram", "Colme". Among the means for the correction of mental processes and behavioral disorders in the treatment of beer alcoholism, Naltrexone is most often used.

The pharmacological action of the first 3 drugs is based on the enhancement side effects alcohol consumption, due to which not only the craving for alcohol is reduced, but also an aversion to the smell and taste of beer arises. Such an action is generally safe for the human body and quite effective in combating alcohol addiction.

A drug Esperal created specifically for the treatment of alcoholism, including beer, and the prevention of relapse. Prescribing the drug to the patient is purely individual. The doctor develops a regimen. Start with a dosage of 1 tablet in the morning with food, then reduce the dose by half or even four times.

After 1-1.5 weeks, theuram-alcohol test is performed and the further dosage of the drug is adjusted.

Precautionary measures. The drug is prohibited for use in the following cases: during pregnancy and lactation, renal and hepatic insufficiency, epileptic seizures, mental illness, diabetes, serious cardiovascular disorders.

The drug should not be taken with alcohol-based drugs and alcohol, since such a combination can lead to serious consequences, such as cerebral edema, myocardial infarction, respiratory failure, etc.

Side effects of the drug are due to the properties of the active substance. This is a metallic taste in the mouth, sometimes hepatitis, headaches, memory impairment, confusion, asthenic and allergic reactions.

"Disulfiram"- a preparation in the form of a powder with the same active substance. The dosage of the drugs is also similar: 125-500 mg according to an individual scheme. It is possible to implant the drug by a special technique into the subcutaneous fat layer.

"Colme" is a medicine in the form of a solution with a faint smell of vinegar. The dosage and regimen are again determined by the narcologist. The usual dose is 12 to 25 drops 2 times a day, 12 hours apart.

The drug is completed with ampoules, a bottle and a dropper. First, the ampoule is opened, the solution is poured into a vial, on which a dropper is put on, allowing you to count the required number of drops.

Side effects of the drug are relatively rare and are reactions of drowsiness and fatigue, the appearance of tinnitus, as well as allergic manifestations in the form of a rash on the skin. You can start taking the drug no earlier than 12 hours after taking drinks and medicines containing alcohol.

"Naltreaxone"- a drug for the correction of behavior in the form of tablets. Take it for 12 weeks, 1 tablet once a day.

Precautionary measures. The drug is not prescribed with a positive reaction to the presence of narcotic substances in the urine, withdrawal syndrome, acute hepatitis and liver failure, and of course with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The drug has many side effects from the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and genitourinary systems, as well as the musculoskeletal system. That is why the intake of this drug should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor after studying the side effects described in the instructions for the drug.

In addition to essential medicines, doctors may prescribe vitamin preparations. Usually these are vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamins B1, B6 and C, as well as trace elements necessary for the body, lost due to the diuretic effect of beer.

Homeopathy in the fight against beer alcoholism

Homeopathic remedies are the same medicines as pharmacy ones, but on plant-based and with fewer side effects. A feature of the use of these funds is that it is almost impossible to determine which drug is right for you on your own. The appointment must be made by a homeopathic doctor. This article describes the remedies that a doctor can prescribe for beer alcoholism.

Nux vomica- a homeopathic preparation in the form of granules or drops. Granules to take 5 pcs. between meals at night for a long time. Drops: 10 drops 3 times a day an hour after a meal or 20 minutes before it. The drug is taken for a long time before the appearance of aversion to alcohol.

Ubiquinone compositum- a homeopathic preparation in the form of ampoules of general strengthening action. It is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of beer addiction, 1 ampoule from 1 to 3 times a week as intramuscular injections. The duration of the course is from 2 to 8 weeks.

Coenzyme compositum also taken as an intramuscular injection. It has an effect that regulates the metabolism in body tissues. The dosage and duration of treatment are the same as for the previous drug.

NUXVOMICA 6x- homeopathic remedy, which is most often prescribed in the treatment of any alcoholism. It has a cleansing effect and at the same time causes an acute aversion to alcohol. Dosage: 200s and above. Take 3 doses (every half an hour). For a cleansing effect, take NUXVOMICA 6x 2-3 times a day.

Homeopathic preparations have almost no side effects, except for cases of individual intolerance to the components of these preparations. Contraindications to their use may also serve: age under 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Alternative treatment of beer alcoholism

The treatment of beer alcoholism is a rather complicated and lengthy process, and only an integrated approach plus the patient's desire to return to normal life can make it effective. Folk remedies from alcoholism are one of the links in the general chain of therapeutic procedures. It is simply impossible to cure beer alcoholism only with herbs and conspiracies. But underestimate traditional medicine is also not worth it.

Some recipes of traditional medicine can help a person get rid of beer addiction without informing him about it.

  • Recipe 1. A persistent aversion to alcohol can be caused by an alcohol tincture of a mixture of lovage and bay leaf. Adding 50-80 g of tincture to a bottle of beer can cause a gag reflex. And with the systematic use and rejection of alcoholic beverages.
  • Recipe 2. The tincture of the hoof root has the same effect, but the dosage should be much smaller.
  • Recipe 3. Every day you need to take at least 1 tbsp. l. honey, which helps to reduce cravings for alcohol.
  • Recipe 4. Sauerkraut brine mixed in equal proportions With green tea provides cleansing and restorative action with beer alcoholism.

In folk medicine, herbal treatment is widespread, providing positive effect in the treatment of the problem of beer alcoholism. Most often, herbs with certain properties are used.

  • Recipe 1. To cleanse the body of alcohol toxins good effect renders a decoction of thyme and thyme herbs, taken in equal proportions.
  • Recipe 2. With the same success, a decoction of bearberry herb is used in solving this problem.

You need to take these decoctions 2-3 times a day in a cold form.

  • Recipe 3. To achieve a sustainable aversion to beer and alcoholic beverages, use the following infusion. Wormwood, thyme and centaury mixed in equal proportions. 1 st. l. Pour the mixture with boiling water in the amount of 1 cup. Wrap the container with the infusion well and leave to infuse for 2 hours. You need to take the infusion 4 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l. about 3 months until the craving for beer subsides.

Do not forget that even treatment herbal remedies requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, and sometimes a stable positive psychological attitude of the patient.

Additional Treatments for Beer Addiction

In addition to medication (medication) and psychological (classes with a psychologist and psychotherapist) effects in narcological practice, physiotherapy for beer addiction has become widespread. Physiotherapy is one of the most gentle and safe methods of treating alcoholism in any of its manifestations.

A particularly good effect of physiotherapy is given as part of complex therapy. The procedures used in the treatment of beer alcoholism include:

  • Therapeutic massage, which activates the protective functions of the body to fight the disease and improves the general condition of the patient.
  • Water procedures (medical baths, saunas), which contribute to the complete cleansing of the body of toxic substances, improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems uplifting and calming the nervous system.
  • Forecast

    Beer alcoholism, like any other type of alcohol addiction, is a systematic poisoning of the body with alcohol decay products and a progressive movement towards the psychological degradation of the individual. So, the earlier this pathological need is revealed, the easier it is to treat.

    A huge role in the onset of a positive outcome of treatment is played by the desire of the patient to get rid of his addiction to beer, as well as the support of friends, relatives and friends. If a person is not aware of this problem and continues to abuse beer, then the prognosis in most cases is as follows: in 5-15 years, problems with the heart and liver can most likely lead to death.

    Moreover, this does not mean at all that all these years he will be a completely healthy and happy person. External and internal disturbances in the functioning of the body make the life of a beer alcoholic far from being as cloudless and joyful as we would like.

    Beer alcoholism is not only a dangerous disease. It is a problem concerning the health of present and future generations. It is for the sake of the future of our children that it is very important to actively solve this problem now, before it buries all our dreams and hopes.

Despite the fact that the alcohol content in beer has been increasing in recent years (in some varieties, the dose reaches 14%), many lovers of this intoxicating drink believe that this drink is more harmless than vodka or wine. This is what their consumers and beer producers assure their consumers. Despite this, the number of beer alcoholics is steadily growing and most of them know that this is precisely the disease.

What are the consequences of beer alcoholism? Unfortunately, most beer drinkers have only heard of them and have a rather vague idea of ​​them.

A bit of history

  • In the 19th century, the British attempted to combat alcoholism by replacing hard liquor with beer as much as possible, but contrary to expectations, this innovation caused a greater spread of drunkenness.
  • Widely known is the statement of German Chancellor Bismarck that beer makes people stupid, lazy and powerless (meaning impotence).

Today, beer cannot be compared at all with that which was brewed in ancient Egypt, drunk in the pubs of England or brewed in German breweries - in modern drink the alcohol content is 5, 8-9 and even 14%. And, that is why, beer becomes the reason for the faster development of alcohol addiction.

The effect of beer on the organs

  1. The harm of beer for the heart is largely due to the presence of cobalt in this drink, which is used by modern brewers to make the drink foam. As a result of the study of heart tissues in persons suffering from beer alcoholism, it was found that the presence of this destructive toxin is 10 times higher than normal. In such a heart, a number of pathological changes are revealed:
    • expanded cavities;
    • thickened walls;
    • areas of necrosis;
    • decrease in mitochondria.

    In addition, cobalt has a destructive effect on other organs: the esophagus, stomach and other organs and systems.
    The high load on the heart when drinking beer is associated not only with the toxic effects of cobalt, but also with the need for the body to process a large amount of liquid with a high carbon dioxide content. Such a load leads to varicose veins and the borders of the heart - this condition can be called "beer heart" or "kapron stocking". In this condition, the heart becomes flabby and cannot pump blood efficiently.

  1. Salts of heavy metals contained in beer are toxic and have negative impact and on the endocrine system. In the body of men who systematically drink this intoxicating drink, testosterone levels decrease and fat begins to be deposited on the hips, sides and chest. The figure gradually becomes effeminate, and an increased level of estrogen provokes the growth of the mammary glands. Over time, such men gradually lose interest in the opposite sex, and after 15-20 years of beer alcoholism, they become impotent.
    Beer alcoholism in women also leads to a change in the hormonal background: the voice becomes rougher, problems with the skin and hair appear, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there are problems with bearing the fetus and complications of childbirth.
  2. The consequences of beer alcoholism are also manifested in the excessive production of such a hormone as adrenaline. Under its influence, the brain is constantly in a state of tension, the alcoholic has bouts of aggression, which are replaced by periods of depressed mood. Violations in the psyche can lead to dementia and rapid degradation of the personality.
    In the brain of a beer alcoholic, dead cells are found, lesions of the auditory and visual analyzer are detected. Beer lovers are more likely to have neuropathies and disorders in the spinal cord.
  3. Beer has a powerful negative effect on the digestive tract. toxins, fermentation products and carbon dioxide constantly irritate the walls of the stomach, other digestive organs and lead to gastritis with hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and cancer.
  4. Beer alcoholism often leads to infertility or adversely affects pregnancy and the health of a newborn baby. According to statistics, such children often have pathologies in physical and mental development, and the infant mortality rate is 15.6%.

Beer and teenagers

Beer alcoholism and drunkenness have a particularly negative effect on adolescents, among whom a clear acceleration has recently been observed. The physical growth of adolescents, which is rapidly advancing mental development, leads to the fact that their lability increases. nervous system, which, moreover, proceeds against the background of active puberty. This combination of factors makes this age group even more vulnerable to the toxic effects of alcohol.

Active consumption of beer and other low-alcohol drinks leads to alcoholism in catastrophic fast deadlines- after a few months, a teenager becomes addicted to beer, and after 2-3 years he becomes a beer alcoholic.

How does beer alcoholism manifest itself - signs, symptoms and stages?

In the International Classification of Diseases, there is no such diagnosis as "beer alcoholism" and dependence on beer will be classified by narcologists as "alcoholism", but the essence and course of the disease does not change from this and addiction to beer goes through, in fact, the same stages as passion any other alcoholic beverages.

A characteristic feature of dependence on beer is the transience of addiction and the formation of mental and physical dependence.

Signs of beer alcoholism:

  • more than 1 liter of beer is drunk per day;
  • without the presence of beer in the diet, aggressiveness and irritability appear;
  • there is nocturnal insomnia and a constant feeling of tension without beer;
  • men have a "beer belly";
  • there are violations of potency or a decrease in libido;
  • headaches appear more often;
  • in the morning there is a desire to hangover beer.

The symptoms of beer alcoholism are no different from the manifestations of wine or vodka. The need for beer, starting with 1-2 bottles, is growing rapidly. If at the beginning a person drinks a glass of beer 1 time in a few days, then soon he will have a desire to drink this intoxicating drink more often. soft drink, and he finds various "plausible" reasons for this. Gradually, to achieve the effect of euphoria, he needs everything large doses beer - in severe cases, the amount drunk can reach about 15 liters per day.

Gradually, the mental dependence on beer develops into a physical one and, as a rule, it has a drunken character. e. Beer alcoholics do not always reach the full state of intoxication and continue to drink again without completely sobering up. This rhythm can go on for months and years, and beer withdrawals become more and more rare and rarely reach three days.

Unlike a hangover that occurs from drinking vodka or wine, a beer hangover is more severe due to the fact that it is much more difficult to remove it. A hallmark of this condition is diarrhea, which often accompanies headaches.

The stages of beer alcoholism are the same as with any other

Narcologists distinguish four stages:

  1. Zero (or stage of domestic drunkenness)- a person drinks up to 1 liter of beer periodically, motivating the desire to drink by the fact that he needs to relieve stress or relax; This state lasts for about half a year.
  2. First- a person already has a strong craving for beer, which is expressed by an obsessive desire to drink, drinking 0.5-1 l already occurs almost every day; addiction and psychological dependence is formed.
  3. Second- a craving for beer is formed (drinking 0.5-1 l occurs more and more often), control over the amount drunk after the first glass is lost, it becomes more difficult to stop drinking and stop, endurance increases; psychological and physical addiction, a hangover appears, mood swings appear (aggression, irritability, depression and gloomy thoughts).
  4. Third- beer consumption becomes drunken or daily, often vodka is added to beer, violations appear on the part of internal organs, which are already irreversible, the alcoholic develops apathy towards others and, often, only compulsory treatment can save him.

Features of the treatment of beer alcoholism

"How to get rid of beer alcoholism?"- a narcologist will help to answer it unambiguously, but all beer alcoholics are characterized by the fact that the sooner a person thinks about the perniciousness of this habit and the sooner he turns to a specialist for help, the more likely he is to get rid of this disease and stop the destructive effect of this intoxicating drink. For each patient, an individual treatment tactic is selected, the choice of which depends on the stage of the disease and the psychological characteristics of the beer alcoholic.

The idea that low-alcohol drinks, in particular beer, is a harmless pleasure is ruining our society day by day. Experts do not agree with this opinion at all, and believe that no alcoholic beverages can be divided into harmless and harmful only on the basis of their strength. The use of any alcohol-containing drink is quite capable of causing addiction. Therefore, there is such a disease as beer alcoholism.

Meanwhile, beer alcoholism is no easier than addiction to vodka, and has the same negative consequences for the human body as any other addiction. And the treatment of beer alcoholism is often complicated by the fact that the patient himself is usually sure that nothing terrible is happening - it's just beer, isn't it?

Until the beginning of the 90s, the strength of beer was only 1.5 -2.8%, and even then it was not considered harmless drink. At present, the strength of beer reaches 14% for some manufacturers, and judging by the advertising, you can drink it almost with childhood. At the same time, few people know that 1 bottle of light beer is the equivalent of 50 grams of vodka. Drinking 3-4 bottles a day is equivalent to drinking a glass of vodka. But the advertisements are modestly silent about this. Psychologists believe that it is the myth about the safety of this product that leads to the fact that beer alcoholism is now common among people of all genders, ages and social status - men, women, adolescents, and sometimes even children.

Meanwhile, the alcohol content in this product is far from the only danger. Beer contains isomorphine - a hop alkaloid, which is very similar in structure to morphine, and due to this, in addition to alcohol addiction, it also causes psychological addiction. Another component is a drug from the cannabinoid group. All this together forms a complicated version of dependence - not only on alcohol, but also on the drugs that make up beer.

The result that is obtained when using such an “explosive mixture” brings a person not only the symptoms of mild alcoholic euphoria, but also a feeling of relaxation, calm, and tranquility. Over time, a person easily gets used to relieving the stress accumulated during the day with a bottle of evening beer. Over time, the time of its first use of the day shifts closer to lunch, and then to morning. This is how beer alcoholism is formed.

But doctors are not at all happy with such a “lightweight version of use”. After all, the treatment of beer alcoholism sometimes lasts longer than the usual treatment, since it is a complicated version of addiction.

Impact on the human body

Most often, beer alcoholism occurs in men. Who refuses to drink a glass of beer with friends after work? Such a “good tradition”, in addition to the formation of alcohol dependence, leads to a number of diseases. Consequences of constant drinking of beer can be as follows:

  1. Heart problems. The so-called "bull" or "Bavarian" heart. As a result of the constant use of beer, the cavities of the heart expand, and its walls thicken, necrosis of the heart muscle occurs. Experts attribute these symptoms to the fact that beer contains cobalt, which is used as a foam stabilizer. For those who drink beer systematically, the content of this toxin in the heart muscle simply "rolls over" - 10 times more than normal.
  2. Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, with the constant use of beer, the gastrointestinal tract is in a state of constant overstrain, a variety of unpleasant symptoms may appear in its work. Beer causes inflammation in the stomach and esophagus.
  3. Problems in the functioning of the brain and nervous system - neuropathy, analyzers (both visual and sound), disruption of the spinal cord, and other detrimental consequences and symptoms.

Not to mention health problems, this type of alcoholism, like any other, also has psychosocial negative consequences - the patient's relationships with loved ones collapse, unmotivated aggression may occur, and the ability to productive work and study is impaired. In men, this dependence also leads to a decrease in sexual desire and erectile dysfunction.

The consumption of beer has a particularly detrimental effect on young people - in young men and women, dependence is formed quickly, and then rehabilitation is then required for a longer period. In addition, due to age, the protective mechanisms of the body of a teenager are not developed in the same way as in an adult, and the body weight is different. Therefore, with the same amount of beer drunk, the concentration of alcohol and other harmful substances per kilogram of body weight of a teenager is much higher than that of an adult.

Despite such terrible consequences of beer abuse, it is extremely difficult to convince the adherent of this drink that he is sick. Therefore, usually relatives and friends try to find some kind of treatment at home, often even without the knowledge of the drinker.

Signs of the disease

It is not difficult to identify the symptoms of beer alcoholism - drinking beer becomes systematic, daily, a person claims that it is impossible for him to relax without it, and in the absence of an intoxicating drink, he becomes irritable and aggressive. In men, sexual desire decreases, and then problems with erection gradually begin. Symptoms such as frequent headaches, insomnia (inability to fall asleep without beer) may occur. As a rule, all attempts to convey to the patient the idea that he is harming himself run into a barrier of rejection. Relatives and friends of the patient are forced to look for a way to get rid of beer alcoholism at home, because most addicts categorically refuse to go to the clinic, especially at the beginning of the disease.

However, the best way to deal with any addiction is to contact a narcologist. Only a specialist can choose a complex treatment in such a way that it is most suitable for a particular person. And beer alcoholism is a complicated version of dependence - both on alcohol and on various chemicals. In adolescents, it is often also accompanied by another co-dependence - gaming, drug addiction.

Ways to deal with the disease

Thus, the best way to figure out how to get rid of beer alcoholism in every specific case is to see a doctor. Therefore, we will describe the measures to combat the disease from the most effective (medical) to the less effective (treatment at home).

Fighting beer addiction turns out to be even more difficult than hard liquor addiction: a person gets used to it faster, and treatment lasts longer. In men, beer alcoholism is also referred to by doctors as "beer bulimia", since beer gives the body of men about the same symptoms of "euphoria" as in women - sweets and chocolate. But even after treatment, it will be impossible to resume the cultural "drinking on holidays" - after all, the metabolic processes of the brain are disturbed, and the normal reaction to beer and other alcohol will never be restored. The consequences of beer alcohol addiction are such that attempts to continue to use even a small dose of alcohol lead to the resumption of dependence.

The optimal treatment model is a combination of group or individual psychotherapy sessions with a complex of drug treatment chosen by the doctor. Family psychotherapy will also be beneficial - it is necessary to help the patient's family survive this difficult time, to achieve joint cooperation between the doctor, the patient, and his family members.

Therefore, if you notice symptoms of beer alcoholism in someone close to you, it is best to try to persuade the patient to seek help from specialists. However, some measures for treatment at home can also be taken:

  1. Let the patient eat grapes more often - alcohol is made from these berries, so this is a kind of replacement. You need to eat it every day for 3-5 months.
  2. Follow drinking regimen sick - he must drink enough water (at least 2.5 liters per day)
  3. Pumpkin juice is also easy to prepare at home - it cleanses and restores the liver well, and helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of alcohol intoxication.
  4. Fresh celery juice has a sobering effect. It can be used every day for a month.

In addition, there are many herbal preparations, which help to treat beer alcoholism on their own, for example:

  1. Take 15 grams of Bogorodsk grass, thyme and thyme, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 20-25 minutes. The patient should be given this decoction 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  2. Take in equal proportions thyme, wormwood and centaury. The resulting mixture in the amount of 15 grams is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to brew for 2-3 hours. The patient is given 1 tablespoon of decoction 4-5 times a day.

Remember that any addiction is much easier to avoid than to treat later. The systematic use of beer is harmful to absolutely everyone - for men, women and young people. And beer alcoholism is a serious, difficult-to-treat disease. When drinking alcohol, do not forget about it, and be responsible for your health!

Signs of beer alcoholism and the consequences of drinking beer in men

Most people on the planet believe that beer is low alcohol drink which is completely harmless.

But many experts argue that it is wrong to separate alcoholic beverages according to their health hazard indicator, because it is impossible to single out at least one harmless among them.

Advertisements that are shown every day on television, in an attempt to increase the number of sales, say that beer is not a drink that can harm the human body. Some even find it slightly useful. But no matter how it is, in many varieties the percentage of alcohol is 14%, the same amount is found in alcohol-containing wines. But in Soviet times, the alcohol content in beer was only up to 2.8%.

The problem of beer alcoholism in men has been discussed for a long time, but most consider it not as serious and dangerous as dependence on vodka.

In the 19th century, the British, in an attempt to reduce the level of alcoholism among men, decided to replace hard liquor with beer, which led to a high level of already beer alcoholism.

Consequences of drinking beer

Many people forget that drinking beer, like any other alcoholic beverage, has serious health consequences. So, a man who has started drinking a lot of beer will soon experience heart problems.

The heart of a beer-drinking man may have thickened walls, enlarged cavities, as well as necrosis in the heart muscle and reduced mitochondria.

The reason for such deformations is the cobalt contained in the drink as a foam stabilizer. In addition to the heart, cobalt affects the stomach and esophagus. As a result, inflammatory processes can be caused in them.

A man suffering from beer alcoholism may experience heart problems even due to the fact that the alcoholic drink contains carbon dioxide, which negatively affects the work of the heart.

In addition to the heart, beer negatively affects the hormonal balance of a man. Due to the toxic substances and salts contained in beer, there may be changes in endocrine system. In men suffering from beer alcoholism, suppression of testosterone production and an increase in the production of female sex hormones are noticed. A man's appearance may change slightly: the mammary glands increase, the pelvis becomes wider.

The consequence of the disease can be various diseases: high blood pressure, lactic acidosis, hyponatremia, myocardial dystrophy, gastritis, pancreatitis, hypertension.

Signs of beer alcoholism in men

There is no such diagnosis as beer alcoholism in the classification of diseases, but there is a general diagnosis - alcoholism, that is, craving for alcoholic beverages.

A characteristic feature of beer alcoholism is its imperceptible and rapid development. A man who drinks one or two bottles of beer a day does not feel harmful effects from drinking a drink, but the feeling of intoxication is felt just with a bang. It is these sensations that linger in the brain, which leads to cravings to use more and more. This is the first sign of beer alcoholism.

Also distinguish the following signs:

  1. A man drinks more than 1 liter of beer a day.
  2. Aggressiveness and irritability without alcohol.
  3. Potency problems.
  4. Sleep problems.
  5. Drinking the drink led to a "beer belly".
  6. Frequent headaches.
  7. A man starts his day with a bottle of beer in order to relieve a hangover or improve his mood.

A person with the above symptoms succumbed to beer alcoholism. The main problem of the disease is that at an early stage it is difficult to diagnose. Therefore, convincing a man to go for treatment will be quite a difficult task.

Beer alcoholism, like addiction to any other alcoholic beverage, has several similar stages and is divided into stages.

The initial stage is characterized by the fact that neither the person who consumes alcohol, nor his relatives and friends are able to determine that he is addicted. It all starts with an occasional drink on holidays, then with friends in the evening at a bar or watching football. Gradually, all this can develop into a daily use of one or two bottles in the evening with men.

The next stage can be characterized by an increase in the consumption of the drink, the appearance of problems of relaxation without alcohol, increased aggressiveness and irritability. The consumption of beer increases two, three times.

In this case, do not try to help the dependent person yourself, but be sure to consult a doctor.

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How to deal with beer alcoholism? This question is important for those who understand that dependence on beer takes on a pathological form. Beer addiction begins insidiously and gradually, and the consequences of it are not as sharply manifested as dependence on stronger alcohol.

However, the end result of any alcoholism is deplorable, but when even the second stage of beer alcoholism comes, people do not notice it and continue to think that everything is in order with them.

Therefore, very often people think about beer alcoholism and its treatment is started not by the drinker himself, but by his relatives, who notice that something is wrong with the person.

Beer alcoholism: symptoms, signs

Characteristic symptoms beer alcoholism look like this:

    A single volume of beer consumed exceeds one liter per dose.

    The behavior of a person, until he has drunk beer, becomes sharp and aggressive, after drinking beer, the character noticeably softens, the person becomes good-natured.

    There are regular signs of insomnia.

    A beer belly and secondary female sexual characteristics appear in men (excess weight appears in the abdomen, hips and chest, hysteria in character, excessive emotionality, potency decreases), secondary male sexual characteristics in women (coarsening of the voice, male-type hirsutism).

    Girdle type headaches begin.

    The drink is consumed in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night in order to cheer up and just like that.

    A person cannot relax and enjoy in the usual way, only after drinking beer.

    Beer is consumed daily or at least several times a week.

Formally, dependence can be divided into several stages, but this is in theory. In practice, alcoholism develops almost at lightning speed, and this is its main danger. And this happens not because of psychological reasons, but because at some point the body rebuilds biochemical processes, and the ethanol contained in alcohol ceases to be excreted from the body according to the previous scheme, but accumulates in the body in the form of acetaldehyde, which causes a hangover. flour.

And if with a simple hangover it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and speed up metabolism, then with beer hangover relief comes after another mug of beer. A beer binge differs from a vodka binge in that in it a person does not behave like a complete alcoholic, and therefore drinking beer around the clock does not at first cause any particular suspicions among the drinker himself, and often among his relatives.

The first stage of beer alcoholism often does not seem to be a stage of the disease at all. A person simply drinks a lot of alcohol in the evenings and in companies, the dose of beer consumed gradually increases. Beer drinking is regular, but not in critical volumes. It is impossible to call this stage obvious, it is often called zero, but any regular amount of alcohol intake is already alcoholism, so we will call it the first.

Effectively treat beer alcoholism

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Treating beer alcoholism: when to start looking for help

At this stage, signs noticeable to a specialist, but almost incomprehensible to the drinker and his relatives, are observed. But if you know them, then you can track them.

    A person gets used to drinking alcohol and may not get drunk for a long time. This ability almost always pleases the drinker, as he gets the opportunity to stretch the pleasure and process of drinking.

    Beer becomes associated with relaxation; without it, recreation becomes less attractive. There is a desire to drink in the company, and then without it, enjoying the very process of intoxication.

    A person has no sense of proportion and drinks as long as there is alcohol on the table or as long as they pour him.

    Unconscious degradation of the personality begins. A person chooses those places of rest where there will be an opportunity to drink.

    But most importantly, he completely denies that he has problems with alcoholism. A person does not even understand that beer is also alcohol.

At the second stage, the amount of beer and the frequency of drinking the drink reach critical volumes, without which a person is no longer able to do, and it becomes very difficult to move away from alcohol on your own. At this stage, the addiction to beer is understandable and obvious. First it's a liter, then one and a half, then two. Over time, a person ceases to feel the usual intoxication from the current dose and needs to drink more alcohol. The craving becomes obsessive: beer is already becoming a necessary, not a desired drink. A psychological addiction to the drink is formed, which develops into chronic alcoholism.

    Mood swings become noticeable and frequent.

    There is a decrease in concentration and mental abilities.

    During sobriety, a person is rude to others.

    The doses that the drinker allows himself are many times higher than the norm.

    Are starting to show mental disorders characteristic of alcoholism (hallucinations, attacks of alcoholic epilepsy, paranoia).

At the third stage, tolerance to the consumed beer sharply increases. In some cases, a person finds that he can drink up to 15 liters of alcohol. Moreover, after drinking even 1 glass of beer, a person loses a sense of control and can drink unlimitedly, in some cases up to 15 liters of beer at a time! In the third stage, the signs of beer alcoholism include hangover syndrome, which is accompanied by a desire to “treat” with a glass of beer in the morning to end the torment. There is a physiological attachment to beer.

    The patient may go into multi-day beer binges.

    The intellect and memory of a drinking person are sharply reduced.

    Drunkards have little interest in entertainment during which they will not be able to drink a single gram of beer.

    Moral qualities are sharply overestimated. Beer drunkard starts borrowing money for booze, drinking drinks of dubious quality just to feel the familiar feeling of intoxication. Even if his relatives think about how to cure beer alcoholism, the drinker himself does not think that the problem exists. For him, this behavior becomes the norm.

    Appearance changes: swelling appears under the eyes, the skin acquires a reddish tint, facial features appear swollen.

    Developing kidney failure, cardiac pathologies, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver and other unpleasant pathologies.

    The quality of intimate life drops sharply, impotence develops, fertility decreases.

    The character changes: anger develops, irritability, which are abruptly replaced by anxiety, apathy.

To the horror of the drinker, even at the third stage, he may not understand that he has become addicted for a long time, and the treatment of beer alcoholism must begin immediately! The beer alcoholic himself may agree to the procedure of drinking from alcohol or to a quick sobering up, but he is not ready to give up beer drinking.

Beer alcoholism in men

In view of the fact that men have a special process of biochemical regulation of the body when drinking beer, it is necessary to describe characteristics beer alcoholism. How to get rid of an early appearance of the abdomen? How to prevent female type obesity? You need to stop drinking beer immediately!

A characteristic feature of beer alcoholism in men is that they overwhelmingly do not understand and do not admit that they have a problem with alcohol. They think that everything is fine with them, even if others repeatedly hint at them that there is a problem.

Therefore, the treatment of beer alcoholism in a man should always begin with communication with a specialist who will be able to demonstrate to the patient all the symptoms of the disease. In some cases, the so-called intervention, the intervention of doctors gradually, may be necessary.

Beer alcoholism in men leads to many problems:

    Diseases of the internal organs and the whole body develop (pancreatitis, diabetes, gout, muscle atrophy, kidney failure).

    The presence of phytoestrogens in beer disrupts the functioning of the reproductive system, reconfigures the hormonal balance in the body, as a result of which a man gradually becomes swollen, his body becomes effeminate, and sexual function gradually fades away. The production of the male sex hormone methyltestosterone is inhibited, the production of one's own sex hormones is slowed down.

    The constant use of alcohol leads to dementia, encephalopathy, epilepsy, neurasthenia.

    The more a person drinks, the more the protective mechanism of the digestive tract organs, which work for wear and tear, is activated. Resources are depleted, a precancerous condition occurs, gastritis and ulcers develop.

    Fatty hepatosis develops, the liver increases in size, and a person may not even be aware of the changes taking place. To detect a problem, you need to undergo an examination, but an alcoholic decides on this only at the direction of a doctor.

    The liver tissue is reborn, which causes an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body (ascites), and fat and water accumulate most often in the abdomen.

The appearance of a man drinking beer leaves much to be desired. The situation with beer alcoholism in women is not the best.

Beer alcoholism in women. Symptoms

Home treatment of beer alcoholism in women should be started strictly at the first stage. The more neglected women's alcoholism, the more difficult it is to cure. First of all, the problem lies in the fact that female drunkenness progresses much faster due to the peculiarities of female physiology. In addition, it is socially conditioned that it is less decent for a woman to drink and get drunk than a man. Therefore, women are more likely to drink alone, which makes it impossible to somehow control themselves. As a result, they fall asleep much faster.

In addition to all that is listed above, the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women can be supplemented with the following list:

    Suppression of reproductive function. Hormonal failure, diseases of the female genital area up to infertility. The epithelium thickens, problems with conception, the risk of breast cancer increases.

    A striking symptom of female beer alcoholism is disproportionately thin legs and arms, accumulation of fat around the waist.

    Grayish skin, the appearance of red streaks on the face.

    Male hirsutism (mustache, belly hair, hoarse voice).

    Crumble and darken teeth.

    Hair turns gray and tangled, salty. They look untidy.

    The presence of fermentation products in beer affects the mental state: a woman is either depressed, lethargic, inhibited, or overexcited, hyperactive.

    Cough, expectoration, lacrimation, nasal discharge, stuffy nose and throat, sore throat.

    Dementia develops, intelligence decreases.

How to get rid of beer alcoholism: cure beer alcoholism

A woman, like a man, does not think about how to get rid of beer alcoholism, while it is necessary to do this until alcohol, together with other toxic products, has destroyed health in the bud. The doctors of our center offer methods to cure beer alcoholism:

    Coding (there are contraindications, consult your doctor!). The preferred methods are reduced to coding according to the Dovzhenko method, sewing in the Esperal-Gel tablet, the Torpedo method (administration of disulfiram, which causes an active reaction that is uncomfortable for the body when drinking beer).

    Good results achieved by hypnosis coding. But this method also has drawbacks. A woman, along with a negative attitude towards alcohol, may develop phobias. She begins to be afraid of any contact with alcohol-containing liquids, fermentation products.

    Psychological help. Effective at an early stage of beer alcoholism. Symptoms and their treatment will help narcologists evaluate and prepare an effective treatment program.

    Medical treatment in the clinic is selected individually.

How to deal with beer alcoholism: effective and anonymous help from specialists

If beer alcoholism is detected, only a doctor can recommend how to get rid of it. It is he who will be able to identify the symptoms of beer alcoholism in women or men, think over tactics that will allow starting psychotherapeutic work. Only then is coding possible, which will be successful only in conjunction with other methods, but above all - with comprehensive rehabilitation, preferably in isolation from the usual family and social environment.

Our specialists are available around the clock to receive you and discuss your problem with you. Contact us! The sooner you start treating beer alcoholism, the better less harm will bring you this "harmless" drink.

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