
Calories dark beer. What is the calorie content and energy value of beer

Beer is the most consumed low-alcohol drink in the world. And in the overall ranking, it takes an honorable third place, behind water and tea. According to historians, people began to make this drink over 8 thousand years ago. Britain, the Czech Republic, Germany are famous for beer production. And breweries are open in almost every major city in the world. Let's find out how many calories are in beer of various brands and varieties (dark, light, non-alcoholic, ale) and how the consumption of this drink affects the body.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The chemical composition of the product is not rich, but it is necessary to highlight the content of such elements as potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus. The same set of macro- and microelements is present in orange juice. Therefore, it is permissible to use the drink for hypertensive patients. Consuming 1 liter of beer, a person satisfies the daily need for ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a third of the need for vitamin B6, a quarter for pantothenic acid and a fifth for vitamin B2. Let's take a look at some other useful stuff. These are all vitamins of group B, PP.

The list of organic acids is dominated by citric (natural stabilizer), glutenic, acetic, malic, succinic. Phenolic compounds are of great value, which improve the processes of lipid metabolism and protect against the appearance of blood clots. Natural beer is made from 4 ingredients: pure water (93%), hops, malt, brewer's yeast. During their fermentation, alcohol is produced. The alcohol content ranges from 0.5% (non-alcoholic) to 8% (strong). The norm for light varieties is 3.5-4.5%. 100 grams of the product contains 4.6 g of carbohydrates and 0.5 g of protein. There are no fats.

Beer calories per 100 ml

How many calories are in a bottle of beer? It depends on the selected variety and the percentage of ingredients in the drink. The calorie content of beer is 41 kcal per 100 ml. This means that in a glass with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 205 calories. But the above figure is an average value. For a more accurate understanding, it is necessary to consider how many calories are contained in different types of beer (light, dark, non-alcoholic, live and ale).

In light beer

Light beer is a clear low-alcohol drink with a pleasant aroma and dense foam. It has a mild taste and quenches thirst, which is enjoyed by millions of drink lovers. Pale lager is the world's best-selling bottom-fermented lager. Most likely, you will be offered to taste it in any beer establishment for the first time. The energy value of light beer is 42 kilocalories per 100 milliliters. As snacks, croutons, chips, pistachios and nuts, squids, dried and dried fish are used. Light beer is good to eat with sausages (what the Germans "sin" with) or pork ribs.

In non-alcoholic

Non-alcoholic beer is considered as such conditionally. Everything is relative. A "non-alcoholic" product contains between 0.3% and 1.5% alcohol. The production technology does not differ from light or dark varieties. Reducing the alcohol content in non-alcoholic beer is achieved through double filtration, suppression of the fermentation process at the final stage, or direct removal of alcohol from the finished product.

Such technological tricks cannot but affect the cost of the drink. Non-alcoholic beer costs a little more than regular (light or dark) beer. It is an excellent alternative for people who do not like the state of intoxication, or who want to keep their minds sober. The calorie content of a non-alcoholic product is 26 kilocalories per 100 ml. A glass contains 130 kcal.

dark beer

The color of the finished drink is determined by the degree of roasting, the amount of dark malt used in brewing. It can be caramel, chocolate and even burnt. Therefore, the color and taste of pale varieties and ales differ. Dark beer has a bitter aftertaste from hops with a sweetish undertone. The product is also called "velvet". Dark varieties are loved by women who find the taste of a light drink too sharp. What is its calorie content? There are 48 kcal in 100 ml of dark beer.


Live beer is most often draft. The drink does not go through the pasteurization process and is brewed without additional preservatives. The maximum shelf life in a dark and cool place is 1 week. The product is produced by small breweries that sell the drink locally. Live beer is light and bright, has a thick foam that lasts a long time and does not settle. The calorie content of the drink is 39 kcal.

The product is produced using "live" yeast, so the fermentation processes continue even when it is already poured into your glass. Quality live beer is not filtered. However, you should not consider any unfiltered product as "alive". After all, you can not filter a drink that has passed through pasteurization and preservation. Live beer is more expensive than pasteurized, but believe me, it's worth it! The taste of the product is more pronounced.

In ale

Ale is a top-fermented ale popular in Britain and Ireland. Special yeast, along with small bubbles of carbon dioxide, rises all the time to the top of the wort. The fermentation process of ale takes no more than a month, it takes place at a temperature of + 20-25 ° C. The product is then sent to the basement. Ale is aged there at low temperatures. Let's note one more nuance. Real ale is a type of beer served without carbon dioxide. In other words, it is poured from a barrel or thanks to hand pumps. The calorie content of 100 grams of ale is 41 kilocalories.

Useful properties of beer

Normalized (1-2 glasses per day) consumption of natural beer has a positive effect on the body. The components of the drink contain many useful substances, regardless of whether you prefer dark, light, wheat varieties or even ale. Let's learn about the health benefits of beer:

  1. 1 liter of a natural drink will provide our body with a daily need for vitamins K and C, as well as 50% of the need for B vitamins.
  2. Diuretic effect promotes the removal of salts of heavy metals.
  3. Beer restores the gastric mucosa in the following diseases: peptic ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis.
  4. Regular consumption of beer (in quantities not exceeding the norm) reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.
  5. The composition of the drink contains "useful cholesterol", which cleanses the vessels from harmful deposits.
  6. Beer normalizes blood pressure by dilating blood vessels.
  7. The extractive ingredients of hops relieve pain, soothe and disinfect.
  8. Brewer's yeast is useful for diabetes, infectious diseases, furunculosis, acne and other skin problems.
  9. The drink speeds up the metabolic processes, provoking accelerated fat burning, satisfies the appetite.
  10. Easily digestible silicon is present in beer, which strengthens joints and bones. This element neutralizes the harmful effects of the drink and minimizes the risks of developing brain atrophy and speech disorders.
  11. Antioxidants reduce the likelihood of developing cancer, tuberculosis, and slow down cell aging.
  12. Beer is also useful in cosmetology. Its foam has a beneficial effect on the skin, softening it.
  13. At the same time, the foam mask helps to get rid of wrinkles.
  14. If you rinse your hair after using the shampoo with beer, the hair becomes elastic and begins to grow faster.

How many calories in different brands of beer

The technologies for the production of foamy drink at different plants are different. We bring to your attention a list of calorie content of the most popular brands of beer of Russian, Ukrainian and foreign production. Note that the energy value of light varieties per 100 ml of product is indicated by default. A 0.5 liter bottle contains 5 times more calories, and a liter contains 10:

  • Beck's - 42 kcal;
  • Budweiser - 44 kcal;
  • Guinness Original - 47 kcal;
  • Heineken - 40 kcal;
  • Staropramen - 38 kcal;
  • Stella - 44 kcal;
  • Tuborg - 41 kcal;
  • Velkopopovický Kozel - 36 kcal;
  • Baltika b / a - 33 kcal;
  • Baltika No. 3 - 42 kcal;
  • Baltika No. 9 - 60 kcal;
  • Volga - 46 kcal;
  • Don - 39 kcal;
  • Lviv - 40 kcal;
  • Nevsky - 45 kcal;
  • Obolon - 41 kcal;
  • Siberian crown - 42 kcal;
  • Chernihiv - 42 kcal;

Can you lose weight by drinking beer?

There is an opinion that beer leads to weight gain. But in reality, the real cause of the formation of body fat is often not the drink itself, but the foods consumed as a snack. Eating 0.5 liters with two small packs of chips (80 g, 440 kcal) and two packs of crackers (160 grams, 560 kcal), you, according to nutritionists, will consume a total of 1200 kilocalories!

At the same time, 1 liter of beer can be compared in terms of calories with the same amount of Coca-Cola or a chocolate bar. And the contents of a 0.5 liter bottle have the same energy value of 60 grams of ice cream. To consume the same calories as a hamburger and medium fries, you need to drink 3 liters of foamy drink. At the same time, a 13-minute run is enough to burn calories from 1 glass. There is even a beer diet for women and men - very effective, judging by the reviews.

If you drink no more than 0.5 liters of drink per day, blood pressure decreases, and excess weight begins to go away. True, for the sake of a good figure, you will have to give up fatty, high-calorie snacks. Why is this product so effective? The ability of beer to speed up metabolism and the presence in its composition of folic acid, calcium, iron and other elements that protect blood vessels.

It is important to understand that only high-quality freshly brewed beer or ale has a positive effect on weight and health. A product sold in stores in glass or iron jars and having a shelf life of 6-12 months is not. Excessive passion for them will only harm you and, on the contrary, will accelerate the appearance of a “beer belly”.

Many men and women really like a drink like beer. Someone uses it in an immoderate amount, and someone is afraid to look at it once again, as they are frightened by its calorie content. After all, there is the concept of "beer belly", but I really would not want to acquire it. This is where you have to deny yourself the pleasure.

It is worth saying a few words in defense of this rather popular drink all over the world.

“Beer belly” appears not at all from drinking beer, but from very high-calorie snacks eaten with it.

0.5 l of light beer contains 145 kcal, dark - 211 kcal.

Dark types have more calories due to carbohydrates: there are 5.7 g of them per hundred grams. In a light drink - 4.6 g. In terms of other indicators, the two types of beer are completely identical: they have no fats, and 0.3 g of proteins.

But the energy value increases alcohol. That is, the higher the degree in beer, the higher the calorie content.

There is a misconception that non-alcoholic beer has no calories at all, but this is not at all true.

One hundred grams of non-alcoholic beer contains 33 kcal.

So weight watchers can afford to drink a bottle of such a drink, but only one and without any snacks in the form of chips, cheese, sausages, salted nuts, fish, etc.

Please note that even the smallest dose of beer whets the appetite After that, I really want to eat something tasty.

Calories in unfiltered beer

Advantages such beer before the usual are as follows:

  • it is natural, therefore it is not processed in any way: it is not filtered, not preserved, not pasteurized;
  • consists of the same ingredients as usual, only the absence of processing ensures continuous fermentation;
  • has a more pleasant taste;
  • storage period does not exceed a few days.

Scholars even claim that unfiltered beer is healthier than milk.

In 0.5 liters of unfiltered beer, there are approximately 200 kcal.

To quickly burn the energy received from 0.5 liters of beer, you need to ride a bicycle for 23 minutes at a speed of at least 20 km / h. You can also run at a slightly lower speed for 13 minutes.

Beer with fish

When drinking beer with fish, you need to calculate the calorie content of both products.

100 g of salted dried or dried fish contains from 220 to 275 kcal, depending on the fat content.

Now, knowing the calorie content of all the listed products, it is easy to calculate the number of calories that the body will receive.

A half-liter bottle of beer with one hundred grams of fish will “pull” 365-486 kcal.

The amount of calories received by the body correlates with the type of beer consumed, how much to drink, how much and what kind of fish to eat.

Is beer good for you?

Many people are not even aware of the beneficial substances contained in beer, such as:

  • potassium;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • lemon acid;
  • folic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid;

Judging by this composition, the beer is no different from the popular orange juice, which is a recognized symbol of a healthy diet.

B vitamins are present in beer in a well-absorbed form and provide more than half of a person's daily need for them (in the case of drinking a liter of drink). A high content of ascorbic acid also benefits.

Beer prevents stones and blood clots, regulates lipid metabolism. That is, it can prevent stroke and even heart attack.

However the heart of a beer fan works with great overstrain, because there is a load on the venous bed. Gradually, the “motor” becomes larger and a “beer heart” is formed. It does not cope well with its task, becomes loose, and other important internal organs begin to fail.

A large amount of beer consumed by a man provokes the production of female sex hormones in him. Over time, his mammary glands become larger, and the pelvis expands. Women who drink intoxicating drinks are at risk of getting breast cancer.

Beer and weight loss

Dieters should not drink beer at all. It contains excess carbohydrates, which provide light energy that makes it difficult to break down fats. A couple of bottles a day will immediately affect the volume of the waist, and if they are also something to eat, then this is fraught with a decent weight gain.

But there is a beer diet, which is a rather difficult way to get rid of the gained kilograms. She assumes to drink only a light foamy drink, exclusively filtered, and eat almost nothing.

Since beer perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger, you will not want to eat, but the body will receive a strong shake-up, so it’s better not to even try to mock it.

It is unlikely that anyone would dare to call beer a dietary product. After all, fans of this foamy delicacy often give out a beer belly. Therefore, many are sure that an intoxicating drink completely deprives a person of a waist. Before confirming or refuting this stereotype, it would be right to figure out how many calories are in beer.

Does a trendy drink harm the beauty of the body?

Today, beer is the most popular trend. Not a single feast or party is complete without it. Both boys and girls use it with pleasure and in large quantities. But both of them want to look attractive, and a big belly and cellulite are not attributes of beauty. So is there a relationship between beer and good looks?

Most beer lovers are sure that a bottle of a low-alcohol drink a day will not harm either health or figure. After all, you won’t even get drunk from such a portion. Beer is even called "liquid bread" in some countries, as it is made from barley grains. So is this product capable of depriving harmony?

Intoxicating question: how many calories are in beer?

The energy value of beer depends on the variety. The main source of calories in it are carbohydrates. The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in this drink will be as follows: 5 g: 0.5 g: 9 g. Want to know how many calories are in 100 grams of beer of different varieties? The answer is:

  • light - 42 kcal;
  • dark - 62 kcal;
  • unfiltered - 46.12 kcal;
  • non-alcoholic - 23-25 ​​kcal.

The calorie content of beer also depends on its strength: beer with 1.8% alcohol contains 29 kcal, 2.8% - up to 34 kcal, 4.5% - from 45 kcal.

You can see that beer is not the leader in terms of calories. This is confirmed by at least the number of calories in light beer (the most popular among Russians) - only 42-43 kcal. Dark calorie content is 1.5 higher. But still, he is far from other drinks. Even sweet soda contains an average of 75 kcal, and 100 g of Coca-Cola contains 60 kcal. So this is good news for beer lovers: it is not at all as high in calories as you might think! But this is a very conditional reason for joy. And that's why.

Few people drink an amber drink in 100-gram glasses. It is usually drunk in bottles or glasses. Therefore, for those who are worried about their figure, but cannot deny themselves a glass of beer, it would be more useful to know how many calories are in a 0.33-liter bottle of beer. The most popular varieties have the following energy value:

  • Stella Artois - 151 kcal;
  • Heineken - 137 kcal;
  • Krombacher - 137 kcal;
  • Budweiser - 144 kcal;
  • Baltic - 146 kcal;
  • Carlsberg - 137 kcal;
  • Tuborg - 137 kcal;
  • Zhigulevskoe - 121 kcal;
  • Klinskoye - 137 kcal.

In a standard can of beer, the capacity of which is 330 ml, there are about 140 kcal. The traditional and most popular bottle is half a liter. And for bottling, most often they order just such a portion. How many calories in beer 0.5 l also depends on the variety: in light - 215-225 kcal, in dark - 310 kcal.

The risk of becoming overweight is higher for those who prefer dark varieties and large volumes. How many calories in a liter of dark beer? Approximately 600-620 kcal. A liter bottle of light, respectively, will give a beer gourmet 420 kcal. In a two-liter - from 1000 to 1200 kcal.

There is an opinion that the calorie content of beer is very high, so beer belly necessarily accompanies its lovers. But it's not. There are not so many calories in beer itself. People who constantly use an intoxicating drink get fat from fatty and salty snacks. If you do not seize alcohol with high-calorie foods, you can drink it without fear of ruining your figure. This should be done in reasonable quantities so as not to be addictive.

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In addition, drinking beer helps many lose weight. But for this you need to know the principles and rules of the beer diet.

beer calories

The calorie content of beer depends on the variety, processing method and strength of the drink. The approximate number of kilocalories in each type of beer is shown in the table:

The indicated calorie content is approximate, but it helps to conclude which type of beer is the safest for the figure. As can be seen from the table, black (dark) beer has more calories than white (light), and filtered beer has more calories than unfiltered. Non-alcoholic beer contains the least number of calories, as it is purified from alcohol.

The exact calorie value depends on the manufacturer and is usually indicated on the bottle or can of the drink. To make the right choice, you can see the list of the most popular brands, arranged in ascending order of the number of kilocalories per 100 grams.

In addition to calorie content, you need to know the energy value of beer. This is important when calculating the balance of BJU (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates). On average, 100 grams of hop drink contains:

  • carbohydrates - 4-5 g;
  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fat - 0 g.

It is quite difficult to get better by drinking exclusively beer. This product, due to its low calorie content, can even be considered dietary.

beer diet

Beer is much healthier for the figure than most other alcoholic beverages. For example, the calorie content of 100 grams of vodka is approximately 230 kcal, and wine - from 80 to 100 kcal. Therefore, drinking beer by itself rarely causes weight gain.

In almost all cases, drinking an intoxicating drink is accompanied by such high-calorie snacks as salted nuts, chips, smoked fish, fatty sausages, etc. It is this habit that leads to the fact that beer drinkers get fat over time.

In addition, the salt contained in these products in large quantities, retains fluid in the body. This leads to edema and eliminates the diuretic effect of the drink.

Beer has many health benefits:

  • it contains vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and folic acid;
  • it reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, as phenolic compounds prevent the occurrence of blood clots;
  • restores the nervous system and improves digestion;
  • the drink is a diuretic, thanks to which the body is cleared of harmful substances, and the likelihood of kidney stones formation decreases.

All this, combined with low calorie content, gives reason to call beer a dietary product. Therefore, lovers of this drink who want to lose weight do not have to give it up completely. There is even a special beer diet that helps to quickly lose weight.


This diet will appeal to men who are often beer lovers. For it to be effective, several important rules must be observed:

  • beer should be of high quality and not too strong;
  • in no case should you eat fatty and salty snacks;
  • before drinking, the drink should be cooled in the refrigerator;
  • it is desirable to increase the consumption of clean water to 1.5–2 liters per day;
  • after the end of the diet, you should not eat everything in a row, you must definitely develop a balanced diet, otherwise the lost kilograms will soon return.

The proposed beer diet is designed for a week. If the results during this time are not satisfactory, you can extend it for another 7 days.

It is not recommended to sit on such a diet for more than two weeks, because beer is an alcoholic drink, so its long-term use causes addiction and is harmful to health.

In the popular Dukan diet, alcohol is prohibited. However, in the third stage, even in this diet, it is allowed to drink a little non-alcoholic beer.


It is worth considering that the beer diet is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of limitations to its use. You need to pay attention to another way to lose weight:

  • minors;
  • To old people;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • drivers of motor vehicles;
  • persons using drugs that are incompatible with alcohol;
  • people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.


The composition of the beer diet should include only healthy, low-calorie foods and high quality beer. It’s good if it is “live” (draught), that is, made in private factories, or non-alcoholic.

An approximate diet for 7 days is described in the following table.

daysVolume of beer consumedOther productsAdditional Recommendations
1 1 liter100–200 g buckwheatYou need to eat buckwheat in small portions during the day, but no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime
2 1 liter200 g stew or boiled meatChoose lean chicken, rabbit, or turkey
3 1 literAny number of vegetablesYou can make a salad, stew or bake vegetables in the oven. Mayonnaise should not be used as a dressing. It is undesirable to salt cooked food
4 1 liter200 g lean fishFish must be boiled or baked without salt
5 1 literVegetables and unsweetened fruits in unlimited quantitiesYou can not eat fruits containing a large amount of carbohydrates: grapes, bananas, etc.
6 1.5 liters- This day should be exclusively "beer". Additionally, you can drink water and tea without sugar.
7 - - On the last day of the diet, you need to cleanse the body. Therefore, you will need to drink clean water throughout the fasting day, you must consume at least 2 liters

For a week of such a diet, you can lose about 5 kg, and if there is a lot of excess weight, there is a chance to get rid of 10 kg.

Beer is a well-known low-alcohol drink made from barley malt. He is loved by many - both men and women.

How many calories in beer is an urgent question for those who drink this drink and monitor the calorie content of their diet. There are about 450 varieties of beer on the Russian market, 97% of which are produced in Russia. Most often they buy beer in a glass bottle. More than 90% of the drink is water, so it is popular for quenching thirst.

Calories and weight gain

The stronger and darker the beer, the higher its calorie content. The strongest beer is ale.

Average calories:

People who drink a lot of beer often suffer from overweight, although its calorie content is not high. This is due to several factors. The main one is a large amount of beer drunk at a time. A liter of the drink contains about a third of all the calories that an adult needs per day, and a three-liter bottle contains the entire daily allowance. Another reason for rapid weight gain is the consumption of high-calorie foods along with beer.

Another factor that causes weight gain from beer is the content of plant-like female sex hormones in it. They lead to obesity in the female type - "beer belly" if the drink is consumed in excessive quantities.

In addition, beer stimulates the appetite and, like all alcoholic beverages, affects the human nervous system. This combination of influences often leads to nutritional breakdowns during the diet. Against the background of the amount of food eaten, it becomes less important how many calories in beer.

Benefit and harm

There are different opinions of doctors about the impact of beer on human health. The composition of the drink includes vitamins of group B, which are easily absorbed, ascorbic and folic acids. A liter bottle contains the daily norm of these substances. In addition to vitamins, beer contains:

  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

The negative impact on the human body is largely due to the low culture of alcohol consumption. Beer is safer for health than other alcoholic beverages, but only if a quality product is consumed in moderation.

Good beer improves digestion and stimulates appetite, which can be both harmful and beneficial.

Calorie beer brands

Russian beer

Name Calories per 100 ml
Baltika №0 non-alcoholic 33
Baltika №2 light 40
Baltika №3 classic 42
Baltika №4 original 54
Baltika №5 gold 45
Baltika №6 porter 61
Baltika №7 export 45
Baltika №8 wheat 45
Baltika №9 strong 60
Baltika №20 anniversary 50
Baltika LITE 37
Baltika Cooler 41
Baltika Cooler Lime 41
Large mug Strong 54
Large mug Amber 34
Large mug Barley cask 39
Volga 46
DV Live 43
Ochakovo 46
DV Classic 39
DV Strong 36
DV Icy 43
DV Light 43
Don Zhivoe 39
Don Classic 39
Don Icy 39
Don South 39
Zhigulevskoe 42
Indiana Juice 73
merchant 46
Khmeloff 26
Nevsky 45
Siberian barrel 46
Ural master 45
Chelyabinsk 45
Yarpivo from 43 to 54
Arsenal from 45 to 57
Ochakovo Original from 43 to 46
Ochakovo Classic 46
Ochakovo Special 42
Barley Ear Live 42
Barley Ear Strong 62
Barley Ear Light 42
Capital Double Gold 46
Brewer's Secret 42
Hunting Strong 67
Siberian Crown 42

imported beer

Many people like Czech, German, Dutch, Belgian and English beers. Some of these drinks are rarely found on sale, and some are quite popular in Russia.

Name Calories per 100 ml
Budějovický Budvar (Budweiser) from 41 or more, depending on the fortress
Černá Hora (Black Mountain) from 45
Gambrinus (Gambrinus) 44
Krušovice from 36 to 44
Velkopopovický Kozel (Velkopopovický Kozel) 36
Pilsner Urquell (Pilsner Urquell) 45
Staropramen (Staropramen) 38
Czech Republic, Starobrno 44
Ale (bitter, mild, brown ale, Scottish) 41
El Chimay Blue (Grande Reserve)
Belgian Ale Delirium Tremens
Chimay Rouge (Baptisee Premiere)
Duchesse de Bourgogne<
Chimay Triple
Belgium 51
Duvel (Duvel) 62
Fuller's London Porter 48,5
Gulden Draak 83
Wychwood Hobgoblin 36
Van Honsebrouck Kasteel Tripel 81
Piraat 81
Schneider Weisse TAPX Mathilda Soleil 40
Augustiner Dunkel 50
Heineken Premium Quality 43
Amsterdam Navigator 74
Edelweiss 46
Desperados 58
Fuller's 39.5
old gold 44
Blanche de Bruxelles 43
Holba Lahvac 49.5
Kelt 46
Holsten Premium 43
Kulmbacher 44,5
3 horses 51
Lvivske 40
A. Le Coq English Ale 46
Krinitsa 50
Guinness Draught 35
Ahornberger Landbier Würzig 46
Amstel Premium Pilsner 42
Miller Genuine Draft 45
Beck's 42
Castel ARGO 49
Kilkenny red 41
Coors Fine Light 41
Erdinger Weissbier 44
Samson Darc 41
Guinness Draught 35
Franciscanner 46
Grolsch Special Malt 20
Murphy's Irish, red 40
Hunters Red Fox 50
Kingfisher Cream Stout 45,8
Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc 47
Paulaner Hefe-Weißbier 47
Efes Fusion 44
Bag Bier 42
Redd's 56
Primator 185
Mega Bier 42
Bernard Cherne 48
Stella 44
Tuborg 41
Weihenstephaner 44
Black Isle Organic Blonde 42
Bertinchamps Blonde 46
Zubr 36
Budweiser Budvar Original 44
Paulaner Hefe-Weisbier (Paulaner Hefe-Weisbier) light wheat non-alcoholic 20
Beck's light non-alcoholic 21
Krombacher non-alcoholic 27
Zlaty Bazant (Golden Pheasant) non-alcoholic 24
Bag Bier light 42
Siberian crown classic light 46
Paulaner (Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier) wheat unfiltered light 47,3
Hunting strong 67
Krusovice (Krushovice dark) dark 35,8
Guinness Original 47
Leffe Radieuse semi-dark 60
Leffe Brune dark 61,2
Dab Original 39
Guinness Original 47
Staropramen 35
Pilsner Urquell 44,2
Amstel 40
Heineken 40
St. Paul, blond 50
Tiger 45

Beer is a medium calorie drink. It is not devoid of useful properties and does not harm the figure with rare use in reasonable quantities. The unequivocal answer to the question of how many calories are in beer is from 20 to 60 kcal, if we consider the most popular drinks. Do not forget about the alcoholic component of the product. Abuse of it can lead to the development of beer alcoholism and diseases of internal organs.
