
Potato zrazy with cheese recipe 4 potatoes. Potato zrazy with cheese recipe with photo

I propose to cook hearty and tasty vegetable cutlets from potatoes stuffed with eggs, cheese and herbs. This dish can be served on its own with your favorite sauce or fresh vegetables and serve as a side dish. It is simply impossible not to cook potato zrazy! They are not only tasty and satisfying, but also prepared from the most available products which are almost always at hand. If you do not like egg filling, feel free to cook zrazy with any other! Fit well, a block of cheese and chopped meat, but you can combine potatoes with any other ingredients. This dish quite popular in all versions and each is interesting in its own way! I made six pieces from this amount of ingredients, but you can get a little more or less, everything will depend on the resulting size. If desired, feel free to increase or decrease the number based on the expected number of eaters.


  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.
  • cheese - 50 grams.
  • breadcrumbs - 50 grams.
  • greens - to taste.
  • salt - to taste.
  • spices - to taste.
  • vegetable oil - for frying.
  • Servings Per Container: 6.

How to cook potato zrazy with cheese and egg:

Potatoes must be boiled in their skins, cool slightly, cut into pieces and put in a bowl.

Mash potatoes with a fork until mashed. Add one egg, salt, spices to taste and flour.

Thoroughly mix the potato mass so that it becomes homogeneous and plastic.

We are preparing the stuffing. Boil two eggs, cut them into cubes and put them in a bowl or deep plate. Add any grated cheese that melts well, fresh herbs (I have dill) and salt to taste.
We mix. The filling is ready.

Now take some potato mass and put it on flat surface, forming a cake, about the size of a palm. You can form zrazy immediately on your hand.

We put in the center 2-3 tsp. fillings.

We lift the edges and close the filling on top with another small layer of potatoes.

Carefully lift it up, form a kind of pie with our hands and roll it on all sides in breadcrumbs. You can use flour, but in my opinion it turns out more appetizing in breadcrumbs.

In this form, you can freeze potato zrazy, or you can immediately proceed directly to their preparation. Put them on a well-heated pan.

Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden crispy.

Tender and ruddy potato cutlets can be served as a side dish, or with sour cream and fresh vegetables as a lunch or dinner. The whole family will surely love it!

Bon appetit!!!

Sincerely, Oksana Chaban.

Step 1: prepare the potatoes.

First of all, prepare the potatoes. Using a kitchen brush, rinse it under cold running water to remove sand and any other contaminants. Then we put it in a deep saucepan, fill it with water so that it is 2-3 fingers above the level of the tubers, and put it on medium fire.

After boiling, cook the vegetable 20 -30 minutes depending on the variety. After the right time, we check its readiness with a table fork. In turn, we introduce its teeth into each tuber, if they enter smoothly without pressure potatoes are ready. Using a slotted spoon, transfer it to a deep plate and cool to room temperature.

Step 2: prepare chicken eggs.

Simultaneously with the potatoes, we prepare chicken eggs intended for the filling. We put them in a small saucepan, fill with running water above the level by about 3-4 centimeters, add a couple of tablespoons of salt and 9% vinegar.

We put the stewpan on medium heat and after boiling boil hard-boiled eggs 10 -12 minutes. Then, using the same slotted spoon, transfer them to a deep bowl of ice water and cool to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare green onions and other ingredients.

While the eggs and potatoes are cooling, we are engaged in the rest of the ingredients. Under a stream of cold running water we wash the onion stalks, cut off the roots from them and throw them away, and put the greens on a cutting board and finely chop. Then we put on the kitchen table a deep plate with breadcrumbs and all the other products that will be needed to prepare the dish.

Step 4: prepare the filling.

After the eggs have cooled, we peel them, re-rinse them from splinters, dry them with paper kitchen towels and rub on a medium grater, finely chop or grind them into crumbs with a blender, it all depends on your desire.

Put the chopped eggs in a small bowl. Add chopped green onion, to taste salt and black ground pepper. Mix all the ingredients for the filling with a tablespoon until uniform consistency and move on to the next step.

Step 5: Prepare the Potato Mix.

Remove the skin from the cooled potatoes. Lay the tubers on a cutting board. We cut each into 4-6 parts and pass them through a meat grinder or knead with a crush to a puree consistency right in a deep bowl.

Then add a couple of raw chicken eggs salt and oregano to taste. Thoroughly mix these products until smooth. After that, pour into the resulting mixture right amount sifted wheat flour and mix everything again.

Step 6: we form potato zrazy with an egg.

Now take a tablespoon vegetable mix, put it in the palm of your hand and lightly press down to make a cake up to 1 centimeter thick.

Then we collect a teaspoon of the onion-egg filling, put it in the center of the potato cake, connect its edges, pinch them tightly with our fingers and form a cylindrical oblong cutlet with two palms.

If desired, lightly press it on both sides to give it a flatter shape, then roll it on all sides in breadcrumbs and send it to a cutting board or tray. In the same way, we form the remaining zrazy until the potato mixture runs out.

Step 7: fry potato zrazy with egg.

Next, put a frying pan on medium heat and pour about 100 milliliters of vegetable oil into it. After a couple of minutes, put the first batch of zrazy there and fry them on all sides until golden golden brown. This will take 2 -3 minutes.

Then, using a kitchen spatula, shift potato cutlets on paper towel and give him the opportunity to absorb excess fat. Meanwhile we fry next game cutlets, periodically adding oil to the pan. When all the zrazy are ready, arrange them in portions on plates and serve to the table.

Step 8: serve potato zrazy with egg.

Potato zrazy with an egg is served hot immediately after cooking.

If desired, each serving is supplemented with sauces based on tomatoes, sour cream, cream, milk or mayonnaise, and also decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs. Enjoy delicious food!
Bon appetit!

A set of spices can be supplemented with such spices: allspice, coriander, asafoetida, curry, paprika and nutmeg;

Instead of breadcrumbs, wheat flour is often used;

Sometimes in the stuffing along with green onion put chopped dill or parsley, also add hard cheese, crushed with a fine grater;

If you want to use normal onion, it is better to chop it finely and fry in a small amount almost up to fully prepared and after that add to chopped eggs;

In the same way, you can cook zrazy with any other filling: fried sausage, slices braised chicken, fried mushrooms or whatever you like best.

Step 1: prepare the potatoes.

Peel potatoes with a knife. After - rinse well under running water and put on a cutting board. With a knife, cut the ingredient into small pieces and put them in a saucepan. Fill the container with water so that it completely covers the chopped vegetable. Put the pot on big fire, and after boiling water, make the fire a little less than average. Salt the potatoes to taste, mix everything well with a tablespoon and cook the component under the lid for 25-30 minutes. Attention: we check the degree of readiness of the product with a fork, since the cooking time of the ingredient still depends on its variety. If the potatoes become soft and boiled, you can turn off the burner and proceed to the next cooking process. At the end of the allotted time, with the help of kitchen tacks, holding the slightly ajar lid of the pan, completely drain the water. Using a potato masher, mash potatoes until mashed.

Step 2: prepare the potato dough of the dish.

Bye mashed potatoes hot, add turmeric and flour to it. Using a tablespoon, mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. After - leave potato dough aside to cool to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare the greens.

To begin with, we wash the parsley and dill greens well under running water. Lightly squeezing the ingredients with your hands so that there is no excess liquid in the dish, put the greens on a cutting board. Finely chop the ingredients with a knife and immediately transfer them to a medium bowl.

Step 4: prepare the cheese.

Adyghe cheese very suitable for cooking potato zrazy, as it has a non-intrusive taste and smell. By consistency, it is somewhat reminiscent of brynza and suluguni, since it is just as elastic on a test. But at the same time soft and gentle. In addition, it gives our body such useful trace elements, as calcium, phosphorus, as well as B vitamins. Therefore, our dish is not only very tasty, but also healthy for both children and adults. So let's rub dairy ingredient on coarse grater and transfer it to a bowl with chopped herbs.

Step 5: prepare the filling.

Since the cheese usually tastes bland, you can add a little more salt to the filling. And there - at your discretion! We also add the remaining spices to the bowl with the products and mix everything well with a spoon until smooth. By the way, a few words about such a seasoning as asafoetida! This spice is used in all kinds of dishes who cannot do without vegetables such as onions and garlic. It easily replaces these vegetable components, but at the same time does not leave a smell in the mouth, but only adds, for example, to soups, snacks, different salads And vegetable side dishes pleasant aroma and the taste of pungency and piquancy. In addition, asafoetida improves our digestion, improves body tone and awakens appetite. And you can buy this spice in supermarkets, and in stores in a specialized department, as well as in stores where they offer big choice Indian grocery products for every taste and color.

Step 6: Prepare potato zrazy with cheese.

Sprinkle the prepared kitchen table well with flour and lay out not a large number of"approximately" potato dough. We make a cake on the table with our hands and after that we put the finished pancake aside. Attention: The dough should be pliable, but not crumbly. If it falls apart in your hands, then you should add a little more flour and knead the test ingredient. And to make a beautiful round cake, you can roll a little dough in flour and roll a ball in your hands, and only after that - make a cake on the table, rolling it on both sides again in the flour component. Then we make a second cake of the same kind and begin to form it right away. To do this, spread on the first cake 1 tablespoon filling and cover it with the second cake. With your fingers, holding in one hand, gently press the edges of the zrazy and smooth the edges so that in appearance we get a round pie. And now sprinkle the dish on both sides with a small amount of flour and lightly press it on the table with your hand. In the same way, we form other zrazy until we run out of filling and potato dough. Place a frying pan with a little vegetable oil over medium heat. When the oil begins to heat up, put the zrazy in a container and fry the dish on both sides until a golden brown color is formed. And in order for the potato zrazy not to burn, from time to time we check the base of the dish, lifting it with a fork. With the same fork, we transfer the finished zrazy to a serving dish and put a new portion of zrazy into the pan, adding a little oil if necessary.

Step 7: serve potato zrazy with cheese.

And serve so tasty and fragrant dish from potatoes it is possible with sour cream, and with your favorite sauce, and with ketchup. It turns out very tasty! And the nice thing is that the dish can be eaten both hot and cold. It won't change the taste. Enjoy your meal!

- - For the filling, you can also take any other cheese of your choice. Cheese such as Russian, Kostroma, Suluguni, and even cottage cheese is also suitable. But only in last version it should preferably be dry, so that during the frying process it does not swim and thereby spoil the zrazy.

- - In order for the potato zrazy to be dense and not fall apart during the frying process, choose a potato variety that is suitable for boiling, frying, and baking in the oven. Such an ingredient keeps its shape, but at the same time it boils well.

Potato zrazy - general principles and methods of preparation

In some countries this dish is called potato patties, but in our country they are known as zrazy. attractive golden crust And little secret in the form of a filling attract lovers unusual dishes. Although there is nothing unusual in zrazy - the usual mashed potato in the form of a cutlet and a filling hidden inside. The most common dish in Belarusian cuisine, a close relative of sorcerers, although the word itself is rather Polish, is translated into Russian as a cut piece.

Potato zrazy - food preparation

The taste of zraz depends not so much on the products, but on the technology of preparation. Suitable potatoes of any variety. You can cook it in its uniform to clean it in ready-made, or immediately clean and cut it into pieces here everything is at the choice of the hostess. The potato mass should be cooled to a well-warm appearance so that it is more plastic and easily molded by hand. Anything that goes well with potatoes can serve as a filling - meat or minced meat, onions fried to a golden color, spinach and other greens with eggs, vegetables, sausage or sausages. Fry in vegetable or butter.

Potato zrazy - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Potato zrazy with minced meat

Very tasty and hearty meal comes from simple components: potatoes and fried minced meat with onion. This special dish. After all, we will not fry our zrazy, but boil it. Sticky potato dough is difficult to form into a bun, but it is not advisable to add a lot of flour. Things move much faster if you wet your hands with cold water.

Ingredients. potatoes (1 kg), minced meat (250 grams), onions (3 pcs), breadcrumbs (3 spoons), flour (300 grams), egg (1 pc), salt, pepper, vegetable oil. butter and cheese for garnish ready meal and serving.

Boil potatoes in their skins and cool. On vegetable oil fry the onion, add the breadcrumbs and fry for another 3 minutes. Add the mince and stir-fry until the mince is done. While stirring the minced meat, break up the pieces with a spatula so that it is fried evenly. We rub the peeled potatoes on a coarse grater and add the egg. Add flour bit by bit, mixing well. Moisten your hands with water and separate a piece of dough, then form a cake, put the minced meat inside and close it in the form of a bun. Put them on a plate, as they fry quickly, and it is advisable to bring them to full readiness at the same time. After floating, cook for 10 minutes. Lay out on a plate finished goods, coat them butter and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Recipe 2: Potato Zrazy with Cabbage

This is perhaps the most popular recipe. Cabbage with potatoes is a classic of the genre. By the way, if you do not have fresh cabbage, you can use sauerkraut. It is best to mix it in half with fresh and herbs.

Ingredients. potatoes (10 pcs), flour (3 spoons), onions (2 pcs), carrots (2 pcs), cabbage (1 small head, 1 kg), egg, salt, pepper.

Boil potatoes and pass through a meat grinder. Break the egg and mix, add flour. Fry the onion in a pan, add carrots. Finely chop the cabbage, add to the onion. You can add fresh green onions or other herbs. Ready stuffing cool down. We sculpt zrazy with our hands - crush it in the form of a cake. Put the stuffing in the middle and close up. Fry the zrazy on both sides hot pan With butter.

Recipe 3: Potato zrazy with mushrooms

The classic combination of potatoes and mushrooms. First, prepare the mushrooms and then hide them in the potato dough and fry. Simple and delicious.

Ingredients: fresh or frozen mushrooms (500 grams, champignons are ideal), onions (1 pc), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), breadcrumbs, sour cream (150 grams), salt, black pepper, potatoes (500 grams).

Preparing the filling - fry small pieces in vegetable oil, add onion and fry for 5-7 minutes. Salt, pepper. Cool down. Peel and boil potatoes in salted water. Kneading potatoes, add a little broth or hot milk, flour. The dough should be soft. We form pieces and sculpt pies. Lay out in the center minced mushroom, pinch the edges, giving the shape of long cutlets. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a skillet. Serve on a platter with sour cream and finely chopped green onions.

Recipe 4: Potato Zrazy with Liver

Zrazy with liver is healthy and tasty. Even if you don't really like liver, its characteristic taste will blend with fried onions and mashed potatoes.

Ingredients. chicken or turkey liver (400 grams), mashed potatoes (1 kg, potatoes 1.5 kg), eggs (2 pcs), onions (2-3 pcs), dill and parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs.

Boil potatoes whole, or, cut into pieces, strain, knead. Fry chicken or turkey liver in vegetable oil with onions for a short time so that it becomes soft. Hard boil chicken eggs and finely chop. You also need to fry the onion separately, and then cook the minced meat - pass the liver through a meat grinder, add the onion and chopped boiled eggs. You can also add green onions. Break into potato mixture a raw egg, salt, pepper and stir with 3-4 tablespoons of flour. It remains only to form cakes and mold zrazy, similar to a pie and fry them until golden brown.

It is better to boil peeled potatoes without salt, and add salt only with flour. good effect it will turn out if, before frying, dip the molded semi-finished product in a beaten egg, and then in breadcrumbs. If after breading the whole structure is broken - trim it with your hands, give it a beautiful shape.

Very delicious Lenten dish- potato zrazy with fish. The technology of their preparation, in principle, is very similar to other options. It is better to take fish without bones, boil it in a small amount of water, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. You can add onion fried in vegetable oil.

Interesting articles

Among potato dishes, zrazy take pride of place. They are very easy to prepare, and their filling can be different. Therefore, many housewives have a recipe for this dish in their arsenal. Potato zrazy can be made from freshly boiled potatoes or from leftover mashed potatoes. The main thing to pick up good stuffing. I suggest filling the zrazy with hard grated cheese. Once cooked, the cheese will melt and the dish will taste great.

For zraz we need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg potatoes
  • 200 gr hard cheese
  • 1 egg
  • flour - about 4 tbsp. spoons (how many will take)
  • sour cream
  • vegetable oil, salt.

Preparation of potato slices:

From 0.5 kg raw potatoes prepare a dry puree.

Crack one egg into the puree and mix.

In the resulting mass, add salt to taste and flour. There should be enough flour to make the dough soft. But if it still looks like puree, sticky, that's okay. In the process of forming zrazov, we will fix everything.

Let's go to fine grater hard cheese.

Now put the flour on a plate and with a spoon put a piece of dough into the flour. We remember it a little in flour and form a cake. Put a pinch of cheese (1-2 teaspoons) in the center of this cake.

We form a pie from the cake so that the filling is inside.

We spread the zrazy on a heated pan. Cook in vegetable oil (on medium heat) for about five minutes. When our zrazy are browned on both sides, then the dish is ready.

Ready-made potato zrazy with cheese should be served at the table immediately, until the cheese has frozen. Be sure to serve this dish with sour cream.

Potato zrazy with cheese was prepared by Olga Kiklyar especially for the culinary site.
