
Year of the Dog - what to meet and what to cook? A special dish on the New Year's table.

Very soon, the New Year 2018 will knock on our doors - the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The closest people will gather at the festive table again and will generously bestow warm wishes and wonderful gifts on each other. What to cook in order to regale dear guests and win the favor of the hostess of the year for the next twelve months? And what is the best way to decorate the New Year's table in order to please the Dog and please yourself?

New Year's table 2018 must be quite plentiful and satisfying. It should contain a wide variety of meat dishes that the Dog loves so much: cuts, salads, hot dishes, sausages, etc. This is the most important condition for a complete meal! You can safely serve all kinds of vegetable or cereal side dishes, spectacular salads from a wide variety of ingredients, several types of bread, as well as various vegetables and fruits. Sweets will not be superfluous, but only in moderation!

New Year's table menu for 2018 year of the Dog

New Year's menu 2018 must certainly include hot dishes that can be prepared from both meat and poultry. And as a side dish for these dishes, all kinds of vegetables can be used (such dishes will be especially tasty with baked potatoes) or rice. Cold meat snacks, as well as all kinds of cuts, will be quite appropriate.

* There must be on the menu, and the more spectacular they are decorated, the more vivid impressions will remain from the festive feast. An absolutely incomparable salad can be prepared from shrimp with cheese chips and cranberries, decorating it in the form of an elegant Christmas tree.

An equally successful option would be one made in the form of a funny dog ​​muzzle. Such a salad can be prepared both on the basis of crab sticks and on the basis of chicken meat.

There should be at least two or three salads - this not only gives all guests an invaluable right to choose, but also allows you to appreciate the culinary skills of the hostess.

* As for sweets, cakes, cookies, buns and sweets made in the form of dogs will be the most suitable.

Charming will delight both small and adult sweet tooth!

Incredibly good and - such pastries can cheer up everyone without exception!

You can’t do New Year’s Eve without fruit. If there are bananas in the fruit basket, make cute dachshunds out of them - children will especially appreciate such creations.

* From drinks, one should prefer either weak alcohol, or natural juices, fruit drinks and compotes. And with sweets, you can traditionally serve tea, coffee or hot chocolate!

New Year's table decoration

A cozy and beautiful interior is an integral part of any New Year's holiday. What serving options will appeal to the hostess of the year?

The dog simply loves comfort and warmth, but at the same time, it does not welcome pretentiousness, respectively, you should not overdo it with decorations this year. The table should look neat and elegant, but at the same time not too bright - it is best to keep it decorated in Yellow Dog's favorite colors: yellow, orange, beige, brown, gold and brick. And if you want to add a little brightness, you can use small details of orange, green or red.

Tablecloths and napkins can be either linen or made from any other natural fabrics, both fleecy and smooth textures. The presence of candles will not be superfluous - they perfectly help to add comfort to the interior. At the same time, it is important not to forget that there should not be too many New Year's accessories, and all of them should be in harmony with each other. Ideally, you should opt for accessories made from natural materials: ceramics, wood, stone.

Let your New Year's table be rich, beautiful and varied, and there will be no trace of all the dishes put on it by morning, because this is the best compliment for the hostess! Happy New Year!

2017 is ending. The New Year 2018 is about to come to us, the symbol of which according to the eastern calendar will be Yellow ground dog, which will change the symbol of this year - Red fire rooster. Where did this Dog come from when she takes the post of the Rooster, and in general, what kind of “eastern” calendar is this, so popular with us, read in Federal News Agency.

What to wear, what to put on the table

As always, on New Year's Eve, housewives worry about how to dress up in order to please the symbol of the New Goal that comes into its own (in our case, the Yellow Dog). Also, many are concerned about the question of what to put on the table in order to please both the guests and the symbol of the New Year.

How to meet the New 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog

Well, for those who adhere to the unfading classics, we offer three main New Year's dishes. If you don’t have your grandmother’s developments proven over the years, then these classic recipes for the three main New Year’s Soviet hits will help you, without which the festive table is not a table.

As you remember from the stories of the older generation, the New Year's table is unthinkable without a solid Olivier basin. And do not try to pervert and try to improve the famous Soviet recipe with boiled sausage, which in the hungry Soviet life turned out to be an excellent substitute for French delicacies. Olivier will decorate your table on the holiday itself and will be very useful the next day, when the guests gather again at the table after a short rest.

Ingredients for approximately ten servings

  1. Potatoes - 7 pieces;
  2. Carrots - 5 pieces;
  3. Pickled cucumbers - 6 pieces;
  4. Canned green peas - 1 can;
  5. Chicken eggs - 6 pieces;
  6. Doctor's sausage - 300 g;
  7. Sour cream - 100 g;
  8. Mayonnaise - 200 g;
  9. Salt to taste.


  1. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs.
  2. Cut everything into small cubes.
  3. Mix everything, salt, season with mayonnaise and sour cream.
  4. Put in the refrigerator for three hours.
  5. Serve on the table, garnished with slices of carrots and herbs.

By the way, when decorating a salad, you can use carrots, slices of sausage and a grated egg to put a cute dog face on it.

Herring under a Fur Coat

The second most popular New Year's salad is the famous "Herring under a fur coat", the fashion for which, they say, came from the first post-revolutionary years. The authorship of this culinary miracle is attributed to the chef Aristarkh Prokoptsev. He came up with a simple and cheap snack, which included the "revolutionary" products available at the time: herring, symbolizing the proletariat, potato as a symbol of the poorest peasantry and beet the colors of people's blood and the revolutionary banner.

The dish caught on and received the revolutionary abbreviation "SH.U.B.A" as a name, which was deciphered as follows: "Chauvinism and decline - boycott and anathema."

Soon, the dish became popular and received the name "Herring under a fur coat", having survived Soviet times and successfully survived to this day. There are many options for preparing this salad, including sometimes they put a grated apple in it, sometimes they don’t grind the herring, but put it in pieces, sometimes they use herring in wine sauce (by the way, it’s very tasty), etc. In short - a complete scope of fantasy. We offer a classic recipe, and then experiment on health.

Ingredients for approximately six to seven servings

  1. Lightly salted herring - 2 pcs.;
  2. Boiled beets, large - 2 pcs.;
  3. Boiled eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  4. Onion - 1 medium head;
  5. Mayonnaise to taste.


  1. First layer. Pass the herring twice through a meat grinder. Lay out on a platter.
  2. Second layer. We cut the onion finely. I put on a herring. We make a grid of mayonnaise.
  3. We rub all the vegetables on a coarse grater.
  4. We rub the eggs on a coarse grater.
  5. Third layer. Put the potatoes on the onion. We make a grid of mayonnaise.
  6. Fourth layer. Put the carrots on the potatoes. We make a grid of mayonnaise.
  7. Fifth layer. Lay the eggs on the carrots. We make a grid of mayonnaise.
  8. Sixth layer. Put the beets on the eggs. Lubricate with mayonnaise and decorate with herbs and slices of carrots and eggs.
  9. We put it in the refrigerator overnight so that the dish is soaked and infused.

Mimosa salad"

"Mimosa" is the third hit of the Soviet New Year's table, when, in the absence of pickles, salads from canned fish were excellent (for example, saury, which, as they said then, was "thrown out" for the holiday).

Recall that the word “thrown away” in Soviet times meant that a scarce product unexpectedly appeared on the shelves, and it was instantly swept away by the housewives who had previously taken a position in the queues.

We offer a variant of the tender and satisfying "Mimosa" from our Soviet childhood.

Ingredients for approximately six to eight servings

  1. Canned fish in oil (preferably saury) - 200 g (one can);
  2. Potatoes boiled in their skins 3-4 pieces;
  3. Boiled carrots, large - 2 pcs.;
  4. Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  5. Onion - 1 medium head;
  6. Mayonnaise, salt - to taste.


  1. Peel potatoes and carrots.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Pour boiling water over the onion (to remove bitterness), leave for ten minutes, then drain the water, rinse the onion in cold water.
  4. Grate carrots on a fine grater.
  5. Grate potatoes on a fine grater.
  6. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
  7. Proteins grate on a fine grater.
  8. Grate the yolks on a fine grater.
  9. Drain the oil from the fish and mash it with a fork.
  10. Put the fish on the bottom of the salad bowl, grease with mayonnaise.
  11. Put the egg whites on the fish, grease a little with mayonnaise.
  12. Put carrots on egg whites, grease with mayonnaise.
  13. Put the onion on the carrots.
  14. Put potatoes on the onion, salt a little and grease with mayonnaise.
  15. Put the egg yolks on the potatoes, do not lubricate.
  16. Decorate with slices of carrots and eggs, cool in the refrigerator for several hours.
Very soon, the chimes will strike again, and the New Year 2018 will come into its own - the year of the Yellow Earth Dog! Of course, we all want to please the mistress of the year, which is why Internet search engines are already full of queries like: “what to celebrate the year of the Dog”, “what to cook for the year of the Dog”, “what not to cook for 2018 year of the Dog”, etc. To not to tire the already busy hostesses with the endless search for the necessary information, Povarenok decided to collect the answers to all these questions together, especially since cooking is his part!

What to cook in the New Year of the Dog 2018?

It's no secret that the Dog is very partial to meat, which means that all kinds of food must be present on the New Year's table. An excellent option would be meat on the bone, because the Dog just loves to gnaw on the bones! And to make such a dish look elegant, you will have to work hard on its design, for example, cook it - hardly anyone will be able to resist such a yummy!

Meat on the New Year's table should be present in a wide variety of variations: in the form of cold cuts, salads and pates, as well as in the form of aspic, game, meat cooked on an open fire or even sausages. And in the very center of the festive table you can place amazingly delicious imperial meat in a spicy sweet sauce!

You can safely put on the New Year's table 2018 and all kinds - chicken, duck, goose or turkey. Just look how good the New Year's goose is in the oven! Who would refuse to taste at least a piece?

You should not refuse salads for the New Year 2018, in which, ideally, it also does not hurt to add meat or poultry. Especially well suited for a New Year's feast with chicken and shrimp - a little imagination, and the usual salad turns into an amazing delicacy option!

The Dog will also be delighted with the thematic design, because it’s not difficult to decorate holiday salads in the form of funny dog ​​faces that can be sprinkled with canned corn or chopped yolk, because after all, the year of the Yellow Dog is on the threshold!
As for the side dish, not only potatoes, but also rice can play its role. All sorts of vegetable side dishes will be no less suitable: from bell peppers, stewed eggplant, cabbage, etc. And ideally, bread should be homemade.
Fresh vegetables and fruits will also be very useful on the table. Yellow fruits are especially welcome: apples, pears, bananas, tangerines, oranges, bell peppers, etc.
Of course, you should not completely refuse sweets, but this time you don’t need to overdo it either, since dogs are not recommended to use sweets. The best solution in this situation will be desserts prepared on the basis of milk, cottage cheese or cottage cheese, decorated with nuts, bright candied fruits, fresh berries or dried fruits. For example, you can cook a wonderful New Year's dessert based on curd cheese with cranberries!
And from drinks, juices, fruit drinks, delicious compotes or light wines should be preferred.

What can not be cooked for the year of the Dog?

The hostess of the coming 2018 does not like fish, especially one that contains too many bones, so any river fish will be the most inappropriate option for the New Year's table. You can not cook this time the popular herring under a fur coat, as well as any other fish salads or rolls and sushi that have gained unprecedented popularity.
Fans of Korean cuisine should flatly refuse dog meat dishes, and everyone else should not buy horse meat for cooking meat dishes.
Now about forbidden drinks - it is highly undesirable to put lemonade, beer or kvass on the New Year's table 2018. It makes sense to give up strong alcohol as well - for sure, many have seen more than once how dogs react to alcohol lovers.

How to celebrate the Year of the Dog?

New Year's outfits must be made in the colors beloved by the hostess of the year - outfits of yellow, beige, golden, brown and orange tones are best for meeting the long-awaited holiday. The Dog also greets such natural colors as green or blue. It is especially good if the New Year's outfits are made of light flowing fabrics. And it is advisable to choose free styles so that they do not interfere with plenty of fun, because the hostess of the year is a rather mobile animal.
As for jewelry, you can safely purchase all kinds of orange or yellow jewelry. And the Dog will definitely appreciate amber jewelry, as well as necklaces or beads made of natural stones or with spectacular wooden elements.
As you can see, it is not so difficult to please the Yellow Earth Dog, more about
how to do it right, read our article "

On the eve of the new year, I want to think through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, first of all, you need to do a general cleaning in the house, remove all dust, dirt and clean out all the accumulated rubbish. After that, you need to dress up the Christmas tree and decorate all the rooms.

And only then you can proceed to compiling the menu for the New Year 2018. The New Year's table is the most responsible and at the same time difficult task. After all, it is important that the treats turn out not only elegant, but also very tasty.

How to make a holiday menu

Before you start preparing dishes for the festive table, it is worth developing a New Year's menu, according to which all treats will be prepared. New Year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to food that this particular animal will like.

What food should be on the table

New Year's table should be festive, hearty, plentiful. It should consist of treats that are easy to prepare and decorate. But the main place on the table must be occupied by meat.

The meat should be cooked in different versions and be present in a variety of dishes, snacks:

  • in salads, cuts, snacks;
  • hot or cold;
  • in aspic and aspic;
  • chopped, portioned, whole carcass (chicken, for example).

The ideal option would be several varieties of meat - beef, lamb, chicken. Do not get carried away with pork meat, because the dog can not be fatty.

The main dish should not be heavily decorated. It can be served with a small amount of side dish - baked vegetables, potatoes, rice. It is also allowed to serve without a side dish. But when laying out slices, it is worth showing imagination and culinary skills.

Other meat-free treats

In addition to meat treats, you can put vegetable dishes on the table. This is especially true for those who follow a healthy diet. In addition, these treats are suitable for ardent vegetarians.

Dishes of fresh vegetables will ideally complement the festive table - cabbage salads with carrots, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes seasoned with vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice. You can add some nuts and cheese to vegetable snacks.

Do not forget about sweet treats for the New Year 2018. Some dogs are not averse to eating desserts, sweets, fruits, chocolate.

You can cook various delicacies and pastries:

  • baking with cottage cheese;
  • cakes with fruit and whipped cream;
  • cheesecakes with berries and sour cream;
  • berry smoothies;
  • jelly with pieces of fruit;
  • New Year's cookies;
  • various cakes with cream.

The best recipes for the New Year 2018

Rabbit with potatoes in the oven

What ingredients are required:

  • rabbit for 2-2.5 kg;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • carrot root - 1 piece;
  • 80 grams of mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • a little ground black pepper;
  • a couple of sprigs of greenery.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours.

Calorie content - 220 kcal.

How to prepare a festive dish:

New Year's duck baked with tangerines and kiwi

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • duck carcass weighing 1.5-2 kilograms;
  • 10 tangerines;
  • three kiwis;
  • 80 ml soy sauce;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • several branches of dill, parsley for decoration;
  • some salt;
  • a couple of pinches of ground black pepper.

Cooking time - 3 hours.

Calorie content - 330 kcal.

What the cooking process will look like:

Meat rolls with mushroom sauce

Components required for cooking:

  • beef pulp - 1 kilogram;
  • kilogram of white mushrooms;
  • a jar of green peas;
  • onion head;
  • flour - 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste;
  • a few pinches of ground black pepper.

Cooking time - 1.5-2 hours.

Calorie content - 250 kcal.

Preparation procedure:

Salmon with white sauce

We will prepare this fish for the New Year 2018 from the following products:

  • salmon in the form of steaks - 6 pieces;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • a glass of natural white yogurt;
  • 1 large spoon of spices for fish;
  • 300 grams of assorted vegetables - peas, broccoli, carrots;
  • lemon - ¼ part;
  • olive oil.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Calorie content - 180 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Snack "Yolochki"

What will be needed for bright appetizing Christmas trees:

  • 250 grams of curd cheese;
  • 1 lavash;
  • 2 pieces of sweet red pepper;
  • a few lettuce leaves;
  • ¼ of a glass of chopped olives and a few pieces for decoration;
  • ¼ cup chopped basil
  • 60 grams of parmesan cheese.

Cooking time - two hours.

Calorie content - 120 kcal.

The procedure for preparing snacks for the festive table for the New Year:

  • 5 slices of rye bread;
  • 130 grams of butter;
  • 130 grams of cheese;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • cilantro and parsley - 5-6 branches;
  • a pinch of ground red pepper.

Calorie content - 120 kcal.

How the procedure for making cheese balls looks like, which the symbol of 2018, the Yellow Dog, will really like:

Rolls of ham, cheese, garlic

What ingredients will be needed:

  • ham - 270 grams;
  • hard cheese product - 180 grams;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • some mayonnaise;
  • parsley - 7 branches.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 175 kcal.

The whole cooking process will be as follows:

Gorgeous salad "Rose"

What products will we cook from:

  • champignons - 250 grams;
  • canned corn - 250 grams;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • two potatoes;
  • 300 grams of smoked chicken meat;
  • potato chips - 1 pack;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Calorie content - 185 kcal.

How to cook:

New Year's Salad "Fireworks"

What will we do:

  • four chicken eggs;
  • sweet pepper - 3 pieces of different colors;
  • ham - 200 grams;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 165 kcal.

How will we do:

Dessert "Cracker"

For dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • one egg;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 1 large spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 oranges;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • 2 kiwi.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 195 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Chocolate meringue

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 1 spoon of corn starch;
  • 120 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 3 eggs;
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar;
  • 3 large spoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 185 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Recipes for drinks that will perfectly complement the New Year's menu 2018

First of all, be sure to buy champagne. This drink is a symbol of the New Year, not one New Year's celebration is complete without a festive cotton cork. It is better to buy high-quality champagne, let it be expensive, but it will be tasty and sparkling.

In addition to champagne, the following drink options can be on the table:

  1. Wine;
  2. cocktails;
  3. Liquor;
  4. Cognac;
  5. Vodka;
  6. Whiskey;
  7. Mineral water.

You can also make your own various cocktails for the New Year 2018.

Cocktail with vodka "Citrus Boom"

What components are required:

  • vodka - 40 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • a few sprigs of rosemary.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 85 kcal.

How to do:

Make-a-Wish Champagne Cocktail

What components are required:

  • grapefruit juice - 300 ml;
  • grapefruit - 1 piece;
  • champagne;
  • some raspberries for garnish.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Calorie content - 90 kcal.

How to make a cocktail for the New Year's table 2018:

  1. On a grater we wipe the grapefruit zest;
  2. Pour 75 ml of grapefruit juice into the bottom of a cocktail glass;
  3. Top up with champagne;
  4. Sprinkle everything with zest shavings and add raspberries on a skewer.

Table setting for the New Year 2018

After everything is cooked, it is important to properly serve the New Year's table. In order for the table to shine with festive decoration, you should use some tips for decorating it:

  1. To get started, cover it with an elegant tablecloth. It would be nice if she has drawings in the New Year's style;
  2. Place a hot dish in the center. It can be baked meat with vegetables or fish with sauce;
  3. On the sides we set salads. Salads can be different, the main thing is that they shine with multi-colored colors. Therefore, when decorating salads, use vegetables - sweet peppers of different colors, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, greens;
  4. Don't forget the snack. By the way, this treat will have to go with strong drinks and cocktails;
  5. Make cuts from sausage, cheese, ham, lard;
  6. Be sure to install fruits. It can be apples, oranges, pineapples, bananas, tangerines, kiwi, pears.

The festive menu for the New Year 2018 is the main part of the whole holiday. The table should be bright, rich and beautiful. Try to make as many appetizers and salads as possible. After all, they are the main dishes.

Also, do not save on hot. Be sure to make the main dish of meat or fish. Everyone should be full and happy! Happy New Year, friends!

In the next video, there are some interesting ideas on how to beautifully and unusually decorate the New Year's Olivier salad that we are used to.

What it will be like this good year, because the Dog has served man for centuries and remains his best and most faithful friend. We trust Dogs sometimes much more than our friends, knowing that they will never deceive or betray. The Yellow Earth Dog is one of the best symbols, it remains only to decorate the house in its style and put on the tables those dishes that your most faithful friend will take with pleasure.

What should be on the New Year's table in 2018 - we'll talk a little later, but it's time for a few introductory words about the wardrobe, gifts and just about the nature of the year. Any little thing can become significant, even how you are going to decorate the premises. Be sure to take care of gifts - Dogs highly appreciate attention and affection, answering for them a hundredfold.

When you chose reds and bright flashy colors last year, the Rooster nods favorably with his comb and rejoices at every embellishment on a suit or dress. The swaggering fidget was pleased to see you in such toilets. The dog is modest and noble, will not tolerate anything superfluous, will treat you with respect if you opt for classic discreet toilets.

Forget flashy miniskirts and plunging necklines, put your jewelry in a jewelry box, try to refrain from shiny outfits. The style of the year is “country”, the tones are green, brown and yellow. Do you think that in such dresses you will not look beautiful? Rather, on the contrary - the very elegance, sophistication and simplicity in manners and costume. The style of high-ranking diplomats, not teenagers in discos, the manners of princes, not street bullies, that's what the patroness of the year expects from you.

From jewelry - warm, golden amber or semi-precious stones. Boho-style wooden bracelets can also be a good choice, you like the sparkle of aventurine - let rings with such inserts sparkle on your fingers. And in any case, no robes in leopard or striped-spotted colors.

Style 2018 - Country

Malachite jewelry will be fashionable in 2018 - there are so many shades of this stone that each of you will surely be able to choose something for yourself. By the way, since we are talking about stones, try to choose gifts this year from semi-precious stones. Anything that even slightly resembles gold, yellow, brown or even gray is in fashion this year. For the most daring - chocolate shades combined with smoky ones.

In makeup, forget about catchy colors. Having managed to show off last year, give yourself an image of a sophisticated, elegant, calm. No bright highlights either on the hair or on the hands. Even the nails should be painted in beige tones on New Year's Eve 2018, even if they just match perfectly with the toilet.

Hairstyle - it is very difficult to advise here, each person has his own style, his own manners. And yet, even try to “calm down” your hair a little - let a neat head, a good haircut and styling let them replace the naughty whirlwinds and the swinging comb of punks, this has already become a thing of the past. Owners of long hair - the Dog is especially supportive of you! How many chic hairstyles with braids you can come up with, do not forget about neat curls and bows, but do not use too bright colors.

Do you have a short haircut? Gels and lipsticks will help create a unique look in the style of the beginning of the last century, there is something romantic and almost forgotten in it.

Are you ready to decorate the house?

Think in advance how the table for guests will stand. On the eve of 2018, you do not need to use bars and buffet tables. The accent of the room should be a large, preferably round table, covered with a well-starched tablecloth. On a brownish-golden background, arrange white plates with a gold rim, decorate the table with interestingly folded napkins without patterns.

If possible, try to decorate everything around in such a yellow-brown style. Once again, we remind you that the Dog will adopt the country style. Decorate the house with spruce paws, tie soft gold ribbons on each, decorate them with bows. Do not forget about the windows - let light snowflakes “fly” over the glass, light the Christmas “slides” of candles. Don't forget the big white candle in the center of the table - it should burn all evening.

Welcome 2018 without noise

Try not to use garlands and firecrackers this year - the Dog will calmly endure your fun, but she may not like the extra noise. So in 2018 we will try to do without firecrackers. In the center of the room, hang golden balls right on the horns of the chandelier. It is possible to hang them on the walls - great, let everything be in the same "golden" style. Ornaments can also be wooden, let baskets, wickerwork, planters ... everything that is made from natural materials come into play.

We decorate the house both inside and out - we have already said about the Christmas "slides" in the windows, do not forget about the spruce or pine wreath on the front door. Let a small bell hang on it - what if someone wants to come to you uninvited, bring a basket of gifts?

What to serve guests

Since we are not doing a buffet or buffet, how to treat friends, what should be on the table for the New Year 2018? The appetizer is necessarily meat - blood or homemade sausage on the entre. If canapes and sandwiches on skewers - also with pieces of sausage, best of all smoked. And in general, let there be a lot of bone-in meat on the table - such dishes look very beautiful, they are easy to pick up, and after a meal there will be a lot of fragrant bones.

So one of the New Year's dishes can be barbecue - why not. Do not forget about the bird and fish (strictly without bones). There are as many and varied salads as possible - although Dogs prefer meat in their menu, they will not refuse good bread with bran. What to offer guests for a side dish - potatoes, vegetables, stews or cereals. Do not try to make portioned dishes - a large plate with a pile of meat will look very nice in the center of the table, and around - baked potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, greens.

Sweet - cake or pastries, because almost all Dogs have a sweet tooth. You can serve ice cream with whipped cream and fruit, put a plate with cookies in the center of the table - biscuit or crispy. And do not put a lot of strong drinks - light fine wines, interesting cocktails, everything is natural, tasty and insanely beautiful.
