
How many minutes is semolina porridge cooked in milk. Video on the recipe for cooking milk porridge from semolina for a child

Love for semolina is instilled from childhood. Some do not cease to admire this dairy dish, while others remain disgusted with it for life. But not only milk porridge can be cooked from semolina, it is also added as additional ingredient in first courses or dumplings. It is used to make puddings, pancakes or casseroles. Properly preparing dishes with the addition of semolina is quite simple, besides, its use is good for health, as the product is easily digestible.

The easiest way is to cook milk porridge from semolina. Firstly, dairy dishes are important in the daily diet of children, so the morning of many kids begins with semolina. But many of us have not very pleasant memories of semolina - the white slurry with mealy lumps was so disgusting that even as an adult, the mere mention of semolina causes unpleasant feelings (and all because someone once violated the cooking technology !). Others not only continue to cook for themselves semolina, but they also “plant” their children on it.

How long to cook semolina

To cook milk porridge from semolina, it will take no more than 15 minutes, but those who like to “sip” liquid in the morning, cook semolina in 10 minutes (the estimated time includes both the boiling stage of milk and the infusion of the finished dish).

How to cook semolina

When the milk boils, add semolina(the amount of semolina depends on the desired density). On small fire, stirring constantly, the dish is brought to readiness in 2-3 minutes. The porridge removed from the stove should be infused for a few more minutes before serving it to the table, so the taste of the dairy product becomes richer.


There is no single recipe for making milk porridge from semolina. The consistency of the dish depends on the personal preferences of those who love such porridge. For some, semolina is a thick white mass so that it can be eaten with a fork. Others prefer a liquid soupy product eaten with a deep spoon.

But the technology for preparing ordinary semolina porridge is as follows: add 2 tablespoons of semolina to 300 ml of milk brought to a boil. For lovers of a thick dairy product, it is better to use a ratio of 1 to 5 (one serving of semolina for five servings of milk); more liquid porridge boiled in proportions of 1 to 6. At the end of cooking, it can be sweetened and buttered. Sugar or honey is better to add to moderate amount so that the porridge becomes sweeter, and not cloying (for example, 1-1.5 teaspoons), and the oil to taste. Voila, and the porridge is ready!

Properly cooked semolina porridge is healthy and nutritious dish. It provides a charge of vivacity and makes it possible to receive a large number vitamins and minerals. It is best to serve semolina porridge for breakfast.

However, not all housewives know how to properly cook semolina. It is for them that we have prepared this material. We hope that now your semolina porridge in the morning will be eaten with great pleasure by both adult family members and children.

Three rules for cooking semolina

When preparing semolina porridge, you need to know three basic rules. Then this dish will turn out exactly the way it should be:

  • with grains;
  • without lumps;
  • With delicate taste;
  • with the preservation of all vitamins and minerals;
  • without stickiness.

So, before you cook semolina porridge, you should prepare everything necessary products. Properly cook semolina porridge in milk. In case of intolerance to this product, you can use a mixture of milk and water. Salt and sugar can be used to add flavor. Special refined taste semolina gives good and fresh butter.

So, for one glass of semolina, we need half a liter of milk and half a liter of water. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, salt and add sugar. I also add half a vanilla stick. Can be dispensed with vanilla sugar or vanilla. This allows you to give the semolina a completely amazing flavor that quickly whets the appetite. The edges of the saucepan can be greased butter. This ensures that the milk does not run off onto the stove.

We are waiting for the mixture to boil, and in a thin stream we begin to pour in the cereal. This requires constant stirring. This will result in a homogeneous structure without lumps. As soon as it all boils, immediately turn off the heat and add the butter. Porridge should infuse for about 10 minutes. The dish is ready to eat. It can be served with jam, jam or banana cream. That's enough fantasy.

How much to cook semolina porridge after laying cereals

Many housewives do not know how much to cook semolina porridge after the moment when all the cereals are poured into the milk mixture. The answer is simple. It is enough to wait until bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the porridge. This is the moment of complete readiness.

And now three promised secrets:

  1. Semolina cannot be washed.
  2. When falling asleep cereals, you should constantly mix the resulting mixture.
  3. Cook in a wide saucepan.

Contrary to what is in Lately opinion about the futility and even for children, very often pediatricians still recommend introducing it into the baby's diet. In fact, not so little is present in semolina porridge. useful elements and substances that will not be superfluous for the body of your child. And if, say, the baby is weakened or he needs to gain weight, then there is no equal to semolina porridge in this case. Of course, you should not abuse this product and give it to your child every day, because nutrition should be varied. But a couple of times a week for breakfast, semolina porridge will not be superfluous at all, but quite the opposite.

How to cook semolina porridge in milk for a child correctly and how much?

Some opinions about the dangers of semolina refer to the presence of phytin in this product, which prevents the absorption of calcium and iron. But if semolina is properly cooked, then there is no need to talk about any harm. Let's figure out how much to cook semolina in milk for a child to get from this product only benefit.


  • whole milk - 120 ml;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar, or honey.


To prepare semolina porridge for a child from one to three years old, milk must be diluted in equal proportions water. If the baby is older, then you can use milk product in its purest form.

Pour the milk base into a ladle or small saucepan and heat on the stove to a boil. Required amount Pour the semolina into a bowl and introduce it through a strainer into the milk, while continuously stirring the contents of the bowl. We cook the porridge with a barely noticeable boil for three to five minutes, after which we cover the container with a lid and let the semolina brew for ten minutes. The main thing when preparing semolina porridge is to adhere to the minimum time range during which the very fitin that we mentioned above disintegrates. To do this, it is necessary to cook porridge from the moment of complete boiling and removal from heat for at least two minutes. Cooking time can be increased to make the food softer and more uniform, but not reduced in any way.

We add sugar to the porridge during the cooking process, but if you use honey or fructose as a sweetener, then we introduce these components into the plate before serving.

Semolina porridge can be supplemented with a piece of butter, fresh berries or jam, decorating the dish in the form of an amusing pattern that will make the baby's meal not only tasty, but also exciting.

Subject to the proportions indicated in the recipe, semolina porridge of medium density is obtained. If you need to prepare more liquid or thick semolina, then, accordingly, we reduce or increase the amount of semolina.

How much to cook semolina for babies?

Semolina porridge is recommended to be introduced into the diet of a child older than a year. But there are exceptions that involve feeding babies with semolina. How to cook such porridge in this case and how much to cook it, we will analyze in this recipe.



We dilute the milk with water in equal proportions, heat it to a boil and sift the semolina into the boiling mixture, continuously stirring the contents of the pan. If you have already given your baby complementary foods with sugar, then semolina porridge is also desirable to sweeten. To do this, add a little to the saucepan during cooking. granulated sugar. We cook semolina porridge with continuous stirring for ten to twelve minutes, after which we cool it to body temperature, pour it into a bottle and feed the baby.

In this article:

Semolina - a product that is a symbol healthy eating for several generations of people in our country. Someone loves her since childhood, and someone remembers her with a shudder.

Manka was the most popular porridge Soviet Union, fed all the children with it, with infancy and older. How to cook semolina porridge for a child was known not only in kindergartens and school canteens, but even the most inexperienced young mothers could cook it.

And suddenly the children who grew up on “porridge-malash” and became parents themselves are surprised to learn from pediatricians that she is one continuous harm. “Semolina porridge is very useful,” nutritionists argue with them. And in no way can they come to the same opinion, and the scales are constantly leaning one way or the other. So can it be given to children or not?

Semolina porridge: pros and cons

If you look chemical composition semolina, then doubts about its benefits immediately disappear: vitamins, proteins, fiber, minerals- everything that is so necessary for a growing organism. The advantage is that the porridge cooks quickly, which means useful material are stored in it.

It is well absorbed, digested and ideal for children who are too low for their age. A small content of fiber and starch helps to quickly satiety, but at the same time, there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Thanks to these qualities, therapists fearlessly recommended that parents include semolina porridge in the diet of all children, even infants.

In our time, in connection with the development of new technologies, the composition of semolina has been revised, and scientists have concluded that this product is harmful.

They justified this by saying that:

  • the phytin in it interferes with the absorption of vitamin D, iron and calcium;
  • high content of gluten (or gluten) causes allergies;
  • carbohydrates harm the still unformed intestines of an infant.

The secret of making semolina porridge

Even after learning the opinion of scientists, and after listening to the advice of a pediatrician, many mothers still continue to believe that semolina for babies is familiar product, proven over the years, which is difficult to refuse. Therefore, they both cooked it and will continue to cook it for their children. Are they doing it right, that is the question. Oddly enough, but even such a simple dish must be prepared strictly according to the recipe.

So, how to cook semolina porridge for babies - a recipe for a baby up to a year old:

  • sift 2 tsp. semolina;
  • 0.5 st. bring water to a boil;
  • salt a little;
  • pour semolina;
  • 10 min. cook, stirring constantly;
  • add 100 g of milk and a little sugar;
  • stir, bring to a boil, turn off.

The recipe for porridge for a baby over 1 year old is slightly different:

  • mix 100 g of milk and water;
  • bring to a boil;
  • carefully pour st. a spoonful of semolina;
  • cook for 20 minutes, not forgetting to stir;
  • add 0.5 tbsp. milk (hot);
  • bring to a boil;
  • put 5g. butter and switch off.

From all of the above, parents should draw a simple conclusion: everything is good in moderation, and it is possible, even necessary, to feed the child with semolina, but it is still better to start from the year, and no more than 2 times a week.

Useful video about semolina

Semolina porridge is delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare. Semolina on the water will be a good alternative for those who are on a diet or do not drink milk. To improve the taste of a dish cooked on water, spices, fruits, nuts, berries and other additions are used. By observing the exact proportions and cooking steps, you can make semolina porridge on water flawless.

How long does it take to cook semolina porridge in water

Boil semolina in water for 2 minutes, then immediately turn off, cover and wrap. Under the influence of steam, the dish will reach readiness. You can serve it on the table in 7-10 minutes.

If foam appeared on the surface of the porridge, it means that it was cooked for a long time. It is formed during boiling due to the destruction of starch and protein in the cereal. There are practically no vitamins in such semolina, and taste qualities not the best, so do not exceed its cooking time.

Step-by-step instructions for cooking semolina porridge on water

A simple recipe allows you to get porridge with a bright taste:

  1. Pour 3 cups of cold water into a saucepan.
  2. When the water boils, pour 4-5 tablespoons of semolina into it (the number of spoons depends on what kind of porridge you want to get - liquid or thick).
  3. Immediately after adding the cereal, reduce the heat and start stirring the porridge, not stopping until the cooking is completed.
  4. Bring to a boil, wait 2 minutes and turn off the stove.
  5. If desired, add milk, sugar, salt, butter, fruits, berries, etc. to the porridge.

Semolina is not recommended to fall asleep in cold water. If you introduce it into a hot or boiling liquid, the dish will turn out attractive and uniform. This should be done slowly, and you need to mix without stopping. This will help eliminate the appearance of lumps. Another option to reduce the likelihood of their formation is to moisten the grits a little. cold water, and only then pour it with boiling liquid.

It is very important to keep proportions. In order for the porridge to have the optimal consistency, that is, to be of medium density, you need to take 6 tablespoons of cereal per liter of water.

It is best to add salt or sugar to porridge at the stage of boiling water. In already ready meal it is recommended to add butter. Help improve taste various additives: dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, fresh berries, jam or pieces of fruit.

It is not difficult to give semolina a more delicate taste. To do this, after cooking, beat it with a whisk along with butter. The porridge will become lush and air form. Perfect option- add fresh berries to it.

Simple recipes for dishes with semolina porridge on the water

For breakfast great solution will be cooking semolina on the water with the addition of oil, honey, bananas. These products go well with the delicate taste of porridge. Semolina porridge on the water can also be a satisfying addition to dinner. Everyone can choose for themselves the best option cooking.

Semolina porridge with fruits

Beautiful lung variant breakfast or dinner, especially if you add it with fresh or canned fruit. According to the recipe, you need to take 2.5 cups of water, 0.5 cups of semolina, 2 teaspoons of sugar, salt, vanillin, butter and finely chopped fruits (peaches, pears, mangoes, etc.).

Cooking process:

  1. Boil water, pour semolina into it in a thin stream.
  2. Constantly stir the porridge and add salt, sugar and a little vanillin to it.
  3. While stirring, cook semolina for about 2 minutes.
  4. Turn off the stove, cover the pot and let it sit for a few minutes.
  5. IN ready porridge add some butter and chopped fruit. If there are no fruits, you can replace them with jam, honey, jam.

Semolina porridge with mushrooms

For this hearty meal 2 cups of water, 0.5 cups of semolina, 200 grams are required fresh champignons, 1 teaspoon butter, onion, any vegetable oil, salt, black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. For cooking mushroom supplement you need to chop the onion. Fry it in a pan with hot vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the mushrooms and pour them into the pan. Stir, fry until done.
  3. Season with salt and black pepper.
  4. Pour semolina into a clean pan. Stirring, fry until light brown. It is very important to exclude burning - this will spoil the taste of porridge.
  5. Boil water, add salt and slowly pour the fried cereals into the pan.
  6. Constantly stirring the dish, cook it for about 5 minutes.
  7. Add butter, turn off the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Let stand 5 minutes.
  8. When serving, add a little fried mushrooms to each serving.

Semolina porridge with raisins

To prepare this sweet version of semolina, you need to stock up on 2 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, 300 ml of water, 2 teaspoons of sugar, salt, butter and 100 g of raisins.
