
How to cook pies with cabbage or potatoes. Potato patties with cabbage

I am glad to welcome you to the blog First Culinary. Today we have a wonderful topic. We will cook fried pies in a pan and in the oven. The filling will be of three types: cabbage, potatoes and meat. In the previous article, we analyzed the recipe. You can check it out.

We will prepare:

At the word pies, I immediately remember my grandmother's house. When I came for holidays as a child, she always cooked them. When the smell spread throughout the street, from which saliva flowed. When you're still enjoying yourself. You come hungry. No matter how much she cooked them in large quantities, they were eaten quickly.

The article will present the best recipe with photos of fried pies. I will try to describe each step in detail. I will share some secrets that will allow you to cook the most delicious and magnificent.

Delicious pies with cabbage

First we will prepare the dough. It works the same for pies. Let's make yeast dough.

We will need:

for the test

  • Warm milk - 1 cup
  • Warm water - 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil - 100 grams
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Yeast - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Flour - 6-7 cups

For filling

  • Cabbage - 500 grams
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Celery - 2 cuttings
  • Parsnip - 1 root
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Tomato paste - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon (to taste)
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • coriander, pepper
  • Olive oil

Let's start cooking:

1. First of all, we need to activate the yeast. Pour them into a deep bowl. Add some sugar and warm water. Place. Leave the yeast for 10-15 minutes. It will be ready when they start to rise with a hat.

2. And so, the yeast is activated. This dough is very fast. Now add the salt and the rest of the sugar. Crack two eggs into it. Add sour cream and vegetable oil. Pour out the milk last. We stir it all together.

4. As it became difficult to stir with a spoon, put the dough on the table and a silicone mat.

Silicone mat is better. It is more convenient to work on it.

Put a little vegetable oil on your hands so that it does not stick. And we begin to knead our dough. Yeast dough does not need to be heavily floured. It should be soft, because. our pies should turn out porous and airy. The process continues for about 4-5 minutes.

5. Now we transfer our kolobok into a bowl. Cover with foil. Leave it for an hour or an hour and a half so that it fits. In other words, to increase by 2 times.

I put it in the microwave. It doesn't need to be turned on. It just creates its own temperature inside. So a little advice.

6. Our dough has risen. Now we again shift it to the table, after scattering the flour. We'll mix it up a bit. Then cover with a towel and set aside to rest a little.

We prepare the filling

7. Now let's move on to the filling. It can be used for both pies and pies. It turns out very tasty. All products are crushed. Cabbage needs to be chopped a little smaller than, for example, for borscht. I don't like it when cabbage stretches in pies.

9. We throw carrots, parsnips and celery. And fry for 3 minutes. At the same time, stir constantly.

10. Vegetables are fried, become slightly transparent. The aroma is definitely crazy, something unusual. To these vegetables, add finely chopped cabbage. We cook on medium heat, as we add a little oil. If there is a strong fire, it will burn. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.

11. Add salt and sugar to taste. Be sure to add sugar, at least a teaspoon. It turns out very tasty. Season with coriander and fragrant black pepper. And add tomato paste. You need to mix it with 3-4 tablespoons of water to dilute the tomato paste to the state of the sauce. We cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

12. As 5-7 minutes pass, you will need to try the cabbage for readiness. I usually like it when it's not too soft. When he feels that a vegetable is a vegetable. No need to turn them into porridge. But if you like it softer, then simmer a little longer.

Now turn on the fire to the maximum and fry the cabbage in this state for 2 minutes. This is done to remove excess moisture. Don't forget to stir.

We form pies

14. We take our dough and divide it into small pieces. Then we roll them out. Put the filling in the middle with a spoon. And we make a pie in a convenient way for you. Just take the opposite edges and connect them together. We do the rest in this way. Place on a cutting board, dusted with flour. You don't need to put them close to each other.

15. We begin to fry pies. To do this, heat up a frying pan with oil. Do not spare the oil, the layer should be about 1 cm.

To check if the pan is hot, drop a piece of dough into the oil. If bubbles begin to form around the edges of the piece, then the oil has warmed up. If you put the pies in not heated, they will absorb vegetable oil. And they will turn out very fatty and not fried.

So don't skimp on the oil. If you warm it up well, then no matter how much is poured, the pies will absorb as much as they need. They must boil.

Fry on both sides.

16. Put the finished pies on a plate covered with a paper towel. This way we get rid of excess oil. They turned out very appetizing and flavorful. Eat with pleasure!

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of pies with potatoes

Another way to prepare a wonderful dish. And they are called bast shoes, because they are large. This recipe was given by a friend. And she, in turn, spied on her grandmother.

Therefore, this recipe has been tested for years. It is suitable for those who do not want to mess with the dough. Prepare very quickly, at least faster than the classic way. This is a yeast dough. It does not require much lifting, as these are fried pies. Thus, you do not need to wait for the dough to rise high.

Enough for the yeast to play. The dough has risen slightly. Therefore, you can cook pies in the morning for breakfast. While washing, the dough will be ready. And your potatoes will boil. The filling will also be ready.


for the test

  • Warm milk - 500 milliliters
  • Sugar and dry yeast - 1 teaspoon each
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Premium flour - 600 (650) grams

For filling

  • Potatoes - 700-800 grams
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 100 grams


1. We need deep dishes. We pour out the milk. Add salt and sugar. We throw yeast. Dissolve the yeast by constantly stirring. Then add a tablespoon of flour. So mix thoroughly. And cover the dishes with a plastic bag or cling film.

Be sure to make holes in the bag so that condensation does not collect.

And we send it to a warm place for 15-20 minutes to form a hat.

A little trick: you can put it in the oven and turn on the light. Thus, the yeast is activated faster. And consequently the cap will rise.

2. After that, gradually add flour, passing through a sieve, not all at once. We knead the dough. And at the very end, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. You can add two. Mix again.

3. The dough has become thick. And now we need to lay out his table. Lightly sprinkle flour on the surface of the table. Knead the dough, gradually add flour. When the dough is ready, you will feel it. It will be soft, not elastic, not hard. It will practically not stick to the table or to the hands. Transfer back to the bowl. And leave it for 40 minutes in the same oven with the light on.

It keeps well for three days. You can bake any product from it. You can make pizza, and even bake bread.

Filling preparation

4. We clean the potatoes. We boil it. We do it in advance. By this time it should be cooked. Turn it into puree. Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan. Add to puree and stir. The filling is ready. Add salt and pepper to taste.

5. Our dough has risen. Now it can be posted. And we'll eat pies. The filling is already ready and waiting for us. You need a small amount of vegetable oil and knead the dough. Divide the dough into balls. Now we take one ball, which we rolled up first. Using your hands, roll into a small cake. Added a tablespoon of filling. Rolled up and pinched.

Now we turn over and slightly attached with a rolling pin. And in the same way we sculpt the rest.

6. And fry our pies in a pan in large quantities. The pan should already be hot. And lay out our product seam down. We cover with a lid. Fry for 2-3 minutes on both sides. While frying, prepare the next batch.

7. Gently turn the pies over to the other side. You can do this with a fork. And we continue to fry. No need to cover with a lid.

8. After frying, spread on a plate covered with a paper towel. Get rid of excess vegetable oil. We do it very carefully, so the oil can shoot. And not to damage the product. And put the second batch on the pan.

Be sure to sprinkle the finished pies with salt. It will be very tasty. Sprinkle while they are hot.

Easy Meat Pie Recipe

And now let's cook with this stuffing. In previous recipes, we cooked in a pan. Now let's try it in the oven. They turn out very tasty. Cooking them is simple and easy.

Products that you will need:

  • Warm milk - 1 cup
  • Fast acting yeast - 1 teaspoon
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Onions - about 5 medium sized onions
  • Pork and beef - 500 grams each
  • Salt, pepper to taste. Additional seasonings as desired.

Cooking process:

1. We take some bowl and pour out the milk. You can heat the milk in the microwave or somewhere else. And you can pour in a little boiling water. Because yeast multiplies in a warm environment. This is a mandatory rule in the preparation of yeast dough. And sprinkle the yeast. But warm milk is not enough to activate them. You also need to add food to them, i.e. a little bit of sugar. Somewhere around a tablespoon. Mix well.

After 10-15 minutes, a hat will begin to form.

Filling preparation

2. Immediately proceed to the filling, so as not to waste time. We cut the onion very very finely. At first glance, it may seem that there are a lot of onions. But it will shrink as it heats up.

3. We also grind the meat so that they crawl into our meat grinder. You can buy pre-made minced meat, but I don't recommend it. I say this in every article when we prepare the meat filling. The stuffing may not be of proper quality. Your own is better, because you know what kind of meat it is made from.

We pass through a meat grinder.

4. When the minced meat is ready, add salt and pepper to taste. You can add any seasonings if you like. We mix everything.

The disadvantage of purchased minced meat is that more water is released during frying. Because the sellers are cunning and pump water into the meat with a syringe to increase the weight.

The minced meat will be ready when no juice flows when lifted with a spatula. It is necessary to evaporate excess moisture as much as possible so that it does not eventually soak our pies.

Dough kneading

6. While the minced meat is fried, we start kneading the dough. We pour our dough into a bowl. Start adding flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Add 1/3 teaspoon salt. Let's start mixing.

7. As it becomes difficult to knead with a spoon, we switch to manual. Lay out on the table. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands. Then transfer it back to the bowl. Cover with a towel. And set aside to rise.

8. We begin to form small cakes for the formation of pies. Put the filling in the middle with a spoon. Glue the opposite edges.

9. Now put it on a baking sheet, after covering it with baking paper. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. 5 minutes before readiness, brush with beaten egg yolk.

10. Pies are ready. We take out from the oven. All in all, it took about 20 minutes. They got a little big. Bon appetit!

Here we come to the end. We dismantled three options for cooking fried pies with cabbage, potatoes and meat. Step by step recipes with photos showed the whole process step by step. Made from yeast dough.

Thank you for your attention. Put a class and like the article. Share recipes with friends. Leave your comments below. All the best!

Potato pies with cabbage in a pan will remind you of cooking zrazy. Only the filling for pies is completely different, but just as tasty. Such mouth-watering pies with cabbage from dough cooked on mashed potatoes are quick and easy to bake, just know the recipe. Rather, write down the recipe for potato patties with fried cabbage in a pan, or better save the page in your bookmarks!

Required Ingredients:

  • potato tubers - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh cabbage - 250 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sifted flour -125 g;
  • ground allspice - 5 gr.;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking fried potato pies with cabbage in a pan:

Prepare potatoes for dough
Using an iron brush, thoroughly wash the potatoes under running cold water to remove the soil from it thoroughly. Next, put it in a small saucepan and pour filtered water so that it completely covers.

Put the pot of potatoes on high heat and cover with a lid. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook until tender. This process takes no more than 40 minutes, it all depends on the type of vegetable.

Check the potatoes for readiness by piercing with a knife or fork: if the tubers are easily separated, then you can remove it from the stove. Put on a plate and let cool slightly.

Cooking cabbage stuffing for potato pies
Wash a piece of cabbage thoroughly, shake it off and put it on a wooden board. With a sharp blade of a knife, chop into thin strips, shake hands a little and transfer to a separate bowl.

Peel the onion, rinse, put on a board and cut into small cubes. Just like the previous products, briefly transfer to another container.

Pour a little oil into a high-sided frying pan and place over medium heat. As soon as the oil warms up, put the chopped cabbage, increase the heat a little and fry until golden brown. Stir frequently with a wooden spatula so that the contents of the pan do not burn.

Add finely chopped onion, ground pepper, salt. Mix well. As soon as the onion acquires a golden hue, and the cabbage strips become softer, it will be possible to set aside and start sculpting delicious pies.

Cooking potato dough
Crack an egg, pour into a bowl with mashed potatoes, add flour, pepper and salt. Mix everything well to get a homogeneous potato dough of bright yellow color.

Put the potato dough on a table sprinkled with flour and begin to form products. Pinch off a piece from the dense dough mass and make a ball out of it. Roll the molded ball in flour and lightly press down. Make a round cake out of it, and put a little fried cabbage with onions in the middle.

Cooking potato pies with cabbage in a pan
Pinch the edges and shape into a cutlet. Do the same procedure with the remaining pieces of potato dough.

Place a frying pan with oil on the stove to heat up. As soon as the liquid becomes hot, start the process of frying the pies with cabbage from potato dough. Sprinkle all fashioned potato pies in turn with flour and send to the pan. Fry on all sides until appetizing color over medium heat.

As you can see, the recipe for potato patties with cabbage is simple and easy to prepare. Transfer the finished hot potato pies with cabbage to a large dish and serve at the dinner table.

Watch the video: Lean potato pies with cabbage

Pies on custard yeast dough are so good that they disappear from the table with incredible speed. And that's all, because choux pastry is ideal for making various pies. It is very soft, elastic and tasty.

I propose to cook pies from yeast choux pastry with two different fillings - with cabbage and potatoes. We will have 2 types of pies. But we will combine potatoes with minced meat to make the filling even tastier and richer. After all, when there is meat in pies, they become even more desirable.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: frying in a pan.

Total cooking time: 1 h 30 min.


for the test:

  • flour - about 700 g
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

for two types of filling:

  • cabbage - 300 g
  • potatoes - 500 g
  • minced meat - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 50 g
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil.

Recipe for making pies

  1. In this case, we will start cooking pies not with dough, but with the preparation of the filling. Choux yeast dough for pies is prepared very quickly and used immediately. Therefore, we take up a delicious filling of cabbage and potatoes.
    We'll chop the cabbage. We send it with vegetable oil to a saucepan. Simmer under a closed lid until almost cooked, adding salt.
  2. I had young cabbage, so it cooked very quickly.

  3. Now add the tomato paste to the cabbage. Simmer for a few more minutes. We take a test. Braised cabbage for pies should have a rich taste. You can add some sugar so that it is not too sour.

  4. We take on the potato filling with minced meat. Boil the peeled potatoes.

  5. Finely chop the onion. Pass it in vegetable oil. Then we add . Fry it until cooked along with onions. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  6. Combine the fried minced meat with crushed potatoes. Mix, and the filling for pies is ready.

  7. Here are two options for the filling we got.

  8. Now knead for pies from the indicated ingredients. We will use it immediately after kneading, while it is warm.

  9. Sprinkle the table with flour. We form sausages from the dough, and divide them into equal pieces.

  10. Roll out with a rolling pin, making thin cakes out of them. Generously spread the stuffing inside. We pinch the edges.

  11. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. We put the formed pies in it with the seam down. Fry on one side for a few minutes until browned.

  12. Then turn over to the other side and fry until cooked. Thus, we are preparing several batches.
  13. Boiled yeast dough pies are ready. Now you can enjoy their amazing taste.

Unsweetened pastries from yeast dough always turn out to be very satisfying. True, it is very important to choose a juicy and tender filling for such a pie, which would be in perfect harmony with the airy base. Therefore, we offer you an interesting and completely uncomplicated recipe.

Pie with potatoes and cabbage goes well with lean or rich soups, it is also an excellent independent dish, it can be served with tomato juice. Prepare a savory yeast pie according to our recipe and be sure that you are guaranteed a delicious breakfast or snack!


For yeast dough

  • wheat flour - 450-500 g;
  • cow's milk (3.2% fat) - 350 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • butter - 70 g.

For filling

  • medium-sized potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 100-120 g.

For greasing the cake

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Cooking steps

Step #1. Since we have yeast dough for the pie, we will start with it, because it will need time to come up. In a deep bowl or pan, beat one fresh chicken egg, add sugar and salt to it, beat all the ingredients well. Melt the butter in a steam bath until liquid, then cool, pour it into the beaten egg and mix.

Dilute the yeast in a small amount of cow's milk and add to our dough. Dry yeast can be replaced with fresh, in which case their amount should be larger (somewhere around 25 g). After you add yeast to the dough, you can safely pour the remaining milk into it. Then gradually add the sifted wheat flour to the bowl. Leave a little flour for kneading.

Step #2. Next, knead the yeast dough in a bowl. Pour the flour on the table and knead our dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Then cover it with a towel and let it sit for 40 minutes.

Step #3. While the dough is rising, prepare the cabbage filling. White cabbage will be incredibly juicy and soft if fried. Take a head of cabbage, wash it under running water, dry it with a kitchen towel, finely chop the required amount of cabbage into strips. Heat a frying pan on the stove over medium heat, pour sunflower oil into it.

Put the shredded cabbage into the pan and fry until cooked - it should become completely soft. When this happens, salt the cabbage, mix thoroughly, then turn off the stove and leave the filling to cool.

Step number 4. After the cabbage, proceed to the preparation of potatoes for the filling. Peel the potatoes, then wash them well under running water and dry with a towel. Cut each tuber into oval pieces (like chips), salt, put in a bowl and set aside for a while.

Step number 5. Onions also clean, wash, dry and cut into half rings.

Step number 6. Now it's time to return to our test - by this point it should have risen well. Divide the yeast dough for the pie with cabbage and potatoes into two parts. It is important that one of the parts is larger than the other. Take a baking sheet, grease its bottom and sides well with butter or vegetable oil. Knead a large layer of dough with your hands according to the size of the form and place in a baking sheet. Be sure to make sides from the dough.

Step number 7. Now it's time to lay the filling in layers. First of all, spread the dough on a baking sheet with potato chips as shown in the photo.

Step number 8. Lay the onion half rings on top of the potatoes. Distribute them evenly throughout the dough.

Step number 9. The next layer is fried cabbage. Pour it over the onion and spread it evenly over the entire baking sheet. Then take the butter out of the refrigerator, cut it into small cubes and put it on top of the cabbage. Thanks to the oil, the filling of the pie will bake well in the oven and will be juicy.

Step number 10. Roll out a smaller part of our yeast dough thinly with a rolling pin, cover the top of the pie with this layer. Wrap the edges of the dough nicely, give them the desired shape. Beat a fresh chicken egg in a small bowl, then brush our creation well with it. With a fork, lightly pierce the cake all over.

Step number 11. Turn on the oven and heat it to 200 degrees, then send a baking sheet there. Bake our pie in the oven for 40 minutes until cooked, it should be beautifully browned.

Remove the finished pie with cabbage and potatoes from the oven, let it cool down, then cut into squares and serve. The cake itself is so appetizing and beautiful that it does not need additional decoration at all.

As you can see, this recipe is pretty quick and easy. We hope you enjoy it.

Write in the comments what you think about the recipe and bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the potatoes.

Using a kitchen brush, thoroughly rinse the potatoes under running warm water to remove all dirt and earth residue. Now put the tubers in a medium saucepan and completely fill with cold liquid from the tap.
We put the container on high heat and cover with a lid. When the contents of the pan boil, fasten the burner and boil the components until fully cooked. It takes me about 25–40 minutes depending on the size and variety of potatoes.
After the required time, we check the tubers for the degree of readiness. To do this, pierce a few with a fork and look: if the vegetables are soft, then you can turn off the burner. If not, then it is worth extending the cooking time by about for 10 minutes. In any case, at the end we transfer the potatoes to the kitchen table and let them cool down a bit (so that it would be more convenient to work with it further).

Now with clean hands, helping with a knife, we clean the components from the skin and move them into a deep bowl. Using a masher, mash the vegetables to a puree state.

Step 2: prepare the cabbage.

We wash the cabbage under running warm water, shake off excess liquid and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut the vegetable into thin strips and then move it to a medium bowl.

Step 3: prepare the onion.

With a knife, peel the onion from the husk, and then rinse it thoroughly under running water. We spread the component on a flat surface and finely chop into cubes. Pour the chopped onion into a free plate and leave it aside for a while.

Step 4: prepare the filling for the pies.

Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and place over medium heat. When the contents of the container warm up well, put the shredded cabbage here. Immediately after that, we fasten the burner to the maximum and fry the component until a golden hue appears. Attention: so that the cabbage does not burn, be sure to stir it from time to time with a wooden spatula.

Next, add finely chopped onion to the pan, as well as ground black pepper to taste. Having again mixed everything with improvised equipment, we continue to prepare the filling. When the onion becomes a pale golden color, and the cabbage is soft, turn off the burner and proceed to cooking.

Step 5: prepare potato pies with cabbage.

Using a knife, break the egg shell, and pour the yolk with protein into a bowl with mashed potatoes. Pour salt here, ground black pepper and flour to taste, using a sieve. Mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon until a homogeneous dense dough is formed.

the mass can also be kneaded with clean hands, adding a little flour if necessary.

Now we spread the dough on the kitchen table, crushed with a loose mixture, and begin to form pies. We pinch off the first piece from the dense mass with our hands and form a ball out of it. Attention: its size should match the pie. You can make it as big or as small as you like.
Next, dip a ball of dough on both sides into a hill of flour, pressing it down. Now we make a thin round cake from a piece (approximately thick 0.5 centimeters), and in the center with a teaspoon lay out the cabbage filling.

We pinch the edges with dry hands and give the pie the shape of an oblong cutlet. Then we repeat the procedure from beginning to end and so on until the potato dough and filling are over.

Now pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a clean, dry frying pan and set over medium heat. When it is well heated, we begin to fry the dish. Roll each pie in turn in flour and place in a bowl. Fry the dough on both sides until golden brown over low heat. One batch takes about 10–12 minutes. Using a wooden spatula, transfer the fried pies to a special serving plate and continue to cook the next ones. Important: if you see that there is not enough oil in the pan, be sure to add it, but only in a small amount, since the potato tends to absorb fat. When everything is ready, turn off the burner and invite everyone to the dining table.

Step 6: serve potato pies with cabbage.

We serve warm potato pies with cabbage to the dinner table along with sour cream, various sauces and, of course, warming tea. Yes, the dish turns out to be very tasty and satisfying, so do not worry, and with a calm heart, feed it to your household at breakfast before work or school. Trust me, they won't go hungry!
Bon appetit everyone!

To prepare such a dish, it is better to take boiled potatoes. These include Belarossa, Impala, Sineglazka;

In addition to cabbage, you can add boiled eggs, grated on a coarse grater, fried sausages, champignons and much more to your taste;

Make sure that the dough is elastic and dense, otherwise it will not hold its shape during frying.
