
How to cook beef tongue and clean. A simple but very valuable recipe - boiled beef tongue! How to cook boiled tongue in a pan

They are considered delicacies due to their delicate soft texture, exquisite taste, vitamin and nutritional value. The tongue is a solid muscle in structure, so it contains proteins, some fat and is practically devoid of carbohydrates. Beef tongue contains zinc, which produces insulin in the body of a diabetic, and pork tongue is rich in lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain cells. The absence of connective tissue in the tongue ensures its excellent digestibility, so it is safe to call the tongue a dietary product. It remains to find out how to properly cook pork and beef tongue so that vitamins, minerals and trace elements are preserved in them, and the meat melts in the mouth, surprising tasters with juiciness, aroma and unique taste!

Cooking beef and pork tongue at home

Before preparing various dishes from the tongue, it should be boiled, so the process of initial processing of the offal is very important for the future taste of the dishes. Here are some tips on how to cook boiled beef and pork tongue.

  • Rinse your tongue well under running water. Some housewives clean the meat at this stage, but this is not recommended, since valuable and tasty pulp can be cut off along with the film.
  • Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it more tender and soft.
  • Boil the meat in water without salt - everyone knows that it is better to salt the tongue in finished form. How to determine how long to cook beef and pork tongue? Pork tongue is cooked for 1.5–3.5 hours, and beef tongue for 2–4 hours, it all depends on the size of the product. Do not allow a strong boil, so as not to impair the taste of the meat, it is enough that the water only boils a little. Don't forget to skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. Some housewives cook the tongue in two waters - boil the meat for 15 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly, change the water in the pan and cook the product until tender. This allows you to remove harmful substances and unpleasant odors when cooking the broth.
  • Half an hour before cooking, add carrots, celery root, onion and bay leaf to the broth.
  • Hold the finished tongue for several minutes under cold water and easily remove the skin. If the tongue is not cleaned well, it means that it is not ready yet.

How to cook beef and pork tongue: favorite recipes

The tongue can be cut lengthwise into thin slices, served with horseradish or mustard - this is an excellent Russian snack for vodka.

Salads with tongue satisfy hunger and are very tasty if you combine meat with potatoes, avocados, pickles, mushrooms, cheese, green peas, eggs, carrots, garlic, herbs and mayonnaise. Taking any recipe for meat salad and replacing the meat with a tongue, you will get a very original and completely new dish in taste.

Very popular, baked in the oven with vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, and jelly and aspic from the tongue can be served on the festive table. The tongue can be fried in breadcrumbs, stewed with vegetables, marinated, meat rolls, casseroles, pies and homemade sausages can be made from it. If you don’t have time for the chores at the stove, cook the easiest dinner option - tongue with pasta, beans, potatoes or rice.

The taste of this delicious offal can be varied with various spices - thyme, basil and Italian herbs.

And for dessert - a little trick on how to make the tongue even more tender and tastier. After boiling and removing the skin, put it back into the broth, to which spices and salt have already been added, cook for another 30 minutes and enjoy the fragrant and melting meat in your mouth. It's great to be a gourmet!

Before starting cooking, pour the tongue with cold water and wait 30-40 minutes, so the tongue is easier to clean from dirt. Then you need to clean with a knife, remove mucus, dirty particles, blood residue, and rinse again under running water. Before cooking, it is permissible to marinate the tongue in wine, a weak solution of vinegar or a mixture of herbs.

Tongue must be cleaned of hard skin

Pour 2-3 liters of water into the pan, put on the stove and bring to a boil, then put the tongue inside. It is necessary to cook the offal for at least 2.5 hours over low heat, periodically removing the foam. The degree of readiness is determined by a puncture with a knife or fork. If clear juice stands out, the dish is ready. You need to salt the tongue at the end of cooking, so it will remain soft and juicy, then you need to add bay leaf, peppercorns and peeled vegetables. This will add flavor to the meat. As soon as the tongue is ready, it is transferred to a separate container with cold water for 2-3 minutes. The skin can then be easily removed.

Boiled beef tongue is indispensable in dietary nutrition, it is recommended to include it in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, those who have a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as patients after surgery. This product makes delicious snacks, salads, hot dishes. It is served with various sauces, stewed, fried, cut, etc.

Beef tongue with mushroom sauce

This recipe can be served as a cold appetizer or as a hot dish. For cooking, you need to take:

1 beef tongue weighing 900-1200 g; - 1 onion; - 4 cloves of garlic; - 1-2 bay leaves; - 10 g of turmeric; - 500 g of champignons; - 15 g of flour; - 80 g of butter; - salt; - ground black pepper; - fresh herbs.

Put the beef tongue in a pot of boiling water and cook for about 2.5 hours, then add one onion, 4 cloves of garlic, bay leaf, parsley, spices. Cook for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat, drain the liquid.

Mustard and horseradish go well with beef tongue. Leftover broth can be used to make soups or frozen in molds

Cut the washed champignons into plates, fry over medium heat with the addition of 20 g of butter for 2-3 minutes. Pour flour into a dry frying pan, add the remaining oil, fry until golden brown. Pour 200 ml of the broth left over from the tongue there, stir until the liquid boils. Then strain through a sieve and mix with mushrooms.

Peel the tongue from the skin, cut into thin slices and pour over the sauce, serve on the table on a large flat dish, decorating with herbs to your liking.

Stuffed beef tongue

This dish will be an exquisite decoration of the festive table. To prepare it you will need:

1 kg of beef tongue; - 1 onion; - parsley root; - peppercorns; - bay leaf; - salt; - 100 g of wheat bread; - 1 chicken egg; - 20 g of flour; - 40 g of butter; - 50 g sour cream; - 50 ml of broth; - salt.

Dip the cleaned and well-washed offal in boiling water, after 2.5 hours add vegetables and spices, then cook for about 15 minutes more and remove. Put the meat in cold water for 2-3 minutes, remove the skin. Cut the boiled tongue lengthwise. Take out part of the pulp with a knife, scroll it through a meat grinder along with bread. Mix the mass with the egg, pepper, chopped herbs, salt.

Carefully place the minced meat inside the tongue, tie it in a circle with cooking string and place it in a deep, heat-resistant form that fits the size. Then grease the top with melted butter and place in the oven, cook for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. During cooking, pour the tongue every five minutes with the broth in which it was cooked.

Pour flour into a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown, add broth and sour cream there, heat well and remove from heat. Take out the tongue, remove the thread, cut into slices and put on a dish. Serve hot, pour over the resulting sauce and garnish with parsley.

Jellied beef tongue

To prepare aspic from the tongue, you will need:

1 beef tongue; - spices to taste; - 1 boiled chicken egg; - 1 carrot; - greens; - gelatin; - water.

Boil the tongue, remove the skin and cut into thin slices. Pour gelatin with broth according to the instructions, wait about 40 minutes, and then heat in a water bath until the powder is completely dissolved. Pour a thin layer of liquid on the bottom of molds or dishes with high walls, put in a cold place for 1 hour. Then lay the tongue pieces on top at a small distance from each other, decorate with chopped chicken egg, chopped herbs and boiled carrot figures and pour over the rest of the gelatin mixture again. Keep in the cold until completely solidified.

Each hostess tries to diversify the menu for her family, surprise guests with an original dish, and show her cooking skills. The recipe for boiled beef tongue is often used in the kitchen of professional chefs, and is also available for novice housewives. A well-prepared product will make it possible to make the simplest dish refined and tasty.

There are many recipes for how to cook a tongue correctly, the main thing that unites them is the standard form of preparation and a number of technological features of cooking. So, before starting the cooking process, the tongue must be thoroughly washed, gently brushed, and the remaining fat cut off from the bottom. Remove sublingual muscle tissue and bone, if any.

After that, the product must be soaked in a saline solution for 30 minutes to clean the meat of the remaining blood and mucus. Then rinse again under running water, put in a saucepan for further cooking. It is also important to know how much to cook beef tongue. Here the time depends on the weight of the product and pre-treatment. A well-washed and cleaned offal weighing up to a kilogram cooks faster - from 2 to 3 hours.

Recipe for boiled beef tongue weighing 1 kg 500 g.

The prepared meat is placed in a saucepan, poured with cold water and boiled over medium heat until foam appears. After removing it, continue to cook for another 1.5 hours. Then drain the broth and pour clean water. Bring it to a boil, lower the tongue and continue the cooking process. Here, the amount of liquid in which the tongue will be boiled is of no small importance, it should be neither small nor much. Just enough so that the meat is completely covered, taking into account evaporation.

See also: beef tongue - cooking recipe


  • for soaking - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water;
  • for taste - 1 carrot, 1 onion;
  • for aroma - 2 bay leaves, allspice 8 peas;
  • salt for half an hour before readiness.

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To enhance the smell, you can use ginger, parsley, celery, garlic. Boil the tongue over low heat for 4 hours. After the time has elapsed, the finished tongue is transferred to a bowl of cold water, the shell is removed, and cut.

When cooking the tongue, you need to take into account its increase in volume, so for convenience it is better to take a deep pan with a wide bottom.

Language in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe

Often, in order to save time and speed up the process of preparing a delicacy, program-controlled kitchen appliances are used. The tongue cooked in a slow cooker turns out to be as tasty, soft as it is on the stove.

After washing the offal under running water, it is placed in a bowl of an electric pan, along with peeled vegetables, everything is poured with cold water and closed with a lid. With the help of the “extinguishing” button, the time range is set, usually it is 3 hours. The start command is given.

Composition of ingredients:

  • beef tongue - 900g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf and other spices to taste.

Depending on the weight of the tongue, the cooking time can increase up to half an hour. Spices and salt are added approximately 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Upon completion of the thermal process, the product is removed, cooled for 3 minutes in cold water, then slightly hot, gently peeled. Before serving, the tongue is cut into pieces. For garnish use mashed potatoes, green peas.

Steamed beef tongue

Simple and effortless steaming of the tongue is very popular not only among professional chefs, but also among young housewives. The product is cooked for about an hour. Cooking a dish in a double boiler begins with the preparation of the necessary products.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • beef tongue - 700g;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • hard cheese;
  • spices, salt.

Before starting the process, the tongue is thoroughly washed and cleaned of dirt. Then it is cut into small portions, which are sprinkled with spices, salt, chopped garlic, sprinkled with lemon juice. The pieces are wrapped in foil and placed on a special grid, which is inserted into the multicooker pan. Here, it is important to know that the spices scattered over the foil enhance the taste and aroma of the meat.

After adding water to level 8 for 30 minutes, the product is subjected to heat treatment. After the time has elapsed, the finished pieces of the tongue are carefully removed, peeled with a knife. To give a piquant taste, the pieces are sprinkled with grated cheese, wrapped in foil and steamed for 5 minutes. The tongue, while retaining a maximum of useful substances, turns out to be juicy, fragrant.

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Exquisite delicacy meat is used not only as a separate dish for snacks, but for the preparation of various aspic dishes.

A simple salad with boiled beef tongue can become a "signature" treat for any housewife.

For cooking you will need:

  • boiled beef tongue - 500g;
  • boiled potatoes - 300g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • one apple;
  • hard cheese - 50g.

Beef tongue, potatoes, cucumbers must be cut into thin slices. Grate the apple on a coarse grater. Place the prepared products in a salad bowl. Then add 2 chopped celery stalks, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1 tsp. honey, white pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything well, sprinkle the salad with grated cheese on top. Garnish with finely chopped onions.

Ragout with beef tongue

With a ready-made boiled tongue, you can quickly cook a delicious stew stewed in the oven. To do this, cut into strips 600 g of boiled offal, one carrot, 4 pcs. potatoes, head of onion. All the ingredients are placed in layers in a pot, poured with broth in which the tongue was boiled and placed in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished dish is poured into plates, sprinkled with herbs.

Beef tongue appetizer

A light meal is ideal for both the festive menu and everyday.

For cooking you will need:

  • boiled beef tongue - 600g;
  • mushrooms - 100g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • prunes - 2 berries;
  • two walnuts;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Boiled tongue, peel and leave to cool in the broth. Grind the onion, fry in olive oil until a transparent color, then add boiled mushrooms to the frying, season with sour cream and stew a little.

Grind prunes with walnuts and mix with mushrooms. Then pepper with black pepper and salt to taste. The tongue is cut into small portions, laid out on a plate. The mushroom mixture is laid out into pieces of meat, decorated with parsley or dill. The appetizer can be eaten both warm and cold.

Delicious tongue pate

A boiled, peeled tongue weighing 700 g is finely crumbled and placed in a mixer bowl. Finely chopped eggs (3 pcs.), Butter (70g), two sprigs of parsley, black pepper, and salt are also placed there. The ingredients are whipped into a homogeneous mass, turning into a puree. The finished mixture is transferred to a sealed container, put in the cold to solidify. Pate of delicate consistency is served in special molds with green peas or marjoram leaves.

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Cooking beef tongue is not at all difficult. If desired, it is available to absolutely every home cook. Using the advice of professionals, you can learn how to cook tender, melt-in-your-mouth meat with a minimum investment of time.

  • It is advisable to cook fresh beef tongue immediately so as not to lose its usefulness and taste.
  • Haste and lack of pre-treatment will make the meat tasteless and tough.
  • To make the tongue soft and tender, and the broth rich and tasty, it is recommended to add salt at the end of cooking.
  • The delicacy product will turn out to be more juicy if it is immersed immediately in boiling water or, after peeling, placed in the broth for 10 minutes.
  • The degree of readiness of the offal is determined with a knife or fork. A properly cooked tongue is easily pierced.
  • You need to cook the tongue only on a small fire to give it softness.
  • It is necessary to monitor the broth in a slow cooker, every 40 minutes. Top up with water if the evaporation is strong.
  • The cooked product for cutting is best stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil.

Language can rightly be considered a delicacy. It is delicious, tender and nutritious. Most often, beef and veal tongue are used in culinary recipes, less often - pork. Before cooking, it is advised to soak the tongue in cold water, then boil it with salt and spices for several hours. As soon as the tongue becomes soft, it is transferred to cold water, allowed to cool and the skin is removed. Then proceed according to the recipe. The tongue can be cut into thin slices and used for aspic. You can cook any meat salad by replacing the meat with slices of the tongue.

In the section "Recipes from the language" 81 recipes

Tongue under a hat of mushrooms and cheese

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tongue in jelly

The tongue in jelly recipe will appeal to those who love jelly and jelly. Beef tongue is pre-boiled until cooked in salted water with the addition of onions, carrots and spices. The boiled tongue is cleaned, cut into slices and the finished broth is poured. In th...

Beef tongue is a delicacy product that contains a lot of useful substances. This offal is used to make salads, sandwiches and aspic. The tongue consists of muscle tissue that is very soft, which makes it possible to prepare dishes for baby food from it. How to cook beef tongue?

Most of the questions arise about the cooking time. It all depends on the weight of the offal. A tongue weighing more than 1 kg should be boiled for 3 hours, if the weight of the organ is less, 2 hours will be enough. Remember, before putting the product in boiling water, it is advisable to soak it in water for 8-10 hours. It is best to soak the tongue overnight so that in the morning you can start preparing festive dishes. Before boiling, it is necessary to scrape the tongue with a knife, as its surface is rough and may contain dirt or food debris. It is necessary to lay the product in the pan when the liquid boils. After the appearance of foam on the surface of the water, all liquid from the vessel should be drained and filled with fresh water. This cooking method is ideal for aspic, as the broth turns out to be transparent. To add flavor to the broth, put a few cloves of garlic in the pan along with onions and carrots.

After boiling, make a small fire and add the whole peeled carrots and onions. The tongue should languish in a saucepan for 2-3 hours. 10 minutes before readiness, add salt, spices and herbs. Turn off the broth and remove the tongue from it. Fill it with cold water and let it soak for 10 minutes. After that, remove the film from the product, it is well separated from the sirloin. Cut the tongue into portions or chop for a salad. The broth can be used to make soup or aspic. Try to buy a fresh product, it is sold in the market in the fresh meat section. Supermarkets sell a frozen product, it needs to be prepared a little differently than a fresh tongue. It must be thawed before cooking. Do not use a microwave oven or hot water for this. Let the product stand for several hours at room temperature. Pay more attention to the choice of goods. The tongue should not contain ligaments, cartilage and blood. If you were unable to purchase a cleaned product, remove all inclusions from it and scrape with a knife. Try not to digest the product, it will become very soft and fall apart. It will be difficult to cut it into thin slices and straws for salad. Try not to boil the water during the cooking process. It is necessary that the tongue languish on a small fire, you can install a divider on the burner. Water should completely cover the offal. It is not recommended to add water, so initially pour a lot of liquid. Add spices at the end of the boil, as long boiling bay leaves will make the broth bitter.

Boiled tongue can be used to prepare salads and snacks. Avoid sautéing this product as it may become tough during cooking. You can season the offal with mustard, adjika or horseradish. These spices go well with the product and complement its delicate taste.
