
Homemade dumplings: recipes. How to make real homemade dumplings

Often there is not enough time to cook something special, in such cases dumplings come to the rescue. They are easy to buy in the store, even easier to cook, and almost everyone likes the taste of the dish. Homemade food is more enjoyable, so knowing how to cook dumplings can please both yourself and your guests. The recipes below will help you in this matter.

Features of cooking

What elements are the basis in the recipe of the dish? This is minced meat and dough for dumplings, which must be properly cooked. The first one has several requirements:

  1. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to control the proportions of liquid and flour, checking the dough for elasticity.
  2. The dough should not be thick - so the dumplings will turn out tastier and will not boil soft.
  3. Milk or water for kneading should not be cold, the recommended temperature is 35-40°C.

How to knead the dough

Before starting, the flour must be sifted to separate possible large particles and enrich it with oxygen for the splendor of the future product. How to make dough for dumplings? The main process is kneading, for which you will have to allocate a sufficient amount of time, i.e. 10 to 15 minutes. It is not necessary to use cling film to rest the dough - a wet towel is also a great option.

The classic recipe for custard dough on water

For the classic version, you need a few simple ingredients:

  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp
  1. Pour the flour in a heap onto a clean table or into a deep saucepan. Make a small well in the middle where add the oil and salt.
  2. Gently pour half a cup of boiling water into the recess, stir with a spoon. Gradually add the rest of the water, stirring constantly.
  3. Knead the soft dough, and then leave it to lie down for half an hour under a slightly damp cloth.

On milk

Products required:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp

The recipe is a little different from the previous one:

  1. Slide flour onto the table, add salt.
  2. Make a well, fill with oil.
  3. In a separate container, beat the eggs, mix them with warmed milk.
  4. Gradually pour the mixture into the flour.
  5. Knead the dough, watching its consistency so that it does not stick to your hands.
  6. Leave it to rest for half an hour under a damp towel.

On kefir without eggs

If you didn’t find eggs in the assortment of homemade products, don’t be discouraged, but try making the dough without them, because you only need 2 ingredients:

  • flour - 0.4 kg;
  • kefir - 1 tbsp.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep saucepan, gradually pour out half of the flour.
  2. Stir the mixture until smooth, gradually add the rest of the flour.
  3. Knead the dough, place it on the shelf of the refrigerator for about an hour.

Elastic dough for dumplings and dumplings in a bread machine

If your household appliances have a bread maker in your arsenal, then use it to prepare the dough. First, collect the necessary products:

  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.
  1. Pour the liquid ingredients into the bread machine bowl first, i.e. egg and water.
  2. Then add flour and salt.
  3. Set the "Dumplings" mode, turn on the device for half an hour.
  4. After cooking, leave the dough in the bread machine itself for an hour.

How to cook minced meat

Another important element of dumplings is minced meat. In this case, a variety of types of meat are used - beef, pork, venison, bear meat, but there are general recommendations so that the filling for dumplings is tasty. To prepare minced meat you need:

  • meat - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove.
  • egg - 1 pc.

Prepare minced meat for dumplings according to the recipe:

  1. Remove from the meat films, excess fat. Rinse thoroughly, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Take 2 onions per 500 g of meat, cut them into pieces too.
  3. Scroll the meat with onions through a meat grinder. You can add another clove of garlic.
  4. Mix thoroughly the resulting mass, beat in the egg.
  5. Stir the minced meat until smooth, preferably with a blender, because a thoroughly whipped filling will make homemade dumplings much tastier.

How to sculpt

When the components for making dumplings are ready, you can start sculpting them. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Place the dough on a clean floured board.
  2. Roll out small pieces into thin layers.
  3. Take a suitable shot glass or glass so that the diameter of the cut out circles is about 4-5 cm, although you can sculpt the dumplings in any size you need. Noodles are what can be made from dumpling dough if there is too much left. Just freeze leftovers and use them in soups.
  4. Take one circle in your hand, put 1 tsp in its center. fillings.
  5. Fold the circle in half, pinch the edges. Should be a crescent.
  6. Connect the ends of the crescent, pinch them. The dumpling is ready.
  7. To speed up the process, use a special device - a dumpling.

Step by step recipes for making dumplings at home

Due to the variety of household appliances, the question of how to cook homemade dumplings has several ways using a microwave, multicooker or oven. Interestingly, dumplings are allowed not only to cook - they turn out delicious even when fried in an ordinary frying pan. Below you can find the original recipes and choose the one you like so that you know how to cook dumplings at home.

How to make mushrooms in the microwave

You will need ingredients from the following list:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • beef, pork - 300 g each;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 250 g;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

The recipe for homemade dumplings is as follows:

  1. Cut the cleaned and washed meat with onions into pieces.
  2. Pass the ingredients through a meat grinder, not forgetting to salt and pepper. Add finely chopped mushrooms to the mixed mass.
  3. Beat the salt with the egg, pour in the water, pour the sifted flour. Let the kneaded dough rest for half an hour under a napkin.
  4. Cut out circles from the rolled dough. When adding the filling, make dumplings.

How to cook dumplings at home using a microwave? Use the following method:

  1. Take a special container for microwave ovens, pour boiling water into it.
  2. Throw frozen dumplings in a 1:2 ratio with liquid.
  3. Cover with a lid and place in the microwave.
  4. Stir after 2-3 minutes. Cooking time - 10 minutes.

With chicken stuffing in a slow cooker

For the filling you need the following components:

  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - to taste.

The dough requires the following products:

  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

First prepare the filling:

  1. Process the chicken fillet with garlic using a meat grinder.
  2. Make the mixture homogeneous.

Then grab the dough:

  1. Sprinkle flour on the board. Pour pre-beaten eggs with water into the central recess.
  2. Knead the dough, leave to approach for half an hour under a towel.

Here's how to cook delicious dumplings in a slow cooker:

  1. Roll out the dough, make circles out of it.
  2. Using the instructions above, make dumplings.
  3. Pour water into the container of the multicooker almost to half.
  4. Spread the steaming basket with butter, place the dumplings there.
  5. Put the basket in the multicooker, close the lid. Select "Steam" and set the temperature to 100°C. The dish will be ready 25 minutes after boiling water.

With minced beef in pots

The test includes:

  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • low-fat milk or water - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch.
  • minced beef - 0.4 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • bulb - 1 pc.

The dumpling recipe looks like this:

  1. Sift the flour, pour it in a slide on a clean table surface.
  2. Make a well in the middle and add the beaten egg and warmed water or milk.
  3. Add diced onion to ground beef, season with salt and pepper.
  4. Roll out layers of dough, make circles and make dumplings. Boil them for 3 minutes until half cooked in a saucepan.
  5. Grease the inside of the pots with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Add a little broth left after cooking the dumplings. A piece of butter wouldn't hurt either.
  7. Close the pots, put in the oven. The temperature should be 220°C. Record 15 minutes. Before baking, you can add grated cheese or vegetables for flavor.

With cheese in the oven on a baking sheet

For this dish you will need:

  • store-bought or hand-made dumplings - 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • sour cream 25% - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt, fresh or dry herbs - to taste.

Recipe for making dumplings in the oven:

  1. Finely chop the peeled onion, fry in a pan, after heating the oil.
  2. Season the sour cream with salt and pepper, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the washed greens.
  3. Grease a deep baking sheet with butter, arrange dumplings in rows.
  4. Spread the fried onions on top, pour in the sour cream, and then cover with cheese.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, put the dumplings in it for 45 minutes.
  6. Do not take out the dish right away, leave it in the oven for another 10 minutes. Cut the finished dish into portions, sprinkle with herbs.

With potatoes and lard

Even such an unexpected combination of ingredients is very tasty, while the dumplings have a two-chamber structure. Prepare the dough according to any of the above recipes using milk, water or kefir. The filling will take you a little more time. It will require:

  • raw potatoes - 300 g;
  • lard - 300 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, dill - to taste.

Prepare the filling as follows:

  1. Boil mashed potatoes. Add chopped dill, mix thoroughly.
  2. Process lard with garlic with a meat grinder, add salt and pepper.
  3. Having finished with the filling, start sculpting dumplings using the step-by-step instructions in the photo.
  4. Roll out layers of dough, make circles.
  5. Before putting the filling, make a thin low partition from the dough - it will separate the potatoes and lard.
  6. Then put some bacon and puree on opposite sides of this partition.
  7. Bend one edge of the circle, pinch it together with the partition. Repeat the same with the other edge.
  8. Connect the edges of the crescent, pinch them.
  9. Drop dumplings into salted boiling water. Don't forget to stir. As soon as the dumplings have surfaced, cook them for another 10 minutes, drain the water.

Lazy dumplings fried in a pan

If guests suddenly appeared and there is absolutely no time to cook, then try not to cook, but to fry dumplings. The dish turns out no less tasty, but you will need the following for it:

  • frozen dumplings, homemade or from a package - 8-10 pcs. for one serving;
  • seasonings, sauce - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Recipe for lazy dumplings:

  1. Take a deep frying pan, heat oil on it.
  2. Put the frozen dumplings in the pan.
  3. Roast them for about 15 minutes. To prevent dumplings from burning, stir constantly.
  4. Remove from heat after browning.
  5. Serve with a vinegar sauce or mayonnaise.


Pelmeni is a dish not only of Russian cuisine. It has analogues in almost every nation, only the manufacturing features of a particular nation differ from others. Even if some country has not come across such a delicacy, it will certainly borrow the experience of its neighbors, but will remake the way how to cook dumplings in its own way. For example, the secret of the Chinese is the use of rice flour for dough.

It so happened that the most delicious dumplings of our state are prepared in Siberia, so they are considered a local national dish there. Do you want to know how to cook Siberian dumplings and what fillings to use in general? Then be sure to watch useful videos about cooking dishes not only filled with meat products, but also with fish.

Minced pork recipe

Juicy Siberian dumplings with meat

With zander and salmon

Our grandmothers did not need recipes to make dumplings with their own hands - this skill was simply passed down from generation to generation, teaching their children. Today, not every housewife undertakes to make dumplings at home, because modern women are very busy. But, you see, sometimes it’s still worth allocating a couple of hours to surprise and please the family.

Why homemade dumplings are better than store-bought ones

There are several reasons why it is better to cook the most delicious dumplings at home than to buy ready-made dumplings in the store:

  • homemade dumplings are tastier (for example, they have more toppings);
  • you know exactly what they consist of;
  • they are cheaper;
  • always fresh (at least if they are in the freezer, you know how long they have been there);
  • You can bring the whole family together to make dumplings, and family work always brings people together.

Of course, the question involuntarily arises: are homemade dumplings harmful, because their calorie content is quite high? Let's just say - if they are in the morning and not more than 200 grams, then they will not harm your figure. How many calories in dumplings depends on the ingredients: the number of eggs, the type of flour, the type and fat content of the meat (for example, lamb is fatter than beef). Dumplings with minced chicken will be less high-calorie than with pork.

Dough for dumplings

There are quite a few recipes for making dough for delicious dumplings, but we will consider the traditional one. In order for the dish to turn out delicious, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

  • The first and most important rule is to knead the dough in a warm room so that all the ingredients interact well. Therefore, before cooking dumplings at home, close all the windows.
  • Knead the dough only with warm water or warm milk, otherwise the ingredients will be more difficult to combine.
  • After kneading, put the finished dough in a warm place for 30 minutes so that the gluten “disperses” properly and the dough becomes elastic and sticky enough.
    The dough for dumplings can also be kneaded in a bread machine - so you don’t have to waste your energy (after all, this is a rather difficult task), and it will settle for the right time in the warmth, because the right temperature is created in the oven. Just pour all the liquid ingredients into the mold first, then dry (or vice versa, if required by the instructions for your model) and set the “Dough” mode.
  • Check the dough by pressing with your finger: if a dimple remains, then it is ready, if it springs back, then it is still not elastic enough (it is more difficult to work with unripe dough - it strives to shrink all the time when rolling out).

It is believed that the steeper the dough, the tastier it is in dumplings. But do not overdo it - if it turns out too steep, it will be very difficult to sculpt from it. Watch the video.

How to properly knead dumplings. The best and easiest recipe

In order for the dough to turn out “correct” as in the photo, it is necessary to observe the proportions and knead it properly. Dumplings are made quickly if you follow all the subtleties of the recipe.

You will need:

  • flour - 3 cups (depending on the variety - more may be required);
  • water - ½ cup;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking step by step

  1. Pour warm water and milk into a bowl, break an egg into it and add salt. Stir until the salt dissolves.
  2. Sift the flour on the table or into a large bowl, make a recess in the slide and pour the previously prepared solution into it.
  3. First mix everything with a spoon, then knead a little with your hands. Add vegetable oil (it will give elasticity) and continue kneading. If you are kneading in a bread maker, pour the butter directly onto the mixer (the flag that spins and kneads the dough).
  4. Leave for 30-40 minutes in a warm place and start making minced meat.

Cooking minced meat

The recipe for making classic dumplings at home allows the use of any meat, but minced pork and beef are considered traditional.

You will need:

  • pork (fillet) - 500 g;
  • beef (fillet) - 500 g;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • water (cold) - 1 glass;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


  1. Rinse the meat under running water. You can not drain it thoroughly - water is still useful in minced meat.
  2. Remove the films and veins (although the veins in the filling are not at all embarrassing for many lovers of dumplings). If the meat seems to you not fat enough, you can add a little lard.
  3. Chop the meat by hand or scroll through the meat grinder (through the middle grid). To give greater softness, minced meat can be skipped twice.
  4. Scroll the onion through a meat grinder (or cut into small cubes). Some housewives add some finely chopped cabbage to minced meat to add juiciness, but this is up to you.
  5. Mix everything, add spices and salt. If desired, you can finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic. Leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, covered with cling film (tightly so as not to dry out).
  6. Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator and pour in cold water, mix thoroughly and knead for a few more minutes - this will give it airiness and softness. The dumplings will be juicy inside. Instead of water, you can add milk - it will give a special taste.

Cooking dumplings

There are several ways to cook homemade dumplings deliciously so that they are juicy.

  • Traditional. Roll the dough into a sausage and cut it into equal pieces. Dip them in flour and roll them out with a rolling pin. Put a portion of meat on each “pancake” and close it in any way: with a pigtail, crescent, circle, etc.
  • With the help of a glass. Roll out a large sheet of dough and use a round glass to make circles of dough. Also lay out the filling and blind the dumplings in any way. Roll the remaining dough into one ball again and roll out again. The disadvantage of this method is that it becomes more and more difficult to mix the "trimmings" each time.
  • With a dumpling. For quick preparation of dumplings for a large family, a special round device with hexagonal cells may be indispensable. Roll out a large sheet of dough (not too thin, because it will then have to be stretched a little) and put it on a dumpling. Arrange the minced meat in the cells, pushing each portion a little (if you do not push, then the filling may be too small). Lay another sheet of dough on top and roll out with a rolling pin until the edges of the cells show through. Then knock the dumplings out of the mold with a light tap of the rolling pin or just with your fingers.

After you've made a couple of hundred dumplings, it's time to put the pot on the stove. There should be about two-thirds of the total volume of water in it, so that there is space for dumplings and they do not stick together. Throw the products into the water one or two at a time (you don’t need to throw everything at once, otherwise they will immediately stick together and wrinkle) and gently stir with a slotted spoon. Until the moment of boiling, they need to be stirred periodically, but not too often. After boiling, cook dumplings with meat for 5–7 minutes (if they are small, 3 minutes is enough), then quickly remove with a slotted spoon. As you can see, cooking does not take much time.

You can serve homemade dumplings with broth, sour cream, butter, sprinkle them with green onions, season with garlic sauce, etc.

There are many options for how to cook dumplings at home. Here we have considered only the main one - with two types of meat, and you just have to connect your imagination and, of course, take into account the wishes of your household.

After you cook delicious homemade dumplings several times, the process will be reduced to automatism, and you will no longer think about the recipe, proportions, time. But at first, in order to find and improve your own recipe for making dumplings at home, you will need the advice of experienced chefs.

What determines the success of this dish? The final result is equally affected by both the quality of the dough and the quality of the filling (minced meat). For the dough, it is important that it be tender, thin, elastic and at the same time strong enough to prevent dumplings from falling apart during cooking. In the filling, not only taste is valued, but also juiciness. If the stuffing for dumplings turns out to be “rubber”, it means that the hostess did something wrong.

Minced meat preparation

So, cooking begins with minced meat. Suitable for beef, pork, chicken or a mixture of different types of meat. If you have a meat grinder or a combine with a chopper function at home, it is better not to buy ready-made minced meat - and not only for reasons of quality and freshness, but also in order to be able to independently regulate its fat content.

Tip number 1 Minced dumplings should be moderately fatty! If you took beef, chicken or lean pork, be sure to add a small piece of lard to it (at the rate of 100 g of lard for 700-800 g of lean meat).

Lean meat in dumplings will simply boil into a dense, dry lump and will not taste good, while the addition of fat will make the filling more juicy and soft.

On the other hand, excess fat is also not needed - if the meat is very fatty, remove some of the fatty layers from it before grinding.

Mince Additives:

In addition to minced meat, you can add spices, seasonings, vegetables to the dumplings at your discretion. But the time for experimentation will come later, when you have already worked out the basic recipe. And for the first time, use the classic (and win-win) option - a little chopped onion, salt, black pepper.

Onions can be scrolled along with the meat in a meat grinder, or you can simply cut into very small pieces. The presence of onion is necessary not only for flavor, but also because it is very juicy. You can also put 1-2 tbsp. l. water.

Ingredients for minced meat (for 50 dumplings):

  • pork fat - 50 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • small onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

After preparing the meat and onions, mix all the ingredients for the minced meat and mix it well.

Making dough for homemade dumplings


  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 2.5-3 cups.

In addition to water, salt and flour, you can add an egg and vegetable oil to the dough, but, again, it is better to start with a basic recipe, and then, through experiments, select the dough to your taste. The egg gives the dough an appetizing yellowish tint, and vegetable oil - additional elasticity.

To prepare the dough, take a deep bowl, pour water into it, dissolve the salt and pour 2.5 tbsp. flour. Stir.

It is most convenient if a little more flour is poured than water is ready to take. The dough first breaks up into separate lumps, but they are easy to bring together and knead into a lump.

In this case, the dough will need to be kneaded for 1-2 minutes - at first it will turn out to be very dense, but then it will rise during the rest. If you introduce flour gradually, you will have to mix the dough for a long time until it reaches the desired density.

Cover the finished dough and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Council number 2. If you are going to make a lot of dumplings, do not let the dough rest for a long time, otherwise the last batches will soften too much, you will have to add flour to them and knead again, and this dumplings will be tough.

Formation of dumplings

Divide the rested dough into 3-4 parts. Take one of them and roll it thinly, and cover the dough that is not being used with a towel.

Cut with a glass of a suitable shape blanks for dumplings. You can also use dumplings for cutting, if you have one.

Council number 3. You can roll out the dough not quite thinly, but cut circles of a smaller diameter from it. In this case, before sculpting the dumpling, run your fingers along the circle, slightly pressing and stretching the dough (this tip is useful if the dough has not had time to soften and rolls poorly, or if you do not have a glass of the desired diameter).

Put half a teaspoon of minced meat in the center of the circle.

Fold the circle in half and pinch the edges of the dough, making a small dumpling.

Bring the ends of the dumpling together and press well to make such a small hat.

Council number 4. If you have more than 20 rounds of dumplings waiting in line, cover them with a napkin so that the surface of the dough does not dry out.


From raw dumplings, wonderful semi-finished products are obtained, which practically do not lose their taste properties when frozen, so dumplings are very convenient to make for the future.

To freeze the dumplings, generously sprinkle a cutting board with flour and place the raw dumplings on it so that they do not touch each other. In no case do not put dumplings in several layers.

Put the board in the chamber and wait for the dumplings to completely freeze (become hard as pebbles).

After that, they can be transferred to the package.

Cooking homemade dumplings

The pot for boiling dumplings should be large enough so that they boil quickly and do not stick to each other.

Pour water into the pan to 2/3 of its height, put a bay leaf, a few peas of allspice, salt.

Dip dumplings into boiling water, stirring it so that they do not stick to the bottom. After boiling, cook them for 5-7 minutes. Ready dumplings slightly increase in volume and turn slightly yellow.

Council number 5. Do not overcook the dumplings - they will become sticky!

At the end of cooking, add a glass of cold water to the pan.

Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and immediately add a piece of butter to them.

Be sure to serve this dish with sauce (sour cream, with mayonnaise, mushroom, cheese - to your taste).

As you can see, the process of making dumplings at home is quite simple, although it has its own subtleties, but such subtleties are present in the recipe of any dish.

For the test you will need:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 150 grams of cold water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Start preparing homemade dumplings according to an old grandmother's recipe by adding a pinch of finely ground salt in a mortar and a yolk to two glasses of sifted flour and mix a little. Now it is necessary to combine two-thirds of a glass of cold water with flour. To do this, make a hole in the flour and slowly pour water into it, constantly mixing with your hand so that lumps do not form.

Add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and start kneading the dough. Place it on a generously floured table and knead it with your hands for a few minutes. Continually dust the dough with flour so that it grabs better and does not stick to your hands and the table. But do not make the dough too thick, it will crumble, it will be almost impossible to blind it.

The longer and better you knead and knead the dough, the softer and more elastic it will turn out.

Cover the finished dough with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator.

Minced meat for homemade dumplings

For stuffing you need:

  • 0.5 kilograms of pork
  • 0.5 kilograms of beef
  • 1 medium sized onion
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • pepper

For cooking minced meat according to the classic recipe for homemade dumplings run the meat through a meat grinder. You can skip the pork and beef separately, or you can alternate the pieces. For Siberian dumplings, not minced meat is used, but finely chopped meat.

Some recipes for homemade dumplings for minced meat also use chicken or turkey meat, to which mushrooms are added if desired. But champignons can also become an independent filling for dumplings.

Finely chop the onion or also chop it with a meat grinder. If desired, the onion can be fried in vegetable oil. Add the onion to the minced meat and then add salt and spices to taste. You can use ground pepper, but the meat will turn out much more aromatic if you choose peppercorns, which must be crushed in a mortar together with salt just before adding to the minced meat.

Add two tablespoons of very cold water. Mix the minced meat well, it should turn out homogeneous and not dry, after which you can start sculpting dumplings.

Making dough for dumplings

  • More

Water can be replaced with milk, then the minced meat will turn out more magnificent. And to make the meat spicy, squeeze 2-3 cloves of garlic into it

How to make homemade dumplings?

Roll out the dough well with a rolling pin to make a thin even sheet. It should not tear! Take a glass or a cup with thin edges and start cutting circles. Each such cake needs to be stretched a little more with your fingers so that it becomes very thin. Put a sufficient amount of minced meat on it (about a teaspoon).

There should not be too much meat, otherwise the dumpling will break. Now just close the edges and then connect the corners. To dumplings do not stick together on a plate, sprinkle them with a little flour. Put the rest of the dough together, roll it out again and repeat the whole process.

Before sealing the free edges of the dough, coat them with cold water. In this case, the dumpling will hold on very tightly

To avoid dough residue, you can choose a different sculpting option. In some recipes for homemade dumplings, it is proposed to roll up part of the dough into a small sausage and simply cut it with a knife. Then dip each piece on both sides in flour, roll it out with a rolling pin, put the minced meat on it and close it up. One sausage will make about 20 dumplings. The only disadvantage of this modeling method is that it is difficult to make dumplings of the same shape and size.

Homemade handmade dumplings are a classic option. However, you can use a special form. In this case, divide the dough into two parts. They should be thinly rolled out, and each sheet should be slightly larger than the form itself. After that, spread one sheet on a dry dumpling, previously sprinkled with flour, and press it well with your fingers.

Now spread the meat, slightly pushing it with a spoon into the cells of the mold, and cover with a second layer of dough. Again, press it well with your fingers, and then roll it out with a rolling pin from above so that the dumpling cells become clearly visible. Remove excess dough from the edges and turn the mold over. Tap the board or table several times with the edge of the dumpling to make the finished dumplings fall out.

Options for making dumplings

You can cook dumplings right away. If they turned out to be a large number, then the rest can be sent directly on a plate (or put in a bag) to the freezer.

Dumplings are thrown into boiling salted water or broth and until they float to the top, stir occasionally so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
