
Harvesting fruit drinks without a juicer: apple juice at home. Compote from white filling for the winter

It is difficult to call apple juice from a store bag juice. It's more like a syrup with wild sugar content and no signs of vitamins.

You can try real apple juice only from a jar rolled up for the winter with your own hands. It's useful and it tastes real.

Experienced housewives who have mastered the wisdom of pressing, pasteurization and sterilization often brew mixed juices. Magnificent flavor combinations have drinks from apples and pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, currants, grapes.

Apple juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

Varieties suitable for juicing are winter, juicy. Good apple juice for the winter is obtained from varieties Semerenko, Antonovka, Anis, Grushovka. They can be mixed with each other: blended taste is much more interesting than a mono-drink.

Sweet apples allow you not to use sugar for juicing. For sour varieties, granulated sugar should be put to taste. Someone needs fifty grams per liter, someone needs all one hundred.

The generally accepted rule is to do without boiling, that is, to use the pasteurization method. This is necessary to maximize the preservation of vitamins. Squeezed juice is usually brought to the appearance of the first bubbles. This is a sure sign that the liquid has heated up to 90-95 degrees. At this temperature, the juice is pasteurized for five minutes, and then poured into prepared warm and dry jars.

The second method involves the sterilization of cans with ready-made juice - this is sterilization. Ready cans with a drink will be placed on the bottom of a pot of boiling water (the bottom must first be covered with a cloth or a wooden circle should be laid). Boiling water should reach the neck of the jar. The sterilization time of a liter jar is fifteen minutes.

It is convenient to squeeze apples through a special juicer or a meat grinder with a special nozzle. There is no need to cut out the bones. With them, the taste will turn out to be more tart, and the aroma - more dense. After squeezing, a thick dense foam forms on the surface. The surface of the juice is also covered with foam when heated. It must be removed with a slotted spoon, avoiding settling.

Without pressing, juice can be prepared in a juicer. Apple slices are placed in the receiver, and the output will be a ready-made drink suitable for bottling and storage.

Proper preparation of containers for bottling is essential. Glass jars should be thoroughly washed with soda and sterilized over steam, in the oven or microwave. In the second method, the jars should be placed in a cold oven, set the temperature to 120 degrees and wait until the container is completely dry. In the microwave, jars should spend no more than three minutes.

Take out heated jars with dry hands, otherwise they may burst. Boil jar lids for five minutes.

Apple juice for the winter "Pasteurized"

The classic version of apple juice is delicious, fragrant, sweet and sour. If the apples are very sweet, you do not need to put sugar!


Five kilograms of apples;

Half a kilo of sugar.

Cooking method:

Wash the apples, cut into slices and squeeze with a juicer or a meat grinder with a nozzle.

Pour the juice into an enamel pan, add sugar to taste, turn on medium heat.

Bring the juice to the first signs of boiling. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

As soon as the first bubbles appear, turn off the fire.

Pour into warm sterilized jars and seal.

Cool upside down under a warm blanket.

Store in a cool place.

Apple juice for the winter at home "With pulp"

Tasty and healthy apple juice for the winter with pulp. It has more dietary fiber, which means more benefits for the intestines.


One and a half kilograms of apples;

Two glasses of water;

Sugar syrup to taste (one or two glasses).

Cooking method:

Remove skins and seeds from apples.

Cut into slices.

Transfer the apple slices to a large saucepan, preferably enameled, pour in water.

Wait until it boils, boil for fifteen minutes.

Puree the apple pulp in a meat grinder or blender. Pass the apple base through a meat grinder twice, for greater tenderness.

Mix applesauce and sugar syrup, put on the stove.

As soon as the puree boils, detect five minutes.

Let it cool down a bit and puree again. It is best to use a fine metal sieve.

Bring the mass to a boil again, immediately pour into warm jars and cork.

Apple juice for the winter with zucchini

Apple mixes are a wonderful and healthy way to diversify a drink, giving it a different color and taste. In addition, the second ingredient gives apple juice additional benefits, which means it is much more effective in terms of recovery. The first option is an apple and zucchini.


Two kilograms of zucchini;

Two kilograms of apples;

Two grams of citric acid;

Half a kilo of sugar.

Cooking method:

Clean the zucchini from coarse skins, internal fibers and seeds.

Prepare the apples by removing the skin and cutting out the core.

Cut the zucchini and apples into pieces, squeeze the juice out of them.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place over medium heat.

Pour grains of citric acid, sugar into the heated liquid.

Boil the juice for ten minutes.

Pour into sterilized jars, cork, cool.

Store in the dark and cool.

Apple juice for the winter with pumpkin

An unusual and very healthy apple juice for the winter is obtained by mixing it with pumpkin juice. Orange festive color, delicate delicate taste and rich aroma make you fall in love with this wonderful drink. The ratio of apples and pumpkins can be any. The classic option is to take one part of prepared pumpkin for one part of prepared apples. Add sugar at your discretion.


One and a half kilograms of apples;

So many pumpkins;

Cooking method:

Cut juicy apples without spoiled places.

Clean the pumpkin and cut it too.

Squeeze juice.

Pour the apple-pumpkin fresh juice into a container for cooking, put on medium heat.

Remove foam.

When the liquid is hot, add sugar. If the pumpkin and apples are very sweet, then additional sweetening is not required.

After boiling the juice, it must be poured into jars, corked and completely cooled.

Move to a dark cool place to save.

Apple juice for the winter with a pear

The most delicious, fragrant, light apple juice is obtained by mixing it with pear juice. Sugar can be added to taste or no sweetening at all.


One and a half kilograms of apples;

One and a half kilograms of pears;

Cooking method:

Dense juicy apples wash and cut into small slices.

Treat the pears in the same way.

Remove crushed, damaged parts and do not use. You can leave the cores.

Squeeze juice.

Pour it into a container and bring to a boil.

Be sure to remove the foam with a spoon or slotted spoon.

Add sugar to taste.

As soon as the juice boils, turn off the fire.

Immediately pour the apple-pear drink into warm clean jars, cork, sue.

Remove to a dark cool room.

Apple juice for the winter with chokeberry

An excellent, tart, sweet and sour apple juice for the winter will turn out if you mix it with chokeberry juice. Very fresh, unique and delicious!


A liter of ready-made apple juice;

A liter of chokeberry juice;

Fifty grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Boil apple juice as described above.

Sort and crush rowan berries.

Put the pulp on the fire and warm without boiling for fifteen minutes. The temperature of the berry mass should be no higher than seventy degrees.

For each kilogram of pulp, pour an incomplete glass of boiled cool water.

Strain the juice through a gauze filter.

Warm the juice to eighty degrees, strain again.

Mix apple and black ash juice in equal proportions.

Add sugar according to your own taste.

Put on fire and boil for five minutes after boiling.

Pour into jars immediately and seal.

Cool and remove to save.

Apple juice for the winter with sea buckthorn

A similar method is used to make apple juice with sea buckthorn. However, the proportions of apple and sea buckthorn juice are different. It turns out a fragrant, immunostimulating, tasty drink.


A liter of ready-made natural apple juice;

A glass of sea buckthorn juice;

Fifty grams of sugar;

Cooking method:

Boil apple juice as described above.

Crush the sea buckthorn with your hands (in gloves), with a bait or pestle.

Transfer the berries to a saucepan, pour in water at the rate of a liter per kilogram.

Warm up sea buckthorn pulp to sixty degrees, leave to cool completely for three to four hours.

Strain through a gauze filter.

Mix apple and sea buckthorn juice.

Add sugar to taste.

Heat the juice until the first bubbles of boiling appear.

Quickly pour into warm sterilized jars and seal.

Pasteurize for a few minutes in boiling water, cool.

Apple juice for the winter at home "Assorted"

Unusual apple juice for the winter can be prepared not from one, but from several additional ingredients. Very strange at first glance, but in fact a wonderful recipe for assorted fruit, berry and vegetable juice will allow you to enjoy a delicious and aromatic drink. Cooking requires a juicer.


A kilogram of juicy apples;

A kilogram of hard pears;

A kilogram of ripe tomatoes;

A kilogram of ripe plums;

Eight hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Wash all the components, remove the bones, stalks, cut into medium-sized pieces.

Sprinkle everything with sugar and mix.

Spread evenly into the juicer receiver and boil for an hour after the water boils in it.

Pour hot juice immediately into prepared jars.

Cover the container with lids and pasteurize depending on the volume of the jar.

Cork and sue.

Store in a cool place.

  • Juice pasteurization time depends on the volume of cans. It is enough to spend half a liter in boiling water for fifteen minutes. Liter jars or bottles are pasteurized for twenty minutes. A three-liter container is pasteurized for half an hour.
  • Instead of sugar in cooking, sugar syrup is often used in the manufacture of jam and juice. One way to get it is to dissolve two hundred grams of sugar in a glass of water.
  • To make a gauze filter, you need to fold the gauze in two or three layers. Particles of seeds and skins do not penetrate through such a filter, the juice becomes transparent.
  • Enamelware should be used for boiling juices. It does not emit harmful substances, like stainless steel or aluminum dishes, and retains all the vitamins.

Pear is a wonderful fruit that has a delicate taste and aroma. Juice from such fruits is very useful, as it contains vitamins and trace elements in the required amount. It will be a good prevention of colds in cold times, improve appetite and digestion and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

But pear juice itself does not have a very expressive taste. Perhaps that is why it is rarely seen on store shelves. Our hostesses have found a way out - they add some ingredient to make the taste brighter. You can make juice from apples and pears through a juicer - this allows you to preserve the vitamins contained in the fruits as much as possible.


Servings: - +

  • Pears 5 kg
  • Apples 4 kg
  • Sugar 450 g

per serving

Calories: 120 kcal

Proteins: 0.76 g

Fats: 0.66 g

Carbohydrates: 28.78 g

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Advice: choose fruits only dense, you can slightly underripe. Pluck them for juice from a tree or choose very carefully in the market so that loose fruits do not get into the workpiece.

For such juice, apples of the White pouring variety are suitable. These are everyone's favorite soft sugar fruits, but there is not enough juiciness in them. For harvesting, you will need twice as much fruit. Therefore, take pears as a basis, and “pouring” will give them taste even in small quantities.

You will get not only juice, but also applesauce from the pulp that remains after processing. A good workpiece is obtained just from white filling, as it gives a lot of cake. Just gather the mass while it is still wet, add sugar to taste and reduce over low heat until the desired consistency.

Alternatively, you can make a puree from the foam that appears when the juice is heated. Carefully remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon into another container, add sugar and boil to the desired density.

Pears and apples are indispensable fruits in winter frosts. A glass of such juice contains the necessary dose of vitamins and other useful substances. It will be a great addition to breakfast and will give you a boost of energy. Drink a drink daily, and you can easily cope with beriberi. It is not difficult to prepare such juice for the winter according to our recipe.

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Posh! Gotta fix it

The most delicious and healthy type of drink today is apple juice. Apple juice for the winter through a juicer is made by those chefs who care not only about the taste of the resulting product, but also about its useful qualities. The process of preparing such a blank is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook will be able to handle it. The product prepared by the hostess will not only be an excellent health product, but also a good addition to the main dishes prepared for the festive table.

The main advantages of the dish include: juice passed through a juicer retains much more useful properties, is more nutritious and easy to prepare. The disadvantage of the method of obtaining is that only ripe fruits are suitable for its preparation.

The benefits of apples for the human body

The beneficial properties of apples are so great that a huge number of people eat them. On the one hand, this fruit has a low calorie content, and on the other hand, it is easy to digest. It is great for people who want to lose weight. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 47.5 kilocalories. Very often it is used in various diets. Apples help people lose weight quickly while eating a tasty food item.

In apples there are such groups of vitamins: C, E, A, H, PP, K, B1, B5, B6, B9. In addition, they contain a huge number of micro and macro elements. Some of the most important are trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper and iodine. The main advantages include the huge content of fiber, organic acids, pectins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber in fruits. It is precisely because of the large number of positive properties of the fruit that harvesting apple juice for the winter through a juicer is so popular.

Choosing a Canning Variety

Choosing the right type of fruit will largely depend on the desired result that you want to get. Juice can have a pleasant mild sweet taste or sour taste. Picking up a sweet variety of apples, you can get a drink with a sweetish taste, and sour - with sourness. Apples Cosmonaut Titov, Freedom, Antey, Elena - have a dense structure, so the juice made will have a lot of pulp and not very much liquid. Such a product is suitable for those who like to drink juice with softness.

Admirers of sour taste can pay attention to the following varieties of fruits: Nizhegorodka, Antonovka. Professionals recommend preserving sour apples, they are stored much longer than sweet ones.

Important! Mixing different types of apples when creating juice should not be. It is also necessary to distinguish between quickly ripening and summer fruits of this fruit.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: video

Apple Juice Secrets

In order to make winter harvesting more palatable, it is recommended to follow some important cooking secrets:

  • The time of pasteurization of juices largely depends on the volume of its preparation. A 1 liter can will be processed for 15 minutes, 1.5 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes.
  • Experienced cooks add sugar syrup instead of sugar. The recipe for its preparation is simple: 200 grams of sugar is dissolved in water, mixed, filtered through a dense piece of gauze. This juice is more tasty and softer in taste.
  • Enameled containers are used for brewing juice, since they are more harmless than aluminum or steel.

Harvesting apple juice for the winter through a juicer can be prepared according to various recipes, but using these recommendations, the product will turn out to be of a higher quality.

Sterilizing juice jars

The power of the device is a very important property, it must be at least 300 watts. Juicers with a power of about 500 watts are considered the highest quality. This indicator affects the performance of the device.

DIY juicer for apples

The juicer can be assembled with your own hands from an activator-type washing machine. The operation of the device is based on centrifugal rotation. The activator and the shaft are removed from the bottom of the old machine, installed on the shaft of the required diameter. 3 knives are installed on the threaded part with the help of nuts at an angle of 60 degrees. The drain hole is covered. A stainless steel mesh with a cell of 1.5 millimeters lies on the wall of the centrifuge with an overlap of 40-50 millimeters. A lid is placed on its bottom, made of rubber with a cork tightly closing it. Everything is thoroughly washed with baking soda, and the timer relay is turned off.

After that, 2-3 apples are placed in a home-made design on rotating knives. They are thoroughly crushed for half an hour. For 1 time, 3 liters of applesauce can be placed in the centrifuge. After the end of each procedure, the device must be thoroughly rinsed. The assembled apparatus can prepare about 10 liters of juice with pulp per hour. This performance of the device is great for home use.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: recipe without pulp

Many people prefer to drink juice without pulp. Creating a similar product is very simple if you follow the following recipe. The main components needed for cooking:

  • apples - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 50 grams.

Instructions for making apple juice:

    Selected and thoroughly washed apples are cut into 4 parts, removing the core from them, and sent to the juicer.

    The juice is very cloudy, so it needs to be filtered. As a filter, you can use a small piece of cotton cloth, gauze or a sterile bandage. From the resulting pulp, culinary specialists prepare jam.

    Strained juice does not need to be brought to a boil, but it needs to be heated to 85 degrees Celsius, after which it can be poured into separate jars. It, together with the container, must be sterilized before rolling. Sterilization time is 20 minutes.

recipe for cooking without pulp) - is one of the most common.

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Apple juice for the winter through a juicer, transparent without pulp

The cooking sequence is very simple:

  • peeled apples are cut into small pieces, previously with the cores removed from them;
  • fruit is passed through a juicer;
  • after, it is filtered through a fine sieve, separating the pulp from the clear juice;
  • at the end of the procedure, the juice is heated to a boil and sterilizes it along with the container in which it will be located.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer with pulp

Many chefs advise making apple juice from a juicer for the winter, while there are a wide variety of recipes. The main components of such a drink:

  • sour and sweet varieties of apples - 2-3 kilograms;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We wash the fruits with water and chop into small pieces, put them in a large saucepan, press down with something heavy so that the apples give juice, add granulated sugar and water, bring to a boil.
  2. After, remove from the heat and use a wooden crush to knead the apples, put the puree on the fire again, for about 5 minutes.
  3. After that, carefully sterilize the container with the product for 20 minutes and roll up the lid.

Step-by-step instruction:

Persico - apple juice

This drink is very tasty. Two healthy fruits are in perfect harmony with each other. The result is a very nutritious and tasty juice.

Product Components:

  • peaches - 5 kilograms;
  • apples - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 70 grams.

Product preparation process:

  1. We wash the apples and peaches well with water, remove the peel from them, send the fruits to the juicer.
  2. We sterilize the jars, boil the lids for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour apple and peach juice into a large bowl and bring to a boil, then add sugar to the resulting composition, boil for about 7 minutes, pour into jars and close with lids.


Apple juice for the winter through a juicer is prepared very simply and quickly. It can be prepared at home not only with the help of an expensive juicer, but also with the help of a home-made device. Apple juice has a lot of valuable qualities that support the normal functioning of the human body.

Among the large number of fruit drinks, apple juice is the most affordable and popular. According to the vitamin and mineral composition, scientists call it “living water”, because it not only rejuvenates our body, but also prevents various diseases, especially if the drink is consumed freshly squeezed.

Homemade or packaged: advantages and disadvantages

In supermarkets and small shops you can see apple juices from different manufacturers. If you get acquainted with their composition, you can come to the conclusion that many of them are far from natural.

Any packaged drink must have a preservative and added sugar in various amounts, it increases the calorie content of the drink and thereby adds extra pounds, and the content of a large amount of preservatives can cause the development of various diseases. You can consume such juices in small quantities without much benefit to the body.
The best and correct solution is juice from high-quality home-made raw materials. To obtain it, you will have to spend time and effort, but this natural product will allow you to:

  • due to the large number of antioxidants, maintain the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • speed up metabolic processes and, as a result, help in the fight against extra pounds;
  • older people maintain clarity of mind and memory and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • avoid skin and hair problems, as it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • women bearing a child will replenish the body with vitamins and minerals (contains more than 30 micro and macro elements) and reduce toxicosis that occurs in many pregnant women;
  • avoid problems in the work of the intestines. Pectin, which is part of apples, forms a jelly mass that absorbs all toxins and improves bowel function;
  • relieve asthma attacks in patients with asthma;
  • cleanse the liver and bile ducts of toxins accumulating in them.

Store product harm:

  • chemical additives can contribute to the development of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • a high sugar content with regular intake of the product can cause the development of diabetes;
  • preservatives and stabilizers act on the principle of antibiotics - they destroy harmful microorganisms and do not spare the beneficial ones, disrupting the intestinal microflora.

Did you know? In the old days, some Slavic peoples gave the bride an apple before the wedding, which she had to throw behind the altar in order to have children.

How to choose apples for a recipe

To get a delicious drink, you need to choose good juicy fruits without any signs of spoilage and damage. Apples picked in late August-early September are best suited. It is at this time that fruits become most juicy. Suitable:, "Anuxis" and others. Apples should be large and firm; overripe ones will not release much liquid.

A step-by-step recipe for making homemade apple juice for the winter

Getting juice at home is not a difficult and time-consuming process. The time spent (6 kg of apples will take about 1.2 hours) will reward you with a wonderful vitamin drink.

What you need: kitchen appliances and supplies

To complete the process you will need:

  • juicer;
  • container for apples;
  • pot for the resulting drink;
  • skimmer;
  • kitchen thermometer;
  • glass jars or bottles with screw caps;
  • ladle for pouring the resulting product.

Required products

To prepare 1.5 liters of juice, you need 5 kg of apples and sugar (to taste). The fruits should be firm and unripe, sweet in taste.

Cooking process

Execution sequence:

Important! From the collected foam, jam can be prepared by adding sugar and boiling to a thicker consistency.

Rules and conditions for storing apple juice

During long-term storage, many useful substances are quickly destroyed, so the ideal option is freshly squeezed juice consumed within 15 minutes after preparation. But there are times when a lot of drink is obtained from a rich harvest of apples, and the question immediately arises of how best to preserve it in order to get the maximum benefit from the product in the future. There are several storage methods:

  • Leave freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator for no more than 4 hours. Store in a glass or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid to keep air out. From contact with oxygen, some components of the vitamin and mineral composition of apples are destroyed and the drink acquires a brown tint. At the same time, with a long exposure, the fresh becomes softer, which is good for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pour the freshly squeezed product into plastic containers and send it to the freezer for storage. With this type of storage, boiling of the product is not required and, as a result, vitamins and minerals are completely preserved and the taste remains unchanged. Defrosting occurs at room temperature, and to speed up the process, the container can be placed in a container with warm water;
  • canned drink for long storage. This method stores the boiled product with the addition of a preservative (sugar) in hermetically sealed containers. When heated, a certain amount of vitamins and minerals is destroyed, but in winter, with their shortage, a liter of juice per day will be a good help to maintain normal immunity.

Important! To slow down the oxidation and breakdown of the iron in the drink, you need to acidify it with a small amount of lemon juice.

Little tricks: how to make juice clearer

The resulting drink can be clarified by doing the following:

  • the squeezed juice needs to be defended a little, and then filtered through several layers of gauze, also squeeze the thick from the filter;
  • pour the drink into a small container and put in a water bath. Hold for 4 minutes after boiling water and remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon;
  • Cool quickly by placing in a pot of cold water for 3 hours. During this time, the juice will separate into a clear liquid and sediment, which will sink to the bottom of the container;
  • gently peel off the top transparent layer. For better clarification, the procedure can be repeated.

About the benefits of the product

With the richest vitamin and mineral composition, the drink has a low calorie content and is equally useful for everyone.

For men

The benefits of the product for the strong half of humanity:

  • normalizes blood composition, strengthens bones and increases the body's endurance to physical exertion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • lowers the risk of asthma, cancer problems and Alzheimer's disease;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • restores male hormones and potency.

Did you know? The American Norman Walker, who lived for 99 years, always had 1 glass of apple juice in his daily diet, which allowed him to maintain a healthy heart, good memory and clarity of mind until the end of his days.

For women

A varied amount of vitamins and minerals will help:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • renew blood and increase hemoglobin;
  • avoid depression and depression;
  • to be on guard of female beauty - to strengthen teeth, nails, hair.

For children

Babies after a year of 200 ml of freshly squeezed drink are recommended to use daily. This will allow:

  • avoid hypovitaminosis and anemia;
  • develop mental abilities;
  • easy to carry ARI.

More about healthy juices

In addition to apple, carrot, pumpkin, grape and other juices are useful for the body.


The juice obtained from perfectly tones and strengthens the body, has a good effect on vision. Its benefit lasts only for 30 minutes after the extraction, so it should be prepared in such an amount that can be consumed at a time.


contains a large amount of fiber, the main function of which is the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, a daily intake of 0.5 cups of juice twice a day will help maintain blood sugar at the proper level, reduce “bad” cholesterol, increase blood clotting, as well as speed up metabolic processes in the body and increase immunity.


Grape juice is so useful that there is even a whole therapeutic area called ampelotherapy. Grape juice treats inflammatory processes in the kidneys, anemia, tuberculosis at the initial stage, as well as nervous disorders and inflammation of bone tissues.

apple juice recipe video
