
Spicy sour cream pie with apples in a slow cooker. Sour cream pie with apples in a slow cooker

Of all the existing apple products, charlotte is the easiest to make. That is why it is often prepared during sudden raids of guests or in the case when the home urgently wanted “something tasty”. The recipe for charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker is so simple that it allows you to make almost cooking masterpiece even to the hostess who does not have sufficient experience.

Charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker

The cooking process will not take much time, just 15 minutes of free time will be enough, which will be required to prepare the dough, process and cut apples and put the future dessert "charlotte with sour cream in a slow cooker" into the bowl of a kitchen assistant. After the cake is put on the baking mode, you just start doing your own business, for example, preparing for the meeting of guests and the upcoming dinner.
To prepare a dessert, the following products are needed:

  • apples (3 pieces);
  • eggs (3 pieces);
  • flour (1 cup);
  • sour cream (200 g);
  • vanillin (1 pack);
  • granulated sugar (200 g);
  • baking powder (1 teaspoon).

After preparing the necessary products, you can start preparing the dough.

  1. To do this, take a wide container and break into it chicken eggs then add sugar and vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly. When falling asleep granulated sugar you should pay attention to the variety of apples, if they are sweet, the amount of sand can be reduced to 150 g, if sour, then the portion of the sweetener should be increased to 220 g. This is important to consider so that the dessert does not turn out too cloying.
  2. The resulting paste-like mass should be beaten to a homogeneous consistency. white color. In order to reduce the cooking time, it is better to use a blender. And in order to correctly determine whether the future dough is whipped enough, you should remove the mixer and look at the foam - if it falls, continue the whipping process, if it retains its shape, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. Put the sour cream to the strongly whipped mixture and pour the sifted flour with soda into it. Mix everything thoroughly, while it is important to ensure that the foam does not fall. The output should be a mass resembling thick sour cream by its consistency.
  4. Washed and peeled apples are cut in small pieces or thin straws (it is important to chop the apples so that the dough does not fall off during baking).
  5. Since baking will take place with the help of any housewife's lifesaver - a multicooker, you should decide what you and your guests prefer the consistency of the finished pie, namely, how many layers of apple filling will be. You can make several of them or leave one, right in the middle. After making a decision, you can take turns laying out the dough and apple filling into an oiled multicooker bowl.
  6. The final step should be decoration. After the base of the pie, along with the filling, is placed in a slow cooker, the top of the dessert can be decorated the thinnest slices apples rolled up in the form of rosebuds.
  7. Then, they should be smeared with butter and sprinkled powdered sugar(This will allow the apples and buds to caramelize and therefore retain their shape.) If desired, you can sprinkle the future cake with ground cinnamon.
  8. Close the multicooker lid and set the baking mode, the baking process usually does not exceed 50 minutes. After the cake is ready, let it cool at room temperature, then put it on holiday dish and serve to guests.

Charlotte with sour cream

This recipe doesn't include classic version, it is slightly improved, rather ready meal can be called apple cake. The basis of it (cakes) is prepared according to classic recipe charlottes, but with the addition butter. The layers are smeared with sour cream.

The finished product is juicy and tender, a nuance in the form of almond petals is also added, so the taste is simply unique.
Required Ingredients:

  • butter (100 g);
  • eggs (3 pieces);
  • vanilla sugar(1 package);
  • salt (to taste);
  • almond petals (to taste);
  • soda (one tablespoon);
  • apples (4 pieces);
  • granulated sugar (0.5 cups);
  • flour (1 cup);
  • sour cream (300 g).
  1. We start by preparing the dough: we take a wide dish - a deep bowl or saucepan and break the eggs into it. Separate the whites from the yolks and add salt to the whites, which we beat until a strong foam. While stirring, add the yolks and beat again. Pour in the sugar and stir.
  2. Soften butter in a warm frying pan or water bath and add almond petals to it. Mix the sifted flour with water using a mixer. Apples processed and cut into thin strips are added to total weight and mix well again. The dough is placed in a baking dish, namely in a multicooker bowl greased with butter and set in baking mode.
  3. After the process is completed, cool the cakes at room temperature and cut into three equal parts. Add sugar and vanilla to sour cream. This mixture whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Lubricate with the resulting cream ready-made cakes, and sprinkle the top of the cake with almond petals.

The dessert is ready, and its main advantage is that the cakes are quickly soaked with cream, so you can serve it with tea almost immediately. Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is ready, have a nice tea party!

We offer you to watch a video with a pie recipe:

If they came unexpected guests or just wanted to eat something tasty immediately, the first thing that comes to mind is to quickly combine sweet dough with sweet and sour fruits, and brew fragrant tea. I think you already guessed what in question, of course, about charlotte! By the way, we have already prepared this delicious pastries, be sure to look, I'm sure you will find an interesting recipe for yourself.

In my childhood, this favorite apple pie was associated with autumn - the crunch of antonovka, the first frosts, golden leaf fall. Today there are apples on our table all year round. In addition, almost every modern family has a slow cooker, thanks to which cooking your favorite dishes has become so simple that now even a beginner can feel like a chef.

To be honest, I for a long time I didn’t dare to bake in this kitchen device, I cooked anything, but not pastries. As they say, for the time being! Until I saw culinary blog recipe for charlotte with plums https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/sharlotka-so-slivami.html And that's it, I just got carried away and now I love my assistant even more! And the plum pie turned out to be truly divine, for which, special thanks to the author of the sekreti-domovodstva blog, Margarita!

In the article I have collected the best, proven recipes! Choose according to your taste and create fragrant magic in the kitchen for your loved ones!

And to really bake tasty pie, read the tips and cooking secrets at the end of the article.

Lush charlotte in a slow cooker with apples - a classic recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Sugar - 180 g.
  • Flour - 125g.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • Salt - a pinch (can be replaced with citric acid)
  • Apples - 3 - 4 pcs. (with bananas, cherries, pears or strawberries is also very tasty)

Cooking process:

1. First of all, we take the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks on separate plates. Set aside the yolks.

To biscuit dough it turned out lush, the eggs should be chilled, i.e. from the refrigerator

2. Pour a pinch of salt or quite a bit of citric acid into the proteins (I have lemon acid), beat until foamy, then gradually add sugar.

3. Continue active actions until the cream becomes white and dense, if a little sugar remains, it's not scary. Set the bowl of protein cream aside (that's what we got).

4. So the turn of the yolks has come. We add vanillin to them so that the cake comes out fragrant.

5. Then we send the softened butter, which I took out of the refrigerator half an hour before the cooking process itself.

6. Rub the yolk-cream mass until smooth

7. Sift wheat flour into a separate deep bowl premium together with baking powder (you can do it twice if you are not sure about the quality of the flour). Mix well.

8. Gently pour the yolks into the meringue, slowly mix with a wooden spatula or whisk, as if lifting the mass from the bottom up.

9. When the yolks and proteins have become one, add flour with baking powder, and mix everything slowly.

Tip: do not use a mixer to combine all the ingredients, spend a little more time, mix the dough by hand, investing your soul, and the result will not disappoint you.

10. Now let our biscuit rest on the sidelines, and we will deal with the filling. Wash, dry, peel the apples, and peel the skin if it is too dense, or if you and your loved ones love it so much. In general, this is a matter of taste, as well as slicing fruit. Today I decided to cut them into slices.

11. Put our slices of apples on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

Tip: so that the finished cake does not stick, grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour or semolina

12. Fill the apples with half the dough

12. Again I spread a layer of filling and the rest of the dough on top. I turn on the “baking” mode, set the time to 1 hour. If your kitchen unit has a multi-cook function, then set the baking temperature to 160C.

Always take into account the features and power of your equipment, setting the time and temperature.

Cooked pastries are usually pale, but if you want golden brown, that is, two ways out: turn the cake upside down (the bottom will be ruddy) or take out the cake after 45 minutes, turn it over, place it back in the bowl upside down and cook for another 15 minutes.

After taking out the cake, do not immediately remove it from the mold, let it cool slightly. Do not cut the biscuit hot.

Here is our cake! Make tea and invite your family to the table!

Happy tea!

Delicious charlotte on kefir with apricots

On the Internet, I came across a very interesting option dessert with apricots. Today I only have canned berries, but the taste from this, in my opinion, only wins.


  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 120 gr.
  • Apricots - 10 pcs. (I have canned);
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Soda - 8 grams.


1. First of all, we take out the oil from the refrigerator, give it a little time to soften it. Then transfer to a bowl.

2. Add sugar to the butter and grind.

4. Add soda to kefir and mix. Then pour into the bowl to the egg-oil mass. Mix well. Always look at the expiration date, all products must be fresh, the outcome of the dessert depends on this.

5. Now we add the flour, which initially needs to be sifted, thereby enriching it with oxygen and getting rid of lumps or specks. And mix thoroughly again.

6. Now that the dough for the pie is ready, grease the form from our assistant with butter and sprinkle with flour or semolina. Thanks to these simple actions, our charlotte will not stick and will easily jump out of the bowl, retaining its shape.

7. Then pour the remaining dough over the apricots. We turn on the device in the "Baking" mode and bake until cooked, I bake for about 1 hour.

8. Ready pie let cool a little under a closed lid for 10 minutes, then under an open one. And only when the edges slightly move away from the walls, you can remove it from the mold.

like this ruddy pie we got it! Help yourself! For beauty, the top of the cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, spread with condensed milk, or grate chocolate on top.

A simple and delicious recipe for apple charlotte in a Redmond slow cooker

A few years ago under Christmas tree I found a Redmond multicooker, which to this day is my faithful assistant in the kitchen. I took the biscuit recipe from the recipe book for this miracle of technology, I just added apples and cinnamon on my own.

Required Ingredients:

  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Flour - 200 grams
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Soda - 1 gram
  • Apples - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 10 grams

Cooking sequence:

1. Having prepared the required ingredients, we undertake to beat the eggs with sugar until fluffy foam.

Tip: if you beat by hand, then it is better to separate the yolks from the proteins, and first make protein cream, and then add the pounded white yolks to it.

2. egg mix combine with flour, soda and melted butter. Beat until smooth. Peel and cut apples, mix with cinnamon. Pour apples into a greased form and pour over them with dough.

3. Bake under a closed lid in the “Baking” mode until the end of the mode. At the end of the program, do not immediately take out the cake, but give it time to stand for 10 minutes. And then we take it out. That's what a ruddy gourmet I got this time, and what a flavor is just crazy!

Brew fragrant tea and invite to the table!

How to cook banana charlotte in a hurry

Easy, very tasty and simple banana pie recipe. It is prepared quickly with a minimum of effort and there will be bombastic pastries on the table, from which the whole family will be delighted!

Baking Ingredients:

  • Flour (highest grade) - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Cocoa - 1.5 - 2 tbsp. lodges
  • Bananas - 2-3 pcs.

I suggest you watch the step by step preparation in the video:

Cook with pleasure!

The best recipe for apple pie with sour cream

Once (I was thirteen years old then) my dad invited some friends and forgot to tell my mom about it. Horror! The guests will be in an hour, and we have absolutely nothing to treat them with. After opening the refrigerator and assessing the scale of the disaster, mother, as she always does in stressful situations, took a deep breath, and began to give out clear instructions to everyone. I was entrusted with cooking complex dessert- Sponge apple pie with sour cream. This recipe is from the old cookbook, also turned out well in a slow cooker.

Required products:

  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 200 gr.

Cooking technology:

1. Rinse the raisins, remove the sticks and pour boiling water over them, put them on a paper towel after 10 minutes.

2. Wash apples, dry, peel and seeds, cut into small pieces.

3. Sugar and egg yolks whip into white thick foam. Add sour cream and mix until smooth.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the whites until fluffy. Combine whites with yolks, mix well. Add flour, which was sifted in advance and quickly knead the dough.

5. Pour apples and raisins into the mass, mix gently. Pour into a greased form and bake until done on the “Baking” mode.

Bon appetit!

Cooking charlotte in a slow cooker Polaris in milk without soda

Apple biscuit according to this recipe will not leave anyone indifferent. Will be required available products, and the output will be royal pastry, which will adequately decorate the festive table.

Required products:

  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Apples - 3 pcs. (with sourness)
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp.
  • Butter - 20 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 15 gr.

Cooking process:

1. We send sugar and eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer or a whisk, as you prefer. When the egg and sugar mixture becomes homogeneous consistency, pour 100 gr. (1 glass) vegetable oil thin stream, while constantly stirring or whisking with a mixer.

2. Then slowly pour in a glass of milk, while constantly whisking.

3. Pour the bag vanilla sugar or vanilla on the tip of a knife. Add 2 teaspoons of baking powder

We add the baking powder for the dough at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 cup flour

4. Then gradually add 2 cups of sifted flour without turning off the mixer. The dough should be thick like a pancake.

The amount depends on the quality of the flour, you may need a little more

5. My apples, cut out the core. Cut into equal pieces.

It is better to choose apples with sourness, because. sweet pie dough

6. Lubricate the bowl with butter, pour the dough and beautifully fan the slices of apples. We send the bowl to the slow cooker and bake the cake in the “Baking” mode.

How delicious it turned out - beyond words!

A quick recipe for charlotte with sour milk from 2 eggs

If suddenly the milk tastes sour - do not despair, now I will share with you the recipe for charlotte on sour milk, baking turns out just chic! And we will use chocolate as a filling, although you can add any berries or fruits.

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour (highest grade) - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk (sour) - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Chocolate
  • Condensed milk


1. I think you have already guessed that first of all we start beating eggs with sugar. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, add a teaspoon of soda, then milk and continue to beat with a mixer (or combine), or maybe it’s more convenient for you with a whisk, this is up to you. Next, add the sifted flour. Mix until smooth. The dough should come out liquidy, but thick.

2. Lubricate the form with softened butter, then pour the dough.

3. As a filling, I suggest using chocolate, although in fact you can fill it with any berry or fruit. I also like to make such a pie with cherries, apples or strawberries. So, if you also decide to bake such a gourmet with chocolate, then break the tile into small cubes and lay it on top of the dough.

4. We put the bowl in our kitchen gadget and turn on the “Baking” mode for 1 hour. After the program notifies you of the end, do not rush to open the lid, let the biscuit stand for another 5-10 minutes under the closed lid.

5. We take out our pastries, pour condensed milk, sprinkle with chopped walnuts(which can be pre-fried) and three grated chocolate on top. Everything is crazy delicious dessert with condensed milk and chocolate is ready, the kids are already squeaking with delight!

Be sure to try to cook such a delicacy, and I wish you a pleasant tea party!

Cottage cheese charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - the most delicious recipe

You tried cottage cheese charlotte? I recently baked the cake, it turned out very tender and tasty. Cottage cheese can be taken pasty or granular, in a word, what is in the refrigerator. It’s just that the pasty will dissolve in the dough and it will not be visible, but when you try baking, you will be pleasantly surprised. Grainy cottage cheese it stands out against the background of the dough and the dessert will be more original!

Pie Ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. lies.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 20 gr.
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Apples - 3-4 pcs.


1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer in white lush foam at maximum speed. It took me 1.5 -2 minutes. If you have a blender, you can beat with a blender.

2. Set aside a bowl of beaten eggs. We take another deep bowl, in which we will whip the cottage cheese with sour cream. Beat with a mixer at low speed. Then we mix the egg and curd mass until smooth, I do this again with the help of a mixer.

3. Sift flour, add baking powder, a pinch of salt, mix well and gradually add to the egg-curd mass in three stages, while constantly stirring with a mixer.

4. Now grease the mold (bowl) with butter and lightly sprinkle with flour. Using a spatula (I use a silicone one), carefully fold in the batter.

If there is no butter, the container can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

5. Wash the apples thoroughly, wipe paper towel, cut out the seed box and cut into thin strips or slices. Also, the peel can be cut off, this is optional, personally, I rarely get rid of the peel. And carefully spread on top of the dough in the form of a fan. You can also sprinkle cinnamon on top of the dough.

Apples are better different sort, for example, one is red and the second is green and lay out alternating colors.

6. We put the bowl in our kitchen device, turn on the “Bake” or “Bake” mode and wait for an incredible cake. At the end of the program, do not immediately open the door, let the pastries stand, otherwise the cake will fall off and not be so airy. Then open the lid and let the cake cool, then carefully remove

Help yourself!

Apple pie without eggs

Have you been in a situation like this? delicious pastries, and the eggs were not in the refrigerator? It happened to me yesterday, I promised the kids a delicious pie, and the most main ingredient was absent. The question immediately arose - what can replace eggs in charlotte? As it turned out, you don’t need to replace them with anything, just cook according to a recipe where eggs are not needed, thanks to Google!

Required products:

  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Manka - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.

Cooking technology:

1. First of all, we need to mix all the dry ingredients in a deep bowl. Then add kefir. I use special measuring spoons as a measure, you can use beaker or any other utensil that is convenient for you.

2. Now we need to measure out half a glass of vegetable oil and add to the rest of the ingredients. Then mix well with a silicone spatula.

3. If the dough turns out to be dryish, then you just need to add a little kefir so that the consistency is more liquid.

4. Finishing touch- slicing apples We act as in previous recipes- cut out the core and cut into thin strips. Sometimes I resort to special help vegetable cutting and then the slices are thin and perfectly even.

this is how they look now:

4. Next, we need to put apple slices either on the bottom of the bowl or on top of the dough, it's up to you. Today I decided to make the fruit the first layer, first I greased the multicooker container with oil. Then pour the dough, gently leveling with a silicone spatula.

Bake until done. Just remember not to open the lid right away, let the biscuit stand for a while.

Happy tea!

Dietary (low-calorie) oatmeal charlotte

Whole step by step process You can watch the preparation in the video:

Be sure to cook this masterpiece, I'm sure you'll love it!

  • in order for the biscuit dough to be lush, eggs must be taken from the refrigerator;
  • beat eggs with sugar very well until thick foam;
  • take only the highest grade flour and be sure to sift before cooking;
  • add baking powder or soda slaked with vinegar or lemon juice. If the pie is on kefir, then you do not need to extinguish the soda. Be sure to look at the expiration date, if it is out, then there is a high probability that the pastries will not come out magnificent.
  • do not open the lid of the multicooker until ready, otherwise the biscuit pie will fall off.

By following these simple rules, you will royal dessert from which the whole family will be crazy. Personally, my opinion is that charlotte is a pie that always turns out! Therefore, cook, experiment and let your kitchen always be warm, fragrant and cozy!

Until new releases!

If you have already mastered baking biscuits, then it's time to try something more complicated. This chic apple pie in a slow cooker based on sour cream, sprinkled with powdered sugar, will compete with the traditional biscuit-cake baking for multicookers. The pie can be safely classified as “wet”: unlike the same dryish biscuit, it turns out to be very juicy. Baked apples play a role in this, as well as sour cream, which we fill them with from above. The only negative is that the recipe is intended for the oven, and in the Orion OR-MT01 multicooker on the “Baking” (Cake) function at one time (50 min.) You cannot cook it - after the beep, you have to start the same mode in the second circle and Bake the cake for another 20-30 minutes. But this is not such a big problem, after all, you need to make allowances for the fact that the dough for this pie is a bit heavy.


For the test

  • Flour - 250g
  • Sour cream 100g
  • Butter - 150g

For sour cream

  • Sour cream - 250-300g
  • Sugar - 220g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Apples - 1kg

How to make apple pie in slow cooker

Place butter, sour cream and flour in a bowl.

Chop with a knife, and then knead the dough with your hands, it will turn out soft and elastic. It should turn out like this bun.

Roll the dough into cling film and refrigerate for 30 min.
Peel and core apples and cut into slices.

While the dough is resting in the refrigerator, prepare the sour cream filling. To do this, in a bowl or saucepan, mix sour cream, eggs, sugar, vanilla and flour.

It is not necessary to beat the sour cream filling, just mix well so that there are no lumps.

We take out the dough from the refrigerator and in a greased form of a multicooker with our hands, gently working with our fingers, we form a cake out of it. Moreover, be sure to make sides about 3 cm high.

Place the sliced ​​apples on the crust.

Top with sour cream filling.

We bake on the Cake mode (50 min. + 30 min.).

Get out of the form hot pie take your time, let it stand for 15-20 minutes, then you can put it on a dish. And after it has cooled, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar. Delicious apple- sour cream pie on shortcrust pastry ready!

The cake is not very sweet if you want more sweet pastries then just increase the amount of sugar for sour cream filling. And one more tip - the dough for the pie turns out to be bland, so you can add a pinch of salt when preparing the dough.

Did you like the recipe? Click on the heart:

Total comments 15:

    Tasty, but the dough is really bland, you need to add something. But the filling!!! Now eat and admire! In the Polaris0517 cartoon in the baking mode, I cooked 1 hour 50 minutes

    And if there is no mode indicated in the recipe, which one to choose then? (I have Vitek 4206)


    Excellent Recipe! Everything is very tasty and the filling and dough (not fresh). Fast, tasty and beautiful. Thanks a lot to the author!


    and it’s better to salt the dough a little, then you get a rather interesting contrast of salty dough and sweet stuffing(because there is enough sugar in the filling, I think sugar in the dough is already too much!)


    girls, tell me what it means to bake 50 min + 30 minutes? 50 minutes on the main mode, and then another 30 on the other?

    • On the same. It's just that this multicooker mode is set no more than for a certain time.

    Thanks for the recipe! I made it according to a simplified scheme - I used frozen puff pastry. The filling turned out to be very tasty (I already eat 4 pieces :)) I baked in the Redmond multicooker for 50 minutes and then let it stand for 20 minutes in a cooling multicooker. Everything baked very well.

    • :)) Fine!

    I kneaded everything, already filled it, but there is no temperature in the recipe (((The default is 130 degrees, I will try on such an oven.

    something is weak. Now I will bake at 140 degrees. I would be grateful if anyone knows how many degrees are needed so as not to spoil the pies))


    Polaris baked in a slow cooker for almost 2 hours. Looks nice, big and heavy. It turned out very sweet, although I even added less sugar than I needed, unusual taste turned out to be unique. My husband liked it very much, so I advise))

    Made it twice. I really liked the pie. I can’t support the discussion about the taste of the dough: I haven’t tasted it))). I got it thin, just to keep the stuffing. And the juices of the filling absorbed slightly. So it didn't stand out. And the filling is amazing! I repeat: very tasty! And very easy to prepare. At the cottage in Spartan conditions for one or two

Leave an opinion

For the test, it is desirable to use the ingredients room temperature. Therefore, before cooking, you can get everything out of the refrigerator. necessary products. This is especially true for sour cream. If the fermented milk product is not icy, then the mass will turn out lush. You can add baking powder to the dough or baking soda, it's optional. At present, baking powder has gained popularity. Since it gives the dough an airy structure, very tender and porous pies are obtained.

After the charlotte is removed from the technique pan, it must be cooled. And then you can sprinkle with powdered sugar. So delicious and fragrant pie suitable for family tea party. You can serve Charlotte with not only tea, but also freshly brewed compote, coffee or a glass of baked milk.

Ingredients for making charlotte

  1. Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 2/3 tbsp.
  3. Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  4. Fresh apple - 1 pc.
  5. Sour cream - 150 ml.
  6. Baking powder - 5 g.
  7. Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker

Rinse eggs with water. Break open the shell with a knife blade. Pour the yolks and whites into one bowl. Using a mixer, turn the mass into a fluffy consistency. After that, add sugar, mix well with whisks.

Add sour cream at room temperature to the dough, mix until smooth. If soda is added to the dough, then it can be poured along with the fermented milk product.

The next step is to add the sifted flour with baking powder. Now you need to mix the products with a spatula.

Rinse the apple well with water, cut out the seed box, peel the slices from the skin. Cut apples into small pieces.

Lubricate the bowl of equipment with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Lay out half of the dough, make a layer of apples.

Then carefully spread out the rest of the dough. Under the closed lid in the “Baking” mode, cook the cake for approximately 1 hour.

Warm charlotte cooked on sour cream, decorate with powdered sugar. It can be applied with a teaspoon, or sifted through a fine dry sieve. Bon appetit!

It turns out very tasty charlotte with apples in a slow cooker, cooked according to simple and completely uncomplicated recipes. It is possible to supplement the dough with flavors, citrus notes, use the base in the form of kefir, milk sour cream or cook classic pie.

The dough for charlotte in a slow cooker does not differ from the classic one, any option is easy to adapt to the capabilities of the device. One difference from baking in the oven is that the cake is baked longer, at least 1 hour in the “Baking”, “Cupcake” or “Pie” mode.

  • To apple charlotte in the slow cooker did not come out too wet with a “boiled” surface, you need to get rid of excess steam: remove the valve or open the lid after 30 minutes of baking.
  • Pies are taken out using a special bowl for a double boiler, and if the fruit should remain on the surface, it is better to cover the bowl with parchment and take out the cake by pulling the edges of the paper.
  • It is important that if the pie is prepared according to the classic recipe from sugar eggs and flour, the baking time should be increased to 1 hour and 15 minutes. On fermented milk products delicious charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is baked for 45-60 minutes.
  • Given the peculiarities of cooking in the appliance, there will be no golden crust on the surface. You can mask and decorate the cake with powdered sugar, icing, jam or jam.

Charlotte with apples and cinnamon in a slow cooker

The classic recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker will cook no worse than in the oven. The cake will be fluffy, finely porous, very tender. Cinnamon is added to apple slices, complemented cane sugar. After baking, the cake should be given time to “rest” in the bowl, about 15 minutes, then take it out. You can decorate as you wish or just sprinkle with powdered sugar.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • baking powder;
  • vanillin;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • cane sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apples - 2 pcs.


  • Beat egg whites with sugar into a strong foam.
  • Add yolks, baking powder and vanilla.
  • Add the sifted flour, immediately pour the dough into the bowl.
  • Submit apple slices sprinkle with mixture cane sugar and cinnamon.
  • Cook on "Baking" 1 hour 10 minutes.

Charlotte on kefir in a slow cooker

The simplest and most popular way to cook charlotte is on kefir in a slow cooker with apples or other fruits, they go well with pears, plums, cherries. The latter can be used dried or dried, so the cake will come out with more interesting taste and is suitable even for a solemn tea party.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • baking powder, vanilla;
  • grated lemon peel- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried cherries - 1 handful;
  • apples - 2 pcs.


  • Beat eggs and sugar until white "cream".
  • Enter kefir, baking powder, vanilla and zest.
  • Sift the flour, add to the dough, throw in the cherry.
  • Pour into an oiled bowl, arrange fruit slices.
  • Preparing charlotte with cherries and apples in a slow cooker for 50 minutes on "Baking".

Charlotte with cottage cheese and apples in a slow cooker

Charlotte with cottage cheese in a slow cooker turns out very tender, soft. Such a dough is successful for every cook, and the peculiarity of the cake is the duration of its storage, even in the morning the cake will remain soft and fresh. Cottage cheese needs to be ground or punched with a blender, it is possible to use ready-made curd mass but control the sweetness by reducing the amount of sugar in the recipe.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • flour - 220 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • baking powder, vanillin;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • apples - 2 pcs.


  • Beat sugar and butter, add one egg at a time.
  • Add baking powder and vanilla, pour in kefir.
  • Adding flour, knead a smooth, creamy dough.
  • Pour into a bowl, spread the slices.
  • Charlotte with apples is being prepared in a slow cooker for 45 minutes on the "Baking".

Charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker

To make a fluffy charlotte with apples in a slow cooker, it is better to use sour cream (not too fatty) and butter with a high percentage of fat content (82.5%) as a base. In this recipe, the fruit is distributed at the bottom of the bowl, so it is better to line the container with parchment so that the juice that comes out does not burn. You can get it with the help of a steamer bowl, so it will turn out, a kind of upside-down pie.


  • sugar - 180 g;
  • oil 82.5% - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 20% - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • baking powder and vanilla sugar - 15 g each;
  • apples - 3 pcs.


  • Grind butter and sugar, add one egg at a time, then sour cream.
  • Throw baking powder, vanilla, flour.
  • In a bowl, on top of the paper, lay out the chopped slices, sprinkle with sugar, pour out the dough.
  • Charlotte with apples is being prepared in a slow cooker for 50 minutes on the "Baking".
  • Take out with the help of a steamer bowl, turning the fruit upside down. Sprinkle the cooled cake with powdered sugar.

Charlotte with bananas and apples in a slow cooker

Apple-banana charlotte in a slow cooker - excellent delicacy, which does not look like a classic pie, but comes out unusually tasty. Bananas need to be taken a little unripe, hard, they are mixed into the dough, apples will need sour to level the cloying base. You can knead the pie on kefir or sour cream, yogurt and yogurt will do, you can bake on sweet children's cottage cheese.


  • sugar - 180 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • melted butter - 100 g;
  • yogurt - 50 g;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.


  • Beat eggs and sugar, add yogurt, then butter.
  • Introduce soda quenched with lemon juice.
  • Pour in the flour.
  • Cut bananas into cubes, add to the dough, mix with a spoon, pour into a bowl.
  • Put apples, cook on "Baking" for 45 minutes.
  • Remove after 20 minutes of cooling, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Charlotte with milk in a slow cooker

Milk doesn't always work. lush charlotte in a slow cooker, the addition of softened butter and lemon juice. Milk is best used warm or at room temperature, cold will make the cake "rubber". The cake will not rise much, but will be very soft, tender, finely porous, if you follow the recipe.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • oil - 120 g;
  • baking powder;
  • apples - 3 pcs.


  • Grind sugar and butter, add eggs, baking powder.
  • Pour milk, lemon juice, stir, add flour.
  • The dough should be white, smooth and creamy.
  • Pour into a bowl, lay out the slices.
  • Lush charlotte with apples is being prepared in a slow cooker for 50 minutes on Baking.

Charlotte with condensed milk in a slow cooker

Using condensed milk as a base, prepare delicious charlotte without sugar in a slow cooker. In terms of splendor and sweetness, the cake will not be inferior to the classic one, and fruits can be supplemented with any candied fruits, dried berries (cherries or cranberries), nuts will not be superfluous in the composition of the cake. This recipe designed for a 4 l bowl, if a larger appliance is used, the baking time should be reduced to 40 minutes.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 b.;
  • baking powder;
  • apples - 3 pcs.
  • dried berries;
  • brandy - 50 ml.


  • Pour berries with alcohol, leave for 1 hour.
  • Beat eggs, add condensed milk, melted butter.
  • Add baking powder, flour, add soaked berries.
  • Pour into a bowl, arrange the chopped apples.
  • Cook on "Baking" 1 hour.

Charlotte with semolina and apples in a slow cooker

As a rule, charlotte with semolina is baked in a slow cooker without adding flour, but an equivalent replacement will help get rid of the taste of porridge wheat flour or almond. So the cake will be denser and more porous. A delicious delicacy will turn out if you add a little orange peel to the dough, and ready-made treat pour syrup or smear with citrus jam.


  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • kefir - ½ st.;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • zest - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • orange jam - 3 tbsp. l.


  • Pour the grits warm kefir leave for 30 minutes.
  • Beat eggs with sugar and butter.
  • Enter semolina, baking powder, zest.
  • Pour flour, pour into a bowl.
  • Lay out apple slices, cook on "Baking" for 50 minutes.
  • Spread hot pie with jam and let cool.
