
Wheat porridge with chicken in a slow cooker. Recipe: Wheat porridge "Artek" in a slow cooker - with chicken and tomato juice

No one knows where the true homeland of this plant is, because its seeds independently spread along all the coasts located in the tropical zone with the help of only ocean water and directed currents. In the people it is called a heavenly gift, and in Latin it sounds like "monkey". And in general, this nut is not a nut at all, if you look at it, but an ordinary stone fruit, the flesh of which is under a reliable shaggy shell ...

Yes, we are talking about coconut - an exotic, but no longer outlandish "nut" for us, whose delicate taste and unusual aroma have been valued since time immemorial. Numerous beneficial properties of coconut are also known, which are actively used in cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine.

The composition and calorie content of coconut

The pulp, milk, and aromatic coconut oil are eaten both raw and cooked. In this case, the pulp can act as a dessert or main nutritious dish, because the calorie content of coconut is about 365 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product. On average, coconut meat consists of 4% protein, 5% carbohydrates, 36% fat and 9% fiber. The remaining 46% is water. The energy value of coconut milk is small - 20 kcal per 100 g.

Coconut is rich in B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid - the main fighter against colds, tocopherol - the main antioxidant obtained from food and biotin - an indispensable component of lipid and protein metabolism. In addition, coconut pulp and milk contain a lot of essential elements for health, such as potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, fluorine, selenium and iodine.

Useful properties of coconut

The local population of countries where coconut palms grow or are cultivated has been fully using the beneficial properties of coconut since ancient times. So, for example, the pulp of the nut helped to cope with diarrhea, was eaten in case of poisoning, and once upon a time even cholera was treated with it. Drops are still prepared from it, which help with ear pain. Milk cures diseases of Venus, and ash from the shell dries and disinfects festering wounds and ulcers.

In tropical countries, tonic cocktails are prepared from coconut milk, which actually help to cope with fatigue, and also increase male strength. Substances contained in milk and butter do not accumulate in the body: they are quickly processed and converted into pure energy. For the same reasons, milk is recommended to drink regularly for athletes and people who work physically.

Both the pulp and milk of the nut contain a minimum of sugars, so they are not excluded from the diet of diabetics, but, on the contrary, are even recommended. In modern medicine, coconut juice is combined with glucose intravenously to maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydration. Milk also improves the functioning of the excretory system, has a strong diuretic and antibacterial effect, and helps dissolve kidney stones.

The benefits of coconut for our body also lies in its ability to improve blood quality and normalize blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of atherosclerosis, and positively affect the circulatory organs in general.

Regular consumption of coconut in food helps cleanse the intestines of toxins, normalize digestion, do not give a single chance to influenza viruses, measles and others, increase immunity, and is also an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Coconut oil is a magical remedy for cosmetologists. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, slows down its aging, and also restores damaged hair, normalizes oiliness.

Harm of coconut

Coconut is delicious, fragrant, healthy and nutritious. In addition, when ripe, the fruits are not fed with any chemicals: they are environmentally friendly. But still there is one BUT: to limit the consumption of high-calorie pulp and oil should be people who are overweight or on a low-calorie diet.

What is useful coconut (video)

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An exotic, tasty and very healthy fruit, coconut has long been something pretentious on our table and in a cosmetic bag. After all, they can not only enjoy, but also improve the condition of the skin and hair. What makes it so useful, we will understand further.

Description of the fetus

Coconut- the fruit of a palm tree that grows in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and other Pacific countries. Coconut got its name in Portugal, translated "coco" as a monkey. And all because of the appearance of the nut - the dimples on the round brown fruit, which make it look like an animal's muzzle.

All these beneficial substances in the collection give a boost of energy and allow you to enrich the body with the necessary nutrients and beneficial substances.

Beneficial features

Coconut is a very fatty product, but these fats are saturated, which means they are healthy. They are able to normalize and prevent atherosclerosis.
In addition, the product will be useful for:

  • urological and nervous diseases;
  • leading a lifestyle without animal products;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland and in case of hormonal failures;
  • metabolic syndrome and diabetes;
  • eye disease;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • joint diseases.

Did you know? To get 70 liters of coconut oil, you need to use 1440 kg of nuts.

Coconut liquid has antiseptic properties so wound healing is faster. In addition, the oil can save the skin from allergies and rashes (in cases where there is no intolerance to coconut). From the liquid make drops for the ears, which relieve pain.

Lauric acid in the composition has been used for over 50 years to combat pathogenic bacteria.

The fleshy part of the coconut is more enriched with beneficial substances than the liquid component. It is useful to use it as a dessert, an additional fruit for breakfast, use it for a snack. It will quickly relieve the feeling of hunger and give the body the strength to fight diseases and.

Coconut milk will help quench your thirst, restore water balance in the body, cleanse the bladder of infections, and, in addition, give the body vitamins and useful elements. Also, the liquid is good for kidney disease, the antibacterial effect can be not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin - it is nourished from the inside, which helps it to be constantly moisturized even without additional creams.

Drupe oil

Oil should be given more attention, since it is in this form that almost every girl and housewife in the house now has coconut. And all because it is used for cosmetic and culinary purposes.

Oil nourishes the hair, strengthens them, helps to moisturize and prevent split ends and dryness of the head. It can also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is used both separately and as part of cosmetics. Body masks and lotions help prevent stretch marks and tighten the skin and. You can use refined and unrefined.

Important! The pulp retains its usefulness in fresh and dried form, but coconut flakes lend themselves to heat treatment and lose most of their properties.

Used exclusively in cooking unrefined coconut oil. On it you can fry, it is well suited for desserts, pastries, salads. It is used for weight loss. You can even rinse your mouth with this oil, this will help get rid of unpleasant odors and prevent diseases of the teeth and gums.


There are over 100 ways to use coconut. So for internal reception you can: eat the pulp, drink coconut water, drink 1 tsp. oil diluted in water, use the oil to cook food.

For external influence: moisturize and nourish hair with masks and wraps, add oil to creams and lotions, smear nails and use to get rid of cuticles, save heels and toes from cracks and wounds, scrub body, face, moisturize after a shower or bath, remove makeup , save from sunburn, help the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, help heal wounds, bites and heal stitches.

Coconut oil is also helpful in everyday life: it can be used to give shine to leather things, remove chewing gum from any surface, clean a metal surface, lubricate door hinges well with it.

coconut pulp- an ingredient for making sweets, salads, soups, pies. Coconut milk is used in the preparation of cocktails, smoothies, Asian dishes.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Coconut is almost the only product that has no contraindications for use. The only exception is individual intolerance to the product.

Did you know? Pacific coasters traditionally plant a coconut tree at the birth of a child.-on it then evaluate his health.

How to choose

To enjoy the fruit to the fullest, you need to choose the right and ripened coconut. It's easy to do if you know Basic Rules:

  • the drupe should not be light - this indicates the emptiness of the fetus.
  • shake and listen to the nut - gurgling water speaks of freshness;
  • the three indentations on the skin of the coconut should be dry and undamaged.

How to open

You need to open the drupe in stages:

  • to begin with, we make a hole in the fruit with a drill or a screwdriver and pour the liquid through it (the easiest way is to punch one of the recesses on the rind of the fruit);
  • knock on the circumference with a heavy blunt object and break the drupe in half or with a knife you can pierce the natural fault line;
  • after the fruit has been divided, it is not difficult to peel the skin from the pulp - it is easily cut off with a knife.

Storage rules

  • closed coconut can be stored for years and not rot, and all thanks to its antibacterial properties.
  • open fruit should be stored for no more than 2 days.
  • coconut water and milk They can keep for a week in the refrigerator and two months in the freezer.
  • will last longer in water in the refrigerator - use no later than a week.
  • Oil can be stored for years in a dark, cool place - it becomes hard and must be kept warm to use.

Coconut is a universal product for the body, beauty and cooking; if you have the opportunity to acquire fresh fruits, use it to the maximum. It is also worth stocking up on oil - it will be an indispensable assistant in everyday life, on vacation and in the spa.

Coconut- this is the fruit of a coconut palm, which is a large nut with a hard, slightly fleecy shell and sweet white pulp (see photo), inside which transparent coconut water is hidden in young fruits, and whitish coconut milk in mature fruits (the same water, but mixed with drops of coconut oil released from the copra). The composition of coconut water is close to human blood plasma.. Moreover, in whole fruits it is sterile, due to which sometimes, if necessary, it is replaced with saline solution (for example, during operations).

The shell of a coconut is so strong that even a journey across the ocean does not harm the fruit, and after that it may well germinate in new territories. But transporting nuts in the hold of a ship can break their shells due to friction caused by rolling, which will quickly lead to spoilage of the fruit. That's why, when buying a coconut, be sure to check it for cracks and if you find it, don't take it. Just in case, for fidelity, slightly shake the fruit: in a whole nut, you will definitely hear a splash of coconut water (or milk), which flows out when the shell is damaged, after which the flesh rots. In no case should you eat a coconut in which there is no liquid at all, and the flesh has acquired an unnatural pinkish tint.

A quality coconut has a strong brown shell without cracks or damage, thin skin around the pulp, soft white flesh and at least some liquid inside. It has an unusual, but pleasant sweet taste and a delicate characteristic aroma, for which coconut is especially highly valued, because according to these indicators it has no analogues in nature.

Beneficial features

The health benefits of coconut are surprisingly varied. Suffice it to say that in the countries where it grows, it is considered a gift from the gods. A in India, in all hospitals, coconut water is mandatory prescribed to seriously ill patients as a tonic and rejuvenating remedy.

Coconut contains a large amount of almost the entire chain of B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B7, B9), as well as vitamins E and C. Especially a lot of essential folic acid (B9), which is a necessary element for the synthesis and retention the integrity of DNA molecules, and hence for the growth and replication of cells. And the biotin contained in coconut (B7, or vitamin H) is involved in the regulation of almost all metabolic processes in the body (fat, carbohydrate, purine), normalizes the state of nerve tissues and promotes the synthesis of amino acids.

In addition, coconut is rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, fluorine and iodine.

It also has a lot of vegetable fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract.

How to open a coconut?

Opening a coconut is far from being as easy as other types of nuts, because it has an extremely strong shell, which is stronger the older the fruit. That's why you are unlikely to be able to peel a coconut without auxiliary tools (knife, screwdriver, hammer).

However, even if you find the necessary tools, you need to know how to properly split a coconut with them in order to minimize damage to the nut and not lose valuable coconut water.

You need to act according to the following scheme. From the end, the coconut has three noticeable recesses, one of which is as close as possible to the top. You need to start with him. Carefully poke this indentation with a screwdriver, scissors, or a large nail and drain the coconut water through it (up to 2/3 cup can be). If the liquid does not merge through one recess, punch through all three. After that, holding the nut with one hand, with the other, tap it with a hammer on the “equator” (this is the name of the section located 1/3 from the end of the fruit). A crack should appear in the shell. Now it will not be difficult to open a coconut with a knife. If the coconut is very old, then again you will have to use a hammer.

Use in cooking

Coconut has a surprisingly pleasant, unique taste and aroma, thanks to which it is successfully used in cooking. Basically, the pulp of the coconut is used, which is usually grated or dried and turned into flakes.

Coconut goes well with a variety of meat dishes, giving them an interesting piquancy. It is no coincidence that both pulp and coconut milk are a popular ingredient in East Asian cuisine, where they are added not only to main dishes, but also to soups.

However, the most common use of coconut is in desserts. It is put in pastries, creams, mixed with cottage cheese and sweet cereals. Coconut not only improves the taste of dishes, but also acts as their natural flavor., giving the main dishes and desserts an unusually appetizing smell.

Coconut benefits and treatment

The benefits of coconut for a person are easier to underestimate than to overestimate. This is indeed a healing fruit, used in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, all components of coconut have found application in medicine and cosmetology: shell, pulp, oil, juice. They are used to make effective medicines for various diseases.

Fresh coconut pulp normalizes digestion, improves eyesight, replenishes lack of energy, strengthens the immune system, protects the walls of blood vessels from harmful cholesterol, fights free radicals, strengthens the heart and prevents the development of tumors. In addition, coconut has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, inhibiting pathogens, yeast, viruses, fungi.

Sweet and fragrant coconut milk is not only pleasant to the taste, but also extremely beneficial for the skin, which it remarkably refreshes and tones. Coconut juice is especially useful for sluggish, aging skin. And in his youth he help to deal with acne.

In cosmetology, coconut oil is actively used, which has pronounced moisturizing and bactericidal properties. It nourishes dehydrated skin, soothes inflamed and dries out pustules. In addition, coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, restoring a healthy intestinal microflora. What is especially valuable, coconut oil does not overload the liver, because it is easily digested, quickly turning into energy. Therefore, it is highly recommended to athletes during active training for an early recovery.

Harm of coconut and contraindications

Despite its great benefits, coconut can cause some harm to the body. There are few contraindications for its use.

First of all, we are talking about individual intolerance to this product and allergies to it.

In addition, coconut, due to its high calorie content (354 kcal per 100 g of product) not recommended for overweight people.

It should also not be eaten with diarrhea, because. coconut has a laxative effect on the digestive tract.

From the coconut is also worth refuse with hyperthyroidism because it stimulates the work of this body.

Tropical paradise… What associations does this phrase evoke in you? Blue sea, bright sun and, of course, coconut palms on the shore! Coconut is a kind of exotic sip on our table. But not only: after all, it turns out that it is also very useful for health. Perhaps it is thanks to coconuts that the inhabitants of tropical islands look so blooming and happy? Why is coconut useful, how many calories are in it, how to open it correctly and what is it usually eaten with?

Useful and healing properties of coconuts

Traditionally, the fruit of the coconut palm is called a coconut, which is not entirely true - in fact, it is a fruit that has a lot of valuable and even healing qualities.

In the tropical homeland of coconut, these fruits are used as a first aid for poisoning, diarrhea and fever. Drops are prepared from it for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ears, nose and eyes. The cosmetology industry is also indispensable without coconut - it is part of skin and hair care products.

So far proven health benefits of coconut are:

  • maintains the water-salt balance in the body, prevents dehydration;
  • normalizes sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • positively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action when applied externally;
  • stimulates and supports intestinal activity, helps the body cope with the negative effects of antibiotic therapy;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • helps to overcome the symptoms of chronic fatigue and nervous strain;
  • improves the reproductive system, enhances sexual desire;
  • promotes milk production by nursing mothers;
  • has an antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process of the skin;
  • strengthens the immune system and antitumor activity of the body.

The chemical composition and calorie content of coconut

The beneficial properties of coconut did not arise from scratch - their rationale is the unique chemical composition of this fruit.

Firstly, coconut is relatively low in calories: 100 g of pulp contains 354 kcal, and a similar amount of milk contains only 17 kcal.

Secondly, coconut contains a large amount of fat, most of which are super-healthy saturated fatty acids. But there is no cholesterol in coconut at all!

And finally, coconut pulp is a real vitamin and mineral complex:

How to use for weight loss

Coconuts can do a good job in losing weight, because they contribute to acceleration of metabolism and removal of metabolic products from the body. In addition, the pulp of coconut has a truly inexhaustible energy reserves - this will help to avoid bouts of indomitable hunger during the diet.

There is even an extraordinarily fashionable "Coconut Diet", in which coconut is the main component of the menu. Users claim that in one week of eating according to this scheme, you can lose about 5 kg of weight.

Use in healthy and medicinal nutrition

The inclusion of a moderate amount of coconut in the daily diet is recommended for those who suffer from atherosclerosis and heart problems, experience increased neuro-physical stress, are concerned about early aging and skin fading.

In addition to the fact that coconut is extremely tasty and healthy in its raw form and as a mono dish, it can also be combined with other foods:

  • with meat (chicken, rabbit);
  • with seafood (shrimp,);
  • with cereals ( , );
  • with fruits (, lemon, lime, pineapple, strawberry);
  • with vegetables (potatoes, peppers);
  • with herbs and spices (, curry);
  • with confectionery (chocolate, caramel).

How to open a coconut at home

Opening a hard coconut shell at first glance seems to be an almost impossible task. In practice, everything turns out to be quite simple.

  • To begin with, carefully examine the coconut: you should find several dark dots-depressions on one of its tops. You may also be able to see the natural break line of the shell - you will need this later.
  • Place the coconut so that the dark dots you found are at the top.
  • Now, using a screwdriver and a hammer, punch holes in place of the dark dots - pour the liquid through them from the inside of the fetus.
  • Next, you can immediately try to break the coconut along the natural fault line with a hatchet or hammer. To facilitate this task, you can put the coconut in a hot oven for 10 minutes - after heat treatment it will be easier to break and clean it from the dark skin.

Video on how to break a coconut at home

For greater clarity, we suggest that you additionally watch a video that demonstrates the technique of opening a coconut. After watching it, you should finally figure out how to split a coconut at home.

How to choose a good product

On sale you can find not only fresh coconuts, but also a variety of products from it: coconut milk, pulp, coconut flakes.

If your goal is to buy a quality fresh coconut, pay attention to the following details:

  • the fruit should be brown, a greenish tint of its surface is excluded;
  • the shell must be free of external damage and mold;
  • the heavier the coconut, the better: it means it has a lot of juicy pulp and coconut water;
  • shake the coconut before choosing it - feel if it contains the necessary liquid;
  • the three eyes of the coconut, through which the coconut water will be pumped out in the future, must be tightly closed and not have external damage.

How to use the product

Coconut has its own tricks and secrets. First of all, it concerns the daily norm of this fruit. The fact is that coconut contains a large amount of selenium - an antioxidant mineral that preserves the health, beauty and youth of a person. Selenium is also known as a fighter against carcinogenic diseases, so its sufficient intake is extremely important for longevity. According to WHO, the required amount of selenium per day is approximately 1 mcg per 1 kg of human weight. Exceeding this dosage is fraught with the opposite effect: cancer cells begin to multiply in an arithmetic progression. If coconuts occupy one of the leading positions in the diet, this can most likely lead to not very good consequences, especially if dietary supplements with a high selenium content are taken at the same time.

A safe amount of coconut meat that can be eaten daily without risk to health:

  • 300 g for men;
  • 200 g for women;
  • 50-100 g for a child aged 3 to 10 years.

There are no such strict restrictions on the use of coconut milk, but you should know the measure in relation to it.

Product storage features

Harm and contraindications

Coconut is practically harmless to human health, provided it is consumed in moderation. In rare cases, it can cause allergic reactions, so it should be given to children only after a year and in microdoses.

The high calorie content of coconut should be taken into account when it is included in the diet of a person with obesity and hypothyroidism. Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication for taking coconut pulp, but with coconut oil in this case it is better to be more careful.

An overseas guest - coconut - has not yet found its way to all the tables of our compatriots. But in vain. Delicious and healthy, you and your loved ones will definitely like it. Write to us about how you got to know this fruit and whether it gave you "heavenly pleasure" in
