
Pie with boiled meat. Meat Pie in the Oven: A Step-by-Step Recipe for a Hearty and Delicious Treat

Dough Ingredients:

  • 30 g yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 350-400 ml of warm water,
  • flour.
  • 500 g fatty pork goulash,

    How to cook a closed meat pie

    Preparing the meat filling for the pie. We pass 500 g of pork goulash through a meat grinder, along with 5 onions. Mix well, add salt and pepper.

    Fry the minced meat in a pan until half cooked.

    We divide the dough into 2 parts, one of which is slightly larger than the second.

    Roll out the larger part slightly larger than the shape of the baking sheet. We grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the dough.

    Lay minced meat on top. Yushka from the pan, which was formed during the frying process, is also poured onto the dough. This will make the cake very juicy.

    Lay the tomato slices on top.

    Roll out the second part of the dough, cover the pie. We connect the edges of the lower and upper cakes.

    Brush the top of the pie with the egg.

    Bake in the oven for 50 minutes. Closed meat pie is ready.

    Hot closed cape pie should not be served, it will break very much. It is better to let it stand for a while at room temperature, and then you can cut it into portions.


    Closed meat pie

    One of our favorite pies. Mom mastered it during our life in Georgia, so I suspect the recipe is closely related to Georgian traditions. I cook it very often, but usually for dinner, so I still can’t catch daylight hours to photograph in all its beauty. At a certain stage, I realized that, no matter how hard I try, I won’t be able to convey to you through the monitor the crazy aroma that spreads around the kitchen when this cake is in the oven. I understood - and gave up: I show what is, in the hope that you will take my word for it.

    The cake is large enough - on a standard baking sheet.

    400 ml of warm water;

    100 g butter;

    1 kg of meat (pork, turkey, chicken, veal);

    1 tsp ucho-suneli;

    1 tsp ground coriander;

    1 tsp black pepper;

    Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients. I entrust all the work to the bread machine, I am completely satisfied with the result.

    We cut the meat into small pieces. You can, of course, lazily make minced meat, but I do not advise: it will not be right. The juiciness of the filling greatly depends on how you approach the issue of preparing the filling.

    Onion cut into small cubes, mix with meat and spices. Salt, leave to marinate for an hour.

    Did the dough come up? We divide it into two almost equal parts, roll out the larger one into a layer equal to the size of the baking sheet, transfer it to a greased sheet.

    Distribute the filling on top.

    Roll out the second piece of dough, cover the pie, pinch the edges. In the middle we make several cuts - the juice will boil.

    We leave the cake for 20 minutes for proofing, then place it in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake for about an hour.

    When ready, brush the surface with butter.

    We eat carefully, trying not to swallow the tongue.

    The pie is very juicy and flavorful. If something remains the next day, then, of course, it is also eaten with appetite (the top photo was just taken the night after), but still this pie should be eaten right away, piping hot and hot.

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    Culinary recipes and photo recipes

    closed meat pie

    Pies with various fillings are in demand on every table. Open or closed, with sweet or savory fillings, they can become the basis of a family dinner, snack or light snack, as well as a delicious dessert. Today, the culinary site Cook-s.ru offers its readers a recipe for a simple and delicious closed pie with minced meat. In summer and autumn, you can also add tomatoes, sweet peppers and other vegetables to the filling. A very tasty pie is obtained if fried mushrooms are added to the meat.

    This closed meat pie is very quick to prepare. The dough for it is used the most common yeast, which is kneaded in a matter of minutes. The filling is also cooked for no more than ten minutes, after which the cake is sent to the oven. Meat pie with minced meat will serve as an excellent snack for guests, a snack on the road. It tastes like a cheburek. Since the dough is rolled out quite thinly, it turns out to be slightly crispy, and the filling is very juicy and tender due to the fact that all the liquid is retained inside. The pie looks very appetizing. Lubricated with an egg, in the process of baking it gets a beautiful golden color, and sesame seeds give the cake some zest.

    Ingredients To prepare the closed meat pie:

    • pressed yeast - 30 g
    • warm boiled water - 350 ml
    • wheat flour - 4 cups
    • salt (in the dough) - 0.5 tsp
    • minced pork - 500 g
    • onion - 2 pcs.
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • salt (in minced meat) - to taste
    • pepper - 1 pinch
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.
    • sesame - 1.5 tsp
    • sunflower oil - for frying

    Recipe closed meat pie:

    Mix the prepared minced pork with chopped onion in a blender, add salt and pepper, squeeze the garlic through a press.

    Mix the resulting mass well.

    Fry until half cooked minced meat in a pan for 10 minutes.

    Prepare the dough for the pie: dilute the yeast in warm boiled water. Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Gradually add flour, stirring with a spoon until smooth.

    Knead soft elastic dough. Divide it into two unequal parts.

    Line a deep-sided baking sheet with parchment. Roll out most of the dough with a thickness of 3 mm, put on a baking sheet and form sides.

    Spread the meat filling in an even layer. Roll out the second part of the dough, lay it on top of the filling, carefully fasten the edges.

    Brush the surface of the pie generously with the beaten egg. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

    Bake such a closed meat pie in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

    Remove the finished cake from the oven and leave at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.

    When the pastry has cooled slightly, it will be easier to cut and the filling will not fall out.


    Closed meat pie

    Meat pies are always very satisfying and almost always closed. Indeed, in this case, the meat is guaranteed to be juicy and tender. Here is a great option for you on how to cook a closed meat pie.


    • Pork 400-500 Gram
    • Onion 1 piece
    • Flour 600 grams
    • Milk 300 ml
    • Dry yeast 11 grams
    • Egg 2 Pieces
    • Butter 100 grams
    • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons
    • Sugar 1.5 teaspoons
    • Salt 1 teaspoon
    • Ground black pepper 2-3 pinch

    We heat half a glass of milk, add sugar and dry yeast to it. Stir and leave until the yeast rises foam.

    In the bowl in which we will make the dough, pour the remaining warm milk. Add yeast, 1 egg, salt and melted but not hot butter to it. Stir, add flour.

    Knead a smooth dough, cover it with a towel (for example) and put in a warm place for 20 minutes.

    Wash the meat and cut into small pieces.

    Fry the meat in a pan with vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Then add finely chopped onion, fry everything together for 5-7 minutes.

    Tear off a small piece from the dough. You can then make cake decorations out of it. The rest of the dough is divided into two parts. We roll out one part of the dough, put it in a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with flour. We spread the chilled filling, stepping back a little from the edge of the dough.

    Roll out the second part of the dough, cover the filling with it. We pinch the edges.

    We make decorations from the piece of dough left by us. Lubricate the cake with yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of water.

    Bake the cake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.


    meat pie cooking recipes

    Pie is one of the most popular dishes in the world. It is prepared not only for celebrations, but also in everyday life. For everyone who wants to pamper their loved ones with something unusual and tasty, we offer to cook meat pie in the oven. There are many recipes for this dish, so we will consider only the most interesting ones.

    Meat pie in the minced meat oven

    To prepare a delicious meat pie for 6 servings, it will take two hours and the following products:

    • actually minced meat itself 300 g (you can use ready-made, but it is better to make it yourself);
    • one bulb;
    • 200 g flour;
    • 200 ml of milk;
    • one hundred gram pack of margarine;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • 2 teaspoons spoons of dry yeast (with a slide);
    • butter 20-30 g;
    • salt, sugar and black pepper.
    1. The recipe for meat pie dough in the oven is basically not much different from sweet pies. First, grate the margarine on a coarse grater (it is advisable to cool it well before that). Beat one egg with a whisk and add to the margarine. Dilute the yeast in warm milk, pour 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and a little pepper. Pour this mixture over the egg and margarine and slowly add the flour.
    2. Knead a thick dough and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.
    3. While the dough is cooling, you need to prepare the filling. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Fry it in oil over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes. Then add the minced meat to the onion and hold in the pan for another 10 minutes, until the meat slightly changes its color. After that, let the filling cool down a bit.
    4. After an hour, remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it well to make an oval. Put the minced meat with onions in the center. Cut the edges of the dough into strips in 2 cm increments, and overlap the filling with them. Lubricate the top of the cake with egg yolk and bake it in the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees. Wait until the dough has cooled slightly before serving.

    How to cook a meat pie in the oven in a hurry

    If time is short and you need to impress everyone with your culinary skills, make a meat pie for 6 people in less than an hour.

    For the test, take the following products:

    • sifted flour 250 g;
    • mayonnaise and sour cream for 3 table. spoons;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 100 g hard cheese
    • 0.5 tsp. spoons of soda + vinegar or lemon juice to extinguish;
    • salt.

    To prepare the filling you will need:

    • 250 g of meat;
    • 200 g of champignons;
    • onions 1-2 pcs.;
    • butter 30 g;
    • salt and spices to taste.

    It is desirable that all products are at room temperature - this will help speed up the cooking process.

    1. So, lightly beat the eggs and, continuing to stir, add mayonnaise, sour cream, slaked soda, salt and flour. Mix all the ingredients well until the consistency becomes homogeneous. Cut the onion into squares and fry in a frying pan. At this time, rinse and cut the mushrooms into small pieces and put them on the fried onions. Grind the meat and add it to the rest of the filling, sprinkle with spices and salt. Fry all the ingredients until half cooked for another 7-8 minutes.
    2. Turn the oven on 180 degrees to warm it up. Remove a baking sheet or baking dish and grease the bottom with oil (you can sprinkle with flour or cover with baking paper). Pour half of the batter into it, then lay out the fried filling and pour over the remaining mass. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 200 degrees. Then put on a plate and let cool.
    3. You can serve a meat pie not only for the main course, but also instead of bread as an addition to the broth.

    Recipe for meat pie with lamb in the oven

    • butter - 1/2 cup
    • sour cream - 1 stack
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • baking soda - 1/4 tsp
    • salt - 1/4 tsp
    • flour - 2, 5 stack
    1. In a medium bowl, combine melted butter, sour cream, 1 egg, baking powder and salt.
    2. Add the first 2 cups of flour and see if you can knead a very soft dough that won't stick to your hands or the sides of the bowl.
    3. If this is not enough, add the remaining flour and continue to knead.
    4. Divide the dough into 2 parts. One part should be slightly smaller than the other. Wrap them in plastic wrap and set aside.
    5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    6. Finely chop the onion.
    7. Cut meat and potatoes into small cubes. Add spices and mix everything well.
    8. Roll out most of the dough on a baking sheet, after sprinkling it with flour.
    9. Fill the pie with filling. Leave some space around the edges.
    10. We close the filling with the second part of the dough, seal the edges.
    11. Mix the egg with a little water and brush the top of the pie with a brush.
    12. Make small cuts. Bake the pie until golden brown.

    yummy meat pie

    You know I love delicious food! True, I still haven’t finally decided what I love more - either to eat it, or to cook it. Well, in the meantime, I decide, I collect recipes for various goodies in my collection.

    This time will be meat pie prepared by one nice girl (alas, not mine). She recorded the cooking process on a camera, which undoubtedly speaks of her generosity. After all, as some greedy cooks usually do: they cook delicious dishes on the sly, according to an exclusive recipe that they don’t tell anyone. Well, who benefits from this?

    However, all my friends and acquaintances are not like that, they are kind, happy to share their little secrets of the art of cooking, and I am already sharing them with you.

    1. It all starts with the fact that flour and margarine are taken. Flour is sifted into cut pieces of margarine.
    2. Then everything is carefully rubbed by hand.
    3. And you also need to prepare sour milk (or kefir), egg, soda, salt, sugar.
    4. All this is thoroughly mixed (just do not overdo it with soda, salt and sugar - you only need to put a pinch of each ingredient! However, everyone has different tastes), and pours into grated flour with margarine.
    5. Then everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, commonly called dough, which is formed in the form of a ball and carefully wrapped in cellophane film.
    6. While the dough is ripening, we take on the filling of the pie. To do this, we prepared meat, onions and potatoes in advance.
    7. We cut everything cooked into very small cubes (it is absolutely not recommended to use a meat grinder!) And mix:
    8. We recall the test, we divide the ball into two parts - one is a little more, the other is smaller. We roll out the most part, which will serve as the base of the pie.
    9. Spread the filling evenly over the resulting cake.
    10. On top of it we put a thinner cake, obtained by rolling out a smaller portion of the dough. Openwork fasten the edges of the cakes. With a fork, we make light punctures all over the surface so that steam comes out from the inside of the cake:
    11. Now we put it in the heated oven and wait 30 minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees. After we have salivated from impatience, in a semi-conscious state we crawl to the oven and pull out our ready-made yummy from it.
    12. We are waiting a little more (some, alas, do not do this) for the cake to cool, cut it into neat squares, put it on plates and treat our loved ones.

    That's all! I deliberately do not name the proportions of the components, since they depend on the number of your favorites - the more there are, the more flour and everything else should be taken, respectively.

    And, of course, many thanks to the girl, whose name I do not name because of strict secrecy.

    P.S. To enhance the taste, namely to increase the amount of juice (not gastric!) It is recommended to add finely chopped white cabbage to the pie filling.

    Quick Meat Pie

    You don't need to take a cooking course to cook fast. meat pie at home! A very convenient dough recipe - just mix the ingredients and pour into a mold. And the filling can be made to your taste and color). Today we will cook from pork and potatoes.

    Ingredients for Quick Meat Pie

    • Pork - 300 g
    • Potato - 400 g
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Salt, pepper - to taste
    1. Mix mayonnaise and sour cream in a bowl. Add eggs, salt and mix.
    2. Mix flour with baking powder and sift to the dough. Mix thoroughly. It doesn't make a thick dough. Leave it aside for now and prepare the filling.
    3. Raw meat cut into small cubes.
    4. Peel the onion and finely chop.
    5. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes.
    6. Mix potatoes, meat and onions. Add salt, pepper.
    7. Lubricate the baking dish with oil. Put half of the dough into the mold.
    8. Then we lay out our filling.
    9. Pour the remaining batter on top and smooth out.
    10. We put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake for an hour. Let the cake rest for a few more minutes and serve!

    Cheese-meat pie from yeast dough "Sunflower"

    Ah, these pies, rich, puff and sour cream, with fish, cabbage, fruit or cottage cheese - is there a person in the world who is ready to resist such homemade pastries? But even the absolute sweet tooth knows that the main winner of the culinary hit parade is a minced meat pie in the oven.

    What kind of meat is better to take? It depends on personal taste preferences. In different countries, such dishes are prepared according to special recipes. For example, in England, the main fans of traditions bake a closed shortcrust pastry pie, and put fried beef and kidneys with mushrooms and mustard inside. For stuffing Ossetian pies, lamb is required; in Ireland, housewives will prefer pork with celery.

    Your own recipe for meat pie in the oven is not only in any country, but also in any family. Chilean chefs have always used cornmeal, poultry and ripe olives for their "pastel to choclo". In Italy, lightly smoked brisket, tomatoes and zucchini were added to fresh chicken.

    The most difficult in terms of filling will be, perhaps, the Scots signature meat pie. The highlanders, whom the neighbors once considered almost ascetics, were in fact frank gourmets - for their pastries they took partridge meat, bacon, fresh pork belly, rabbit meat, red wine and nutmeg.

    As for domestic cuisine, there were some conventions here too - the traditional Russian kulebyaka was prepared from muffin since ancient times, chicken with herbs and buckwheat porridge was baked inside it. But when creating pies, preference was given to beef.

    Incredibly beautiful and delicious pie with double filling will conquer everyone not only with its exquisite taste, but also with its original serving in the form of a sunflower. The preparation itself takes time and effort, but it gives incredible pleasure. Read more: Vareniki with potatoes recipe.

    Sunflower Pie Ingredients:

    • minced chicken or pork - 250 g;
    • wheat flour - 400 g;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • dry yeast - 5 g;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • poppy - 1 tablespoon;
    • hard cheese - 100 g;
    • sugar - 15 g;
    • salt - ½ tsp;
    • seasoning for minced meat;
    • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
    1. We prepare yeast dough in an accelerated way.
    2. To do this, melt the butter in a water bath. We drive one egg into the warmed milk, add sugar, salt and a teaspoon of dry yeast.
    3. Mix well and add melted butter.
    4. Sift the flour and knead the dough.
    5. Cover the well-kneaded dough with a film or towel and put in a warm place.
    6. Fry the minced meat in a pan, periodically kneading with a spatula.
    7. Finely chop the onion and add to the almost ready minced meat.
    8. To make the meat filling for the pie juicy and at the same time have a coherent structure, add 3 tablespoons of water and 2 teaspoons of flour to the pan with minced meat.
    9. Salt, add spices and continue cooking for another 6 minutes.
    10. This meat pie recipe with minced meat provides for two fillings at once. We have just prepared the first one, and for the second one we grate the cheese and mix it with grated garlic.
    11. To lubricate the dough, separate one yolk and beat it until smooth.
    12. The dough has risen and doubled in size.
    13. We divide it into two equal parts, each of which is rolled out with a rolling pin on a table sprinkled with flour into cakes 10 mm thick. Using a plate of the largest possible diameter, cut off the edges of the dough. You should get two absolutely identical circles.
    14. Grease a baking sheet with oil and use a rolling pin to transfer one of the cakes to it.
    15. We mark the middle with a small saucer, slightly pressing it into the dough, while the width of the dough from the middle to the edge should be at least 5 cm.
    16. Lay out pre-prepared toppings. In the middle of the circle lay out the minced meat, grated cheese around it. We try to lay the cheese so that it does not go beyond the cake.
    17. Top with a second cake and outline the middle with the same saucer, slightly pressing it into the dough.
    18. Without removing the saucer, we make identical cuts, diverging from the saucer like rays of the sun.
    19. We close each of the formed petals along the edge, and on one side lightly pressing the dough with our fingers.
    20. We turn the petals inside out, placing them on the stuck side and slightly pushing the edges to the sides. We process all the petals in this way, turning them all in one direction.
    21. Lubricate the resulting cheese-meat pie in the form of a sunflower with a beaten egg and sprinkle the middle with poppy seeds.
    22. We bake for half an hour in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can eat both hot and cold.

    Advice from the Culinary: the most important thing is juiciness!

    It would seem that it is difficult to properly fry the meat? And yet there are certain subtleties. The easiest way to work with minced pork - in combination with chopped onions, it always turns out delicious. If veal is used as a filling, then for special tenderness it is worth adding a little lard to the minced meat. But I personally always cut fat (if any) from beef - in cold pies it will freeze on the lips. It is better to add a piece of bacon or pork belly when grinding. Read more: Vareniki with cherries cooking recipes. ossetian pie recipe with minced meat mamulya warm up meatballs for me so that coca does not sweat bartender ossetian pies recipe with meat

  • Meat pie is very popular in many families. In various forms, it can be found in culinary specialists all over the world. We offer the most delicious cooking options.

    Many people love fragrant pies, but they take a lot of time to prepare. Therefore, we offer a traditional version of the pie, which will delight you with a delicious taste.

    • coarse salt;
    • meat - 320 g;
    • flour - 320 g;
    • potatoes - 320 g;
    • onion - 160 g;
    • pepper;
    • water - 160 ml.


    1. Chop the onion. Pieces are needed as small as possible. The smaller you make them, the tastier the end result will be.
    2. Chop potatoes. There should be plates.
    3. The type of meat doesn't matter. The main thing is that it is low-fat and without fat. Slice. The smaller the pieces, the faster the baking will cook.
    4. Mix potato slices with onion and meat cubes. Sprinkle with pepper. Salt. Mix. If you want to get a richer taste, then set the workpiece for a couple of hours. If there is no time, then you can continue cooking the pie.
    5. Salt the flour. To fill with water. Knead. Roll out two rectangles.
    6. Put the first on a baking sheet. Place the meatloaf.
    7. Cover with the remaining rectangle. Pinch the edges. Send to bake for an hour in the oven. 180 degree mode.

    In the proposed variation, you will learn how to cook a meat pie in a slow cooker to make it juicy.


    • kefir - 200 ml;
    • flour - 600 g;
    • soda - 1 teaspoon;
    • sesame - 1 teaspoon;
    • butter - 150 g for dough;
    • salt;
    • pork - 320 g;
    • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
    • black pepper;
    • potatoes - 320 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • butter for the filling - 60 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.


    1. The butter piece will be needed in a frozen state. Lubricate the bowl with oil.
    2. Sprinkle baking soda into flour and season with salt. Chop the butter and toss into the flour mixture. Pour into blender bowl. Whisk. Should be a crumb. This process can be carried out without equipment, rubbing with your hands.
    3. Pour in the egg. Fill with kefir. Leave a little protein to coat the baking surface.
    4. Knead a dense mass. Transfer to a bag and put in the freezer. Leave for half an hour.
    5. Chop potatoes. Chop the onion. Cut a piece of meat. Mix. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix.
    6. Cut the dough. The first piece must be larger than the second. Place most of it in a bowl. Distribute. High sides are needed. Pierce with a fork.
    7. Lay out the filling. Roll out the second part of the mass. Cover the filling. Pinch the edges.
    8. Lubricate with the set aside protein. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
    9. Set mode. For the pie, you need "Baking". Timer - 90 minutes.
    10. After the signal of the device, you will need to turn the pastry. To do this, put the cake on a special stand, which is designed for steaming. Turn onto a platter. Cover with bowl and turn over.
    11. Set to the same mode. Timer - 20 minutes. Turn off the appliance and, without opening, insist baking for 13 minutes.

    If you want to enjoy pastries faster, you can use ready-made meat pie dough.


    • vegetable oil;
    • puff pastry - packaging;
    • salt;
    • pork neck - 320 g;
    • onion - 140 g;
    • carrot - 140 g;
    • boiled rice - 130 g.


    1. Cut up a piece of pork. Salt. Mix.
    2. Chop the onion. Grate carrots. Mix. Fry in oil. Salt. Mix.
    3. Roll out two rectangles from the finished dough. Lay out the first one in the form. Distribute meat cubes. Cover with roast. Put the boiled rice grains in advance.
    4. Close with a second layer. Make holes with a fork. Pinch the edges.
    5. Bake for an hour at 185 degrees.

    Easy and quick minced meat recipe

    The fastest option is from a purchased test. If the meat piece is replaced with minced meat, then the cake can be baked much faster.


    • yeast ready-made dough - 750 g;
    • minced meat - 520 g;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • mashed potatoes - 200 g.


    1. Put the oven on to heat up.
    2. Roll out two layers of dough. Place the first one on a baking sheet. Spread the mince. Sprinkle with salt. Spice up. Distribute puree. Sprinkle with pepper.
    3. Cover with the remaining layer. Pierce in several places. Send to the oven. Bake for an hour (180 degrees).

    Before putting the pie blank in the oven, it is necessary to make punctures over the entire surface. This will help the steam that forms inside the cake to escape.

    Jellied pie on kefir

    Introducing a quick recipe.


    • pepper;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 150 g;
    • soda - 0.5 tsp;
    • kefir - 200 ml;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • onions - 3 pcs.;
    • minced meat - 310 g.


    1. Pour soda with kefir. Mix and set aside for 3 minutes.
    2. Pour in the eggs. Salt. Beat with flour.
    3. Chop the onion. Mix with minced meat. Salt and pepper. Mix.
    4. Pour half of the batter into the mold. Place mince. Pour in the remaining mass.
    5. The oven must be hot (170 degrees). Place the workpiece. Endure the hour.

    How to cook from pita bread

    A significant plus of the cooked dish is juiciness. Thanks to the ready-made base, preparation time is significantly reduced.


    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • greenery;
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • cheese - 210 g;
    • butter - 45 g;
    • kefir - 360 ml;
    • pita;
    • pork - 420 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.


    1. Cut meat. Sprinkle with pepper and salt.
    2. Chop the onion. Grate carrots. Fry in oil. Throw in the meat pieces. Darken. Pour in the paste. Mix. Move to grinder. Grind. Cool down.
    3. Chop greens. Grate cheese. Add cooled meat mass. Mix.
    4. Spread two pita bread on a baking sheet. Lay out half of the filling.
    5. Pour kefir into the egg. Break the pita bread. Dip in kefir. Mash and put in a crumpled form on minced meat. Cover with the remaining stuffing. Close with two pita bread.
    6. Spread the top layer of lavash with the rest of the kefir mass. Chop the butter and spread over the surface of the workpiece.
    7. Place the workpiece in a preheated oven. 240 degree mode. Time - 17 minutes.

    From dough on sour cream and mayonnaise

    The most common option is a closed pie. This method of preparation allows you to preserve the juiciness of the filling, and the end result will please you with a rich taste and amazing aroma. Use lean meats for cooking.


    • egg - 3 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise - 250 g;
    • pepper;
    • sour cream - 250 g;
    • potatoes - 420 g;
    • salt;
    • flour - 345 g;
    • meat - 320 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • soda - 1 teaspoon.


    1. Pour sour cream into mayonnaise. Mix. Pour in soda. Sprinkle flour. Stir. You will get a thin mass.
    2. Chop the onion. Cut into smaller pieces of meat. Chop potatoes. Mix. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Mix.
    3. Lubricate the prepared form with oil. Dip your hands in water. Scoop up half of the dough and place on the bottom of the mold. Lay the meat on top. Dip your hands in the liquid again, collect the rest of the dough and cover the filling. Smooth out.
    4. Put in the oven, which by this time has a temperature of 185 degrees.
    5. Bake an hour.

    Meat pie "Chrysanthemum"

    For a pie, you can cook pastry according to your favorite recipe or reduce the cooking time by using a ready-made semi-finished product.


    • yolk - 1 pc.;
    • pepper;
    • cheese - 110 g;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • yeast ready dough - 1 kg;
    • minced meat - 420 g;
    • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
    • salt;
    • butter - 40 g;
    • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons.


    1. Roll out the dough. Cut out circles. Spread in piles on top of each other, not forgetting to dust with flour.
    2. Grate cheese. Salt minced meat. Sprinkle with pepper. Mix. Take the prepared circle. Scoop up the mince with a small spoon. Lay out in a circle. Sprinkle with cheese shavings. Fold in half and pin the edges.
    3. Repeat the process with all prepared circles. Arrange the blanks in a circle in a form, forming the appearance of a chrysanthemum. Cover with a towel. Set aside until the dough rises.
    4. Pour the yolk into the milk. Stir. Moisten a silicone brush in the prepared mixture. Lubricate the workpiece.
    5. Place in oven. Bake for 40 minutes (180 degrees).
    6. Melt the butter and brush over the baked goods.

    With boiled meat

    An ideal option for a festive feast.


    • flour - 480 g;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • pepper;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • butter - 220 g;
    • salt;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • olive oil;
    • beef - 1100 g;
    • sour cream - 210 ml;
    • soda - 0.5 tsp.


    1. Slice the beef. Boil.
    2. Chop the onion. Send the prepared onion cubes to the pan. Pour in olive oil and fry.
    3. Send the frying and boiled meat to the pan. Grind. Salt. Sprinkle with pepper. Stir. For juiciness, pour a couple of large spoons of the broth that remains after cooking the meat.
    4. Melt butter. Cool down. Pour soda into sour cream. Mix. Pour sugar into the whites. Whisk. Pour in the yolks. Mix. Place sour cream. Stir. Pour in the butter.
    5. Pour flour into a fluffy mass. Knead. The dough will be soft. To cut in half.
    6. Roll. Lay a baking sheet. Distribute minced meat. Leave about a centimeter free space around the edges.
    7. Roll out the remaining piece. Cover minced meat. Pinch the edges.
    8. Send to bake. Oven mode 180 degrees. Time 45 minutes. Use cold baked goods.

    From yeast dough

    Delicious cooking option with which you need to tinker. If you want to reduce the time for preparing products, you can purchase ready-made dough.


    • butter - 110 g;
    • milk - 0.5 liters;
    • yolk - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 6 cups;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • meat broth - 210 ml;
    • dry yeast - 12 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt;
    • pork - 850 g.


    1. Throw the chopped meat into the water. Boil. It will take about half an hour.
    2. Heat milk without boiling. Drain half. Place a small spoonful of sugar and add yeast. Stir. Wait until the mass rises.
    3. Melt butter. Cool down.
    4. Salt the egg. Pour in the remaining milk. Pour in the butter. Add sugar and brew. Mix. Cover with flour. Knead. Cover with a bag and set aside to rise.
    5. Get meat. Place in a meat grinder. Grind. Chop the onion. Fry in vegetable oil. Place mince. Pour in the broth. Simmer for 8 minutes.
    6. Cut the finished dough into a couple of pieces. Roll out most of it and cover the baking sheet. Place roast. Cover with a second rolled layer.
    7. Pour a couple of small spoons of water into the yolks. Mix and coat the surface of the workpiece. Bake an hour. 180 degree mode. It is recommended to preheat the oven.

    open meat pie

    The cake has a crispy and very tender base that melts in your mouth.


    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • flour - 1 cup;
    • egg - 2 pcs. For filling;
    • potatoes - 200 g;
    • cheese - 70 g;
    • olive oil;
    • salt;
    • egg - 1 pc. for the test;
    • butter - 60 g;
    • salt;
    • minced meat - 420 g;
    • tomato - 2 pcs.;
    • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • cabbage - 220 g.


    1. Boil potato tubers.
    2. Shred the cabbage. Place in a pan with vegetable oil and fry.
    3. Mix chopped onion with minced meat. Send to the pan. Roast. Add cabbage.
    4. Turn potatoes into mashed potatoes. Pour in the egg. Place butter. Stir. Cover with flour. Knead. Roll out and line the form. Be sure to form the edges.
    5. Place the filling. Smooth out. Pour eggs into sour cream. Mix and pour over mince.
    6. Slice the tomatoes and cover the filling. Grate cheese. Sprinkle the workpiece with shavings.
    7. The oven must be preheated. 200 degree mode. Time - 45 minutes.

    Pie with minced meat and mushrooms

    The perfect combination of minced meat and mushrooms helps to make the dish delicious.


    • soda - 2 g slaked;
    • olive oil - 50 ml;
    • flour - 260 g;
    • salt;
    • egg - 4 pcs.;
    • spices;
    • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • mushrooms - 210 g;
    • minced meat - 260 g;
    • cheese - 110 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.


    1. Grate cheese. Place in eggs. Sprinkle flour. Pour mayonnaise, then sour cream. Pour in soda. Mix.
    2. Chop the onion. Fry. Don't forget to add oil first. Place chopped mushrooms. Fry until golden brown. Place mince. Sprinkle with salt and spices. Fry 7 minutes.
    3. Lubricate the mold with oil. Pour over most of the dough. Lay out the filling. Pour in the remaining batter.
    4. Bake in the oven. Mode turn on 185 degrees. Half an hour time.

    From shortcrust pastry in a slow cooker

    A nutritious cake that will serve as a great snack during the day.


    • butter - 110 g;
    • salt;
    • egg - 3 pcs.;
    • minced meat - 320 g;
    • flour - 3 cups;
    • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


    1. Pour eggs into soft butter and sweeten. Stir.
    2. Pour in baking powder. Sprinkle flour. Stir. Salt minced meat. Roll out a portion of the dough and cover the bottom of the form. Spread out the filling. Cover with the second part of the dough.
    3. Send to bake in the oven. It will take half an hour, the temperature is 180 degrees.

    Pie with meat on cottage cheese dough

    An amazingly delicious snack that will satisfy your hunger and give you amazing taste sensations.


    • egg - 3 pcs.;
    • cottage cheese - 260 g;
    • oil - 60 ml vegetable;
    • margarine - 130 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • butter - 45 g;
    • ground pepper;
    • baking powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • cheese - 60 g;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • dill;
    • salt - 1 teaspoon;
    • flour - 2.5 mugs;
    • salted cucumbers - 6 pcs.;
    • minced chicken - 320 g.


    1. Chop the cucumbers into strips. Chop the onion.
    2. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Add onion. Roast. Throw cucumbers. Simmer until liquid evaporates. Place mince. Fry. Cool down. Sprinkle with cheese shavings. Stir.
    3. Sweeten the curd. Salt. Add eggs. Sprinkle with baking powder. Mix. Drizzle with melted margarine. Stir. Cover with flour. Knead. Devide into two parts.
    4. Place the rolled out dough onto a baking sheet. Make sides. Lay out the roast. Cover with a second layer. Fix the edges.
    5. Bake in a hot oven (170 degrees). When the crust becomes golden brown, the cake is ready.

    Cooking in Greek

    The Greeks are very fond of various pies and meat pies are no exception. We offer you to cook the perfect Greek pastries.


    • ground beef - 550 g;
    • egg - 3 pcs.;
    • puff pastry - 500 g;
    • green onions - 7 feathers;
    • cheese - 260 g;
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • pepper;
    • dill - 4 sprigs;
    • onion - 2 pcs.


    1. Pour half of the total oil into a saucepan. Lay out minced meat. Roast. In the process, mix and break up lumps. The mass should be loose. Remove to a separate container.
    2. Pour the remaining oil into a saucepan. Chop the onion. Place in oil. Roast.
    3. Chop up the cheese. Chop greens. Add to mince. Pour in the eggs. Mix. Combine with fried onions. Sprinkle with pepper and salt.
    4. Roll out the dough. Get two rectangles. Cover the baking sheet. Spread the prepared meat mass. Close with a second rectangle. Fix the edges. Make punctures on the surface with a skewer.
    5. Send to bake in the oven (190 degrees) for half an hour.

    lazy meat pie

    We offer a simplified and delicious cooking option.


    • pork - 450 g;
    • soda - 0.5 tsp;
    • sour cream - 110 ml;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • salt;
    • butter - 50 g chopped;
    • mayonnaise - 110 ml;
    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • egg - 3 pcs.;
    • flour - 260 g.


    1. Throw a piece of meat into the meat grinder. Twist. Chop the onion. It is not necessary to grind strongly, half rings will do.
    2. Turn on the oven. The ideal temperature for cooking is 180 degrees.
    3. Cut potatoes. Strongly large slices should not be, otherwise they will not have time to cook.
    4. Pour eggs into mayonnaise. Pour in sour cream. Pour soda and then flour. Mix.
    5. Pour potatoes into the form, half of the norm. Salt. Cover with part of the onion. Place mince. Cover with oil.
    6. Put the potatoes and again a layer of onions. Fill with dough.
    7. Bake for about an hour. Focus on appearance. Baking should be a beautiful ruddy hue.

    “The hut is not red with corners, but the hut is red with pies” - this is the motto of today's recipes. We invite you to cook delicious meat pies with various fillings. When preparing these dishes, the housewives are sure that they are guaranteed a full and tasty lunch. If you decide to invite your girlfriends for tea, then this is the most profitable solution.

    The limit of the culinary creations of every housewife is a successful meat pie. With a selection of these recipes, we will help you become a real culinary specialist. A variety of dough and filling compositions, a successful combination of flavors and your cake is a real highlight of the festive table

    Pie with meat and potatoes on sour cream, cooked in the oven

    I invite you to cook a delicious pie with meat and potatoes. This delicious, simple and nutritious meal will feed the whole family.

    We will need:
    • Chicken fillet - 300 gr.
    • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Onion - 2 pcs.
    • Sour cream - 200 ml
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Butter - 100 gr.
    • Salt, spices
    • Baking powder - 2 tsp
    • Flour - 300 gr.
    • Minced meat - 400 gr.

    Put melted butter and sour cream in a bowl. Whisk with a whisk or fork. Salt. Add eggs and bring the mixture to a smooth consistency.

    Add the baking powder to the sifted flour, mix with a spoon and add to the egg mixture. Mix well first with a spoon and then with your hands.

    When kneading the dough, you can add more flour, because. The percentage of gluten in different varieties is not the same. We knead the soft dough and leave it to “rest”, covering it with cling film.

    Let's do the stuffing. Cut the fillet and onion into pieces. Potatoes - in small cubes. In this recipe, this particular vegetable is baked the longest.

    In a bowl, mix minced meat, onion, chicken fillet, salt, favorite spices and potatoes. Mix well. Cut the dough into two unequal pieces. We roll out most of it with a rolling pin approximately 5-10 mm thick.

    This must be done on a sheet of parchment, on which we will bake our cake. Distribute the filling on top.

    Roll out the rest of the dough and cover the top. We pinch the edges, slightly twisting the dough. Pierce the top layer with a fork.

    We bake the cake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The readiness of the pie is determined by the readiness of the potatoes. The cake is very tasty and juicy.

    Delicious bulk pie with minced meat, onions and cheese

    The recipe is very simple and takes very little time to prepare. So, we begin to cook a meat masterpiece in the oven called "Nourishing, simple, fast"

    We will need:

    For test:

    • Eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Sour cream of medium fat content - 200 gr.
    • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp
    • Flour - 150 -200 gr.

    For filling:

    • Minced meat - 500 gr.
    • Onions - 1-2 pcs. medium size
    • Hard cheese - 100 - 150 gr.
    • Parsley greens - a small bunch
    • Salt, a mixture of seasonings (it is better to use a mixture of peppers and suneli hops)
    • Sesame seeds for topping the cake
    • Butter for greasing the mold

    In a bowl, beat the eggs, add sour cream and beat well with a mixer.

    Sift flour with baking powder and add to the liquid part of the dough. Mix carefully. Our dough is ready. Let's make some delicious toppings.

    Pour a little sunflower oil into a heated frying pan and spread the minced meat. Mix well and get rid of lumps. Salt, pepper to taste, add a mixture of your favorite seasonings or spices. We mix. The filling is ready.

    Grease a detachable form with a diameter of 24-26 cm with butter. At the bottom of the form, you can put a round sheet of parchment. In this case, the cake will be easier to get out of the mold. Pour out part of the dough, spread the filling and finely chopped greens.

    Fall asleep with grated cheese.

    And fill with the rest of the batter. Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds.

    We put the pie in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. We check the readiness of the dish with a wooden skewer. We put a piece of a delicious pie on a plate, enjoy the aroma and call all the household members for tea.

    Meat pie with minced meat and sauerkraut on yeast dough

    This cake is original and tasty. A pleasant flavor combination of sauerkraut, meat and yeast dough. If you managed to buy ready-made yeast dough, then a delicious lunch or dinner is almost ready.

    We will need:
    • Minced meat (pork, beef, chicken) - 300 gr.
    • Sauerkraut - 300 gr.
    • Onion - 2 pcs. medium size
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Ready yeast dough - 700 gr.
    • Egg - 1 pc. (for brushing the cake)
    • Sunflower oil for frying

    Pour sunflower oil into a preheated pan and fry sauerkraut until half cooked, add onion and minced meat. Mix well, the filling should be homogeneous. Add salt, pepper, spices to taste

    Then we take the dough

    We cut it into three parts. We roll out each part with a thickness of 0.5 - 1 cm. Using a mold (or other device) with a diameter of 7-8 cm, squeeze out the circles. Put the stuffing in the middle

    Lightly press the edges. It turns out "boats" or "honeycombs". Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil. We spread the "boats" on a baking sheet at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Cover with a towel and leave the cake in a warm place. It will take about 20-30 minutes depending on yeast activity.

    Lubricate with a beaten egg (yolk or yolk with a tablespoon of milk) and send to the oven (temperature 180-200 degrees) for 40 minutes.

    We get not only beautiful, but also delicious meat pie with sauerkraut. When serving, it can be cut with a knife or divided into pies - “honeycombs”

    Meat pie with mushrooms on yeast dough in the oven

    We will need:

    For test:

    • Warm water - 300 ml
    • Dry yeast - 1 package (11 gr.)
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Sunflower oil - 50 - 70 ml.
    • Flour - 600-700 gr.
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Salt - a pinch

    For filling:

    • Minced meat - 500 gr.
    • Fresh mushrooms - 500 gr.
    • Onion - 2 pcs. medium size
    • Sunflower oil for frying
    • Salt, pepper to taste

    Let's start making yeast dough. In a bowl of warm water, add salt, sugar, yeast and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. Pour the sifted flour (about 2 tablespoons) and knead a rare dough.

    Cover with a towel and put in a warm place to raise the yeast "cap". Then add the egg, sunflower oil and the rest of the flour. Knead soft dough.

    Cover it again with a towel and let it rise. And this time we will prepare the filling.

    Onion cut into half rings. Pour a little oil into a heated pan and add the onion.

    Fry until soft and add minced meat. Salt and pepper.

    My mushrooms, cut into small pieces and fry in a second frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

    We cut the dough into two parts (one part should be more). We roll out most of it with a thickness of about 1 cm. We spread the dough into a mold, raise the sides. We spread the meat filling, then the mushroom

    Roll out the second part of the dough and cover the top of the pie. You can decorate it by using your culinary imagination in every possible way. We put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees.

    Bake until golden brown. This handsome man will soon be on the table.

    Pie on kefir in the oven with the addition of fresh cabbage

    We will need:

    For test:

    • Kefir of any fat content - 250 ml
    • Mayonnaise of any fat content - 200 gr.
    • Flour - 250 gr.
    • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp
    • Eggs - 4 pcs.
    • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
    • Sesame for sprinkling the cake - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Butter - 1 tsp. for greasing the pan

    For filling:

    • Chicken fillet - 300 gr.
    • Any greens to taste - a small bunch
    • Fresh cabbage - 300 gr.
    • Salt, pepper - to taste.

    In a bowl, combine kefir, mayonnaise, salt, eggs

    Mix well with a whisk or beat with a mixer. Sift flour with baking powder and add to the liquid part of the dough.

    Stir gently with a spoon or silicone spatula. The dough is ready. Let's start preparing the filling. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces, salt and pepper to taste.

    Shred the cabbage on a grater or finely cut with a knife.

    Salt, add chopped greens and grind with your hands to make the cabbage softer.

    In a mold greased with butter, pour most of the dough.

    Put cabbage and chicken fillet on top.

    Pour in the remaining batter and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

    We send it to the oven for baking at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 40 minutes. We get a fragrant and nutritious meat pie.

    Original meat pie made from puff pastry and simple ingredients

    Perhaps this recipe should be given the name "Fastest". Using simple products, in a matter of minutes, you can cook an original meat pie. The combination of tender mashed potatoes, delicious meat filling and puff pastry, a little flutter in the kitchen and this handsome man is on your table.

    We will need:
    • Ready puff pastry - 500 gr.
    • Potatoes - 600 gr.
    • Butter - 50 gr.
    • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
    • Minced meat - 500 gr.
    • Large onion - 1 pc.
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 2 cloves

    Fry the minced meat in a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil. Add onion and fry until done. Boil potatoes in salted water, drain and let cool slightly. Blend to puree.

    We introduce the egg, butter, grated cheese and mix.

    Roll out puff pastry with a rolling pin.

    Grease a baking dish with oil. We line the bottom and sides with dough. Spread the meat filling and finely chopped garlic. From above, using a pastry bag, squeeze out the potato filling and form small peaks.

    If you do not have a bag, you can use a regular plastic bag or soft mayonnaise packaging. Cut off the bottom, fill with mashed potatoes and place the peaks on the meat pie.

    We send it to the oven. Bake until the dough is ready and the potato filling is golden brown. We cut off a piece of the pie, admire the culinary masterpiece and try a simple and tasty dish

    Kabardian meat pie in the oven from kefir dough

    We will need:
    • Flour - 3 cups
    • Kefir (or ayran) - 1 cup
    • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
    • Soda - 0.5 tsp
    • Butter - 5 tbsp. l.
    • Ground beef - 500g.
    • Ground black pepper - a pinch

    Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, soda.

    Add 1 tablespoon of butter and knead into a soft, elastic dough.

    Salt the minced meat, pepper and knead well with your hands.

    We divide the dough into pieces, from which we will form cakes.

    We roll out a circle with a diameter of 12 - 14 cm with a rolling pin, lay out the minced meat and form a ball.

    Then roll it into a thin cake 1 cm high.

    Put the cake on a dry baking sheet and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    Immediately generously coat with butter, under the influence of heat it should spread throughout the pie.

    Pies are juicy, with meat and creamy aroma and taste.

    Every woman always wants to please her family with something delicious. One suitable dish for this is a meat pie in the oven, the recipe of which can include a wide variety of ingredients.

    If it is not possible to cook dough and meat, there are many quick recipes.

    Cooking a meat pie involves the presence of such products:

    • 250 g flour;
    • 3 tbsp mayonnaise;
    • 3 tbsp sour cream;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 100 g of cheese;
    • 1 tsp vinegar or lemon;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    For the filling, you can buy minced meat, but if you have time, you can cook the meat yourself.

    To do this, you need the following set of products:

    • 250 g of meat or minced meat;
    • 1 onion;
    • 200 g of mushrooms (champignons);
    • 50 g of vegetable oil;
    • seasonings, spices, salt, pepper to taste.

    A step-by-step recipe for making a meat pie in the oven begins with beating eggs. To do this, beat 4 eggs in a separate container and add grated cheese and flour to them. It is recommended to do this gradually so that the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed.

    Then add 3 tbsp. mayonnaise and sour cream. The dough for such a dish can also be prepared on kefir. Add soda, quenched with either vinegar or lemon, to the mixture, and leave for a while to fry finely chopped onions.

    To do this, heat the pan, pour oil into it and fry the onion until golden brown. Add chopped mushrooms to it and fry until a ruddy color appears, then put the ground meat and fry for 7-10 minutes. Optionally, you can add various spices, salt and pepper.

    Then turn on the oven and grease the preheated baking sheet with butter so that the dough does not burn. After that, pour 2/3 of the dough into the mold, spread the fried meat in an even layer and pour the rest of the dough on top.

    Recipe number 2: meat pie with yeast dough

    Another very tasty and tender pie can be prepared according to the following recipe.

    You will need the following ingredients:

    • 2.5 tsp shiver
      zhey dry active;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tsp salt;
    • 100 g margarine;
    • 220 ml of milk;
    • 400 g flour;
    • 300 g minced meat;
    • 1 onion;
    • 30 g butter.

    First you need to beat the egg with a whisk or fork. It is not necessary to beat it until foamy, the main thing is that the yolk and protein mix well. After that, grate margarine on a coarse grater. Then dilute the yeast in 220 g of warm milk, add the beaten egg, salt, sugar, grated margarine and flour. It is recommended to add it in small portions, mix thoroughly. The resulting dough should be well kneaded and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    To prepare the filling, you first need to peel the onion, chop it finely and fry in oil until golden brown. Add minced meat to it and fry it for 10-12 minutes until the color changes.

    After the filling is ready, take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll out an oval, not very thin layer. In the middle of it, lay out the finished meat, and cut the edges of the layer into strips 2 cm long and overlap the meat with them.

    Then turn on the oven and put the baking sheet to heat, but for now, break the egg, separate the yolk and beat it thoroughly with a whisk. Grease a heated baking sheet with butter and put a pie on it, the top of which is covered with whipped yolk. Send the pie to the oven.

    At the same time, the oven should be preheated to 175 ° C, and you need to bake for 45-50 minutes until the crust is golden brown.

    Recipe number 3: meat and potato pie

    This original pie recipe requires a minimum of preparation time, as both meat and potatoes are taken raw.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 2 tbsp. flour;
    • 1 st. kefir;
    • 100 g butter;
    • 50 g of vegetable oil;
    • 1 egg;
    • ½ tsp salt;
    • 2 tsp Sahara;
    • a pinch of ground pepper;
    • a pinch of citric acid;
    • a pinch of soda;
    • 300 g of beef;
    • 450 g potatoes;
    • 1 onion;
    • ½ st. water.

    The dough for such a pie is prepared on kefir. To prepare it, first beat the eggs with salt. Then add kefir, salt and vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly. Gradually add flour to this mixture and mix constantly until the dough becomes soft and slightly sticky. After the dough is well kneaded, it is recommended to leave it under a towel for 20 minutes.

    During this time, you can prepare the filling. To do this, cut the beef into small pieces and add half an onion hand and one clove of garlic to it. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and fry finely chopped onion until golden brown. Then mix it with potatoes, meat, pepper and salt. You can also add spices at this stage.

    From the rest, a layer should be rolled out with a diameter of about 35 cm, a thickness of 5 mm and put into a mold with a diameter of about 22 cm so that the edges of the layer hang overboard. Put all the meat in a layer in an even layer, and collect the edges, forming a bag. All edges are recommended to be pinched together well. Cover the bag with the top layer of the layer.

    Bake the pie at a temperature of 170 ° C, after an hour remove the top layer and pour a little water or broth into the pie. After that, bake it for another 30 minutes.

    As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for making a meat pie in the oven, and they all amaze with a variety of toppings and ingredients. The dough for it can be prepared with milk, sour cream or kefir. The filling can be chicken fillet, pork or beef, so any housewife can choose the recipe she likes, based on her own preferences, time and financial costs for cooking.

    Who would refuse a piece of delicious homemade pie? And if it is also with meat, you will lick your fingers. Can't wait to cook and serve your family? Step-by-step recipes for meat pie on yeast and aspic dough will help you easily cope with the task.

    Step-by-step meat pie recipe in the oven - general principles

    Meat pie can be made from pork, chicken, beef. It is desirable that the meat be in a semi-finished form: the selected piece can be pre-twisted, boiled and cut, boiled and twisted - at your discretion.

    For taste, in addition to meat, onions are placed in the filling in raw or fried form. You can also experiment and add vegetables, cereals, mushrooms. All selected products are pre-boiled, if necessary, crushed.

    You shouldn’t put a lot of spices in the pie, just black pepper, salt, you can add dried herbs and herbs.

    Such a pie is prepared mainly from yeast dough. It will take a little time to knead and raise the dough. However, if you don’t want to mess with the yeast mass, you can make a jellied pie, where the filling can be the same, but the dough itself is kneaded quickly and ready for baking right there.

    The meat pie cooked in the oven can be the main course of lunch or dinner, in which case it is served hot. The cooled cake will be a great hearty treat for tea.

    1. Meat Pie in the Oven: A Step-by-Step Recipe on Yeast Dough


    15 tablespoons of flour;

    Milk -300 ml;

    Half a pack of butter;

    Sunflower oil - three tablespoons;

    30 grams of sugar;

    20 grams of salt;

    Instant yeast - 30 grams.

    For filling:

    Lean pork - a small piece;

    onion head;

    A piece of butter;

    Flour - ten grams;

    Half a cup of medium fat cream.

    To grease the pie:

    One egg;

    Two tablespoons of purified water.

    Cooking method:

    1. First of all, knead the yeast dough: a well-risen and “rested” dough is the key to a magnificent and tasty cake. Put the butter in a small metal mug, put on the stove, setting a moderate heat, melt. As soon as the butter is melted, pour in sunflower oil, mix. If you do not have butter, you can use any butter margarine, then there is no need to add vegetable oil. Pour salt, sugar into the oily liquid, stir well, then pour in the milk. Cool the resulting mixture a little so that it is slightly warm, and add the yeast, stir well again so that the yeast dissolves well. Slowly add the sifted flour. First, mix the dough with a fork, and when it becomes thick, knead it with your hands, and so that the dough does not stick strongly to your hands during kneading, grease your palms with sunflower oil. Be sure to stretch the dough with your hands during kneading, roll it into a lump for at least five minutes, the mass should eventually turn out to be soft, elastic, pliable. Cover the well-kneaded dough with a towel slightly moistened with water and place it in a well-heated place, for example, on a window in summer or near a heater in winter, to rise for about 1.5 hours.

    2. While the dough is rising, make the filling for the pie: rinse the pork, cut out, if necessary, excess fat, streaks (for the pie, it is better to use the tenderloin or pulp from the back leg, shoulder blade). Put the meat in a metal container, pour in water, add a little salt and cook after boiling until tender, about 40 minutes. If during this time the meat does not become soft, you can leave it to cook for another twenty to thirty minutes.

    3. Remove the finished meat from the pan, cool, scroll through a meat grinder or in a food processor with a special nozzle for chopping meat.

    4. Peel the onion head, cut into small crumbs, put in a pan, pour in sunflower oil, sauté until light brown. Lightly salt the finished onion and put it in the chopped meat, mix well.

    5. Take a metal mug, put the butter necessary for the filling in it and melt it over low heat. When the butter becomes liquid, pour flour into it, stir quickly so that no lumps form and pour in room temperature cream (cream can be replaced with high-fat milk). Beat the mass well with a whisk and boil, stirring constantly, over moderate heat.

    6. Cool the prepared creamy sauce, pour into the minced meat, mix well until a homogeneous souffle-like consistency. If desired, you can sprinkle the filling with black pepper, or add some spices to taste and salt a little more.

    7. The dough, which has doubled in volume, knead a little with your hands on a floured table. Divide the dough into two equal halves.

    8. Roll one half into a cake one centimeter thick and place it on a flat baking sheet lined with parchment.

    9. Put the meat filling on top and spread with a spoon over the entire surface.

    10. Cut off some dough from the second part of the dough and set it aside, and roll the rest of the dough into the same cake as the first. Cover the cake with it, fasten the edges tightly, making a pigtail pattern.

    11. Break an egg into a clean cup, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water, beat with a fork. With a special culinary brush, grease the surface of the pie with the prepared egg mixture.

    12. Make decorations for the pie from the remaining piece of dough: separate a small piece of dough, roll it into a ball and roll it thinly, then cut out a leaf of any shape (elongated or rounded) with a sharp knife. On the leaf, make patterns in the form of stripes. And exactly the same technology, make the rest of the leaves. Lay the resulting leaves in a beautiful pattern on the cake. Do not grease the decorations on the pie. Instead of leaves, you can cut different flowers or other patterns from the dough according to your desire and imagination.

    13. Put the baking sheet with the pie in a hot oven for 35 minutes, bake at a moderate temperature.

    14. Remove the finished meat pie from the oven and cool directly on the baking sheet.

    15. When serving, cut the cake into medium-sized pieces, serve with tea or warm milk.

    2. Jellied meat pie in the oven: a step-by-step recipe for kefir


    For dough:

    Fat-free kefir - 400 ml;

    Salt - ten grams;

    Flour - 25 tablespoons;

    Three eggs;

    Baking soda - 20 grams.

    For filling:

    Pork with fat - a small piece;

    Three onion heads;

    Fresh tomatoes - two pieces;

    Ten grams of salt;

    Sunflower oil - 30 ml for greasing the mold.

    Cooking method:

    1. To prepare a jellied meat pie, first of all make the meat filling: scroll the pork with layers of fat through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor. You should not use lean meat for this pie; with fatty pork, pastries will turn out much tastier and juicier.

    2. Put the minced pork in the pan, fry, stirring, for three to four minutes. There is no need to add vegetable oil, as a sufficient amount of fat is already present in the meat.

    3. Put the peeled and chopped onion to the minced meat and fry again for about five minutes.

    4. Add tomatoes to the entire contents of the pan. Pre-wash the tomatoes, soak in hot water for three minutes, remove the skin and cut into small cubes. Salt the minced meat and fry for about ten minutes.

    5. Put the finished filling in a separate plate, cool.

    6. Make a filling dough: pour kefir at room temperature into a small cup, add soda (do not extinguish with vinegar), stir and leave the mixture for ten minutes.

    7. In another cup, beat the eggs with salt with a fork and add them to the kefir mass, mix.

    8. Gently introduce the sifted flour in small portions, constantly stirring with a spoon after each entered portion. Mix the dough slowly, as if you mix quickly, it can settle.

    9. Take a deep detachable baking dish, grease it with sunflower oil and sprinkle with a little flour so that the cake does not stick to the bottom of the form.

    10. Pour in a little more than half of the filling dough, walk, leveling, with a spoon over the entire surface.

    11. Put the meat filling on the dough, also smooth it with a spoon.

    12. Top the fried meat with the second part of the dough, smooth with a spoon.

    13. Put the form with the jellied pie in a hot oven for half an hour, bake at a moderate temperature.

    14. If you have a top burner in your oven, then turn it on ten minutes before the end of baking so that a golden crust forms on the surface of the cake.

    15. Remove the baked pie from the oven, cover it with a towel right in the form to cool it down (be sure to cool the pie well, because if you cut it hot, it can break all over).

    16. Remove the cake from the mold, cut into small pieces and serve with tea, coffee or milk.

    Step by Step Oven Meat Pie Recipe - Tricks and Useful Tips

    Usually the cake is baked on a greased baking sheet, but today you can find many things on the store shelves that make the cooking process easier. For example, baking paper, foil or a silicone mat. There are several advantages to using one of these items for baking: the cake does not burn, the baking sheet does not get dirty.

    Do not overcook the meat pie in the oven for longer than indicated in the recipe. The filling for the pie is almost ready, which means that in any case it will not remain raw, and 30-40 minutes is enough for the dough, otherwise the pie may not turn out soft and fluffy, but dry and harsh.
