
Mannik in the slow cooker there is no baking mode. Mannik classic recipe for kefir in a slow cooker

Mannik in a slow cooker is an incredibly tender and tasty pie that any housewife can cook. Thanks to semolina, the cake will turn out tall and lush. Various fillings can be added to the dough: cocoa, nuts, fruits, dried apricots, vanilla, etc. We bring to your attention several recipes for making a pie. Mannik in a slow cooker can be cooked with milk, yogurt, sour cream or kefir. The choice is yours.

Recipe number 1 (Mannik with milk)
  • semolina (1 cup)
  • milk (1 cup)
  • eggs (3pcs)
  • butter (150-200 grams)
  • flour (1 tbsp.)
  • vanilla sugar (one teaspoon)
  • baking powder (1 teaspoon)
  • sugar (1 cup)

1. Pour milk into a bowl and add semolina. Then mix everything well and set aside for 30-40 minutes so that the mass swells. Next, add butter (melted) to the prepared mixture. Prepare another bowl. Beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk and pour into the semolina mass.

2. Now you need to sift the flour through a sieve and add to the prepared dough. For what? Everything is very simple: with the help of this ingredient, the manna in a slow cooker will turn out to be more magnificent and a little loose. We mix everything well. The dough should be liquid.

3. Lubricate the slow cooker with butter, sprinkle with semolina and put the dough into the bowl. We select the "baking" mode for 60 minutes. All is ready! You can sprinkle with powdered sugar or decorate with fruit.

Recipe number 2 ( Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker)
  • semolina (one glass)
  • kefir (one glass)
  • butter (150 grams)
  • sugar (one glass)
  • eggs (3 pcs)
  • baking powder (one teaspoon)
  • flour (one glass)
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar

1. Pour semolina with kefir and set aside for 35 minutes to swell.

2. Take a separate plate and beat the eggs with sugar until a white foam forms. Then add vanillin, butter (slightly melted) and the resulting kefir-semolina mixture. After - add flour (sifted) with baking powder and mix. The dough is ready!

3. Lubricate the multicooker with oil and pour everything into the bowl. We adjust to the "baking" mode and cook for 60 minutes. After cooking, we take out with the help of a steam rack. Mannik can be cut into cakes and smeared with cream or condensed milk. The cake will be very tender and delicious.

Recipe number 3 (Chocolate mannik)
  • semolina (1 cup)
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • flour (9 tablespoons)
  • kefir (1 cup)
  • sugar (160 grams)
  • butter (170-200 grams)
  • egg (1pc)
  • baking powder (1.5 teaspoon) or slaked soda (half a teaspoon)

1. As usual, fill the semolina with kefir for 35-40 minutes. Prepare melted butter (margarine).

2. In the prepared semolina mixture, beat the egg, add granulated sugar and mix. After - pour in the melted butter.

3. We take another bowl, pour in the sifted flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. We combine the resulting mixture with kefir-semolina mass and mix well until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

4. Lubricate the bowl in the slow cooker with oil. We turn on the “baking” mode for 60 minutes. After - we take the cake with the help of a steam basket, put it on a plate and decorate as desired. Chocolate mannik on kefir in a slow cooker is ready!

Recipe number 4 (Mannik with dried fruits)
  • sifted flour (1 cup)
  • semolina (1 cup)
  • kefir or curdled milk (1 cup)
  • sugar (1 cup)
  • raisins, dried apricots (100 grams)
  • eggs (3 pcs)
  • butter (160 grams)
  • baking powder (1 pack) or soda slaked with vinegar (1.5 tsp)
  • vanilla sugar (1 pack)

1. Fill semolina with kefir and leave for 30-40 minutes. While the semolina swells, we beat the eggs until foam forms, add sugar and mix everything well again.

2. Add melted butter and beaten eggs to the prepared mass of kefir, add vanilla sugar, baking powder (or soda) and flour (1 cup). Beat everything well with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency.

3. Soften raisins and dried apricots in warm water, cut into small pieces and add to the dough. Lubricate the bowl in a slow cooker with oil, pour the dough and bake for up to 60 minutes.

Recipe number 5 ( Mannik in a slow cooker with coconut curd balls)
  • semolina (1 cup)
  • flour (1 cup)
  • kefir or curdled milk (1.5 cups)
  • cocoa (4 tablespoons)
  • butter (0.5 packs)
  • soda (1 tsp)
  • salt (a pinch)
  • sugar (1.5 cups)
  • eggs (3pcs)

Curd balls (Ingredients)

  • cottage cheese (200 grams)
  • egg (1pc)
  • sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • flour (2 tablespoons)
  • coconut flakes (8 tablespoons)

1. As usual, fill semolina with kefir for 35-40 minutes, and add a pinch of salt.

2. Let's start cooking curd balls. Mix cottage cheese with egg and sugar, add flour, coconut flakes. From this mass we make small balls and place in the freezer for 25-30 minutes.

3. Making the dough. Beat eggs with sugar and add to prepared semolina mixture. After - pour slaked soda, softened butter (margarine) and mix well.

4. Lubricate the container with oil and pour out the dough. Place cheese balls on top. Bake up to 60 minutes. If you like with a golden crust, then you can bake for 10-15 minutes longer. Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker with curd balls is ready!

Mannik in a slow cooker- the simplest and at the same time delicious cake. Products for its preparation are inexpensive, available and always at hand from the housewives. When I was little, my mother and grandmother always spoiled us with just such a mannik, because the stores did not have such a variety of pastries as in the modern, accessible world. Of course, manna can be baked immediately (after adding semolina), but it is better when the semolina swells.
Semolina always works great in baking, semolina pie rises well in a slow cooker. This wonderful cake always turns out excellent - beautiful, tall, lush, with a delicate structure (grain to grain) - and what a delicious one it is! You can decorate the top of the mannik with powdered sugar, jam, cream, chocolate icing or fudge. If your kids don't like to eat for breakfast, cook mannik for them - I'm sure there won't be a crumb left of it. You don't have to force anyone. This is a great alternative to start the day. You can serve such a delicacy for breakfast, at lunchtime and for dinner, as well as serve guests with tea.


  • 1 cup semolina
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • vanillin
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder

Mannik in a slow cooker:

Pour semolina with kefir, mix and leave to swell for 30 minutes.

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy white foam.

Add vanillin, melted butter and kefir-semolina mixture.

Then add flour with baking powder.

Knead the dough.

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, I did not lubricate it, because Before that, I melted butter in a slow cooker. Pour the dough into a bowl.

Bake mannik in a multicooker panasonic 65 minutes, in the "baking" mode.

There can be a lot of variations of manna. It all depends on the ingredients and imagination. It is cooked on kefir, milk, with and without eggs, with fruits and other additives. The preparation of this delicate dessert takes very little time, and with a slow cooker, efforts are minimized.

How to cook a classic mannik in a slow cooker

For cooking we need:

  • 1 glass of semolina, flour, sugar and kefir.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 1/2 tsp soda.

Mix the flour with kefir and set aside for 30 minutes so that the semolina swells. Melt the butter, beat the eggs with sugar and mix. Add semolina with kefir, mix well. In the resulting mass, gradually add flour, soda and bring to a homogeneous state. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter, pour out the dough and set the “Baking” mode for 50 minutes.

To taste, mannik can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with condensed milk, syrups or jam.

How to cook mannik without flour in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • Semolina - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (or less).
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Soda - 1/4 tsp

To prepare, mix sugar and eggs with a mixer, add melted butter. Pour semolina, slaked soda, mix and pour milk. We bring the workpiece to a homogeneous state and put “Baking” for 45 minutes.

You can add peeled chopped apples and cinnamon to the dough for another delicious dessert.

How to cook chocolate mannik in a slow cooker

  • 1 st. decoys.
  • 2-3 eggs.
  • 3/4 st. Sahara.
  • 250 ml of kefir.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 3 tbsp cocoa.
  • Baking powder - packaging.
  • Nuts - optional.

Mix eggs and 3/4 cup sugar well with a mixer. Add butter, salt, baking powder and cocoa, repeat the procedure. Add kefir, mix and add flour a little bit, stirring. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and bake for 45 minutes.

As an option, serve with a cream of whipped sour cream with sugar, or smear it with mannik, cut into cakes.

If your kids refuse to eat semolina, offer them a treat that they definitely won't refuse!

The best manna recipes

mannik in a multicooker

2 hours 10 minutes

250 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Semolina is used to prepare many dishes. It is added to cutlets, cheesecakes or pancakes. Porridge is prepared from it, on which many generations have grown. And pies are baked from semolina. Preparing a delicious mannik is quite easy. It won't take long and you won't spend a lot of energy. Manniks are different, but semolina and dairy products always remain the main ingredients. I want to present several variants of this pie. The first will be a step-by-step recipe for a classic kefir manna, which is cooked in a slow cooker.

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker (without flour)

Mixer, knife, multicooker, cutting board, bowl and spoons.


How to choose ingredients

  • To select high-quality semolina, shake the package in which it is stored. Groats should be crumbly, without lumps and cobwebs. Choose only transparent bags so you can see the condition of the semolina. Do not buy such a product by weight. Bulk cereals are more likely to gain excess moisture and ban. It is also easier for insects to get into it. The main signs of freshness are a neutral smell and a uniform, free-flowing texture.
  • Kefir, like all dairy products, should have the shortest possible composition. It should contain milk and lactic acid bacteria. And no chemistry. Ingredients such as stabilizers, flavor enhancers, etc. make this product inedible. Sometimes starch is added to it. It cannot cause great harm to health, but still it is a violation of cooking technology. Kefir in this recipe can be replaced with regular sour milk.
  • Apples of your choice. The main difference between these fruits is that they are sweet or sour. I prefer sweet varieties.
  • Sugar should be crumbly and have a uniform color. It should also not have any foreign smell.
  • Orange juice should be natural, squeezed from a fresh orange.
  • Step by step recipe

  1. Mix 3 eggs with a glass of sugar. Beat with a mixer until the volume has increased by about 1.5 times.

  2. Add 1.5 cups of kefir, 2 cups of semolina and a packet of baking powder.

  3. Now mix everything thoroughly and leave for 20 minutes so that the semolina is infused.

  4. Cut the apples into 4 pieces and cut out the hard core with the pits.

  5. Then cut the fruit into pieces. You can not remove the skin, it will not hurt.

  6. Lubricate a clean multicooker bowl with oil and pour the dough into it.

  7. Add the chopped apples to the batter and stir to evenly distribute.

  8. Place the bowl in the slow cooker, close the lid and set the "baking" mode. Also specify the time of 1 hour 20 minutes and 10 minutes in the "heating" mode. This is necessary in order for the semolina to steam well.

  9. Prepare frosting. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. orange juice and mix it with 120 g of powdered sugar.

  10. Pour this mixture over the pie. Then let the glaze harden and serve.

Video recipe for manna on kefir in a slow cooker


Mannik on kefir. How to cook a delicious apple mannik in the Redmond RMC-FM230 slow cooker, a simple recipe for a delicious mannik with apples. Recipes for the multicooker. Multicooker. food.
🍜 Ingredients: 1 cup - sugar, 1.5 cups - kefir. 2 cups - semolina, 1 sachet of baking powder (10-12 gr.), 3 eggs, 3 apples, For glaze: 120 grams - powdered sugar. 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of orange (or lemon) juice.
⏰ Cooking time: 1:20 "baking" mode + 10 minutes on heating.

More about the multicooker: http://multivarka.pro/catalog/kategor/multivarki/multivarka_redmond_rmc_fm230/

Multi-cooker, Recipes, A delicious recipe, Elektrischer Schnellkochtopf, Multikocher, Elektro Schnellkochtopf, Multiwarka, Multicooker, Electric Pressure Cooker. Marina's treat




Mannik with milk, cooked in a slow cooker

  • Manna preparation time: 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • It turns out 12 servings.
  • For cooking you will need: mixer, slow cooker, bowls and spoons.


Step by step recipe

  1. Warm up 400 ml of milk. Add 190 g of butter, mix with a mixer.

  2. Now add 2 cups of semolina and mix again. Leave for 20 minutes.

  3. In a separate bowl, beat 4 eggs with 2 cups of sugar.

  4. When 20 minutes have passed, pour the semolina mixture into the bowl of beaten eggs.

  5. Now add 1/2 tsp. vanilla with 2 cups flour and mix well.

  6. Pay off 2 tsp. soda 2 tsp vinegar and add to the batter. Stir again.

  7. Lubricate a clean multicooker bowl with 10 g of butter and sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. semolina.

  8. Pour the dough into the bowl and place it in the slow cooker.

  9. Set the "baking" mode and the time to 60 minutes.
  10. When the baking time has passed, set the “keep warm” mode for 20 minutes.

Video recipe for manna with milk in a slow cooker

The recipe for making manna with milk in the VITEK VT-4208 CL multicooker

Multicooker VITEK VT-4208 CL:




Chocolate mannik on sour cream in a slow cooker

  • You can cook this mannik for 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • It turns out 5 servings.
  • For cooking you will need: mixer, slow cooker and bowls.


Step by step recipe

  1. Beat 2 eggs with 115 g sugar.

  2. Now add 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 170 g semolina, 170 g sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and 5 g baking powder.

  3. Then carefully and slowly mix all the ingredients.

  4. Grease a clean multicooker bowl with soft butter.

  5. Pour batter into it.

  6. Turn on the "multi-cook" mode and cook at a temperature of 125 degrees for 1 hour.

Video recipe for chocolate manna on sour cream in a slow cooker

Check out this recipe. It shows in detail all the steps for preparing manna.


Chocolate mannik in the Redmond slow cooker, a simple recipe for chocolate mannik. How to cook mannik. Baking in a multicooker. Recipes for the multicooker. Multicooker.
Below are all the delicious and easy recipes 🔽🔽🔽
Simple first course recipes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNEK0fyiGD1N2RJksBe1PUllnJSVI4_NP
Simple recipes for second courses here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNEK0fyiGD1PzjeGQaFH4nY3iNwtWo8BZ
Easy baking recipes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNEK0fyiGD1OSmXvnt72tbCHLdV4n-u6s
Simple cereal recipes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNEK0fyiGD1OjRk0N5qG7rBfKpnBI5EuY

🍜 Composition:
3 - eggs (selected)
340 gr. - semolina
340 gr. – sour cream 20%
230 gr. - granulated sugar
10 gr. - baking powder
2 tbsp - cocoa powder
6 tbsp – vegetable oil
⏰ Cooking time:
1 hour on the "Multipovar" mode 125C or on the "Baking" mode.

Our family YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1i8Zx0z5QTPVi9GByNbYzQ
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Video breakdown of recipes on the channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaeMtQbOYBQ




How to decorate and what to serve

Such a delicious cake needs to be decorated beautifully. This can be done with any cream, fudge or fruit. And you can combine all these details. Confectionery mastic is great for sculpting figures. They can be flat or voluminous.

I love to decorate desserts with ready-made decorations in the form of berries. They are made from sugar with natural dyes. You can also use edible multi-colored confetti or coconut flakes.

Mannik is served as an independent dish. Various drinks can be served with it. For example, juice, compote or tea. If you are preparing a holiday for children, also serve candies, cookies or other sweets. But the best addition to such a pie is fresh fruit. Grapes, bananas, apples, etc. will not only decorate the table, but will also be useful for your children.

  • After you make the dough, leave it for 20-25 minutes so that the semolina swells. This rule is suitable for all manniks. And even if this is not written in the recipe, do not be afraid to let the dough infuse a little. Then the cake will bake better and the cereal will become soft.
  • You can add chopped dried apricots, prunes or raisins to the dough. You can also use your favorite fruits or berries. A very tasty pie is obtained with a banana.
  • Mannik can be divided into two cakes and grease them with a sweet filling. It can be condensed milk, jam or cream. Such a cake can be prepared for a birthday or other celebration.
  • To make the dough fluffier, beat the whites separately from the yolks.. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and gently fold them into the batter so they don't sag.
  • You can add cottage cheese to the dough. He will give the mannik tenderness.
  • You can cook mannik with the addition of roasted hazelnuts or walnuts.
  • As natural flavors you can add vanilla, lemon zest or cinnamon.
  • You can combine chocolate and white dough, then you get a motley pie.

Well-read people will be interested. It owes its glorious history to the family of the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. associated with childhood. Its wonderful filling will appeal to everyone without exception.

Mannik is a pie based on the preparation of which there is semolina. It has become widespread due to its budget, availability and ease of preparation. It is especially easy to prepare in a slow cooker. But these qualities of the pie do not prevent it from being diverse: housewives perfectly prepare mannik on kefir in a slow cooker, mannik on milk in a slow cooker, mannik on sour cream in a slow cooker, and all of them are worthy of the best words. Dough based on semolina can be improved with chocolate, berries, there are many options.

Mannik is probably one of the easiest pies to make and available. The taste of this dessert is incomparable. Mannik is prepared very quickly, and its ingredients are so simple that you can cook it, if desired, every day. The basic scheme of the process is as follows: you need to soak the semolina, for example, in kefir and leave it to swell for an hour. Next, you should add eggs and baking soda to the semolina, and then the cooled melted butter and sugar, in portions - flour, vanillin. All ingredients must be mixed well. Further, any additional products (raisins, dried apricots, nuts) can be added to the dough if desired. Put the dough in an oiled multicooker bowl and bake your mannik in the “Baking” mode for about an hour.

Believe me, you will definitely get a wonderful mannik in a slow cooker, you can improve the recipes to your liking. But for the beauty of the resulting manna in a slow cooker, recipes with photos, peeped on the site, will be very useful for beautiful decoration and proper serving of the dish. Use this information! Prepare your mannik with milk in a slow cooker, its recipe is simple and straightforward. But for a better understanding and assimilation of the process of preparing manna in a slow cooker, a step-by-step recipe is the best tutorial. It is also on our website.

Mannik can be cooked without flour. In this case, you do not need to change the proportions and ingredients. You just need to remove the flour and butter from the recipe;

When making manna on kefir, it is better to use this drink with a fat content of no more than 3 percent. The same requirement applies to milk and sour cream;

For manna, premium flour is used, or it must be carefully sifted through a fine sieve before cooking;

Baking powder can be replaced with baking soda;

To make the mannik easier to remove after cooking, it is advisable to lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil;

Do not immediately remove the mannik from the apparatus, let it cool with the lid open;

Manna cakes can be served sprinkled with icing or used as a base for another cake. We recommend the option with sour cream or butter cream;

The taste of the pie can be enhanced by other delicious foods: berries, fruits, dried fruits, dried apricots, nuts, marmalade, etc.
