
Recipes from zucchini with ready-made Korean seasoning. Korean-style zucchini with seasoning (the most delicious recipe for the winter)

Zucchini is a versatile vegetable. Without its pronounced taste, it serves as an excellent basis for cooking. various conservation for the winter - salads, caviar and even jams. One of the most delicious, affordable and quick recipes for preparations for the future is canned zucchini in Korean. Long thin zucchini strips with vegetables and hot spices are marinated in own juice turn out crispy and juicy. I have tried several popular recipes zucchini in Korean, which can be "closed" for the winter. The results of their experiments, supplemented step by step photos I present to you. I'm sure you'll find an appetizer to your liking. I do not prepare preservation on an “industrial” scale, so you can safely increase the number of ingredients several times - I indicated the proportions of the products and the approximate yield of the dish.

Features of cooking zucchini in Korean

  • The composition of the salad may vary depending on your taste preferences and the availability of certain vegetables. I usually add carrots to zucchini, Bell pepper, onions, greens in large quantities.
  • If you use a ready-made (store-bought) seasoning, pay attention to its components: except for natural spices nothing should be. This can affect not only the taste of zucchini, but also the duration of their storage (preservation may ferment).
  • The same goes for salt. Use only regular rock salt. Neither iodized nor "extra" are suitable for making canned salads.
  • You can cook Korean seasoning at home, knowing its composition. Usually black, hot red pepper, paprika, ground coriander, dried garlic, salt. It is better to use dry rather than liquid seasoning.
  • To speed up the release of juice, cover the salad with a flat plate, and place a weight on top.
  • The amount of seasoning must be adjusted to your liking. It is better to put less spices first, taste and, if necessary, add.

For conservation in korean style only young zucchini with juicy, dense pulp, without large seeds and mechanical damage are suitable. I suggest you recycle old fruits into marrow caviar and spin it for the winter - well, just lick your fingers, how delicious. The best, in my opinion, caviar recipes I have published.

Instant recipe with onions and peppers, harvesting for the winter

One of the quickest and most delicious recipes for Korean zucchini salad. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that snacks can be eaten immediately or rolled up in jars for long-term storage. Canned food can be sterilized traditional way- V large saucepan with water or in the oven.



For marinade:

Yield: 2 liter (4 half-liter) cans.

Cooking method, quick recipe with photo:

Wash carrots, peel, grate Korean salads.

Cut the washed and dried zucchini into thin strips or grate too.

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Cut the pepper into strips.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife.

If you prepare Korean zucchini for the winter, soak the greens in cold water for a few hours. If you are preparing an appetizer immediately on the table, you can simply rinse parsley or dill thoroughly. Chop clean greens.

Place all prepared vegetables in a large bowl.

To prepare the marinade, mix oil, vinegar, salt, spices.

Pour the marinade over the zucchini with carrots. Stir the contents of the bowl with your hands, squeezing the lettuce a little so that it releases the juice faster. Cover the bowl and leave room temperature for 1-2 hours.

During this time, the vegetables will release quite a lot of juice, so no additional liquid is added when preserving the salad. Zucchini can be served at the table or rolled up for the winter.

Arrange the zucchini in clean, dry jars - a liter or half a liter. Sterilize filled jars in a large pot of boiling water. Liter cans- within 20 minutes, half-liter - 15 minutes.

Close the zucchini with screw caps or roll up with a key. Flip the banks. If a leak does not appear within 10-15 minutes, put the preservation in its normal position, wrap it up. Store cooled zucchini.

Store in a cellar or closet. Preservation shelf life - 1 year.

We prepare Korean-style zucchini for the winter according to a simple recipe, without sterilization

Delicious salad especially for those who do not like sterilization. Zucchini with vegetables are boiled in a marinade and laid out hot in jars, so it is not necessary to sterilize the container before laying it. Despite the use of heat treatment, the vegetables remain crisp and do not deform. Quantity and composition spicy seasoning can be adjusted to your liking.


Yield: approx. 1 l

Step by step cooking with photo:

Grate zucchini on a Korean grater. Grind carrots the same way. Pour shredded vegetables into large saucepan. Prepare the spice mix. In this recipe, I decided to add mustard as an experimental ingredient. It turned out delicious. You can take mustard seeds or mustard powder. Prepare the rest of the seasoning. I made it myself: I took sweet paprika, red and black peppers, coriander grains. The composition is the same for most store seasonings except for salt and granulated garlic. We will add these ingredients during cooking later, only the garlic will be fresh. Put in the seasoning.

Pour sugar into a bowl and right amount salt. Pour in the vinegar and oil. Chop the garlic, send to the zucchini. Stir the salad. Leave at room temperature for 3-6 hours. To stimulate the secretion of juice, you can put oppression. After a few hours, add water to the pot. If little juice has formed, a little more liquid will be required. If enough, pour in literally a third to a half glass.


If the finished Korean seasoning already contains salt, reduce the amount slightly when adding it.

Stir and put the pan on the stove. Cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes (after boiling), stirring occasionally. Arrange hot zucchini in dried jars washed with soda. Seal with sterile caps. Flip the can for 10 minutes to check for leaks. Cool under a thick cloth, hide until winter.

Zucchini are moderately spicy and salty, carrots give piquant sweetness, and Korean spices are a mouth-watering flavor. The first sample can be taken immediately if a little lettuce does not fit in the jars.

Zucchini goes well with any marinade and always turns out crispy and fragrant. With two step by step recipes canned pickled zucchini I suggest you take a look.

The most delicious Korean-style zucchini with seasoning for Korean carrots

It is very quick and convenient to prepare such preservation. You only need to grate the vegetables, add seasoning and other components of the marinade, wait for the juice to separate and arrange the vegetables in jars. It turns out very tasty with all the simplicity of the recipe.

What will we cook from:

Yield: 1 liter (2 half-liter) cans.

Step by step photo recipe:

Wash and chop the zucchini into long thin strips on a special grater.

Grind washed, peeled carrots in the same way. Place vegetables in a deep bowl.

Pour in sugar and salt.

Pour in the bite and oil. Add Korean seasoning, stir. Let the salad stand at room temperature for 1-3 hours.

This quick recipe does not involve the use of hot marinade or brine. The base fluid is vegetable juice mixed with marinade. It will stand out quite a lot, as you can see in the photo.

For harvesting for the winter, spread the appetizer in washed and dried jars. Put them in cold oven, then heat it up to 140-150 degrees. Sterilize half-liter jars with preservation 15, and liter - 20 minutes from the moment the oven is heated.

Seal the zucchini with clean, dry lids. Cool upside down and hide.

You can also prepare and Korean carrot . This is very convenient: in the winter I opened a jar of orange salad and immediately put it on the table. No need to wait until the carrots are properly marinated and infused. I described proven cooking methods in this one.

Korean zucchini recipe in circles (semicircles), without carrots, in tomato

Tomato is rarely added to traditional Korean dishes, but in some cases, recipes with it turn out to be successful and unexpectedly tasty. I often cook with the addition of tomato paste, and so I decided to try to prepare zucchini in a similar marinade. I am completely satisfied with the experiment, so I share this cooking method with you.

Required Ingredients:

*Depends on the salt content of the sauce and seasoning (if used).

Yield: 1.5 l.

Cooking order:

Cut the zucchini into circles or halves of circles about 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Put them in a saucepan, add seasoning. IN tomato paste add salt and rock salt. Add a glass hot water, stir until smooth.

When using ready tomato sauce water does not need to be used, it is also necessary to adjust the amount of seasonings, salt and granulated sugar added.

Pour the tomato into a saucepan. The liquid should almost cover the vegetable pieces.

Grate the peeled garlic fine grater, transfer to a saucepan. Pour it in there table vinegar. Cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes until soft. Arrange in sterile jars and roll up. Store in a cool, dark place.

You can take a sample right away, but, having insisted, zucchini become much tastier.

Very worthy option canned snacks - zucchini in chili ketchup. They are preparing very well, and the result will impress you. Crispy zucchini sticks tomato marinade Pairs well with potato dishes. Try it!

Each vegetable has its own time. The long-awaited "squash" time has come. This affordable and delicious vegetable has long been one of the most popular vegetables in Russia.

Zucchini dishes are extremely easy to prepare. Our housewives do not miss the opportunity to prepare this vegetable for the winter season: pickle, preserve, cook from zucchini with the addition of all kinds of vegetables various salads. original taste have prepared zucchini for the winter in Korean, wonderful dish with herbs and spices. There are quite a few options for their preparation, each of which has its own "zest". But in any case, it should be noted that even a novice hostess can do this dish.

A few tips for cooking right salad from zucchini in Korean for the winter. First of all, use only young and strong vegetables for cooking. It is not necessary to peel them, but they should be cut according to the recipe: circles or straws. Other vegetables present in this salad (bell peppers, carrots, onions and others), cut in the same way. Easy to use grater for Korean carrots, which is why this salad got its name. Cooking zucchini for the winter in Korean, be sure to let them brew in the marinade, because only in this case the dish will be filled with unique taste and aroma for which we love dishes so much Korean cuisine. In winter, these zucchini will come in handy on your table. Their wonderful spicy taste And spicy aroma will make any dish with which they will be served, much more appetizing.

Zucchini for the winter in Korean

2.5 kg of young zucchini,
500 g carrots
500 g onion
5 sweet peppers
150 g garlic
greens (parsley, celery, dill, cilantro) - to taste.
For marinade:
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2 tbsp salt,
150 ml 9% vinegar,
spices for Korean carrots.

Grate zucchini and carrots on a grater for Korean carrots, cut onion and pepper into thin strips. Grind the herbs and garlic, combine with vegetables and pour over the previously prepared marinade. Mix the vegetables thoroughly and let them brew for 3 hours. When the vegetable mass is marinated, put it in jars along with the marinade and sterilize: 0.5 liter jar - 15 minutes, 1 liter jar - 30 minutes. Then roll up the lids and when your jars are cool, move them to storage.

Zucchini in Pyongyang

2-3 medium sized zucchini
3-4 garlic cloves,
½ stack vegetable oil,
½ stack 6% vinegar,
red or black ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Grate zucchini for Korean carrots, salt, pepper to taste, pour vinegar and mix. Let the mass stand for 15-20 minutes. Chop the garlic and put on top of the zucchini. Pour roasted zucchini vegetable oil, mix, arrange in sterilized jars and tightly close with screw caps. Store in a cold place.

Zucchini in Korean for the winter (recipe number 2)

3 kg zucchini,
3 sweet peppers
100 g garlic
1 l Krasnodar tomato sauce,
250 g chili sauce
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 stack Sahara,
2 tbsp salt,
2 tsp ground black pepper,
2 tbsp 70% vinegar.

Grate the zucchini on a grater for Korean carrots, cut the sweet pepper into strips and mix with zucchini. Add to vegetables Krasnodar sauce and chili sauce, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Boil 15 minutes. Then add chopped garlic and vinegar and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Pour the hot mass into sterilized jars and roll up.

Korean marinated zucchini

4 medium sized zucchini
3 carrots
1 onion
4 garlic cloves,
1 yellow and 1 red bell pepper
1 tbsp sesame oil,
1 tbsp soy sauce,
2 tsp sesame seeds,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ stack vegetable oil,
2 tsp red ground pepper,
2 tsp 70% vinegar,
ground black pepper - to taste.

Wash the zucchini, cut into thin circles, lightly salt and put under pressure for a couple of hours. Cut the onion into thin half rings and lightly fry, grate the carrots on Korean grater, cut the pepper into thin strips. Drain the succulent from the zucchini k, mix with chopped garlic, pepper, onion and carrots. Mix well vegetable mix, add acetic acid and all other ingredients, mix again, add a little salt, arrange in sterilized jars and roll up.

Korean-style zucchini (recipe No. 3)

1 kg zucchini,
3 bulbs
1 bunch dill,
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,
50 ml vegetable oil,
1 tbsp 9% vinegar.

Cut the washed and peeled zucchini lengthwise into thin strips (use a paring knife, the strips will be the thinnest), onion into thin half rings. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, pour in vegetable oil, add sugar and salt. Put the saucepan on medium fire for 5 minutes. Zucchini and onion should become translucent. While they are cooking, chop the dill, cut the garlic into thin slices. As soon as the zucchini and onion become transparent, add dill and garlic to the pan, mix and leave on the stove for another 2-3 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, put the contents in jars, which are sterilized for 10 minutes, and then immediately roll up.

Korean-style zucchini (recipe No. 4)

2-2.5 kg zucchini,
500 g Korean carrots,
500 g onion
2-3 garlic cloves,
salt and black ground pepper - to taste.
For marinade:
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack table vinegar,
2 tbsp salt.

cut zucchini thin slices or grate for Korean carrots. Cut the onion into half rings or strips and add it along with the Korean carrots to the zucchini. Then add chopped garlic, salt and pepper to the vegetables to taste. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan, pour over the marinade and let it brew for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Then spread the vegetable mass along with the marinade in 0.5 l jars and sterilize for 20 minutes. Roll up and store in the dark cool place.

Korean-style zucchini (recipe No. 5)

2 kg zucchini,
1 kg carrots
500 g onions.
For marinade:
1 stack Sahara,
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 stack table vinegar,
ground coriander, ground black pepper - to taste.

Grate zucchini and carrots on a Korean grater. Onion cut into half rings. For the marinade, combine vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, pepper and coriander. Pour vegetables with this marinade, mix well and leave for 2 hours. Then put the salad in jars, tamp it well and sterilize 0.5 l of the jar for 15 minutes, roll it up, turn it over and leave it warm for a day. Then move the jars of salad to a cold place for storage.

Zucchini in Korean for the winter (method number 6)

3 medium sized zucchini
2 chili peppers
3 cm ginger root
120 ml rice or apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp salt,
½ tsp red pepper,
½ stack water.

Wash the zucchini, cut the stalks, cut into medium-sized circles. Put them in an enamel container in which the zucchini will marinate. Peel and finely chop the ginger. Wash the chili pepper, cut, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. IN a separate pan pour water and vinegar, add ginger, chili, sugar, salt and mix. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, pepper, stir and leave for 5 minutes. Pour into the pot with the zucchini hot marinade, stir and leave for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. When the time is up, transfer the salad to sterilized jars, cover nylon lids and store in a cool place.

Agree, such zucchini for the winter in Korean will appeal not only to lovers of zucchini, but also to everyone who is a fan of spicy Korean salads.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Korean zucchini can be called one of the simplest and most original recipes zucchini rolls for the winter. Harvesting from zucchini receives spicy taste generously flavored with hot spices.

This salad will great addition to pasta and rice, it will improve the taste of meat and chicken, and its main advantage over it is the ease of preparation - the dish does not require sterilization!

Zucchini for the winter in Korean - a simple recipe without sterilization

The recipe for cooking zucchini in Korean in this way is not static: the number of vegetables can be varied as desired and taste preferences, A good helper for the preparation of this dish will be a special grater.

We will need:

  • about 2 kg of zucchini;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 300 g of onion;
  • 600 g of sweet pepper;
  • 100 g of garlic.

For refueling:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • half a glass of sunflower oil;
  • 50 ml soy sauce;
  • 20 g sesame seeds;
  • a spoonful of red or cayenne pepper;
  • a couple of tablespoons of coarse mustard;
  • two spoons of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 50 ml of vinegar.

How we cook:

  1. We clean the zucchini from the skin and seeds and three of them on a special grater.

The salad should be dense in consistency, therefore, even young zucchini should be peeled.

  1. We wash the sweet pepper well and remove the middle, put it horizontally and cut into thin long strips.
  2. We clean the carrots or wash them with an iron washcloth, rub it on a grater or cut it into thin strips. If available and desired, you can use the combine.
  3. The onion should be peeled, cut in half and put so that when cut it falls apart into strips on its own.
  4. Grind the garlic on a fine grater or process with a garlic press.
  5. We put all the vegetables in a deep enameled container and begin to prepare the filling.
  6. Water must be boiled, reduce the heat and then add spices: first of all, you need to put sesame seeds, then mustard, salt and sugar. Stir and bring to a boil again.
  7. Now pour the remaining liquids into the marinade - soy sauce, vinegar and oil, mix it well.
  8. The turn of red pepper comes - the longer it boils, the bitterer and sharper the filling will be.

In order not to get a draconian snack, 1 minute of boiling is enough.

  1. Pour the marinade over the salad, mix and boil for 2 - 3 minutes, and then lay out the salad in clean jars!

Thanks to spicy pouring lettuce is perfectly stored and does not deteriorate even at room temperature.

Korean zucchini preparation for the winter with seasoning for Korean carrots

Korean zucchini can be made using the seasoning that we use to cook Korean carrots. This mixture of spices makes life much easier for lovers of spicy. A ready-made set of seasonings has its own pungency and aroma, allowing you not to fool your head with the question of whether it will turn out delicious winter twist from zucchini? This powder can be purchased at any store. But it is better to try it in advance: bags from different manufacturers may vary in taste. The simplest and quick salad you can make this recipe.


  • 2 small zucchini;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • 2 or 3 large carrots;
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar;
  • a quarter cup of vegetable oil;
  • 20 g seasoning for Korean carrots.
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

How we cook:

We wash and grate the zucchini - in the absence of a special one, you can make a smaller version of this salad, using the large side on the regular side for all products.

Grind the garlic with a knife and skillful hands or with a garlic press.

We send garlic to zucchini and pour vinegar. Fragrant apple can be replaced with the usual one, but you should not take grape - it does not combine with the taste of this salad.

We fill everything with seasoning for Korean carrots, mix and leave to infuse for an hour.

We cut clean carrots in the same way as zucchini - into strips.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and quickly fry the carrots for big fire- no more than 3 minutes.

Salt and sugar the carrots and, without cooling, transfer them to the zucchini.

Mixed - and sent to the refrigerator shelf! Two to three hours will be enough for the salad to infuse!

We lay out the workpiece in jars, slightly tamping and pour salted boiling water with two tablespoons of vinegar. The salad is ideal for meat, and thanks to the cooking technology, it turns out to be very rich in taste and colors!

Korean zucchini for the winter - the most delicious recipe

A recipe in which vegetables remain tender and juicy requires special spices and delicious dressing. As a flavor enhancer in this salad greens are used - the taste of the final product depends on its quality and quantity!

We will need the following products:

  • 2 ripe large zucchini
  • 1 large sweet pepper
  • 3 carrots
  • 5 - 6 garlic cloves,
  • a bunch of greens - cilantro, parsley, dill,
  • 1 onion
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • two spoons of sugar
  • a spoonful of spice mixture in Korean,
  • hot pepper to taste
  • 5 st. spoons of apple or table vinegar,
  • 120 ml vegetable oil,
  • 0.5 liters of water.

How to cook:

In this salad, we will go away from the traditional straws, but the shape of the vegetables can be varied as desired. We chop the zucchini into large cubes or pieces, having previously cleared them of seeds and skin.

Chop the peeled carrots into thin strips convenient way.

We cut the onion so that it breaks up into long thin sticks.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut it into quarter rings.

Rub the garlic on a fine grater.

We chop the greens as finely as possible. If you do not want to mess around, you can grind it with a blender along with garlic.

Mix all the vegetables well and start making the dressing.

In a container, mix salt, sugar and seasoning for carrots - take spicy or not very spicy at your discretion.

Add red pepper and vinegar, mix well.

Sunflower oil is the last ingredient. We add it to the dressing.

Now we need to mix the vegetables well, it is best to do it with our hands, everything will be well salted.

If you leave such a salad for 2 - 3 hours in the refrigerator, you can eat it raw, and if you arrange it in jars and tamp tightly, pour the released juice, you will get great snack for the winter. Bon appetit!

Recipe for winter preparation of zucchini in Korean style with mustard

Mustard is one of my favorites hot spices from Russian housewives, and mixing her taste with seasoning for Korean food will open up new facets of flavor for you winter salad! In addition, its properties make it possible to dispense with the sterilization of cans, which greatly simplifies life and speeds up the preparation of the workpiece.

What to take:

  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 300 g of onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley;
  • 1 tablespoon of dry mustard and Korean spices;
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 40 ml of vinegar;
  • one tablespoon of sugar and salt.


  1. Peeled zucchini cut into thin half rings, no more than 3 mm in width.
  2. Grind carrots in the same way.
  3. Onions can be chopped finely, or you can make sticks out of it that look like straws.
  4. Grind the garlic in a garlic press or use a fine grater.
  5. Now you need to mix all the vegetables in a large container, adding all the dry ingredients to them: finely chopped greens, seasonings, salt and sugar.

Leave the container in the refrigerator for 2 hours - and the salad is already ready to eat!

  1. And for winter harvest we pour oil and vinegar into the mass and mix the vegetables well with our hands. After that, the salad can be laid out in small jars.

A little trick: if you are worried about the safety of preservation, but do not want to bother with sterilization, you can try making this salad in your own juice. To do this, before rolling, a jar full of vegetables must be put in the microwave for 5-7 minutes at maximum power, immediately after that you need to roll up the jar. This method will perfectly replace sterilization and save you from unnecessary worries!

I suggest you watch a video recipe for cooking Korean zucchini with tomatoes

Delicious and fragrant zucchini salads will be a great reminder of the hot summer, as well as a source of useful substances, because vegetables are practically not subjected to heat treatment! Experiment with flavors, bon appetit and until new recipes!

Hello dear spicy lovers. Today I will treat you to such a wonderful snack for the winter as Korean zucchini. Preparing it is very simple, because this vegetable is easy to prepare.

In the summer, when the harvest ripens, I want to stock up on vitamins to the maximum for the winter, when the body will especially need them. undergo preliminary heat treatment in the form of boiling or stewing. In this case, the lion's share of useful substances is lost.

This option allows you to save the largest supply of vitamins and natural taste. All because we will not cook it. For long storage, lettuce must be sterilized directly in jars for no more than half an hour. However, now you will see everything for yourself.

Korean zucchini salad fast and tasty

This salad is very easy to make. And it is eaten even faster than it is cooked. Try it yourself!


  • 2 kilograms of zucchini (it is better to choose young and juicy fruits);
  • 1 kg of fresh carrots;
  • head of large garlic;
  • 6 tablespoons of vinegar (for this dish it is better to use apple, 6%);
  • 2 incomplete tablespoons of salt (not iodized, without additives);
  • 1 pack of spices for Korean carrots;
  • 2 full tablespoons of sugar;
  • stack of vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

Wash the vegetables you need and pat dry.

If you followed my advice and harvested young zucchini, then there is no point in peeling them. If the fruits have a hard peel, then it must be cut off.

1. We need either a knife or a grater with a nozzle for thin straws. Grind the zucchini in a convenient way and transfer to a bowl. Squeeze the garlic there, add salt, granulated sugar and spices. Gently knead with your hands so that all the spices are well distributed. Wrap in foil or cover with a lid. In the meantime, let's start preparing the carrots.

2. It must be chopped in the same way as zucchini. Fry in an oil pan for 10 minutes.

3. Mix the vegetables together, pour in the vinegar and again mash slightly with your hands. Cover with something (napkin, lid or cling film) and leave for 3.5-4 hours.

4. Salad jars need to be prepared. First, they must be washed in a solution of soda, rinsing thoroughly. Then sterilize by any method convenient for you. Once the container is ready, fill it with Korean vegetables. In the process of infusion, a lot of juice stood out. It must be evenly distributed among banks. Lettuce in jars must be pressed tightly so that there is no air left.

5. Cover with lids without twisting. Place in a container for cooking, pour water, almost reaching the neck. Sterilize for about half an hour, over medium heat. Screw the lids on tightly. It is better to use a towel or napkin for this so that the hand does not slip. After that, set the jars upside down and cover with a dense cloth. Let them soak for about 8-12 hours. After that, they are completely ready for long-term storage.

Successful preparations!

Zucchini in Korean for the winter with pepper and garlic

Pickle on the table is always in place. And if it is fragrant, crispy and spicy zucchini with peppers and carrots - these are generally delicious.


  • 0.5 kg of carrots;
  • 3 kg of ripe zucchini;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • 0.5 kg of juicy bell pepper;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons coarse salt;
  • 2 medium heads of garlic;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 30 grams of Korean seasoning (or a mixture of coriander and red pepper).

Cooking steps:

For this recipe, we need a knife and a grater with a nozzle for Korean carrots.

1. Turn the zucchini into medium pieces of an elongated shape. Size doesn't matter. The main thing is that they look appetizing and are conveniently eaten.

2. Grind carrots on a grater into long straws. Add to zucchini. In a glass of vinegar, mix salt and granulated sugar. Carefully, to dissolve the grains of sand as much as possible. Pour mixture over vegetables. Pour the oil in here as well. Sprinkle with spices and mix gently with your hands. You can also use two spatulas.

3. Add pepper, cut into strips. Crush all garlic cloves with a press. Once again carefully stir and remove for 4 hours, covered with a lid. No need to put it in the fridge, just leave the bowl on the table. After that, the salad will be completely ready to move to jars. Pack the vegetables tightly, and then evenly distribute the reserved marinade.

4. Banks covered with a lid should be sterilized in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Be sure to cover the bottom of the container with a towel or napkin before doing this, otherwise the jars may burst. After processing, the salad is not yet ready for storage. Before transferring the jars to the basement, they need to stand upside down overnight, under a warm shelter. So the contents will cool evenly, which will have a positive effect on storage.

Happy storage!

Snack of zucchini and carrots in Korean for the winter

Such an appetizer scatters from the table in a matter of minutes. Guests always ask for more!

You can prepare such a salad for today's meal or store it in jars for the winter.


  • half a kilo of young zucchini;
  • half a kilo of fresh carrots;
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar and coarse salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • fresh cilantro of your choice;
  • 3 tablespoons of Korean spices.

Cooking steps:

If you plan to stock up more of this snack for the winter, just increase the amount of ingredients.

1. For vegetables, we need such a grater. She will cut them into thin and long strips.

2. Pour chopped zucchini with a solution of vinegar, salt and granulated sugar. Sprinkle with seasoning and stir.

3. Fry the carrots in an oil pan. Add to it the garlic passed through the press and bring to readiness.

4. Send frying and chopped cilantro sprigs to zucchini. You can not add it, but with it the dish turns out to be more aromatic. The salad is ready after 3 hours of infusion in a warm place. If you are preparing it for the winter, then prepare the jars.

5. Arrange the vegetables in sterile jars and transfer them to the pan. First, at the bottom, you need to lay out a towel. Pour water almost to the top (but so that the jars do not float) and boil for a quarter of an hour.

6. Tighten the covers firmly. Gently turn the hot jars over to the edge of a warm cloth and cover with it overnight.

All. Can be stored.

Marinated zucchini for the winter in Korean style, with carrots and parsley

I love everything about this recipe - the ease of preparation, the availability of products, and the amazing taste. I'm sure you will like it too. Try it and see.


  • 3 dense and juicy zucchini;
  • 1 large onion;
  • medium carrot;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • dessert spoon without a hill of salt (not iodized);
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar (apple vinegar is especially good);
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 large bunch of fresh parsley;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of spices for Korean vegetables.

Cooking steps:

Here, as in other recipes, we need a grater for Korean vegetables. If this is not available, you can cut the vegetables with a knife. But it will take more time.

1. Vegetables, namely zucchini and carrots, chop with a grater. Chop the onion into small cubes. Crush the garlic with a special press. Finely chop the parsley. Combine all these products in one bowl.

2. All other ingredients are for the marinade. They need to be combined in a bowl and stir thoroughly so that the sugar grains dissolve.

3. Pour the vegetables with the resulting marinade and gently but carefully mash with your hands. Cover and leave alone for 4 hours. After this time you will see that the salad gave a large number of juice.

4. Arrange the vegetables themselves in jars first, and then pour them with marinade. Boil directly in the jars for 20 minutes, then tighten the lids.

Let them stand for as long as you want!

Video: Salad - Korean zucchini

This salad is second to none restaurant dishes neither in appearance nor in taste. You can cook it for instant eating, or pickle it for the winter. If you choose the second option, ready meal you need to sterilize in jars, and then roll them up.

What I love about Korean vegetables is their unique crunch. Eating them is a pleasure. And cooking is easy and simple. As a hostess, I cannot but appreciate the fact that the dish is cooked without cooking. This not only facilitates the work, but also preserves the very storehouse of vitamins that is so important to us in snowy times.

Opening a jar in winter solar snack, the mood immediately rises, and with it the immune system. After all, it’s doubly nice that tasty can be healthy, isn’t it?!

Read, cook and share the results!

Hello hostesses!

Today I will again surprise you with an interesting one that won me over last year. Then I tried only a couple of recipes, and now I can say with confidence that Korean-style zucchini is one of our favorite preparations for the winter. She is number one in our family. I like that this dish is prepared quickly, but it turns out just great and tasty.

The appearance of this sharp miracle is quite attractive. At what you can experiment and close each jar in completely different ways. For some reason, most of the inhabitants of Russia are used to rubbing zucchini in the form of straws. But on the Internet, there are quite a lot of other varieties.

Today I propose to consider them all, but for one, if you have never tried this cooking masterpiece, then after looking at these pictures, you will fall in love and definitely want to cook. After all, it is not easy for you to find yourself on this page.

Usually, when the year is fruitful, we often think about what to make from zucchini, we usually do it right away, add them to, and even cook for dinner.

It's all good, but still sometimes you want something sharper. Or is it a holiday in your house today? Then, then you can present them with such a Korean zucchini salad. Which you cook in a couple of minutes, and then you can roll it into glass containers to treat everyone in the winter.

I hope that these sensational hits will give you, like me, an unforgettable delight. Let's go, friends!

We start the conversation, as usual with the very the simplest option, but in fact, it turns out incredible yummy. And what is the real point? As you can see in in social networks such as classmates, this recipe is advertised almost every day, and it takes about 2 hours to prepare. That is, he can be assigned the title in haste.

Secondly, you can always decorate in a variety of ways with this salad. dinner table, because zucchini can be cut even in rings, even in circles, and then your loved ones will think that you bought such an appetizer on the market. And here it is, cooked at home. And thirdly, vegetables are eaten instantly, that you won’t have time to blink an eye.

And remember, Korean-style zucchini is always the very first to gobble up if you cook them on festive table or get such a blank from the cellar.

We will need:

  • Young zucchini - 1000 g
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Onion- 1 head
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Coriander / seasoning for carrots in Korean - 0.5 tbsp
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 tbsp
  • Vinegar - 3 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 8 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 0.5 tsp optional
  • Parsley, dill - optional
  • Coriander or pepper mix - optional
  • Hot pepper and seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 tsp or to your taste
  • Sesame - a pinch for beauty


1. In order to neatly and beautifully present this salad, you need to take a special grater for Korean carrots. Using it, grate the zucchini and carrots, as shown in the photo.

If you still do not have such a device, then use grandmother's method i.e. chop into thin slices sharp knife).

2. In order for the vegetables to release the juice, put salt and sugar. Stir with your hands and let stand for as long as you have free time (for example, 15-30 minutes), it will be good if 2 hours pass. The cup with the contents should be infused at room temperature.

After that, drain all the resulting syrup and squeeze out the mass.

3. Now sprinkle ground coriander, instead, a mixture of peppers is perfect. And also put hot red ground pepper and Korean seasoning for carrots. Here you can, in principle, make any components that you like.

4. Then follow this plan, cut the onion into half rings with a kitchen knife, and chop the garlic finely or pass through a press. Onions must be fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, and garlic in fresh add to salad.

5. As soon as the onion is ready, put it in a bowl, and pour this vegetable mass with the remaining oil. Add vinegar and soy sauce. Stir.

6. Now it remains only to add finely chopped greens and stir. In order for everything to work out and the mixture to marinate well, you need to cover the cup with a lid or cling film and place in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. In this form finished product should stand for about 1 hour, but it will be better if 3-4 hours.

Serve with sesame seeds, which will only decorate and bring some magical decor to this dish. Bon appetit!

The best Korean-style zucchini recipe for the winter without sterilization

Usually everything korean recipes in its composition imply the introduction of carrots. It's already familiar product if we hear these words. But, here is the first option will be without it. Therefore, if you are not a fan of this vegetable, or suddenly it was not at hand, then this small instruction will help you figure everything out.

In addition, you can add spicy garlic or onions to improve the taste. They also often add seasoning for Korean carrots or chim-chim spice.

The list of products is quite simple, as they say now we will make a candy out of it. Just look at him. Do it only in small jars so that they open it and eat it. Usually liter or half liter containers are taken. Although, I have already seen that they close it in three-liter ones, who have large families. Ah ha).

I liked two recipes for such spicy zucchini at once, and therefore I certainly want to show you both options. And you yourself decide which one you will take as a basis.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 500 g
  • vinegar 9 percent - 2 tsp
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • dill - bunch
  • onion - optional 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • a mixture of peppercorns - optional 0.5 tbsp
  • Korean seasoning - 0.5 tbsp


1. Prepare vegetables and herbs for work first. Wash thoroughly in cool running water. Cut the stems off the zucchini with a sharp knife. If the fruits are young, then the peel can not be cut off, if it is already old and too dense, then remove it. Take out the seeds too. Chop them into longitudinal not too long segments or slices.

Peel the garlic and chop finely into small circles. Finely chop the dill. If you add onions, then peel them and chop them into pieces too.

2. Then pour all the necessary spices into the pan, put salt, Korean seasoning. Pour in the vinegar and water. Stir. Now it remains to add garlic and onions.

3. Boil this marinade and boil for about 5 minutes. The aroma will reach your neighbors))).

In a prepared and wiped dry container, place the zucchini sticks. And pour boiling marinade. Cover with a metal lid and seam with a special key. Next, unfold the jar on the other side, put on a blanket and let the heat evenly disappear.

Thus, the vegetables are marinated evenly.

Such a cool salad will be a super addition to or. Bon appetit!

And now, as the second method of rolling promised, it differs from the first in that, firstly, all vegetables are diced, and the ingredients contain bell pepper. What makes such a divine dish even more beautiful.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2.5 kg
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • celery seeds and turmeric - 0.5 tsp
  • salt -0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp
  • Korean seasoning - 1 tsp
  • mustard seeds - a pinch


1. Chop the zucchini into small cubes with a knife.

Advice! Or you can use a vegetable cutter such as a nicer dicer. It will always help out if you have a large amount of work.

2. Do the same with bell pepper. Pre-clean it from seeds and stalk, and also remove white streaks.

3. Pour all the vegetables into a large bowl and mix together. Salt and add sugar. Pour in the vinegar immediately.

4. Move the basin to the stove, and set the mode to medium heat. As soon as this porridge boils, add Korean seasoning and other spices and seasonings. Stir. You can sweat for a couple of minutes, stirring.

5. Then, with a sterile ladle, pour such a branded salad into sterile jars.

6. Don't forget to try. And then wrap it under the iron lid with a seaming machine or put on ordinary wrapping lids. Also, when hot, the jars need to be turned upside down, then wrapped in a blanket and let cool to room temperature.

Here it is a wonderful preparation that will truly delight you in winter evening and remind you of summer. Bon appetit!

Heh in Korean from zucchini with spicy spices

Well, friends, another story from the YouTube channel hooked me. Do you know what? The fact is that the author suggests adding another vegetable that goes well with zucchini and you know what, eggplant. Intrigued, then click on the view button and listen and carefully. See the list of products right now.

We will need:

  • eggplant - 3 pcs.
  • zucchini -1 kg
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salad pepper - 1-2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 sachet
  • vegetable oil - 130 ml
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp

Korean zucchini salad - a quick recipe for winter slices

As you wish, but you can make such an appetizer even in pieces and even rounds, as modern youth say. In any case, when eating this snack, you will definitely lick your fingers. Do you know why? After all, you definitely need to take all sorts of spices, and decide on their quantity.

I really like to use already ready-made kits, which are sold with us now in any store or supermarket, they are called “for Korean salads”. So, you can not be wiser, everything has already been done for you. And if you want, all the same, vivid impressions and make a splash, then please read on, see what an unusual list of ingredients.

As you can see, mustard is used, it is she who will give a new spicy taste and you won't be able to resist this fragrance. Take note while I allow, ah-ha).

We will need:

  • zucchini (zucchini) - 1 kg
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp
  • salt - 4 tsp
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp
  • dry mustard - 0.5 tbsp
  • mustard seeds - 0.5 tbsp
  • onion - 1 head
  • boiling water - 2 tbsp.
  • turmeric - 0.5 tbsp


1. Combine turmeric and mustard seeds together. Turmeric will help cleanse your body of negative impacts, and still paint the workpiece in a beautiful color. In another container, mix sugar and salt.

2. Wash the zucchini, cut off the ends and then use a sharp knife to chop the vegetables into circles. By the way, you can use a regular vegetable cutter if you want to cut into thin slices or ribbons instead of washers. After all, you can actually do a duet.

Also, using a decorative knife to make such a masterpiece. See how perky it looks.

3. Next is the turn of onions. Crumble it into half rings.

4. Pour white bulk ingredients, that is, sugar and salt, onto prepared thinly chopped vegetables. Stir with your hands and let stand for about thirty minutes. Some juice will stand out.

5. Next, add vinegar, chopped onion and boil one glass of water. Fill them with a mass of zucchini. And pour boiling water over the other glass, where mustard and turmeric seeds were mixed, add dry mustard, mix. Pour the zucchini with this potion.

6. As you can see, this simple recipe turned out to be even without cooking and, of course, without sterilization. Next, you need to immediately move the salad into clean jars and close metal lids on long-term storage. Place the jars in the opposite direction, cover with a fur coat and let cool.

If you don’t have the strength to wait, then you can leave the snack in the cup for the night, and in the morning try and taste it.

7. It turned out amazingly beautiful, which is good news! Pleasant impressions!

Zucchini with seasoning for Korean carrots (a simple recipe without bell pepper)

Again, another curiosity that was in great demand, I remember a few years ago, but because of its popularity, it does not stop today. Therefore, take and also use this guide, because this appetizer prepared according to this method will also be with tomatoes, which means it will come out even juicier and have a slightly tomato flavor.

Did you know? The second name of this dish is heh. Who would have thought that people still come up with something like that!

We will need:

  • zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • tomatoes - 700 g
  • bulb -1 pc.
  • garlic -3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • dill - optional
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 2.5 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - a bag
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns
  • water - 5 tbsp.


1. Prepare all products for work. First, wash everything, and then chop the zucchini into rounds. Take medium-sized tomatoes so as not to chop them. You can even take cherry. Onions are cut into rings, chop fresh carrots into cubes, and simply peel the garlic.

2. Pour water and vegetable oil into the pan, prepare the brine. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the required amount of salt, sugar, seasonings and vinegar. Stir. Let it boil for a couple of minutes.

3. Arrange all prepared vegetables evenly in sterilized jars. Plus peppercorns and bay leaf, dill.

4. And then pour hot marinade slowly into each jar.

Pour liquid into the very center first so that the jar does not burst. You can put on the bottom metal knife under the bank, also for this purpose.

5. Transfer each jar to a wire rack in a saucepan or lay a towel. Pour hot water on the shoulders of the cans, put the lids on top. Do sterilization for about 10-15 minutes after boiling water.

6. Then pull out and wrap the lids with a seamer quite tightly so that nothing runs up. Cool upside down under a blanket for 24 hours. Store in the cellar.

Spicy appetizer of fresh zucchini - a recipe for winter storage

Another novelty of this year, which is now already blowing up the Internet, because it is the point in this version that gives unforgettable notes in taste. If you are not a favorite of this cuisine, then feel free to red hot pepper add to moderate amounts and always taste it.

Be 100% sure friends that this chic Korean salad will disappear from your cellar faster than you yourself do not expect. All because it can rightly be called a delicacy. Try it and you won't regret it!

And if it is not possible to preserve in jars, then at least cook this dish and taste it today. After all, such a blank can be tried in a couple of hours, and it will take 5-15 minutes to cut all the products.

We will need:


1. Rinse all vegetables and herbs cold water. Cut the zucchini into small cubes, while they need to be peeled and remove all seeds. Grate carrots, bell pepper chop into straws.

2. Also chop the greens finely with garlic cloves. A hot pepper must be chopped into small pieces, if you want, you can remove the seeds from it, but if you want to leave it, it will turn out even sharper. Wow, how great it will be, like a spark!

3. Supplement the chopped zucchini with all the ingredients, pour in vegetable oil, you will need about 400 ml, then salt and sugar. And of course add vinegar. It is he who will give the desired note of pickling. Mix actively the mass with your hands and let it stand for a couple of hours on the table (2-3 hours). Ha, you can eat.

4. Then spread the appetizer in clean, dry liter jars and cover with metal iron lids. Place each of them in a saucepan, in which you first lay a towel or throw a rag on the bottom. Pour water up to the shoulders of the jars and turn on the fire. When the water boils, wait 20 minutes, and then turn off and roll the cans under a special key.

5. Further each glass jar check that the lid is tight and that there are no leaks in any places. Cover with a blanket and let cool completely. Store in the cellar and consume after 1-2 weeks or later. Bon appetit!

A very tasty Korean-style zucchini recipe - lick your fingers!

And again, another novelty - a recipe with soy sauce. I don’t know about you, but I decided to try this miracle and prepared such a small master class for you. And now you don’t even need to add salt and sugar, because soy sauce gives the right shades for pickling.

me this fast way I also like the fact that you can already taste this delicacy quite right today. So, you are provided with a delicious dinner.

We will need:

  • young zucchini (zucchini) - 1 pc.
  • soy sauce - 1/4 tbsp.
  • vinegar - 1/4 tbsp.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp


1. Start cutting vegetables. Chop the zucchini in a way convenient for you. For example, cut them into halves.

2. Chop the garlic into small cubes and place on top of the slices. Now salt and pour soy sauce and vinegar, stir with your hands. Then pour in vegetable oil, also mix. Wait for the mass to stand and marinate for half an hour.

And if you want to enjoy today, then hold it on the table for 4-5 hours.

3. Then boil water in a separate container, by this time the zucchini with all the ingredients should already be in clean jars. Pour boiling water over the vegetable mass. Cover with lids and roll up. Then insulate unnecessary things and wait for complete cooling.

Store in a cool place such as a cellar or refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Korean zucchini with bell peppers and carrots

Incredibly interesting is another blank that combines several varieties of vegetables. Zucchini is used, as always, raw and fresh. By the way, if you have a dark darkness of them, then cook from them

We will need:

  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • carrot - 1-2 pcs.
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • parsley dill
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • onion - head
  • table salt - 2 tsp
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp
  • Korean seasoning - 2 tsp
  • hot peppers
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 90 ml


1. Do the main work, peel the zucchini and cut into oblong segments, grate the carrots for Korean carrots, chop the bell pepper with shavings. Onions on feathers and of course finely chop the greens.

2. Then put all the prepared foods in a stainless steel bowl. Squeeze out a small amount of garlic through a press for piquancy and fragrant spirit.

3. Stir with a wooden spatula and do another thing, namely pouring.

4. Precisely from special sauce the end result will depend. In a small container, add table salt, granulated sugar and Korean salad dressing, ground hot pepper.

5. And fill this loose mixture with vegetable oil and vinegar. Stir.

6. It remains to pour all the vegetables with such a marinade and let stand on the table for about 2-3 hours, and then preserve.

Or you can do otherwise, use today for dinner.

7. Sterilize jars and lids and spread the resulting marinated squash mixture in them. As you can see, 2 cans of 0.5 liters came out. Cover with lids.

8. Move the blanks into a saucepan, lay a towel on the bottom, fill with water up to the shoulders and simmer after boiling for 15-20 minutes.

If you take a larger jar, for example, it will be 1.5 liters or 2 liters capacity, then the time will have to be increased accordingly (25-30 minutes).

9. Then tighten with a special key and check the tightness. Dress in a blanket and wait 24 hours, then lower it into the cellar. Good luck!

How to cook Korean-style zucchini for the winter in jars

Super famous variant which will definitely make you happy. All vegetables are cut into strips or you can use a device for cutting Korean carrots. For more details, you can watch this video from one Internet channel on YouTube. It will be delicious, don't miss out!

That's all friends, this note came to an end again. I hope you are already creating such vegetable masterpieces in the kitchen and making your family happy. All the best and all the best. See you very soon. Goodbye.
