
Ways to store watermelon for a long time. How to store a whole watermelon

watermelon storage is one of the simplest and available ways prolong the season of tasty and healthy berries. Using some tricks and tips, you can keep the fruits for several months without losing their taste characteristics.

Juicy and sweet with bright red flesh, watermelon is considered an exceptional summer treat. Not many people know that the striped berry perfectly tolerates long-term storage and, under certain conditions, can last until the New Year. Fresh watermelon will be not just an unusual sweet treat for winter table. Contained in juicy pulp useful material will be a good support for the body in the autumn and winter months.

How to store watermelon in a private house or apartment? What methods are considered the best?

When buying berries, you should pay attention to the variety, appearance and berry size.

  • Sort. It is recommended to choose late-ripening varieties: "Astrakhan striped", "Volzhsky", "Dessert" and others. Watermelons that ripen later than others have a thick rind that protects the flesh inside from damage. You need to buy them at the very end of the season: from mid-September to early October. If you plan to store berries from your own backyard in the storage, you need to collect them a few days before they fully ripen.
  • Appearance. When laying watermelons for long-term storage, only those that do not have visible damage are selected: deep scratches, cracks, bumps. Their surface should be smooth and shiny.
  • Dimensions. Do not put too large fruits in the cellar or refrigerator. The optimal weight is 4-5 kg.

If the choice was made correctly, the berries can retain their taste, aroma and beneficial properties almost throughout the winter.

The main factors affecting the safety of the fetus are the ambient temperature and the integrity of the peel. Consuming berries, especially cut ones, after the expiration date may have undesirable health effects.

Optimum temperature in storage for melons should be in the range from +2 to +5 degrees. Due to this the best place where you can store watermelon is a cellar or refrigerator.

How long can you keep watermelon in the fridge

If there is no cellar, and there is enough free space in the refrigerator, you can store the watermelon on a shelf or in the freezer. Many are interested in how many days or months the berry will be able to retain its taste and beneficial properties.

If you buy a late-ripening variety, you can store watermelon for 10-15 weeks. If the berry belongs to early ripe varieties and has a thin peel, it should not be kept in the refrigerator for longer than 1.5-2 months. Before laying down whole fruit on the shelf, it is necessary to carefully examine it for possible defects that appeared during collection or transportation. Long-term storage of watermelons with cracks, dents and other damage is not recommended.

At the time of buying big berry often there is a problem of storing uneaten slices. It is best to do this in the refrigerator. The maximum period during which the pulp will be usable does not exceed 2 days. So that it does not become slippery and unpleasant, it does not need to be covered with a film. It is better to put the remaining piece cut-side down on a plate, and put a bag on top. Sliced ​​watermelon should be stored as follows: put it in a deep bowl and also cover, avoiding the film touching the pulp.

IN Lately freezing is becoming more and more popular fresh vegetables and fruits for the winter. Many lovers striped berry the question arises: is it possible to store watermelon in the freezer?

Watermelon pulp does not tolerate exposure well low temperatures, and after thawing loses its natural structure. You can use slices of frozen fruit only for the preparation of drinks such as cocktails, jelly, juices. Store watermelon in freezer costs no longer than 10-12 months.

How long can watermelon be stored at room temperature

Storage of watermelons room temperature makes it possible to save almost all useful substances. Scientifically proven is the fact that in the pulp, which has not been subjected to prolonged cooling, the amount of beta-carotene and lycopene is almost 20% more. So, how long can you store watermelon for outdoors?

The shelf life of whole fruits largely depends on their variety and ripeness. The thick-skinned and slightly unripe berries at the time of picking remain the longest. If you create everything the necessary conditions, then even at room temperature they will lie quietly for 4-5 weeks. The timing also depends on the initial state of the melons.

If after lunch or dinner there is an uneaten piece of cut fruit, you should not leave it on the table, especially if the room is warm enough. The shelf life of open watermelon pulp at room temperature is only a few hours.

Before you store a watermelon in the cellar, you need to make sure that the temperature and percentage of humidity in it correspond to the recommended ones. If these parameters are stable throughout the entire period, the berries can be kept for as long as on the refrigerator shelf: until the New Year and even longer. With significant deviations temperature regime and humidity, the terms will be much shorter, and taste characteristics deteriorate noticeably.

Unlike whole berries, which will lie for weeks and even months, incised fruits are usable for quite a while. short term: they can be stored from several hours to 1.5-2 days.

Watermelon peel reliably protects the pulp inside from the penetration of bacteria and other unwanted microorganisms. In the absence of such protection sweet pulp becomes an ideal environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora. A cut watermelon that has stood in the open air becomes not so much tasteless as dangerous, as it can cause food poisoning.

Ways to store a whole watermelon

There are many proven ways to keep watermelon pulp juicy and sweet for a long time.

Before sending the berries to the cellar, they are laid out in boxes, the bottom of which is covered with a thick layer of moss. It is better to collect it on a sunny day, when the top of the plants is completely dry. The free space between the walls of the box and the sides of the watermelon is also covered with moss. This will make it possible to store the watermelon for a longer time.

To any wooden container(boxes, barrels, etc.) dry ash is poured in a layer of 5-7 cm. Next, the fruits are laid, which must be covered with ashes to the very top. The container must be closed as tightly as possible to prevent moisture from entering.

Clay is stirred with big amount water until a homogeneous mass with a consistency thick sour cream. The wax is heated in a water bath to liquid state. Next, the brush is well dipped in the prepared clay solution or wax and applied to the peel. After the composition dries, the berries are placed in a cool room.

With this storage, you will need nets and pieces of canvas or burlap. Berries are wrapped in cloth and lowered into nets, which are hung from hooks mounted in the ceiling of the cellar or basement.

  • Storing watermelons at home.

If there are no special rooms such as a cellar or basement, the darkest and coolest room is suitable for storing the whole fruit. It is necessary to ensure complete darkening and daily turning of the fruit.

Suitable places to store watermelon

To save fresh fruits as long as possible, you need to choose the right place for storage. In a private house and in an apartment there are several of the most suitable premises, in which you can store watermelon for a long time.

Storing watermelon in the refrigerator

The safety of whole berries largely depends on temperature indicators. In this case, the temperature must be stable throughout the entire period. The most optimal place from this point of view is the refrigerator. Berries should be placed on the middle or bottom shelf, previously covered with a thick cloth.

Storing watermelons in the refrigerator has one drawback - the fruits take up a lot of space, which creates certain inconveniences when placing other products. If you plan to store watermelon for 3-4 months, it is better to choose other suitable places for this.

The place where the fruits will be located must satisfy two basic conditions: be cool enough (the temperature should not rise above +10 degrees) and darkened.

In the apartment, such requirements are met by pantries, glazed and protected from direct sun rays balconies and loggias. You can also store watermelon in the bathroom or on the mezzanine.

There are many more opportunities to find in a private house a good place in which the berries can lie in autumn and winter. Cellars, attics, pantries, garages are best suited for this purpose. If there is a summer kitchen in the yard that is not used in cold period year, it can also keep berries for several months.

The most suitable storage of gourds at home is the cellar. It maintains a relatively stable temperature and humidity without sudden changes. Storage of watermelons can be carried out different ways, while it is in the cellar that they lie without loss palatability the longest.

How to organize the storage of watermelons? How long they can be preserved without damage depends on the preparation, correct laying of the fruits and the conditions in the storage.

Purchased or harvested fruits should be re-examined to ensure there are no defects. If there is high humidity in the room and there is a possibility of mold or rot developing, it is worth treating the peel with a 2% solution of lime.

Before laying berries, the room must be well ventilated. It is desirable to treat the cellar with antifungal agents. Keep watermelon separate from other vegetables and fruits. Berries also should not be in contact with each other. There should be enough space on the racks or shelves to periodically turn them from side to side.

It is possible to store watermelon for a long time only under certain conditions. The premises must meet the following requirements:

  • be well darkened;
  • have natural or forced ventilation;
  • humidity in it should not exceed 85%, the lower limit is 65%;
  • the optimum temperature range is from +3 to +5 degrees.

Periodically, the fruits are inspected and turned over.

Many people are interested in the question: do the berries ripen after being placed in storage? It all depends on how you store the watermelon. If the room temperature does not rise above +3-5 degrees, the pulp will remain in the same condition as when harvested or purchased. If the temperature is consistently higher (+20-25 degrees), ripening of almost ripe fruits is possible. For laying in cellars and cellars, do not use ripe fruit because they will remain immature.

In order to preserve whole berries until the winter months, you need to choose a place that will maintain the most suitable conditions for them. Deviation from the recommended indicators will not allow you to save berries for the winter.

So, when the temperature rises, the pulp will begin to deteriorate faster, and when it drops below 0 degrees, it will turn into ice. Too low humidity can cause melons to dry out, and the presence of excess moisture will cause premature decay.

Before choosing a room where the berries will lie, it is necessary to assess the possibility of meeting all the requirements.

How to store a watermelon to please your household with juicy summer berry for New Year's Eve? In order for the berries to lie until the middle of winter and longer, it is worth keeping them in dry straw for 1-2 days to dehydrate the peel. Such preparation will reduce the likelihood of putrefactive damage to the pulp. To keep the berries as long as possible, it is necessary to prevent contact of the bark with air. To do this, it can be covered with clay, alabaster or wax.

Do not lay fruits on bare shelves or racks. It is recommended to cover them with a cloth beforehand or natural material(moss, straw, sawdust).

Compliance with all requirements regarding temperature, humidity and ventilation is very important. Significant deviations from the optimal indicators will negatively affect the condition and taste of melons.

Knowing how to store watermelon, and following a few rules, you can enjoy juicy and useful berry regardless of the season.

Quite suitable for long-term storage. Eat simple ways allowing you to taste a piece of "warm summer" on New Year's Eve. Properly prepared berries lie unharmed until the very winter months. Everyone can repeat the options proposed in the article and on the video in their home.

Choosing the right watermelon

Not every fruit is suitable for this purpose. It is clear that damaged, beaten during transportation berries will not last long under any circumstances. Bulk watermelons brought to the market in a truck will always have at least one minor defect. Proper transportation - in containers with a soft bottom.

Do not take too large watermelons. The optimal weight is not more than 5 kg. The unripe fruit will quickly deteriorate. Do not rely on the fact that during storage it will ripen. Moreover, it can ruin other watermelons lying nearby. The level of ripeness is determined by the halo around the dried stem. A dense light surface indicates the ripeness of the fruit.

For storage, choose medium-sized late watermelons.

Do not rush to lay in the cellar early varieties. As a rule, their rind is thin, and the flesh is saturated with nitrates. Late-ripening varieties have a thick dense shell. Ripening at the end of August naturally, they are least stimulated by fertilizers. Such a watermelon will lie safe for as long as possible.

The best varieties for storage are as follows:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Kholodov's gift;
  • Dessert;
  • Astrakhan striped;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Melitopol.

Fruits are pre-washed and dried.

Long-term storage of watermelons in the apartment

Fridge. Wrap the berry in a thick layer newsprint and place it on the bottom shelf. The place should be pre-covered with soft bedding. A day later, the watermelon is turned over to the other side. There, the “minke whale” will feel good until January.

Advice! The frozen pulp of a water-melon keeps all useful and flavoring qualities. The only negative is that thawed pieces instantly lose their shape and spread.

Glazed loggia or balcony, cellar. The temperature should not be higher than +6 С°. You can place fruits in several ways:

  • In wooden boxes with moss, ash, sand or straw. Watermelons are wrapped in cloth and laid out on the bottom, stalks up. Each fruit lies separately, does not touch the walls and other berries. Covering material is poured on top. It should be dry, with the top covering melons, filling all the space between them. The advantage of sphagnum moss is that it is a natural antiseptic. Fungi and bacteria will not harm the safety of the fruit.

Attention! Sand is poured into 0.5 container volume. Watermelons are laid out with the stalk down.

  • In limbo. The watermelon is covered with melted wax, paraffin (1 cm), or a 0.5 cm layer of clay. Placed in a net and hung from the ceiling on the balcony.

You can store watermelons for a long time on the balcony

Storage of watermelons in the basement of a private lady, veranda

The basements of private houses are most suitable for this. It is always cool, dark and dry there. In urban apartment buildings, basements are warm, maintain required temperature impossible, especially during the heating season.

The fruits are laid out in containers with dry sand or grain. From time to time check their condition, turn over. It is not necessary to change the bulk material for a new one. You can also hang the fruits, wrapping them tightly with a cloth. Complete tightness will create a layer of lime, alabaster or clay. In this state, watermelons "survive" until March. Before use, the crust is soaked in water and removed with a stiff brush.

Unheated veranda or summer kitchen - places possible storage gourds. Humidity in the premises should be between 60 and 80%. In a damp room, the fruits will quickly rot, and excessively dry air will significantly reduce their juiciness. The temperature should not fall below +1ºС. Place watermelons whenever possible, using wooden boxes or hung from the ceiling.

Watermelon has the ability to absorb foreign odors. Therefore, it is advisable not to lay out other foods and vegetables nearby.

We store watermelons in the garage in barrels of water

Barrels with cold water. Optimum temperature +1…+3°С. Ripe watermelons are very buoyant. This is due to the property of their pulp, it becomes more loose, starchy. A ripe berry floats about halfway up. For storage in water, the fruits must be completely covered with liquid, so they are pressed from above with oppression. In this state, they are easily stored until winter.

Water is changed several times a month. Make sure that there are no small black spots on the peel. This is a sure sign of a damaged core. Of course, if space permits, then a good cellar can be equipped in the garage. Containers are installed in dug pits. Save space and tiered racks, where watermelons are stored in dry bulk materials.

Watermelons prepared in the above ways will decorate the New Year's table. Only ripe fruits will benefit. It is easy to determine the naturalness of the product as follows, a piece of pulp is dissolved in water. Saturated red color indicates the presence of chemistry. This is evidenced by large bright veins on the cut. Excess nitrogen when ingested increases the risk of oncology.

It is best to buy watermelons directly from melons. Ripe watermelon light, the sound is deaf when struck, the color of the crust is brilliant. In sliced ​​watermelons fresh air colonies of microbes immediately settle. In refrigerators, this will happen on the second day.

Watermelons are useful for diseases digestive system relieve edema. Contain iron folic acid, a large number of Sahara. In winter, desserts made from fresh watermelon will come in handy.

Watermelon is a symbol of summer. Juicy fruits perfectly quench your thirst, and it is in this season that they are easy to find. Many lovers of watermelons want to enjoy the taste of fruits not only in summer, but also in winter. In this article, we will tell you what you need to do to enjoy watermelon in winter period and how to preserve its taste.

  1. Thanks to watermelon pulp, the intestinal microflora improves, activity normalizes. digestive tract the blood vessels dilate. The use of fruits is indicated for people suffering from chronic constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  2. Watermelon contains fiber, which is responsible for cholesterol levels. At regular use the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other serious diseases associated with a large amount of adipose tissue is reduced. In addition, watermelon maintains blood glucose levels, allowing people with diabetes lead a fulfilling life.
  3. The berry contains lycopene, a natural antioxidant. It normalizes the work of the heart, stabilizes arterial pressure, reduces the risk of developing malignant and benign tumors. With regular use, the possible occurrence of cancer is prevented.

Choosing watermelon for winter storage

In order for the shelf life of the fruits to be as long as possible and at the same time they retain their taste, it is very important to know which watermelon to choose for harvesting for the winter. Appearance When choosing fruits, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. They must not be damaged. sunburn, cracks, scratches and dents make the fruit unsuitable for long-term storage.

There are several proven ways to preserve watermelons for the winter at home, the main thing is that the temperature is below room temperature. But at home, not any variety of berries can be stored for storage. Late-ripening varieties of watermelon with thick skin are suitable for this. Pay particular attention to the following options:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Astrakhan striped;
  • Dessert;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Pulse
  • Kholodov's gift.

Whatever variety you choose, you should not buy a watermelon in early August in order to extend its shelf life and keep it until the new year, it is right to make a purchase in mid-September - in October. Then the plant will lie at home for a very short time. To achieve a guaranteed result, you can even grow a suitable variety of watermelon yourself.

The ideal weight of the berry should be 4-5 kg. Watermelon must be handled carefully, not thrown, while maintaining its integrity. Otherwise, it will quickly disappear and cannot be stored. Variety You can save a watermelon until the New Year only if you choose the right variety. Only late-ripening varieties with a thick peel are excellent for storage. It is recommended to purchase fruits for harvesting at the end of September. Usually they contain practically no nitrates, since by this time their maturation occurs without auxiliary substances. It is recommended to give preference to varieties with strong pulp, such as Astrakhan Striped, Dessert, Kholodov's Gift, Volzhsky.

Storage conditions for fresh watermelons

The places where they will lie fresh watermelons before NG, must be:

  • ventilated;
  • dark;
  • cool (t air in the storage should not be higher than t + 5- + 8 ° C);
  • with relative humidity of 60−80%, but no more. In a dry room, the berries will quickly lose their juiciness, and in a too humid room, they will simply deteriorate.

Where is the best place to store fresh watermelons in the apartment

There are not so many places in the apartment that would meet all the above requirements, but they are. The most suitable for long-term storage are such premises as:

  1. pantry;
  2. glazed loggia;
  3. bathroom or any other poorly lit room with a low temperature;
  4. mezzanine.

Any of these places sunny fruits» will be stored for a long time. However, choosing the right storage is not the only key to success.

Ways to store watermelons until winter

Successfully proven ways to store sweet fruits are many. All of them are effective and available even at home:

  • In the newspaper.

Loosely wrap the watermelon with dry newspaper, place it in a net, and hang it up.

  • In alabaster or clay.

Dilute the alabaster with water and coat the berry. After the first layer dries, apply the second one. After drying, also hang the watermelon in the net. Alabaster can be replaced with clay.

  • Storage in the ashes.
  1. Ash serves as an analogue of aging fruits in the sand. If for some reason you decide to resort to this method, choose ashes from burning branches of fruit trees.
  2. The "preservation" technology is identical: pick up a wooden box, line the bottom with ash, lay out the berries and sprinkle them. Duration of exposure - until January.
  • Grid storage.
  1. If you plan to keep a small crop until the New Year, use a string bag or a fine mesh. Choose one fixture for each berry.
  2. Wash the fruit with newspaper parchment paper or landscape sheets, send inside. Hang the mesh from the ceiling in the basement or cellar. It is important not to allow fruit to touch each other.
  • Moss storage.
  1. To resort to this method, you need to collect moss in the fall. It must be dry and whole, otherwise the watermelons will rot. Before packing the berries, spread the moss in the sun, leave for 2 days to dry.
  2. Choose a wooden box of the right size. It would be better if each copy is allocated a separate box. Line the bottom with moss, send the watermelon inside, wrap it on all sides, tamp it down.

Regular check of watermelons during long-term storage

So that you do not have any questions about how much watermelon can be stored, you should conduct a daily inspection of the fruit. With the timely detection of rotten fruits, you can protect others from spoilage - the appearance of spots and decay. It is important to turn the watermelons over every day, change the bedding and ventilate the room. This will avoid the appearance of various defects and bedsores on the surface of the crust. All operations should be carried out with disposable rubber gloves to minimize contact with hands. By following these simple recommendations, you will learn how to properly store watermelons so that they stay fresh, tasty and juicy.

Freezing watermelons for the winter

If you do not have the opportunity to place gourds in a separate room, then you are probably interested in whether it is possible to store watermelons in the refrigerator and how long a watermelon is stored in a frozen state.

It is best to store the watermelon in the freezer, where it fits, pre-cut into pieces. To do this, it is recommended to remove the crust, cut the pulp into uniform medium-sized pieces and put it on a flat surface in one layer (for example, on a tray or baking sheet). The tray is then placed in the freezer where the pieces freeze evenly. After part of the fruit can be quickly transferred to containers or tight bags.

Such a berry can be stored for a very long time - until the next harvest. However, remember that defrosted pulp quickly loses moisture and volume, so be sure to consume fresh watermelon quickly. Also, do not forget to close the container tightly, otherwise the fruits will be saturated with the smells of the freezer.


Each hostess tries to surprise guests and household members in new year's eve, serving unusual and fine dining. Watermelon on this holiday will surely please everyone, especially the kids.

Big juicy berry middle lane becomes available to everyone at the end of summer, and in large supermarkets you can buy it all year round.

But as practice shows, a watermelon bought in winter is inferior in taste to a seasonal one, and its cost is many times higher.

And yet, every family has the opportunity to save a really tasty and juicy berry for the new year.

From late summer to mid-autumn, you can easily buy juicy and sweet watermelons. Exists great amount varieties that differ in shape, color, ripening time. Before new year holidays not every species can be saved.

When choosing a treat that needs to be preserved such long time, you need to pay attention to several parameters:

  1. Sort.

It is better to choose the fruit of late-ripening varieties: Astrakhan, Impulse, Kholodov's Gift, Volzhsky, Dessert. They have thick skins and firm flesh, and are grown mostly without watering, so they are more likely to last several months.

  1. Appearance.

Watermelon should have a shiny and dense peel, without cracks, scratches, sun marks and other defects.

It is better to purchase a medium-sized fruit (4-6 kg).

  1. It is necessary to buy only a ripe watermelon.

This can be determined by an elastic peel, a ringing sound when tapped, and a dry tail. Contrary to popular belief, these berries do not ripen, and the unripe fruit spoils very quickly.

You should not rush to harvest watermelons, buying them in August, but you should not delay it until the end of autumn either. Optimal time for this, the end of September - mid-October is considered.

You need to buy watermelons in small stores where there are documents for berries. In large supermarkets, unripe fruits are usually sold, and merchants from cars do not comply with storage conditions and rarely have the necessary documents.

Preparing for storage

When collecting watermelons, you need to wear soft gloves, it is better to carry them in bags made of natural material and put them on a cloth, making sure that they do not touch each other.

After purchasing a watermelon or harvesting, the selected fruits must be delivered to the storage location. Prepare a place in the car for transportation in advance: put boxes, cover them with straw or foam rubber.

The place of future storage, regardless of whether it is an apartment or a house, needs to be treated: rinsed with a disinfectant, treated from insects and rodents.

Selected fruits should be washed in cool water with a soft sponge and air-dried in limbo. This will remove microorganisms from the surface that can cause spoilage of the berries. Before laying the berries must be treated with a solution of lime.

How to keep watermelon fresh until new year

In order for the watermelon to lie as long as possible, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the room:

  • the temperature should not be above 6°C and below 1°C;
  • the required humidity is 60-80%. In a dry room, the watermelon will wither, and in a wet room it will simply rot;
  • the room must be darkened, but air must circulate there;
  • the storage surface must be soft and breathable.

It is much easier to create conditions for storing watermelon for people living in a private house. For this, a basement, veranda, shed, garage, attic or summer kitchen is suitable (subject to the possibility of maintaining desired temperature). There you can store the largest berry for 3-4 months.

It is more difficult for residents of apartments, in a multi-storey building it is difficult to find cool place with high humidity, but there is still an opportunity to store gourds. For this, mezzanines, pantries, a bathroom and glazed balconies may be suitable. The berries are laid out in spacious, darkened rooms on a soft surface.

In an apartment, watermelons are stored for less time due to dry air and high temperature, on average, this period does not exceed 2 months. The peel of the watermelon becomes sluggish, and the taste is reduced.

Ways to store watermelons

Over the years, fans of the world's largest year have come up with several ways to enjoy them even in winter.

Option number 1 - hanging in a cellar or apartment

This method is considered the simplest and most effective, it is suitable for both home and apartment.

Clean and processed watermelons are wrapped in linen or cotton cloth, lowered into a cloth bag (you can take string bags) and hung from the ceiling. Berries should not touch the walls and each other.

Option number 2 - in a wax or clay crust

This method is ideal in cases where you create optimal conditions for long storage no possibility. A layer of wax or clay will protect the watermelon from drying out, excess moisture, and insects.

The prepared and dried fruit is covered with a layer of liquid clay (melted wax or paraffin) and allowed to dry. After that, several more layers are made, the thickness of the clay crust should be about 5 mm, of wax at least 10. Glazed berries can be stored on the floor or on a rack on sawdust, or suspended.

Clay is a more accessible material, but paraffin allows you to see the condition of the watermelon.

Option number 3 - in ash or sand in the basement

This method is used when storing watermelons in cellars, attics, balconies or garages.

It is necessary to prepare several containers: barrels, boxes, old pots. Dry sand or wood ash is poured into the bottom of each with a layer of about 10 cm, the watermelon is placed with the tail down and the berry is completely covered.

Ash will have an antibacterial effect, alkali will destroy all microorganisms and protect against rot. An alternative to these two substances can be dry wheat or barley, but only if there are no rodents.

Option number 4 - in straw

This method can be used in living quarters and cellars. Dried grass acts as a moisture absorber and protects against damage.

Shelves, boxes or the floor are lined with straw, watermelons are laid out at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other (and from walls), grass partitions are made and a layer is laid on top.

Option number 5 - in moss

This method is identical to the straw option, only pieces of well-dried moss are used instead. The advantage of this material is its antibacterial properties, so the collection of moss is worth the time spent.

Option number 6 - in the water

Option number 7 - refrigerator

In the conditions of an apartment, it is sometimes impossible to find a suitable place for a watermelon: not everywhere there are pantries, balconies or free mezzanines.

If you have a large refrigerator, you can try to keep the watermelon there. Only whole berries are suitable for this, cut watermelon in any case cannot be stored for more than 3 days.

Wash the fruit, wipe it and dry it, wrap it in several layers of paper (regular newspapers are perfect) and put it on the bottom shelf, after covering it with a soft cloth.

If selected right watermelon, it will last at least 2 months.

other methods

There are several more options for how to serve a watermelon for the new year. They do not involve the preservation of the fetus in fresh, but will be able to surprise guests.

The easiest way is to freeze watermelon. After thawing, the pulp loses its elasticity, so it will not be possible to freeze the whole berry. However, there are several options:

  • cut the watermelon into small slices with a peel and serve as a dessert without defrosting;
  • put watermelon pulp or juice into ice molds (you can add sugar), use for cocktails or compotes.

Watermelon can be kept in the freezer for no more than six months.

Some hostesses surprise guests completely unusual dish, they manage to salt and pickle sweet berries. Here are the easiest recipes:

  • Pickled watermelons.

Ripe watermelon is cut into slices, the seeds and peel are removed and loosely placed in glass jars. Peppercorns and a few cloves of garlic are also added there. For the brine, you will need 1.5 liters of water (approximately), 3 tablespoons of sugar and vinegar (9%), 5 grams of salt (these are the ingredients for 3 kg of watermelon). Watermelon is poured 2 times with boiling water, on the third with brine. Banks are closed, turned upside down, covered with a thick blanket. A day later, you can take them to the pantry or cellar.

Video recipe for pickled watermelons.

  • Salted watermelons in a wooden barrel.

Some ripe fruits prick with a thin crust wooden skewer(10-20 punctures) and put into a clean barrel. Spices are added at will and taste, you can do without them. The container is filled with brine (700-800 grams table salt 10 liters), cover with gauze so that the air calmly comes out during fermentation. After about a month, salted watermelons can be eaten.

Berries marinated in jars can be stored for no more than 18 months, in a barrel until warm.

To keep watermelon as tasty as it is in season, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Store separately from other fruits and vegetables. Watermelon easily absorbs odors, so the neighborhood will be unfavorable.
  2. Every day or at least 2 times a week you need to turn the watermelons. This will allow you to see the damage, and also prevent deformation and accumulation of pulp in one part.
  3. If cracks, dents, rot are found, it is better to throw out the watermelon. Juicy pulp contains sugar, bacteria multiply rapidly in it. Such a fruit can be hazardous to health.
  4. Before storing, it is better to evaluate the taste of the watermelon and make sure that there are no nitrates. This can be determined by the sugar structure or lower the piece into water. If it remains transparent, the watermelon is grown naturally.
  5. In no case should you keep a watermelon on a bare floor, shelf or in an empty container. Contact with a hard surface leads to rapid deterioration due to the lack of an air gap.

If you have patience and perseverance, you will definitely be able to save a watermelon, and then, in the middle of winter, on your New Year's table a bright and joyful piece of this summer will flaunt.

Get good harvest vegetables, fruits or berries is only half the battle, because certain knowledge and skills are required to save it.

After all, not everyone knows how to store watermelons without losing their taste, useful properties and attractive appearance. Adhering to certain rules and recommendations, this is not difficult to achieve and does not require a significant investment of time and effort.

If you are not aware of how to properly and how much to store watermelon, our article is just for you.

The right choice of watermelons for storage

When choosing a watermelon for long-term storage, follow these recommendations:

  • Buy late-ripening varieties that do not have nitrates. Optimal time purchases of watermelons - the end of September.
  • A long shelf life is typical for late-ripening, thick-skinned watermelons. In particular, for "Dessert", "Astrakhan", "Icarus" and others.
  • Pay attention to the peel of the berry: it should not be damaged, the surface of the fruit is shiny, bright green and elastic.
  • Buy Lightly unripe fruits. They will ripen during storage. Unripe berries are easily identified by their characteristic sound - by tapping lightly, you will hear a ringing sound. According to many years of observations, unripe watermelons stored best.
  • Pay attention to the size of watermelons: the maximum weight of the fruit is not more than 5 kilograms.
  • Buy berries at specialized stores and tents. Avoid buying watermelons on roadsides and in non-equipped outlets. It is simply not possible to achieve their long-term preservation.
  • When choosing a watermelon, carefully study the documents, Special attention giving print. When presenting not the original, but a photocopy, the print must be in color. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the documents are fake, and the quality of the watermelons is in question.

When growing late-ripening watermelons in a summer cottage or garden plot, harvest 5-7 days before it ripens. Cut and deliver fruits to the storage place without damaging them. Do not leave cut watermelons in direct sunlight.

The ideal place to store watermelons is a dark, cool cellar. If you live in an apartment, do not be discouraged by following some rules, watermelons can also be stored in an apartment.

  1. Air humidity - not less than 70%. With less humidity, watermelons will dry out.
  2. Temperature - from +1 to +30 degrees. At higher temperatures, the shelf life of watermelons will decrease significantly.
  3. We do not allow sun exposure to the fruits.
  4. We store berries on sand, straw, sawdust and other soft surfaces.
  5. From time to time we turn the watermelons from side to side.

We store watermelons in the apartment

There are many ways to store watermelon in an apartment.

  • For the winter, put it in the pantry, bathroom or mezzanine. The fruits should not come into contact with each other, otherwise they will deteriorate and become unfit for food.
  • To extend the shelf life, apply a layer of liquid alabaster or clay to the watermelon peel, 5 millimeters thick. You can buy clay and alabaster in any specialized store.
  • The shelf life of watermelons increases when their peel is covered with a layer of paraffin or wax 1 centimeter thick. They prevent the fruit from coming into contact with air, significantly increasing the shelf life.
  • Remember to keep an eye on humidity and temperature.

The methods listed above have been used to store watermelons for many years. Reviews about them are only positive. Their effectiveness and guarantee of the suitability of fruits for food, even after a few months, is noted.

Storing watermelon in the refrigerator

A great place to store watermelons in the apartment is the refrigerator. It allows you to significantly increase their shelf life. Additionally, watermelon slices can be frozen for the subsequent preparation of various cocktails and compotes.

  • Wash and dry the watermelon. Wipe the berry with a damp paper towel or towel.

Attention! Wet fruit is not placed in the refrigerator.

  • Then, wrap the fruit in regular newspapers (do not wrap the watermelon in glossy magazines).
  • Line the bottom of the fruit and vegetable drawer with a thick, heavy cloth, and then place a berry.
  • Turn the watermelon over from time to time.

You can store watermelon in the refrigerator for a long time if it is whole. The cut berry is not stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.

frozen watermelon pulp loses its natural structure and is used to make jelly, cocktail and similar drinks. Unmelted slices can be eaten.

To freeze and store watermelons in the freezer, use:

  • Granulated sugar;
  • Fructose;
  • Syrup.

We dip watermelon slices in one of the above ingredients, pack and send for dry freezing.

Chopped frozen watermelon at constant negative temperature stored for up to a year. The taste, appearance and aroma of thawed berries remain unchanged.

A first-class watermelon storage place in a private house is a dark, cool cellar. There are several ways to store watermelons in it.

Method 1

Put the watermelons wrapped in natural fabric or paper in ordinary vegetable nets and hang them from the ceiling of the cellar. So you will achieve long-term storage of fruits, saving free space.

Method 2

If you decide to store watermelons on shelves or in boxes, use ordinary forest moss. Moss collected in dry weather, put on a shelf. Put watermelons on a shelf or in boxes, additionally covering the fruit with moss on the sides.

In the absence of moss, straw can replace it. Lay it in a thick layer in a box or on a shelf, put the fruits on it, additionally covering them with straw on top. When stored on a shelf, watermelons should not touch.

Method 3

For better preservation of watermelons, cover their peel with a layer of paraffin or wax, about 1 centimeter thick. Clay, applied to the peel of the fruit with an ordinary brush, is capable of replacing them.

The duration of storage of watermelons in the cellar depends on the method chosen.

  • Fruits stacked on shelves or hung in nets have a shelf life of approximately 2 months.
  • The use of wax, forest moss or straw increases the shelf life up to 4 months.

In addition, the temperature, humidity and light levels in the basement should be regularly monitored.

A fairly common question is whether it is possible to store watermelon next to other fruits and vegetables? The answer is unequivocal - it is impossible, otherwise the berries will absorb a foreign smell, which will worsen their taste. Stack the watermelons so that there are no food nearby.

Having considered how to store watermelons at home, we can conclude that, following all the rules and recommendations, watermelon can be stored for several months without loss of taste. The shelf life depends on the correct choice of watermelon, its integrity. The ideal place to store watermelon in a private house is the cellar (basement).

Long term storage watermelons - not a myth, but a reality!
