
Persimmon - useful properties that the sunny fruit conceals. How to take persimmon for health - recipes

Persimmon appeared on our markets not so long ago. But I liked it right away. The unusual texture and amazing, incomparable taste of this fruit is gaining more and more fans. It contains vitamins A, C, D and P, a lot of trace elements, especially potassium, magnesium, iodine and iron, and is very useful for hearts, with varicose veins, with anemia.

Like many orange fruits, persimmon is a strong antioxidant, and also suppresses the action. This wonderful fruit has a number of other useful properties. The inhabitants of the middle zone know that they bring these fruits to our markets and shops from somewhere in the south, either from the Caucasus, or from Turkey. But few people have seen where and how persimmon actually grows.

This tree is native to Indochina. There it is found in the wild in the mountains, at altitudes up to 2.5 kilometers. It prefers light clay soils and grows best in areas where winters are not too cold (the tree tolerates frosts down to -18°C) and summers are not too hot. Persimmon was introduced into culture in Manchuria, and has already quickly spread throughout Southeast Asia right up to Indonesia and the Philippines. At the end of the 19th century, it came to North America and Australia, and at the beginning of the 20th century - to the Mediterranean region, the Caucasus, Europe, South and Central America. In general, to see how persimmon grows, you need to go to the Caucasus or to Turkey and Israel.

The persimmon tree is quite tall, reaching 10 meters. Its large glossy leaves immediately give out a southern origin. Trees, as a rule, are heterosexual, male and female, but bisexual are also found. Among them there are those that do not require pollination. On such trees, the fruits grow without seeds. Persimmon blooms late, also late, starting in October, its fruits ripen. Fruits profusely. To ripen completely, for example, in the conditions of the Caucasus, it does not have time and ripens when stored at room conditions. Its well-known bright fruits reach impressive sizes, up to 500 g, and are very sweet in taste. But in order for them to find their true texture and sweetness, the fruits must be allowed to ripen. When ripe, they become brighter, unripe fruits have a duller shade and a strongly astringent taste. Although the well-known variety, colloquially called Korolek, is completely devoid of this astringent taste. In fact, this variety of Japanese origin is called Hyakume.

Almost every amateur gardener in our middle lane could not resist planting a bone of such yummy at home in winter in a pot in order to try at least at home to see how persimmon actually grows, and even, maybe, get fruits. The first year the tree grows very quickly, and the pots will have to be changed very often, because if the roots do not get a place to develop, the tree will simply die.

But for those who make every effort and knowledge of agricultural technology, persimmon, which is very problematic to grow indoors, will surely give juicy and tasty fruits in five years.

But science does not stand still. New varieties have been developed that, having good taste, can withstand frosts down to -20 ° C. And already in the Kuban and in the Rostov region, these varieties are successfully grown. And some daredevils are trying to raise this southerner in the suburbs. So, in order to see how the persimmon grows, soon, you may not have to go south, but simply go to your neighbor's garden plot.

On our windowsills, along with the usual indoor flowers, you can often find real exotics. Geraniums and violets are already accustomed to such neighbors as lemons, mangoes, avocados, which have grown from seeds. But experiments with heat-loving, fastidious plants are not always successful. But there is no limit to the joy of gardeners, if, nevertheless, a plant grown with such care gives a harvest.

Persimmon is just such an exotic plant that, with proper care, can give you surprisingly healthy and tasty fruit fruits. In order for persimmon to yield a crop at home, you need to make a lot of effort, as well as be patient.

Two in one - both tasty and healthy

It often happens that tasty foods are not entirely healthy or even harmful, but everything turned out well with persimmon - it is extremely useful and at the same time many people like its taste. There are, of course, complaints about its astringent properties, which even makes some people refuse to use this storehouse of useful substances. The problem is completely solvable. First, choose absolutely ripe fruits. They have a lower content of tannin (tannin), which gives the persimmon an astringent taste. Secondly, if it was not possible to find ripe fruits, a freezer will help get rid of the astringent effect. Put a persimmon there for 12 hours - and the problem is solved.

What is the use of persimmon

By consuming this miracle fruit, you get a lot of useful substances:

It is hard to believe that all this can be contained in the persimmon familiar to us. It is useful to use it during a diet. It is low in calories - but at the same time it satisfies hunger well. The calorie content of different varieties of persimmon may vary slightly, but the average is 63 kcal / 100 grams.

How persimmon grows

China is considered the birthplace of this useful plant. This information is not scientifically confirmed and is based on the fact that there can be found trees that are several hundred years old. This tree is very common in Australia, Italy, America, Turkey, Tajikistan. It grows wild in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Belongs to the ebony family. Under natural conditions, persimmon chooses light, semi-sandy, well-permeable soil. Depending on the variety, it can grow in the form of evergreen shrubs or deciduous trees. Persimmon leaves have a rich green color and by autumn they acquire a crimson hue.

Under favorable conditions, persimmon trees can reach 15 meters. But their standard height is 3-4 meters. Interestingly, closer to November, the leaves fall off and only bright fruits remain on the branches of the tree.

Varieties of persimmon: description of each variety

There are a lot of persimmon varieties, but only a few varieties are available to us. What can we see on the shelves?

"Korolek" - fruits of a round shape, large, orange in color, darkening when ripe. Very juicy and sweet persimmon. Fan reviews say that this is the most delicious variety of fruit. Ripe persimmon "Korolek" has no astringent properties.

"Large Kinglet" - the taste qualities are identical to the previous variety, but the fruits are larger and the flesh has a slightly more brown tint.

"Mandarin persimmon" - sometimes it is called honey for its sweet, even cloying taste. It is shaped like a tangerine. When this persimmon is fully ripe, the pulp becomes very soft, similar to jelly. For this reason, it cannot be transported.

"Bull's Heart" is a large and very sweet variety of persimmon, but not as cloying as "tangerine". The flesh is bright orange and does not darken even when ripe.

"Fig" - this variety was named because of the specific shape of the fruit. They are dark in color, almost chocolate in color. It ripens earlier than other varieties, and therefore appears on sale very first.

Given such a variety of persimmon species and all its useful qualities, many people have a question about how persimmon grows and will it be possible to grow a fruit-bearing tree on their own? Read on and you will see that there is nothing complicated in this.

Growing persimmon at home. Myths and reality

Those who are interested in growing persimmons from the stone often abandon this venture before they even start. It's all the fault of common myths that growing persimmons at home is simply unrealistic:

  • Myth number 1 - the bones do not sprout. The main problem of poor seed germination may be their poor quality. You need to take a bone from a freshly eaten fruit - this guarantees an almost 100% result. If the bone has already lain down for some time, you can use the recommendations and carry out a special treatment before planting.
  • Myth number 2 - you need a large amount of fertilizer. The rebuttal is this: persimmon is a plant that can easily adapt to poor soil. Overfeeding is much more harmful to her. Naturally, if you want to get a healthy plant and a good harvest, it is better to feed it, but persimmon is no more demanding on the composition of the soil than other crops.
  • Myth #3 - Persimmon is a tropical plant that requires year-round heat. This is partly true - the plant comes from the tropics, but in our environment it has adapted quite well and, in order to bear fruit at home, it needs a cold period. Some varieties tolerate twenty-degree frost without consequences.

Planting material preparation

To see how a persimmon grows, the first thing you need to do is plant the seeds. Bones for planting are taken only from ripe fruits. First, be sure to rinse the bones from the remnants of the pulp and dry them. Next, there are two options. The first is to immediately lower the seeds into the prepared and pre-disinfected soil mixture. In this case, seedlings will need to wait up to two weeks. To slightly speed up the process of the appearance of sprouts, you can pre-sprout the seeds. They are placed between two layers of cotton, and placed in a warm place. Cotton wool needs to be moistened as it dries. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the seeds have taken root, they are moved to the prepared soil. From now on, carefully observe how the persimmon grows. The first sprout often appears with a bone at the tip. You need to carefully release the plant from it, otherwise it may dry out.

Proper plant care is the key to future harvest

While the plant is in the flowerpot, it is necessary to monitor watering - in no case should it be flooded, provide it with good lighting and, if the weather permits, take it out into the fresh air as often as possible. As the persimmon grows, you need to transplant it into larger flowerpots.

When fertilizing a plant, it is important not to overdo it. For the first couple of years, you can use fertilizers recommended for houseplants. It is important to alternate minerals and organics.

In our climate, persimmons are rarely planted in open ground. Most often it is kept in large flowerpots or in greenhouses. If you want to get fruits as soon as possible, it is worth grafting the plant. In this case, the trees begin to bear fruit at the age of 3-4 years. From the unvaccinated, the first harvest is expected for at least 7 years, and in conditions of low humidity - even longer.

If you keep a persimmon in a greenhouse or at home in a flowerpot, then you need to control its growth and the size of the leafy part. Pruning will help form the correct rounded shape of the crown. It is worth starting the formation of a tree silhouette when it reaches 40-60 cm in height.

How to winter

Where and how does persimmon grow when it's cold outside? In winter, the plant is stored in a cool room. The ideal temperature will be +5 - +8 degrees. Those who think that the warmer the room for "wintering" persimmons, the better, are very mistaken. In order for the tree to actively bear fruit, it is necessary to keep it in the cold for one and a half to two months.

Time to harvest fruits

Those who plan to grow persimmons for harvest should take into account one important nuance - this is a dioecious plant. There are male and female trees. Obtaining seed fruits requires mandatory pollination. Some varieties of persimmons can simultaneously produce both male and female flowers, which differ in size. Female flowers are large and solitary, while male flowers are small, growing in inflorescences. To obtain a crop, artificial pollination is sometimes performed.

There is a difference in how persimmon grows here and how it grows in a natural tropical climate. Also, due to the temperature difference, the ripening time of the crop is slightly shifted. The fruits are harvested from October to November. Even autumn frosts will not affect the quality of these fruits.

When harvesting persimmons, special care is important. The fruits are firmly attached to the branches and, in order to remove them without damaging the fragile pulp, you need a pruner. The calyx is left, and the stalk is cut to the maximum so that during storage it does not damage the soft shell of the fruit. Persimmon with dents and other damage must be immediately selected and eaten quickly, otherwise it will rot.

After harvest, the fruits should be stored for some time in a well-ventilated, dark and cool room where they ripen.

This is how you can get a fragrant exotic fruit called persimmon from several seeds. The description of the procedure for growing this plant can interest any gardener, and the details about the beneficial properties of this miracle fruit will undoubtedly motivate you to take action. Do not be afraid of the exactingness and fastidiousness of the plant. Just a little effort and patience - believe me, the result will not be long in coming.

Delicious delicacy in the form of persimmon has a large amount of vitamins and minerals, and also has a general beneficial effect on the vital activity of the body.

The question of the benefits and harms of persimmons is subject to special consideration, since the majority of Russians, due to the lack of complete information about the variety and the correct use of the fruit, make mistakes, which often leads to unpleasant consequences.

Persimmon or kinglet?

In Russian markets in the winter, you can find two types of persimmon - this is persimmon and kinglet. Surprisingly, both varieties of fruit grow on the same tree. Just a beetle is formed by pollination of flowers by insects.

Experts explain one interesting fact: in most cases, persimmon comes to the Russian markets in an unripe form. This fact explains the question why persimmon knits.

The pulp of an unripe fruit contains a large amount of tannin - a substance that can create a huge amount of compounds with proteins and polysaccharides in the human body, which leads to the formation of blockage.

A fully ripe fruit contains very little tannin, which is eliminated after a long stay in a warm place or, conversely, freezing and subsequent defrosting. Therefore, you should not use astringent pulp - it is dangerous to health..

Another thing is the acquisition of a king. This type of persimmon simply characterizes its full ripening, as well as the absence of tannin due to pollination of flowers.

Healing persimmon, video:

Features of persimmon growth

Few know, in reality. Many believe that it is primarily a shrub. This is far from true. Persimmon is a tree that grows in tropical or subtropical climates.

In Russia, the industrial cultivation of these fruits is carried out in warm regions - the Caucasus, Crimea and other areas.

Trees or large shrubs, also seen in some varieties, may grow up to 500 years.

Question, where persimmon grows, not so important and interesting. Much more attractive is the consideration varieties, of which up to several hundred are known.

Experts are considering the usual 200 varieties, which are also known to most lovers. But among the variety of fruits presented, there are also several exotic representatives.

For example, South American persimmon, which has a second name - Chocolate pudding. Its fruits can reach 900 g. The pulp at first has a rich green tint, but as it ripens, it acquires the traditional brown color.

To taste, such a persimmon has a bright chocolate flavor. There are many similar varieties and they all belong to the persimmon, to the ebony family.

How many calories are in persimmon?

Low is often used by the fair sex for various diets. 100 g of the product contains only 70 kcal.

Many girls note that a diet in the form of eating 1.5-2 kg of fruit per day and 1-1.5 liters of kefir is easily tolerated, and most importantly, for a week of such a diet can lose up to 5 kg in weight.

But experts say the opposite: yes, you can lose weight due to the low calorie content of the fetus. However, the pulp of the fruit contains a large amount of sugar, where per 100 g there are about 17 g of a pure sweet and dangerous substance.

Experts cite similar aspects, warning against the use of persimmon diabetics and those who still want to lose weight in the presented way. High sugar content in fruit can backfire. Therefore, for a mono-diet, it is better to choose another fruit.

Useful properties of persimmon, video:

Persimmon: useful properties and contraindications

Despite the high sugar content in persimmon, its moderate consumption can even be beneficial for the human body.

For example, vitamins in persimmon have a general strengthening effect on human life.

And additional trace elements and substances are able to normalize metabolism and even cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

The benefits of persimmon for humans

To talk about the benefits of fruit, you should carefully consider the composition, where substances and trace elements play a role. Here are the following facts:

Of course, a person is able to protect him from the occurrence of various dangerous diseases.

But you should not resort to excessive consumption of it, since in this case the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction increases.

The benefits of fruit for women

Separately, it is necessary to analyze the question,. There are two important aspects here:

Firstly, fruit prevents graying of hair and the formation of age spots on the skin.

Secondly, if you use the pulp of the fruit to create a face mask, you can get rid of skin problems such as acne, purulent abscesses and just black dots.

Benefits for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Persimmon during pregnancy also has a positive effect on the body. Here are some important aspects such as:

Based on the positive properties of the fruit for a pregnant woman, almost no one thinks, huh?

Pediatricians warn young mothers against eating the presented fruit, as it can lead to the development of an allergic reaction in the baby.

In addition, in the first months, the child's body cannot control intestinal motility - it is only being formed in the baby. Any influence on its formation can lead to constipation.

Persimmon should be introduced into the diet of a woman only when the baby reaches the age of 4-5 months.

First, you should eat literally one slice of the fetus, monitoring the condition of the baby.

The benefits of fruit for men

The main problem in men is premature problems with urination due to the development of prostatitis. Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. A man feels pain during urination and characteristic problems in the genital area.

To prevent this phenomenon in men, you should regularly consume the fruit in small quantities. The anti-inflammatory effect helps in the prevention of the presented unpleasant ailment.

The benefits of fruit for children

In addition, the diuretic property of persimmon has a positive effect on the health of children with kidney disease.

At what age can you give a persimmon to a child? Pediatricians warn parents against eating persimmons for children under 3 years old.

The baby's body is not yet able to properly absorb the content of tannin, and this can lead to such troubles as constipation and indigestion.

Contraindications to the use of persimmon

Surprisingly, persimmon has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account with regular use. Here are the following aspects:

In the presence of any ailments of the mentioned nature, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Persimmon in diabetes

Separately, the issue is it possible to eat persimmons with diabetes? There is a lot of controversy here, but an important argument is still a high sugar content and a high glycemic index.

So, patients with type 1 diabetes should completely abandon the use of the presented tasty treats.

You should not risk your health, counting on the timely administration of insulin, since the consequences can be the most unexpected.

As for patients with type 2 diabetes, here lovers of the presented delicacy should be somewhat reassured. These patients small amount allowed not exceeding 200 g of fruit per day.

What is useful persimmon and what does it treat?

The general health benefits of persimmon have already been mentioned above. Now we should give an example of specific diseases that the presented fruit can cure. Among them are:

The presented fruit should be consumed regularly for the timely removal of toxins from the blood vessels and liver.

The optimal rate of fruit consumption is 1 fruit per day, but it is better to consult your doctor if you have a certain kind of disease.

How to eat persimmon?

Some make mistakes in the use of persimmons. So, the fruits should be washed thoroughly. If the pulp is elastic, it is washed with soap. In the case when the fruit is overripe, and the peel has already separated naturally, it must be completely removed, and the pulp should be carefully washed in running water.

But it is especially popular in the summer. Here it is better to use the kinglet - it is softer and sweeter. To make jam you will need 1 kg of fruit and sugar, 2 cups of water and half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Jam is made in the following order:

The finished jam is removed from the fire and cooled for 15-20 minutes. The contents are poured into sterilized jars and corked or rolled up with a lid. The presented delicacy is to the taste of children. For adults, persimmon jam is an excellent substitute for flour products.

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How persimmon grows, where it comes from, what happens, can it grow in our gardens - let's look at it in order, let's see the photo. Sweet juicy, bright yellow or orange fruits are the harbingers of the New Year, because they appear on store shelves shortly before the winter holidays.

Fruits on a tree, photo:

What is persimmon, its features

It is also called persimon - this synonym comes from English-speaking countries. Persimmon is remarkable in that it is absolutely unique, unlike any other fruit. The size, shape, color, taste of fruits vary - it depends on the variety. It can be yellow, orange, red, brown, even green with completely black sweet flesh.

The tree on which the persimmon grows can reach 25-30 meters in height, there are also low, dwarf varieties. The taste of fruits varies from astringent tart to rich sweet. Well-ripened pulp can be eaten with a spoon, but there are some that remain firm even after ripening. There are about 300 species.

Quite often on the forums you can find the question - what is the name of the tree on which the persimmon grows? The answer is expected and prosaic - persimmon! Both the tree and the fruit are called by the same word.

Persimon belongs to the Eben family, the wood of any variety is distinguished by its density, dark color. Parquet, furniture, parts for billiards, sports accessories, musical instruments, dishes are made from it. The leaves are used to make teas such as Gamipcha or Nokchawon.

People often ask the question - what is a persimmon, is it a fruit or a berry? Opinions are often divided, because the large size of the fruit, as well as the size of the tree, hint at a fruity origin. However, juiciness, the presence of multiple large seeds tells us that this is a berry.

According to the botanical definition, persimon is still considered a berry, however, many people refer to it as a fruit. This is not such a serious misconception, after all, the fruits grow on a large tree, so both definitions have a right to exist. These sweet berries are consumed fresh or dried. They make jam, sauces, confectionery, compotes, marmalades, even alcoholic beverages.

How persimmon blooms

This is a dioecious culture, its flowers can be male and female. There are both self-fertile and parthenocarpic varieties that do not need pollination. The flowers are quite inconspicuous, often have a yellowish-green hue, hiding in the axils of the leaves.

How persimmon blooms, photo:


In nature, there are both edible and inedible varieties. It is quite unpretentious, frost-resistant, despite the fact that it comes from countries with a warm climate. It is worth noting that some varieties can easily tolerate a drop in temperature to -20ºС and below. If we compare this culture with other fruit representatives, then it begins to bloom later than all the others, and only with the advent of late autumn does it bear fruit.

It is not only tasty, but healthy, contains vitamins, proteins, glucose, fructose, carotene, iron. Persimon is low-calorie, therefore it is an excellent dietary product.

Many of us at least once asked the question: why persimmon knits the mouth? The cell juice of this fruit contains a large amount of tannic compounds - tannins, which are characterized by a pronounced astringent aftertaste. By the way, it is unripe or unripe fruits that contain tannin; this taste is absent in well-ripened fruits. Some varieties, such as the kinglet, contain practically no tannins. If you come across an astringent fruit, place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for a couple of days - its taste will improve significantly, the characteristic aftertaste will go away.

Where does persimmon grow, in what countries?

Persimon grows mainly in warm regions - India, Italy, Spain, Georgia, Tajikistan, China, France, Turkey, Africa, and other countries. It is cultivated in Brazil, Algeria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Australia, Israel, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, USA.

China is considered to be the birthplace of this sunny fruit. But he won the hearts of our compatriots. On the territory of the former post-Soviet space, persimmon is also grown and cultivated. Today, we most often sell those fruits that were brought from Abkhazia, North Ossetia, Crimea, Georgia, and the Caucasus.

Where does persimmon grow in Russia? It grows mainly in the Krasnodar Territory, the Volgograd Region, North Ossetia, the Crimea, and the southern part of Dagestan.

Despite the fact that cold snaps also occur on the Black Sea coast, this only improves the taste of the fruit. In our country, mainly frost-resistant varieties are grown. They can withstand very low temperatures (-25..-30 °C), of course, if these cold snaps are short-lived.

The taste characteristics of persimon depend not only on the variety, but also on the place of growth, soil type, humidity level and, of course, temperature indicators in the region.

Photo - how persimmon grows:

The very first frost-resistant variety was bred by scientists from the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nikitsky Botanical Garden). Breeders crossed two varieties (Eastern with Virginia), thereby creating a productive, frost-resistant variety, which they called "Rossiyanka".

The second brainchild was the Nikitsky variety, which was also resistant to cold, gave juicy, sweet fruits of a bright burgundy hue.

persimmon varieties

They differ not only in taste, but also in appearance: rounded, elongated, flattened like a pumpkin, similar to a heart, and some of them are so miniature that they resemble cherries in size. Fruits can be bright yellow, orange, brown, red, brown, even green.

Eastern persimmon

It is also called: kaki, Japanese persimon, Chinese persimmon - this is the most common type, it is most often sold on store shelves, markets. This specimen is an ornamental deciduous tree that can reach a height of ten meters. The fruits are removed at the stage of coloring in yellow, at room temperature they can reach the state of full ripening. The weight of the fruit is approximately 50-100 g. Oriental Persimon can be frozen and stored for quite a long time (approximately 6-7 months).

Eastern persimmon, photo:


Oriental delicacy - dried persimmon is most often made from this variety. The bark, foliage, as well as the fruits can be used for medicinal purposes. This is a frost-resistant crop that can easily survive temperatures down to -17°C, but dies at -23..-25°C. It is not capricious to the ground, loves moisture (but not waterlogging, for example, marshy soils). The tree blooms around May or early summer, bears fruit in autumn - by September-November.

Velvet persimmon

It is called the velvet apple or mabolo. The fruits look very attractive, unusual - their skin is covered with velvet villi. At the initial stage of ripening, the color of the fruit has a brown color, and then becomes bright red. The flesh is pink, juicy, sweet, but the taste itself is a little specific, with a cheesy tinge. Fruit weight varies from 80 to 500 g. Unpleasant odor can be removed by removing the velvety peel and then placing the fruit in the freezer (for 3-5 hours). This variety is often used for making sauces, salads, stews with various types of meat. The tree can reach 20 meters in height, very productive in terms of fruiting. It is also often used as an element of landscape decoration.

Variety Velvet, photo:

Velvet (Mabolo)

Mabolo is grown on an industrial scale, its homeland is the Philippines, in Taiwan, Malaysia it is widely cultivated.

Persimmon virgin

Wild representatives of this species grow in North America. The tree is similar in size to the oriental variety, but the fruit is slightly smaller (30-50 g), but twice as sweet. The taste is sweet, juicy, characterized by a spicy rum shade. In its native open spaces, this cultivar can withstand short-term temperature drops to -27..-30°C. Virginian persimon cuttings are often used as rootstock.

Variety Virginsky, photo:


This species is considered the most frost-resistant.

Caucasian persimmon

This is the smallest persimmon, its fruits resemble grapes or cherries in size. It grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, the Crimea, and Central Asia. It blooms by May, and by the end of September-beginning of October it is already bearing fruit. Small berries repeat their Eastern counterpart in everything, the difference is only in size, but it is significant. The fruit contains many seeds, tastes somewhat like a date (at the stage of full ripening).

Variety Caucasian, photo:


It is often used as the rootstock of the Eastern Persimon, after which the trees become hardy, more durable.

Persimmon Rossiyanka

This is a hybrid variety - the brainchild of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, very frost-resistant. An adult representative can withstand temperatures down to -27..-32 °C. In our open spaces, the tree grows up to 4 meters in height, gives rather large yellow-orange fruits (100-140 g), begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. This is a hardy, "hardened" variety, resistant to many diseases. A feature is the ability to bear fruit without pollination, since the flowers of the Russian woman are exclusively female. The tree loves moisture, needs frequent watering, produces a crop around the end of November.

Variety Rossiyanka, photo:

Russian woman

The fruits are harvested hard, their ripening occurs during further storage, then the fruits become especially sweet. This variety has three varieties - the first one has no seeds, and the flesh has a light color. The second subspecies has rather small grains, the third one grows in the Crimea, it has no seeds, and the peel has a reddish tint. The Russian woman took the best qualities from her ancestors, becoming one of the most popular and leading representatives of modern selection.

Persimmon Korolek

This cute name combines several persimon varieties that are similar to each other. It has a mild sweet taste, almost no astringent effect. Fruits with a brownish color of the skin and pulp are called "chocolate kinglets", but there is a yellow variety of them - Honey Kinglet. Fruits ripen by October, their shape can be round, slightly flattened or resemble a heart in shape.

Persimmon variety Korolek in the photo:


While the fruit is not ripe, it contains a lot of tannin, but as it ripens, this feature disappears. The kinglet is very tasty, it is used to prepare various sweets, as well as alcoholic beverages. Dried, finely ground grains successfully replace coffee, which has a spicy taste, plus it is also healthy.

Korolek Chocolate - a variety of chocolate color

This is Chocolate Kinglet, with a pronounced dark brown color of the pulp, it is noteworthy that the darker the shade, the sweeter its taste. According to most, this variety is considered the sweetest of all existing species. This persimon has a lot of seeds, the skin is thin, orange, through which you can see the dark flesh. The fruits grow to the size of a large apple, their weight can reach 600-800 g. A characteristic feature is the color of the fruit itself - if it has been pollinated, then the fruits will differ in sweetness, the presence of seeds. If pollination has not occurred, then the persimon will have a lighter shade, some viscosity in taste, it will not have seeds. Such different specimens may well coexist on the same tree.

Persimon chocolate color, photo:

Korolek Chocolate

Harvest ripens by October or early November. This variety is grown in the warm regions of Ukraine, Russia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus.

Black Persimmon or Black Sapota

We used to call the brown Kinglet a chocolate variety, but in nature there is another species that is worthy of attention. This exotic species deserves the name “chocolate” more than anyone else. We are talking about the Black Sapote variety, which in the Russian-language version is called Black Persimmon, Black Apple, Black Sapote. It is also called chocolate pudding, because its pulp tastes really very similar to this dessert.

Black Sapota, photo:

Black Sapoto

It comes from Mexico, where it is also cultivated. Today it is grown in the Philippines, Hawaii, Antilles (Antilles), Mauritius. The skin of the fruit has a rich green color, and the pulp is completely black.

This or that variety is, as it were, the hallmark of the country where persimmon grows. Thus, the Russians can be proud of the Rossiyanka and Nikitskaya varieties, the Ukrainians of the Roman Kosh and Mider varieties, the Filipinos of Mabola (or Velvet).

If you set out to plant persimon in your home, then it is better to opt for frost-resistant varieties. If you know how persimmon grows, what care it requires, how to cover it during the winter, then the likelihood of growing sweet sunny fruits becomes quite real.

Persimmon is a fruit first brought to us from Asia. Its medicinal properties for the human body have been known since ancient times. What benefits it brings to the body, we will consider further.

Application and composition

The fruit contains such healthy components:

  • Provitamin A, which helps the human body eliminate free radicals, acting as an antioxidant;
  • Retinol. Responsible for regulating the process of protein formation in the human body, normalizes metabolism, is an immune-strengthening substance, which helps to effectively fight viral infections. The benefits of vitamin A also lie in the treatment of skin inflammation on the face in women, men and children, and the rapid healing of wounds.
  • Vitamin C. It takes an active part in the formation of collagen fibers of the skin, hematopoiesis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and much more.
  • Potassium. Its benefits for the heart are invaluable.
  • Phosphorus. Responsible for the stability and strength of bone tissue.
  • Calcium. Prevents the formation of blood clots, in combination with phosphorus, strengthens bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium. It is the main participant in energy processes.
  • And many others.

The most common variety of persimmon is kinglet. It gained its popularity due to its unsurpassed sweet taste, as well as medicinal properties. The composition of the kinglet includes a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates, which are very easily absorbed by the body, but proteins and fats are practically absent.

That is why it is classified as a dietary food. Its weight loss benefits are achieved by gently cleansing the walls of the stomach. Kinglet helps to remove excess food that could not be digested.

The fruit is also used in the treatment of many diseases, such as:

  • cardiovascular;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • stool disorders;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • poor wound healing;
  • senile sclerosis;
  • enuresis and many others.

Contraindications to the use of sweet fruit:

  1. The rehabilitation period after surgical intervention in the intestines or stomach. Due to the fact that the fruit contains tannin, it can cause.
  2. Diabetes. A high glucose content can lead to complications during diabetes mellitus.
  3. Pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas.
  4. Obesity is a reason for limiting the use of sweet berries.
  5. Lactation. Due to the fact that the intestines of the crumbs have not yet matured, a fruit eaten by a nursing mother can lead to constipation in a newborn.

The benefits and harms of persimmon for the body

The benefits of persimmon for the human body:

  • activates immune processes;
  • used in the prevention and treatment of colds;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • due to low calorie content, it is used for weight loss;
  • promotes an increase in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • benefits vision;
  • treats skin diseases and much more.

Kinglet is also useful for men's health. The problem that most worries the male half, after 40 years, is prostatitis. Berries help not only in the treatment of an inflammatory disease, but also have a preventive effect on the body of a man.

During pregnancy, if a woman suffers from swelling of the legs, it is recommended to eat 2 persimmons a day, this helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Contraindication is the period of breastfeeding.

Harm to the health of the child can be applied if you give a fetus to a baby under the age of three. During this period, the child's body is not yet able to absorb tannin, which can lead to constipation or vice versa stool disorders.


Persimmon contraindications:

  • Type 1 diabetes, because has a high sugar content. For people with type 2 disease, 200 g of pulp per day is allowed.
  • Obesity. Despite the fact that the calorie content of the fetus is only 67 kcal, the kinglet has a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar, which is a contraindication for an overweight person.
  • With frequent constipation. The fruit is able to prevent the appearance of constipation, but the berry does not have healing properties against existing problems.
  • on an empty stomach. If a person eats even one serving on an empty stomach, it can cause diarrhea.
  • Thyroid problems and hypersensitivity to iodine. A person who has problems with the thyroid gland should be careful with the use, because. Berries contain a lot of iodine.

How to take persimmon for health - recipes

To get the most benefit from persimmon, you need to know how to take it properly.

  • 4 tsp crushed persimmon stalks pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then filter. Take 100 ml, 4 times a day.

Prescription for cardiovascular diseases:

  • pour 200 ml of boiling water 3 stalks, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Insist for 1 hour, then strain. Drink infusion of ½ cup, twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to undergo a two-week treatment course.

Recipe for hemorrhoids:

  • take 15 g of dried fruits, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 6 hours in a thermos. Drink 200 ml, 3 times a day.

Also, experts recommend including this healthy fruit in the daily diet for people whose work is associated with active physical activity. A person who is often exposed to stressful situations or has problems sleeping should consume 1 king per day.

Useful properties of persimmon for women and children

What are the benefits of persimmon for women? Persimmon is useful for women:

  1. First of all, the beetroot prevents early gray hair and the appearance of age spots on the skin.
  2. If from fruit pulp make a face mask, you can easily rid yourself of acne, inflammation on the skin, and also clear blackheads.

Useful properties of sweet berries should be known to pregnant women:

  • normalizes stool;
  • has a positive effect on the teeth, due to the complex action of magnesium and calcium;
  • relieves swelling;
  • promotes good sleep.
  1. Contraindications for women is lactation. The fetus can cause an allergic reaction in a child and contribute to the violation of the stool.
  2. On the body of children, persimmon produces a general strengthening effect. In addition, such beneficial properties for children as diuretic and antimicrobial help with diseases of the renal system.

The benefits and harms of persimmon during pregnancy

Quite often you can hear that during pregnancy, doctors recommend eating beetroot in your diet.

And this is not surprising, because the sweet berry has a myriad number of useful properties:

  • strengthens the heart muscles;
  • increases the immune properties of the body;
  • serves as a good antidepressant;
  • helps with swelling of the limbs, which is quite common during pregnancy;
  • is a strong energy;
  • replenishes the loss of potassium and other useful elements that are required for an easy pregnancy.

But there are contraindications for use. These include:

  • allergy;
  • overweight;
  • combination with oatmeal and barley porridge;
  • frequent constipation.

The benefits of persimmon for the liver

The healing properties of persimmons also benefit the liver, restoring its natural barrier, which protects against the destructive effects of various kinds of viruses. Also, for the health of the liver, coarse fibers that are contained in the fetus are useful, they normalize lipid metabolism and are counteracting substances from the disease of hepatic hepatosis.

Daily use of beetroot is an effective preventive method for cirrhosis.

In addition, the sweet berry cleanses the body of harmful toxins, which are products of the breakdown of medicinal products, are the result of stress or bad habits.

How to take persimmon for constipation - recipes

It is necessary to take persimmon for constipation quite carefully, because the effect of gastric juice on tannin, which is contained in the pulp, can bind it into lumps and provoke neoplasms in the form of stones localized in the stomach.

This leads to intestinal obstruction. That's why for a person who has irregular bowel movements, it is worth limiting fruit consumption to 1 fruit.

The medicinal properties of fiber found in ripe fruits are used to treat constipation.

It has coarse fibers that provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to increased sap secretion. Juices break down food, facilitating its movement, thereby stimulating intestinal motility.

Recipe for constipation:

  • remove the skin from a ripe fruit, beat the pulp with a blender. Mix the resulting mass with 1 glass of milk. The portion is divided into 3 times. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week, every other day.

A contraindication for use is an unripe persimmon or a fruit with a peel.

Useful properties of persimmon for the stomach - recipes

According to doctors, the beneficial properties of persimmons help with gastritis, improving the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and regulating its work.

1. Berries must be frozen before use.
2. You need to defrost it in warm water for 12 hours.

This is done so that the stomach receives the maximum benefit. Getting rid of tannin and astringent effect in this way, the berry will not be too heavy for the stomach. You can also use another way - to dry the kinglet.

Recipe for gastritis and intestinal pain:


  • dried persimmon 30 g;
  • lotus root 30 g;
  • honey 2 tsp;
  • boiling water 400 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over the ingredients.
  2. Insist in a thermos for 1 hour.
  3. Add honey and mix thoroughly.
  4. Take 60 g, once a day.
  5. The course of treatment is 1 month. The benefits of the application can be observed after 14 days.

Contraindication to use is the diagnosis of erosive type gastritis.

The benefits and harms of persimmon seeds

In the provinces of Japan, persimmon seeds are used instead of coffee beans. They are also fried and then crushed. Useful properties of the bones are used to treat problems with potency in men. They are used instead of seeds or ground into flour, adding to pastries.

Persimmon also brings invaluable health benefits for people with diabetes mellitus. In order to get all its beneficial properties from a sweet fruit, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. the kinglet variety is best suited for diabetes;
  2. a single serving should not exceed 70 g;
  3. 2 hours after eating the fruit, you need to check your blood sugar. If the level has not increased significantly, you can safely enter the fruit into the diet.

The benefits of persimmon in diabetes:

1. High concentration of vitamin C, significantly reduces the required dose of insulin.
2. Beneficial effect on the kidneys, thyroid gland and blood vessels.

Recipe for diabetics.


  • tomatoes 2 pcs.;
  • persimmon 1 pc.;
  • green onion feathers;
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp;
  • walnuts 20 g.


  1. Grind all ingredients.
  2. Roast the walnuts.
  3. Connect all components.
  4. Fill with lemon juice.

What is useful persimmon dried and dried?

Useful medicinal properties have dried persimmon fruits. Their benefits are achieved due to the high fiber content, which improves intestinal motility, vision, relieves constipation and has a rich taste.

Due to the high content of iron, the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises. Dried berries protect against infectious and inflammatory diseases. They contain polyphenols and catechins, which have antioxidant properties.

Useful properties of persimmon for the face

Sweet berry has such beneficial properties for facial skin:

  1. The benefits of organic acids: skin rejuvenation and alignment of the relief structure.
  2. The vitamin complex provides deep nutrition and protection from external irritants.
  3. Tannins: promote the healing of inflammation and microcracks.
  4. Antioxidants slow down the aging process.

Persimmon-based face masks - recipes

If the skin is oily, you can use a useful persimmon-based mask.


  • egg white 1 pc.;
  • persimmon 1 pc.;
  • 1 tbsp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn juice 1 tbsp;
  • honey 1 tsp;
  • glycerin 1 tsp


  1. Remove the skin from the fruit and crush.
  2. Apply to face and neck.
  3. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

For the health of dry skin, a healing mask with egg yolk will benefit.


  • egg yolk 1 pc.;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil 1 tsp;
  • persimmon pulp 1 pc.;
  • carrot 1 pc.


  1. Peel the sweet fruit and grind it in a blender.
  2. Add carrots, also chop with a blender.
  3. Mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with cool water.
  6. The treatment procedure is repeated every 2 days, a course of 10 days.
