
What spices for sausage at home. Natural spices used in the manufacture of homemade sausages, sausages, sausages, servelat, roll, ham, recipes for homemade sausages with spices

Taste properties homemade sausages depend not only on the quality of the meat and adherence to the recipe, but also on right choice seasonings How to correctly compose an aromatic composition for cooking sausages, sausages and sausages? All about fragrant sausage secrets in our today's Craft School lesson.

The bell rings and the lesson begins.


Seasonings are the fragrant heart of the sausage. The right aromatic compositions will enhance and emphasize the taste of homemade meat delicacies. There are two fundamental approaches to the choice of seasonings.

  • You can buy ready-made seasoning mixture and add it to the minced meat according to the instructions on the package.
  • You can independently compose an aromatic mixture of individual spices.

According to the first technology, everything is clear - buy and rash. The composition of ready-made seasoning mixtures, as a rule, contains not only fragrant herbs and spices, but also water-retaining agents, preservatives, stabilizers.

I will talk about the second way, which is chosen true connoisseurs crafting. Its essence lies in the independent preparation of aromatic compositions. You can make the rest of the additives yourself, according to your tastes and ideas about a natural product. I have collected recipes for classic aromatic mixtures that are as close as possible to GOST.

Seasonings for boiled sausages

The most popular seasonings for boiled sausages are coriander, nutmeg, white and black pepper and garlic.

Seasonings for Doctor's

Boiled "Doctor" refers to the so-called structureless sausages. Their texture is soft and uniform.

Proportions for 1 kg of minced meat.

  • Salt - 20 g.
  • Sugar (glucose or dextrose) - 20 g.
  • Ground nutmeg - 5 g.
  • Crushed cardamom seeds - 5 g.

Seasonings for Dairy

Sausage "Milk" is prepared from a mixture different types meat, and her distinguishing featurecreamy taste, which emphasizes the desired mixture of seasonings.

Proportions for 1 kg of minced meat.

  • Salt - 20 g.
  • Sugar - 10 g.
  • White ground pepper- 5 years
  • Ground nutmeg - 5 g.
  • Dried garlic - 5 g.
  • Cumin - 1 g.

You can optionally add 10 g of sage if you like bright spicy notes.

Seasonings for sausage "Tea"

Another view tender boiled sausage, which is made from a mixture of pork and beef with the addition of lard.

  • Salt - 20 g (in case of using nitrite salt, add in the following proportions: 10 g table salt and 10 g of nitrite salt).
  • Sugar - 10 g.
  • Ground black pepper - 5 g.
  • Ground coriander - 5 g.
  • Garlic granulated - 7 g.

The nitrite salt is important component not only boiled, but also other types of sausages, its addition eliminates the risk of developing botulism.

Seasonings for homemade sausages

Dried onions and garlic, coriander, white pepper for refined taste, black pepper - for pungency and aroma. Paprika enhances the sweet-spicy note, smoked wig gives it an Italian touch, and a mixture of rosemary, thyme and oregano gives a pronounced spicy touch.

Seasonings for white Munich sausages

As natural casing pig casings are used. Cooking sausages in a special way. They are not boiled, but simply put in salted boiling water for 10-15 minutes and served hot.

The proportions of seasonings for 1 kg of minced meat.

  • Salt - 15 g.
  • lemon zest- 5 years
  • Ground white pepper - 5 g.
  • Ground nutmeg - 3 g.
  • A mixture of dried onions and celery - 1 g.

Optionally add ground black pepper dried garlic 1 year

Seasonings for french sausages

  • Salt - 12 g.
  • Dried ground parsley - 2 g.
  • Dried ground celery - 5 g.
  • Allspice ground - 3 g.
  • Mixture provencal herbs– 4 years
  • Dried ground barberry - 1 g.

Aromatic mixes for servelat

The peculiarity of servlets is in the fine structure of chopped, but not ground meat and high fat. Classic recipe requires at least 50% fatty pork. There are many ways to cook: servelat can be smoked, boiled-smoked and raw-smoked.

The proportions of seasonings for 1 kg of minced meat.

  • Salt - 20 g.
  • Glucose - 3 g.
  • Allspice ground pepper - 4 g.
  • Black ground pepper - 2 g.

Optionally added ground coriander in the amount of 5 g per 1 kg of minced meat.

Seasonings for semi-smoked sausages

Semi-smoked sausages are prepared from a mixture different varieties minced meat and lard. After pre-roasting products go through the hot-smoking stage. They last longer than boiled sausages, thanks to more salt and lower moisture content. In their composition, there must be pepper of different types, spicy taste which opens up well when smoked.

Seasonings for Krakowska sausage

For 1 kg minced meat

  • Salt - 30 g.
  • Powdered sugar(glucose, dextrose) - 5 g.
  • Ground coriander - 2 g.
  • Ground allspice - 2 g.
  • Ground allspice - 1 g.
  • Dry garlic - 1 g.

Seasonings for sausage "Polish"

For 1 kg minced meat

  • Salt - 25 g.
  • Sugar - 5 g.
  • Ground coriander - 5 g.
  • Ground garlic - 1 g.

Seasonings for sausage "Odesskaya"

For 1 kg minced meat

  • Salt - 25 g.
  • Sugar - 8 g.
  • Ground allspice - 2 g.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 g.
  • Dry garlic - 2 g.

Seasonings for smoked sausages

The peculiarity of their preparation is the process of cold smoking and long maturation. There is little liquid in such a sausage. There may be more spices and seasonings in the recipe than in other types sausage products.

Seasonings for sausage "Moscow smoked"

For 1 kg of raw materials

  • Salt - 10 g.
  • Sugar (glucose, dextrose, powdered sugar) - 5 g.
  • Ground allspice - 3 g.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 g.
  • Ground cardamom - 1 g.
  • Ground coriander - 2 g.

Seasonings for chorizo ​​sausages

Spanish national sausages can be dried, smoked or fried. I recommend cold smoking them.

For 1 kg of raw materials

  • Salt - 15 g.
  • Sugar - 2 g.
  • Smoked paprika - 10 g.
  • Dried ground oregano - 10 g.
  • Allspice ground pepper - 7 g.
  • Dried garlic - 10 g.
  • Salt - 15 g.

Seasonings for salami "Italian"

For 1 kg of raw materials

  • Salt - 18 g.
  • Powdered sugar (glucose, dextrose) - 2 g.
  • A mixture of peppers - 2 g.
  • Juniper (dried ground berries) - 1 g.
  • Cumin - 1 g.
  • Rosemary - 1 g.
  • Dried ground garlic - 2 g.

Instead of rosemary, you can optionally take a mixture of fragrant Italian herbs up to 2 g.

Seasonings for sausages

Raw-smoked sausages of the "Hunting" or "Tourist" type are very popular. Their aromatic compositions include pepper, cumin, coriander.

For 1 kg of raw materials

  • Salt - 15 g.
  • Powdered sugar (glucose or dextrose) - 3 g.
  • Cumin - 1.5 g.
  • Ground allspice - 2 g.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 g.
  • Dry garlic - 1 g.

Optionally, you can add coriander or nutmeg - 1 g.

Seasonings for sausages and sausages

Sausages and sausages have a delicate and uniform structure. The most typical seasonings for these products are salt and allspice.

Seasonings for sausages "Dairy"

For 1 kg minced meat

  • Salt - 20 g
  • Sugar (glucose or dextrose) - 5 g.
  • Allspice ground pepper - 5 g.
  • Black pepper - 1 g.

Seasonings for sausages "Spikachki"

A rich taste is provided by lard, which is quite a lot here. Therefore, the composition of seasonings is more diverse.

For 1 kg minced meat

  • Salt - 15 g.
  • Sugar - 2 g.
  • Ground white pepper - 3 g.
  • Black pepper - 1 g.
  • Cardamom - 2 g.
  • Dried garlic - 2 g.

Practical part

In the practical part, you will learn how to use equipment for hot and cold smoking of sausages and other products.


Send a photo of homemade sausages according to your favorite recipe and tell us about the spices you used.

In today's Craft School lesson, you learned how to make seasoning mixtures for cooking various sausages on your own.

The bell rings - the lesson is over!

Thank you all for your attention.

How to cook homemade sausage You will lick your fingers

We are used to buying shop semi-finished products, but at least once try to make a sausage yourself. Some believe that this process is unreasonably long, laborious, but fragrant, tasty, natural. meat product hard to break away from, worth the effort.Cooking homemade sausage at homeconsists of several stages:

  • Select original product: beef, pork, chicken or blood base.
  • Shell. There are several types of it: natural (intestines), cling film or foil. These components can be purchased in the meat departments of the market or in supermarkets.
  • Pick the right herbs and spices.
  • Determine the method of cooking: baking in foil, steaming or frying.

Homemade Sausage Recipes You'll lick your fingers

When you see photos of a delicious snack in various publications, it is very difficult to resist the desire to try it - it is so appetizing! How to make sausage at home? First of all, you need to study proven recipes experienced chefs and start simple, like chicken sausage in cling film. Then it is permissible to gradually complicate the task and prepare blood sausage or from different types of meat.


  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 395 kcal (each recipe has its own).
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.

Fragrant fragrant snack will decorate any holiday table. Recipe for homemade pork sausagecontains such an unusual ingredient as pig intestines. Before use, they must be carefully processed: first rinse, then soak in a solution of water and soda, then wash well again and soak for a couple of hours in a weak solution of vinegar. After that, you should turn the intestine inside out and carefully wash it under running warm water.


  • spices (cumin, nutmeg, several types of peppers, Bay leaf, salt) - to taste;
  • cognac - 6 ml;
  • pork - 1200 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • intestines - 3 m;
  • lard - 400 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Well processed, cleaned intestines for the time of minced meat preparation, place in a weak saline solution.
  2. Cut salo and pork in half. Pass one part through a meat grinder along with the onion, chop the second very finely with a sharp knife.
  3. On not in large numbers oil, fry the second onion until soft, add minced meat and lard, fry a little (5-7 minutes).
  4. Grind all the spices with a coffee grinder or mortar.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with spices, add cognac, garlic, salt. Knead the minced meat well, let it stand for half an hour.
  6. Divide the intestines into meter tapes, tie each end tightly with a thick thread. As a funnel, you can use the cut neck of a plastic bottle or a special nozzle.
  7. Fill the intestine well with minced meat, not too tightly. Do this with all the guts.
  8. Pierce future products so that they do not burst during baking.
  9. Place the intestines on the bottom of the baking sleeve and bake for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180C, then flip to the other side and bake for another 30 minutes. Cool down, serve.


  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 257 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Try to cook such an appetizer once, and it will become a favorite for a long time. useful addition to breakfasts.prepared with strict observance of certain conditions: minced meat is crushed with the addition of ice water or crumbs, and the finished loaf should “ripen” a little in cool place to give the sausage the desired texture.


  • chicken or turkey fillet - 600 g;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • chicken eggs- 3 pcs.;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • zira - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide eggs into whites and yolks.
  2. In the bowl of a blender or food processor, place the pieces of meat, garlic, cream and other ingredients, grind to a paste.
  3. Gently fold in pre-whipped egg whites.
  4. Put the mince on cling film, tie the ends very tightly with a thread. If you use guts, then you should fill them in and also tie the ends.
  5. Put the loaves in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 30 minutes on minimum heat.
  6. Cool sausages, place in the refrigerator.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 165 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A healthy appetizing sausage is made from pork liver - liver, kidneys, heart, lungs. These components are pre-washed, boiled with spices and crushed. Photos of the preparation of the liver can be found in culinary publications if this is the first time you have encountered the processing of offal.Homemade liverwurstvery different from what we are used to seeing on the shelves, so it's worth a try.


  • offal - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • lard - 300 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • intestines - 700 g;
  • spices, salt, nutmeg - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the liver, lungs, heart, kidneys for an hour until tender with bay leaf.
  2. Clean the onion. Cut the bacon and onion into cubes, fry.
  3. Pass the offal, onion, bacon through a meat grinder, add eggs, spices and salt. Mix well.
  4. Stuff the intestines with this mass, pierce the voids, tightly tie the ends.
  5. Boil the bananas in salted water for 30 minutes.

From chicken

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 193 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Delicate, fragrant, tasty appetizer will decorate any table, although it will take time to prepare. Start with a simple recipe.DIY homemade chicken sausageprepared from simple ingredients: chicken legs (or breast), spices, salt and intestines. They need to be sprinkled before filling. coarse salt, scrape and rinse well.


  • chicken legs - 2 kg;
  • pepper, salt - 10 g;
  • garlic - 7 cloves;
  • intestines - 500 g;
  • mustard grains - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat from the legs, separate the bones, remove fat and skin.
  2. Pass the pulp through the large grate of the meat grinder.
  3. Chop garlic, add to meat, put mustard, salt and pepper. Knead thoroughly, let stand 2 hours.
  4. Fill the intestines with the meat mass. This can be done using a special attachment for a meat grinder or cut off the neck of a plastic bottle and insert it into the intestine.
  5. Tie the ends of the shells tightly. Roll them into a ring, put them on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 180C.
  6. Make punctures in several places and bake until golden brown.


  • Cooking time: 3.5 hours.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

To surprise guests with a delicious snack or offer a child a bite healthy sausages, it does not take much effort - prepare a treat with your own hands! The most juicyhomemade beef sausageobtained from cow or calf neck. A little bacon is necessarily added to the minced meat, which gives the products the desired texture, or pork meat.


  • beef pulp or veal - 800 g;
  • pork - 400 g;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • prepared intestines - 2 m;
  • spices (a mixture of peppers, paprika), salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the meat, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Peel the garlic, chop.
  3. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add garlic, spices, salt.
  4. Stir the minced meat thoroughly, let it ripen for 2 hours.
  5. Fill the intestines with minced meat, remove the voids with a needle, tightly tie the ends of the shell. If you are going to cook small snack sausages, sausages, then you can tie the thread at small distances, and then bake the finished products on the grill.
  6. Boil sausages on minimum heat for 40 minutes, cool.


  • Cooking time: 3.5 hours.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 208 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Some housewives do not indulge in blood sausage, considering the process of its preparation not very aesthetic and laborious. Meanwhile,homemade blood sausage with buckwheat- Very useful product, which you need to include in your diet more often. Before you make sausage at home, buy guts, fresh pig blood. For this treat, buckwheat is often used, but you can take barley, rice or millet groats.


  • pork blood - 1.5 liters;
  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • intestines - 1 kg;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • lard - 400 g;
  • a mixture of salt and spices - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. pig blood Pour through a fine sieve so that no clots remain.
  2. Cut the lard into small cubes, boil buckwheat in salted water.
  3. Mix blood, lard, buckwheat in a bowl, add milk, spices and salt.
  4. Rinse well under running water intestines, checking at the same time their tightness (there should be no holes). Fill the shell with stuffing, leaving some space around the edges.
  5. Boil the loaves in salted water at the lowest temperature for 15 minutes. To check the readiness of the sausage, pierce the intestines with a needle - the juice should not be cloudy. Finished goods can be baked in the oven.

in foil

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 192 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If for some reason working with the intestines is unacceptable for you, try cooking delicious snack in foil. Photohomemade sausage in foiloften found in food magazines. Some housewives resort to the recipe so often that this treat sometimes replaces such beloved cutlets by everyone. Sausage is cooked with mushrooms, cheese, herbs, cooked more dietary options- for a couple or in a slow cooker.


  • chopped meat- 600 g;
  • cognac (optional) -60 ml;
  • starch - 30 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • garlic - 6 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix the minced meat with spices, garlic and salt. IN this case no need to twist the meat for a long time, you can use ready-made minced meat.
  2. Let the sausage mass stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Dilute starch cold water, gradually add to the minced meat, add cognac, knead thoroughly. Form small sausages.
  4. Fold the foil in half, put the minced meat roll on top, roll tightly.
  5. Place the rolls in a deep frying pan, add water to half the sausage and simmer in the oven at a minimum temperature of 45 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 90 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 178 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

How to cook delicious offal dishes? This question is often asked by housewives.Homemade liver sausagegreat way diversify daily menu useful, tasty treat. If you want to tinker with the intestines and cook the sausage correctly, then get a natural casing, but its preparation requires a special approach - careful processing in saline and acetic solutions.


  • chicken or any other liver - 500 g;
  • pork fat- 200 g;
  • intestines - 700 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • semolina - 30 g;
  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • spices, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the liver and bacon through a meat grinder.
  2. Peel the onion, cut the vegetable into cubes or grate and fry in oil.
  3. In a deep container, mix the liver, lard, eggs, onions, semolina, milk, season with spices, salt. Mix well.
  4. Fill the prepared intestines with minced meat, tie the ends tightly.
  5. Place the future treat in the pan and bake in the oven at 190C for 40 minutes. Finished products can be fried or eaten baked.

From pork and beef

  • Cooking time: 4 hours.
  • Servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 243 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium

Making homemade sausages only at first glance looks very complicated. Worth a try once delicious delicacy, and he will take root in family menu. This varietyhomemade sausage (from pork and beef) differs in surprising juiciness, aroma and taste. For cooking it is better to use fatty varieties meat (neck, shoulder blade), so that the homemade sausage lick your fingers is tender, soft.


  • prepared intestines - 1 kg;
  • pork - 1 kg;
  • veal or beef - 1 kg;
  • ice water - 500 ml;
  • salt, a mixture of peppers - 1 tbsp. spoon.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Freeze the meat a little in the refrigerator to make it easier to cut. Cut pork and beef into cubes.
  2. Peel the garlic, pass through a press.
  3. mix meat mass, garlic, spices, salt, add water. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Send the sausage mass to the refrigerator for a couple of hours to brew.
  5. Fill the intestines with minced meat using a special nozzle in a meat grinder, tightly tie the ends, form sausages.
  6. Drop them in hot water for 10-15 minutes, cook at a minimum temperature.
  7. Put the products on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, bake at 180C until golden brown.


Dried salt intestines are best soaked in water for an hour or two before use.
To stuff natural intestines in the production of homemade sausage, you can use a special nozzle for a meat grinder and the meat grinder itself, if you do not have such a nozzle, you can use plastic bottle. At the bottle, the upper part with the neck is cut off, the end of the intestine is pulled over the neck itself, for reliability it is tied with a thread. On the other hand, we begin to fill the cut-off part of the bottle with minced meat, pushing the minced meat to the neck. Thus, it is possible to fill all homemade sausages without special tools.
Make sausages 10-15 cm long, then tie them with a thread or make a knot from the intestine itself. This is necessary so that if one of the homemade sausages or sausages bursts during cooking, then the rest remain intact, their juiciness is preserved.
Do not try to stuff the sausages very tightly, this affects their integrity during cooking.
It is very important not to let air into the intestines when you fill them with minced meat. Then your homemade sausages will not burst when you cook them.
For reliability ready-made sausages pierce in several places with a thick needle or toothpick so that excess air and moisture come out through them when the sausage is cooked.
If you bake the sausage in the oven, then it is better to grease them with vegetable oil, then you will achieve a beautiful golden brown.
Another important point! If you are making homemade sausage for the first time, prepare a small batch to start. Having mastered the whole principle and technology of making homemade sausages, go to a large volume. It is very convenient to make such a sausage in advance and store it raw in the freezer, and then throw it into boiling water or into a frying pan. Homemade sausages are prepared very quickly, and eaten even faster!

Recipes for homemade sausage and kupat

Diverse, the main thing here is your desire to master this direction and try to pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious homemade sausage, which our ancestors prepared. You can cook homemade sausage boiled, baked or raw for drying, use any meat in its preparation: pork, lamb, beef, horse meat, chicken, turkey, and use olives, cheese, mushrooms as additives, Bell pepper. I will offer you several recipes for filling the intestines when preparing homemade sausage, I will be very grateful if you add your options for this dish in the comments or via the feedback form. I will gladly publish them in this post.

Homemade sausages from different meats

When in a homemade sausage recipe own cooking you are using different kinds meat, it turns out very tasty from this. If you like and you can eat lard, cut it finely with a knife
For a recipe for delicious homemade meat sausages, you will need:
Different types of meat in different proportions:
Chicken breast
Pork, it is better to choose those pieces that are juicier and more tender, for example, pork neck
Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
Sugar - 1 tablespoon
Cooking sausages at home
Pass the pork neck or any other meat through a meat grinder with the nozzle where there are large holes.
Chicken, fillet is better to cut with a knife and small pieces cut fat. Choose the proportions of meat and fat yourself.
Knead the minced meat for homemade sausages in a large bowl, add spices and chopped garlic to it. There also add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive and a spoonful of sugar.
Once again, knead the minced sausage with your hands and cool it in the refrigerator before stuffing homemade sausages into a natural casing. It is advisable to leave the minced meat for homemade sausages to lie down for at least 2 hours, and it is better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
Stuff the peeled sausage intestines with chilled minced meat and follow the subtleties and secrets of making homemade sausages outlined above.

homemade chicken sausage recipe

This chicken sausage is very tender in taste.

For her recipe we need:
Chicken - 1 piece
Pork fat (lard) - 150 g
Water - ¾ cup
Powdered milk - 2 tablespoons
Dried herbs: rosemary, tarragon, thyme, sage, basil, oregano - your choice
Black pepper
white pepper
Garlic - 1-3 cloves (as you like)
Turmeric (will give the chicken sausage an interesting color)
Pork intestines (womb) - 2 meters
Twine or thick thread
Cooking chicken sausage at home
Wash the chicken, dry it, separate the meat from the bones and skin. Only meat will go into the sausage.
Finely chop the chicken flesh and bacon, add water and powdered milk(or replace the entire volume of liquid with milk or cream), add all the spices and salt.
Stir the minced meat for homemade sausages well and fill the intestines, the length of the sausages is 10-15 cm.
Such homemade chicken sausage can be boiled in low-boiling water for about 15 minutes, and then fried over high heat in a pan. Or cook homemade chicken sausages baked in the oven, smearing them with vegetable oil to form a beautiful crust.

Homemade Belarusian sausage recipe

In this Belarusian homemade sausage recipe, minced pork, beef and chicken fillet are used.
Belarusian homemade sausage is prepared from:
Pork with lard
Chicken (meat is taken in equal proportions)
Garlic, calculation 1 head of garlic per 1 kg of minced meat
Spice (black pepper, coriander, cumin, dill seeds)
Chop the meat, salt and add spices.
Fill a natural casing for sausage or intestines with minced meat and bandage.
You can cook Belarusian sausages different ways: fry on both sides in a pan, on a grill, on a fire, barbecue or baked in the oven.

Homemade sausages - kupaty

According to this recipe, kupaty can be cooked with minced meat and potatoes, meat and rice, or just meat
Recipe for homemade kupat with potatoes

For a recipe for delicious homemade kupat with potatoes, we need:
1 kg of meat (any), chopped bacon can be added to dry meat
400 g raw potatoes
Cooking kupat with potatoes
Meat for kupat is better to use slightly frozen, so it is easier to cut it into beautiful cubes. raw potatoes finely cut with a knife. Mix potatoes with meat, salt and spices, stuff sausages. The method of preparing kupats is the same as for homemade chicken sausages.
Kupaty pork with rice

This option is tastier and more economical than just meat pork or chicken kupaty due to the addition of cereals to minced meat. Buckwheat can be used instead of rice in this sausage recipe.
For the recipe for kupat with rice you will need:
1 kg of any meat
150 g lard (fat)
300 g boiled rice
Spices (can be used for barbecue)
How to cook kupaty with rice
Frozen meat and bacon cut into pieces, mix with rice boiled until half cooked.
Add salt, chopped garlic, pepper, spices to minced meat with rice, mix.
Stuff the intestines (natural casing) not very tight, pierce the sausages with a thick needle and boil in low-boiling water for 20 minutes.
Then fry the kupaty in a pan until a beautiful crust.

Homemade liver sausage

According to this recipe, you get the most delicate sausage cooked at home. Liverwurst can be eaten as such or cooked from it into several dishes: pancakes with liverwurst, pie or pies with liverwurst
What is homemade liverwurst? Course out
Large handful of boiled rice
The recipe for making homemade liverwurst is simple.
Liver: liver, heart and lungs can be used any (beef, pork, lamb). The lung will need to be slightly boiled, so it takes longer to cook than the liver.
Boil rice until half cooked.
Finely chop the liver with a knife so that it is easy to cut, it is better to freeze it. Do the same with part of the fat. raw heart, the remaining fat and boiled lung mince.
Mix minced liver for homemade sausage with rice, salt, minced garlic and spices, knead well.
Stuff the casing for sausages with minced meat, pierce the sausages with a needle and boil in salted water for 15 minutes. After liver sausages fry in a pan. Or just bake homemade liverwurst in the oven or slow cooker, as we did with fry sausages (recipe HERE).

Video recipe on how to cook homemade sausage from natural raw materials and stuff it into the intestine (womb) using a meat grinder attachment

Spices are the main thing in sausage business. legendary doctor's sausage contained only cardamom. Here's what's being added now.
Quote. "Flavor-aromatic mixture for Doktorskaya sausage (with nutmeg)
Producer: "Сххххххб", Russia
Ingredients Extracts of natural spices, sugar, salt, flavor and aroma enhancer.
Application area
It is used in the production of boiled sausage "Doctor" in order to improve the organoleptic properties finished product. Recommended dosage: 5g per 1kg of minced meat
Organoleptic indicators
Appearance and texture. Evenly mixed powder mass
Color. Light yellow with an orange tint.
Taste, smell. Corresponds to nutmeg.
Consistency. Loose, lumps are allowed, crumbling when lightly pressed"

In Perm (Russia), forty people ended up in a hospital bed today, just having lunch in the canteen confectionery factory. The reason is sodium nitrite poisoning. It is this chemical compound called saltpeter that is used in sausage production. It is not clear how she got on the tables, but that's not what we're talking about today.

Since it is practically indistinguishable from ordinary salt, its use in everyday life is practically excluded. Therefore, in the recipes that I publish on this blog, saltpeter is almost not present. And I think this is absolutely correct. The risk - even theoretical - of loss of health must be excluded.

And the color of meat in homemade sausage allows you to save a small addition of cognac, alcohol. And finally, you can boldly use ground paprika (it was she who gave the color to the sausage in the photo). This spice, by the way, is an indispensable ingredient in many national sausages- chorizo, for example.

And then, who said that the color of boiled meat is unappetizing? Maybe on the contrary, it is this color that indicates the absence of any dyes and preservatives? I think so. I think you will agree with me.


On the pages of the blog “Homemade sausage“ You have already met this word: saltpeter. As a substance, the presence of which in homemade sausage absolutely not welcome.

Today I will tell you more about it.

E-250 (Sodium nitrite.

Coloring, seasoning and preservative.

Found in sausage, bacon, corned beef, sausages, ham, cold meats and smoked fish.

Sodium nitrite is a red color stabilizer canned meat And flavor additive. Without it, hot dogs and bacon would be gray, the color of boiled meat. Sodium nitrate is used in the dry preservation of meat, such as in ham, because it breaks down more slowly into nitrite. Nitrites also inhibit the growth of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which causes botulism, a severe food poisoning.

The addition of nitrites to foods may increase exposure to nitrosamines, which cause oncological diseases and are present in large quantities in fried bacon.

Manufacturers are currently adding ascorbic acid in bacon to prevent the formation of nitrosamines.

Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are thought to be responsible for the hyperexcitability nervous system in children.

Nitrites in high concentrations can lead to poisoning and even death. The fact is that, coming from the intestines into the blood, nitrites bind hemoglobin and do not allow oxygen to join. This causes hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the body.

There have been cases of severe group poisoning from sausages that erroneously contained very high doses of sodium nitrite. In addition, according to recent data, nitrites reduce the content of vitamins in the body.

Potassium nitrite has similar properties - food supplement E-249.

Very important! To neutralize the effects of sodium nitrite and maximize its excretion from the body, eat sausage along with vegetables. This will prevent the conversion of nitrites to nitrosamines. Well, the most radical way is to do homemade sausage without any E-shek!

Food saltpeter

BoughtKyiv: In this blog, I have written more than once that food saltpeter is not used in the manufacture of homemade sausages. And really, what could be tastier than homemade fried pork sausage! Well, what can this saltpeter add to it?
In addition, only 4 g of pure saltpeter is fatal to humans. Agree, keeping such poison at home is absolutely unacceptable. Meat-packing plants do not use pure saltpeter: in Russia, since 2013, it has been allowed only in the form of a solution of low concentration.
The Poles went the other way and use peklosol. It's a mixture edible salt and saltpeter, which is only 0.5 -0.6%. It is simply impossible to get poisoned with such a saltpeter-salt mixture - the body simply will not accept a salted product.
I have alreadywrote that I tried to make a shank or a knuckle onprescription prosciutto or ham. But there was no appetizing color. Alas, only saltpeter gives it. In addition, it is a good preservative.
In the same place where I buy intestines for homemade sausage, they sold me a pack of such salt. You can already risk a whole pig leg. Of course, first I will practice on dry-cured sausage, and only then I will take up my leg.

Askorbinka in homemade sausage

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or its salts (sodium ascorbate) are used in sausage production (additive E300) in order to stabilize the red color imparted to meat by saltpeter. If it is even simpler, then the cut slice or loaf on the cut retains its color precisely because ascorbic acid was added to the minced meat.

Of course, the color of the sausage loaf - from pinkish-beige to maroon - plays a very significant role when choosing sausages. By and large, it is he who is the defining indicator.

But at home, we need a clean, without any additives, sausage. And if saltpeter (E250) should not be used categorically at home (by the way, it is also prohibited in the European Union), then adding a couple of spoons of cognac per 1 kg of minced meat to preserve (to some extent) color is quite acceptable.

Therefore, in the absence of saltpeter and the presence of alcohol-containing liquids, ascorbic acid can be added (1 g per 1 kg). It will additionally give the sausage an almost imperceptible sourness, which not only tastes good, but also acts as a kind of preservative.

Sausage spices.

Hmm, almost everything except vanilla. Yes, indeed, you can’t spoil the sausage with spice ...
Still, dietary habits determine the set of spices.
If I don't like fennel, then I don't eat it.

But let's go in order.

Opens the list, of course, freshly ground black pepper - a universal seasoning.
The main requirement for him is not to get caught on the tooth.
White pepper. The same fruit, but taken at full maturity. It doesn't taste as spicy, but the smell is stronger. Ideal for meat dishes. The requirement is the same.

Garlic. Garlic spirit is the smell of homemade sausage. No recipe is complete without it. It goes both fresh and dry. Optimal preparation is to pass through a crusher. 20 grams per kilo.

But in Japanese cooking for some reason it doesn't apply.

Nutmeg is a legendary spice for men. Apply immediately after grinding the smallest grater. After standing, it loses its taste.

Flowers come into play nutmeg, as well as dried and ground seed coats.

Marjoram. Sausage grass, flavors minced meat, ennobles the meat itself, making it more tender. Noble aroma! We add in the last turn. The Latin name for marjoram is origanum majorana l. Yes, it is a close relative of oregano, so they are sometimes confused.

Cardamom. A wonderful thing, but requires preparation. It is necessary to extract black (meaning ripe) grains from the pod. Grind very finely. Use almost homeopathic doses.
There are great lovers of the bay leaf. It can also be present in the sausage. It is sold ground into dust - that's it.

Should I use an onion? For 1 kg of meat 2o g. Purely symbolic.

Turmeric. Let it be just in case.

Now let's talk about spices.

Only cooking food stone

(large grey).
None special requirements did not met.

Applied in dry-cured sausages Oh.

For better mixing - in the form of powder.
Reed is not good.

Serves to preserve the natural meat color in sausages.

0.25 g per kilogram of meat. Who will measure such a dose for 3-4 kg of meat intended for sausage?

By appearance no different from salt or soda. Very often it is either mixed with them or even replaced.

The lethal dose for humans is 1 g.
Instructions for the accounting and use of saltpeter on sausage production reads like a detective. But most importantly - as a result of heat treatment, sodium nitrite - as saltpeter is called in chemistry - breaks down into absolutely carcinogenic components
Therefore, even keeping it in the kitchen is deadly.

If you come across meat that is porous on the cut, such as embassy ham, this is a sign

a large amount of saltpeter, which decomposes into nitrates.

Drinking alcohol serves as a substitute to some extent.

Medical will also go - it also has an antiseptic. A teaspoon per kilogram of minced meat, or two - cognac. For dry-cured sausages, multiply by two. The meat becomes more tender.
How to color the shell during cooking, we will learn further.

Before the process of making homemade sausage, we only have one step left - to prepare the accessories!

There are no secrets to how to make homemade sausage, and the process is not difficult, apart from knowing where you can get the ingredient for this process, such as pig intestines for stuffing sausages. Recipes on how to make sausage at home are readily shared by people who do this all the time, and from special equipment for this, only the attachment for the meat grinder is needed, which can be special trouble purchase at a hardware store. But those who know the secrets know what products are in their product.

Products for homemade sausages and necessary components

It is only difficult to cross the psychological barrier that still makes people buy store products. In supermarkets (and in the markets too), they are not always distinguished by proper freshness, and at a rather high cost, there is no guarantee that the meat in the sausage is exactly the same, and in the amount prescribed by the recipe.

Unscrupulous suppliers have learned to replace some products with others, cheaper ones, and necessary taste add food flavorings and dyes.

Be vigilant and carefully look at the composition of the products you buy.

Many are scared off by the apparent complexity and laboriousness of the process. But there is nothing particularly difficult here. To prepare any homemade sausage, three necessary elements are conditionally required:

  • minced meat (stuffing);
  • pork intestines (shell);
  • spices (taste necessity).

Knowing some recipes, choosing a place where you can buy a shell for the future cooking process delicious dish, and having decided on a set of spices that every housewife already has on the kitchen shelf, you can safely proceed to the upcoming action to please your family or guests.

The production of homemade sausages can be done in a standard kitchen using simple improvised means in the form of:

  • ovens;
  • multicookers;
  • frying pans with tight lids.

Of course, home-made sausage will not look like a store-bought one, but it will definitely differ in taste in a favorable way.

Stuffing, or stuffing - the basis of success

Most of the recipes for making homemade sausages are based on the use of ground pork meat. This is quite understandable, given that pig intestines are usually used for natural casings. But the range of existing possible fillings much broader than pork sausage, because the tasty homemade dish, with the same success, can be prepared from:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • chicken;
  • turkeys,
  • and supporters of vegetarianism are even offered delicious sausage from peas with beetroot, so tasty, if cooked correctly, that it can be safely used for sandwiches.

Beets and peas can serve as ingredients for sausage

Economical brawn from a pig's head, liver sausage from ground or chopped liver, and even from fish are very popular with housewives.

Therefore, do not get hung up on pork, inventing sausage at home, even if it is prepared for the festive table. With a little imagination, you can completely eliminate the purchase of sausages, and necessary prescriptions even invent your own.

Pork can be used in home product ground, and cut into small pieces, like any other meat, or passed through a large grate. For amateur homemade sausage, you will need ground pork and lard, for liver sausage - lard and ground or chopped liver. Delicious sausages with mushrooms, hot pepper, or hard cheese, are prepared according to a general recipe, with the addition of ready-made ingredients.

In sausages with cereals (buckwheat, barley, or rice), this ingredient is added already in ready-made. Any cereal should be cooked in a special way, dry (so that no liquid remains in it), and minced meat is used raw. It will be mandatory to:

Semolina porridge can be added when making liver sausage

In some types of sausages, for example, in amateur and chicken, milk is added, sometimes they put sweet bun soaked in milk, especially if it is prepared in genuine leather.

If you do not want the sausage to look pale or gray, it is tinted beetroot juice. The key to the success of any homemade sausage is properly cooked minced meat.

Shells and tasty spices

Numerous recipes, which the housewives share, differ in several parameters, which necessarily include the amount of added spices, and their composition.

You can buy a set ready spices with the taste of salami or Brunswick sausage, but they are pre-added with both dyes and food flavors, to get rid of which and set themselves the goal of lovers of homemade dishes.

There are cooks who believe that home the right sausage there should be nothing but:

  • Luke;
  • garlic;
  • pepper, and capsicum, grown on the windowsill.

And there are spice lovers who buy half the assortment of the spice counter in the market.

It is advisable to add spices to the sausage based on your taste preferences.

Spices included in recipes cannot be considered an axiom, because someone loves thyme, basil, and thyme, and someone does not digest their smell. And when a dish is prepared repeatedly, each hostess has her own zest, developed in the process, or acquired empirically, when at some point it dawned on her to add something dictated by many years of experience.

But casings for sausages homemade dictated by strict etiquette. meat sausage, pork or beef, stuffed into pig intestines. Lamb - only in mutton, and when purchasing lamb in order to make sausages, this should be taken care of separately.

If pig head not old, for the shell you can use pork skin, A chicken sausage especially delicious in chicken skin. Amateur is prepared in a tetrapack, it is advisable to pack vegetable or cereal in a baking sleeve, or food foil. When everything is done in compliance with certain rules, the result is beyond praise.

homemade sausage

Separate, characteristic cooking methods

In order to clearly demonstrate how simple the cooking process is homemade sausage, it is worth giving some recipes. Pork-beef sausage:

  • chopped meat along with garlic is scrolled through a meat grinder in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • after which the minced meat is prepared by thorough mixing in a special bowl;
  • salt and pepper are added to taste, spice lovers fill in a special set for meat;
  • minced meat is stuffed into the washed intestines with the help of a meat grinder, from which the knife and grate are removed, and a special nozzle;
  • the bubbles on the intestines that form in this process are pierced with a needle;
  • alcohol and ground lard are added to this stuffing;
  • before stuffing, it must stand for several hours, and it must be mixed several times;
  • the end of the intestine is tied with a knot, or a harsh thread.

Such a sausage can be fried in a pan, boiled in a saucepan over low heat, or baked in the oven.

One of the cooking methods is oven roasting.

Amateur is prepared as follows:

  • meat and fat are scrolled through a meat grinder;
  • milk and grated beet juice, spices, salt and garlic are added;
  • minced meat is wrapped in a tetra bag (whatever shape you like);
  • in this form, it is cooked for about 50 minutes over low heat in an ordinary saucepan.

For liver sausage:

  • liver and fat are scrolled through a meat grinder or blender;
  • eggs (raw), onions fried on vegetable oil, semolina, salt, black pepper, spices;
  • everything is mixed and infused for about an hour.
  • lastly, milk is poured in, after which the cooked intestine begins.

Finely chopped greens can be added to such a sausage before stuffing, and baked in the oven. The taste and smell are simply intoxicating.

Minced chicken is prepared in a similar way, but without lard, but before the infusion (about an hour) of minced meat ends, a loaf soaked in milk is added, thoroughly squeezed out and everything is thoroughly mixed until the minced meat turns into a homogeneous mass.

This sausage can be wrapped in skin removed from the chicken, and sewn up with a harsh thread, or simply wrapped. The sausage is baked in the oven, or stewed, with a small amount water, in a tightly closed goose.

The shape is arbitrary, depending on which pieces of skin were removed. chicken skin can sometimes be purchased at places where they sell factory-made chicken. Onions for minced meat can be fried on chicken fat and add greens.

Cooking homemade sausages is quite simple, and is not much different from frying cutlets, or cooking homemade roll. With a small time investment, and a much more budgetary set of products than buying ready-made sausages, you can use any ingredients and eat natural products without preservatives, dyes and extraneous additives.
