
Proper homemade sausage. Homemade minced meat sausages

What is the most delicious sausage? Of course, homemade! The one made from the finest meats with the best spices. What we are offered from the shelves of supermarkets and shops to a real sausage has a very mediocre relationship. Indeed, in its composition, at best, thirty percent of not the best meat remains, and everything else is ground offal (meat production waste), soy protein, flour, starch, flavorings and dyes, giving sausages the necessary presentation and taste.

Meanwhile, homemade sausage is a real meat meal, the taste and aroma of which, alas, is not familiar to everyone. This alone is a sufficient argument to please your loved ones and cook homemade sausages for them.
Cooking sausage at home is within the power of anyone, even a novice hostess. True, the process is not pleasant if you have to deal with the guts. But what a delicious sausage! In addition, home-made sausage, unlike store-bought, can be stored in the freezer for a long time and cooked as needed. It is equally good for a family dinner and as the main course of a picnic in nature.

Of course, you can simplify the process somewhat by using an artificial casing instead of the intestines, which can now be purchased at the store. But if you are attracted to traditional old recipes, nothing artificial should be. In addition, the absolute safety of artificial shells in many people raises quite natural doubts.

Sausage preparation sequence.
The most difficult thing when cooking homemade sausages is the preparation of the casings that will be stuffed with meat. For this purpose, fresh pork (rarely beef, lamb or chicken) intestines are used, which are thoroughly washed under cold running water. It is better to immediately cut them into pieces 20-40 cm long - firstly, it will be easier to process them, and secondly, this is the optimal size for future sausages.

The intestines washed from the outside must be turned out and cleaned of mucus covering their inner surface. This is best done with the back of a knife or the edge of a tablespoon, placing the intestine on a cutting board. After the mucus is completely removed from the intestines and they become clean, they must be disinfected by placing them in a soda solution (2 teaspoons of soda per liter of cold water) or a weak alcohol solution (50 grams of vodka per half liter) for 45-90 minutes. water).

While the intestines are soaking, you can start preparing minced meat for future sausages. There are a huge number of recipes. In addition, sausage is that unique dish with which you can endlessly experiment, changing the ratio of different types of meat, introducing all kinds of ingredients and spices.

Homemade sausage.
And here is one of the oldest and simplest recipes that tells how to cook sausage at home. To do this, you need 1 kg of lean pork, 0.5 kg of veal, 0.4 kg of lard, 0.5 teaspoons of ground pepper, 7 cloves of garlic, 2.5-3 teaspoons of salt. Meat and lard are cut into small cubes, salted, peppered. Finely crushed garlic and half a glass of water are also added there. The prepared mass is thoroughly mixed. The intestines soaked for the shell are taken out of the water, rinsed in cold water and turned out again. Using a special nozzle for a meat grinder or making it from improvised materials, for example, cutting off the top of a plastic bottle, the minced meat is placed in the prepared shell. It should not be filled too tightly. After filling, you should tie both ends and put in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours so that the meat is completely salted, peppered and soaked with garlic.

Then you need to grease the baking sheet with oil and lay out the sausages, after making 5-10 punctures on each of them along the entire length. This is necessary so that the sausage does not “swell” during cooking, and the heated air and excess liquid freely come out of it. Fry at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for 25-30 minutes on each side.

A real liver sausage has nothing to do with what you see on store shelves. It is fragrant, tasty, literally melting in your mouth. For its preparation you will need 500 gr. beef liver, veal, beef and lard, 2 cloves of garlic, half a spoonful of ground pepper, 2 teaspoons of salt. Beef liver is passed through a meat grinder. All the meat is put into a pot and boiled. Pork is pulled out after 5 minutes of boiling, veal - after 15 minutes, beef - after 20 minutes.

The meat must be cooled, then passed through a meat grinder, adding garlic. Mix the meat with the liver, adding salt and pepper. Now you can start stuffing a pre-prepared shell. Ready sausages are cooked on medium heat for 45-60 minutes. Liver sausage is cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

Smoked homemade sausage with onions.
For this recipe, you need to cook 1 kg of bold pork, 500 gr. beef, 100 grams of onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1.5-2 teaspoons of salt, 0.5 tablespoons of ground pepper, nutmeg, a tablespoon of cognac. Cut the meat into cubes of 2x2 cm, salt and put in the refrigerator for two days so that it is salted. After that, draining excess water, beef and pork should be finely chopped, mixed with finely chopped onions, crushed garlic, salt and spices. Add cognac and mix everything thoroughly. Now you can fill the shell with minced meat and leave the sausages for 2-3 days in a dark, cool room. Then the sausages are smoked in cold smoke at a temperature of 20-25 degrees until the intestine is wrinkled. It remains to leave the sausages for 20-30 days for aging, hanging in a well-ventilated area. And only after that they will be ready for use and acquire a specific color and smell characteristic of smoked sausage.

Hunting sausages at home.
For their preparation, you will need chicken intestines for stuffing, and for minced meat - 1 kg of chicken fillet, 1 kg of bold pork, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, 3 cloves of garlic. Pass the meat through a meat grinder with a large grate. Salt the mince, pepper and add crushed garlic. Mix thoroughly and leave for 2 hours so that it is evenly saturated with spices and salt. Stuff the intestines with minced meat, make a few punctures. Boil sausages in salted water for 15 minutes, then fry on each side in a pan or baking sheet until golden brown. Sausages are fragrant and tasty. They can be eaten both hot and cold.

These are just a few homemade sausage recipes. But they have no end. And, despite the great variety of sausages, there are general rules that must be followed if you want your sausage to come out really tasty.

In almost all varieties of sausage, lard is added. This is done so that it turns out juicy and has a delicate taste.

Sausages can be made not only according to traditional recipes, but also using any additives to give them a piquant taste: olives, cheese, potatoes, bell peppers, game meat, cognac and liquor, a wide variety of spices.

If you want to make sausages a festive table decoration, it would be appropriate to use the original sprinkling. As a sprinkling, you can use, for example, sesame seeds or finely chopped or ground nuts.

We are used to thinking that sausage is, to put it mildly, not a very useful product. However, unscrupulous manufacturers are to blame for this prejudice, the composition of whose sausages is mainly soy, preservatives and synthetic additives for taste and smell. At the same time, high-quality, tasty and healthy sausage from natural meat can be made at home with your own hands.

In this article, you will find several recipes that will allow you to make delicious homemade sausage. Whichever recipe you choose, you must follow these tips:

  • It is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of meat: the taste of your sausage will depend on its freshness and quality.
  • The more fat, the juicier your sausage will be. Even when making beef sausage, it is worth adding a little pork and lard.
  • The best sausages are obtained from the cervical pulp.
  • Sausages need to be pierced with a thin needle every 5 cm so that they do not burst during cooking.
  • It is better to use freshly ground spices - they will give the dish a unique taste and aroma.

Why is it better to cook sausage yourself?

First of all, the quality of the sausage that is sold in stores is very doubtful. In pursuit of greater profits, manufacturers replace high-quality fresh meat with cheaper ones, and also dilute it with soy. In addition, artificial preservatives, colors and flavor regulators added to keep the sausage longer and look and taste like real meat negatively affect the digestive system.

It is also worth keeping in mind the prices. Sausages in stores, despite the fact that they are not of very high quality, are also quite expensive. At home, you can not only be sure of the quality of all the ingredients, but also make sausage much cheaper.

Finally, the process of culinary creativity cannot but rejoice. Cooking your own sausage is an opportunity to give it exactly the taste and aroma that you like. Or maybe you will be able to invent a unique signature recipe.

Recipe for Ukrainian homemade pork sausage in the gut

The taste of Ukrainian sausage is familiar to many of us since childhood, but now it is not easy to find a quality product in stores. Therefore, it is worth trying to make Ukrainian sausage at home with your own hands, following the step-by-step instructions. For manufacturing you will need:

  • 700 g pork
  • 150 g fat
  • 700 g intestine
  • two onions
  • three cloves of garlic
  • 50 g cognac
  • salt, bay leaf, nutmeg and cumin to taste

How to make sausage:

  1. First, thoroughly rinse the intestines. Clear them of everything superfluous. Make a water solution by adding a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of soda to warm water. Put the intestines in this solution and leave them for an hour. Then rinse the intestines again. They should not remain fat or film.
  2. Carefully turn the intestines inside out. This will be easy to do under running water.
  3. Put the intestines back into the salt and soda solution. Now you can take on the meat filling.
  4. Take half the fat, half the meat and onions. Grind it all in a meat grinder.
  5. Cut the second half of the meat and lard into small pieces with a knife.
  6. Fry all minced meat.
  7. Chop the garlic in a crusher or with a knife. Add it to the mince. Also add spices to taste.
  8. Pour the cognac into the meat. Leave your stuffing for half an hour so that all the ingredients have time to mix.
  9. Now you can spread the minced meat in the intestines. It is best to use a funnel for this. Divide the intestines into small sections and bandage. Lay out the headlights so that it fills the entire space and there is no air left inside. At the end, leave ten centimeters of the intestine without minced meat so that it is convenient to make a knot.
  10. Pierce the sausage every two inches to prevent it from bursting during cooking.
  11. Roll the sausage in a circle and tie with threads.
  12. Send the sausage for an hour in a preheated oven. Turn it over a few times during cooking so that it browns on both sides.

Recipe for homemade pork and beef sausage

If you want variety, you can make fried sausages from a mixture of beef and pork.

Grilled pork and beef sausage

The recipe is almost the same as the one you used to make pork sausage. Unless the beef needs to be washed more thoroughly, and also make sure that you add enough fat, otherwise the sausage will not be juicy and tasty enough.

What ingredients are needed:

  • 500 g beef
  • 300 g pork
  • 300 g fat
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Ground pepper, ginger, nutmeg
  • Salt to taste
  • guts

How to cook sausage:

  1. Prepare the intestines in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  2. Check the beef for bone fragments, remove them. Rinse the meat and soak for half an hour.
  3. Pat the meat dry with paper towels to remove excess water. Pass through a meat grinder.
  4. Mix all spices. Pour them into the minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Add finely chopped garlic in the same way.
  5. Remember to mince with your hands. Leave it to rest.
  6. Transfer the minced meat to the intestine. As in the previous recipe, it is important not to leave air, but also not to stretch the shell too much.
  7. Leave the sausages in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After that, you can fry them.

Recipe for homemade beef and pork sausage with cheese

No festive table is complete without salami. In addition, such sausage is stored for a long time even out of the refrigerator, which makes it a versatile dish that is usually taken with you on the road. Salami in cheese is a delicious delicacy that can also be made healthy if you cook it yourself.

To make salami sausage in cheese, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of pork
  • Half a kilo of beef
  • Half a kilo of fat
  • 3 g food sodium nitrate
  • 5 g sugar
  • 5 g pepper
  • 50 g cognac
  • 250 g of any hard cheese
  • 200 g salt
  • Intestines or food casings made of collagen

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and prepare the intestines.
  2. Prepare meat for fermentation. Cut it into thin slices along with bacon, sprinkle with salt and add sodium nitrate. Mix it all thoroughly so that each piece of meat and lard is evenly covered with salt on all sides. Store this meat for a week in a cool place. The temperature should be up to 4 degrees Celsius - a refrigerator will suit you.
  3. A week later, you can start cooking the stuffing itself. Ideally, you should cut the meat into small pieces with a knife, but this can take a long time. If you want an easier way, just scroll through the meat in a meat grinder.
  4. Add seasonings to the minced meat, remember it with your hands so that the lump becomes dense. Now leave the minced meat overnight in a cool place.
  5. Fill the intestines with minced meat.
  6. Hang the cooked sausages upright in a cool place. Leave them for three days.
  7. Melt the cheese and coat the sausages with it. Rub part of the cheese on a fine grater and roll the sausage in it.
  8. Leave the sausage for another couple of weeks in a dark place. Now your salami with cheese is ready.

Homemade liverwurst

This option is homemade sausage from offal and frozen broth. If you love liverwurst, you can also make it at home.

What you will need:

  • 1 kg lung
  • 1 kg heart
  • 300 g liver
  • 150 g fat
  • 0.5 l broth
  • 2 onions
  • 4 eggs
  • Ground spices, garlic and salt to taste
  • guts

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the lung and heart in separate pans. This will take approximately an hour.
  2. Finely chop the onion, lard and liver. Fry all this in a pan until cooked.
  3. Using a meat grinder, make minced meat from ready-made liver, onion, lung fat and heart.
  4. Crush the garlic or finely chop it and add to the minced meat, mixing everything thoroughly.
  5. Add spices and mix everything again. The stuffing should be homogeneous.
  6. Pass the minced meat through the combine again so that it becomes soft and tender - it almost acquires the consistency of a pate.
  7. Add eggs to mince. Gradually start pouring the broth, stirring everything thoroughly.
  8. Fill the intestines with minced meat, pierce them and leave to stand for a while. Then sausages can be cooked - fried or boiled.

How to cook sausage without intestines?

Many people prefer to cook sausage in the intestines - this is a natural casing that can be eaten. In addition, it is best suited for the formation of beautiful even sausages. However, some people don't like guts. In addition, preparing them takes a lot of time and effort - they have to be cleaned, washed and soaked several times. Moreover, they are often difficult to find in ordinary stores.

  • In some stores, you can find special food-grade collagen latex casings artificially made for making homemade sausages. They do not need to be soaked and washed - just take them out and use them to lay out the minced meat. But they are often hard to find and expensive.
  • If you do not want to make sausage in the intestines, you can replace them with cling film, foil or baking paper.
  • Absolutely any shell will do, which will give your minced meat an elongated shape. If you use such options, try to tamp the minced meat especially carefully: the size of the intestines is limited, and the minced meat in them will lie tightly by itself, which cannot be said about the film or foil casing.

Based on the recipes mentioned above, you can experiment and create your own way of making sausage - perhaps homemade sausage will become your signature dish.

Video: Homemade sausage recipe

How to cook homemade sausage - a step-by-step recipe for all beginners and those who know how, but forgot

As a child, my grandmother in the village made sausage herself. Doctoral, of course, they didn’t do, but a normal homemade sausage is often done. The recipe for homemade sausage has long been part of the family tradition. Meat homemade sausage cannot be compared with purchased sausage. Firstly, the quality of the products used can be personally controlled and there will be no need to worry about the freshness of meat and fat, the presence of a sufficient amount of spices and spices, and how fresh the sausage itself is!

Real homemade meat sausage is very tasty and juicy. A large amount of garlic gives it a characteristic rich garlic flavor, paprika helps keep the color of the meat, nutmeg and cognac add a peculiar flavor note.Let's try to cook sausage at home together!

  • Yield: 3 kg sausage
  • Preparation: 12 hours (approximately)
  • Cooking: 2 hours
  • Ready in: 14 hours (estimated)


  • 2-2.5 kg Pork (neck, shoulder, back)
  • 500-700 gr Salo (without sprouted)
  • 1 large head of garlic
  • 100 mlCognac or brandy
  • to tasteSalt, ground black pepper, dry herbs (basil, thyme, oregano), ground coriander

Homemade sausage. Recipe

Ground meat

Next is an important process - stuffing

  1. If your home electric meat grinder has a special nozzle, great! Everything is simple there: Remove the knives and the grate from the meat grinder, pull the intestine onto the nozzle, tie the tip of the intestine into a knot or cotton thread and drive the minced meat through the meat grinder. The bowel fills automatically and contracts as it fills from the device.

  2. Attention: do not fill very tightly. The sausage should yield easily when pressed. Fill tightly - it will burst when cooked.
  3. If there is no device, use a wire ring or a circle with scissors. And fill with your hands. We did that 20-25 years ago.
  4. Make sure there are no holes in the gut. If you find a hole, it makes sense to cut the intestine in this place.
  5. Here you go. The sausage is full. Now it needs to be put in the refrigerator overnight.

  6. In the morning. Check the sausages for holes in the casing.
  7. After that, it is worth rolling the sausages into spirals (rings) and tying them with cotton thread like “iris”. So it is more convenient to boil and fry the sausage.

  8. Next is an important point: the sausage casing must be pierced. In many places. Take a needle or toothpick. And you prick the shell on both sides with an interval of 4-5 cm. If voids filled with air are visible under the shell, pierce them.

    pierce the shell


  9. Pour water into a sufficiently large pot or cauldron - at a level of 10-15 cm. Boil. Carefully put a ring of sausage into the pan and cook from boiling for 3-5 minutes. If everything is done correctly, the sausage will not burst.
  10. Remember - Gashekovsky Baloun could not drive away from himself that unforgettable bright picture of how he pierces a sackcloth so that air comes out of it: otherwise it will burst during cooking.
  11. Boil all the sausages one by one.

  12. After cooking, take out the sausage and let cool and dry.
  13. frying

  14. The lard set aside the day before - the same 100-150 grams, must be melted in a frying pan to the state of dry greaves. Eat the cracklings immediately! And drain the fat into a ceramic dish and cool.

  15. Preheat the oven to 220-240 degrees.
  16. Lubricate sausages with fat from cracklings, put on baking sheets, put in the oven and fry, periodically turning over.

  17. Fry until the sausage is browned. It usually takes from an hour to an hour and a half. Readiness is determined by color. Ruddy - ready. Don't let it burn!

    Sausage can be eaten right away, or stored in the refrigerator, reheating as needed. In the villages, sausages were placed in ceramic dishes and filled with lard. So it was kept for a very long time.

  18. Homemade sausage is incredibly tasty.
  19. Here are a few of these recipes, and there it all depends on your taste.

    Homemade sausage from offal and meat

    • Pork - neck or fatty flank - 0.5 kg
    • Offal - lungs, heart, kidneys - 0.2 kg each
    • Allspice - 5g
    • Cumin - 10g
    • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
    • Pork blood - 100g.
    1. Meat and well-washed offal, without cutting, boil in salted water.
    2. Then cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder, add spices to this mass, salt to taste and add blood, also passed through a meat grinder, so that there are no lumps. Blood is added to give the meat viscosity.
    3. We fill the intestines with the minced meat, tie at both ends and leave for 30-40 minutes so that all the ingredients are well saturated.
    4. After that, we send it to a pot with boiled water, and when you notice that the minced meat under the shell begins to boil, you need to pierce the intestine with a thin needle in several places.
    5. Cook until cooked for 20-30 minutes, then pull out and lay on a tray to dry, you can bake in the oven.

    Homemade pork and beef sausage with garlic and onions

    • Pork - 1.0 kg
    • Beef - 0.5 kg
    • Raw onion - 0.1 kg
    • Fried onion - 0.1 kg
    • Ground black pepper - to taste
    • Garlic - 3 cloves
    • Salt - to taste.

    Grind the meat, mix all the ingredients, fill the shell and let it brew for a bit, then cook in the usual way.

    Poultry homemade sausage

    • Poultry meat - 1 kg
    • Salo - 0.3-0.5 kg
    • Ground pepper - to taste
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Salt - to taste.
    • Milk - 150-200ml
    • White loaf crumb - 100-150g
    • Protein from 3 eggs
    • Onion fried in oil - 100g
    1. Soak the loaf crumb in boiled and cooled milk.
    2. Add finely chopped poultry meat and lard (can be twisted into a meat grinder), overcooked onion and all other ingredients.
    3. Thoroughly knead, so that a homogeneous mass is obtained, resembling thick sour cream.
    4. We fill the shell and cook in the same way.
    5. The finished sausage is laid out on paper to cool and so that excess fat is absorbed.
    6. For long-term storage, homemade sausage is placed in ceramic, earthenware or glassware and poured with pork lard.
    7. After cooling, place in a refrigerator or cellar.

Well, the video, so that everything was completely right .. Good luck to you all ..

Which sausage is the most delicious for you? Probably homemade. The one made with the finest spices from selected meats. What you can buy in a store or supermarket has practically nothing to do with a real sausage. Since there is almost no real meat in its composition (30% - meat, 70% - ground offal, dyes, flavors, starch, flour, soy protein, etc.).

And homemade sausage is a real meat product, the aroma and taste of which is not familiar to everyone. Only this is already an argument to please yourself and loved ones with cooked homemade sausage.

Everyone can cook it at home, even a beginner. Only, the process is not very pleasant when you deal with the intestines. However, the sausage will be just chic! In addition, it can be stored much longer than store-bought and cooked as much as needed. It is perfect as a main dish for a picnic or for a family dinner.

Naturally, you can simplify the process a little bit by using an artificial casing instead of the intestines. It is now sold in many stores. However, if you want to cook according to old traditional recipes, then you can not use anything artificial. In addition, artificial casings are not as safe as real ones.

Sausage cooking sequence

The hardest part of making homemade sausages is preparing the casings that you will stuff with the meat. Under this, only fresh pork (less often - chicken, lamb or beef) intestines are suitable, which must be washed well under running water. It is better to immediately cut them into pieces approximately 30 centimeters long - firstly, this is the optimal size, and secondly, it will be easier to process.

The intestines washed from the outside must be turned out, and then cleaned of the mucus that covers their inner surface. We advise you to use the edge of a tablespoon or the back of a knife, putting the intestine on the board. Once the mucus is completely removed, they must be disinfected. To do this, put for 50-95 minutes in a weak alcohol solution (50 grams of vodka per liter of water) or a garden solution (two teaspoons of soda per liter of cold water).

While they are soaking, you can start cooking the minced meat. There are many different recipes. In addition, sausage is a unique dish that is experimented with a lot, changing the types of meat, adding various spices and ingredients.

homemade sausage

And here is one of the simple and very old recipes that tells how to make sausage at home. You will need: three teaspoons of salt, seven cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of ground pepper, 0.4 kilograms of lard, half a kilogram of veal, one kilogram of lean pork.

Salo and meat should be cut into small cubes, pepper and salt. Add half a glass of water and finely grated garlic there. Mix everything well. Remove the soaked intestines from the water, rinse in cold water and twist again. Now, using a special meat grinder nozzle or make it yourself, just cut off the top of the plastic bottle, and then put the minced meat in the prepared shell. Do not fill too tightly. When filled, tie both ends and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours so that the meat is completely soaked with garlic, pepper and salt.

Then grease a baking sheet with oil and put the sausages on it, having previously made approximately seven punctures on each. This is necessary so that the sausages do not “swell” when you cook, and excess liquid and heated air come out freely. Fry at 175 degrees for thirty minutes on each side.


Good liverwurst is very different from what is sold in stores. It is delicious, fragrant and melts in your mouth. To make it you need: two teaspoons of salt, half a spoonful of ground pepper, two cloves of garlic, five hundred grams of lard, beef, veal and beef liver.

Pass the beef liver through a meat grinder. Throw all the meat into the pan and start cooking. Remove the pork after five minutes, after it boils, veal - fifteen minutes, beef - twenty minutes.

The meat should be cooled, then passed through a meat grinder, while adding garlic. Mix liver with meat, add pepper and salt. After that, you can start stuffing your guts. Boil the finished sausages over medium heat for about 50 minutes. Liverwurst is stored and cooled in the refrigerator.

Smoked homemade sausage with onions

You need: a tablespoon of cognac, nutmeg, half a spoonful of ground pepper, one and a half teaspoons of salt, three cloves of garlic, one hundred grams of onion, five hundred grams of beef, one kilogram of bold pork.

Cut the meat into cubes 2x2 centimeters, salt and put in the refrigerator for two days. This is done so that it is salted. Then, draining excess water, pork and beef should be finely chopped, mixed with spices, salt, crushed garlic and finely chopped onion. Add cognac and mix well. After that, you can stuff the intestines with minced meat and leave the sausage for 2 days in a cool, dark place. Then smoke the sausage on cold smoke at 20 degrees until the intestine is wrinkled. Now leave the sausage for 25 days, hanging in a ventilated area. And only then they can be eaten, because they will acquire a specific smell, which is characteristic of sausage.

Hunting sausages at home

They need guts, but minced meat: three cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of pepper, two teaspoons of salt, a kilogram of bold pork, a kilogram of chicken fillet.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder with a large grate. Add minced garlic, pepper and salt to the minced meat. Mix well and leave for two hours so that the stuffing is evenly soaked. Stuff the intestines with minced meat and make a couple of punctures. Boil for fifteen minutes in salted water, then fry in a pan so that a golden crust appears. They are eaten both cold and hot.

These are just a couple of homemade sausage recipes. However, there are still a lot of them. And, despite the huge choice, there are general recommendations that should be followed.

Almost all varieties of sausage should have lard. This is done so that it has a delicate taste and is juicy.

You can make sausage not only according to standard recipes, but also using any additives: liquor, cognac, game meat, bell peppers, potatoes, cheese, olives and other spices.

If you want the sausages to act as a decoration for the festive table, it would be appropriate to use the original sprinkles. You can use, for example, ground or thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bnuts, as well as sesame seeds.

Video lessons

Now in the distribution network it is not difficult to find a natural casing for homemade sausage, it is sold in large supermarkets in the meat departments (called "Natural pork casings" or "Natural lamb casings"), you can also buy them in online stores. The shells are sold peeled and stored in a large amount of salt. But still, before starting to cook homemade sausage, I recommend cutting off a small piece of the shell and boiling it (10 minutes), then cool and try. The shell should be tasteless and odorless, if something is wrong, throw it away and cook something else from the meat. If everything is in order with the casing, then to fill the sausage, the casing should be washed well under running cold water from above and inside, poured with cold water and left for 30 minutes. -1.5 meters will be just right).


Meat and fat cut into small pieces. If the meat is fatty, then lard can be omitted, if the meat is lean, so that the sausage is not dry, it is better to add lard. The most successful way to grind meat for homemade sausage is to grind it in a meat grinder with a 4-hole grate (pictured). If there is no such grid, you can grind a little finer, or chop the meat finely with a knife.

To the chopped meat and lard, add black ground pepper, garlic crushed on garlic and salt. Salts of medium grinding for my taste, I put 1 tablespoon level (we took the salt into the spoon and removed the slide with my hand so that the salt level was at the edge of the spoon) per 1 kg. meat. By weight it is 15-17 gr. for 1 kg of meat.

We mix the minced meat and proceed to the filling of the sausage. We take out the knife and the grate from the meat grinder, insert the nozzle for stuffing sausages. I bought it in the same store as the shell for only 5 hryvnia (20 rubles). Lubricate the nozzle with vegetable oil and put the shell on the nozzle like a stocking. Tie the end of the shell into a knot.

We pierce the edge of the shell with a pin and begin to scroll through the minced meat through a meat grinder. So gradually fill the shell with minced meat.

Do not fill the meat very tightly into the casing, periodically twist the sausage several times, this is necessary for further convenience when folding it into a ring. You also need to sometimes pierce the shell with a pin. to release the air and when frying the shell will remain intact.

When all the shells are filled, you need to tie the ends into a knot or just tie with a thread. Then it's time to bake the sausage.

The tastiest sausage is baked in the oven in the sleeve. Such sausage turns out soft and ruddy. There is another big plus of this method of baking sausages - this is that the oven remains clean after such baking.

We place the sausage in the sleeve, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, pinch, put on a baking sheet and send to preheated to 180 ° C. oven. After 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook the sausage until lightly blushed (another 20 minutes). Then turn off the oven and leave the sausage for another 10 minutes.

During cooking, a lot of liquid and fat will flow out of the sausage. If you bake in the sleeve, then the fat remains in the sleeve and not in the pan. The only thing that is a little inconvenient is that you cannot turn the sausage in the sleeve and it may not be as ruddy from below as from above. It doesn't affect the taste in any way.

If you bake sausage without a sleeve, then you need to put dry twigs of a fruit tree (I have a cherry) on the bottom of the mold in which you bake the sausage and pour a little water on the bottom of the mold. It is necessary to put the sausage on the branches and it will not burn and will still receive aroma from the branches.

The temperature regime and baking time are the same as when baking in a sleeve. With this method of baking, the sausage can be turned over for an even blush. If the sausage ring is large, it is better to tie it together in several places with threads, then the sausage will not break when turned over.

You can also tie a sausage ring, boil it for 5 minutes, then bake it on branches in the oven. According to the 2nd and 3rd baking methods, the sausage will also turn out to be very tasty, but a little drier than when baking in a sleeve.

Sausage at home it is prepared simply, and you will get a whole sea of ​​pleasure from a tasty and high-quality product.
