
Preparation of dishes from cutlet mass. Assortment and technology of cooking dishes from meat cutlet mass

Products from cutlet mass prepared in fried, stewed and baked form. In order for the products to be lush, tasty and juicy, they are fried immediately before the holiday on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven. Readiness is determined by the appearance of white bubbles on the surface of the products. Losses during heat treatment of products from cutlet mass are 19%. When you leave the products poured with melted butter, meat juice or pour the sauce.

Cutlets, meatballs with garnish. Prepared semi-finished cutlets or meatballs are placed on a baking sheet or a frying pan heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust is formed, put in an oven and brought to readiness. When vacationing for portion dish or put a side dish on a plate, next to it - cutlets, pour over with melted butter or add sauces red, onion, red with onions and gherkins, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with onions. Served with plain or complicated side dish. On vacation, meatballs are placed in a ram and poured with sour cream sauce, sour cream with onions.

Prepared semi-finished products for the "chopped schnitzel" dish are fried and released in the same way as cutlets.

Zrazy chopped. Prepared zrazy are placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust is formed and brought to readiness in an oven.

When on vacation, a garnish is placed on a portioned dish or plate - buckwheat or rice porridge, mashed potatoes, next - zrazy (1-2 pieces per serving), pour over with oil or add red or onion sauce.

Meatballs. Prepared semi-finished meatballs are placed on a baking sheet in one row, fried on a stove or in an oven, poured with red, tomato or sour cream sauce with tomato and stewed for 10–12 minutes in an oven. Meatballs can be deep-fried, then placed in a shallow dish in 1-2 rows, pour over the sauce and simmer.

When on vacation, a side dish is put in a lamb or a plate - crumbly rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes, next to meatballs, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, sprinkle with chopped parsley, you can sprinkle with chopped garlic.

Meatballs baked under sour cream sauce with rice (in Cossack). Loose rice porridge is seasoned with sautéed tomato and placed on a portioned frying pan greased with fat, two fried meatballs are placed on the porridge, poured with sour cream or sour cream with tomato sauce and baked. They are released in the same portioned pan in which they were baked, sprinkled with chopped parsley when released.

Roll with pasta. The prepared roll is baked for 30-40 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 220-230 ° C. Ready roll cut into portions.

When vacationing, put 1-2 pieces of roll on a portioned dish or plate and pour red or onion sauce, you can pour meat juice. If the roll is stuffed with browned onions and eggs, then a side dish is put on vacation.

Cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, zrazy with garnish. Ready p / f spread on a heated pan with fat, fry on both sides, bring to readiness in the oven. When serving, pour meat juice, oil.

Dishes - a small dinner plate or a metal dish.

Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried from boiled or raw, boiled vegetables with butter, pea mash, vegetable stew, stewed cabbage.

Sauces - red, onion, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with tomato.

Roll with pasta. D to prepare cutlet mass take less bread. On a moistened napkin or gauze, the mass is laid out in the form of a rectangle 2-1.5 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle of it along the length. The mass is connected with a napkin so that one edge of the mass is slightly on the other, shaped into a loaf and shifted seam down from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet. The surface of the roll is smeared with ice cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and punctures are also made so that cracks do not form during heat treatment.

For stuffing you can use boiled pasta, seasoned with oil, vegetable, minced mushroom, boiled egg.

The prepared roll is baked for 30-40 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 210-220 degrees in an oven. The finished roll is cut into portions. Warm up.

When on vacation, 1-2 pieces of roll are placed on a portioned dish or plate and poured over with red or onion sauce, you can pour over meat juice.

Meatballs with garnish. Prepared p / f meatballs are placed on a baking sheet in one row, fried on a stove or in an oven, poured with red, tomato or sour cream sauce with tomato and stewed for 10-12 minutes in an oven. Meatballs can be deep-fried, then put in a shallow dish in 1-2 rows, pour over the sauce and simmer.

On vacation, they put a side dish in a lamb or a plate - crumbly rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes, next to meatballs, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Meatballs. Prepared semi-finished products are placed on a baking sheet in one row, fried on a stove or in an oven, poured with red, tomato or sour cream sauce with tomato and stewed for 10-12 minutes in an oven.

When you leave, put a side dish in a lamb or a plate - crumbly rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes, meatballs next to it, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Cossack meatballs. Loose rice porridge is seasoned with sautéed tomato and placed on a portioned frying pan, greased, two fried meatballs are placed on the porridge, poured with sour cream or sour cream with tomato sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked. They are released in the same portioned pan in which they were baked, sprinkled with chopped parsley when released.

offal dishes

Kidneys fried in breadcrumbs (brooch). Veal kidneys are stripped of excess fat and capsules, washed, dried, cut lengthwise and unfolded (like a book). Then they are breaded in flour, moistened in lezon and breaded in breadcrumbs. Prepared kidneys are chopped off with a skewer made of wire or a splinter, deep-fried and roasted in an oven. Before vacation, the skewer is replaced with a figured one. Garnish - potatoes fried in fat (straws). The dish is decorated with lettuce. Green oil is placed on top of the kidneys.

Fried liver. The liver is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving, sprinkled with pepper, salt, breaded in flour and fried until a crispy crust is formed, brought to readiness in the Oven. Garnish - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, pour over with oil when serving. When frying, you need to ensure that the liver is not overcooked, because when | As a result, the quality of the food deteriorates drastically. The liver is served with fried onions or topped with sour cream sauce.

Liver Stroganoff . The liver is cut into cubes 3-4 cm long, sprinkled with salt, pepper, fried in a well-heated pan with fat for 3-4 minutes, browned is added. onion, sour cream sauce, bring to a boil. Released with fried, boiled, mashed potatoes.

Brains fried . Brains are boiled in salted and acidified water, dried, cut into slices, salted, breaded in flour, moistened in lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fried. Brains are released, poured with oil, with a slice of lemon | and parsley or boiled lemon juice with butter and parsley and this is poured over the brains. Garnish - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, green pea. You can fry brains with a small amount of fat. To do this, they are breaded only in flour.

Liver stewed in sauce . The liver is cut into portions, sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fried on both sides until half cooked (5-10 minutes). Then fill the liver with sauce (sour cream, sour cream with onion, sour cream with tomato and onion) and stew for 15-20 minutes. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled or fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat.

Heart, lung and other offal in sauce . The heart, lung and other offal are boiled separately with the addition of vegetables until tender, cut into pieces (20-30 g) and fried, put in a saucepan, poured with red sauce and stewed for 15-20 minutes. Garnish - fried potatoes, boiled pasta, etc.

Braised tripes . Prepared scars are placed in cold water (3 liters per 1 kg), roots, salt, spices are added and boiled for 4-5 hours. Cooked scars are cut in the form of noodles, browned carrots, onions, parsley, a bouquet of spices, lemon juice are added, poured white or tomato sauce and stew for about half an hour. Release the scars with boiled potatoes, sprinkle with herbs.

Kidneys in Russian . Boiled beef or raw lamb, veal and pig kidneys cut into slices and fried, then pour the main red sauce, add browned carrots, onions, white roots, cut into slices, and after 5-10 minutes - fried potatoes. At the end of the stew, pickled cucumbers, peeled from the skin and seeds, are put, seasoned with crushed garlic. Potatoes can be fried and stewed separately.

For the production of cutlet mass, beef (neck pulp, flank and trimmings), pork (trimmings that are obtained when cutting carcasses) and mutton (neck pulp, trimmings) are used. It is better to use meat from well-fed animals with a fat content of up to 10%. If the meat is lean, then add bacon or lard.

The meat is cleaned, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Stale wheat bread made from flour of at least grade I is soaked in cold water or milk. The meat is combined with bread, put salt, ground pepper, mix well, pass through a meat grinder and beat out, from which the mass is enriched with air, becomes more homogeneous and the products are lush.

When working in a meat grinder, meat is pushed into the machine only with a wooden pestle, and not by hand. It is forbidden to work without the safety ring. Replaceable mechanisms are attached or removed to the universal drive only after the meat grinder is turned off.

Electric meat grinder

Before starting work, the universal drive trolley must be locked with screws. When deboning meat, workers must use protective chain mail. The handles of all knives must be carefully fixed, the corners of production tables and bathtubs must be rounded. Foot gratings must be installed on the floor next to the production tables.

Electric meat grinder Norm per 1 kg of meat: wheat bread - 250 g, water or milk - 300 g, salt - 20 g, ground pepper - 1 g.

The following semi-finished products are prepared from the cutlet mass.

Chopped cutlets. The cutlet mass is hung in portions of 57 g, breaded in red breading, given an oval-flattened shape (thickness 2–2.5 cm, length 10–12, width 5 cm).

Chopped meatballs. The cutlet mass is hung in portions of 57 g, breaded and given a flattened round shape (thickness 2–2.5 cm, diameter 6 cm).

Cutlets and meatballs can be cooked with the addition of onions or garlic (raw onions 5–8 g or garlic 0.5–0.8 g). In this case, the products are immediately subjected to heat treatment, since the cutlet mass becomes gray, the structure and quality of the products deteriorate.

Schnitzel chopped. The cutlet mass is prepared with a smaller amount of bread (for 1 kg of meat 200 g of bread), it is portioned, breaded, given an oval-flattened shape with a thickness 1 cm.

Zrazy chopped. The cutlet mass is prepared as for a schnitzel, portioned, shaped into a circle 1 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle, the edges of the circles are connected, breaded in red breading and molded in the form of a brick with oval edges. For minced meat, browned onions are taken, which are combined with boiled chopped eggs, parsley, salt, ground pepper and mixed.

Semi-finished products from cutlet mass

Meatballs. The cutlet mass is prepared as for a schnitzel, browned onions are added, then portioned, shaped into balls and breaded in flour.

Roll. Cutlet mass is prepared as for a schnitzel. The mass is laid out on a moistened napkin or gauze in the form of a rectangle 1.5–2 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle. The mass is connected with a napkin so that one edge of the mass is slightly on the other, shaped into a loaf and shifted seam down onto a greased baking sheet. The surface of the roll is smeared with an egg, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and punctures are made so that cracks do not form during heat treatment. For minced meat, use boiled pasta seasoned with oil, or boiled chopped eggs, or browned onions.

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Homemade cutlets

Cutlet meat of beef or pork with the addition of pork or beef crude fat pass through a meat grinder, add onions, egg, water, soaked and squeezed bread, salt, pepper, crackers, mix and again pass through a meat grinder. The resulting cutlet mass is well kneaded. From lush mass We form cutlets and fry in a pan until cooked. Serve with a side dish, drizzle with butter, or margarine, or sauce.

Products for 5 servings: 200 g beef (cutlet meat), 100 g pork (cutlet meat), 10 g raw pork fat, 20 g of onion, 20 g of crackers, 1/2 egg, 50 g of wheat bread, 100 ml of water, salt, pepper, 50 g of melted animal fat, 750 g of garnish, 250 g of sauce or 50 g of butter or margarine.

We cut schnitzels from the pulp of the back leg of veal, or lamb, or goat meat. Portions we beat off, loosen (we make a lot of punctures with the end of a knife or a fork), moisten in a lezon and bread in breadcrumbs. Breaded schnitzels are fried on both sides in a pan.

When serving, put the schnitzel on a side dish, pour over with melted butter and put a slice of lemon without peel on top. Garnish - all kinds of potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant.

Products for 5 servings: 700 g of veal hind leg pulp, or 750 g of lamb or goat meat, 1 egg, a pinch of salt and 60 ml of water for the lezon, 150 g of crackers, 60 g of rendered animal fat, 750 g of garnish, 50 g butter, 5 circles of lemon.

Meatballs baked in Cossack style

We prepare the cutlet mass, from which we form meatballs with moistened hands, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan until half cooked. We prepare friable rice porridge, mix it with browned tomato puree and butter, spread on a greased pan, put the meatballs fried until half cooked on top, pour sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or pork, or lamb, 100 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of water or milk, 50 g of breadcrumbs, 30 g of melted animal fat, 250 g rice groats, 500 ml water, 50 g margarine, 50 g tomato puree, salt, pepper, 500 g sauce, 20 g cheese (grated).

Moscow Liver Schnitzel

We thoroughly wash the liver, cut out large blood vessels and separate the films covering it. We cut the processed liver into wide pieces about 1 cm thick, slightly beat off with the blunt side of the knife, but so that the pieces retain their shape, salt, pepper and bread in breadcrumbs, not very finely ground. We fry the schnitzel in melted lard in a frying pan. Serve with mashed potatoes or bean puree, put browned onions on top of the schnitzel.

Products for 5 servings: 850 g raw unprocessed beef liver, 100 g crackers, 80 g melted bacon, 750 g garnish, 100 g browned onions, salt, pepper.

Schnitzel chopped

Cutlet beef cut in small pieces and together with pork fat we pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, water or milk and knead.

From the resulting mass we form cakes oval shape 7 - 8 mm thick (one piece per serving), sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in egg, bread in ground breadcrumbs and fry on the stove in a pan. Drizzle with butter or margarine when serving, serve with fried potatoes.

Products for 5 servings: 700 g pork (cutlet meat) or 600 g lamb, 100 g raw lamb fat or 600 g beef (cutlet meat), 100 g pork or raw beef fat, 60 ml of water, 1 egg, 100 g of crackers, 60 g of melted animal fat, 750 g of garnish, 50 g of butter or margarine, salt, pepper.

Cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels

Cut beef cutlet meat into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, water or milk and knead. From this mass, wetting our hands in water, we form products of an oval-flattened shape with a pointed end (cutlets) or a round-flattened shape 2–2.5 cm thick (meatballs) or a flat-oval shape, 1 cm thick (schnitzels).

Cutlets, meatballs and schnitzels can be cooked with the addition of onions and garlic. The molded products are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried as described in the heat treatment methods. Serve with a side dish, drizzle with butter, or margarine, or sauce.

Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled pasta and legumes, stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes. Sauces - tomato, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sour cream with onion. If desired, you can put in a mass of 50 g of onion and 3 cloves of garlic (5 g). By this amount, water or milk should be reduced.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g chopped cutlet meat of beef, or pork, or lamb, 90 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of water or milk, 50 g of ground crackers, 30 g of melted animal fat, 750 g of garnish, 250 g of sauce or 40 g butter.

Hedgehog meatballs

Grind cutlet meat in a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, finely chopped sautéed onion, boiled friable rice, mix and form meatballs in the form of balls of 3-4 pieces. per serving. We bread the balls in flour, fry in a pan, transfer to a shallow dish in 1 - 2 rows, pour sauce with water and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes.

Serve the meatballs with a side dish and the sauce in which they were stewed. Sauce - tomato or sour cream with tomato. Side dishes - boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g beef (cutlet meat), or pork, or lamb, 60 ml of water, 150 g boiled rice, 60 g of sautéed onions, salt, pepper, 40 g of flour, 40 g of melted animal fat, 400 g of sauce, 100 ml of water, 600 g of garnish.

Country style cue balls

We pass beef together with raw beef or pork fat through a meat grinder with a large grill, add finely chopped raw onion, water, salt, sprinkle with pepper and mix. We form meatballs from minced meat (1 piece per serving), bread them in flour, fry, put on a saucepan, pour sauce (onion or mushroom with onions) and simmer for 10-15 minutes, adding broth as necessary. Serve with stewed potatoes and the sauce in which the cue balls were stewed.

Country-style cue balls are prepared in a different way. We put part of the browned onion on the bottom of the saucepan, put boiled dried or dried onion on top. fresh mushrooms and fried cue balls, again a layer of onions and mushrooms, pour mushroom broth and simmer until done.

Garnish preparation: cut the potatoes into large cubes, fry until tender, then mix with carrots, cut into medium cubes and fried separately also until tender, raw finely chopped onion, sautéed with tomato puree, pour broth and simmer until tender. At the end of the stew, add Bay leaf, pepper and salt.

Products for 5 servings: 750 g of beef meat, 100 ml of water, 100 g of onion, 25 g (1 tablespoon) wheat flour, 25 g of raw fat, 750 g of garnish.

For the sauce: 25 g dry mushrooms, 250 ml mushroom broth, 200 g onion, 100 g tomato paste, 25 g of fat for passivation, pepper, bay leaf. Products for 5 servings of garnish: 750 g potatoes, 100 g carrots, 150 g onions, 50 g tomato paste, 50 g fat, salt, spices.

Meatballs in tomato

Prepare minced meat, add finely chopped green onion(previously sorted and washed) or a head of grated onion and mix it all well. Then cut balls weighing 20 - 30 g each from minced meat, roll them in flour and fry on all sides in oil in a heated frying pan.

Put the fried meatballs in a shallow pan, add tomato puree, a glass meat broth, 1 - 2 bay leaves, 5 - 6 peppercorns (or 1/10 capsicum), 2 - 3 cloves of garlic mashed with salt, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meatballs over low heat for 10 - 20 minutes, then season with salt, a spoon acute tomato sauce and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley when serving. Garnish with boiled rice, buckwheat porridge, fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. For 500 g of meat (pulp) - 100 g of green onions or a head of onion, 1/2 cup of tomato puree, 100 g white bread, 2 tbsp flour and 2 tbsp oil.

Hare meatballs in sour cream with onions

We cut the meat from the carcass of the hare, clean it from films and tendons, sprinkle with salt and pepper and pass it through a meat grinder along with bread soaked in milk and lard(bacon). We mix everything well and form meatballs, which we bread in flour.

Put the meatballs in a pan with hot ghee, around them we lay raw, sliced ​​onions and fry the meatballs, stirring the onions. Fried meatballs and onions, without removing from the pan, pour sour cream and boil.

When serving as a side dish, put the meatballs with onions, pour over the sour cream in which they were prepared. Sprinkle the dish with parsley or dill. Side dishes - boiled or mashed potatoes or boiled pasta.

Products for 5 servings: 600 g of rabbit meat, 100 g of wheat bread, 150 ml of milk, 100 g pork fat, salt, pepper, 30 g flour, 300 g onion, 50 g melted butter, 150 g sour cream, 750 g garnish, greens.

Rabbit cutlets

Wash the carcass of the rabbit, separate the meat from the bones, cut it into pieces and pass it through a meat grinder along with internal lard or lard. We combine the chopped meat with bread soaked in water or milk, put salt, pepper, mix well and pass through a meat grinder again, after which we knock out the mass. From the resulting cutlet mass, we form cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a pan, bring to readiness in the oven.

Serve cutlets with a side dish and sauce or pour over melted margarine. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled green peas, mashed potatoes. Sauces - tomato or milk with onions.

Products for 5 servings: 600 g rabbit meat, 20 g internal fat or bacon, 150 g of wheat bread, 200 ml of water or milk, salt, pepper, 100 g of ground crackers, 50 g of margarine, 750 g of garnish, 250 g of sauce or 50 g of margarine.

Zrazy chopped

Cutlet meat of beef (pork, veal) with the addition of pork or beef raw fat is passed through a meat grinder, add an egg, water, soaked and squeezed bread, salt, pepper, crackers, mix and again pass through a meat grinder. We form cakes 1 cm thick from the cutlet mass. Put the minced meat in the middle of the cake (chopped sautéed onions and greens, chopped boiled eggs). After that, we connect the edges of the cake, bread in breadcrumbs, give them an oval-flattened shape and fry. Serve with garnish and sauce. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables with butter. Sauces - tomato or sour cream.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or veal, or pork, 100 g of wheat bread, 100 ml of water or milk, salt, pepper, 50 g of rendered animal fat, minced meat: 300 g of onion, 40 g of fat baked animal, 1 egg, 20 g parsley (greens); 60 g ground crackers, 500 g garnish, 250 g sauce.

Cutlet meat of beef (pork, lamb) with the addition of pork or beef raw fat is passed through a meat grinder, add water, soaked and squeezed bread, salt, pepper, mix and again pass through a meat grinder. Add chopped sautéed onion to the prepared cutlet mass (you can add green onions). Next, mix and form in the form of balls of 3 - 4 pcs. per serving, breaded in flour, fry to a crust on all sides in a pan, transfer to a shallow dish in 1 - 2 rows, pour sauce diluted with water, and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes.

Serve the meatballs with a side dish and the sauce in which they were stewed. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. Sauce - tomato or sour cream with tomato.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or pork, or lamb, or goat meat, 80 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of milk or water, 120 g of onion, 20 g of melted fat (for sautéing onions), 40 g flour, salt, pepper, 40 g melted animal fat, 400 g sauce, 100 ml water, 500 g garnish.

Cutlets baked with milk sauce

We prepare the cutlet mass, form cutlets from it and, without breading, put them on a greased baking sheet or a large frying pan. We make a deepening along the length of the patty in the middle, fill it with a thick milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Serve cutlets with a side dish and pour tomato sauce on the side. Side dishes - boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables with butter.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat) or veal, 100 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of water or milk, 300 g of minced meat - thick milk sauce, 50 g of butter or margarine, 20 g of cheese (grated), 500 g garnish, 250 g tomato sauce, salt, pepper.

As you know, the cutlet mass is prepared from the pulp of the meat of the shoulder blades, neck, flank, as well as from scraps of other parts of the carcass. Of course, food dietary value cutlet mass increases if parts of the carcass are used for its preparation, which contain few connective tissue proteins. In any case, the meat used to prepare the cutlet mass is stripped of tendons, fascia and bruised areas. The semi-finished product necessarily prepared in this way is passed through a meat grinder twice, and in some cases three times. Moreover, each subsequent grating should have smaller holes than the previous one. If the cutlet mass is not intended for patients diabetes, then wheat bread soaked in water and then squeezed out is added to it. Stale wheat bread is most suitable for this purpose. Chopped meat and the bread is well stirred and once again passed through a meat grinder with a medium grate. According to diets No. 7, 10, salt is not added to the cutlet mass. Dietary goals steamed cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, zrazy, meatballs and rolls are most suitable, i.e. when these products are cooked on a grill steam pan. If for special strict diets it is required to remove as much as possible from the cutlet mass of nitrogen-containing extractives and purine bases, then it is advisable to boil products from such a mass in boiling water.

When a piece of meat weighing 100 g is boiled until cooked, approximately 65% ​​of nitrogen-containing extractive substances turn out to be in the broth, when boiling a pure (without bread) cutlet - about 50, from a cutlet with bread - about 40, and when replacing bread with boiled rice - no more than 30 % nitrogen-containing extractives. Approximately 70% of these compounds remain in the steamed bread patty. For heart disease, blood vessels and kidneys with such cutlets is also better not to get carried away. A piece boiled beef compared to steam cutlets, the food is more dietary. A fairly common dish made from cutlet mass is a steam roll. To do this, the cutlet mass is laid out in an even layer 1.5 cm thick on a two-layer gauze moistened with water. In the middle, either boiled rice with herbs, or a hard-boiled egg and finely chopped, or other minced meat are also laid in an even layer. Then, lifting the gauze on one side, cover the minced meat - the filling in such a way that the edges of the cutlet mass layer are connected to each other. After that, it remains to roll the roll with a seam down from gauze onto the grate of a steam pan and steam it. You can steam the roll, leaving it in gauze.

Diet Meatballs- these are small balls of 10 - 12 pcs. per serving, steam them, or simply boil them in a saucepan, dropping them into boiled water, or boil them in a saucepan, pouring them warm water. To prepare a portion of meat dumplings, it is taken (in g): beef - 100, milk - 30, butter - 5 and vegetable oil 3, wheat flour - 3 - 5.

per portion of meat steam cutlets on diets No. 1, 5a, 5, 15 take (in g): beef - 100, wheat bread- 15, butter - 5, vegetable oil - 3, water - 15. For the same portion of steam cutlets, but on the Xa 4 diet, 8-10 g of boiled rice is taken instead of bread. To prepare a portion of meat steam cutlets baked with milk sauce, you need to take (in g): beef - 100, wheat bread - 15, milk - 50, wheat flour - 3, water - 15. Cutlets are baked as follows: steamed cutlets put in a saucepan moistened with water, cook white sauce, fill them with cutlets and bake them in the oven. And this is a recipe for meat steam roll stuffed with rice and herbs. Taken (in g): beef - 100, butter, rice and greens - 10 each, vegetable oil - 3 - 5, wheat bread - 15, eggs - 1/6 - 1/4 pcs., water - 15 - all this for one serving.
