
Riddles about bread for children in Belarusian. Proverbs, sayings, riddles about bread

Riddles about bread and other products will definitely be guessed by children of different ages. That is why it is worth considering how to organize a developmental lesson in a playful way for your child. Both boys and girls love to play together with moms and dads. This means that they will definitely be pleased with the decision of their parents to play with riddles.

Why does a child need riddles

Logic questions that need to be answered are often perceived by moms and dads as a game. But in vain! After all, riddles about bread or other food, which, of course, children know about, in addition to entertainment, will also help:

  • Determine the degree of logical thinking in a son or daughter.
  • Understand how a child has a developed fantasy.
  • Check the level of knowledge and degree of training.
  • Determine how diligent the baby is.
  • To see if a boy or a girl thinks broadly.

These are just some of the factors that indicate that puzzles about bread, as well as other food products, are not only interesting, but also very useful for the child. Therefore, parents should arrange such events for their child more often.

Fascinating puzzles about bread for the little ones

Of course, when it comes to for a son or daughter, the age category should be taken into account. For kids under six years old, the following puzzles about bread are suitable:

Without it, it is difficult to imagine any food.

Sometimes white, sometimes black.

There are a lot of them in the shop window to see,

You can also bake your own in the oven.

Why does our grandfather put sausage for lunch?

And you put cheese on it, such a sandwich is nice to you.

Borodino, black, white,

They call it ... (bread)

The grandmother kneaded the dough, put yeast in it.

I left it in the pan overnight, put the dough in the oven in the morning.

It turned out for lunch, fragrant, soft ... (bread)

Sandwiches without it did not work out for anyone.

Fragrant, soft, fragrant,

It makes soup much more enjoyable.

Yes, and they take potatoes, at least a little,

And just a sandwich with him flies right into your mouth.

Oil is smeared on it,

And put the sausage on top.

He is white and black

Tell me, what will everyone call him?

Required for dinner

Yes, they take it for breakfast.

crispy crust,

Inside the pulp is fragrant, inviting with a smell.

Black, white, Borodino,

They put sausage and sausages on it,

Topped with cheese

The sandwiches are delicious.

Little kids will like such puzzles about bread with answers, and they will definitely find answers to questions. Therefore, it is worth taking note of such options for logical tasks.

Riddles about bread for school children

Boys and girls who are already studying will be able to find answers to more difficult questions. Therefore, they can guess the following riddles about bread:

Without him, neither here nor there,

They say that he is the head of everything.

Spikelets grew in the field,

As they ripened, they were collected.

Flour made from grains

Then the dough was kneaded.

They put it in the oven

What is it about?

With him, guests are met, escorted,

Salt is placed nearby

So, the guests are very welcome.

Everyone is greeted with him and with salt,

Delicious tea is served.

Jam will be smeared on it,

Even tastier than cookies.

Fragrant is taken out of the oven,

Crispy crust, pulp inside.

They cut with a knife and carry to the table,

Someone eats like this

And some even put sausage.

Without it, soup is not soup,

Yes, they serve it with potatoes.

Food in spoons and forks

And they take it by hand

Yes, sometimes oil is smeared.

Grandma kneaded the dough

I put yeast in it.

Served it with soup

What did she bake?

Such puzzles about bread are quite suitable for developing activities with a school-age child. Therefore, moms and dads should take note of such rhyming puzzles for daughters and sons.

How to motivate your child to participate

Just like that, participating in any activities is boring and not interesting. Therefore, every parent must figure out how to captivate the child. The ideal solution would be:

In general, every parent knows his son or daughter very well. Therefore, he will definitely be able to figure out how to make the event as exciting and interesting as possible for the child. For a child, the most important thing is the attention of parents. Even the most banal and monotonous entertainment will be appreciated.

They call him the head of everything,
Never drop on the floor.
He grew up and got stronger in the oven,
This is our favorite ... (bread.)

Black and white,
Sometimes burnt,
It crunches deliciously with a crust,
Always on the table
Baked from flour
How is he named? (Bread.)

red pigtail,
Bread sister,
Eating with tea
Tell me what we call it? (Bulka.)

I am a brick
I am round
If I break, I crumble
What is my name? (Bread.)

They hit with stones
crumple hands,
Burnt in the oven
but not amazed.
Who is this? (Bread.)

She grew up under the hot sun, on the field, and when she matured, she ended up in captivity.
Then she froze for a long time in the mill and found herself in the kitchen.
It was kneaded in a soft dough and transferred to a hot oven.
Now it looks like a red mountain, tell me who is it? ... (Bulka.)

By Easter, to the delight of the hostess, we are languishing in the oven,
you ask who we are? The answer is ... (Kulich.)

Fluffy and soft
Served with soup
They cut into slices and eat the soup with them. (Bread.)

If dinner is in the family, then it is always on the table. (Bread.)

They shook the spikelets with a combine, threshed the vise of the mill,
I became rye flour and I got to the factory, where they kneaded me in dough and decided to bake me in the oven.
And here I am on your table, give me a name! (Bread.)

soft, fluffy,
fragrant and fragrant,
I got from the oven to the table,
She became red like a fox.
Oiling and biting is about me
Tell me friends, who am I? (Bulka.)

Other riddles:

Picture Bread

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about the Nightingale for children with answers

    In the spring it sings beautifully, Arrives from the fields, Our beloved ... (Nightingale).

  • Riddles about the Dog for children with answers

    For strangers, I am very formidable, For my own, I am affectionate. I guard the house day and night. And I'm very picky about food. I'll bury the bone in the yard. I will stock up. What is everyone calling me guys? I am a man's best friend, because I am (a dog).

Almost all peoples of the world had a cult of bread. This also applies to the Slavs. The veneration of bread by them by archaeologists has been recorded since the 5th century. In Rus', this cult is reflected in many proverbs, sayings, rituals and other genres of folklore.

Respect for bread still matters today. This is nothing but respect for work. To bring it up in a child means to bring up a cultured person.

Riddles about bread from this page can become an element of such a conversation. They concern not only the bread itself, but also the process of its production. Here are presented both ancient and modern author's riddles.

Mouth and ride
Tempered in an oven
And then at the table
Cut with a knife.

A bowl of soup between the elbows
And he is in the hands of everyone in chunks.
Without it, apparently
Not tasty and not satisfying!

Grew up in the field as a spikelet,
I'm lying on the table.

There are such words:
"He is the head of everything"
Crisp dressed
Soft black, white .. (bread).

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
And it gets burned.


We are rye bricks
In a hot baked oven.
Loaded onto the car
Buy in the store!

Spring in the ground
And the whole year is on the table.


You remember soon
Who is the source of crackers?

It was like this:
At some point
Puff-puff-puff was born!
Puff puffed, puffed, puffed,
Until I got into the oven.
Came out of there not puffing
And a miracle:
ruddy, shiny,
With a crispy crust!

Black Mountain,
And everyone is nice.

In it is our health, strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected.
In it - the earth's native juice,
The sun's light is cheerful in it ...
Gobble up both cheeks
Grow rich!

He is round and buttery,
Moderately cool, salted, -
Smells like sunshine.
Smells like a burning field.

Born in the field
Useful for lunch.

Grew up first in the wild in the field.
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough,
Took a seat in the store.

They beat me with sticks
Press me with stones
Keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love.

In one big factory
He is not like a brick,
In a fire-breathing furnace
Bricks are baked.
I bought a brick for lunch
After all, you need ... (bread) for dinner.

It's been placed on the table.

Grows without roots
Gets up without bones.

What is more beautiful than the sun?

I scatter with time
I collect from time to time
I myself am full
And I feed people.

The white white was walking in the field;
Came home, went hand in hand.

And lumpy, and nostril,
And soft, and brittle, but sweeter than everyone.

Lumpy, nosy,
And gubato, and humpbacked, and firmly,
And soft, and round, and brittle,
And black and white, and all nice.

Thanks to progress, today every home has things that our ancestors could not even dream of. As for the products, there are more than enough of them, so that some people even throw away the excess. Unfortunately, bread is often among the discarded food. Those who do this simply forget that this product was once one of the most important and revered. The presence of bread in the house was a sign of prosperity not only among the Slavs, but among all peoples, and the person who threw it away was despised. So, the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen has a story about a girl who stepped on bread with her foot. It describes the misfortunes and torments that befell the fool for such an unacceptable act.

For the Slavs, bread was not just food, but also had a symbolic meaning. Most folk rituals were associated with this food product. Numerous counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles about bread have been preserved, which were used both in these rituals and simply in everyday life.

The meaning of bread in the life of ancestors

The Slavs always ate a lot of bread, extremely surprising foreigners, who preferred to eat it only on certain occasions. This was due to the fact that the Slavs from ancient times were grain growers and needed hearty food in order to be able to do hard work on the ground.

These and similar sayings were dedicated to bread by ordinary people, who, although they ate it all the time, for them every meal with this product was equated to a holiday.

It is noteworthy that among the ancestors, the word bread meant several concepts at once. First, the food itself; secondly, the rye and wheat from which it is made; and thirdly, the word bread sometimes meant a means of subsistence, not without reason the beggars asked to give "for bread."

As in human society, so among the varieties of bread there was a clear distinction. Poor people most often ate rye bread, as it was cheaper and more satisfying. “Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father,” said one of the old sayings. Although among the rye bread there were also expensive varieties that were bought only by wealthy people, for example, “Boyarsky” bread.

The phrase "sitny friend" originally referred to bread. The fact is that in the presence of numerous (there were about 5) types of flour, they were all divided into 2 huge groups: sieve flour (sifted with a sieve) and sieve flour (sifted with a sieve, it was considered coarser). Different ingredients were used in making bread from these two types of flour. So, sieve bread was made on the basis of curdled milk (sometimes whey), and sieve bread was made on the basis of kvass or plain water.

From more expensive wheat flour, pies were baked for the holidays. Often only wealthy people could eat wheat pastries. “Khlebushko is a grandfather’s roll,” said a popular proverb, recalling the connection between these products.

Among other things, bread was an integral part of any folk ritual: whether it was a meeting of guests, a matchmaking, a wedding or christening. Many poems, proverbs, riddles about bread were elements of one or another folk ritual. By the way, the round shape of the bread had a magical meaning - it symbolized the earth, generously giving food to all workers.

Sayings and proverbs about bread and labor

Today, most people buy bread in stores or bake it from purchased flour. And in the old days, each family grew wheat and rye on its own, harvested it, ground it into flour in a mill and baked bread. Every child knew how not easy it gets. Many proverbs and sayings were devoted to this.

Sweat on the back - there will be bread on the table.

If you sit on the stove, you won’t see bread on the table.

Whoever was not lazy to plow, his bread was born.

Sayings and fear of hunger

Most of all, the peasants were afraid of starving to death in winter. If in the middle of winter flour began to run out, various products were mixed into it when baking bread: potatoes, grass seeds and everything that was on the farm. This helped to avoid hunger and live safely until the new spring. “It doesn’t matter that there is quinoa in bread, then troubles when there is neither bread nor quinoa.” Many sayings were invented about the fear of losing bread and dying of hunger.

Among other things, people were afraid that hunger could push anyone to commit a crime, saying: "The hungry patriarch will steal bread."

Riddles about bread

There were many mysteries dedicated to bread. As a rule, they were made to small children to entertain them and teach them to appreciate it. Although sometimes sayings and riddles about bread were part of an important ritual or a fun game.

Today, not every child will guess that it is about bread. And in the old days, watching how a mother, grandmother or older sister bakes bread, everyone knew how it was prepared, and could easily guess the following riddle:

However, the meaning of the riddles changed over time, adjusting to everyday life.

Modern puzzles about bread for children

With the development of agriculture in the twentieth century, the process of sowing, growing, harvesting and making bread became easier. In addition, now every housewife does not need to bake herself, because everything can be bought. In this regard, modern riddles about bread are somewhat different from the old ones.

They describe modern phenomena such as shops, brick molds, harvesters, and so on.

Riddles about other baked goods

However, the ancestors ate. Many other goodies were baked from flour, both rye and wheat. Pies with various fillings, ruddy pies, bagels with poppy seeds - and this is not a complete list of everything that was cooked if there was enough flour. All these pastries were festive, since not many could afford them all the time. A lot of riddles and sayings were also invented about her. Most often, parents asked their children to guess what they bought them at the fair.

About pies:
Let's prepare the place
Roll out the dough thinly.
Here is jam, poppy, cottage cheese.
It turns out ... (pie).

About bagels:
Baba loves, grandfather loves,
Eat for dinner, for lunch!
The hole glows inside
Like a ring, take it!

Poems dedicated to bread

There are not only proverbs, riddles, sayings about bread, but also poems. Most of them have their own authors. For example, the famous poet Sergei Yesenin dedicated a wonderful poem to bread.

Almost every Russian poet in his work has works about bread, it was Dmiry Kedrin (“Bread and Iron”), and Marina Tsvetaeva (“Empty Bread Taste”), and others. And the great Alexander Pushkin, in one of his diaries, told how, during a trip to the Caucasus, he incredibly missed ordinary Russian bread, since he did not like the flat cakes of the highlanders.

Dedicated poems to bread and lesser-known contemporary poets.

Reading books about bread

In the old days, children, playing different games, invented and asked about bread, as well as various counting rhymes and tongue twisters.

The well-known rhyme-rhyme is not only in Russian, but also in Ukrainian.

Also popular was another counting rhyme on a similar topic.

By the way, in the old game "Loaf" there is also a counting rhyme, however, it concerns a loaf, but this is also one of the types of bread.

Among other things, there existed in ancient times and rhymes intended to correct speech about bread, they were called pure tongues.

Today, bread no longer plays such an important role as the ancestors, who treated it as a shrine. However, it, as before, remains an important food product. In addition, modern writers continue to compose poems, proverbs and riddles about bread.

Children in the lesson learned that bread is made from flour, and flour is made from grain. Different grains are used to make different flour, and different bread is obtained from it: wheat flour and wheat bread are made from wheat, rye flour and rye bread are made from rye, buckwheat bread is made from buckwheat, and corn cakes are made from corn. Various confectionery products are also made from flour: cookies, cakes, waffles, pies, gingerbread, cakes, corn flakes.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
And it gets burned.

Lumpy, nosy,
And gubato, and humpbacked, and firmly,
And soft, and round, and brittle,
And black and white, and all nice.

Everyone needs, not everyone will do

They beat me with sticks, press me with stones,
Keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love.

He is round and buttery,
Moderately cool, salted, -
Smells like sunshine
Smells like a burning field.

Mouth and ride
Tempered in an oven
Then at the table
Cut with a knife.

Here he is -
Warm, golden.
To every house
For each table
He complained - he came. In him -
Health, our strength,
In him -
Wonderful warmth.
How many hands
He was raised
Protected, protected!

The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy
All for a look...
Well, food!
(Baranka or bagel.)

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend four times?

It happens with oatmeal
With rice, meat and millet,
It happens with sweet cherries
First they put him in the oven,
How will he get out of there?
They put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
Everyone eats a piece.

Grew up in a field house.
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded.
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a golden pillar

He is golden and mustache,
In a hundred pockets - a hundred guys.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea.
The ship-giant on the earth goes.
The field will pass - the harvest will be harvested.

A bowl of soup between the elbows
And he is in the hands of everyone in chunks.
Without it, apparently
Not tasty and not satisfying!

There are such words:
"He is the head of everything"
Crisp dressed
Soft black, white.

Grew up first in the wild in the field.
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough,
Took a seat in the store.

What is the riddle here
Good to eat with a seagull
Looks like a small banana
And with a sweet filling.

In a piece of sweet dough
Found a place for stuffing
Inside it is not empty -
There is meat or cabbage.

Riddles found on the Internet
